LEADER GUIDE Regeneration by God’s Grace Steps 10-12

Regeneration by God’s Grace08365081b3909fb182e8-d1728382312dcca4421fdda0fbe41c7b.r59.… · 2014. 9. 13. · Worry is a way to tell if sin is creeping back into your heart. Worry

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Page 1: Regeneration by God’s Grace08365081b3909fb182e8-d1728382312dcca4421fdda0fbe41c7b.r59.… · 2014. 9. 13. · Worry is a way to tell if sin is creeping back into your heart. Worry


Regeneration by God’s Grace

Steps 10-12

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Timeline..................................................................................................................................... 1

Step Ten, Week One ................................................................................................................. 2

Step Ten, Week Two ................................................................................................................. 3

Step Eleven, Week One ............................................................................................................. 4

Step Eleven, Week Two............................................................................................................. 5

Step Twelve, Week One ............................................................................................................ 6

Step Twelve, Week Two ............................................................................................................ 8

Step Twelve, Week Three ....................................................................................................... 10

Step Twelve, Week Four ......................................................................................................... 12

Step Twelve, Week Five .......................................................................................................... 14

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Page 4: Regeneration by God’s Grace08365081b3909fb182e8-d1728382312dcca4421fdda0fbe41c7b.r59.… · 2014. 9. 13. · Worry is a way to tell if sin is creeping back into your heart. Worry


Step Ten, Week One General Principle: CONTINUE

We continue to take personal inventory and when we sin promptly confess and turn to

walk with Christ.

Key Theme: Remain in God’s Grace.

Learn how to maintain your spiritual health.

Understand how the first nine steps of re:generation work together to help you live a life

of recovery by God’s grace

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember Recovery is not an event or season; it is a daily way of life. Practicing the first nine steps on a

daily basis will help maintain your spiritual health.

Steps 1-3 (realize need for God’s grace) help protect you from pride, alert you to

temptation, and remind you that God is trustworthy.

Steps 4-6 (receive God’s grace) help you recognize sin and get redirected back to

God when you sin or are affected by the sins of others.

Steps 7-9 (respond to God’s grace) help you to follow Christ and make peace quickly

when sin damages your relationships.

Key Questions The questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address:

Day1, Question 2: List some ways you would like to grow in your relationship with

Christ over the final three steps.

Day 3, Question 1: What parts of life do you still manage on your own?

Encouragement for Participants Practicing Steps 1-9 as a way of life will guard you from prolonged relapse and help

you maintain spiritual health.

When you keep short accounts on sin, recovery is quicker and easier. Working the

steps on a daily basis is like weeding the garden of your heart.

Sin is deceptive. Guard your heart by daily realizing your need for God’s grace,

receiving God’s grace and responding to God’s grace in obedience.

Encouragement for Leaders Pray that participants would make the practice of the steps a way of life.

Be ready to tell a personal story of relapse—how you got there and recovered.

Be ready to tell a story of how keeping short accounts in your own life has improved

your spiritual health and relationships.

Check with participants to see who is continuing with making amends, and

encouraging them to take the next step for easy amends.

How are you doing daily living the steps of recovery?

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Step Ten, Week Two General Principle: CONTINUE

Foundation Verse: “Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my

thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me, and lead me in the way

everlasting!” Psalm 139:23-24

Key Theme: Remain in God’s Grace.

Keep guard of your heart.

Continue the practice of Steps 1-9 daily.

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember Recovery struggles come from misplaced worship when we search for life apart from

God loving the world more than him.

A changed heart is more important than a change in behavior. Steps 1-9 help you

when your heart drifts or is captured by something other than God.

This week is about participants learning how to practice Steps 1-9 daily to maintain a

healthy heart for God.

Key Questions The questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address:

Day6, Question 3: How is your relationship with Christ today different that when you

first came to re:generation?

Review Footprint 10. Praise God for victories. For where are you still vulnerable, pray

for continued change.

Encouragement for Participants Ask how participants are doing practicing the steps daily.

Worry is a way to tell if sin is creeping back into your heart. Worry is misplaced


Proverbs 4:23 - “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life.

Encouragement for Leaders How is your heart? Have you been diligent to guard your heart?

Don’t let your position as a leader ever keep you from living a life of recovery. No

position or perception is worth the spiritual health of your heart.

A heart that is well is a heart that tells.

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Step Eleven, Week One General Principle: INTIMACY

We seek to deepen our relationship with God daily and depend on his power to do his


Foundation verse: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and

Jesus Christ whom you have sent. “ John 17:3

Key Theme: Delight and grow in God’s grace.

Life in Christ is more than victory over sin.

