0Di?j?o!s: oo'cirrs' , 17. it. . - Thursday Homing. My % > i 8 " 5 ' Sorma : 52.00 per year r fa stfoqBoa* . The Bap tist . Society will hold a laws party on the churc h lawn , on iho 14 th. inat ¦ ' ¦ ' . ¦ . ¦ .—;—^. .t » Owing to tho rain on Sunday last; Her. B. H. Camp did not fulfill7 Jun en- gsgemect to preach at Gcorg Sca. :/ Elista O. Hedges , of Briilgb-Hamp ton , has been appointed a Notary Publio in place ' of G. Clarence Topping; who failed to qualify. :• .: ' . ' ^ " m *m ¦ m- I. : - . C. 'W. Payne , co ol merchant , groc ery- man , etc.. adverti eea 2,200 pounds of ^ eoaj for a ton , as will be seen by icforonco to his notice in anoth er eolmnn.; y? yv y y-^ : ...«¦» ¦ - ¦' . .- ¦ yy'i. : r- "v) ::iy C»pt. Charl es A. Boston , ofSiog rSin ^ who ha s spent the : i&v . eHdf/pi« toF5diB<j summers in this place, has now taken up his abode at bis favorite resort—tho Nas- sau House. . . ¦ ¦ ¦ : - ¦¦ ¦;:} ' ¦ '¦:' ' fii ' : . * *' * "* ' J . ¦ ' , : 'V ' Thoug h we had several cbpiona BhoW r era on Sunday, and at East-Hampton there was a drench ing' rain , at Bridge- Hamp ton th ere was hardly jeno r ^h ' yto lay the dust. ' '¦ " ¦ ' - ' v, ' -!' -7 ; -. ' - > ' J£ J. V ! . Edwa rds and B. 3. Powerhnv e taken tLo matter ot street Bprinkri cg ia band , and are having a water cart prbr pored , which will prob ably lie ready-is run to-day. «» -• ' -7 "' - :: .- ' .: y Mrs. Geo. B. Brown , superintendent ol the M. E. Infant Class, took tier flock o! lambs to the wood yesterd ay afternoon , - where they had a most ^elighlful thab picnioing, etc William Cohu White nnd Chorion li. Smith , of this place, - connected with tha Texas, Toledo and Bio Grande Bailroa d , were home on a fly ing visit the latter part of lost week. i .... Those were elegant showers we had on Sunday, after the severe one protracted drouth. Monday won a close , muggy .day, nt night a cold wave straok ^nBi pJ id yet^' teid ny morning the merc ury traa below sixty. ¦ a . » , ii ~ Geo. W. Tabor & Son having gone in> to the fruit and confectionery business , have tnken the agency for Andrew J. Hope' s celebrated oandy, a fresh stock of which thoy will consta ntly keep oh band. ¦ . ' , ' ¦¦ . -,;; ¦ The time for holding the "Jug Break- ing Entertainment " at the Baptist church baa not yet been announced i bufc-neUvo preparations are now being made , and it will probabl y be presented about tho second week in Jul y. ¦*» *¦* The semi-annual meeting of tho trustees ol tho Sag-Harbor Savings Bank , y bV which a dividend for the past six months will bo made , i s to be held at tho Bank - ing Booms on Friday, Jul y 3d (not Satur- day, as usual) at 10 o ' clo ck a. u. Kichard Tyndall , of Bi idgo-Hamplo n , sends as a box ol very f toe strawberries —Iho Bid well variet y—some ol which measure 4J in ches in circumferonoe , -w> " most excellent showing considering the dry weather during their growth. Tho excavation for tho new walk in ftont of tut Union School promises waa commenced on Monday, and Peter Cal- lahan , ib o contractor, is now busy laying . the concrete. When completed it will bo a great improvement over the old walk. Lewis 3. Coiwin , boss carpenter , ia now b uilding a largo livery stable for Messrs. Hildrelh & Bennett , on the wont side of meadow street nnd in rear of their pres ent slablo s. It is to be' 34 by G8 fact with 20 foot posts , and a very convenient building when completed. ' ' .a m ¦« » The salar y of Walter E. Derby, ex- •Siipervioor ol East Ha mpton , now em- ployed nt Police Headquarters , New- York , has been raised to $3, 000 par year. In the read justment of oulario o in the VostoJBco Department , ths salary of the Postmaster at this place bait been redu a cd fro m «l ,B0O to 81, 400. Tho meeting ol the Yontijt, I' ei >i,le ' o literary an d Social Uaion , hold bu Mon- day evening lost , at tho M. E. Pur oonsgo , waa very largely attended , and tha ' pro- gramme prc nented ver y iuterealin ^ ' .. Thb H pecial feature of the next session; (July 13, at tho residence of Miua Ada B7 Hed- ges) will be an open debato of a qtMnlto i of particular inter est to younjr incn-Tond lailiw too. The It cforeo enlo of tho Payne pr tfj wift advertised in this paper , took plaeoy«W| With y laat. Tlio Barcolon n Irani; ' -ci Mime CG ncrea , a pari of which Iii thb wpll known picn ic grounds , waa sold to %' /!• ward Druie oll for $1,250, audth q lrian cu- l*r piece nea r tho old Payne Iwj mWi Siuld i on Norlh Haven , contnii )ii>;f \%. ' xntUM, win sold t o William Pmyno ; ' whu ' wow own * Iho home stead , for $ttK0. , , ':. 'V At tt mootin g of tlio Bo&rdot IJiJu ' tilloa of Iho Vnion fkhool DMriot,: ; iietil ma Monday, the old corps , o! ' triri UnMi wero cng6([ed for another ywr —rK iV,-J ( J. Hani uou , prinoi pal t Mlax hV~;y %»- llabcock , auaiii tant in tt eadein lwl . tS^' iiiily i i ' .Mt l lliu Kloronce Fruach , . 0W" ^iif i y ,^i ?- r : Ilannah Hoil ijc^, I nU'ca iolklu | ' "' ' -' ' JlJua VlJa ry Sayro , 3d piiiaw^i WU-> ' Itoura Mer rall . ' Jd primi ry ; Uj i*. ; Whu ' iity mid Mii ui Ida Merrall , l»t pihiitxry- . W, IV Ha nd wan engaged nu J au lta * lui nunthcr yr ar. . " , ' •• Wil liam V. l' ajne , who rtoldaa OU AO , huitio ttvenu* . vi hilo d!ii(jlu(j lu l-i.»c, .M^.CFj i ou Moud ny, uncurll iod' n eUwir Uvii'A, luontniu liig tlm follaiviinj h»>4M''#«"^ Ono xldiJ . enoi relhig Iho tuoab lii^M&Uu iff* viiic ivuvuiiliiii; labor , ar e tho inwntrt . "' A^ >' ehamlcij liiuilmle , Nuw-York , " and «> i^ ' kl ollwr , "I iiiOw-UiI ko in povfrr , " ' wld ld 'tii Una emtio iu "Awarded to Wil!U<::>, KiV tioniN, for » leading ui-onlm eu bf i»ti.Fi i i jio iutln ij, October , HWR. " Wlit v iaiWt « ¦ i Miiii Mtd buue l Aa it waa fo\imUw*« ?X-ii ¦w^iilt neu of Mr. Uaeru , Ww» ' ' jnutl W ' jji aiiiitiir , Ioii k iiineo diwaocd, 11' - w/ l,>r .' . ¦¦¦" . -:•: . fvi-:'.i ¦:!::; ;¦ ' .?¦ ., ' r. * ' "'" "" "** ' " ¦7 .. ; U|,yi»UHu( f , ' "7. . _ ( ' ¦ ¦ i ;i ¦ . ' ' ' , ' '' ' , " . *• : ' ' ¦ ' . ¦V- "/- ! j . .. ' . ' v * ' - . ' : ; . . ' , ¦ . ¦ ' . ' ; '' ¦! ¦ '¦ , . " ¦ ' ", ¦•. ' . ' > ' . ¦ ' ' ;" ~——: ; ~~ y ~~~ i WV/'V 1 ' ^- - jy V J£f \ -. uV'C ^Vj Thin cn' ertninlnont , vjhicJribca been in j c oaz.'so of pre 73^ rafc " c, *i for zczso iiiae r .rs.i , j cay evening,. unu Sr/iiarila j fcsSi . tsj - an3 ovoninj , - ' ita v;i!l fcs ce-ffii.I>j :ft3vora w :raont ia tbia pagov.-7I n addit«K i '' 4o waat . -h an boba said of it, wo .vriU flay Oiat it is to bbTnn institution well worth y tho patron- ng b bf'lh ' s podpla , £3 no paina hayo been spared to mnko iS, a utstJisEa. . 7 Acido f «om tho Bazaar proj ibr , .IJ icro i' Bro;. to- .y.ba,, two playo enaetoaVon .Q; or each evening-—the firot bein g thb S'Tby Symp hony , " and the Gecbnd tho "S mith: Family, " thbro is, to bo & po st office , nnd a p h vco7 wboro . yon can get your fortnue s told, thb Cornet Band ia to discouf sp fine music ; nnd , throug h the kindness of Andre w J- Hop ci , of Hew-Tork , a brother of B. i 1 . Hope of thia place , a Monkey Orchestra in to bo exhibited. This orchestr a, which cost $1 , 000 in Paris , contains saven fi gures , each playing a sermraC <i icatrnrcsnt ; the ifa^^^l^ lj ^; ^^ ^};!! ^^ -^!!^. ^^. plays 1 t5S. i . M}ij- thb rabbit plays the dram , . ' ote, oi:SS% ^in ?7elbcb ' wili' -bb : iior th going to eee: r tb say nothing of meeting your friends ; and seeing iho: great show of fan cy and useful articles which have been in ' conrse of preparation for some months jatatiy , -.;: ' ; ¦ ' " ' . ' . . " . . . Take it as a whol e , it may well bo and tbnt i t will be & grand affair. " Steamer "W. W. Colt. .. This etcamer , as will be " seen by her advertisement , has somewhat altered her Fourth of Jul y programme. On account of the many who wish to come b y her Thursda y^ night , she ia not to lay over a tri p at New-York, as mentioned in our last, but will mako her regular trip from . New-York to thia pkipe on Thursday ev- ening, arriving hero earl y Friday morn- ing. ' ; She will again Ioavo here ns soon on her frei g ht is discharged Friday morn- ing, or nt 7 o ' cloclr , and roach New-York u> time to start by 5 o ' clock in the after- noon, or thereabouts , for Sag-Harbor and intermediate landings , arriving here earl y on the morning of the 4th. < At 9 o ' clock she will moke n 4th of Jul y exeurdon to Greenport , stopp ing at Manbanset pier, and returning from Greenport at 6:30 Tho Edwin Base Post Bond will accompany the excurs- ion. Fare for the - excursion 50 eta. This will afford an opportunity to all those who wish to witness the horse trot at Greenport , where quite a contest of of speed ol promine nt horses is to take place. , On Monday next tbe Coil is to make an excur siou to New-York , tickets for the round trip being bnt 81 SO. The band will als o be on this tri p and enliven tha occasion by some of its sweet music. -: « m ¦ » »i . Oalt Grovo Tront Ponds. ¦ This pleasant resort , now open for the season, is ono of the prettiest little ' gems of n rural retreat that a person could well ask fori Made pleasant at first by nat ure , it has been greatl y improved up- on b y its owner , and to that degree that when those of an expressive , or explosive mind , enter it, the exclamation usuall y ie: "Ohi ' bow lovel y. " Dnrin /r the past winter and spring Mr. Thompson has made many improvements to the grounds , havin g li ghted , the bowling alley and grounds , with the new "li ghtning lamps ," which ore s aid to be more brilliant thuu gts, has built several more islands in his trou t ponds, has procured and set up tho jaw bone ot the s largest of tho whole c aught last winter by tho Amagansott crow, and which measures (tho jaw bone and not 'he crow) thirteen feet and four inches. Besides this ha built a pier in Peconic Bay twliich we hav e before men- tioned ) southeast of Je ssup' s Neck, and opposi te tho Trout Ponds , whore sailiug parties can land and roach tho Ponds by a shady walk. Our now adver t isements show that Tho Oak Grovo Trout Ponds aro open for tho season , that A. W. Payna has a Champi bh Mower and Reaper for sale , that C. W. Payne U not to be undersold in tho coal business, that James Fee bas cowo nnd a boiler .for sale, that Maltby It. White offers a cotto go for solo, Mrs. S. A. Cook offers a residence , that tho yacht Gazelle , forme rly owned by Bar- tnau & Smith , has been purchased by John B. Philli ps, wh o will take out plea- sure parties , that William T. Graham bun bii uk for oalo, that thu yuelit Racer olfors her Borvicoa lo tho public , and that tfiot> ](l