PKSSBYTER1AN ttlUKCB. IteV. C. U, WllSOn:*—Sundays hi. toao a. m. nuc 7:30 p. y. Miiiday ycbcol ai iip k wfi I'royur Mwilug Friday evening at T:SQ o ' clock iUraoDisr KPiBOOPAi. Co uncil, ltev. Job. llalrd snn- •iayBftt lO- .SO A- a.and' t ao v. x. Sunday school at 2 t/clocfc. 'Jlufw meetings at a i. m. aim 3 p. m. aim- Utiys and 13U r. m Wednesdays. Ctiarcli prayer meetInir every Friday evening at 7:SO Uowortb Leaguu servi ce 0:30 i\ u. auuday. Baptist Ch urch, Kov. Charles (l. Illckson , paotor. Services every Sunday ai- 103o a. h. nntl T:30 r,jt suuduy school ut 2 p. «. Pniyor muotlDtf Friday evo* nlnfjatT-SO. People' s Pkntacostal Tabkrhacls.Itcv. C. A. tteney. I'ttiiUir. Holine ss mesiiuff Monday ISO p. m.. Claw meeiluy Wednesday 7Sltrp. m., Biole reading Thurs- day 3 p. m , 1' rajor meeting' Friday 7:30 p. u, aim. days, preaching iusO a. m. 7;3Q f. m., Wasa uieetluu 9 a. it., aund.iy bcticol s p. «., prayer uud testimony meeting a v.«. Cnmsr (Episcopal) CuCKcn, Rev. O. T. Lewis, Hector. Service* * at lUSOA. m. andTaO p. u. aunduy bchooi at 2 o' clock. - Holy Communion 1st uuadoy fn month At lu^n k. m. and 3d Sunday and saint' s daj s at. 1,80 a m. Evening prayer and Litany Friday evening at T;S0 o' clock. Br. Andrew's, kov. Father Carey Rector. —First KosBiit l- jst) a. «., second Mass at 10 a. m. No evening, ser- vice during tbo summe r mouths. A. M. B. Zi on CncRCu. Rflv, L. D. Williams, Pa stor. proachltg at loau x. u. and T:1S p. u. Sabbato, school at a p. m. Christian ffndisaror prayer meeting- at c- jq P * M " BR1DGE-UAMPTON CHURCHES. Methodist Episcopal, Kev. T. L. Prlco—Probation- ers service 9:80 a. u. Preaching 10:3u a. m. and 7aio p. u. Sunday school VJ:16 p. «. Christian Endeavor 6:M r. «. Ciasu Meeting 730 p. v. Tuesdays. Prayer Sleeting 7:30 p. m, rrid aya. Pbesbttbhiau, Kev. Artbur Newman. —ITenclilng at 10.:c a. ii. and 730 r. u. Sunday ticnool 12:15 v. u. Christian Kndeavor o:« p. u. Prayer Meeting 730 p, 11. Wednesdays. LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. . TBAIN8 GOING EAST. . - ¦ LEATR. A. M -T. M. L.LCIIV ...8.88 .... B. 80 Flatbusii Ave 8:30 . .... 3,« boutttt 'npton 1134 4:07 0:37 WatfiP Mill r. 11:10 4:18 6,a3 Wrdg e-Hun. 'pu. 11.43 4:Bl o.« WalnsCOtt :.111.68 14:27 I6 &> EadL-UaTptOU. . -.11.69 4:30 6 Bj Amu«anbeu ww i.M 7- .0-* Mobtauk . nrrlVf 1*S4 7.14 batr-Harbor, arrive - .12.00 4:33 0.56 0UK GUIDE BOOK. THAINS aOINfl WB. - .T. MoDi^uk i-^ a AluuirullHUlt G:3S 9:10 iff l Ka^t-lLimptuc 7:01 4:17 2:10 WuI 'llCOU (7:10 1033 12:10 BBT-Ulirlra - - 7:02 9:15 SOS llrldgr-llatuplOIl 7:18 938 83-1 Wat er MIlLs 734 9.38 230 tj oullliunptou . ' 7:110 9:41 2:10 L. 1. liny, urrlvo lo£2 1:21 cy3 FU.ttlUS,lt Ave 10^3 lrtll 8:43 titiulous marked ivltu au "l" arc IlugsniClono. By the above table It will lie seen Unit llio -'Cape Horn " iruln Ironi llio taat. ulilcli loaves . Amuiraose a &l9- .10aail Sag-Llarbar . ui-9:l s t coauccui*TUli o, train ut C' cutro .lluricue» , ttius mitkius' utut unr through train to Now-Tork . arrlvinif at Fiat uusU uvonuc ut 1:27, Lonif lalunu cli-y at 1 ,21. Tlie iiuadny train leav(*a Flalliusa avenuo at 9:03 n. m. and i.uuk Islaud flly at 9:10. urrlvluu her e at 13:30 and leaves auir-Iliirlnir al 4:20 and amvlaff at Lonif island City at 7.45 p.tn.. and t'lulbilsU uvctiuu at 7:51. The train rcom yatc-Uari or lo Greeiiport (knowa as tile t. ' npe Horn train) leaves iair-Unrborul 9:10 a. ai., Tlie loc i trains leave s»o;-tlarb„r lor Itnuge-Uamii- 10D at 7:02. 8:00. 9:15, 11:20 . n. UI.. and 2;06. 4rtl3. 0 20 fi. in. i eiurnlt.i, ' , leavo Urldi;o-lIaDlpuj n lor Haii- larlior 7S0. 8.45. 