Life in Christ is an abundant life of eternal peace, joy and satisfaction.

Begin the practice of spiritual disciplines to know God more.

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember We were designed to give ourselves to our loves. We were created for worship.

True freedom and joy is more than overcoming sin or worldly struggles. It comes from

embracing and enjoying all that God has for us in our relationship with him.

When we are intimate with God, our relationship with him produces eternal joy which

can carry us through any hardship.

Like with any relationship, it takes consistent effort to grow in our relationship with


Steps 1-9 guards our heart. Step 11 are the disciplines which grow our heart for God.

Key Questions The questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address:

Day3, Question 3: How did you feel after praising God? More connected and joyful

than before praise?

Day4, Question 2: When was the last time you spent extended time alone with God,

praying and listening to him?

Encouragement for Participants Don’t settle for less than God’s best. Go for all that he has for you in your relationship

with him.

When you walk intimately with God, he fills up more of your life and there is less room

for sin.

God can fill you to overflowing.

Just like any relationship, a deep, personal relationship with God takes effort.

Disciplines for this week include a purpose to glorify God through praise and intimate

prayer (talking and listening to God).

Encouragement for Leaders Ask participants if they have scheduled time away for extended prayer.

How is your relationship with God? Are you distant, steady or growing closer?

When is your last time of extended alone time with God to pray and listen to him?

God loves you and wants you filled with his goodness. Don’t let busyness or

distractions keep you from him. Enjoy him in worship.

Share with your group a joy in your relationship with Christ that sustains you in hard


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Step Eleven, Week Two General Principle: INTIMACY

Foundation verse: “And this is eternal life, that they know you the only true God, and

Jesus Christ whom you have sent. “ John 17:3

Key Theme: Delight and grow in God’s Grace.

Learn and practice the study of God’s word

Embrace your identity in Christ and realize how God gifted you for his glory.

Live in godly community and serve others.

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember True freedom is not about managing or recovering from sin. It is found in the joy of a

deep abiding relationship with Living in God and being filled with his fullness. In this

relationship, God transforms us into who he created us to be. We need to indulge

and delight in God.

Spiritual disciplines are meant to help you grow to know and experience the fullness

of God.

Daily abiding in his Word, using the gifts he has given us for his glory, living in

community with other Christians and serving others all grow our love relationship with

God and help us to grow in our love for others.

Key Questions The questions on the review day are great. Other key questions you may wish to address:

Day6, Question 1: Biggest benefit of studying God’s Word?

Day6, Question 2: What did you learn about yourself this week? Spiritual gifts or


Focus on Footprint 11: Spiritual Development Needs and next steps for growth.

Encouragement for Participants God speaks to us and transforms us by his word. He has written a love letter to you.

We each were designed by God with gifts for his glory. What gifts have they


Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works,

which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.”

We were made for relationships: God, then others. We need Christians in our lives to

grow. Join a church or community if you have not already.

Ask participants how God has used the participants in your group to help them grow.

Are participants progressing on the making amends?

Encouragement for Leaders God loves us! Think about how much he used your recovery story to encourage your

group! God turns dry deserts into springs of living water.

Praise God for how he has gifted you and used your gifts in this re:generation group!

Encourage your participants to fill up on God through praise, prayer and his word.

Only one more step to go! Don’t get too excited yet. Step 12 is 5 weeks. Prepare

your group for it to be a longer step and encourage them to finish strong. Step 12 is a

very important step.

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Step Twelve, Week One General Principle: REGENERATE

Experiencing regeneration in Christ, we carry God’s message of reconciliation to others

and practice these biblical principles in every aspect of our lives.

Foundation verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has

passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ

reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

Key Theme: Call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Understand God’s plan of regeneration

Understand the gospel message

Sharing the gospel completes our joy

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember You are on your last step! People are ready to be finished. Help people finish strong.

Step 12 is very important. It is five weeks.

1. Understand the gospel and why we share it.

2. Build our re:generation testimony.

3. Learn reconciliation, how to confront sin and handle conflict and build

reconciliation plans.

4. Practice taking the message to others new to recovery as recovery guides.

5. Build a plan to practice re:generation in every aspect of life.

Step 12 is living out God’s purpose for our lives to fully experience all God offers us

God saved us, healed us and freed us for a purpose. We are a part of his rescue


Key Questions Make sure to cover Day 6, Question 4, which is understanding the gospel message. Other

key questions:

Day3, Question 1: How has your relationship with God become more real and


Day4, Question 1: What has kept you from sharing the gospel in the past?

Day5, Question 4: What feelings do you have about God commissioning you? Is

there anything holding you back from sharing now?