established Iiobj tcin drug houao iasacu an addre ss to the people. « mi * »¦ To an Outraged Community. lin. Enmro:—Inrofo ron oo to tho query ia tba Correcior of Juno 27th, Vfo would ua« to tho parson who frankly admits ' •'Ttutt hik never expbbta to ruw abovo tho avera ge , "th at Iio iu atill very far 6clov> tha average in common annuo , or entirely iQUO. rant of corpor ation affair o. If tlio fort Acr, nature hail dealt with him nn- fciiidl y, and ho hiu) our symp athy ; if tho Jailor , ho ulionld havo boon euro ho was ri ght holers going ahea d and throwing tha tilamo upon tlio trii eteos for tho out- ia /y<iM cflwaitlod at tho Lown Pdrly. " For tho information ot tho publlo ne»- orally, wo would say t Tho truutoen aro tit loviod 1 ,M0 dollars per year for villa ge pi rrp oaiu i , of whia ' li nuin tlio g/u> larapa tnka (100 dollitw , luavin ij QEO for titi) , po- lta> , «nd conlingoii t oipeuaea. Tho po. lk: » , ap propriation in only UOO dolloio. Hoof ©ou "thu outraged nummuui ly " ox- pout ua lo keep a police patrol constantl y, or nt ti/isry publia feathering, with the ttJ uvo nnia t V/o luvo lo ' ndv»M i«a : the t.:u)S , ' .i 1 .j/ om uclvia lo p-ay ior arrc- .lu und toiupoitatlci u of ptisonora to Itivoihead , Vuiiwii-s Oicr o is nothin g ia Iho hiiuury Ut tlu i vj rinlit <if V.)a ptihM db ptutift cnt 7 Wo ' depirei'Jito ' tho Vxhit liiij dUta of fU i liM itia iMe iury. £j id endeavorod nt tlio nUiuu ul corporat ion ' fsji sat lu;?,- two yiairu »i;/<\ l«i hav vi ("li.fuirtKr ) tn!u : ii ; ti> , iticrtnuo tlm fuuil foj ' jis.U' csi j ::i)iV'fei;a:l ( tiip reflolu- tiuu n ww iiu ' leJ . iliwv . ky, fti b imiuol pj l. tiroFyar ty owtioiv, vtoii . in>t'. v/luii imf oirj •uaiwtiii c l tiitiilwis, Ici ' t Kirtudo tho l>«ui wa r»a ij i(}i t^' 'l;.i im\j b; ;' ' ftt ' ;.bue .dl o|«>hiiJ. InviwI nWy iLu jwivn!/> Iwiioit it *. ' ucttai lo jfdiy. . UiitHii '; tb o , ' m<fnl> -you U>r y. . ' 'X. . think t' ,My w <t\ii t nil <inl»o/jod coinwunity " btilo»»ii P> »hi "i iilu. ^ y ' ¦ ' ;. ' ¦ ' ' ' . K Siiioila tliBvui wuia loAa iviillSi ' ; n nd wn vw(rwjwv yu u t** Hio ' to uit <i! i>»r ' ' jibi'ily i If ya' f.i»l. '. ttic .ii . >' .lVir(a ' . |lii> ur tnt a ' .tr out. " M«vi ' i5>« ldhi.W«> ' 'di» , w ' nt ' pi'iipoc* . have 'CM JiOAil ' il Ui0j> fiiiMiiriilW , feint Iki kti'!.. «d fiyVi »Myoi: )Miiip bf|!;iut |iilfc«)i>pa", 'with- <i ' tit 'V« tiphuwlh if ti; uj. ' t|ii» eAUio . t . Umi l \v>jic UU-iiCl ;» iiWi 'liiiaj i; cutt iftd , " oft thb< <ix. \,,t>ntJt< ' nt' tiuuM . ' uhii ¦ nwu ' . , , tuo ' i iri " /iia rt ,y llUClFF ^ . tFli ,! mV^J. . f.H^,,, ,,^ !*.—^ ¦ F.-.F.F W. ^'. |. . . : ; 7 y;y ' . lii ,:;; ' ¦; "; ' •} ,J ' . " : : " ' : ' , : '" ' . ' ' , ¦¦ ' - , ¦:¦ ¦ : 3!i3 Great7Basna». -7: . ' ing condu cted : .ra cisofflfuffy ^»t *oat .^b asiistonco ol "only one , ". and convomaal eM ' .bstci-s ero not compeHou to liston -to sr> a cn« f nzinr v ioiea. , _ ( li H;::j with tho public to n^M ce , -^- ; logo ti-di&i and or derl y, or nj bvc-vc- a end reproach. Wo ever will e-j swt j to tho best of our abi lity. Tee XasirrEM. ' . %b. Enreon :—Befor e your nsxt fcsuo, "The Gl orious Four th " wUl hava boon celebrated with the usual accompaniment of "tinwaro ncd sheet iron , fireworks nnd firo-wator , and tho town piuntod jretl "pure zinc"after tho good^M . i :|ca lv ion. ' ' .,7 ! V" ' r' - ' -"r :'»-A "£: ' ' , ' ¦ ' Earl y in tho moraing willy^eoo^j JB custodian of tho village cplo^teBfewOS his way to the " liberty polo -7; witU^tho national color s tig htly clasped . to lxm manl y boflo m With much enth nsiMm, und a mutte red reference to; ,Ganeral Jackson , tbe fla g of our (at pr esent Dam- o ' crati c) country will be flung to the breeze, the afores aid custo dian ¦ having meanwhile , removed his .white diopt , which wiU bo held by the ever , present small bov. Solutes from " The ^Fort , " and sarroundi ng fortific ations , will Ihea bo in order. ,-;- . . ' ., ¦ '-v> By tbia tim&ihB boat will be in night, nnd patriotism immedi ately give p tooa to tho greed of patro nage , whiotrwill cause tha Goddess to exclaim , "' By grief ,. . .Me wo chastened 1" After th is will come the usual "dust and gmudder. " The -whole to conclud e with the Bazaar at Masonic Hall , where th o ladies have prepared en attract ive disp lay ol useful and fancy ar- ti cles ; novelties in th e way. of amuso- m ' ents , and ice-crea m and retteahaents in profusion . ¦,« ' •;- x About the time th e band begins to play inside tbe Hall , " will commence the nana ] eaturnalian performance by the hoodlums outside. The village consta- bles, Cleav- ing to the Wood-en headed policy in vogue, will bo seen in frequent consultation , and infr equent . abortive strugg les with the crowd. Meanwhile the riot will go on, with occasional vol- leys of missiles and now and then a cry of fire. We can see no reason why wo should not have a prett y lively day. Village lmprovements Heofiod . Curbs to all sidewalks. . More stone crossings. Street si gns at cros sings of all streets , either placed on the comers of buildings, or put on tho street lamps. An increase of street lamps . ^ . . All lamps to be lighte d nightly, wheth- er the moon shines or not. A public dock , owned by the town. A first class fire engine. Streets cut throug h to tho Bay and Cove wherever practible , or possible. S. B. Sag-Harbor , L. I., May 29 , 1884. - u**~*-* —^ ¦Victorious Bak ing Powder. ; Tho United Stales Indian Commbeioc has awarded to Messrs. Martin KaltificiAch' a 8ons the baling powder contrac t, tlierab y reco gnising the purity of thei r Wheat Baking Powder. - Bak- ing powdera containing alum or cthbr dalowrioaf l snb>ti inci?3 were rejected . Tho-'Whoat Batins; Powder was recentl y awarde d the GOLD iutuAj * ¦ at the New Or leans International Exposition.?— JV. Y. Hun , Juno l«h, 1885. In order to aocommo data STEAMER tra velers to Orient , Greenport , Shelter Island , . Bontlsoia . and Sa g-Harbor , steamer 3frunaxs FKAK CKS . will loam Now-Tork Thursday; Jul y 8 and July . 8—returning from SoR-Har oor, Frida y J olr. Sl'KVlALi J II , ebout Ox. v. flho »II1 omit her trip from Wow-York Satur - * day, July 4th. ' - , Hrn nir Samie st , dealer in solid and plalod laT- rer wore , gold and nilvor watohos , ate., will can- vass Son-Harbor and vicinity next week, and will bo at tho Nlhmi Houne, whoro parties oan soo and examiuo samp les In tho evani Df/; v . 41tf "I hare no appetite ," complain many sufferers Hood ' s Sar sapa rilta gives an appetite and onablss tho stomach to perform lis duty. Baiioict is agmil for Suffolk Counly, for tho CliicnKO Cottage Organ. 41tf * » .» . .¦' . . . - Smorj iT dills every kind of spectacles and eyo glasaes. , iltt Pianon and Organn f.oIc on easy tarms. - For Information nddrefiR H. H&rgont , Qzaen port ,^. I. SiKliliilSiij ¦ ^.& ndw.' OnBJnr. 'cm' -f.'nsTirsvaWa cS^ ilffht' ft'l2j !6 . S^^' ?r- - . ^ a tl. , %y . . - ¦ . . " ¦ " r ' L "*' cin2 ' ' . ' JJ i f ^Ti ' - . Q A 'If "tri r :; Two tfowe, ofeb toot ys ' ars' old tritfi a ealf, tho ofior dtjht yaw : oU-r -will. ooab In bx a tmt days, Apply to . '. . , : : '. ' }• :. ¦' . . . :¦:, ¦ ' ¦ . . . .. ::; ¦; - ¦¦ . ¦, . "; ; .:r fAiEsa ' SEE, :- " ¦ ' , :., ¦ ¦ : . ¦ . . - . ;;¦;:¦ ¦ ' . . . At . J cd s o Da y' o Horfh Hnvoa. ¦ ' tv.:;;]Wl iit©. ' 7.G i ob.ds ''! : ' •; ?ozlaaics ' end CaSlarca ' a Dresccs. •• " . A kiBo as- Rrtmont of beautiful pattoa is frota C to 24 cents a;yart. ' . ¦ . '" ¦ , '¦:" . ¦ :i . -- '- :r: •• " - ¦ . ' . ., ;-;.. - . - ¦:- . . -: yf. ¦<¦ ¦¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦/: -v-v ¦ ;:iaEO.:B. ' Bno'wii;&.SOHi?, ;;: y^ : ;BS Mi. :, ^ : : Uib onbeorfbor offers for aaJisi a small Oottago coBta ln glO rooa is, ^e iusWbf laad with frnl t end ornma antal fate a. ¦ :gr i<a C8.Z6a : •: ' ¦ - .SIA1 /IBY B.^VEITE. Brid s»Hamptoa ,:3ylyy-tea a ¦:-:, , . -. .'. ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Tho' i reuliSonoo formeri ly ownoid7'ljuiol- ooebplod by tho lau Samncl .aiyOoofc/Inanir o of the SMontdx , '" ' ' " ¦ . - ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' . ' - ¦ ¦ .. .-, . ' - ¦ •¦ : ¦ ' : : imB.;B.A.cdoK , : '. . ¦ _ ¦: ' .. , ¦: ¦ ¦ " ' i y. J tWdgo-H ^pton , li. L ^&g-Harl)or;^OT^ BaniJ, ¦ 7 Ban-Horbor, H.X ' . Juno 28 , 1886.7 DopodU iaado in lili Bank NOW, and until Jnlr loth, 388«, r win . drew icter esl from July lst , 1888.: - - •: > ¦; :-: :• . ' - . . ;' ':. -;. H. P. HEDGES , Wesident . Wnj jt B Iipwar , aeaaaror . . ' '; ] ;Mx)v^^ :s^^a^^'; ' For E»lo , and Honteo to lot o n tarocsbla ' Wnas. Tjou ui obtained on good seonritlee. Insurance , and nacoaaes to and fro m Europe at lowest rates. Seats and other collections mad«. 'Board se- onrod at Betels and private booses. : : ' JJOHH BBErUHr V 4Btf Beal Estate Agent s GOAL. Tha undersigned have opened a coal yard and will keap on hand tho bast qnalil y i f white ash and red tub coaL at reasonable prices. WAD2 & EDWAEB8. Enaan Winn , J onu W. Ept ruos. , ' lf ., ToT a . ' . Wa# ' ¦ Self BuiBlna Boston Bnnrn Broad Flonr, onl y 12 . cents per package , caU on - . SMITH BEOTHEBS. Sag-Harbor , Jons 10 , iS83. - : ; ' ¦ . y /y:m.:8is5is : ^ ¦ ' - .. ' JW^ : ; i£QI T 5 CAPT. , GEQ,70 j GIBBS , Will leavi New-Tork ThttridiiT , J nlr Zd , as nso- - al, arriving at Sag-Harbor Eriday morning, July Sd. E«tOOTln s, -ari!l I«:T<i.8ag-Ha rhor Ht 7i- X. Mda y, for KewTork , arrivin g In timo to leave for Sag-Harbor about 3 , o ' clock V. vl. . l iifiil WiU make as Exeunlan on Jul y <tb, no follow! : Iiea re Sag-Harbor at D int., CO trou od Bhelicr ItlaniS , atop &t Ueohansat dwjk a*i<3 Grccspart , and leave GrMo port on return at C P. H. " iferci for tbo Bxcnjslon»eta, . y ^^ e Post Ba^ witt eecoaipiijiy the Exclusion. . Pat ttea frbm Greenpo rt and Shelter . I sland, vi shtng to tak * a sail around the Island ,, can do so by tak ina tbo Colt on her regolar tri p frcim Kow-Vork in the morning, at excursion rates ;- Excursion to New-York. Tb» Oo ' .i. -will make on excursion to Nav-York on liONDAY, Jul y 0th; tho Band accompanying tho ezcur t Ion. ' Tickets for tha round trip $1.00 GE0BGE O. GIBBB, For Mont auk Sfwunbont Oo. ra pifi liiM i!; STHAMEB ' F RANGES , CAPT. -W. S, YOUNGr, TO WA TOH HILL, Betnrnlng throu gh Fiahars ' Itl acd Bound. ' Xa<iav» Bag-Harbor at 8 a. «. landing at Honlh olil, i' roiijKiot , Uanliansot , GKcnpert and Orient Olam DDlnner AT WATOH MILL . FAKE $). . .' blNHEB 80 OTfl. 6 per cont. off. # In Uudln g a nsmoru l of ray Cool Yard lo tho water front , and * lulling to reduo * my stock of ooal, I irl ll on andatl ur July 1st , and daring tlio oonllnunnOF ) of this uetloo , giro A discount, of (ft) five ji«» cent , for oaah on all oool aold at tho Mff «,« yard or vease. rata *. ^ ^ - ^ BsriiU»tbor, June 35, 1B9 S. . . , p. Kit riai piMii i" Ths und6inl gnsd luu the axclosive agency for ilia £ast End t>tXoag lalaod tor tli» rila ot tbe Biooltlw and ' Cllept ii lawn Uoweta , ar4wlll sell »t w»» Iba ' u llol puloa for ouna. .. u»v wuon. - - ¦ * i mi riiait , - ¦ EzclMoiVlt (nou otit, Kxaclslay; It Inch cut , 917,00. ^i»,oa ' OUpp cr , 1* Inch , out , - Cli pper, Inch tout , " fJ lB OO.. ' ¦:• 011.00. - E»ery Ma iibln s guara tilocd to work well or money refunded. ¦ _ [ ¦ ' '. ' ¦ ¦ _±H K VBKKOn. fflE Pffill . _ ' : ' - . ¦ ' - " .; ' ; ' . ¦ "/ . " -r-ANlO— .. ' ' y ;;7;- ' ; ; llio Ju rjii wl nloclt la town am bo lonnii at (TA BOR'S. I^ut fSoM fi SilwPaina' Vtiy Ciitip ' v/h w low Ohot tan OJ u* 1 J , i ' V" 1 " 1 »«' > "- < lh out M.