948, 11:1,0 a. m and 2:2" , , 4«3, 647 p. m. suad ys leave saiMI .rbor at 12.0J m.. 4^0 p. m. lteturnlui:. leave Urldife-liiunpton at U3Q aua 4:45 p. in. Tbe annual meeting of the stockhold- ers of Peconic Bank will be held in the banking room, Jan. 10th, 1899, at 4 p. m. There appears to be something be- sides money in the consolidated fish fac- tory scheme, jnd ging from the remarks ol tho past few evenings. A large eagle, perched on the extreme of tho Presby terian Church spire, attract- ed attention early Sunday morning. He ¦was eviden tly an advocate of the "High Church. " Two other papers read at tho last ses- sion of the Sag-Harbor Historical So- ciety, one by Miss M. E. Stanton, the ot her by "W. C. Greene, -wo give on our fir st page. ¦ ^»» ¦ An interestin g letter from George H. Cook , of tho First U. S. Cavalry, now- stationed at Fort Meade, South Dakota, entitled "Western Wonders, " will appear in our next. An Eliot Bible. William Wallace looker, philologist , archaeologist, etc. , of this village, has in his possession a rare curiosity in tho shape of a Bible, translated into tho Indian language and published by llov. John Eliot , tho apostle of tho Indians in North America, in the year 1G80. It is ono of tho few books of th , is edition now in existence, and is of considerable value on account of its rarit y. Tho imprint roadii : "Cambridge :—Printed for tho Ei ght Honorable Corporation in London , for tho propagation of tho Gospel amon g tho Indians in Now Eng land , 1680. " Tho book is in an excellent state of preservation , considering its grout ago, and contains the old and now testamen ts anil tho psalms in metrical verso. AU through the book are marginal notes in Indian lan guage, nnd in . Indian hand- writing. Mr. Tookor amuses himself by translating those liotoH , as well ns pas- sagos from tho book itnolf. It belongs to a gentleman in Now Jersey, who rac&ntly found it in an old garret client , nftor being hidden awny for over lifty years. A Valuable Book. One of tho most valuable books it has boon our pleasure to examine for n long timo , is the ono for which Capt. George O. GibbH is canva ssing the village. It is a largo hanc|soinuly bound volume of the choice literature of tho En glish langungo, with biographies anil pm-lrtiitH of the au- thors , tho groat pools , famous novolistu, distinguished or.sayints , historians nnd humorists, noted journ al i sts and mnga- zinti contributors , noted statesmen and woman in literature , popular writers for young people , groat orators and lonlnrorH , both of England and' America. Tho book flontainu full y lfi<> portraits as. wel l as some i!00 illustrations of sconoii oon- not-tod therewith , and in worth y n plnou on tho iiliolvou of uny library, Tlio vol- ume is complete in itself and sells in va- rioun bindings al $! l ,0() , $!1 .7fi ami M . fiO. Runaway. Tlio monotony tif a rainy afternoon wan broken Tuesday by a team of Iioisoh diinliing madl y down Madison ntieet.. JnuiOH M. Topping, of Sngivnoimnlr, was driving l oinurul y tlown tho utroot , rumi- nating on the possilii litioH of the future?. when u largo blank dug bounded inulden- ly over the fence at t liu rosidontio of (.leoi Ifiltlrot.li. ' This wim too imioli , ovwi for a sl ow-going farm ttiiini , mi thoy giitliorntl lli onmtilvt' .ii int o n mud gallop, Mr. Tup- ping bung on until uonvincod lliat iiafuty wim llm bo lter purl, of vulur , uud jumped fro m th e wiignn. Tho toiini finall y col- lided with Ali uto ' ii linibtu' polo , whoro ofllnar Higg imi j ilui-o I llirim under arrnnt, ami thoy w orn iiicurnoriittid in Ktigurii &, Poiifllnu mIiiIiIuii . Diimiigim : a iiliatteiotl burli er polo , a liroltuu hiiriit mu , li diHiiium- li nriKl wagon , and a f rif-litiynutl driver. Another Landmark Gone. "Oliunlt ," tlm old fiii lhful uliuid of Cliiirl mi N. Ifililrtill i , linn at luuf, " slmfilotl nil' thin intii iiil cull , " ami no w iiltinpii with bin fiitlniiu liiktiliiii priidiiiuiiiiiDi - "Driiti - Ijtoi in ," ' . '(.liuiili " Imn tini'vtid hin uui ntor f aithfull y fur llm |iuil, lliiity