the s.uibatb: chime. i Thy king dom come , O God , Thy rule , O Christ , beg in : Break with thine iro n rod i Tho t yrannies of niu. Wboro in Th y reign of peac e , And purity nnd love r When shall all hatred cease , As iu Iho realms above ? Whc-u ccmce Hie promised time » That war shall be no more ? Oppression , lust aud crime , Sbnlr/lee Thy face before ? We pray Thee , Lord , arise , ! And come iu Th y great mig ht Revive oar longing eyes, Which languish in Th y si ght. Men scorn Th y sacrn l naoie , And wolves devour Tby Mil ; By niony deeds of shomo . -Wo learn thai love grows cr .Id. O' er heathen lands n. 'ar . Thick darkness broquYth yet : <* - Ari se, O mornin g star . Arise , nnd never set. The impossibility of proving that God does not exist , reveals lo mo his es'R- tenco. Ln JJruyerc. Daring the last thirty years tho Ep isco- pal church in-Scotland has gained 133 clergymen , 50.000 members , three cathe- dra!? , 12(1 churches and 90 patKonnge t ' . No man is born into this work! whose worth is not born with him : Ihoie is al- ways woik. and tools to wcik withal , for those who will ; nnd bless"d are Iho hor- ny hands of toil. -James J lussell Lowell . If men were half ns faithful in confess- ing their sins ns they nro strenuous in striving to Dalliuto or excuse them , tliev would have fewer sins to ho forciven and richer pence in tiifj sense of .sin forg iven. TAving Vknri'lt. , "" Tbe best thing to g ive to > our enemy is forg iveness ; to nn opponent , tolern e ce : to a friend , your heart ; to your child , it good example ; to a fatlifr , deference ; to your mother, conduct that will mnlse her proud of you : to yourself , respect ; It) all monVchurity Mrs. flidfuni: . - . The world lias power over your fate only as yon give it power. You need not be like a hel pless worm in its path wail- ing lo be crushed. Git up lilw a man and take care of yourself. The world may let you starve, but it can not prevent you fro m becoming good-mid true, nnd manl y.—/• - ' . A* , line. The man . ulio is accustomed io iiu ' or previa lento blunts his si use of truth ; lie who baa Iho habit of deception is cn- tanyled in his own duci it: deluuvbery unsleadies the jud gement as will as tho nerves Hence, in the. long run. tbe scoundrel, however accomp lished , is very likel y to bo cnup hi; his intellect is dam- aged by his evil practices —Christian A deocale. With Christ is (lit; fountain of life, a fountain which shell never bo dried up. but to drink of which Iho inward thirst is to bo kindled. Whib.t tliuii art indul- gent to tb y voices, how cnunt tliou find n long ing such as would mnko the. -; inn to tho water brooks ' Grant i. < the beauty of tho earth , the brightness of the sup, the moon cheering tho nii>\it.. Yet is not my thirst stayed then : I admirn (fuse ; I thirst for Him who nnmY- Iheni St Aug tt stitw. God makes tho glotvwmm an well ns the star ; tho light in belli is divine. If mine bo an carth-Ftncslo g litddcii Ihu way- side, 1 mutit cultivate humbl y nnd rejoic- ing l y its prom . cnvth-g luw , tind not nook to blanch it to thn whiteness of the slurs Hint lie in the fields of bluo. For I tin- ny God in my own being is to relnse to see him in nny. God and man can meet only by man ' s bicwiin-.; that which God me ant him to be. Then he enlt-rs into tlio bonce of lifo , which i* gruitir than tho hou«e of fame. Il is heller lo be n child in a great Ik-Id than u knioht ol many orderrj iu n itl'itu oeioiuniiiitl. Geo rge Miic.loi.idi l. Oh , jud ge maeliiud I ' lom its Ing h esl. aud its best I Which in thn tun, g low- wot .n—tbo bliivk iii'v.ict which you m:u crawling in the day, '>r the lustrous emer- alds of the slniiit bitiik? Which is the trim man—tli o man who is y ielding to foul dinloinpoiH, ami whoso soul is dim with rage or wit h envy or with lust , or •bo m an who , luv it for j\ inumrul , has aliiikcn himself froo from the ecrc-chillif of bis own cniibimiiu' il ed bnaoness to un- fold th o wings wrappi il wiihin him, nn.l to soar fro m curth a creatnro of iho rliy ? Yea, cbooso man at bin highest nnd bin bent , but rcmmiiber , at ihu rami! time , that in every ono of you lies tho \ oteu- tiality of cith er ilnvelcpiiw-iit— (' i niiiuii Parrar. In every man theio nro Iwo I'aeulli' . 'H which constitiilo his life , the will and the undcrn tniidiiif: , to which nil tho things npportliiniug to him liuvu ' it liilirn. The rennon wh y (h ero nro two mftiiltto.i in mini which constitutu lii.i bin is beenueo there are two princip les coiiMitiicnt of lifo in hoitv en , good nnd^rulh', good his velu- tian to tho will nnd truth to the under- standin g : bunco il iu ovident Ihnre nre two thingti which mnuen a man npiiniiil and consequently blessed ill IhoTitlior life , charity and faith , for charity is good and faith is tru e, and charity has relation to tho wil l and faith to iho understanding. To those two princi pled , good ari d tintb, all tbo things in nuluro Imvo reference , and th encu exist and Btibhist , That thov bnvo reference to those two piiueiph u is imiuifeut fiom tho c:t' -c of bent niid li^hl, bout having reteieneu to poo.I and bg hi to Until i tliorufiirr. iilso t> \ irilmd bent, ic Iho good of love nn.l sp irit.i il livj M is the truth ol luitli. .Sinto nil 11:111; ;:. i.vi n II,.- minut'ist ir. iiniveru il nului . ». Inivu icl. -r- oncG to i.liomi two princi p les , g-iod mn! truth , and good is rcpiVM intcd in henl and t ruth ill lig ht , lot ev u vy ore jndtjc what Iho qnnbiy ol mini i-i from Iniili iihiii o without I'liiirilv. or whul. is the iminii lliin/, ' , from i nly ui del' 1 noting trut h without willm/; hcwiI ; dwi-c il noi roti emllo tho i.l.t 'n if wiutrr when tin light hi lu l i/til unit i till and nil lliin^i. r.ti- torpid bociiuso wil.lioid I,oil I . - ' ..it 'll in the ;j l,Uo of until who iu in luilh .Mom-, nnd nol ill till. ' good ill l<iv. . '| l.o in i-i r. 1,1 ninl i liilliiiesn—ill cold In , t n.o liu i:t colilrulj to H, oo<l , uud in ill i.lci l.ii, -:.:, ii coii. o on thnt nccoiiiil lie in eontiniv to Irutl i ; for ho who in continiy to /finiil in idoo loiilra- ry to truth , however be inny i.i-i m to liim- iit-l f not to bo no, uiiit -ii tho oii u ilrnwn the other to ito nid o. Such is hiu Mule ullm denlh. Sici dt 'ii linri/. i RELIGIOUS SELECTIONS. B EST ORG A NS AND PIANOS. " j FOR EASIEST PAYMENTS. ' The MASON & HAMLIN CO. ncwoffe r to rent any one of their famous Or- gans (which are certainl y the best iu tho w orld)for six months, giving the person hiring full opportunit y t o test it thoroug hly in his own house, and return if he does n ot longer want i. If.he continues' to biro it until the aggregate of rent paid amo unts to the price of the organ , it becomes his property without further payment. o ' ../. ' The v will also fuiiish their NFSV U PRIGHT PIANOS on similar conditions. ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUES, with net prices, free. Wni crocms : 4G East 14th St., (Union Square) Now York. 269 & 271 PULTON STREET , BEOOELUT , - BBANCU Ol- 56 and 58 W.14t h St., N. Y. mp^ChSfsr!' Sua 3 2 Temple Place, Boston. .„ ,022 Chestnut St, Phlla, 3?,iror.T F.H OP , FIE FBEI6H fllflHIT WE , Trimmed Bonnets and Round Hats. Misses' and Boys' Hats, Etc. Til 15 . : te pt Exclusive liiliiiei y House IS TUB i;Xl'iKI> STATES. I WOIMIOVS HKD VUTIOX J A' MUCKS Ob TR IM - MED U OWE TS JJ W ROLW'D HAW , AND ALL Untrimmed Millinery Goods. 5oo ' Fine Boys' Hats, at h alf price . Elegant Trimmed Bonnets and Hats, S' . ui) , S(i , 00, S7, 0() , SS.'ll) ninl S 10.00 , boiiii? onl y half their former prices. Superior quality FRENCH VVAi FHLT HAT'S AND BOX- N'KT S. iintriinnmil at ol) cts. ;iii!l !)-3 cts., Ibnii;'r pric es . | SI. 10 , §!.S0, S!.«l *i to S'J 18. J. BOTHSCHILD, ki ;lton street; oitosite CLINTON .STREET , BROOKLYN. c . ' " ¦ ' nu " . i l it i ¦ v.. ¦ATr jdTV ¦ The "ilck brute browBing upon f*" TJ- wW " tho herb that cures, gave dlrec- -s fiS'C * "on W m»u s lntolugence , nnd r ¥Ct\, / Ct ^S lP(1 lllm ,0 hclleve tho nctl\ v C1TC\ ) Aj) "O. prlnclplo of cer tain plants , it a rt "fjf . *X?Y\f pr operl y cntrnc tea, ivoiUd pro- VjfXjt J J "? -Cf Cuce cures nt v. lilih tho world r»rJ>ii tY ) r ,i irj iiit muHt mancl. Thu s tlio thern- ifllVHAhllMFr iflr ' Pful lc vuluo or tlio E. I- P., 19^ " r ' wV tj \ Kiiloud exlutcnce tlility }enrs Ir ^Vflff' T'O -O a K°- Tubercles , Klclit Sw eats , Ja- rVrVf.irrtJ *- l-maclatlon , BronchIU3 , Couglia , -tW>- ^'M '< " l>vi-5 ColiLs , pnluln tlio lungs , oldo and ri& ^y^r ; ;lv^< >^ltfa chest , arising trom weak lungs , ' >j Jt \Sr^lXr\3-Q- - )'avo tliu a far been succea sfully sS-JCx^Er\X3 3 tii-atcd with tho ^500ir'C>QUN ANTI-TUB EncLE LUK Q aWWH rS ^n H I'KI.LETS. "i' *^^Y^tK'w"nffi Eacl1 tmx contalna a wcek 'o sup- 3j iA(»;h\OVH ply. ]>nci>$1.00. Kyourdrugglst ^m^ ^ i y i. 'lyvJ 1 JJ|v lias tnllod to " atock up- '^ddi -cea, % rVcM' vv-ul ^ with full statemen t cr ease, ' XT lTT , la^"*. -C# ' l ~ K - MUKRILtO , ^ir\ M-XAjnr^ Euroiwan AntUTiitir. cle TAinq m i jno MtJ* iJ] k fttM Co-, Brooklyn, H. y. , w ^V''F ^^ti^M{.' r ffl ' 7^"| i i. ,i. mj ii m.ii.i .i , in i|, i ii^ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ,1, ¦ ¦ ,,.m ^^^^raw MSME aMYAL nwni jk ^m Absolutely Pwre. Tbi« powder never viirlei^. h marvel of ptiritv , stren g th and wboiosoraencsfl. M(>re ecouumical iba u tbe ur (liua r T krndr , ajiij caouoi be eold hi cnin/j eiilfmi wJI J i Ibe juuH'* lude oflow tcfi , nhnrl weiglit , alum or phcifpliatc pow- d ers. Sold onh' In t-nup . I(oyai. Hakim j I' dwder Co., 108 Wall street , X. V. «vl KEEP'S " SHIKT S ALWAYS THE BEST AND LOWEST PRICE. EstvWtes^, is<vs». p * »s* KEEP'S Shirts ovo nil mado iu thn most supe- rior wanner and from the very hefit mnierinl . KEEP'S Patent Pnrtly- uir.tlo Dross Shirts , mndo lo uionavre , (i for 4 :( ». KEEP'S Hoot Ciinlom Shirts , nindo t-9 HifRsur e G for Sft. nO , (ruarrnute td perfect iittiu2. KEEP'S CiiBtcm Shivln , out of stoel ; , « for $7.r,o. KEEP' ti Dress Shirt " , nro nmtlo from fine hoary muslin , ]!ohoio !)