\ i. >y io J nt up I, ' IL U t ' < 1 £ L l> uitu. 1 V< >y r , 1 %) t I 4 > f W Ir jyiOiUll iV ' Ifl ' liVDKJKVJ ifiil ' JO II Ja lJ n I ^ Itfy s" 1 itlolos Bft|»y t fW* iMi« si » Wajij - ^ il * ^ Ht j' , i UX I H M.1 1 a , ri ' iti t. it t-J J J" 4> \'o la«o (It ; ill I I <ll i * n ii\ (HI , 'j , ut mi /|l)l j » 'I 1 ' 1*1 ' U I | I u ' >1«l i \ " " ' ' ' >/ I, * ll, ( i . ^MMr Wim^fM^^ ' 7 &ft ^ S3«jy % S7€I allispgt ' e&iipsyi ¦ c-ill tk soia T e£iiAX£!ii .iiiSi aj . .7 ; ¦¦ ¦¦:¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦t. -T" . - , - ' - ' ¦ ¦ . - "' -¦ •>:• ¦:-: ¦ ¦ ..' ¦ ¦ ¦OE O.a:BEOTO T &-S«m ' : ' GJ ^j A&s .^fe. f^^ .-j- .y. y y ' , 7r ' ¦ ¦;¦ ¦; 7.; ' ; y ,. ' ¦ ¦¦ < ¦ ' v^ ;; 7 ;yy l£. \ ' ^l^M^M :^ ' ^ '^. . ,. ' :; 7 7" yA FTOU'IdBE '6i? i: .. ^; ' : .y- ? : ' [. ¦ ' ; V v 7 ^ BINAm6N> FU mAj OEi ^ : . ' , v7 ;:- . S ; '" ' " ¦; " . ; ,7- -V -7' ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ '/. " . L' vorsma , Bagjaarbor , SepOISfl, -188*. ;: . .: ; :; ' :R,^; '£*8 . «a^i^.^^ - " :- . ' ¦ '¦: J ^iii^s^'Pain ^g^: If jfcrar hcraso naodsj paintlng um the EtNG TIHXED. PAIHTB, -which ar s not patent papm. aUons raad o to put on the market , end ' soil by extetmve edvarttsing. ' until their worthlossaeea iaconsed sd , then to: bo witidrsTO and :ctaJ iod again.under . a now nume. . These Seixxta. ars made of pare Iiead nnd Zlco , mliod c iUs Iincoed Oil , -oiUi the iliflerent eliadea ttoron g lirf tadxed in ot grin diiyr the wiolo together. ' , -Tbere has toUiIng ^etybeosi. dtewv ^ed-.tint sah ts&a'the pbcii of , tas above ccmbination, or etjral it fra coonoay and daroballty , and the only : ' tosaon ' why : ibs'/nuajtat 7 - ia floodsd ' jeriUt vrarthtea Pottnt Painta end Patent (tedloinea tt nj Sbobocau catba publloUlietobobambu sEool, WgH mtaA istisfsaaon iBiai it* KWG- TINTED PAWlSrfiav s .tost ea- them/sa y.tha jpsst three yeasii j bofostiondotriE J tfej ia. Wa give trie fol- ' etetsOCTjsafc ia. af ft.pr eSjo al painteri .Ha uhotia inat? vrbit jou want better than e oar- peater , ' nMlson, " <ir edtml ^r store- ke eper , ami if ae deceives yd»Es oaa ast tdead isnoanoe as on exo cas tor «a doing. . - ¦ ' y-A' rVffl Uaa ;o*>. - :; ' - - ' : ' . : '>' - :i . " :- ' '' ' ' ¦ •:: ' ¦ ' : :- ' ¦' :: : .'X, ' 7; ' .; ' / '7 . -.; : . : .7 . -y. 7 l ; Oonrian ^' on hand. . \ Pmic ^stteiiUoa ia ldtoHOIJSEPAINTI Ha (u»l ii) leifordeaiBdlng. '> y. 'y MaUrlaU tad wirkmi m^p first elaai. Ordars for-OaiT liEe end filgn Paint ina ati maed to. Lowest rxSJdbl a . price a iooasistent'witb . good work. MO Baaa oiutci i ooj^r^^lio tto . . -7 , ' ; ^;W, ffi.^.;I5i^e3is^v ; : ; '' i^7 ; :;y :- 77.vi . -^ ySAO^HABB0li .5r 7 ;7 . ' :7.-^7- .y./ Do Wot Iforget to GaJlM ¦ y'C- > ¦ ' ' ' ¦' " -yEOByTOTO V:¦ )¦:• ¦ ¦ ' : :J ^: '' :-y7 : GSQOpiBS; & ;HA|tl)f!|®l ; t Mi^ydawfli flnd a fnll lits cf Eteplo and Fan- - o y .Groceries , Flour , Buckwhea t, Corn meal , Bot- t^ ,'l£^' - ; Onoeae , '' ; Sugar s ' ana " -Byrup3;:. :feriecl : ana Oam ud Fruits , oannsd Meat , Fish, nnd Vege- tables. Coffee, Teas and SpLoa, HaMn g Pow- ders and Sea Foam A large variety of soaps. Household Ammon ia , WaaHoffPswdR tt , fj e lsxla All st tiebui usuall y found in a grocery atom, an to bo found here and warranted to iff good or no tale. Aba » well ataorted steofc at Hardware . Tools, Cutlery ami Sportsmen ' ^ Jtmmauitlon Of all Idnds. Should anything be wanted not in stock; will order It at abort notice and at aa reas- onable prioos as anyone And MISS EMMA L. DAVIS will furnish yon with . Stap ta and Fancy Dry Goods , saeb an Fleiuula , Mualla and Print * , etc. I/adieu' , Gents ' end Children ' s furnl sbing gooda end the raany little artic les necessary In family use , also mater ial for fancy needlework and em- broidery, Stomping to otto » Specialty. OEEA.T BARGAINS IK At the store of ofeo. is. Bataot 1 ^ & s«pns. RO BEET 0. COOPER , " Boot mid Shoe Makei^ AND DEAMCi t Ilf AtEATHEEand rillBINaa, lltdUou flU f comar V* Aau t 0a(f Hutfctw, H. Tt* WALL PAPER Q. ft COOrE fi, bir/n jj r a%UU or/lUlgeininbi wit h a large maiiufat larer , la ncir pr apar id to exhibit by wuupl toi new an I eleg«iti sl ybc wllb bordotlu g to caateb, at gr&ttly ra duced prices. flag Ptirn et at Sa ctau Kn umili a)sr £ii& «u stj > tO//4t!io» ffldUl e»*a( Uavnuw Own/yfiiaud nlbur tUfors. lUs»it u t Mtt S. TiB iiiiif tim U Q>t W*w lifjurl oir aoailH wiM ivoiU J iiVar yir rcakCjy * OKO. p. PBOWHf H «a3>N. y w.1 nwmrmm tttO M 6u» Of ttil> <lt "W| [[ItdU lj isf itoliniil j A Cfi)mplojt , & (3i>uj|«lfllo Mttiiimi, Vpea tl e^ij, OaSo , Wiuit , nt rAVA 'iW k , «n I fc<l«»' oltla r viwevti Is ilin[,! jr Clia Iiu4 ef lM VavtliUMi*, Qm * J fIhI Moll M li , imd rvtA tinf at'il yiils nnd I mi l no ^ iIaU 1/er ita l4 l>i/ U CUUA. illr/O, Ut tluktu t t. J, & '«M> TO. VI. WUO, W) 0<l Urt M&, i<, 1, " s BSBrSom ^ TUc iii> liu 'bi J Jjl h in 4 re'cl!<|i}ll i* tMniuin( u-i-iit tt J'Tu. ! .1 Jiiu l. ' uilifila Vfcrflnn, /<»¦»«. Oiiicj , ! iL ^, I, , J, i' l'l ,. ' il l i t " i, 1, ' I, <ltllsiA. l' > f i , Ac 0(t l< J . lil f , ii><Hi , iie K>i , i. i > ' , ^.ii firi IM > i ' tun '' A (, n l « Ui i » ,U i^<J i. Ji " «J Vt .f 'IliV til 111 'I'l l 10 B/M l ^UTlfiD Wd'i- W -, AVl»i- j VJiV i} UiW MlM, I U it / fl i' i il I >i i ' < » (i v I ft- t , ll *to t i ' i 1 •H r, , i- h U WI J > l \ I J Wi it i l lj l \\ .!¦ tt u \.ll l I. I J. 1 *J I.Jl I , t I \ a i 4 ! }n ^u < iiiv i hlv- > I I i U W<' -i i \ It j J c I , * 1 - I l I- . 1 " ' if I f i I , 11" , I ' r1 ' I J ' , (i ; i ' I , I k t t i ! a l l 1 I < i a. j, i a I ut F n eint& so. ' iwfcVesaKas ^ ¦ ¦ ¦;- 103. £!i . .v ¦ ¦;¦:¦ ,:; ' •> ' ' ¦ . ; ;,.r- .. -::r ^y -" ^ '" ^ff C .::,.. , ¦ ': .. . ¦ Alra ' n fcoti.w use! lct.co i&Si£on ' Efc--i: ' -j ' iil , -~- . y; : . ' ' -- -' . ; - oi^miabca: -y ' m ie^- '' b- - dno^a. ' a5r.ft*' :V:f: - ; : " - ' - - . ' . Oa a lolt l!a &y.l82 . fiwst. ''-: : * ' . ' ¦ - ; . ' -. ' ¦ ' " .:) ~ :v? -:j; ¦•; ¦¦:: ¦:- ¦; - 'H\ fnTO . iiitii ^irt Ssatao .Hail^vBriaga auab iit^SA ,^^ ^oonlalning US aereSo f elan a -land , ' fei B SiiJyJ :ff- ^ etat o o|c ulUiratio n.;,.; On'iaia f£rci ta a; ¦SYii&^-i SS sSc tmmo .dwelUn g in E««l;jrepatr , -^rilo ub^.:b^;V:?:v. v!. - ¦: oem houB ^ira gpn.bon ne, '.end ' otStr ^bciiiasiMi ^' ' -'^ : ' "^*. ' e lso B. flnscro liani . - .. - . - .' .•;•-,'' ¦:. ; . - / ¦; ¦ ¦<• . ¦ -.. ; - ¦ - ¦& ¦ &.?(.» , " ¦': ¦:. ' -:<• ¦ ;;¦ - . ¦ :>¦ ^ tone >:f^. fto- vUIa 8e'aija .Oe ^-»ia ' : r»iBli^ ni^wadtoiJie^oc aais- ' vii&.hou ai^ - ' csteVk^^ r 'V other ,out bufldlu^ thoreqti; and well-«oV.p>ei- ,&if:Ti-^iSil ' 5 A s ummo r.rajldenes dpfot farm&« piii«c«i' a. ' 1 -: " - : ': i -"- % JWi^ ,yAlso . ira fc e tIMd s*Hwcii^fc farnto ^thrcruRl wutt MUx ¦ .U^tb jm&^^f iW'ii ontbufl ttofc tad twerfy.i M ^ J olnin&y yFive minutes walkiidia ' iho ' iieanE ^-M * ^'V^J; BUiab laror .B bats . or carrl ago lKmaei . :-> . ¦? ,% ; 'i ^.fiO'^V' fr; 'V-" •7; '77?7 TOB7' SAte dByTa , T^i^%3/;^ ; -;• Tho hiiuiia and: aib ro .oa ' ' Hala ' - areo ^'Jtae^- ' "r 'V.rV ?' . oc«g plo4J bj ^. F^Tooki t:; For. r^ticu ^' ses-^'K?^ ¦ yy: ' j ' /i , " j^'ii^^i^y^^i^ ' ¦¦ A lease, on Main 'afe reet; VEaot -Buii ^t< ^f&-^ :i-y;& : >: ta inlsg fourteen rooms, all fiiralahrd—excepting : . 'Av ' . v-% bad and labiallnen -. yPos soMloaa»« ne«. "::-- ('; ¦ ¦ 77%~i- ;i - ' '^ . Btablo rooi ii;^ ^ for fonrho sSs, ' and ' wwieae ' isnura -' s ' i^-^.v " ; one esro qf ground attached. " :-r ':- -v ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ' . ' ¦ '¦;• -:: : i" ¦ 'i' ' ¦ •* r: ' i' "/• , 7^' ¦ , ' ' Hearer tlia:Pbat ' Qfto «nd ' TOMs ' tl^' »^ ' rf!^^V^ eti xotoa in . tho tp wn now fbr ,r <snt. y' yyV ' £ ' *: ' £¦& ' &*•& ' , . - ¦ " Inqnlr e.oh the pHsmliSseiyor at ' olBcB <3l7itilj i \ ' ' ¦ tM-rA WV&t 7 ' . 7v : v 't; ;.Sy .. :: 7^;^;y7^7 y - , ' -v^J ilMr ^J S^ . , 210351 ^ 7 :; _ " - ; >7, ' SB^0 t^^^^^0^§§. ^talizingT' y : . ^Ei^^ji ^oi^^J:^" :^^^ ' FOB CHBONiq ; mMa®^^' {-^| ' - •>. BOOTKAlffiPTOii* vS, jti' r '^^' f iM (Oottaga of H. M. ; Bishop, M. I). 7 ''K; 6 : . ' -:i dicii : ¦ - 1; - .0^i v .^ -ry. .. . . . . . . : , Sox iyyy. . :y Yyy >y :y -^y.yy^SS : ' ^v^nti d oxrwn ^ivi^iii 'U' i^v^WM W ¦ raont s , JDiet, .. Mnssn gre,, 7 ¦S4egnot ~'J ??rsSjJg ¦: . ¦ ism, Electricity, y'l^ poiv'^'fly- y::: 1 -^:-: ^^ , aropatUicSnlpirar tsad So- ¦ . .-. ¦ . ¦ .¦;ivAc"33S5s£ ¦ y : ^ ,yyyy : ^ i^?^^ : &y i y ;fy$l^S The ' .Combined yTrlwtnatio 7Hbt Air i^y^sl^p y.^y.ys pot . Bath / ania'Gefteral and -. '- v^'^J^^ /;: '7. : iy-7. v^SpecaBr 'Hj raien&' y ¦ -7- ' : ; ' : i?a *S%| isi ' ¦ ~ -\ : ' y. -S' v~- ' yr' "V " -- : . ' .*' r-. >.y- - . ¦ " . , - . ¦(# : : '&*&* $& y Ko Boisons I ;/., * So . V^^ l icOiti^l^^M^&M ' "' - .. ¦ . ' . ¦¦ ¦ ¦ " -- ¦ ; - ' . ' . . " ' '-¦ .: " ' . ' ' ¦ ' 'i^Ci'i' ii : ^ 'Sii ^t}^iSi-¥i . -: . Jiay be found Inji enioa o yliy lat&fflMftto^fg&gm gar, or telogrero otTois office- in CrowS WI^^jiiffil^i^^sS Mala BLj.E& g-Harbor , from Wednes to- 'S ®i^&s% ^gf Brfda y norocf each week. ". ¦< ¦ ' . ¦- ' : V*&£: &$^&^Sswai : '. 'lB-. eood: GtouBa '": ir ^d<inc* . :a£-]^|S^gffiKS T bflsapeon) every:M6ndsy. - . ¦ ¦ ¦:-. \ir j ' Mc^^M&^&ge ; At &>m»(8ou«iaitipton» frorn 'McSsMaigM^SiMs to Wstoesday noon, and feoro Frf daSa ^s^afca^BS® to Mbaa ayinoining. - :y?. y. 7-* ,S<#K^^^ Sftt| 7' ; P s«^ ' «ioe ^ uny ;. 4TO te 4^J ^f^^^^^ g 7 Tha fcUowin g are socae cf ' t!W- 'W8^y ' if^3^|||j |t|p|l gg«?rf n3y. .Ixettel , ¦ . wtfa - ,n9; ' y«pc|g^g^p&% -^5iaS°! troubio sa , viz t < - Oonsampu ^:;Cdt£K£w^5^SgSS patioij , Bronchitis, Dyspepsia , - -Hi ^ ^fey&IJ S ' ffi gjaS ndgia. -.33ieuniatli3n , . U te^^> *! r 311addeii ^^^^ ; ?