youvii , until iitlviiiifiii Kyiiniii unil n|ilVtinnd joints final- ly iiiuliid lii n iiuiifii lniiMii , ami ynl, ho livnil on , untl "would mil ffcj , btiiiniimi Im l uvotl hi u inaiiliir i»>, " Tlm imrviniiii of John Blooining liiii' g uiu| iilinlllu of nhltmiforiii wore iniulo iinu of , and "Olimilc " nuc- qmnlioU without a ukumrlo, Christmas in the Churches. •As Chri stmas this year falls on Sunday, it affords an unusually fitting opportunity for the churches to observe the day in season , and they are entering into tho spirit of tho occasion with more than or- dinary z;st, jud ging fro m the musical programmes to bo presented. In the . '' PKESDYTEniAN CHUKOH. Bev. C H. Wilson , tho pastor , will preach appropriate sermons both morning and evening, and the choir will render music as follows : . - ¦ . " Messiah is Kim: .... Aaltford Praiso walti-tli lorTlioo Bierly Hark I tho hosts of houvon are i luging. Tea&ia Cul ut ou tlie libtoning our of nit:lit...'. fBierly An Angel Serenade Aahf ord Lilt uji - . oii r huutls Beddall lluil I £1 eiivonlyKing.. " ...,_. Beirly r. „-„i , I Ch rlBlmutt Bolls;' Caro19 ] (Jliluung Bella. Metuooi st Episgoi'al Cnuncii. Bev. J oseph Baird , pastor , will preach in tho morning, a discourse in keeping with tho event , while in the evening tho choir will render a Christmas Praise Ser- vice, with perhaps a short address by the pastor. The music will be as follows ! . Antlieni , "linvk ! what mean those holy vtilet'S. " " "Tho Now Born King. " - *• "E xalting Angols. " " "Culm ou tlio listening oar." ¦ ' " " "All my heart this ni ght r ojoloos. " . '• " I'liti Angols song." Selootlon , tioprauo tiolo, accompanied by trio of mule voices , -'The birth ot a King. " ' " Alio Kol o, "A. tlruam of Paratilau. " " Quii rtuito , Glory, nonco ^ good will, " . boiirunotiolo , "The Hoavculy aong " tho audience room never looked prettier, combining a s it did tho stars and stripes comming led with flags of various nations, nnd twined with evergreen. This part of tho entertainment was in the hands of iu rs. B. J. Smith , Miss Anna L. Babcock, Mrs. W. L. Policy, nnd Mrs. S. Babcock. For tho benefit of out-of-town friends we give tho programme as follows : t a. America. 1 6. American Hymn. Quartette, Misses King, Boove, Hollrlch and Sir. Armstrong. End , Whilo nnd Blue, BoJo Mrs. Dookwlth Double Male Quartette , Onward March Messrs- Blaiklook, Thompson , Tayno, Baird. ArmBlroug, Baird , Titbor , Tal- ningo. , ( a. God savo tho Quoou. J 6, Putriotlo Song of Ireland. ( c. Tho Watch ou tho Rhino. Hong. Ehren on the Bill tie, Mrs. Bodington ( a. Kusslon Notional Hymn. 1 b. Nutloual Hymn ot France ^ ( MorBelllos) . Solo by Mr. Blaiklook. Song, True to tho LuBt , Miss Carrie J?iold j a, Nutionul Air of Bootlaud. I b, Now Trump o' or Moss and Fell , Obll- gnio solo by Mrs. Bodington. Double Muto Quartette , Tenting on the Old Gump Gr ound , Solo by ilr. Armstrong Quartette , Flag Without a Stain , Misers. King , and Reeve , Mossra. Blaiklook and Ar mstrong. I a.. Star Spangled Banner. ) b. Ball lo hymn of tho Eopubllo. iThc pat riotic concert given by tho Choir of the Methodist Ep iscopal Church las, t Thursday evening, proved a very p leusant and profitable occasion , being greeted by a largo and appreciative aud- ience. Tho singing was excellent, and much cr edit is duo Mrs. Wm. C. Greene , organist of tho church , for tho success of hor unt iring efforts. The decorations of Perhaps the prettiest effect of the whole, was presented by the central tableau , emblematic of the unity- of na- tions. As the various national airs were Bung, little girls, bearing that particular banner passed slowly before the audience and took positions on a pyramid shaped platform, and when completed presented a pretty p icture of eleven little girls, dressed " in white, waving tho many " col- ored