-p ly nil Linen , SI each. (Tho Gold Pinto Buttons that Keep gives «itu every six shirts nro worthy lo he worn by nny gent lemnu .) Sfunp les nnd eircelur s Kent free. KEEP MANUFACTURING CO. WILLIAM Al iTHUK (1LI11E I1UGII , Sliiu.ifter , 889 Fullon St., eppt wite Jl ontn gue strr -et , BltOOKLYN , N. V. 118 JAMES 0. LAWEENOE , DEAL ER IN' last & Hamlin , Esie? anil SHli ORGANS . «g|H^ ' ^»it^Sl' '^ ^^'i> ^<Vir *V^I 'Hu 9,\il- ' r '% - -j \ .1" ¦ ¦ ' ALSO ALL FIRST CLASS PIANOS , 3 4 SSuin- ^f., Sng- IBni'bur. ! Prof. S. H. PLAT T , MEDICAL ELECTRIC IAN , , an' ii— SrECIAIJST IN Vitalizing Treatments ' FOtt CHRONIC MAI.AUIKS. MOUTlIAMPT ONt N. V. (Cottii H .i of II. M. llliihop, M. D. P. O. Lnclt llox l.) o (l oiii ix iiiiiil Oxygon , K\v«'«' .«UnU Slovt 'iiK'lit , ^ , Oh) , AlllMHIIgO , /' I i llufCiiOt lmn , I Kloctilcltj, ! Vll|HU' , lly<li-o|,i\tlilc. I Sulphur I unit Solnr Itutlis. The Coniliiiii'tl A i' iiiiiiifii* li u]. Air or) \' a jn;i' Itnt.li , mill (ieiirial and S\M.'ciiil H yg ieiii ' . ' No l' oluonu I No Uu-Vititllzing I (HTI OE CONSULTATION l-lti:i:, | 'ihe ftillou]ii|; nre iiniuii of tin- ininiy ilia - .nu ,i j iiiiccuij iliilly lin.itiil , with nu ri'Mililu it uflnr- (rou lileiwi , viz i Coniiiiinptlnn , (.'nluni i , (. linui li- i pil lion , lirom-hillii , 1)>'ujii. '| »iIii , Ui'dil- nnli u , Km- ' rul j iln, lllittinniitlhin , (Ht i vlni , Uliul .li r mul Kill-1 miy ili.-Aiiiiii iit , l. oiiii <if A |>|v, lit , - , SI, - , |i lr,> ,n,'ni , N' ii rvounnri tM i-p.. . Vii , , IHiw uuvu i\w\ it' ttUt t all uu.lu -uluut ntv v\'uivi. ! Cnrroiiponili 'iii' ii l uvlti (I. In- . n ii| .llv cli- i uiliii'i ud lit fruii . '' iur||«H (en- Irt 'i vtiiiuiit im.d i't .iti ' . -Ihyl \ (I flVllfl l'd | Kiiinp li'H lu- w ulyKm Ci,r |i, ln | ,t i x| I Ubo i unw np. ninjj , ui | Oc toUr II , lSr > l. (. 'DO I'Ult M. . I To free hens from Vermin sprinkle a littl e su l phur in the nest when the hen is set. Tho value of ensilage for food for sheep in said to bo equal to grain in . m any re- spects. Tbe oldor nntl larger an animal hocomes tb) more food it icquiresto make a pound of growth. Cooked food unswi i's an well for poul- tiy as for stock, hut should not ho fed ex- cl usi vel y. . When churning, if butter '-comes in speck s " put in a lump of butter nnd tboy will fjnllicr fo if. If you have a hick nnin.ul , s;\y w ith a cohl , give a mash of scal ' dcd '• shorts," which often relieves. Sheep grow quickl y and mature earl y, aud with thoir fleece pay dividends oftciier than any other live stock. This country, iu 1830, wua worth forty- tour billions of dollars. One fourth of this vnst sum was in farms. Irrigation will uol take the place of manure on land. Soil wtll fertilized rich- ly repays tho labor expended.. If you have stiff or noisy hinges about I the place, pour or. the lop . a little kero- sene which will noon fiud its way in. A prominent poultry-raiser tnys that 3, 000 hens enred tor in the proper n)a«"uer will show nn . nnnuni profit of $2, 000. . / The fodder from Rweet corn may ho greatl y increased by cuf.tiug up tho stalks no soon as tlio cars nro gathered. Eggs packed in well dried nsljer;, and so as not to touch each other, liuyo boon kepi perfectl y sweet, fir twelve lnonlhp. A quart of onlmenl in a pail of watev will freshen n, hoiso aflrr hard driving and prepare Imk s!on:tich for more f-olid food. ^ Should you run out of axle grouse somo busy time, mis two parts of lord with ono each of black lend ami wheat (lour, and apply. A Mary land poultry raiser thiuks that a p int of epsom Falts to a half peek of- meal , fed to chick? , is tho Lest remed y forg.ipcs. No plint makes a bolter pasture for bees than ulfalfa clever. Tho honey made from it is almost equal to Ih it from whits clover. Wheat or other cereals that nro Fown in tho full have tho ad.vantage over tho same or other kinds sown in the spring of forming much longer roots. Any field that will produce clever may he graduall y restore d to fertility if such crops are grown and turned under , espec- ially if rotiilioii lie observed. An authority ou butler nsukiog says that if . tlio crown of tho turni p be cut og uud only tho bottom of tho bulb lie g iven there will be no turni p flavor io milk. Uo careful to mill: tho cows clean (•' fill i p "). ThuTusl dratvn is ' known to be from ten to twelve times richer than tho first , that is, bus much more cream in it. . There is a st rong fculiMg in various portions of tho United Status iu favor of total abolition of fences. It is stated that tho cost of tho maintenance of fences annuall y in ' this country is not fur short of §80, 000, 000, a pretty snug susi if it mig ht bo saved to tho . furmers. It is es- t imated that there nro 0, 000, 000 miles of fencing in nil in this nation. " Koutcli oil Cough!*." Auk for " .Hough on Coiighn ," for Coug lw , Collin , Sor o Throat , ijoiirnt ;uemi. Ti -ooho. -i , 1. " . c. Liquid , ' -T> (i . _ " ' , " Uouirli on Kilts. '' Cloai'H otil rata , niict 1 , r mchcH , llins , aula, bud- liu(5*, kI ouiUh . chipmunks , f^ oj i l.. rj , l, r . c. nriig|; thlK. Ileiu t I'ii Iiik. Val ]nln tii.ii , Dropaloi .l SwfillhiK» , Di'/zino sB , Indi gestion , Heailiicho , SIcop lcHsuu ua ,-"ivd liy " Wi'lU' lluiilih Itoii«w.ir , " " Kou gli on CoriiM. ' Ahli for W.IIk ' " Iloujj h ou llorim. " I*> o. Quick , rouipk -lo cur. ' , iiiu d orntif l onr iu , trarla , b;ui inini. "Kor tr li on Pain , "I' oniusiM l Plaslor. rt truu)(thoiiiiii;, improv .'d , tlm lioat for Imclt- acho , piiiiin hi client or si.lc , i ht'iitimtUin , ncu- riil£;in , ¦ I'liln l*eo|ilo. " Wel lh ' Hi'iilili Uonewer " rfstn. 'Ci lu-aUli n nd vigor , curcii Dyii popsla , lloudiiclio , Nci'vmn uiOHfl , DuUllly. ^l._ ' . _ Whooping Cough , n ud the niniiv Throat AfTotitloim of chlhlrr-n , proniptly, pliinaitiu ly and ntifcl y ri.)iovcd h y " Iloiii?li un t' ouglia, " Truclinii , l.' .n.; lliiluain L' , " .o. Mot hum. II you urn failing broke n, worn mil nnd ii..t- voun , uno 'Wolln ' Ifenllli lioiunrur ." ifl. Drugg lal n. Lilo Preserver. If you met loiii»/j your gri p on life , try Welln ' Health Itcnowov. " Cloiin diroet to weult apotn. " itougli on Tootlmelio " . Iur.t Mit rnllof for Nuurol g iu, Tootlinnlttf, lAica- ache. Auk fo r "I tilng li oiiTontliiiiilin ." 1.1 nud ' . '.1 iMuitn. , ' _ Pretty Women. LiitHe n who lvouh l ri 'tahi frnnhuai .ii and vlvan l- t y. Don 't full to try " Wol ln ' Il onllh Itunuwcr. " l^utiirrhul Tli rout AlloctloiiH. Iliickln g, iirltniing (Joug lin , Onldn , rinru ' i'lirnnt , (inrtid hy "Hough on (linn;. " Ti' oeheii , llic. Llip.lil S. - io. _ "Tt<Mi irli on ltt-li. " "ltoi i gti oii Iliili " euroa huninrii, eru pll.inii , rlngvvoiin , ttittur , aal t liioiim , f ro. -Uutl fcut , elill. hl uiiiu. Tlie. lto]H ' . ut lliu Notion. Ohlldi' aii ul nw hi (lovclnpmiint , pun y, ii.ir.n vny, nnd delicate , ui.o " Wonlth It inunvnr. " Whlo Avi'ukii ' lhr«ii or four luiurii ovury night eoii|;liing. Oct iniiniidlalK relli: f nnd i ooiol ret hy lining Wolln ' "Hough on Udiig liu, " Troclicii , I.' .t' .! Ilnlnain , -, '' . Iltlll ll. " ltou gli on fuln 1 ' Poi'oii himI I'lnst i-i ; Strengthening, hnprnvnil , tlio licut for 1) ii.lt- n ohe , puinn in ul.."ii or iiltlu. rliL ' ,.iii ntluin, nt. -ii- i'ttl l(in. -t'.i . vl Nothtng Mntlo in Vain. We a m told Unit iintliiug una mnih. iu vain; hu t wl. ' U can liu mild nf Hie fm.lilnnidil e gill of (ho ptirlnd i Ini ' t itlin iiiniil. n vain V Il.irt tl' n Hlc. nujin rilln i'i ninihi In Lowull , lln-ci ,, wheru IlK -rc nre nin re hntlli a i.f 11 ittild limn of nny iitlu r mir - ii npnrllln or hlooil purillnr , Anil I'. U never taken iu vain. It purllli n Iho hlnml , i. l i'i n . 'illieu n the iSh lum. imtl Hvw.u imw IKo uiitl vlij or lH (It * tm- liiv lindy. lull iloucii ijl, i; Cuntorin. \Vli,:it Ilnliy wnii i.iek, guv., her (Jiii ttiirln , Win u aim wan n (Ihild , i.li e cried for (luttmlii , Wheu ultc van n Minn , ulie olun u (a Oiiiiloiiu. W lieunlie hud Ohllilr.n , ii linguv ellnliii (' nutnrln _ . FARMUnd GARDEW. DVSPEPSM Causes Its victims to bo miserable , hopeless , j contused , and depressed In mind , very Irrita- ble, languid , and drowsy. It is n disease which does not get well of Itself. It requ ire. -! caretul , persistent attention , and a remedy to throw off tlio causes and tone up tho- diges- tive organs till they perform their duties willi ngly. Hood' s Sars.ipnrIHa has proveu J ust the required remed y In hundreds ot cases. "Iha ve taken Hood' s Sarsapar illa for dys- lioiisla , from which I liavo suffered y. 'o years. J tried many other medicines , but none prov ed so natlsfactory as Hood' s Sarsa parilla. " ' Tiiosiab Cook , Brush Electric Light Co., Sew York City. Sick Headache " For tlio pas t two years I liavo boon jtOTlrfPil ul lh sei-ero headaches an d dyspcj i- sla. I was Induced to try Hood ' s Sat-sapa- ! rii la , anil have f..und great re lief. I cheer- ful ly iceoninifiiil It to nil. " JI uh. K. F. .Anxaulk , New Haven , Conn. j Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Catu lii'i .lKcp nrl, Mass., ! was a sufferer from dyspepsia end sick hcai ' .- ache. Slnj took Hood' s S.ir saparllla aud found it tho best remedy she ever used. Hood' s SarsapartHa Rul d by all druggists. $1; slx.lor S3. Mail o only by C. I. IIOO U & CO., Lowell , JI ass. lOO ' Doaos One Dollar. OR. DAVID REMEDY For iho Ca m of SEMncy and I,Ivor Cona- plninti , Goufltl patlun , mid nil dicorilcr a arisin g from an impure ntnto Df the BLOOD. To "women whoftti ffcr from any of tUo iltapocui linrto thoir nox It. is an unfitilin yfr ^nii . All IJru ffffiBt 1 !. One Dollurnbot tlp , or fidtlresa %n. David Kenned y, Koridout i t N. Y.. GompSete Cia of Second Lienten nnt Key nnd wife , of New Jors uy.