^M^^ rijay dlff^l"lftFT, ¦: V ^'W ' ^f r 'Apraffti foV " '^l^^^ ife^^^ ffl' j^jf^^j Hewofpaaas a &&,' 4a 'W ;ijv^if- i '-'7*?| -^^^ i# |IS* :y-'S bwse« . thai Kal rt ' 'j ad |ij ai(i31ela<Jen ' '^ yy . Oojirei ip Midenoo.in Vilie^- vtoe^^ Oaai iges for treatment modoiHte. j ^ a^ti ' P |t l* Si , ,—-^ ^4 FROM THE - r.\ ASTOR ^ HO USE *. * ,^ I M i * , imv-iroBK oimr, fy Pr onclii Systematical Hal* " 0<**>\ ' >% ting and Shaving Saloon. s » j v j^ J i ' « " \f ' It * proprietor has worLod in the ItrgwJjEv- , . . , v.S; tola ot Kew York city, and In the largest oitU v ^ Europe , and unders tands Hair OntUn g ifi i , 0ilt> * . - y dl fferoatfrt ylos. - , , "If you wish an easy shave, " -. < " 4 ' An good as any barbu ever gave , j, ' •" Jnot oallon nie &t ciy iialocii, - , /. El omlng, evonlug, And afterceon. y > I fix and drew tlio hair wltlr flnwfy . ' ' , To ault Ui» oontoui ot th» t«e», < j, ' " i Jly room is neat and towclielssii , / , Bfy sclsson sharp, lay nUtouJ IWert. 7" \ , Acd all that art sndMl e±n , ' ' j If you'll call , m do tat yon, :. "< AU tt o b^t, kinds of bliau lM fcdaps, U. - ,6 b«ut > ' l ^Uah O^d0av9lt«zcnJ Ue<^IUUU«tUrr/p j , '$u^ i ( f umory of all kin ds, tha bent Oialllan ivbavr . pooci ricj Lotion for oleamlu g «lw Lsiir , odl)' /, i) eon B l>otU#. E»my famUy t)ii3uJ 4 1unni eu5. t / Fsyofii $olm ©aWSorj , i MUott BniWSniK, 8yl BAa nABBOM. /J . Y. ' , ' / _, Ocwei; HIAta txA Bftl Htr«i)o , Bag' -THaaybor* ' %*+ <X * - VmVE MB'ft ' OeJut * ' Clottlaff. Otomlaos .. li.lOt * *) flbl rtu . , is JOrawmtfl ,' ,. .Wiq iA Wilif uFj tli eoUr... AH «?oLWl» , t .,.a«F M * fi> - OoIUm ,. .,,. ..a, 9 Oiii-rt to.. ,.,, ,„, , , -U) ' Ciff*. ]) Qitdar UoilUal. , in t«»l WnJw Bbtts tt \Vb . tle , «J », *tt t<i im i Ura VitU ,t ..< , ... 8 ltnJ i> ,i .. , . t > .. , tt Nl^vil ltot rt a .. i .... JO Kxfio ^,,. ., Qtf i M Hoau ,.„ ,i 0 ttoi liiH , ,. ,..,p£ Vi f* , { Ufliiiltor»Wi)f«,I5to lo ijaA « 5ha ,l»W|wafcF ^ 1UA1UM., <.". « BCiwU,.. v , ,i , o tota l X**V ' v i..» * "" ' 2? P'"** CllJM - a ' °'« w , i J *"J* I JT " '' , i*"5J * *t« «.i W tM t > 14 ! ( l , OiHilai Wn«i> , «/i„ M f ttuuntt t iM ^au HOtt v l Xiurt toi ' AVJ Cin-Wl . Aowito ,. , .k , .. .&0» , fWltw^ 1 ,, ., I IJ tjj I q UcMe4 t » .... , K - ' (Ib M* - . ,1U01,W 'l\iUl«irttJ ^ a-Wfii W (M' lv, lN«ls|l»l , , i<S kjoiH/tiVil ^ s.i «»«? )* Oaltw* x>nwi»i | !iUo « itlf iiUn ! r >tIMi«t ?" *• Jl ' ijq Sfnm I lift to i iii tM X^M. .,7a) td t «I0 / ift/ j M »<J (f..„llfi i> Ut »,. UilU 7., .I ' Jl -da ) v > j. I f/wnUiiUli Ul br l lib IDiy WJlU ff lUlll llUW tl < ll(a ( I Ooodii td'tiiii/j if *ii>t dull . -h / i i Fd lidrt fu. WltCtAt , XL"*\m knuiln Kl M mi t \*f 1 11 ( i, tt>a*riiH a iH^ li|»H ' i i 1 / " XtiUl Ulit m lulMf i/iihWciii 1 . Wi , ' UM t Won u), i Wrlmrii «iA, t jilbi m* iii iw Z i J j 11 uiM Mf WAA i-fte Ai- <j iv X*' , i bt 1 i t Sji , O^rt iil mi it i^W ^ J fils H ,/ ' " <i-i ?)m , /> IMtiAU IfillnViKitJl'tW ' lin (.1 j 1' out «i if> {.;/ il el fj iiu j jit mils 4it rvnwi qm nycitif <Ji i l j w v , i < < - H UM) 'Jm V Hill ( II l(f l> , y| I 1 II ,, 1 I llli I I " ,1 t * . I ' ' I MM, l'» ' l » «i' \ , 1 11 1II « f> / W. , I ' I , r ' » * ' ' ¦ I f ^ i I I i I i " i J " ^J s ; iilllll llflplllpl ¦^"IH .i l'Sl'^ V"^ - . .ti.iri in ' .iSXi iHi-: Offers to tho .pcpp l3- .Sagraat.b?? ,7aB&^ : pt«qk ' , oi . . ' To be found oh lisl^t'Erid i' wiucb .'ho i^; '^:^ ; He has j nnt ywcaiyed aa invbica o^' ' ' ;77 y '^ : -7 y '^*7^yv : - 7^. ' " An d guardntees to sell at lower figtirea that! can te ' piirciia^d/elae!^|i$re. ;. ' Give him a cail and tm^y yo u ra eif thht h& ^ Men ' s , Jf oyitf i&ii'YovL^^ Safes , Caps and Bhi m^i^ ^pds. By Bellin g goods nt the lowest pccaiblo prices 5t^g thO; p4Ei threo monUm, and givinp; buyers epamej bargnina in many Un^a,ywe We closed out a liirge ' part of onr former stock , :• . ":;: . . . :. ./< 7 ,7 ' . ' . - '7- - ' ¦ -: . This we havo re placed with sew and , cleairftb ' .e pflSteEn avbongSli for cash, and Doleetod with care, and can safel y Bay that no one in the trade can excel ns for ! variet y of stylos , and vj o tocw we can not be nndsncld. . it pffifiS is iocliiW F &R. J. S. THOMAS * ' sxea&ss©® &arsi»s ^ The beat remed y for Corns , Bunions , Ingrowing Kail s , Chilblains Frost Bit-tja , Rhe . u matinm, Nenrnlgio, Headache , &reohe , TooUiache j S or o Throat,' Colda, Croup, Cuta, Bruisca, Swollirtga , S prains , Lairjoncsa , Bums , Chapped Lips and Handn, Festers , Punplea, Sanbnrna, Bites , Flc ah Wounds , ote, Ifc is n Standard Famil y Medicine. THOMAS' EXCE1SIOB IINIMJ3NT COKES AMi AILMENTS ON . :o:o3r£»o3 , tsuoos' , Cattle , OEJ'fco, Ho one who Una <**r used It thinks of bolus without It, : Uasofactnred otJ / lif Dr. J, O. Ttiom- as, at aijj.llail j o r, W. Y. . Bold by Dr» o;j ljt «, Merebant ii , and l>y«lia«iiio?i/ iMtf tt) Bleo, Or v- ^. Med!am 0 KO cento. Trlnl nice* 25 ctmta. ¦¦ ' .. ¦ '{¦/:' ¦ ' ' -W . : " ¦ ' * ' " , 7 ' " - , :;PyiAiriWRS - .IN . 7 ;u\ ' - ¦: ."^ :% ;j ;r:>;;^:s;:^;y;. . :;7 / &rE Ff c : : G&$^^ / ' ¦ ' ¦ ;•; ' .; ¦ vnT'jrav ^yPQMaiis^ Canned Com; Peas , Succota ab, String Beans , Lima Bearis , Baked Beans, As- paragns , Tomatoes, App les , Peacbe ^Quirii ^, Psnea pp lMi BlacS Berries ,. Blneberries , Qooseberriea, Pum p kin, Cherries , F^oiu^'Coda W^al^^ . *:? - " ». " - . ' : Soups Plain Pudding i^Bboit^ Beef; CornB ^ B^ Cm^ea^T^ ; y : .; ' ' ;key, : Lbb ster / Salmon, && Over twcnl^ v^eti© ofRdK- , a - - les. l>rie d Cherries , Apples , Peaches , Pliim s ffla^Bl A^JBeines.:, : 7" Orariges , Lemons, Fi gs , Prnnells and Nufi , Piok led .Salmon,; P{6l^cd[" . ;i Herring, Pickled Larnba ' Tongues and Oyste rs. 7^^ Ferns ' Earri si J hoiildr ' era and Bacon , whole or sliced. JUopey, Jell le^ Capers, ' OU^e^ 7Sa iJce ^7 Cat- sup, Olive Oil, Salad Dressing, Cume Powder , &c. A fall , llne of Aia-y mmiition , Fla uchmann ' s " Coxnpnc aaed Yeast.. Alnd ' a 7 fine Una .ol ~ ' ¦ ¦ FLOUR, TEAS , COFFEES , HPICES , && , &c; y y; :7V CliiiM B. Smith. : '' ': ;Bi]j^ ; ^'&Dii;^ " 'Ascnta fop Stefsa Island Dye; WwIii|. . . . . ' - ' . . . - - / - - ' - ¦ - -, " " ' ' * ; - y-i. " '.' ". ¦ , " . -:.' ' ) '. "- ' * ; , .. ' i "- ". - . » .' .,„ , ,. i . -i-— ¦ F.a .MaB.i«aM. Ht u .»a^.. ...u... ¦ , i 1 .a. ^ .iwr <J! a» ij mMW—*•< m& W1mu 1 *x »IIMr < ^ <JiiMi^MJia ' -f . . i< !JULW mS!r!» DR. A] N. SV^EET , BONJESETTER , Of Middletown, Oomi., , U WUX BE IH .;¦ .. W iA&mmm&B ,, AT THE RESIDENCE OF MR. JOHN flOHAN, ON TOE FIRST THURSDAY , And until 12 o ' clock Friday, of each month, commonoinf) M»y 7 , 1885., BS"DR. SWEET'S LINATWENT AND SALVE can t>o procured of i&. Homan ot any timo.^SI The Yacht Baoer , OAl'T. J. MADISON PiYNB, .; WUl , on nnd after July Hlli , bo In raafllneas to servo pleasure particH , oltlier day or er onliJ Bi at rcasonablii turuiu. Tbn Itnour will make a trip oa tbe Cove on rl nturilny afternoons Rod : every evening eioopt Himiln)' , unless otberwlcc onar- tend , at which tlmoa iho will take tiny onevrlsli . log a sain , Fnro 111 cents Tho yacht will W from tLo Norlh Hrmm llriilgo. , Bit' BRICllOR SALE. A.I the BricU Yonl at North Blda , a onanU ty of HaUnou lltkli , Fiuitnlilu for Inside wotli , at from fifi to 4n.Cll por tli ounnn d. ' . ' . ¦ ¦' ¦ . WIM j IAM 1. a«AUA«. BuFj -II nrlior , July 1, IU HS. . . Mvi 2 —THE YACIMf . ¦ ' . ' --3 ' G A Z E L '1^:E, gmt. j ohk «. ruiUiira ,. Will snil plii'-um purlins by the bhur ,'day 1 or foraloi iRor nip. Him Iu aumiUcA Willi » odm- modlouii Biinimor ruliln , wh lnli otfunlu ail "IfO^' alrnotiul vlow ami 0t tho unni o time litiltMt a fiom tiolli auu anil ruin, - "' Wl Also for ualo or to lot Ihe ullboat "Water ' ' Witch. " Appl y nt tlm ntora of tt W. llarteaiJ , Ualia alraat, or lit thu mi liluicn of OopU <X t, 1'bllllpii , liny lit., Uiig.Hiirl or , Xi I 81WJ ""^K ^OVli J fMIT l?IL»V tfoync, L. I. This b«oi.llfnl tolrc ut In uiw , i ttncauiuiai Utwu ot vlnllotii and iK i Uowrui Ki ' lliillun g, 'j argot rlbii ^tm , H - ¦ ¦ '. Di>iici»g l'lft ll' mni , mid otli i Aiiiiimii iKindi , A wliwf bus bi>en built Iu Voion 'o l ij. iii 'I ««al <if J oiump 'ii Nic k , whi rc »»lll -viiiftui f i land and rtanh th a Tra nt In lil yaw fnolJ Ila frnnlinituta c»n hn olital nf t. cn\ It i i a ai and upwnn bi, I' fovlou si olluji I ,li> W I A0U«u or tol<i|{ra«| i , (HIO. W. llIOMUI.ll> , , "ly _ _ llan ICtuI i, / , t S 7 COAL ! '*' I do nuLuir lbor will raiillnua fu I a> I u io lias for Iho p,u af. y,»,» u, t u I > * Uu li) Ibo Ion. (In bin ulw.aai a, i 1 1 lusai ettad , im „( I wi ., )|) ,,1 \ Aula aiul WIillo Ash, ¦Till : l'liumaip orry wmiri' i il' i Pt F rblW MconiinamdM lo IU na v.1 < I , v *, v i.j fa*o «|UI «I,I B «,«!, 1'I y,,(, Wl xi i uUnlky nil luaiii l, ,<*£% J' s "" ' . '" "J" 1 '- W" ' '»• <J M I , Jj*» AW< uiiilcoi«H i, r „| M4l uitir i / '7, musri \i i i Soorr—Lormi. —In this village , SDth ult , by Jiinlico V. It. Jt'iiniiiR, Jumna Scott to Iliss Plwtio i;. Ixipor , both of Amagun sott. - : .. _L. —: ' ¦ - ¦ li- ¦ ¦ MARRIED. aisss Mss— ^—— ^i^— «¦¦! ¦ ¦ »aswM«^wMMiws< s »»iam»»»si s»iiwaspmi NE W -GOO D SI MARCH 18/1885. ' , . Gk»oaL !E&educti<?ri In , •C1RPETS Aim MAttims ' i . : - WW NIW'yOTM$I , 'IBesliftn gram Otmrp eL 7do to BOc ' , .. . ' JBont- 33rtioaeli^ Oarput 75p io tBl . 33ee »l Thi'oo-ply Otwpot OOc. imi v noi TiB ohoiojj riuov ti^nwaMioiM switi to n»o, oni ou>, ito niiil n grciit vpriuty of oMW ciw/W >U>i/ o^aluff sd ! COOPER'S. lUnxms .-At Prouprct , Hhelter Mand , of heart OlnoiiFio , Lucy H. W., wi fe ef Bev. Dr. Ha»- kins , of llrookl yu , whore the remains were taken for bur iiil , n> firi yonre. * , Jaoaan. At Soutlmmpton , aSHT iuV , Utrvoy Jogger , iu 7(1 yonrn , 7 mouths. " Cliiii. At Southamp ton , 211th nit., Everett Clark , of Oreo uport , i n 10 ysaru. Baina lua lakon lo his homo for burial, i ' . DIED. AUGQ.7T GLIWUHK; 1IA» >I til . IIH1 '»« ' (HI. »/ V \/!M)ir. tt inwi v»u i 'Aifi i > iu Jin fcJI OJiOD OA'AH W,0( lll l W , '{fl l t:^ !, ^ CllAllif , 1 J 4« lui ii < *, JJiA i j( 1 ti j .. j ill ^i J L. ioi« , j 11,1.3 iMjT.- 'to nu ! I Jo , il ^ f. muiJ' Iii! a ' ;, j s .v.J J 4 III. tlU4-ll 'I - j ( »' H, J1(I ' H a A Vni.' « l ' J (j ' n i ' n i l i i I j » \( ! j I li 1 (_ J 1 , 'l^f tl * t " 4 * J V Jl P'l . OUR ' « » /1« > I 11. t nn> ! , «>A. 1 ' . i, n 1!,, 1. 1U , *l 1 * »* Ml 4 UMHL » (U01 i l It It tM t 1 ,1 fio«io»M v^t mmViLt ' .l /j 1 " ?t'J «vJ, ' , , ^ ' , , it t , j i »f j |„<.\ « i » , f 4 t i JV ; \«l ' i/ , I fi - - - v ' " Vi i i ( " n fi j i ' i;r ^ m i i i 11 J " ' ' ! I « ' .i ' 11 i ii, 1 t)