Encouragement for Participants God has a purpose for you. He wants to use your changed life to reach others.

We are God’s Plan A to share his love with the world. There is no Plan B.

Sharing the gospel completes our joy! 1 John 1:3-4, “that which we have seen and

heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and

indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are

writing these things so that our joy may be complete.”

Encourage participants to finish strong. Step 12 prepares for life after re:generation.

Participants will build their testimony this week. You will share these in your group next


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Encouragement for Leaders Discuss with your co-leader (and coach) who should be a recovery guide in Week 3.

This would also be a good time to discuss whom you might recommend for regen


Encourage participants to know their story and be able to communicate their story

briefly (work on it this week).

God is planting oaks of righteousness in your group! Pray they would be firmly rooted

in Christ.

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Step Twelve, Week Two General Principle: REGENERATE

Foundation verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has

passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ

reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

Key Theme: Call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Realize how God has changed our lives

Be able to communicate the gospel through our testimonies

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember Celebrate the amazing changes God is making in the lives of your group members!

This week is about participants realizing all that God has done in their lives during

re:generation and being able to communicate it.

Take time this week to share the stories developed by participants. If they become

recovery guides, they need to be able to share their story with other participants.

Key Questions Be sure to answer any questions participants have about being a recovery guide Day 5,

Question 1. Then focus on participants sharing their story from Day 4 Summaries.

Check to see if their testimony is Christ centered.

See if they were able to condense their testimony.

Encouragement for Participants Celebrate the changes God is making in the lives of your group!

Commission them to take the message of regeneration to others to provide hope.

Communicate that all may not be ready to be recovery guides. For those not ready,

encourage the participants to take the next two weeks to work with mentors on any

steps which need to be revisited.

Its ok if participants aren’t ready to be recovery guide. Finishing strong is more


Next group meeting will either be recovery guides or working on work to finish steps.

There is daily curriculum in the coming week that deals with reconciliation with others,

confronting sin in others, handling conflict biblically. It is a very important week.

You will discuss this lesson and the Recovery Guide experience next time you gather

as a group.

You will follow-up with recovery guides about details of which group to attend next


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Encouragement for Leaders Let your coach and ministry leader know who you have approved as recovery


Communicate with recovery guides where they need to go next week per ministry

leader instructions.

Encourage those who aren’t recovery guides to spend the next group meeting time

with their mentors to complete or continue work on unfinished steps.

If you feel someone is not working the steps have an honest conversation with them.

It is not loving to allow someone to complete re:generation if they are not living the


Make sure to work through Week’s 3 lesson yourself. It deals with confronting sin in

others for the purpose of their reconciliation with God.

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Step Twelve, Week Three General Principle: REGENERATE

Experiencing regeneration in Christ, we carry God’s message of reconciliation to others

and practice these biblical principles in every aspect of our lives.

Key Theme: Call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Understand what reconciliation is

Understand our purpose and role in reconciliation

Handle conflict biblically

Plan personal reconciliation

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember You are not meeting as a group this week. Participant recovery guides or meeting

with mentor.

Answer questions about reconciliation next time you meet. Light curriculum week


Below is some a review of some key concepts for this week:

Reconciliation: Reconciliation is final stage of peacemaking. Agreement between people that

debts are settled.

Sometimes we forgive and make amends but remain unreconciled because

someone hasn’t addressed his or her sin that contributed to our conflict.

If someone’s sin is harming his or her relationship with God and others, it is loving to

make them aware of it and let them know that reconciliation with God is necessary

and possible.

When someone is reconciled to God he or she will begin to reconcile earthly


The debts against us belong to God now.

We confront sin against us as an act of love. Reconciliation with God is most


Purpose for Confronting sin (L-O-V-E) Love is the goal. Deal with your side first (forgiveness and amends). Overlook minor

offenses. Deal with sin harming that person’s relationship with God and others.

Reconciliation is possible through Christ.

Only God can change hearts. Pray. Search the word. Seek godly counsel. You are

powerless to fix someone else.

Speak truth in love. Be honest about damage caused by sin.

Be an example. Extend Christ’s kindness, mercy and grace. Be willing to have a new

relationship based on God’s truth. Don’t dwell on past if amends is made. If

someone won’t repent, don’t enable sin but keep loving them like Christ.

Matthew 18:15-17. Shows us how to confront sins against us. Go in private; widen to some close friends; involve the Church (Christians in that

person’s life); treat as someone not following the faith – with love and wisdom.

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Reconciliation Plans. Participants will plan two reconciliation meetings.

Participants should plan to meet with mentors next week to discuss reconciliation

plans in detail.