—Tho wfin of Soooiul l.fuut«inint Iu«y, Company G,Tit I nl Kun* J e r*ti . >y HcF;iinont ( Mtyi3 , undur dat «. Mftrch lst , 18M ; "Two y imra ogoiu v* fl^irnxifltauabuna were taken ti^vrn with mu- lurlnl fovor. Aftorcoii sulthijroiirfaTDU ypliy- Klclnu, end nndlni r no roller, wo tried x>lt- " PA.V1 D KF.SNi:i>V*3 FAVOKITK TtlSAIISDY, iin i11t litiscoitiploti>lrou n'd u !jori1ilsc] | i:eiiBO. " OOi^ S TIPATIOi^ •It-iiirereil froin rtarii lvHlsurthelii iwelsanil llviu-complaint, llliiiillj-usril ml. DAVJD KEVNEI>\ 'S KA.VOUIT15 KF.MI - .DY.andl uiuy ii pIulouitsavcilluylUc. Tours , etc., "A. .7. lill'TOItn. " Jfr .r:in " nv. llstlinMnsferir-e\innicoftlioI..iw. O I . llvlsl.c, -- ;lio nnsffin .t Lowell Ifitllrnild. SENSIBLE WBFE. M i'AV:ts;ihi Ktoii]I.JIoiiro o ,of Ciii. -lilll , N.V., pn-- w: "For ycura I auffored rrom n-complnl nt catled Ernrul. l employoii tlm bo>t mcillca l l)iU*iit'\vinroal " o^TulnlnfrtffivJii »]i'i. 31 v wife .. . wieliedi nototryDH.KKN S'Kin'SFAVOltlTE . HEMICDV. To iiItM ue hevX AUl, mu ll sttitoth o result in onn soiUimioo: Inm no'.vn wollmuu. '* AMPUTATBORI . ' Hv. A.I' :i*wnvth.on' ort Kwttn.S.Y., Mii Tei , oil Tnr TWIC NTY-KIV K YCAUS imm ivtiianiso ^ l lic Hii;tli I»oii (* > c i u* i «!(m1 l.y intpu m Mocid. H ¦ flnallr nppllod t' i l>r. Kftin cTiiv. ci' llomlout , V. V., wliounipulatoiJ llic log uoartho tlilyh joint. To Purify the Bloodi ,, ' Ihnonrnvrnt inn rot urn of the d-pens n , l- ' A V* uurr HIiKMr.bYwns i'lvt'ii.i-iulMv.KlcWOil h ¦ 1-iinllioMoom of m-nlih to lldy ijtiv. >'AV- UB1TK l. 'KMKDY id nl*o n, m-. -ur. prnlr.tion fro in nttack -* tlmt origh 'a'o in chun ^n o:' h f.\ fiR-i-orx-* mi'' ellmate. To wniui ii fAS'OlU' i'W Irl'MI . t\V nr/-i\ti,j ., ..r .n l lil. ¦-. (...> IrTj oHN BULL'S SiffsTBiicS pi ' FOK THE CURE OF FEVERandACS UE Or.CHiLLS afid FUVEB , HMO nil MAL/iRI -' ,!. DISEiGE'J . "lie propvi i' lir cf tlite cr ? I ' j. -. - .t- -/ rci- :: . c lan justly tleiiao fir il f. suiioyir.i liv r. v , -. t il ruffl p.-ac n c .\ cr oir -jrc t t u t. ' .-i Tti ' - .' io f,j - ¦ iiio SArs , cr .riivo tf , cJ' j -.v.ipj r., -o r' -;;* . tf rtK KNl'curo of A' jai tn.r V,.vir , k TM; ' - i tiudl' sver , v.liethcf of she I cloi-r r.tmi 'i. ing. It ' ll rc. r ci'3 to .:•; cj U-..: V. ' c-:t ' ;. -n [- .>;. ' . 6outho; -n cotiutr yto bcirfcon (:: ::- ,iony to tj n tv\::h or t' .' .ii Br.r.rrli.-< 'i f::.v; i" , ai cv.- .o whatov cr wilt It ?,.il to (.«;- , . if ii. e ,;j roc , . ' .tons sro avl;: ' .j- ir li--7. - ,: -: cu'1 or.. -r: ;il ocl. .1 a r'- 'i t r.i.in'/ rr. -r.a a c-iit. -lo tln^c 1- 1. - , Ii3-;!i sv.liici:-a6 fcv a euro , r.nd " vlic ' (i v> ' lies l' .:./tj horn oa-. -cd.hy c. i. . ii. .;lo Ivnt ' .o , v.r.l i ,>r;i.. ;t' tr csfcr. ' l :;cue:i:iO , - .;. - ,i:or.-l i,[a!t:i. I: lit , lioivtiyer , pr.iflau *, curt i.i every cr.si . v.cra oorl ^ , i;i to oiii-o , if itr cso is can tinned m r.mallar daic.1 foi- a woclt or two aft- . ir tlio I ' .iscus lia3 bsc. -i chocltcil , moro etue olally In dllrloult, cud loug-otatiding catoo, tJcu- ully this wodioino will not reqntro nny nid to kee p the howolij iu-good , . or der. Should too pa tient, h owovor , ronuiro a oa ' tli ortio raodfeir.o, after having tuten three or four t ' .oaon ot the Tonio , a olanl s doao of BVJL h'S VliGETADLE i'AHILY T?. ' C r J ,3 will bo cuf- flclont. BuLX 'fJ EAE3APAKIEr.A io tho old r.u d rol lulilo remed y for Impurltic o of the blood an d Scrofulous affections— 3DR. JOHN XiXSlMXa 'ti SMITH'S TONIC SYRUP, BULL'S SARSAPARILLA , HULL 'S WORM DESTROYER , Tlio Popular RomoUlo o of tlio Day. rrlnclpDt Offlte , 881 Httl» Ht., lol):SVlU,K , KV . For kiiI m !iy drii( gi«tn of thi a jiln ee, O. If. CJnr- ¦villi , Soiitliuniptou j U. (1. llowull , Hoiillioldi llcnj. \V, l liihcock , Hiiil Ro-lIiiin pion , nml ilru g- ;iitn gener ally thn -ng liout tho miiintry. DKc THOMAS' fP^PPflTIf 1 Oil " WOni H ITS YiElR liT K* GOLD ! A ftlsiliu::" . i .vitii cui-ativo pro|ior- tico ns ii\; (. T. >u li ' 3 io cniintoifoir aa tlia ' . 'YMAi.Vk} ^ OF E6VPT , and v/hlch is n\) u iiavin g an cuormouo s tilo tlir av.'jV .o. 'i ilia Uni tfitl Stains an tl Cariadiio. rCIIAVI.i ' , ' , !' , . l/'.WI' . I.I..M.v. -i . I'" riu-.- l. ic |.i,i i,i„ | w.i. I.u.liv alliiili'il y- .lr.- II>.|> .- i ¦ - . -: ' ..- ¦:; . c.i il, llr.im linl-i nml mi 1.1 Or , I 'I. "II I- ' I.e . 'ii,, - ., - !., 'I m, i ,„ ¦ |l„. I In ... it. Oil f,.r «|.i i.i. , -ii .. . ¦ » ll, . -l- j,,.„. i- l i. li- . -i,,, - ' "I' . I ' ¦ ' ! 'II..- .- ' . I in.- '.II ,»B |. li lilll. - 'l, - ll -ii ' .- i- , - in- - , , ll : .:.- . i I.,,.; Mi- ' ,. -- .M. I..I- .... - , ' ¦ r.f- . .;.i„„ >.,,, i. Wu r.l . S ; . :, A; |.>, , ., . ;|i I- . I,,., ,, u ii. \S' \'ii .i ::. , -i .. i. ,i i, . ¦ ,!¦ . i -„, , - ,. I .. . i-i - - r '. ' ... - .. ,i; i n . i!. . ,, , -i:,!, . 'I'I - ' I ¦ ' ¦ ¦• ¦ 11. t . .. II. i - I .".! ,1 l!-., - ii, -i. "I'I" I .ll. I I. - , ¦ ,. . II,,. , ,,.,1 II. nirc.l i n. .-f . ,- , - In. . :..,. ¦ -, : I, ..i. ,,, IM.- i -i.i l ¦ l-t"i I i, , . v . . , |; , . .,. . , Cll. II; ,:, , l,i .y- . ' . ni- lii \\\:l ,.|; , t . . ' 3CLD - 'IV /. I.I n, " . i: tto:?;TfJ. •Jl 'K '"l. iii ri :i r-u-' tt •s.r»v.«i;o:> v.i.ha. "F Tftf .: ' ¦ , ¦> ¦ ' : '" i ' '- ' :i' i,v;r' r - ' <>!'¦!i"i ' i- -» > •• n»™ * frtf t ill -.Wii' Y '"¦•' ¦ ••i 'ii«"" n Wki m$¥&W .- '"m-u,...i'|...-.u . *> ' 'Vi//J ti\\'y, A \' >- ' w l"^ -">U'u'C ;y;i^; Jf|f!I S!aVlVfl ' v V, , : A' ' "»' ; ' , y.^W' s,- -" * "'" ^^ Li^^liic^xtii anna sauiqbj « "GSUOyCft JLIOOd^S -j -x.K =-\/j a BA-- L " vui An Independent Newspaper of Dem- ocratic Principles , h ut riot Controlled by any Set of Po l iticians or Mani pulators : Devoted to Collecting and Publishing all the News of the D6 y. i n the most Inte r- esting Sha pe and with the greatest pos- sible Prompt ness, Accu racy and Impar- tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo- . cratic Ideas and Policy in th e affaiis of ^ Sovcrnmen ' t, Society and Industry r llatca, by Watt , Voatpaitl: DAILY, por Year $6 00 DAILY , per Month 50 SUNDAY, por Year 1 00 DAILY and SUNDAY por Year ' - » ' 7 CO ? WEEKLY , por Yoar I 00 . -Milr-Mj , mil 8UJT, New Tarh City. e/r/lAC t FROM A UTTER. " Dear Grace : When you were last atvi v house . von seemed lo doubt that I furnished viy Jllat of six rooms as handsomely as I did for $:$$; so in order to convince, and at . the same time afford yon an ofi/vir/um ' tv lo go aud do likewise , {enclose ihebilli ' the llrooklyn Ihirn itur: Co. Their ir- - dress is SS9 to 57/ Julicr St., Jiroonji t N. *' ., ' from whom I get all my good;. Send to theinforan illustratedca/aio gM which they wilt mail free on applicants and yon zoill have no reason fo regret any selections you make, as they guarantee every article they sell; and from personal experience I know their goods give satis- faction. Sincerel y ycurs, Carrie:' ' li in GOOD NEWS , iBH to l apses 1 Hrftj'J' J Ortatf i liuliicemoi uf «ver of. fcti'-t'Vj fercd. Now 'j ynupi lmo to rpIuq f&«wW>V l fl «rtU 'T»riir<»«rc«l4»bruUdT *«» llifrVmi SV^V/ii "' >«' <' (*n>wR( Niitt Hfciironbnnutl i ixrWFt vP/y i "" (1 " ,(| tlAI >d " r MflM ll0, ° Cllln * iiiiii lH'AAU-iLt 7„, pr \ t r i|an'1*nmn Deoorftto d WoM Ur.;i1 Wam Hoto Mntinr t*f>i. nr (J ottl nnntl Mom DorrtriH * TriHi -t **nt. Vnr <mi v«rdfular* **1j(ra«< wiiU o«i:.»t AMr.i tBfANjrK A. i) » " a Vox vr *. st and m v*i«oy nu Wow York, f It 5 ^^ h ¦ ¦¦ ^v /JK?\ b 11 fy :4 <§> H . >! W (\ . : t'i . '// ¦ ll Hi:i TIJtE U nhvnys to bo had nt ! JIiisiuiN , . llyrtlir Avo. cur. Ifrttlgo St., I It ' desir ed, iu order lo uujr for any nur- I'lins n Unit mar Ito tuudo there, Tho stflclt of l' lirnlturc In very extensive, irel l nmdu and of new doslgus. Our (larnot Department is thorough In aW Hint is worthy as lloor coverings : tlio Bedding Hooius nro laden wltu Mattresses , 1' cnther lletltt, PHIoyrs , Hots, Sprlntrn , et e., an d tic Iiaye rc- eontly added Stoves to our extensive xtocb. Maiion offers tills largo stock t o mnko selections from on terms tlio most l iberal , both as regard to amount uf purcliaso money rociulreil and exten- 1 felon of time given to pay balance. We ' nild nothing to tlio price of our goods j for t his accommodation because- Tfo j belief 0 our capital to bo safer as spread > amon g lioner.t IIouBokcopcrfl , than left ! nt t lio disposal of modern bankers. ! Tall to - Ilnson' H, Myrt le Arc. c6rncr ' Bridge St., Brooklyn , for good artic- les, low prices , nnd honest dealing. | Mnrcli 29, 18§ 3. ONH II UN'DJIKJ ) SA MPLES Ok NEW STYL ES CARPETS ! i^Si ; Of (very liiw.rliitlnn nt No\r-Vorli Itdtnll Price j , VOH OAHII. The mil uieiilur , havi ng iiiiutn nrraugcnienU j vt- llh Iwr, of thu Iii i'gi-nt Car ;'iit Illinium in New- I i' oilt (lily to tell lliclrrarpctii by ii uniplrn , i n mow j pii' paiid to i-j lillilt nearly iipu hiiiuir i il ntylou , ; liuinili'ig )1«. nioAt bimu rlful pntlurnn nt Velvet , j li ru iiiiclK , Tnpi -Mry nml Ingrnliiu tlmt can he , fmtml in il,,, city W ith no eni.ltiil liiventuil , no I' i'inii.iiiiii , mid n o old ,itoiiV , ho enn afford lo ecll cliniptr (hull ymiunuld liny (tin nuni n wrro you lu Ni- .w-Y orlt yimruolf. (loiuo mid no«i. i .Mm -!i. Ibit:. O. U, OOO t' lilt, SlOOlEifMin Hi^nnriflft itRionm WE,, * fUMVtf w eM vati ct?Cff ^tcSi uUtitlytigtt:,*nKi?4W\w*walktUM * KHH tunUiva Mr il,»<orilN , gi4lrWrl<>IJ ,>cy* «^,,flnfy tuisv *i^- ™*. *uu o^uiicuxo *>ll<IOV<ll!l!!tvA >rl/Lltu r \ tlmi t?ia «(ii>y» ¦*iiris ^d M cCAiraer CUn* i^oy ¦iii-l, vjn ^t uvblfj u "W wil l mul <C4iu-«, , Muirul' il only by tt i*4i!!k]vai/liu»4 -lU»(4Jil ivttM *ltf»-. CluciuiiA ii. tiiii o. Utiltl by uruuiiluu. rtfi^u tia* I' lUI N.M.I- . US' W. W. 'I'DOKKH, lnjl C*A1i "Al r8 (ftJ M fo'lu ' r rnuu 'U.l uTca ' ani! I "/-, ¦'," '"um **:*^ - I r rui iiiml M'v.'re |u lii in my 1 J ' ' ¦ " ., ' >* ffI v"' , "^ heail . i-.ilill .innl il r. il.|>lli K ' ' }'' JI 'nr'iZlrC£ tViK\ ¦ 'ill" iiiy Ihnul nml uii|i L>»»; 1 i /A'i 'tAMB fvw' .r ' mu 1'K.ini i. «> ,"m. « •.( ) •{CAi ', ft m Ir.ctif ri "full w.,« iimtii li.ii.n ' i rtl ; 'iJ'd'iM/ J' /i 'ltSJ^. "' Hy » llimi'iiKii ii»» f.»r «« '¦Mr&a? " ji I Fan iii ' miiii V" <;'<"«"> yu>N< : 0iO ' f.u. " .tUJ! ,Pa |„, 1 h n ,.