rapauk liiMi! › lccn › sn83031600 › 1885-07-02 › … · 0Di?j?o!s: oo'cirrs', 17. it. . - Thursday Homing. My %> i8"5' Sorma : 52.00 per yearr fa stfoqBoa*. The Baptist .Societ

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Page 1: rapauk liiMi! › lccn › sn83031600 › 1885-07-02 › … · 0Di?j?o!s: oo'cirrs', 17. it. . - Thursday Homing. My %> i8"5' Sorma : 52.00 per yearr fa stfoqBoa*. The Baptist .Societ

0Di?j?o!s: oo'cirrs', 17. it. . -

Thursday Homing. My %> i8"5'Sorma : 52.00 per yearr fa stfoqBoa*.

The Baptist .Society will hold a lawsparty on the churc h lawn, on iho 14th.inat ¦ '¦' . ¦.¦

.—;— .. .t »

Owing to tho rain on Sunday last;Her. B. H. Camp did not fulfill7 Jun en-gsgemect to preach at GcorgSca. :/

Elista O. Hedges, of Briilgb-Hamp ton,has been appointed a Notary Publio inplace ' of G. Clarence Topping; who failedto qualify. :• .: ' . '

^ " m *m ¦ m- I. • : - .C. 'W. Payne, cool merchant , grocery-

man , etc.. adverti eea 2,200 pounds of^ eoajfor a ton, as will be seen by icforonco tohis notice in anoth er eolmnn.; y ? yv y y- :j«

. . . «¦» ¦- ¦'•..-¦ yy'i.:r- "v)::iyC»pt. Charl es A. Boston, ofSiogrSin ^

who has spent the :i&v.eHdf/pi«toF5diB<jsummers in this place, has now taken uphis abode at bis favorite resort—tho Nas-sau House. . .¦¦•¦: - ¦¦¦;:} '¦ '¦:' 'f i i ' :.

— * *' * "* ' J. ¦ ' , :'V 'Though we had several cbpiona BhoWr

era on Sunday, and at East-Hamptonthere was a drench ing' rain, at Bridge-Hamp ton there was hardly jeno r^h' ytolay the dust. ' '¦ " ¦' -'^¦v,'-!'-7;-. '- >'

J£J. V!. Edwa rds and B. 3. Powerhnv etaken tLo matter ot street Bprinkri cg iaband , and are having a water cart prbrpored , which will prob ably lie ready-isrun to-day. «» -• ' -7 "' - ::.-' .: y

Mrs. Geo. B. Brown , superintendentol the M. E. Infant Class, took tier flocko! lambs to the wood yesterd ay afternoon ,-where they had a most ^elighlful thabpicnioing, etc

William Cohu White nnd Chorion li.Smith , of this place, - connected with thaTexas, Toledo and Bio Grande Bailroa d,were home on a fly ing visit the latterpart of lost week.

i . . . .

Those were elegant showers we had onSunday, after the severe one protracteddrouth. Monday won a close, muggy .day,nt night a cold wave straok ^nBi pJ id yet^'teidny morning the mercury traa belowsixty.

— ¦ a.», ii ~

Geo. W. Tabor & Son having gone in>to the fruit and confectionery business ,have tnken the agency for Andrew J.Hope's celebrated oandy, a fresh stockof which thoy will consta ntly keep ohband. ¦

. ', '¦ ¦ .-,;; ¦

The time for holding the "Jug Break-ing Entertainment " at the Baptist churchbaa not yet been announced i bufc-neUvopreparations are now being made, and itwill probabl y be presented about thosecond week in July.


The semi-annual meeting of tho trusteesol tho Sag-Harbor Savings Bank , y bVwhich a dividend for the past six monthswill bo made , is to be held at tho Bank-ing Booms on Friday, Jul y 3d (not Satur-day, as usual) at 10 o'clock a. u.

Kichard Tyndall , of Bi idgo-Hamplo n,sends as a box ol very f toe strawberries—Iho Bidwell variet y—some ol whichmeasure 4J inches in circumferonoe ,-w>

" most excellent showing considering thedry weather during their growth.

Tho excavation for tho new walk inftont of tut Union School promises waacommenced on Monday, and Peter Cal-lahan , ibo contractor, is now busy laying

. the concrete. When completed it willbo a great improvement over the oldwalk.

Lewis 3. Coiwin, boss carpenter , ianow building a largo livery stable forMessrs. Hildrelh & Bennett , on the wontside of meadow street nnd in rear of theirpres ent slablos. It is to be' 34 by G8 factwith 20 foot posts, and a very convenientbuilding when completed. ''

.a m ¦« »The salar y of Walter E. Derby, ex-

•Siipervioor ol East Hampton, now em-ployed nt Police Headquarters , New-York , has been raised to $3,000 par year.In the read justment of oulario o in theVostoJBco Department , ths salary of thePostmaster at this place bait been redu acd from «l,B0O to 81,400.

Tho meeting ol the Yontijt, I'ei>i,le'oliterary and Social Uaion, hold bu Mon-day evening lost , at tho M. E. Pur oonsgo,waa very largely attended , and tha ' pro-gramme prc nented very iuterealin ^ '.. Thb

• H pecial feature of the next session; (July13, at tho residence of Miua Ada B7 Hed-ges) will be an open debato of a qtMnlto iof particular inter est to younjr incn-Tondlailiw too.

The Itcforeo enlo of tho Payne pr tfjwiftadvertised in this paper , took plaeoy«W|Withy laat. Tlio Barcolon n Irani; ' -ciMime CG ncrea , a pari of which Iii thb wpllknown picn ic grounds , waa sold to %'/ !•ward Druie oll for $1,250, audth q lrian cu-l*r piece near tho old Payne IwjmWiSiuldion Norlh Haven , contnii )ii>;f \%. ' xntU M,win sold to William Pmyno ; ' whu' wowown* Iho homestead, for $ttK0. , , ':.'V

At tt mooting of tlio Bo&rdot IJ iJ u'tilloaof Iho Vnion fkhool DMriot,: ; iietil maMonday, the old corps , o! ' triri UnMiwero cng6([ed for another ywr—rK iV,-J (J. Haniuou , prinoi pal t Mlax hV~;y%»-llabcock , auaiii tant in tt eadein lwl . tS^'iiiilyii '.Mt l lliu Kloronce Fruach, . 0W"^iif i

y,^i?-'»r: Ilannah Hoilijc^, InU'ca iolklu |

' "''-'' Jl J ua VlJa ry Sayro, 3d piiiaw^i WU->' Itoura Mer rall . 'J d primi ry ; Uji*.; Whu 'iitymid Mii ui Ida Merrall , l»t pihiitxry- . W,IV Hand wan engaged nu J au lta * luinunthcr yrar. . ", '• •

Wil liam V. l'ajne , who rtoldaa OU AO, huit io ttvenu*. vihilo d!ii(jlu(j lu l-i.»c,.M^.CFji

ou Moud ny, uncurll iod' n eUwir Uvii'A,luontniu liig tlm follaiviinj h»>4M''#«" ^Ono xldiJ . enoi relhig Iho tuoab lii^M&Uu iff*viiic ivuvuiiliiii; labor , ar e tho inwntrt . "'A^ >'ehamlcij liiuilmle, Nuw -York ," and «> i^ ' klollwr, "I iiiOw-UiI ko in povf r r ," ' wldld 't iiUna emtio iu "Awarded to Wil!U<::>, KiVtio n iN, for » leading ui-onlm eu bf i»ti.Fi i ij ioiutln ij, October , HWR ." Wlit v iaiWt «¦ iMiiii Mtd buue l Aa it waa fo\imUw*« ?X-ii

¦w^iilt neu of Mr. Uaeru , Ww» ' ' jnutl W' jj iaiiiitiir , Ioii k iiineo diwaocd, 11' - w/ l,>r.'. ¦ ¦¦ ". - : • :. fvi- : '.i ¦¦:!::; ;¦'.? ¦ ., ' r. * ' "'" "" " * * '"

¦7 .. ; U|,yi»UHu( f , ' " 7 . ._ ( ' ¦¦• i ;i ¦.

' ' ' , ' ' ' ', ". *• : ' '¦

' .¦V- "/- ! j . .. '.' v * '- .' : ; . .' , ¦ . ¦ ' . ' ; ' ' ¦! ¦'¦, . " ¦ '", ¦ •. ' .

'> ' .

¦ ' '

; " ~——: ; ~~y~~~i

WV/'V 1 ' ^- -j y VJ £f \ -. uV'C ^VjThin cn'ertninlnont , vjhicJribca been in j

coaz.'so of pre73^rafc "c,*i for zczso iiiae r.rs.i, j

cay evening,. unu Sr/iiarila j fcsSi .tsj - an3ovoninj ,- 'ita v;i!l fcs ce-ffii.I>j :ft3vora w:raontia tbia pagov.-7In addit«K i'' 4o waat . -h anboba said of it, wo .vriU flay Oiat it is tobbTnn institution well worth y tho patron-ngb bf'lh's podpla, £3 no paina hayo beenspared to mnko iS, a utstJisEa. . 7 Acido f«omtho Bazaar proj ibr, .IJ icro i'Bro;. to-.y.ba,, twoplayo enaetoaVon.Q; or each evening-—thefirot being thb S'Tby Symphony," and theGecbnd tho "Smith: Family," thbro is, tobo & post office, nnd a phvco7 wboro . yoncan get your fortnue s told, thb CornetBand ia to discoufsp fine music ; nnd,throug h the kindness of Andre w J - Hop ci,of Hew-Tork, a brother of B. i1. Hope ofthia place, a Monkey Orchestra in to boexhibited. This orchestr a, which cost$1,000 in Paris , contains saven figures ,each playing a sermraC <i icatrnrcsnt ; thei f a ^ ^ ^ l ^lj ^;^^ };!!^^-^!!^.^^. plays1 t5S.i.M}ij- thb rabbit plays the dram , .'ote,oi:SS%^in?7elbcb ' wili' -bb : iiorth goingto eee:r tb say nothing of meeting yourfriends ; and seeing iho: great show offancy and useful articles which have beenin'conrse of preparation for some monthsjatat iy ,-.;:' ; ¦ ' " ' • .' . . "

. . . Take it as a whole, it may well bo andtbnt it will be & grand affair.

" Steamer "W. W. Colt... This etcamer, as will be "seen by heradvertisement , has somewhat altered herFourth of July programme. On accountof the many who wish to come by herThursda y^ night , she ia not to lay over atri p at New-York, as mentioned in ourlast, but will mako her regular trip from.New-York to thia pkipe on • Thursday ev-ening, arriving hero earl y Friday morn-ing. ' ; She will again Ioavo here ns soonon her freight is discharged Friday morn-ing, or nt 7 o'cloclr, and roach New-Yorku> time to start by 5 o'clock in the after-noon, or thereabouts , for Sag-Harbor andintermediate landings , arriving here earl yon the morning of the 4th. <

At 9 o'clock she will moke n 4th ofJuly exeurdon to Greenport , stopp ing atManbanset pier, and returning fromGreenport at 6:30 Tho Edwin BasePost Bond will accompany the excurs-ion. Fare for the - excursion 50 eta.This will afford an opportunity to allthose who wish to witness the horse trotat Greenport , where quite a contest ofof speed ol promine nt horses is to takeplace. ,On Monday next tbe Coil is to make an

excursiou to New-York , tickets for theround trip being bnt 81 SO. The bandwill also be on this tri p and enliven thaoccasion by some of its sweet music.

-: « m ¦ » »i• . Oalt Grovo Tront Ponds.

¦ This pleasant resort , now open for theseason, is ono of the prettiest little' gemsof n rural retreat that a person couldwell ask fori Made pleasant at first bynat ure, it has been greatl y improved up-on by its owner , and to that degree thatwhen those of an expressive, or explosivemind, enter it, the exclamation usuall y ie:"Ohi ' bow lovely." Dnrin /r the pastwinter and spring Mr. Thompson hasmade many improvements to the grounds ,havin g lighted , the bowling alley andgrounds, with the new "li ghtning lamps,"which ore said to be more brilliant thuugts, has built several more islands in histrou t ponds, has procured and set up thojaw bone ot the s largest of tho wholecaught last winter by tho Amagansottcrow, and which measures (tho jaw boneand not 'he crow) thirteen feet and fourinches. Besides this ha built a pier inPeconic Bay twliich we hav e before men-tioned ) southeast of Jessup's Neck, andopposi te tho Trout Ponds , whore sailiugparties can land and roach tho Ponds bya shady walk.

Our now adver tisements show thatTho Oak Grovo Trout Ponds aro openfor tho season , that A. W. Payna has aChampi bh Mower and Reaper for sale,that C. W. Payne U not to be undersoldin tho coal business, that James Fee bascowo nnd a boiler .for sale, that MaltbyIt. White offers a cottogo for solo, Mrs.S. A. Cook offers a residence , that thoyacht Gazelle, forme rly owned by Bar-tnau & Smith , has been purchased byJohn B. Philli ps, who will take out plea-sure parties , that William T. Grahambun biiuk for oalo, that thu yuelit Racerolfors her Borvicoa lo tho public , and thattfiot> ](l established Iiobjtcin drug houaoiasacu an addre ss to the people.