We are teaching a process.

Encouragement for Leaders Is there anyone in your life with whom you are not reconciled?

Have you done all that depend upon you to do so?

Matthew 5:9, “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”

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Step Twelve, Week Four General Principle: REGENERATE

Foundation verse: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has

passed away; behold, the new has come. All this is from God, who through Christ

reconciled us to himself and gave us the ministry of reconciliation.” 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

Key Theme: Call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Recovery Guides follow up with participants this week.

Group members meet with mentors to work on reconciliation plans and any steps they

are struggling with.

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember The curriculum this week was very light.

Participants should have worked on reconciliation plans and followed up with those

they are serving as recovery guides.

Prepare for questions about confronting sin and reconciliation plans. It may help to

revisit last week’s training for review.

Share stories about the recovery guide experience!

Key Questions Start with the questions on Day 6 (recovery guide experience and biblical reconciliation).

Another good question is:

Day 5, Question 1: What has been the most significant change in your life during


Encouragement for Participants A visit to early stages of recovery (Groundwork, Orientation, Newcomers) helps

participants realize the great changes in their own life.

For some, this may be the first time they realize that God can use them to encourage


Encourage participants to continue reconciliation. As far as it depends on them to

not settle for unreconciled relationships.

Ask participants to review their plans with mentors (and others) to help them follow-


Like making amends, reconciliation is something that participants must continue

going forward.

If anyone has worked through conflict have them share about their experience

(good or bad).

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Encouragement for Leaders Celebrate the work God is doing through recovery guides!

Be prepared to answer questions about reconciliation and dealing with conflict


Be ready with a story of reconciliation from your own life.

Next week is the last week of curriculum! Participants with plan how they will practice

these biblical principles in every aspect of life.

Participants will share their regeneration plans at your next meeting. So encourage

them to complete all the lessons and Step 12 footprint.

Check with ministry leaders to see when commencement celebration is scheduled.

Inform your group of the date of your final celebration ceremony.

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Step Twelve, Week Five General Principle: REGENERATE

Experiencing regeneration in Christ, we carry God’s message of reconciliation to others

and practice these biblical principles in every aspect of our lives.

Key Theme: Call all people to be fully devoted followers of Christ.

Celebrate the work God has done in your group

Share regeneration plans

Watch or Listen to this Week’s Training Video/Audio

Things to Remember Praise God! Celebrate his work in the lives of you group members. He has done

great work

Recovery is not an event or season—it is a daily way of living.

True freedom is not the absence of trouble or temptation. Freedom is the ability to

fully experience God’s goodness unhindered by sin while living out our purpose in this

world. Understand the gospel and why we share it.

We need to plan how we daily deepen our relationship with God (Step 11), daily live

by God’s grace in response to sin (Step 10) and carry God’s message of

reconciliation to others (Step 12).

This week participants will build regeneration plans (Footprint 12).

Key Questions Focus on Day 6.

Day 6, Question 1: Apart from finishing the curriculum, what was your greatest

celebration this week?

Day 6 Question 2: Focus on filling out a personal regeneration plan (Footprint 12).

Encouragement for Participants Take time to praise God for the changes he has made in this group! Take time to

encourage one another with the changes they see in each other.

Read your regeneration plans together (Footprint 12). If the group is too large to

finish reading them all break into smaller groups (recovery partners).

1 John 1:3-4, “that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that

you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and

with his Son Jesus Christ. And we are writing these things so that our joy may be


Have them tell stories of God is using the changes he has made in them in the lives of


Encouragement for Leaders Celebrate that God wants to use our mess for his glory! He has done this with you

and now God is doing it with your group. 3 John 1:4, “I have no greater joy than to

hear that my children are walking in the truth.”

Encourage everyone to come to the commencement celebration. Get the time

and location from ministry leaders. Invite mentors. Celebrate God’s work as a group

and in other lives at REGEN. Receive a regeneration commission, commemoration &

charge to carry God’s message of reconciliation to others.

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Affirm with co-leader whom would make good regen leaders, mentors, recovery


Save some time at the end to praise God. Pray Psalm 71 over your group. Pray this

for yourself too.

Thank you for being available to Christ and his purposes. Continue to glorify and

enjoy God in his purpose for your life as a new creation.

“I will hope continually and will praise you yet more and more. My mouth will tell of your

righteous acts, of your deeds of salvation all the day,for their number is past my knowledge.

With the mighty deeds of the Lord God I will come; I will remind them of your righteousness,

yours alone . . . So even to old age and gray hairs, O God, do not forsake me,until I

proclaim your might to another generation, your power to all those to come.” (Psalm 71:14–

16, 18)”