„,i,, i v ,»„. ' Jt/ y ia 1 !' ¦ ' ¦¦ '¦ **dtn *\ ««»«« mm ; A-, , ,..,.,- ' ' ,t\W' l | n . Irmii ilalmili f.>r wim I cl V- , •¦ -' ,1 ,„r » .y «n *A'r |.i.n.-u «.i of n.lr ll. (Ill '¦WV- : Ww'li v. * 7- , -lVV Oimni IIjIiii 1 Inw wiMki " ! » imr^^mm 0,v,: ' rAr , " A '" I On e ll a i.lnl, Klv ' 11 < Tfniu Halm »iiuk« ii ' ii imln. III,.-, liiiiirf hi nine. A Tluirniu tli Tiini.iiii iii will fur *. ' I Km 11 l.lqulil, \nt itiiimir. Apiilr lulu liolrilu. l' rif« 1 Hlrl , «l'lMi;irt ,illi |IW i.l» . l.y til all . Iij lilolcl, U»IO |.lu luiU' o Uy i.uil , ll,ri». . . .. .. i;t ,Y UltuVIlC W, Um«j.. ' -,. 0n«i(0 , U. V , ¦ ' " .: ~ - HBK>tY P. : HfeDG^,: ~ : ' : ?. ; . - filTOrtinST AND CotlNBjSl.tOB AT laAW, ¦• ¦ bridgk hasj ^ton ^ l: i. ' ¦ it fteg-Bmbor on B Sntcidhy.in ' .esoh - iTtt.Ic ' ). '' hroauh the year j THOMAS F. OSISOOOD ,; y : \MM Attorney & OQiiiriselor^- : Ofiloo otoi To<)ier , nDniBStorovBig»Hartos' , JT.5 f : " ETEBETT A. CAEPEKTB !^,'.- ' .^ ^ ITIOf KEY AKi' CO rN£Hiii6lr tft »'i^: ' v */ J N HRiLT SA ^A Rtipf c^^ Gillette Buildiii a r t: . ' . - ¦ ' :• ^; GUEEKE & RAY>i0^:;-; ^3 ^ Attorneys & Counselors a^^w^J ' SA G-HARBOB , ti+V^^-^^ff i Ofllce over W. W. Toolier ' n brog 8tor9.v 'V' ; W. C. Gbkiine. Q. C. ' BiWos, : ' :! JOHN SHERr WV " : [" '^' ¦ ' ¦r ^ Real and Personal Estate; Agent , " WAIN ST., SAG HABisOR; ». *. *" ;.\ Ben ts ond other collectionB mndo ,^ Iioaru j ci' ^ good Rocurily. , - ' - P. R . JENNINGS. . •1TJSTICE OF THE PEACE , PENSION : AGT.:: AND 1' LNSJON NOTABT. , .. - Offlm over G. il. Coopir ' nt lry goodi store. Acknowledgments nud offldavlt s tak en ' Petdii . . ' and other ConveynueeBund Instruments prepared. Documents for record foi-a' Brded to tho C013&- ty cie ' rfc. . - . . -;. . ' .. : . ;-;. - .;¦ -:¦¦: T1-EKE1 L & TAFT; ' . ' - - ~ : / STA'B'ISfi' iiRi fi' .BtS, ' . S1VEKHEAD , LON G ISLAND Aud deokr iu all kiudft ot Blnuke, ineludlug .Mortgagee, Deeds, Bonds Leaues , &a: , &a./ - J OSEP U & OSBORNE , ^ Eabt Hahiton , N.Tf; . ' . ' . -:¦ ' ¦ ¦ Auctioneer , Sur eyor . Rotary::¦ ¦:< Public and Conveyancer. HEAL ESTATE, LIFK & FIRE . INSUMHCEifit ; ; ¦ Brink Checks, Boudu aud Stocks of (dl Mnda ; bought , sold or eiebangi-d ; Co lleetioii » ruadf , . Loans negotiated , Coupoiii: cnehed, etoi, : sto. . -. > ' PROMPT ATTKKTWN Td^ irSDVBSS. .; 1.E WIS BOWl5i^,; 1. : ' •> .; . " UEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGEKT, ": - --A»l>— ¦ " '¦' .; '¦ ' ;: ' . is otary .J:' ublic.: ' " - . jv. - 'V . ' ¦ ' ¦ .. " l , }> 'll>(i CC.U 'i A C. IiS A si-EciAJiiv; , A ll ooit 11 tiiiicMicjUK ni.swured 'hy retmti niftll. ..' P O. LntFri l bouthtunpton , Ii. I. . '< : ¦ ADDISO N M. COOK ^ . BItlDGE HAMPTON, ll~ l. '¦ ¦ ¦" Tyl ¦[? ¦: r\ !4«i86 A A'tK/./' -V' , ' " ¦ ' X^i iMRsiiWa . M^. <5f •;;, ¦ ' '• ' ' ¦:• ¦ ¦; . Tho Liverpool uud Ixind oa oud Gloh« dooil tha ' -; largest biudne ss iu the United GSates. ., - . ' . ' TIIOH. P BI8000D, AgeaJ , : 8ag-IltrlKir , i.-1' : ' . - Also agent for tho N tlonul pnd. othe r flrat-' . " olaau compatu' ch. ' . ' ; ' : «AsmiKi* w. eii.ki &sitW yC: BAO-IU niion, L. I., Agent fur the following Iim uninco Oompmiloa j oinc, dish Aua HtB , . $7,4!l ' 2,fsUil- ' .. " :- .-' , Royal of Liver pool , " ' . S,83B, a7f>.7!> ; tie rman-Ai ntn ' cnn , ¦' ' 3,7(Mi'/74.73 - i^iii irolli County iVaiilnsuH Siiniur- l iiiivu <;«»iHjm«iy. Hoiiewnl h of Vulieiea of lusurnuc n in Iho- .coin- ' . ' Ii nny nuiy l.o oht.iined of Slirf ii Harah A. E. Of- icru , nt hi,r rehidence , Ba g-Harbor , on Maiu St.,. opj - .OHi te the house uf Mr. H. French. Ajj; (illciiuoun for new Inmirnhc o uiny bo, mado to tha ¦ undersigned , l' reuiiunih of lunurunco must j' . . paid when due. nn d will ii'illm advanc td . : . - '' ' ¦ ' IIJ -NI. 'Y P. llBDtJK fl, Agtnt. r Vhninr ? au ili lfc'H 7. ' S4lf ' B cH aBl® Irasuisam ,©© ' ; ' <;. u. ^MWVM y A&i M ' .. >D . ' * ¦:¦ ¦ ¦ ;:¦ ' - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' Til IS I.DNDON ASSUBANOE -: ' COB. >-POBATIO N. .. ¦; ' ;, ¦ CONTIN ENTAL INaC RANOE CO., .: oapitui $i ,ooo, oo6'oo lti-Herve forl' .i-ins uruneu lto . 03H0.107 8S Uneli.iu i wl llividiiid -i Ao,... 'M W,t)(i' jX , t 'L KolS'irp hm 44 ,Otft 1 Q Total AwIh .... $».OiO , Oa0 00 ¦WIIiLIAM SIlIIIlGll IHT V I'lltB lIia CO. Onp iial .Hfl- "H« ,«>0O 07 It o-iunurmiec Ac I01 «l«7 OK '- ' i '" . Net Hurp lu a ^Mt ^JM lO 7-* ' •: A«init» «..*9 48i5ii5 r 7i5' ' , .:. ; : J iwuran co citiictid In thn iil>o«o, Uotupunlc u *l - ; r euiioiiablu rulin . Dolaeluni dwellln gii nnd . farm ' ' " ¦ vImI ..! nt tin. lnwiiiit r ateu. . ¦ <> . ¦ ' ¦ The Suffolk County Mi^ ^ ; - Insurance Compaii ^ ! filS iiMiMo iDt r<»r B «n»uairts»y .Biu Hj Bo . ' iJ ' OllH tW»Diy: . .. ¦;, ' ; Int. In ll' .n lung ru n ll ininircs nt a li-ihi vola iUnri" - a ny i.lhcr I' liiupimy. nud liu ^if^nniiou ikevs^tbti ..- ' - - - : -' -' ' . - ' . Inwi' ^ l. . - .y , - '' : , . . ' , . - ' ¦ . - ,/, ¦¦ ' ., , : ,- ¦ . yd. lt« Iiiih Iiii -hii mil ' Clocrt i «ro »bo|iy tri iluf- ' - ' f olk fJoiiliiy. " :.. :. . . ' - , "\i'' .;. , ' : ; - . Hd. 'I Un iwi.ilit"»f 11 r«du(i(id-.|)r«miuo» iitt^fM' . ¦: ' e.riiiln ei.ii()lli. im d.11 un] (g lli k nrldovr (. lid ¦ ' - . hei r., of 1I1.1 liiNiir.nl. - . .V'¦ ,' ¦ ., .. . ' '' . - ¦: ' -,- '}. . ' . ' i i .7,- ' , . ', 4ilt, No (ii'iiipuiiy in moro naf« or tlioj ' i>;M)I»tl|»I '¦> ' : i' -. ! i n mlJiiMiiiig nn.l p»y|nu Itioniai by.fj fty ' , - ' ; v' . " , - Z r " \: Mb. '1 hiu u.lu|in ny ll.iwrtii «gi)|init lo w i,y lliAt. , ' !/1 ' ; ' ning, »l.lln luniiy romjiaiilwi ilo iiof., ' ' .-, , < ¦< -; '\ ; >.p (Illi. A uy oilier l-nmilhlu rMiou wJitoli « fovvWii . ' i -: ' . ! company could urge to j irocuro -ji^(»o, u%i«, ' ' '{ '¦ ': ' , thin eld . lo ng (Btnblllil.e d, l'oli,u, ?¦ouiuiiHy. ,ti u»V - ; '' ; iii'li.i li' ir lis.-lf wllll ||r(-alerf(iir (>i;. -,: . . . ,: ' . : . ' .•/ . ', ' ' Mi.v v 'uili , iffi ' ". " .. ' ' ' . ' ¦ :' " ' ' ' . ', ¦ , ' ' .' , ' : '•. . If. ll ; l OAf;W, ' 1 t',iVlil ii a». 1 ' . . ' . ' ¦ ' ' . ' ;- , i' . II. Oviui 'ioii , Onuriitttiy. ' :' .; ¦ ' ¦¦ .. ' ' 1 ,' . ' . ' . ¦¦ -,- ,, ( l i' ;' .. ' ' . , - -,' .' - . th e sag^iScE ; : ej SS ;S t m-owi.it.iB!;, ' .::!; . . ' ' ¦ , ' " ' : '. ' > ' -v¦ ¦ , :, " ' ' Kv miv T«i un^/iv- ' -Mmvtstwii- . . ' ' -;. ' :, ' AT lUd-llAl t U{Hl , fji -It,, . , ' r - '' . ;. ,; '' ,/, At t!ll!.0(> pur year. In ikIm^icj : ' If inst ¦.*•!«; . —: "- * ¦ ' '-. in ittlv aii(m 0a, /.l) will ti u»-,hr, rjrutll . , . .,. . /' . ' - >. ' : ' ¦ ', riv. t niiftiiu» 'AttV utiffiii 'iMU ¦ ' . ' ¦ ¦> . - ,. ¦ -' - ¦ 1 V'l-eU '' tlltU' .;- ' - , ' tlillll ., ' . i ' ta iri' - -,,; 1 o.i r. «.» , 7A -, «»,»„ ' .' fiWH,, : ¦ma . Ut - , ' y «• ¦ i , nn « , (M» :. - , . ' ,o, ik ,?' v. ¦ tnx&\ 1 ;::. -> u " a. 011 o.on , . ' , -, jjj . imi . .. " ¦'w . ti.l'; * ool. », oi > 1 liw , ' ¦ ' . ' ¦ ' w. Ofl¦ ' ' "¦;. ¦! S1U19; ' - '- 'i j •< . fi . Od ¦ JHi , (W"i- , .:. - pil»,« Si., ' ' ¦ ' : '<HM; * ,1 , : ' ' | ' - , ' , J " (1 ,011 . ' ' llt . Uil . . - -l lH.OIIi ¦>' ¦ - . •timti . .' ¦ ' ¦ i n, <'» ' 2M0' .. -¦' , -dMHi ¦ " ., '¦ ¦ W . b' j ',V, ' . ' . One iiiiuM.. , ono l nii..'i tltKi < Vf, *(n„, 11 Avti fAi lw .>•• ' ,. ' ' - , ' (j ueiit Inwrtlun - Slh nlu- l)liit«,* .li l Jl , -u' ,)' t>i ,|,:ftl . ' ¦ ' ;, ' ' ' I'tiiw lllulu » MiunarjT. ' , All lr , *i)i,l'J: i ,t rj Viv.i;!i;,-|.nij ' a ' - . ; i : luiii it In) |.uli| Jor lii i)dvul|jiolui t,(J> ii,rfi 't :j -,i ;„ :: o:j, . , , Nui.upiir diuunutdiu id ' lAntt l'liiH-'iV.'^ij.^^ii.i 1 ' vnf i ' ¦ ' , palJ , fiii«jitntlliwo| i1l!fn o!f l/ia<k!il<: ^' . 0,via ' '. . ''' ' |-!' Iion ililllt a W ill filM).il llill|i'l , v ll.|U' l. t , 1.4lrJ) v,)|. l^t». 'liJi ' ' ¦: , uiuiiIm IIoiii i miiimlluu ti(i Dulitiil ' .a-:/. ' ti:- ;, .}-. vj;, 9.1 ,1(1 ', ' . ' , ' ¦ ulilil))4J ' , " y / ' . ¦' ¦; . -, ' " ': ' 'i' ' , , ' ¦' ' . . " 1 " ; " ' [, ; : '. " ' ' . i . ' " . ' , ' ' ' . ' " ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' , . '' " ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ' . - ' ;. '' Wmt &^h IpTp V Mmf iWh 1 ^' A tf 4$m} m r - ft xk P a n vpi I ' w i 11 " ~[/ \A~ //A IrsdN jt I " // I 9 /v£\ 1 tilL. "vN»*i rBl I ' ¦ I mkSMBm^. ' AomsmimsmmnM^. (.. iitnli.tiiil tnirft nroi.lH>Ui*lwi..I llinUni»t llultcll.fc ' - l.-. iMiiiRl ,i,ii.iUiiin« I.i Ui« lutrr.i -riuM i.i. i-iiiuikai.h j LiViiiil il. * i«ti " r "Ic i rj -Jilu AntiY»l>K-r«crw * 1.11¦*. A ii.j,M-l-l»rf»iJi»<i>.>' «lltli""nii' l "* , . l]« , '' - , '?" > , ' l '" T. "' AlH« iu.llni< wlllillirlllln«l . iil«itclif» » f III*lw*l IhJ Belli¦> hi.iI). Lill y r «|.l«liil llw >''i': l"1 r f|i'0i"' ,("''' l 'l 1 ', '' l',.iil.,|». I' lt tl-K -tol". I!»|«« C't fl'IVf" ' '""i" , ' "''• l,nrJ , lli.li) Vl.l>..«. UUclillluln a . tlmmli>ll rM »r» . Iiiu»l«r«. lUi.b ll.,l.lioi« . etc , Hltli (iiwjj r IIIiwh . , '' A7ji' N'l' l- ' t , ' lfl "' '«^'' " t l"lVl»lli*»'>T l, "" l'*n'lv,»ri , AUtnilrdu nru, l'n"»i'»l i-V ll.l. u«rli« - «i, , Ah. *" itttlj(& " ' <> >«••¦* loii'lmrlnumtl ' .;, l„u ¦ Mil r.Tilii .M.l.-|» l ("fil"'/ "l" 1 " inill»««I. , '"l « "'I'll'-, ' l l . VV, OjiU/. llTON i •» .. IMlil l'li"" . H«w V.„l(. : " &i^saw iM : lli« Mii l„i. lll»ur' iii'. 'lyl.' .' i ' ¦ ' - ; ' . . ' ii. it..,n.«ii. , «.il r...,*.'i 1'- . . . . I4n.uin il.i.i' "l .'.- -.I-I ¦ lllnry.l ; ¦'• I , " ' . ' (, it.,r„" 111 V ,' I """ " ¦ ,u {, ' ,:v. ;• . ¦;.)' .. ¦ .. .; . ... •¦ .- ... ¦ . | ¥I(;()IMA FAKMS 1 \J „j„ », . ..... ........ ¦.•'—.. . ..... i M) nr l: \ 1.1:1 ' ! I. .I- ' . i'i I"' . ' - '(M» I'l. ' -r.'lt li-lioN rj AT l ' mTT I M, l'" ' "I'M ' ''!'" H.WKMIN f; , Jb lWli » ' .A .I-IIJ 1. .1IW.. . V Ml li-illil. H-..1 ilfli, II v.r l' ' i uiu, ' fr«ii| l Iiiii iH 11.. . -'' . lii' .ll' i'llj. M.W «I. H'lO iiiirii far m w 'lli l. ' ill 'ir. ,.. ii - 1..II11.11I 11.1.I ltv. 'r , H. -lll. ' . <)llii.r i I.uiu iln> ji IIV. -i mi, I l.nii'f I'llri'K. I' mii L viu, (n » . N\M lll.-li ' 'I ' Vi. iU. M- jhlII-1 -l lt.'ll. . -> ¦ "-at l. ' . ' . 'l' Arl.l M ,| llilii.ltjil il , Vj. . ¦ ' -X ¦ ¦ ¦