« m i * »¦

To an Outraged Community.lin. Enmro:—Inrofo ron oo to tho query

ia tba Correcior of Juno 27th, Vfo wouldua« to tho parson who frankly admits' •'Ttutt hik never expbbta to ruw abovo thoavera ge,"that Iio iu atill very far 6clov>tha average in common annuo , or entirelyiQUO.rant of corporation affair o. If tliofortAcr, nature hail dealt with him nn-fciiidly, and ho hiu) our sympathy ; if thoJailor , ho ulionld havo boon euro ho wasright holers going ahea d and throwingtha tilamo upon tlio trii eteos for tho out-ia/y<iM cflwaitlod at tho Lown Pdrly. "

For tho information ot tho publlo ne»-orally, wo would say t Tho truutoen arotit loviod 1,M0 dollars per year for villagepirrp oaiui, of whia'li nuin tlio g/u> larapatnka (100 dollitw, luavin ij QEO for titi), po-lta>, «nd conlingoii t oipeuaea. Tho po.lk:», appropriation in only UOO dolloio.Hoof ©ou "thu outraged nummuui ly" ox-pout ua lo keep a police patrol constantl y,or nt ti/isry publia feathering, with thettJ uvo nnia t V/o luvo lo ' ndv»M i«a: thet.:u)S,

'.i1.j/ om uclvia lo p-ay ior arrc- .lu undtoiupoitatlci u of ptisonora to Itivoihead ,Vuiiwii-s Oicr o is nothin g ia Iho hiiuuryUt tlui vj rinlit <if V.)a ptihM db ptutift cnt7 Wo' depirei'Jito ' tho Vxhit liiij dUta of

fU i liM itia iMeiury. £jid endeavorod nt tlionUiuu ul corporat ion ' fsji sat lu;?,- two yiairu»i;/<\ l«i hav vi ("li.fuirtKr ) tn!u :ii ; ti> , iticrt nuotlm fuuil foj ' j is.U'csi j ::i)iV'fei;a:l ( tiip reflolu-tiuu n ww iiu'leJ . iliwv .ky, fti b • imiuolpjl.tiroFyarty owtioiv, vtoii . in>t '. v/luii imf oirj•uaiwtiii cl tiitiilwis, Ici't Kir tudo tho l>«uiwa r»a ij i(}i t^' 'l;.i im\jb; ;''ftt ';.bue .dl o|«>hiiJ.InviwI nWy iLu jwivn!/> I wiioit it *. ' ucttai lojfdiy. . UiitH ii '; tb o ,' m<fnl> -yo u U>ry. . ' 'X. . thinkt ',My w<t\iit nil <inl»o/jod coinwunity "btilo»»ii P > »hi"i iilu. y ' ¦ ' ;. ' ¦ ' ' • '

. K Siiioila tliBvui wuia loAa iviillSi'; nnd wnvw(rwj wv yu u t** Hio ' touit <i! i>»r ' 'j ibi 'ily iIf ya ' f.i»l.'. ttic .ii . >'.lVir (a ' . |lii> urtnt a'.tr out."M«vi'i5>« ldhi.W«> ' 'd i» , w'nt 'pi'i ipoc* . l« have

'CM J iOAil'il Ui0j> fiiiMiiriilW , feint Iki kti' !..«dfiyVi »Myoi: )Miiip bf|!;iut |iilfc«)i>pa", 'with-<i't i t ' V« tiphuwlh ifti; uj . ' t|ii» eAUio .t.Umil\v>jic UU-iiCl ;» iiWi 'liiiaj i; cutt iftd ," oft thb< <ix.\,,t>ntJt< ' n t' tiuuM . ' uhii ¦ nwu '., , tuo' iiri "/iia rt ,y

llUC lFF ^ . t F l i ,! mV^J . . f.H ^,,,,,^ !*.—^ ¦ F.-.F .F W.^'.

|. . . :;7 y; y '.lii ,:;; ' ¦;"; ' •} ,J ' . " :

: " ': ' ,: '" '. ' ', ¦ ¦ ':¦ - , ¦:¦ •

¦ :3!i3 Great7Basna». -7: . ' ing condu cted : .ra cisofflfuffy^»t*oat .^basiistonco ol "only one,". and convomaaleM'.bstci-s ero not compeHou to liston-tosr > a cn«f nzinr v ioiea. , _„ (

li H;::j with tho public to n^M ce

,-^- ;logo ti-di&i and orderl y, or nj bvc-vc-aend reproach. Wo ever will e-jswtj totho best of our ability.

Tee XasirrEM. ' .

%b. Enreon :—Befor e your nsxt fcsuo,"The Glorious Four th " wUl hava booncelebrated with the usual accompanimentof "tinwaro ncd sheet iron , fireworksnnd firo-wator , and tho town piuntod jretl—"pure zinc"—after tho good^M . i:|calvion. ' '.,7!V"'r'- ' -"r :'»-A"£:' ',' ¦' Earl y in tho moraing willy^eoo^jJBcustodian of tho village cplo^teBfewOShis way to the " liberty polo -7; witU^thonational colors tightly clasped .to lxmmanly boflom With much enth nsiMm,und a mutte red reference to; ,GaneralJackson , tbe flag of our (at pr esent Dam-o'crati c) country will be flung to thebreeze, the afores aid custodian ¦ havingmeanwhile , removed his .white diopt,which wiU bo held by the ever , presentsmall bov. Solutes from " The ^Fort ,"and sarroundi ng fortific ations , will Iheabo in order. ,-;- . . '., ¦'-v>

By tbia tim&ihB boat will be in night,nnd patriotism immediately give ptooa totho greed of patro nage , whiotrwill causetha Goddess to exclaim, "' By grief,...Mewo chastened 1" After this will come theusual "dust and gmudder. " The -wholeto conclud e with the Bazaar at MasonicHall, where tho ladies have prepared enattract ive display ol useful and fancy ar-ticles ; novelties in the way. of amuso-m'ents, and ice-crea m and retteahaentsin profusion . ¦ , « ' •; - x

About the time the band begins toplay inside tbe Hall," will commence thenana ] eaturnalian performance by thehoodlums outside. The village consta-bles, Cleav-ing to the Wood-en headedpolicy in vogue, will bo seen in frequentconsultation , and infr equent . abortivestrugg les with the crowd. Meanwhilethe riot will go on, with occasional vol-leys of missiles and now and then a cry offire.

We can see no reason why wo shouldnot have a prett y lively day.

Village lmprovements Heofiod .Curbs to all sidewalks. .More stone crossings.Street signs at crossings of all streets ,

either placed on the comers of buildings,or put on tho street lamps.

An increase of street lamps. .. All lamps to be lighted nightly, wheth-

er the moon shines or not.A public dock, owned by the town.A first class fire engine.Streets cut throug h to tho Bay and

Cove wherever practible , or possible.S. B.

Sag-Harbor , L. I., May 29, 1884. -—u**~*-*—^

¦Victorious Baking Powder. ;Tho United Stales Indian Commbeioc has

awarded to Messrs. Martin KaltificiAch'a 8onsthe baling powder contrac t, tlierab y recognisingthe purity of thei r Wheat Baking Powder.- Bak-ing powdera containing alum or cthbr dalowrioaflsnb>ti inci?3 were rejected . Tho-'Whoat Batins;Powder was recently awarde d the GOLD iutuAj * ¦

at the New Or leans International Exposition.?—JV. Y. Hun , Juno l«h, 1885.

In order to aocommo dataSTEAMER tra velers to Orient , Greenport ,

Shelter Island , .Bontlsoia . andSag-Harbor , steamer 3frunaxs

FKAK CKS. will loam Now-Tork Thursday;Jul y 8 and July . 8—returningfrom SoR-Har oor, Frida y J olr.

S l ' K V l A L i J II , ebout O x . v. flho »II1 omither trip from Wow-York Satur -

* day, July 4th. ' - ,

Hrnnir Samiest, dealer in solid and plalod laT-rer wore , gold and nilvor watohos , ate., will can-vass Son-Harbor and vicinity next week, and willbo at tho Nlhmii Houne, whoro parties oan sooand examiuo samp les In tho evani Df/; v . 41tf

"I hare no appetite ," complain many sufferersHood 's Sarsaparilta gives an appetite and onablsstho stomach to perform lis duty.

Baiioict is agmil for Suffolk Counly, for thoCliicnKO Cottage Organ. 41tf

* » .» .—.¦' . . . -

SmorjiT dills every kind of spectacles and eyoglasaes. , i l t t

Pianon and Organn f.oIc on easy tarms. - ForInformation nddrefiR H. H&rgont , Qzaenport ,^. I.

SiKliliilSiij¦.& ndw.' OnBJnr. 'cm' -f.'nsTirsvaWa cS ilffht' ft'l2j !6

. S^^'?r- - .^a tl.,%y. .-¦ . ." ¦"" r 'L "*'cin2

' '. ' JJ i f ^ T i' - . Q A 'If "tri r

:; Two tfowe, ofeb toot ys'ars' old tritfi a ealf, thoofior dtjht ya w: oU-r-will. ooab In bx a tmtdays, Apply to .'. . ,: : '. '}•:. •¦'. . . : ¦:, ¦' ¦. . . .. ::; ¦; -¦ ¦. ¦ , .";; .:rfAiEsa 'SEE, :-• " ¦ ' , :., ¦• ¦

:. ¦. .- . ;;¦;:¦¦' . . .At.Jcdso Day'o Horfh Hnvoa. ¦' •

tv.:;;]Wliit©.'7.Giob.ds''!: '• ;?ozlaaics 'end CaSlarca 'a Dresccs.• • ".A kiBo as-Rrtmont of beautiful pattoa is frota C to 24 centsa;yart. ' .¦ • . ' " ¦, ' ¦ :". ¦ :i . --'- : r : • • "- ¦.' . . , ;-;.. - .- ¦ : - .. -:yf. ¦< ¦¦¦- ¦¦¦/: -v-v ¦;:iaEO.:B.' Bno'wii;&.SOHi?,

;;:y^:;BSMi. :, :: Uib onbeorfbor offers for aaJisi a small OottagocoBtalnglO rooa is, ^e iusWbf laad with frnl tend ornma antal fatea. ¦ :gr i<a C8.Z6a

: • : ' ¦ - .SIA1/IBY B.^VEITE.Brid s»Hamptoa ,:3ylyy-teaa¦:- :, , . -. .'.¦' ¦¦¦

' Tho' ireuliSonoo formeri ly ownoid7'ljuiol- ooebplodby tho lau Samncl .aiyOoofc/Inanir o of theSMontdx ,'" ' •' " ¦ . - ' ¦ ' ¦•' ¦•'.'-

¦•¦.. .-, . ' - ¦¦ •¦ :¦

' : : imB.;B.A.cdoK,: • '. . ¦ •_ ¦: ' .. ,¦: ¦¦" ' i y. J tWdgo-H^pton, li. L

^&g-Harl)or;^OT BaniJ, ¦7 Ban-Horbor, H.X'. Juno 28,1886.7

DopodU iaado in lili Bank NOW, and untilJnlr loth, 388«,rwin. drew icteresl from Julylst, 1888.: - -•: > ¦; :-: :• . '- . . ;• '

': . - ; . H. P. HEDGES, Wesident .Wnj jtB Iipwar , aeaaaror . .' •

' ; ] ;Mx)v^^:s^ a^^';'For E»lo, and Honteo to lot on tarocsbla ' Wnas.Tjouui obtained on good seonritlee. Insurance ,and nacoaaes to and from Europe at lowest rates.Seats and other collections mad«. 'Board se-onrod at Betels and private booses. : : '

JJOHH BBErUHr V4Btf Beal Estate Agent s

GOAL.Tha undersigned have opened a coal yard and

will keap on hand tho bast qnalily if white ashand red tub coaL at reasonable prices.

WAD2 & EDWAEB8.Enaan Winn, Jonu W. Ept ruos.

,'lf .,ToTa.' .Wa# ' ¦Self BuiBlna Boston Bnnrn Broad Flonr, only12. cents per package , caU on -

. SMITH BEOTHEBS.Sag-Harbor , Jons 10, iS83. - :

;' ¦ . y /y:m.:8is5is :^ ¦'-.. '

JW^ :;™i£QIT5 •CAPT. , GEQ,70j GIBBS,

Will leavi New-Tork ThttridiiT , Jnlr Zd, as nso--al, arriving at Sag-Harbor Eriday morning, JulySd. E«tOOTln s,-ari!lI«:T<i.8ag-Ha rhorHt 7i- X.Mda y, for KewTork , arrivin g In timo to leavefor Sag-Harbor about 3, o'clock V. vl. .liifiilWiU make as Exeunlan on July <tb, no follow!:Iieare Sag-Harbor at D int., CO trouod BhelicrItlaniS, atop &t Ueohansat dwjk a*i<3 Grccspart ,and leave GrMo port on return at C P. H. "ifercifor tbo Bxcnjslon»eta, . y

^ ePost Ba^witt eecoaipiijiy the Exclusion. •

. Pat ttea frbm Greenpo rt and Shelter .Island,vishtng to tak * a sail around the Island,,can doso by tak ina tbo Colt on her regolar trip frcimKow-Vork in the morning, at excursion rates ;-

Excursion to New-York.Tb» Oo'.i. -will make on excursion to Nav-York

on liONDAY, July 0th; tho Band accompanyingtho ezcur t Ion. ' Tickets for tha round trip $1.00

GE0BGE O. GIBBB,For Mont auk Sfwunbont Oo.rapifi

liiMi!;STHAMEB '


TO WATOH HILL,Betnrnlng throu gh Fiahars ' Itlacd Bound. '

Xa<iav» Bag-Harbor at 8 a. «. landing at Honlholil, i'roiijKiot, Uanliansot , GKcnpert and Orient


FAKE $). . . ' blNHEB 80 OTfl.

6 per cont. off. #InUudln g a nsmoru l of ray Cool Yard lo tho

water front , and * lulling to reduo * my stock ofooal, I irlll on andatl ur July 1st , and daring tliooonllnunnOF ) of this uetloo, giro A discount, of(ft) five ji«» cent, for oaah on all oool aold at thoMff«,« yard or vease. rata *.

-^BsriiU»tbor, June 35, 1B9S. . ., p . Kit

riaipiMii i"Ths und6inl gnsd luu the axclosive agency for

ilia £ast End t>tXoag lalaod tor tli» rila ot tbeBiooltlw and' Cllept ii lawn Uoweta , ar4wlllsell »t w»» Iba'u llol puloa for ouna.

.. u»v wuon. • - - ¦ * i mi riiait , - ¦

EzclMoiVlt (nou otit, Kxaclslay; It Inch cut ,917,00. ^i»,oa

' OUppcr, 1* Inch , out, - Clipper, 1« Inch tout," fJ lB OO.. :¦' ¦:• 011.00. -E»ery Ma iiblns guara tilocd to work well or

money refunded. ¦ _ [ ¦ ' • ' . ' ¦ ¦_±HK VBKKOn.

fflE Pffill• ._

': ' - . ¦'- " .; ' ; ' . ¦"/ . " -r-ANlO— ..' ' y ;;7; - ' ; ;

llio J u rjiiwl nloclt la town am bo lonnii at

(TABOR'S.I^ut fSoMfi SilwPaina'

Vtiy Ciitip

'v/h w low OhottanOJ n» u* 1 J , i ' V" 1 "1 »« ' > "- < H« lh

out M.\ i. >y io J nt up

I, ' IL Ut '<1 £ Ll>uitu. 1V< >y r , 1 %) t I 4> f W I r

jy iOiUll iV ' Ifl 'l i V DK JKVJifiil ' J O I I J a lJ n I I t fy s"1 i t l o l o s

Bft|»y tfW * iMi«si » Wajij -

^ i l *

Ht j ', i U X I H M.1 i« 1 a

, ri ' iti t. i t t- J W » J J" 4> \'o la«o( I t ; i l l I I < l l

i * n ii\ (HI, 'j , u t mi

/ |l)l j » 'I 1 ' 1 * 1 'U I | I u ' > 1«l i

\ " " ' ' ' > / I, *ll, (

i. MMr Wim fM^'7 &ft^S3«jy %S7€I allispgt'e&iipsyi

¦ c-ill tk soiaTe£iiAX£!ii.iiiSi aj •. .7 ; ¦¦¦¦:¦ ¦ ¦"¦t . -T". -, -'-' • ¦¦. • - " ' -¦ •> :• ¦ : - : • • ¦¦..'¦¦¦OEO.a:BEOTO T &-S«m ': 'GJ jA&s . fe. f^^.-j- .y. y y ' , 7 r ' ¦¦;¦¦ ; 7. ; ' ; y ,.'¦¦ ¦

< ¦'v^;;7 ;yy l£.\' l^M^M:^

'^' . .

,.':; 7 7"yA FTOU'IdBE '6i? i:.. ; ':.y- ?: '[ .

¦ '; V v 7^BINAm6N> FUmAj OEi^ :

. ', v7

;:- .S ; '"'"¦; ". ; ,7- - V -7' '¦'.'¦'/.". h« L'vorsma,Bagjaarbor, SepOISfl, -188*.;: . •

.:;:;':R, ;'£*8.«a^i^. ^ -":- .'¦'¦:

J^iii^s^'Pain ^g^:If jf crarhcraso naodsjpaintlng um the EtNG

TIHXED. PAIHTB,-which ar s not patent papm.aUons raado to put on the market , end ' soil byextetmve edvarttsing. 'until their worthlossaeeaiaconsedsd, then to: bo witidrsTO and :ctaJiodagain.under .a now nume.. These Seixxta. arsmade of pare Iiead nnd Zlco, mliod ciUs IincoedOil, -oiUi the iliflerent eliadea ttoron glirf tadxedin ot grindiiyr the wiolo together. ', -Tbere has toUiIng ^etybeosi. dtewv ^ed-.tintsah ts&a'the pbcii of , tas above ccmbination, oretjral it fra coonoay and daroballty , and theonly :' tosaon 'why : ibs'/nuajtat7- ia floodsd 'jeriUtvrarthtea Pottnt Painta end Patent (tedloineatt nj Sbobocau catba publloUl ietobobambu sEool,WgHmtaA istisfsaaon iBiai it* KWG- TINTEDPAWlSrfiav s .tostea- them/sa y.tha jpsst threeyeasiij bofostiondotriE J tfej ia. Wa give trie fol- '

etetsOCTjsafc ia.af ft.pr eSjoal painteri .Hauhotia inat? vrbit jou want better than e oar-peater ,' nMlson," <ir edtml^r store- keeper, ami ifae deceives yd»Es oaaast tdead isnoanoe ason exocas tor «a doing. . - ¦'y - A 'rVffl Uaa ;o*>. - :;'- -' : ' .:'>' - :i." :- ' '' ' '¦ ' ¦•: : '¦ ' : :- ' ¦':: :

.' X , ' 7; ' .; '/ ' 7 .-.;: .:.7 . -y. 7l ; Oonrian ^'on hand. . \Pmic ^stteiiUoa ialdtoHOIJSEPAINTI Ha

(u»l ii)leifordeaiBdlng. '> y. 'yMaUrlaU tad wirkmi m^p first elaai. Ordars

for -Oa iTliEe end filgn Paint ina atimaed to.Lowest rxSJdbl a. pricea iooasistent'witb . goodwork. MO Baaa oiutci iooj^r^^liotto. .-7 ,'; ;W,ffi.^.;I5i^e3is^v;:;''i^7;:;y:-

77.vi . -^ ySAO^HABB0li.5r 7;7 .':7.-^7- .y./

Do Wot Iforget to GaJlM¦

• y'C- >¦'•' '¦'" -yEOByTOTO V :¦) ¦: •¦ ¦': :J ^: ' ' :-y7 :GSQOpiBS; & ;HA|tl)f!|®l;tMi^ydawfli flnd a fnll litscf Eteplo and Fan- -oy .Groceries , Flour , Buckwheat, Corn meal, Bot-t ,'l£^'-;Onoeae,'' ; Sugar s 'ana "-Byrup3;:. :feriecl :ana Oamud Fruits , oannsd Meat , Fish, nnd Vege-tables. Coffee, Teas and SpLoa, HaMn g Pow-ders and Sea Foam A large variety of soaps.Household Ammonia, WaaHoffPswdR tt, fjelsxlaAll sttiebui usuall y found in a grocery atom, anto bo found here and warranted to iff good or notale.

Aba » well ataorted steofc atHardware. Tools, Cutlery ami

Sportsmen' JtmmauitlonOf all Idnds. Should anything be wanted not instock; will order It at abort notice and at aa reas-onable prioos as anyone And

MISS EMMA L. DAVISwill furnish yon with .Stap ta and Fancy DryGoods, saeb an Fleiuula, Mualla and Print *, etc.

I/adieu', Gents ' end Children 's furnl sbing goodaend the raany little artic les necessary In familyuse , also mater ial for fancy needlework and em-broidery,

Stomping to otto » Specialty.


At the store ofofeo. is. Bataot1 & s«pns.ROBEET 0. COOPER , "

Boot mid Shoe Makei^AND DEAMCi t Ilf

AtEATHEEand rillBINaa,lltdUou f l Uf comar V*Aaut 0a(f Hutfctw, H. Tt*

WALL PAPERQ. f t COOrE fi, bir/n jj r a%UU or/lUlgeininbi

with a large maiiufat larer, la ncir prapar id toexhibit by wuupl toi new an I eleg«iti slybc wllbbordotlu g to caateb, at gr&ttly raduced prices.

flag Ptirn et at Sa ctau Knumili a)sr£ii& «u stj >„tO//4t!io» ffldUl e»*a( Uavnuw Own/yfiiau d nlburtUfors. lUs»it ut Mtt S.

TiBiiiiiftimU Q>t W*w lifjurl oir aoailH wiMivoiU

J iiVar yir rcakCjy *OKO. p. PBOWHf H «a3>N.yw.1 nwmrmmtttOM 6u» Of ttil> <lt"W| [[ItdUlj isf itoliniilj

A Cfi)mplojt ,&(3i>uj |«lfllo Mttiiimi,Vpea tle^ij, OaSo, Wiuit, ntrAVA 'iW k, «n I

fc<l«» 'oltla rviwevti Is ilin[,!jr Clia Iiu4 ef lMVavtliUMi*, Qm* J fIhI Moll M li, imd rvtA tinfat'ilyiils nnd I mil no^iIaU 1/er ital4 l>i/

U CUUA. illr/O, Ut tluktut t. J,& '«M> TO. VI. WUO, W) 0<l Urt M&, i<, 1,

"sBSBrSomTUc iii> liu'bi J Jjl h in 4 re 'cl!<|i}lli*tMniuin(

u-i-iit tt J'Tu. ! .1 Jiiu l.'ui l i f i la Vfcrf lnn, /<»¦»«.Oiiicj , ! iL ^ , I, , J, i' l' l ,.' ill i t" i, 1, ' I,<lt llsiA. l' > f i, Ac 0(t l< J . lil f , ii>< H i , iieK>i , i. i > ' , ^.ii f i r i IM > i • ' '» — tun ' 'A (, n l « Ui i »,U i^<J i.Ji "

«J Vt. f 'IliV t i l 111 'I'l l 10

B/M l ^UTlfiD Wd' i- W-, AVl»i- j

VJi V i} UiWM l M ,I U it / fl i' i i l I >i i ' <

» ( i v I f t - t , ll *to t i ' i 1•H r , , i- h U WI J > l \ I JWi i t i l lj l \\ •.!¦ t t u

\.ll l I . I J. 1 *J I . J l I , t I\ a i 4

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1 I <i a. j, i a • I u tF


eint& so.'iwfcVesaKas ^ ¦¦ ¦;-103. £!i..v ¦¦;¦:¦,:;' •> ' '

¦. •; ;,.r - .. -::r ^y -"

'" ff C .::,.. , ¦ ':

.. .¦ Alra' n fcoti.w use! lct.co i&Si£on'Efc--i:'-j'iil,-~-.y; :. '' -- -' . ;-

oi^miabca: -y 'm ie^-'' b-- dno^a.'a5r.ft*' :V:f:-;:" -' -- .'.Oa a lolt l!a &y.l82.fiwst. ' '-: : *'.'¦- ;. '-. • '¦' " .:)~:v? -:j; ¦•; ¦¦:: ¦:-¦; - 'H\

fnTO .iiitii ^irt Ssatao .Hail^vBriaga auabiit^SA, ^^oonlalning US aereSof elan a -land,' fei BSiiJyJ :ff- ^etat o o|culUiratio n.;,.;On'iaia f£rci ta a; ¦SYii&^-i SSsSctmmo .dwelUng in E««l;jrepatr , -^riloub^.:b^;V:?:v.v!.- ¦:

oem houB^iragpn.bon ne, '.end' otStr ^bciiiasiMi ^''-'^ :'"^*.'elso B.flnscroliani .- . . -. ;¦ -.'• .•;•-,'' ¦:.;. - / ¦; ¦ ¦<•. ¦¦-..; - ¦-¦&¦&.?(.» •,"¦':¦:.'-:<•¦ ;;¦-.¦:>¦

^tone>:f^.fto-vUIa8e'aija .Oe^-»ia ':r»iBli^ni^wadtoiJ ie^ocaais-'vii&.hou ai^ -' csteVk^^r 'Vother ,outbufldlu thoreqti; and well-«oV.p>ei-,&if:Ti-^iSil'5A summor.rajldenes dpfot farm&« piii«c«i'a.'

1-:" -:':i-"- % J Wi ^,yAlso f«.ira fc etIMd s*Hwcii^fcfarnto ^thrcruRl wutt M Ux

¦.U^tbj m& ^ f iW'iiontbufl ttofc tad twerfy.i M^

Jolnin&y yFive minutes walkiidia 'iho'iieanE^-M * 'V^J;BUiablaror .B bats .or carrl ago lKmaei .:-> .¦?,% ;'i ^.fiO'^V' fr;

'V-" •7;'77?7 TOB7'SAte dByTa,T^i^%3/;^;-;• Tho hiiuiia and: aibro .oa '•' Hala'- areo ^'Jtae^-'"r 'V.rV ?'

.oc«gplo4Jbj^. F^Tooki t:; For. r^ticu ^'ses-^'K?^¦

yy: ' :¦• j '/i, "j ^'ii^^i^y^^i^'¦ ¦ A lease, on Main 'afe reet; VEaot -Buii^t<^f&-^:i-y;&:>:tainlsg fourteen rooms, all fiiralahrd—excepting : .'Av' . v-%bad and labiallnen -.yPossoMloaa»« ne«. •"::-- ('; ¦¦ 77% ~i-;i-''^• . Btablo rooiii; ^ for fonrho sSs,' and 'wwieae' isnura -'s' i^-^.v";one esroqf ground attached. " :-r ': - -v ¦ ¦•'¦' ''.'¦ '• ¦;•-:::i" ¦'i''¦•*r:•'i' "/•,7^'¦

,'' Hearer tlia:Pbat 'Qfto «nd'TOMs' tl^'» 'rf ! ^V^

etix otoain .tho tpwn now fbr ,r<snt. y'yyV '£ '*: '£¦& '&*•&',.- ¦" Inqnlr e.oh the pHsmliSseiyor at 'olBcB <3l7itilji\ '•'¦ tM-rAWV&t 7'. 7v :v't;;.Sy..:: 7^;^;y7^7y -,• • ' -v^J ilMr ^JS^

. ,210351 ^

7 • :;_ "- ;>7, 'SB^0t ^^^ 0 §§.talizingT'y :. Ei^ ji^oi^^J: ": ^^' FOB CHBONiq ;mMa®^^'{- |

':¦ - •>. BOOTKAlffiPTOii*vS, j ti 'r ' ^'f iM(Oottaga of H. M. ; Bishop, M. I).7 ' 'K; 6

:.'-:idicii: ¦ -1 ; - .0^i

v.^-ry . ... . . . . . : , Sox iyyy .. :yYyy >y :y - y.yy^SS:' v^nti d oxrwn ^ivi^iii'U' i^v^WMW¦ raont s, JDiet, . . Mnssn gre,, 7 ¦S4egnot~'J??rsSjJg¦: . ¦ ism, Electricity, y'l poiv'^'fly-y::: 1- :-: ^ ,

aropatUicSnlpirar tsad So- ¦ ..-. ¦.¦.¦;ivAc"33S5s£¦ y :^,yyyy :^

i^?^ :&yiy;f y $l ^SThe '.Combined yTrlwtnatio 7Hbt Air i^y^sl^py. ^y.yspot. Bath / ania'Gefteral and-. '-v^'^J ^/ ;: '7.:iy-7. v^SpecaBr 'Hjraien&' y ¦ -7- ':;':i?a*S%|isi'¦ ~ - \ : ' y. -S' v ~ - ' y r ' "V " -- : .'.*'r -.>.y- -. :¦ ¦" ., -.¦(# :: '&*&*&¦$&

y Ko Boisons I ;/.,* So. V ^l icOiti^l^^M^&M'" ' •- .. ¦. ' • . ¦¦¦ ¦"•• - -¦ ;- ' . '. ." ' '-¦ .:" ' .' '¦' 'i Ci'i 'ii: 'Sii^t}^iSi-¥i.-: . Jiay be found Inji enioa oyliy la t&fflMft to fg&gmgar, or telogrero otTois office- in • CrowS WI^^jiiffil^i^^sSMala BLj.E& g-Harbor , from Wednes to-'S®i^&s%^gfBrfday norocf each week.". ¦< ¦ '.¦- ' : V*&£:&$^&^Sswai: '. 'lB-.eood:GtouBa '":ir^d<inc*.:a£-]^|S^gffiKSTbflsapeon) every:M6ndsy. - .¦

¦¦:-. \ir j 'Mc ^M&^&ge; At &>m»(8ou«iaitipton» frorn 'McSsMaigM^SiMs

to Wstoesday noon, and feoro FrfdaSa ^s^afca^BS®to Mbaa ayinoining.- :y?.y . 7-*,S<#K^ ^ Sftt|7';Ps« '«ioe uny;.4TOte4^J^f^ ^^ g7 Tha fcUowing are socae cf 't!W-'W8^y'if^3^|||j |t |p|lgg«?rf n3y. .Ixettel, ¦ . wtfa- ,n9;' y«pc|g^g^p&% -^5iaS°!troubio sa, viz t < -Oonsampu ^:;Cdt£K£w^5^SgSSpatioij, Bronchitis, Dyspepsia,- -Hi^^fey&IJ S'ffigjaSndgia.-.33ieuniatli3n , .Ute^^>*!r311addeii ^ ^ ;?^M^rijay dlff^l"lftFT, ¦: V^'W ' ^f r 'Apraffti foV "'^l ^ ife^ ^ ffl' j^jf^ jHewofpaaasa &&,' 4a'W;ijv^if- i '-'7*?|-^^ i#|IS*:y-'S bwse«.thai Kal rt''j ad |ijai(i31ela<Jen''^yy .OojireiipMidenoo.in Vilie^-vtoe^^

Oaai iges for treatment modoiHte. j a^ti'P |t l* Si, ,—- ^4FROM THE - r . \

ASTOR ^ HOUSE*. * ,^I M i*,imv-iroBK oimr, • f yPronclii Systematical Hal*"0<**>\ ' >%

ting and Shaving Saloon. s» *¦ j v j Ji ' « "\f'It* proprietor has worLod in the I trg wJjEv-, .. , v.S;

tola ot Kew York city, and In the largest oitU n» v ^Europe, and unders tands Hair OntUn g ifi i,0ilt> *. - y

dlffero atf r tylos. -, ,"If you wish an easy shave," -. < " 4 '