w 269 & 271 PULTON STREET FIE FBEI6H fllflHITnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031600/1885-01-15/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · And purity nnd love r When shall all hatred cease, As iu Iho realms

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Page 1: w 269 & 271 PULTON STREET FIE FBEI6H fllflHITnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031600/1885-01-15/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · And purity nnd love r When shall all hatred cease, As iu Iho realms

the s.uibatb: chime.i Thy kingdom come, O God ,

Thy rule , O Christ , beg in :Break with thine iro n rod

i Tho tyrannies of niu.

Wboro in Thy reign of peac e ,And purity nnd love r

When shall all hatred cease ,As iu Iho realms above ?

Whc -u ccmce Hie promised time» That war shall be no more ?

Oppression , lust aud crime ,Sbnlr/lee Thy face before ?

We pray Thee , Lord, arise ,! And come iu Thy great might

Revive oar longing eyes,Which languish in Thy sight.

Men scorn Thy sacrn l naoie ,And wolves devour Tby Mil ;

By niony deeds of shomo. -Wo learn thai love grows cr .Id.

O' er heathen lands n. 'ar .Thick darkness broquYth yet : <*-

Arise, O mornin g star .Arise , nnd never set.

The impossibility of proving that Goddoes not exist , reveals lo mo his es'R-tenco.—Ln JJruyerc.

Daring the last thirty years tho Episco-pal church in-Scotland has gained 133clergymen , 50.000 members , three cathe-dra!? , 12(1 churches and 90 patKonnge t '.

No man is born into this work! whoseworth is not born with him : Ihoie is al-ways woik. and tools to wcik withal , forthose who will ; nnd bless"d are Iho hor-ny hands of toil.— -Jam es J lussell Lowell.

If men were half ns fai thful in confess-ing their sins ns they nro strenuous instriving to Dalliuto or excuse them , t lievwould have fewer sins to ho forciven andricher pence in tiifj sense of .sin forg iven.—TAving Vknri 'lt. , ""

Tbe best thing to give to > our enemyis forgiveness ; to nn opponent , tolern ece :to a friend , your heart ; to your child , itgood example ; to a fa t l i f r , deference ; toyour mother, conduct that will mnlse herproud of you : to yourself , respect ; It) allmonVchurity — Mrs. f lidfu ni: . - .

The world lias power over your fateonly as yon give it power. You need notbe like a helpless worm in it s path wail-ing lo be crushed. Git up lilw a manand take care of yourself. The worldmay let you starve, but it can not preventyou fro m becoming good-mid true , nndmanly.—/•-'. A*, line.

The man.ulio is accustomed io iiu 'orprevia lento blunts his si use of t ru th ; liewho baa Iho habit of deception is cn-tanyled in his own duci it: deluuvberyunsleadies the jud gement as will as thonerves Hence, in the. long run. tbescoundrel, however accomp lished , is verylikely to bo cnup hi ; his intellect is dam-aged by his evil practices —ChristianA deocale.

With Christ is (lit; fountain of life, afountain which shell never bo dried up.but to drink of which Iho inward thirst isto bo kindled. Whib.t tliuii art indul-gent to tby voices, how cnunt t l iou f ind nlonging such as would mnko the .-; inn totho water brooks ' Grant i.< the beauty oftho earth , the brightness of the sup, themoon cheering tho ni i>\it.. Yet is not mythirst stayed then : I admirn ( fuse ; Ithirst for Him who nnmY- Iheni — St Augttstitw.

God makes tho glotvwmm an well nsthe star ; tho light in belli is divine. Ifmine bo an carth-Ftncslo g litddcii Ihu way-side, 1 mutit cultivate humbl y nnd rejoic-ing ly its prom .cnvth-g luw, tind not nookto blanch it to thn whiteness of the slursHint lie in the fields of bluo. For I tin-ny God in my own being is to relnse tosee him in nny. God and man can meetonly by man 's bicwiin-.; that which Godmeant him to be. Then he enlt-rs intotlio bonce of lifo , which i* grui t i r thantho hou«e of fame. Il is heller lo be nchild in a great Ik-Id than u kn i oh t olmany orderrj iu n itl ' itu oeioiuniiii t l . —George Miic.loi.idi l.

Oh, jud ge ma eli iud I'lom its Ing h esl.aud its best I Which in thn tun , glow-wot .n—tbo bliivk iii'v.ict which you m:ucrawling in the day, '>r the lustrous emer-alds of the slniiit bi t i ik? Which is thetrim man—tli o man who is y ielding tofoul dinloinpoiH, ami whoso soul is dimwith rage or wit h envy or with lust , or•bo man who , luv it for j\ inumrul , hasaliiikcn himself froo from the ecrc-chilli fof bis own cniibimiiu'il ed bnaoness to un-fold th o wings wrapp i il wi ih in him, nn.lto soar fro m curth a creatnro of iho rl iy ?Yea, cbooso man at bin highest nnd binbent, but rcmmiiber, at ihu rami! t ime ,that in every ono of you lies tho \ oteu-tiality of ci th er i lnve l cpi iw - i i t— ( ' iniiiuiiParrar.

In every man theio nro Iwo I'aeulli '.'Hwhich constitiilo his l ife , the will and theundcrn tniidiii f: , to which nil tho thingsnpportliiniug to him liuvu ' i t l i i l irn. Therennon why (h ero nro two mftiilt to.i in miniwhich constitutu lii.i bin is beenueo thereare two princip les coiiMit i icnt of lifo inhoitv en , good nnd ^ru lh ', good h is velu-tian to tho will nnd t ru th to the under-standin g : bunco il iu ovident Ihnre nretwo thingti which mnuen a man npiinii i land consequently blessed ill IhoT itlior life ,charity and faith , for chari ty is good andfaith is tru e, and charity has relation totho wil l and faith to iho understanding.To those two princi pled , good ari d t in tb ,all tbo things in nuluro Imvo reference ,and th encu exist and Btibhist , That thovbnvo reference to those two piiueiph u isimiuifeut f iom tho c:t' -c of bent niid l i ^hl ,bout having reteieneu to poo.I and bghito Unt i l i t l iorufiirr . iilso t> \ i r i lmd bent , icIho good of love nn.l sp iri t . i il livj M is thet ruth ol luitli. .S in to nil 11:111; ;:. i.vi n II , .-minut 'ist ir. iiniveru il n u l u i . ». Inivu icl . -r-oncG to i.liomi two princi p les , g-iod mn!t ru th , and good is rcpiVM intcd in henland truth ill lig ht , lot ev u vy ore jndt j cwhat Iho qnnbiy ol mini i-i from Inii l iiihiii o wi thout I ' l i i i r i lv . or whul. is theiminii l l i in / ,', from i n ly ui del' 1 not ingtrut h wi thout wi l lm / ; h cwiI ; dwi -c il noirot i emllo tho i.l .t 'n i f w i u t r r when tinlight hi lu li/til unit i t i l l and nil l l i in ^ i. r.ti-torpid bociiuso wil.lioid I , oi l I .-'..it 'll in the;j l,Uo of until who iu in lu i lh .Mom-, nnd nolill till.' good ill l<iv . .'| l.o in i-i r. 1,1 ninli l i i l l i i iesn—ill cold In ,• t n .o liu i:t co l i l ru l jto H,oo<l , uud in ill i . lci l. ii , -:.:, ii coii. o onthnt nccoiiiil lie in e o n t i n i v to I r u t l i ; forho who in cont iniy to /f iniil in idoo loiilra-ry to t ruth , however be inny i.i-i m to liim-iit -l f not to bo no, uiiit -ii tho oii u i l rnwn theother to ito nid o. Such is hiu Mule u l lmdenlh. — Sici dt 'ii linri/ .



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S\M.'ciiil H yg ieiii ' . '

No l'oluonu I No Uu-Viti t llzing I

(HTI OE CONSULTATION l- lti:i:, |'ihe ft illou ]ii|; nre iiniuii of tin- ininiy ili a - .nu ,i jiiiiccuij iliilly lin .itiil , with nu ri ' Mililu it uflnr-

(rou lileiwi , viz i Coniiiiinptlnn , (.'nluni i , (.linui li- ipil lion , lirom -hillii , 1)> 'u j ii.'| »iIii , Ui ' d il- nnli u , Km- 'rul j iln, lllittinniitlhin , (Ht i vlni , Uliul . li r mul Kill-1miy ili.-Aiiiiii i it , l.oiiii <i f A |>| v, l i t , - , SI, - , |i lr ,> ,n,' n i ,N' ii rvounnri t M i-p.. .Vii , ,

IHiw uuvu i\w\ it' ttUt t all uu.lu -uluut ntv v\ ' u ivi. !Cnrroiiponili ' iii' ii l uvlti (I. In - .n i i | . l lv cli- iuiliii'i

ud lit fruii .'' iur||«H (en- Irt 'i vtiiiuiit im.d i't .iti ' . -Ihyl \

(I flVllfl l'd | Kiiinp li ' H lu- w ulyKm Ci,r |i, ln |,t i x | I Ubo i unw np. ni nj j, ui |Oc toUr II , lSr > l. (. 'DO I'Ult M. . I

To free hens from Vermin sprinkle alittl e su lphur in the nest when the hen isset.

Tho value of ensilage for food for sheepin said to bo equal to grain in .many re-spects.

Tbe oldor nntl larger an animal hocomest b ) more food it icquiresto make a poundof growth.

Cooked food unswi i's an well for poul-tiy as for stock, hut should not ho fed ex-cl usi vely.. When churning, if butter '-comes in

specks" put in a lump of butter nnd tboywill fj nllicr fo if.

If you have a hick nnin .ul , s;\y w ith acohl , give a mash of scal'dcd '• shorts,"which often relieves.

Sheep grow quickl y and mature early,aud with thoir fleece pay dividends oftciierthan any other live stock.

This country, iu 1830, wua worth forty-tour billions of dollars. One fourth ofthis vnst sum was in farms.

Irrigation will uol take the place ofmanure on land. Soil wtll fertilized rich-ly repays tho labor expended. .

If you have stiff or noisy hinges about Ithe place, pour or. the lop .a little kero-sene which will noon fiud its way in.

A prominent poultry-raiser tnys that3,000 hens enred tor in the proper n)a«"uerwill show nn .nnnuni profit of $2,000. . /

The fodder from Rweet corn may hogreatl y increased by cuf.tiug up tho stalksno soon as tlio cars nro gathered.

Eggs packed in well dried nslj er;, andso as not to touch each other, liuyo boonkepi perfectly sweet, f i r twelve lnonlhp .

A quart of onlmenl in a pail of watevwill freshen n, hoiso af l r r hard drivingand prepare Imk s!on:tich for more f-olidfood. ^

Should you run out of axle grouse somobusy time, mis two parts of lord with onoeach of black lend ami wheat (lour, andapply.

A Mary land poultry raiser thiuks thata pint of epsom Falts to a half peek of-meal, fed to chick? , is tho Lest remedyforg.ipcs.

No plint makes a bolter pasture forbees than ulfalfa clever. Tho honeymade from it is almost equal to Ih it fromwhits clover.

Wheat or other cereals that nro Fownin tho full have tho ad.vantage over thosame or other kinds sown in the spring offorming much longer roots.

Any field that will produce clever mayhe gradually restored to fertility if suchcrops are grown and turned under , espec-ially if rotiilioii lie observed.

An authority ou butler nsukiog saysthat if . tlio crown of tho turni p be cut oguud only tho bottom of tho bulb lie giventhere will be no turn i p flavor io milk.

Uo careful to mill: tho cows clean(•' fill ip "). ThuTusl dratvn is ' known tobe from ten to twelve times richer thantho first , that is, bus much more cream init. .

There is a st rong fculiMg in variousportions of tho United Status iu favor oftotal abolition of fences. It is statedthat tho cost of tho maintenance of fencesannuall y in 'this country is not fur shortof §80,000,000, a pretty snug susi if itmight bo saved to tho .furmers. It is es-timated that there nro 0,000,000 miles offencing in nil in this nation.

" Koutcli oil Cough!*."Auk for " .Hough on Coiighn ," for Coug lw ,

Collin , Soro Throat , ijoiirnt ;uemi. Ti-ooho.-i, 1.". c.Liquid , '-T> (i. _ "' •

, " Uouirli on Kilts. ''Cloai'H ot il rata , niict 1, r mchcH , llins, aula, bud-

liu(5*, kIouiUh . chipmunks , f^oj i l.. rj , l,r. c.nriig|; thlK.

Ileiu t I'ii Iiik.Val ]nln tii .ii , Dropaloi .l Swfillhi K» , Di'/zino sB,

Indi gestion , Heailiicho , SIcop lcHsuu ua ,-" ivd liy" Wi ' lU' lluiil ih Itoii«w.ir ,"

" Kou gli on CoriiM. 'Ahl i for W.IIk ' " Iloujj h ou llorim. " I *> o.

Quick , rouipk -lo cur. ', iiiu d orntif l onr iu , tr arla ,b;uiinini."Kor tr li on Pain , "I' oniusiM l Pla slor.

rt truu)(thoiiiiii;, improv .'d , tlm lioat for Imclt-acho , piiiii n hi client or si.lc , i ht'iitimtUin , ncu-riil £ ;in ,

¦I'liln l*eo|ilo." Wel lh ' Hi ' iilili Uonewer " rfstn. 'Ci lu-aUli nnd

vigor , curcii Dyii popsla , lloudiiclio , Nci'vmn uiOHfl ,DuUllly. ^l._ '._

Whooping Cough,n ud the niniiv Throat AfTotitloim of chlhlrr-n ,proniptly, pliinaitiu ly and ntifcl y ri. )iovcd hy" Il oii i?li un t 'ouglia, " Truclinii , l.'.n.; lliiluain L',".o.

Mot hum.II you urn failing broke n, worn mil nnd ii..t-

voun , uno '• Wolln ' Ifenlll i lioiunrur." if l .Drugg lal n.

Lilo Preserver.If you met loiii»/j your grip on life, try Welln '

Health Itcnowov. " Cloiin diroet to weult apotn.• " itougli on Tootlmelio " .

Iur.tMit rnllof for Nuurol g iu, Tootlinnlt tf , lAica-ache. Auk for "I tilng li oiiTontliiiiilin ." 1.1 nud'.'.1 iMuitn. ,' _

Pretty Women.LiitHe n who lvouh l ri 'tahi frnnhuai .ii and vlvan l-

ty. Don 't full to try " Wol ln' Il onllh It unuwcr. "

l^utiirrhul Tli rout AlloctloiiH.Iliickln g, iirltniing (Joug lin , Onldn , rinru 'i'lirnnt ,(inrtid hy "Hough on (linn;. " Ti' oeheii , llic.Llip .lil S.-io. _

"Tt<Mi irli on ltt -li. ""ltoi i gti oii Iliili " euroa huninrii, eru pll .inii ,

rlngvvoiin , ttittur , aal t liioiim , f ro.-Uutl fcut , elill.hl uiiiu.

Tlie. lto]H '. ut lliu Notion.Ohlldi' aii ul nw hi (lovclnpmiint , pun y, ii.ir.n vny,

nnd delicate , ui.o " Wonlth It inunvnr. "

Whlo Avi'ukii 'lhr«ii or four luiurii ovury night eoii|;liing. OctiniiniidlalK relli: f nnd i ooiol ret hy lining Wolln '"Hough on Udiig liu, " Trocl icii , I .'.t ' .! Ilnlnain ,-,''. I l t l l l ll.

" ltou gli on fuln 1' Poi'oii himI I'lnst i-i ;Strengthening, hnprnvnil , tlio licut for 1) ii.lt-

n ohe , puinn in ul.."ii or iil t lu. rliL ',.iii ntluin, nt.-ii-i'ttl l(in. -t'.i.vl

Nothtng Mn t lo in Vain.We a m told Unit iintliiug una mnih. iu vain;

hu t wl. 'U can liu mild nf Hie fm.lilnnidil e gill of(ho pt irlnd i Ini 't it lin iiiniil. n vain V Il.irt t l' n Hlc.nujin rilln i'i ninihi In Lowull , lln-ci ,, whe ru IlK -rcnre nin re hntlli a i.f 11 ittild limn of nny iitlu r mir -ii npnrllln or hlooil purillnr , Anil I'. U never takeniu vain. It purllli n Iho hlnml , i. l i'i n .' illieu n theiSh lum. imtl Hvw.u imw IKo uiitl vlij or lH (It * tm-liiv lindy. lull iloucii ij l, i;

Cuntorin.\Vli , :i t Ilnliy wnii i. iek, w» guv., her (Jiii t t iirln ,Win u aim wan n (I hild , i.li e cried for (lu t tmlii ,Wheu ultc van n Minn , ulie olun u (a Oiiiiloiiu.W lieunlie hud Ohllilr.n , iilinguv ellnliii ('nutnrln

_ . FARMUnd GARDEW. DVSPEPSMCauses Its victims to bo miserable , hopeless ,

j contused , and depressed In mind , very Irrita-ble, languid , and drowsy. It is n diseasewhich does not get well of Itself. It requ ire.-!caretul , persistent attention , and a remedy tothrow off tlio causes and tone up tho- diges-tive organs till they perform the ir dutieswillingly. Hood's Sars.ipnrIHa has proveuJ ust the required remed y In hundreds ot cases.

"Iha ve taken Hood' s Sarsapar illa for dys-lioiisla, from which I liavo suffered y.'o years.J tried many other medicines , but none prov edso natlsfactory as Hood' s Sarsa parilla. "

' Tiiosiab Cook , Brush Electric Light Co.,Sew York City.

Sick Headache" For tlio past two years I liavo boon

jtOT lrfPil ul lh sei-ero headaches and dyspcj i-sla. I was Induced to try Hood 's Sat-sapa-

! rii la , anil have f..und great re lief. I cheer-ful ly iceoninifiiil It to nil." JI uh. K. F..Anxaulk , New Haven , Conn.

j Mrs. Mary C. Smith , Catu lii'i .lKcp nrl, Mass.,! was a sufferer from dyspepsia end sick hcai '.-

• ache. Slnj took Hood' s S.ir saparllla audfound it tho best remedy she ever used.

Hood's SarsapartHaRul d by all druggists. $1; slx.lor S3. Mail oonly by C. I. IIOO U & CO., Lowell , JI ass.

lOO 'Doaos One Dollar.

OR . D A V I D

RE M E D YFor iho Cam of SEMncy and I,Ivor Cona-plninti , Goufltl patlun , mid nil dicorilcr aarisin g from an impure ntnto Df the BLOOD.

To "women whoftti ffcr from any of tUo iltapocui• linrto thoir nox It. is an unfitilin yfr ^ nii. AllIJru ffff iBt1!. One Dollurnbot tl p , or fidtlres a %n.

David Kenned y, Koridout itN. Y..

Gomp Sete Cia r©of Second Lienten nnt K e y nnd wife, of NewJors uy.—Tho wfin of Soooiul l.fuut«inint Iu«y,Company G,Tit I nl Kun* J e r*ti.>y HcF;iinont ( Mtyi3 ,undur dat «. Mftrch lst ,18M ; "Two y imra ogoiu v*fl^irnxifltauabuna were taken ti^vrn with mu-lurlnl fovor. Aftorcoii sulthijroiirfaTDU ypliy-K lclnu, end nndlni r no roller, wo tried x>lt- "PA.V1 D KF.SNi:i>V*3 FAVO KI TK TtlSAIISDY,iin i11t litiscoitiploti>lrou n 'd u !jori1ilsc] |i:eiiBO. "OOi^ STIPATIOi^••It -iiirereil froin rtarii lvHlsurthelii iwelsanilllviu-complaint, llliiiillj-usril ml. DAVJDKEVNEI>\ 'S KA.VOUIT15 KF.MI -.DY.andl uiuyiipIulouitsavcilluylUc. Tours , etc.,

"A. .7. lill'TOItn. "Jf r .r:in "nv.llstlinMnsferir-e\innicoftlioI..iw.

O I . llvlsl.c, -- ;lio nn sffin .t Lowell Ifitllrnild.

SEN SIBLE WBFE.M i' AV: ts;ihi K toii ]I. JIoiiro o ,of Ciii.-lilll , N.V.,

pn-- w: "For ycura I auffored rrom n-complnl ntcatled E rnrul. l employoii t lm bo>t mcillca ll)iU*iit '\vinroal "o^TulnlnfrtffivJii »]i'i. 31 v wife .. .wieliedi nototryDH.KKN S'Kin'SFAVOltlTE .H E M I C D V . To iiItM ue hevX AUl, mu ll sttitoth oresult in onn soiUimioo: Inm no'.vn wollmuu. '*

AMPUTATBORI. 'Hv. A.I ' :i*wnvth.on' ort Kwttn.S.Y., Mii Tei,oil

Tnr TWIC N TY-KIV K YCAUS imm ivtiia niso ^l lic Hii;tli I»oii (* > ci u*i «!(m1 l.y intpu m Mocid. H ¦flnallr nppllod t' i l>r. Kf t in cT i iv . ci' llomlout ,V. V., wliounipulatoiJ llic log uoartho tlilyhjoint. To

Purify the Bloodi ,, 'Ihnon r nvrnt inn rot urn of the d-pens n , l-'A V*uurr HIiKMr.bYwns i' lvt ' i i . i-iulMv.KlcWOil h ¦1- iinll ioMoom of m-nlih to lldy ijtiv. >'AV-UB1TK l.' K M KDY id nl*o n, m-.-ur. prnlr . t ionfro in nttack -* t lmt origh 'a'o in chun ^n o:' hf.\fiR -i- orx - * mi'' ellmate. To wniui ii fAS'OlU' i'WI r l ' M I . t\V nr/-i\ti,j ., ..r .n l l i l . ¦-. ( . . . >




HMO nil M A L / i R I -',!. D I S E i G E ' J."lie propvi i' lir cf tli te cr ? I 'j .-.-.t - - / rci- ::.

c lan justly tleiiao fir il f. sui ioyir.i liv r.v ,- .til ruffl p.-ac n c.\ cr oir -jrc t t u t.'.-i T t i '- .' io f,j -¦•iiio SArs , cr.riivotf , cJ'j-.v.ipj r.,-o r '-;;*.tf rtK K Nl'curo of A 'j a i tn.r V,.vir , k TM; ' -itiudl' sver , v.liethcf of she I cloi-r r.tmi ' i.ing. It'll rc.rci'3 to •.:•; cj U-..: V.'c-:t';.-n [-.>;.'.6outho; -n cotiutr yto bcirfcon (:: ::- ,iony totjn tv\::h or t '.'.ii Br.r.rrli.-< 'i f::.v; i", ai cv.-.owhatov cr wilt It ?,.il to (.«;- , . if ii. e ,;jroc,.'.tons sro avl;: '.j- ir li --7.-,: -: cu'1 or..-r: ;il ocl..1 a r '- 'it r. i.in '/ rr. -r.a a c-ii t .-lo t ln ^c 1- 1. -,Ii3- ;!i sv.liic i :- a 6 fcv a euro , r. nd"vlic ' (i f» v> ' •lies l'.:./tj horn oa-.-cd.hy c. i.. ii. .;lo Ivnt '.o , v.r.l i,>r;i.. ;t 'tr csfcr. 'l: ;cue:i:iO ,-.;.-,i:or.- l i,[a!t:i.I: lit , lioivtiyer , pr.iflau *, curt i.i every cr. si.v.cra oorl , i;i to oiii-o , if itr cso is can tinnedm r.mallar dai c.1 foi- a woclt or two aft- .ir tli oI '.iscus lia3 bsc.-i choc ltcil , moro etue olallyIn dllrloult, cud loug-ota tiding catoo, tJc u-ully this wodioino will not reqntro nny nidto kee p the howolij iu-good ,. or der. Shouldtoo pa tient, howovor , ronuiro a oa'tli ortioraodfeir.o, after having tuten three or fourt '.oaon ot the Tonio , a olanl s doao of BVJL h'SVliGETADLE i'AHILY T?.'CrJ ,3 will bo cuf-flclont.