An good as any barbu ever gave, j , ' •"Jnot oallon nie &t ciy iialocii, - , / .Elomlng, evonlug, And afterceon. y >I fix and drew tlio hair wltlr flnwfy . ' ' ,To ault Ui» oontoui ot th» t«e», < j , '" iJly room is neat and towclielssii, / ,Bfy sclsson sharp, lay nUtouJIWert. 7" \ ,Acd all that art sndMl e±n d», ' '

j If you'll call, m do tat yon, :. "<AU ttob^t, kinds of bliaulM fcdaps, U.-,6 b«ut > '

l Uah O^d0av9lt«zcnJ Ue<^IUUU«tUrr/p j,'$u i (fumory of all kinds, tha bent Oialllan ivbavr .poociricj Lotion for oleamlug «lw Lsiir, odl)' /,i)eont« B l>otU#. E»my famUy t)ii3uJ 41unni eu5. t /Fsyofii $olm ©aWSorj , i

MUott BniWSniK,8yl BAa nABBOM. /J . Y. ' , ' /

_, Ocwei; HIAta txA Bftl Htr«i)o,

Bag'-THaaybor*' %*+ <X*- VmVE MB'ft '

OeJut *' Clottlaff. Otomlaos .. li.lOt **)flblrtu . , is JOrawmtfl ,',. .Wiq iAWilifuFj tli eoUr... AH «?oLWl» ,t .,.a«F M * fi> -OoIUm ,. .,,. ..a, 9 Oiii-rt to.. ,.,, ,„, , , - U) 'Ciff*. ]) Qitdar UoilUal. ,in t«»lWnJw Bbtts tt \Vb.tle W«,«J», *tt t<i im iUra VitU ,t ..< , ... 8 ltnJ i> ,i .. , . t > .. , ttNl^villtot rt a .. i .... JO Kxfio ,,. ., „ Qtf i MHoau ,.„ ,i 0 ttoi liiH, ,.,..,p£ Vi f* , {Ufliiilto r»Wi )f«,I5to lo ijaA «5ha,l»W|wafcF ^1UA 1UM. , < . " . « BCiwU,.. v , , i ,o tota lX**V 'v i..» * "" ' 2? P'"** CllJM-a ' • °'« w , iJ *"J* I JT " '' ,i*"5J * *t« «.i W tM t > 14 ! (l ,OiHilai Wn«i> , «/i„ M f ttuunttt iM ^au H O t t v l

Xiurt toi' AVJCin-Wl. Aowito ,. ,.k , .. .& 0» ,fWltw^ 1 ,, ., I IJ tjj Iq UcMe4 t » .... , K - '(Ib M* - . ,1U01,W 'l\iUl«irttJ ^ a -W fii W(M' lv, lN«ls|l»l , , i<S kjo iH/t iVil s.i «»«? )*Oaltw* x>nwi»i |!iUo« itlf iiUn !r > t I M i « t ?" *•Jl ' ijq Sfnm I lift to i iii tM X ^M. .,7a) td t «I0 /ift/j M »<i«J (f..„llfi i> Ut », . UilU 7 ., .I 'Jl -da ) v >

j. I f / wn Ui iUl i Ul br l libIDiy WJlU ff lUlll llUW t l < ll(a ( IOoodii td'tiiii/j if *ii>t dull .-h / i i

Fdlidrtfu.WltCtAt, XL"*\m knuiln Kl M mi t \*f 1 11 ( i,

t t >a *r iiH a iH^li|»H' i i 1 / "X t i U l Ulit m lulMf i/iihWciii1. Wi , 'UM t

Won u), i Wrlm r ii «iA, t jilbi m* iii iw Z i J j 11uiM Mf WAA i-fte Ai- <j iv X*' , i bt 1 i t Sji ,O^rt iil mi it i^W

^ J fils H ,/ ' " < i - i ? ) m , />IMtiA U Ifil lnViKitJl ' tW ' lin ( . 1 j 1' i»out «i if> {.;/ il el fjiiu j jit m i l s4it rvnwi qm nycitif <Ji ilj wv , i < <

- H UM) 'J m V

Hill (I I l(f l> , y| I1 II ,, 1

I llli II "

,1 t* . I ' ' IM M , l'»'l

» « i '\ • , 1 1 1 1 I I «

f > / W. ,I ' I , r'

» * ' ,» ' ¦ I

f ^i

I I i

I i

"i J " J

s;iilllllllflplllpl¦ "IH .i l'Sl'^V"^ - . .ti.iri in '. i SXi i H i - :

Offers to tho .pcppl3-c£.Sagraat.b??,7aB&^ : pt«qk ',oi

. . ' To be found oh lisl^t'Eridi'wiucb.'ho i ;' :; He has jnnt ywcaiyed aa invbica o^''';77 y'^ :-7y '^*7^yv :- 7^.'

• " And guardntees to sell at lower figtirea that! can te 'piirciia^d/elae!^|i$re.;.' Give him a cailand tm^y youraeif thht h& ^

Men's, Jf oyitf i&ii 'YovL^^Safes , Caps and Bhim^i pds.By Belling goods nt the lowest pccaiblo prices 5t^g thO;p4Ei threo monUm,

and givinp; buyers epamej bargnina in many Un^a,ywe We closed out a liirge'partof onr former stock, : • . ":;: . . . : . . / < 7 ,7' . ' . - ' 7- -' ¦-: .

This we havo replaced with sew and, cleairftb '.e pflSteEnavbongSli for cash, andDoleetod with care, and can safely Bay that no one in the trade can excel ns for !variet y of stylos, and vjo tocw we can not be nndsncld. .

it pffifiS is iocliiWF&R. J . S. THOMAS *'

sxea&ss©® &arsi»s^The beat remedy for Corns, Bunions, Ingrowing Kails, Chilblains Frost Bit-tja,

Rhe.umatinm, Nenrnlgio, Headache, &reohe, TooUiachej Soro Throat,'Colda, Croup, Cuta, Bruisca, Swollirtga, Sprains, Lairjoncsa, Bums,

Chapped Lips and Handn, Festers, Punplea, Sanbnrna, Bites,Flcah Wounds, ote, Ifc is n


. :o:o3r£»o3, tsuoos', Cattle, OEJ'fco,Ho one who Una <**r used It thinks of bolus without It, : Uasofactnred otJ / lif Dr. J, O. Ttiom-as, at aijj.llail jor, W. Y. . Bold by Dr»o;jljt«, Merebant ii, and l>y«lia«iiio?i/

iMtf tt) Bleo, Orv- . Med!am0 KO cento. Trlnl nice* 25 ctmta.

¦¦' ..¦'{¦/:'¦''-W .:" ¦' *'";¦• ,7'" -

,:;PyiAiriWRS-.IN.7 ;u\'- ¦:."^ :%;j ;r:>;; :s;: ;y;.

. :;7 /&rEFf c :: G&$^^/ ' •¦ ' ¦• ;•;' .; ¦vnT'jrav ^yPQMaiis^Canned Com; Peas, Succota ab, String Beans, Lima Bearis, Baked Beans, As-

paragns, Tomatoes, Apples, Peacbe ^Quirii ^,Psnea pplMi BlacS Berries ,.Blneberries, Qooseberriea, Pum pkin, Cherries , F^oiu 'Coda W^al^ .*:? -"». "- . '

: Soups Plain Pudding i^Bboit Beef; CornB B^Cm^ea^T^

; y : ..;' ' ;key,: Lbb ster /Salmon, && Over twcnl^v^eti©ofRdK- , a -

- les. l>riedCherries ,Apples,Peaches, Pliimsffla^BlA^JBeines.:, : 7 "Orariges , Lemons, Figs, Prnnells and Nufi, Piokled.Salmon,;P{6l^cd[". ;i

Herring, Pickled Larnba 'Tongues and Oysters. 7 ^ Ferns ' Earri si Jhoiildr 'era and Bacon, whole or sliced. JUopey, Jell le Capers, ' OU^e^

7SaiJce^7 Cat-sup, Olive Oil, Salad Dressing, Cume Powder, &c. A fall, llne of Aia-y

mmiition , Flauchmann 's" Coxnpnc aaed Yeast.. Alnd ' a7 fine Una .ol~ '*¦ ¦¦FLOUR, TEAS, COFFEES ,HPICES, &&, &c; y y; :7V

CliiiM B. Smith. :'' ':;Bi]j^;^'&Dii;

"'• Ascnta fop Stefsa Island Dye;WwIii|. . .. .'-'• . . . - - / - - ' - ¦ - -," • " ' ' * • ; - y-i. " '.'".¦, ". -:. ' ') '•. "- ' * ; , .. ' i "- " . - .» . '

.,„ , ,. i . - i -— ¦ F.a.MaB.i«aM.Htu .»a^.. ...u... ¦ , i1 .a.^ .iwr <J! a» ijmMW— *•< m&W1*» m u1 *x»II M r <^<JiiMi ^MJia '-f . . i< !JULW mS!r!»


Of Middletown, Oomi., ,U WUX BE IH

.;¦. . WiA&mmm&B,,


FIRST THURSDAY,And until 12 o'clock Friday, of each month, commonoinf) M»y 7,1885.,

BS"DR. SWEET'S LINATWENT AND SALVE can t>o procured of i&.Homan ot any timo.^SI

The Yacht Baoer ,OAl'T. J. MADISON PiYNB, .;

WUl , on nnd after July Hlli , bo In raafllneas toservo pleasure particH , oltlier day or eronliJ Bi atrcasonablii turuiu. Tbn Itnour will make a tripoa tbe Cove on rlnturilny afternoons Rod : everyevening eioopt Himiln)', unless otberwlcc onar-tend , at which tlmoa iho will take tiny onevrlsli .log a sain , Fnro 111 cents Tho yacht will Wfrom tLo Norlh Hrmm llriilgo. , Bit '

BRICllOR SALE.A.I the BricU Yonl at North Blda, a onanUty of

HaUnou lltkli , Fiuitnlilu for Inside wotli , at fromfifi to 4n.Cll por tli ounnn d. ' .' . ¦ ¦ ' ¦. •

WIM j IAM 1. a«AUA«.BuFj -II nrlior , July 1, IU HS. .. Mvi 2

—THE YACIMf — .¦' . ' --3 '

G A Z E L '1 :E,gmt. johk «. ruiUiira , .

Will snil plii'-um purlins by the bhur ,'day1 orforaloi iR or nip. Him Iu aumiUcA Willi » odm-modlouii Biinimor r uliln , wh lnli otfunlu ail "IfO ^'alrnotiul vlow ami 0t tho unni o time litiltMt a fiomtiolli auu anil ruin, -"' W lAlso for ualo or to lot Ihe ullboat "Water ' 'Witch. " Appl y nt tlm ntora of tt W. llarteaiJ ,Ualia alraat, or lit thu mi liluicn of OopU <X t,1'bllllpii , liny lit., Uiig.Hiirl or, Xi I 81WJ


fMIT l?IL»Vtfoync, L. I.

This b«oi.llfnl tolrc ut In uiw , ittncauiuiai Utwu ot vlnll oti i and iK iUowrui Ki' lliillun g, 'j argot rlbii ^ tm , H

- ¦¦ ' . Di>iici»g l'lft ll'mni , mid otli iAiiiiimii iKindi ,

A wliwf bus bi>en built Iu Voion 'o l i j . iii 'I««al <if J oiump 'ii Nic k , whi rc »»lll -v i i i f t u i f iland and rtanh th a Tra nt In l i l yaw f n o l JIla frnnlinituta c»n hn olital nf t. cn\ It i i aai and upwnn bi, I 'fovlou si olluji I , l i > W IA0U«u or tol<i|{ra«| i,

(HIO. W. llIOMUI.ll> , ,"ly _ _ llan ICtuI i, / , t S

7 COAL !' * 'I do nuLuir lbor will r aiil lnua fu I a> I u

io lias for Iho p,u af. y,»,» u, t u I > *Uu li) Ibo Ion. (In bin ulw.aa i a, i 1 1lusai ett ad , im „( a» I wi ., )|) , , 1 \Aula aiul WIillo Ash,¦Till: l'liumaip orry wmiri ' i i l ' iPt FrblW Mconiin amdM lo IU na v.1 < I ,v *, v i.jfa*o «|UI «I,I B «,«!, 1'Iy,, (, Wl xi iuUnlky nil luaiii l,,< *£%J's"" '.'" "J" 1'- W" ' '»• <J M I , •Jj* » AW< uiiilcoi«H i,r „|M 4 l u i t i r i /

'7, musri \i i i

Soorr—Lormi. —In this village, SDth ult , byJii nlico V. It. J t ' iiniiiR , Jumna Scott to IlissPlwtio i;. Ixipor , both of Amagun sott.

- :—

.. _ L .—: ' ¦ - ¦ l i - ¦¦


aisss Mss— ^—— ^i^— «¦¦! ¦¦ »aswM«^wMMiws<s»»iam»»»sis»iiwaspmi

NE W -GOO D SIMARCH 18/1885. ',

. Gk»oaL !E&educti<?ri In,•C1RPETS Aim MAttims'i

. :- WW NIW'yOTM$I,'IBesliftn gram OtmrpeL 7do to BOc',.. . ' JBont- 33rtioaeli^ Oarput 75p io tBl.

33ee»l Thi'oo-ply Otwpot OOc.imiv noiTiB ohoiojj riuov ti^nwaMioiM switi to n»o,oni ou>,ito

niiil n grciit vpriuty of oMW ciw/W >U>i/ o^aluff sd !


lUnxms .-At Prouprct , Hhelter Mand , of heartOlnoiiFio , Lucy H. W., wife ef Bev. Dr. Ha»-kins , of llrookl yu , whore the remains weretaken for bur iiil , n> firi yonre. * ,

Jaoaan. — At Soutlmmpton , aSHT iuV, UtrvoyJogger , iu 7(1 yonrn , 7 mouths. "

Cliiii.— At Southamp ton , 211th nit., EverettClark , of Oreo uport , in 10 ysaru. Baina lualakon lo his homo for burial, i ' .


AUG Q.7T GL IWUHK ;1IA» >I til . IIH1 '»« ' (HI. »/ V \/ !M)ir. tt

inwi v»u i'Aifi i> iu Jin

fcJIOJiOD OA'AHW,0(llll W

,'{fl l t:^!,^ CllAllif ,

1J 4« lui ii <*, JJiA i j( 1 t i j .. .» jill ^ i JL. i o i « , j 11,1.3 iM j T. - 'to nu !

I Jo ,il f. muiJ' I i i ! a' ;, j

s .v.J l»J 4 I I I .tlU4-ll 'I - j ( »' H,J1 (I ' H a A Vni.'«l ' J( j 'n i 'nil iii i I j » \( ! j

I li 1 (_ J 1, ' l ^ f t l * t " 4 * J V Jl

P'l .OUR '« » / 1« > I 11. t

nn> • !, «>A.1'. i, n 1!,, 1. 1U,• *l 1 * »* Ml 4

UMHL » (U01 i l I t I t tM t 1 , 1

fio«io»M v^t mmViLt'.l /j 1" ? t ' J «vJ , ',

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J" ' ' ! I « ' .i '

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