BuLX 'fJ EAE3APAKIEr.A io tho old r.udrol lulilo remed y for Impurltic o of the bloodan d Scrofulous af fections—



Tlio Popular RomoUlo o of tlio Day.rrlnclpDt Offlte , 881 Httl» Ht., lol):SVlU,K , KV .

For kiiI m !iy drii( gi«tn of thi a jiln ee, O. If. CJnr-¦villi , Soiitliuniptou j U. (1. llowu ll , Hoiillioldillcnj. \V, lliihcock , Hiiil R o-lIiiin pion , nml ilru g-;iitn gener a lly thn -ng liout tho miiintry.


fP^PPfl TIf 1 Oil "

WOni H ITS YiElR liT K* GOLD!A ftlsiliu::". i.vitii cui-ativo pro|ior-tico ns ii\; (.T.>u li '3 io cniintoifoiraa tlia '.'YMAi.Vk } OF E6VPT, andv/hlch is n\) u i iavin g an cuormouostilo tlir av.'jV .o.'i ilia Uni tfitl Stainsan tl Cariadiio.

rC I IAV I . i ' ,' , !' , . l / '.WI' . I.I..M.v. -i.I ' " r i u -.- l . ic | . i , i i , i „ | w . i . I . u . l iv a l l i i i l i ' i l

y - .lr .- I I > . | > .- i ¦ -. - : ' . . - ¦: ; . c.i i l , l l r . im l i n l - i nml mi1.1 Or , I ' I . "II I- ' I . e . ' i i , , - ., - !. , 'I m, i ,„

¦ |l„. I In ...i t .

Oil f,.r «|.i i . i . , - i i .. . ¦» l l , . - l - j , , . „ . i- • l i. l i- .- i , , , -•'"I'.. I '

¦' ! 'II..- .- '. I in.- '.II,»B |.

l i l i l l l . - 'l, - l l - i i ' .- i - , - in- -, , l l : .: .- . i I . , , . ; Mi - ',.-- .M. I . . I- . . .. - , '¦ • r.f-. .; . i „ „ >.,,, i.Wu r . l . S ; . :, A ; |.>, , ., . ; | i I - . I , , . , ,,u i i . \S ' \ ' i i .i ::. , - i . . i . ,i i , . ¦„ ,!¦ . i-„, , - , .I .. . i - i - - r '. ' ... -. . , i ; i n . i ! . . , , , - i : , ! , .

' I ' I - ' I ¦ '• ¦ ¦• ¦ 1 1 . t . . . I I . i - I ." .! ,1 l ! -. , - i i , - i ."I'I" I .ll. I I. - , ¦ ,. .• II,,., ,,.,1 I I .nirc.l in. .-f . ,- , - In.. :..,. ¦ -, : I, ..i. ,,,IM.- i-i.i l ¦ l- t" i I i, ,.v . . , |; ,.„.,. . ,Cll. II; , :, , l , i . y - . '. ni- l i i \\\:l ,. |; , t . . '

3CLD -'IV /. I.I n ,". i: tto:? ;TfJ.•Jl 'K '"l. iii ri :i r-u-' tt •s.r»v.«i;o:> v.i.ha."F Tft f .: '¦,¦>¦': '" i' '-':i' i,v;r' r- '<>! ' ¦ !i" i ' i- -» > •• • n»™ *

f rtf t i l l -.Wii' Y '"¦•'¦ • ••i 'ii«"" nWki m$¥&W .-'"m-u,...i'|...-.u .*> ''Vi//J ti\\'y,A\'>- ' wl"^ -">U'u'C

;y;i ;Jf|f!IS!aVlVfl'v V,,:A ' ' •"»';',y.^W's,- -"* "'"

^^Li^ liic xtii anna sauiqbj


-j -x.K =-\/j a BA-- L"vui

An Independent Newspaper of Dem-ocratic Principles, hut riot Controlled byany Set of Pol iticians or Mani pulators :Devoted to Collecting and Publishing allthe News of the D6y. i n the most Inte r-esting Shape and with the greatest pos-sible Prompt ness, Accuracy and Impar-tiality ; and to the Promotion of Demo- .cratic Ideas and Policy in the affaiis of

^Sovcrnmen't, Society and Industry

rllatca, by Watt, Voatpaitl:

DAILY , por Year $6 00DAILY, per Month 50 •SUNDAY, por Year 1 00DAILY and SUNDAY por Year ' - » '• 7 CO ?WEEKLY, por Yoar • I 00

.-Milr-Mj , mil 8UJT, New Tarh City.

e/r/lAC t FROM A UTTER." Dear Grace :

When you were last atvi v house.von seemed lo doubt that I furnished viyJ llat of six rooms as handsomely as I didfo r $:$$; so in order to convince, and at

. the same time afford yon an ofi/vir/um'tvlogo aud do likewise, {enclose ihebilli 'the llrooklyn Ihirn itur: Co. Their ir--dress is SS9 to 57/ J ulicr St., Jiroonji tN. *'.,'from whom I get all my good;.Send to theinforan illustratedca/aio gMwhich they wilt mail free on applicantsand yon zoill have no reason fo regret anyselections you make, as they guaranteeevery article they sell; and from personalexperience I know their goods give satis-faction. Sincerely ycurs,


'liin GOOD NEWS ,iBH to lapses 1

Hrft j'J' J Or t a tf i liuliicemoi uf «ver of.fcti'-t 'Vj fercd. Now 'j yn up i lmo to rpIuq

f&«wW>Vlfl «rtU 'T»r iir<»«rc«l4»bruUdT *«»llifrVmiSV^V/ii "' >«' <' (*n>wR ( Niitt Hfciironbnnutl iixrWFtvP/yi "" (1",(| tlAI >d "r MflM ll0,° Cllln *iiiiii lH'AAU-iLt 7„, pr \ t „r i|an ' 1*nmn Deoorftto d

WoM Ur.;i1 Wam Hoto Mntinr t *f>i. nr (J ottl nnn tl Mo mDo rrtriH * TriHi -t **nt. Vnr <mi v«r dfula r * **1j(ra«<

wiiU o«i:.»t AMr.i tBfANjrK A. i) »" a Vox vr*. st and m v*i«oy nu Wow York,

f I t 5^ h¦¦¦ ^v/JK?\ b

11 f y :4<§> H .>! W (\ .: t'i .'//

¦ ll

Hi:i TIJtE U nhvnys to bo had nt! JIiisiuiN, .llyrtlir Avo. cur. Ifrttlgo St.,I It ' desired, iu order lo uujr for any nur-

I'linsn Unit mar Ito tuudo there, Thostflclt of l'lirnlturc In very extensive,irel l nmdu and of new doslgus. Our(larnot Department is thorough In aWHint is worthy as lloor coverings:tlio Bedding Hooius nro laden wltuMattresses, 1'cnther lletltt, PHIoyrs,Hots, Sprlntrn , ete., an d tic Iiaye rc-eontly added Stoves to our extensivextocb. Maiion offers tills largo stockto mnko selections from on terms tliomost liberal, both as regard to amountuf purcliaso money rociulreil and exten-

1 felon of time given to pay balance. We' nild nothing to tlio price of our goodsj for this accommodation because- Tfoj belief 0 our capital to bo safer as spread

> among lioner.t IIouBokcopcrfl , than left! nt tlio disposal of modern bankers.! Tall to - Ilnson'H, Myrtle Arc. c6rncr' Bridge St., Brooklyn, for good artic-

les, low prices, nnd honest dealing.

| Mnrcli 29, 18§3.



i Si; Of (very liiw.rliitlnn nt No\r-Vorli It d tnll Pricej , VOH OAHII.• The mil uieiil u r , havi ng iiiiutn nrraugcnienUj v t- llh Iwr, of thu Iii i'gi-nt Car ; 'iit Illinium in New-I i'oilt (lily to tell lliclrrarpctii by iiuniplrn , in mowj pii' paiid to i-j lillilt nearly iipu hiiiuir i il ntylou ,; liuinili ' ig )1«. nioAt bimu rlful pntlurnn nt Velvet,j li ru iiiiclK , Tnpi -Mry nml Ingrnliiu tlmt can he, fmtml in il,,, city W ith no eni.ltiil liiventuil , no

I' i ' inii .iiiiii , mid no old ,itoiiV , ho enn afford lo ecllcliniptr (hull ymiunuld liny (tin nuni n wrro you

• lu Ni-.w-Y orlt yimruolf. (loiuo mid no«i.i .Mm -!i. Ib it :. O. U, OOO t' lilt ,

SlOOlEifMinHi^nnriflft itRionm WE,, * fUMVtf weM vati ct?Cff ^ tcS iuUtitlytigtt:, *nKi?4W\w *walktUM * KHH tunUivaMr il,»<orilN ,gi4lrWrl<>IJ ,>cy* «^,,flnfy tuisv *i^-™*.*uuo ^u iicuxo *>ll<IOV<ll!l!!tvA >r l/Ll tu r

\ tlmi t?ia «(ii>y» ¦*iiris^d M cCAiraer CUn* i oy¦iii-l, vjn^t uvbl fj u "W wil l mul <C4iu-«,, Muirul' il only by tt i*4i!!k]vai/liu»4-lU»(4Jil ivttM *ltf»-.CluciuiiA ii . tiiii o. Utiltl by uruuiiluu. rtfi^u tia*

I' lUI N .M.I- . US' W. W. 'I'DOKKH, lnjl

C*A1i"Alr8 (ftJ M fo'lu'r rn uu 'U.l uTca'ani!I "/-,¦' ," ' "um**:* - I r rui iiiml M'v.'re |u lii in my1 J ' ' ¦ " ., '>* ffI v"'," heail . i-.ilill .innl il r. il.|>lli K' '} ' ' J I 'nr ' i Z lr C£tViK\ ¦ ' ill " iiiy Ih nul nml uii|i L>»»;1 i/A'i 'tAMB fvw'.r ' mu 1'K.ini i. «> ,"m.« •.(

) •{CAi ', f t m I r.ctif r i "full w.,« iimtii li.ii.n 'i rtl; 'iJ'd'iM/J'/i 'ltSJ^."' Hy » llimi 'i iKi i ii»» f.»r ««'¦Mr&a?"j i I Fan iii'mii ii • V" <;'<"«">yu>N<:0iO'f.u. ".tUJ! ,Pa |„, 1 hn„ ,.„,i,,iv,»„.

' Jt/ y ia1!'¦' ¦¦'¦ • **dtn *\ ««»«« mm; A-, ,,..,.,-'' ,t\W' l | n . Irmii ilalmili f.>r wim Icl V- ,•¦•-' ,1 ,„r ».y «n*A'r |.i.n.-u «.i of n.lr ll. (Ill •'¦WV- : Ww'li v.*7-,-lVV Oimni II jIiii 1 Inw wiMki " ! »

imr^^mm 0,v,:

'rAr ,

"A '"I On e ll a i.lnl, Klv '11 < Tfniu Halm »iiuk « ii 'ii im ln.

III,.-, liiiii rf hi nine. A Tluirniu tli Tiin i.iiii iii will fur *.'I Km 11 l.lqulil, \nt itiiimir. Apiilr lulu liolr ilu. l'rif «1 Hlrl , «l'lMi;irt ,illi | IW i.l» . l.y til all . I ij lilolcl, U»IO |.lu

luiU' o Uy i.uil , ll, ri». . . .. ..i;t ,Y UltuVIlC W, Um«j.. '-,.0n«i(0, U. V ,

¦ '".:~

- HBK>tY P.:HfeDG^,:~: ' : ?.;.-

filTOrtinST AND CotlNBjSl.tOB AT laAW, ¦•¦bridgk hasj^ton^l:i. '¦•

it fteg-Bmbor onB Sntcidhy.in '.esoh - iTtt.Ic '). ' 'hroauh the year j

THOMAS F. OSISOOOD,; y:\MMAttorney & OQiiiriselor^-:

Ofiloo otoi To<)ier,nDniBStorovBig»Hartos', JT.5f :"

ETEBETT A. CAEPEKTB ! ,'.- '.^^ITIOf KE Y AKi ' COrN£Hiii6lr tft»'i :'v*/ J N H RiLT SA A Rtipf c^^

Gillette Buildiiia r t: . • ' .- ¦' :• ^;

GUEEKE & RAY>i0^:;-;^3^

Attorneys & Counselors a^^w^J'SA G-HARBOB , ti+V^^-^ ff iOfllce over W. W. Toolier'n brog 8tor9.v 'V' ;

W. C. Gbkiine. Q. C. 'BiWos, : ' :!

JOHN SHERr WV " :[ " ' ' ¦'¦r ^Real and Personal Estate; Agent, "

WAIN ST., SAG HABisOR; ».*. *" ;.\Bents ond other collectionB mndo ,^ Iioaru j ci'

^good Rocurily. , - ' -


AND 1'LNSJON NOTABT. , . . -Offlm over G. il. Coopir 'nt lry goodi store.Acknowledgments nud offldavlt s tak en ' Petdii . .'

and other ConveynueeBund Instruments prepared.Documents for record foi-a' Brded to tho C013&-

ty cie'rfc. . - . . - ;.. '..: . ;-;. - .; ¦ -: ¦¦:

T1-EKE1 L & TAFT; '.' - -~: /


Aud deokr iu all kiudft ot Blnuke, ineludlug.Mortgagee, Deeds, Bonds Leaues, &a:, &a./ -

J OSEP U & OSBORNE , ^Eabt Hahiton , N.Tf; .'. ' . - : ¦ '¦ ¦ •Auctioneer, Sur eyor. Rotary::¦¦:<

Public and Conveyancer.HEAL ESTATE, LIFK & FIRE . INSUMHCEifit ; ;¦ Brink Checks, Boudu aud Stocks of (dl Mnda ;bought, sold or eiebangi-d ; Colleetioii» ruadf, .Loans negotiated , Coupoiii: cnehed, etoi,: sto. .-. >'PROMPT ATTKKTWN Td irSDVBSS. .;

1.EWIS BOWl5i^, ; 1. :'• > .;."

UEAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGEKT, ": ---A»l>— ¦ "• '¦'

.;'¦ ';:


is otary .J:'ublic.: ' "-. j v.- 'V.'¦'¦.. "l,}> 'll>(i CC.U 'iAC.IiS A si-EciAJiiv; ,

A ll ooit 11 ti iiicMic j UK ni.swured 'hy retmti niftll. ..'P O. LntFri l bouthtunpton , Ii. I. .'< : ¦


• BItlDGE HAMPTON, ll~l.'• ¦ ¦ ¦"Tyl ¦[? ¦:

r\ !4«i86 A A'tK/. / '-V',' " ¦'

X^i r« iMRsiiWa.M^.<5f •;;, ¦''• '' ¦:• ¦ ¦;.Tho Liverpool uud Ixind oa oud Gloh« dooil tha '-;

largest biudne ss iu the United GSates. . , - . '. 'TIIOH. P BI8000D, AgeaJ, :

8ag-IltrlKir , i.-1' : '. -Also agent for tho N tlonul pnd. other flrat-' ."

olaau compatu'ch. ' • . ' ; ':

«AsmiKi * w. eii.ki&sitWy C :BAO-IU niion, L. I.,

Agent fur the following Iim uninco Oompmiloa •joinc, dish Aua HtB , . $7,4!l'2,fsUil-' . . " : - .-',Royal of Liverpool, " ' .S,83B,a7f>.7!> ;tie rman-Ai ntn'cnn , ¦' ' 3,7(Mi'/74.73 -

i^iii irolli County iVaiilnsuH Siiniur- liiiivu <;«»iHjm«iy.

Hoiiewnl h of Vulieiea of lusurnuc n in Iho- .coin- ' . '

Iinny nuiy l.o oht .iined of Slirf ii Harah A. E. Of-icru , nt hi,r rehidence , Bag-Harbor , on Maiu

St.,. opj -.OHi te the house uf Mr. H. French. Ajj;(illciiuoun for new Inmirnhc o uiny bo, mado to tha ¦undersigned , l' reuiiunih of lunurunco must b« j' . .paid when due. nn d will ii ' illm advanc td. :. - ' ' '¦'

IIJ -NI .'Y P. llBDtJK fl, Agtnt.rVhninr ? au ili l fc'H 7. ' S4lf '

B cHaBl® Irasuisam,©©' ;'<;. u. ^MWVM y A&iM '..

>D . ' *

¦:¦ ¦¦'¦ ;:¦ '- ¦¦ ¦'Til IS I .DNDON ASSUBANOE -:' COB.


oapitui $i ,ooo,oo6'oolti-Herve forl'.i-insuruneu lto . 03H0.107 8SUneli.iu iwl llividiiid -i Ao,... 'MW,t)(i'j X ,t 'LKolS ' irp hm 44,Otft 1Q

Total AwIh ....$».OiO ,Oa0 00¦WIIiLIAM SI lI IIl G ll IHT V I'lltB lIia CO.

Onp iial .Hfl-"H« ,«>0O 07 •It o-iunurmiec Ac I01„«l«7 OK '- ' i'" .Net Hurp lu a ^Mt ^JM lO 7-* ' •:

A«init» «..*948i5ii5r7i5'' ,.:.; :

J iwuran co cit iictid In thn iil>o«o, Uotupunlc u *l - ;reuiioiiablu rulin . Dolaeluni dwelllngii nnd .farm ''"¦vImI ..! nt tin. lnwii iit r ateu. . ¦ <> . ¦ ' ¦

The Suffolk County Mi^^; -Insurance Compaii^ !filS iiMiMoiDt r<»r B «n»uairts»y .Biu HjBo . '

iJ 'OllH t W»Diy: . . . ¦ ; , ' ;Int. In ll'.n lung ru n ll ininircs nt a li-ihi vola iUnri" -

any i.lhcr I'liiupimy. nud liu ^if^nniiou ikevs^tbti..-'-- -:-'-' '.-'.Inwi' ^ l. . - .y , - ' ' : , . . ' , .- ' ¦• . - , / , ¦ ¦' ., , :,-¦.

yd. lt« Iiiih Iiii -hii mil 'Clocrti «ro »bo|iy tri iluf- ' - 'folk fJoiiliiy. " :.. : . . . ' - , " \ i ' ' . ;.,' :; - .

Hd. 'I Un iwi.ilit "»f 11 r«du(i(id-.|)r«miuo» iitt^fM' . ¦:'e.ri i iln ei.ii ()lli . im d.11 un] (g lli k nrldovr (.lid ¦' -

. hei r., of 1I1.1 liiNiir.nl. - . .V'¦ ,'¦ ., ...'' '„ . -¦:' -,- '}. . ' .' i i .7,-',.',4ilt , No (ii 'iiipuiiy in moro naf« or tlioj'i>;M)I»tl|»I '¦> ': i'-.!

in ml J iiMiiiig nn.l p»y|nu Itioniai by.fj fty ',-'; v' .",'¦- Zr "\:Mb. '1 hiu u.lu|inny ll.iwrtii «gi)|init low i,y lliAt. ,'!/1 ';'

ning, »l.lln luniiy romj iaiilwi ilo iiof., ' ' .-, , < ¦ < - ; '\ ;>.p(Illi. A uy oilier l-nmi lhlu rMiou wJitoli « fovvWii .'i -: '.!company could urge to j irocuro -ji ^(»o,u%i«, ' ''{ '¦':',

thin eld . long (Btnblllil.e d, l'oli,u, ?¦ouiuiiHy.,ti u»V - ;' ' ;iii'li .i li'ir lis. -l f wllll ||r(-alerf(iir (>i;.-, : . . . ,: '. :.' . • / .',•' '

Mi.v v'uili , i f f i • ' "." ..' ' ' . ' • ¦ : ' "• ' ' ' . ', ¦ ,' ' .' , ' : ' •.. If. ll ;l OAf;W, '

1t ',iVlil iia».1' . . ' .' ¦' ' . ' ;-, i'. II. Oviui'ioii, Onuriitttiy. •' :'.; ¦' ¦¦.. ' '1 ,'. '.' .¦¦ -,- ,,

( l i' ; ' .. ' '. , - -,'.'- .

the sag^iScE;:ejSS;Stm-owi.it.iB!;,'.: : !; • • . .' ' ¦ , '"' :'.' >'-v¦ ¦, :,"' '

Kvmiv T«i un / iv-'-Mmvtstwii-. . ''-;. ':, 'AT lUd-llAl t U{Hl , f j i -It,, . , ' r - '' . ;. „ ,; '', / ,

At t!ll!.0(> pur year. In ikIm^icj : ' If inst ¦.*•!«; . —:"- * ¦' '-.in ittlv aii(m 0a, /.l) will ti u » -,hr, rjrutll . ,. .,. . / ' . ' - „ >. ' : ' ¦• ',

riv.t niift iiu» 'AttV ut iffiii'iMU ¦' .' ¦ ¦> . - , .¦ -' - ¦

1 V'l -eU ' ' tl ltU' .;- ' - , ' tlillll ., ' . i 'tairi' - -, , ;1 o.ir. «.»,7A - , «»,(«»„ ' .'fiWH , , : ¦ma.Ut 7¦ - , 'y «• ¦ i,nn «,(M» :.- ,.',o,ik,? ' v . ¦ tnx&\1;::.- >u " a.011 o.on , . ' , -, jjj.imi • . .."¦'w.ti .l ' ;* ool. »,oi> 1 liw , '¦ ' .' ¦'w.Ofl¦ ''"¦;.¦! S1U19; ' - '- 'ij •< . fi .Od

¦ JHi,(W " i - , .:.- pil»,«Si., ' '¦' : '<HM;*,1, :' '|' - ,',

J " (1,011 .' ' llt.Uil . . - - l lH.OIIi ¦>' ¦ - .•timti . .'¦' ¦•i '¦ n,<'» ' 2M0' .. -¦', -dMHi ¦". , '• ¦¦ W.b'j ',V , '. '. One iiiiuM.. , ono lnii..'i tltKi < Vf, *(n„, 11 Avti fAi lw .>•• ' ,. ' ' - ,' •

(j ueiit Inwrtlun - Slh nlu- l)liit«,*.li lJl ,-u' ,)' t>i ,|,: ftl . ' ¦' ;, '' 'I ' tiiw lllulu » Miu nar j T. ', All lr ,*i)i,l'J: i ,t rj Viv.i;!i ;,-|.nij 'a ' - .;i :

luiiiit In) |.uli| Jor lii i)dvul|jiolui t,(J> ii, rf i 't :j -,i ;„ :: o:j, . , ,Nui.up iir diuunutdiu id ' lAntt l' liiH - ' iV.'^ij.^^ii.i

1 'vnf i ' • ¦ ' ,palJ , fiii«jitntlliwo| i1l!fn o!f l/ia<k!il<: ^ ' . 0,via'' . . ' ' ' ' | - ! 'Iion ililllt a W ill filM).il llill|i'l , v ll.|U' l.t ,1.4lrJ) v,)|.l^ t».'l iJi ' ' ¦: ,uiuiiIm IIoiii i n» miiimlluu ti(i Dulitiil '.a-:/.' ti: - ;, .}-.vj; , 9 .1 ,1(1 ', ' . ' ,' ¦ulilil))4J ' , " y /

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Wmt&^h IpTpVMmf iWh 1 ^ 'A tf4$m}m r - ftxk P an vpi I ' w i11 " ~[ / \A~ //A IrsdN jt I "/ / I 9 / v £ \ 1 tilL."vN»*i r B l I'¦ ImkSMBm . •'AomsmimsmmnM .(. .iitnli .tii il tnirft nroi.lH >Ui*lwi..I l l inUni»t llul t cll.fc '-l.-. iMiiiRl ,i,ii.iUiiin« I.i Ui« lutrr.i -riuM i.i. i-i i iuikai .h jLiVi i i i lil.


"r " Ic i rj -Jilu AntiY»l>K -r«crw * 1.11¦*.

A i i . j ,M -l - l» r f» i J i» < i> .> ' « l lt l i" " ni i ' l"* ,.l]«,''- ,'?">,' l'" T."'

AlH« iu.llni< w l l l i l l i r l l l l n « l .iil«itclif» » f III*lw*l IhJ Belli¦>hi.iI). Lill y r «|.l«liil n» llw >''i': l"1rf|i'0i"' ,("''' l'l1 ','' 'l',.iil.,|». I' lt tl- K -tol ". I!»|«« C't fl'IVf" ' '""i" , '"'' •l,nrJ , lli.li) Vl.l>..«. UUclillluln a . tlmmli>ll rM »r» .Iiiu»l«r«. lUi.b ll.,l.lioi« . etc , Hltli (iiwjj r IIIiwh .,''A7j i'N'l'l-'t

,'lfl"''«^''" t l" lVl»lli*»'>T l,"" l'*n 'lv,»ri ,AUtni l rdu nru, l'n"»i'»l i-V ll.l.u«rli« - «i ,, Ah.*"i t ttl j (& "' < > '» >«••¦* loi i 'lmr ln u mtl !¦'.;, l„u ¦Mil r .T ilii.M.l .-|» l ("fi l"'/ "l" 1 " inil l»««I .,'"l « "' I 'll'- ,'ll . VV, OjiU/. llTON i <¦•» .. IMlil l'li"" . H«w V.„l( .:"&i^sawiM :

l l i « Mii l„ i . l l l » u r ' i i i' . ' l y l. ' .' i ' ¦'- ; '. .'•ii. i t . . ,n .« i i . ,« .i l r...,*.'i 1 ' - . . . .

I4n.uin i l . i . i ' " l . ' . - - . I - I ¦

.« l l lnry. l ; •¦ ' • I ," ' . '

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¥I ( ; ( ) IMA FAKM S 1\J „j„ », . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -¦ ¦.•'—.. . ..... i M)

nr l: \ 1.1:1 ' ! I . .I -'. i'i I " ' . '- ' (M » I ' l.' -r.' lt l i - l ioNrjATl ' mTT I M , l'" ' " I'M ' ''!'" H.WKMIN f; ,Jb lWli » '.A .I-IIJ 1 . .1IW.. .V Ml l i- illil. H-..1 ilfli, II v.rl' 'iuiu, 'fr«ii| l I i i i i i H 11.. . - ' ' . lii ' .ll' i ' l l j . M.W «I. H' lO iiiirii far mw 'lli l. 'ill 'ir.,.. ii - 1..II11.11I 11.1.I lt v . 'r, H.-lll. '. <)llii.r iI .uiu i ln> ji IIV. -i mi , I l.nii 'f I ' llr i ' K. I' mii L viu, (n ».N\M lll. - li '' I' Vi. iU. M - j hl I I -1 - l lt. ' ll. .-> • ¦ "-at l. '. ' .'l'Arl.l M , |lli lii.l tjil il , Vj.

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