flags, as follows : Winni fred Palmer, Hazel Longley, Edith Wade, Florence Hand , Eva Bayno, Jennie Harris, Margery Fieldin g, Erma Bock, B' oso Beokwith, Addid Bowden , Anabel Somers. ¦ ¦ The chorus singers , twent y-four, also made a pleasing effect, with their snow white gowns and rod , white and blue garnitu res. In the chorus, aside from thoso mentioned above, were Mrs. Flor- ence Tabor, Mrs. Helen'A. Booth , Mrs. Alberta Edwards, Mrs. Minnnie South- wick, and Misses Daisy Harris , Florence Booth , Ethel Boeth , Florence King, Ico cream was served, ' and proceeds netted about $30. cuius! cnunon. . Christmas Eve Service will bo at 7:80 r. jr., Saturday and tho Sunday School festival with carols and the Christmas tree will take place on Monday evening ot 7:110. Tho Chri stmas services on Sunday will connist of Morning Prayer and Holy Communion at 10:30 and Evening Prayer at 7:80. Tho Chri stmas mimic in Christ Church will ho of the usual hi gh order. Tho hymns will bo tlit old familiar Christmas HyruiiB, "Hark, tho H< raid Anj, els Sing, " "O, Com e All Ye Faitnful , " "It Came upon the Midni ght Clour. 1 ' Tlio chants will bo the old and popular Vonito, by Crotch , and Jubilate' Deo, by Dupuis. Thomas ' s ToDouni will l.o sung and "Angels fr om the ]t;nlms of Glory " by Billiard will bo the Offe rtory. As iihuul , the Sunday Schools of tl: o various churches, are making extensive preparation for thoir Christmas festivi- ties, whi ch tuko place Monday evening. In tbo Presbyterian School , tho usual or- der will prevail , including a troo for the liltlo ones mid a collation and general good timo f or tho older iicholars. . Col. Bane' s Lecture. The ijocond entertainment of tho Lec- ture Gour sti wan given in the Proith y torlun Oliurch on Tuoutlay nfglil , when a largo iituliont'o liitltincd with appreciation and deli ght to Ool. George W. Bane ns ho dep icted bin topic, "Among the Mnsiioi' , or Trails of human olianiotor. " The looturti was of a hi gh order , following a vein of philosop hic thought and aptl y il- ltintmUiil with rare wit , humor and anec- dote, Fr om tlm iitart ho put himself in Hympnlliy with his audience , who respond- ed to hin wit , or pathos , or patrioti sm with hoiii tyii ppliuiHO, ami from beg inning to end nave him the utill higher oom|ili- muni of llm cloHoiit attention. The Ool. in a Koiilii cliiiin and nil Ex-Confederate, bill , tliiiroii|;)il y I'liii onntruoliiil , t old hiu uiidinii it n that the Union Army whi pped the Oiiiiftitltuu lti Army, not hocaiiuo we lii ul butler i;n!mniln or braver Hum , but bumiiHO wn wnrti ri ght and thoy wor n wrung, uud his tribute to tlio Htiini and Stri pim i;liiwnd with a patriotism that iihowoil n ot. |.)ui iil i ghtiiut lingering trace of tli o old iiiilugoniiim, Ho iu an entliiiH- iiiu lio "ex| iiiiiitio ii im t , " and a believer in the giiinil mis sion of tho Kiig linli-upoiik- ing riinti f ur llm ponon , lili uriilizutloii mid oiilig litiiunuiut uf the world;' I' roHimtod im it u' nii , with iijitn tiiiii of iipotinh untl gni mi of iih)i!ii|.iiin the j lanluru wau ilu- oidodl y n Iniiit and a rofi'iiitliiueut, Mr. ilimlln Niiri'ln , nlorlt nf tint drug iitimi of II. Hlitii'ii uiUtn' , 1 ' t' rry, III. imya: "A mini nii nm inln nnr Mlnio llm iillinr tiny unil unlit , I uiini. u liniilni .r Una hin it |li ui. niivnii tilillil- riiii 'ii llvi 'ii , I i-nnil In tlio Niiwiialiuutl t. Tlin iiii lliir iin limy gel iilul t wlii'n wo iiiinimli gut tin) iloutiir Miilnli i'IiuiikIi , Il' u t lio iiitiilinlnii villi ni'H fur iiiiiiiii ,'" flu nllliili 'll to Ollillil- ln'rlnlii 'iiCinuli lliiiiini ly ami Imnuht a lititllu Indii rii Im lull, Din stiiro. li' ur uiiln by A, T. ilinwii , Hiij-llurbor, V ) u it In tlio Methodist School , as well as tho Episcopal , Baptist .and PontrtcoHtnl, tho cti ntoinary t' .olobrati ons will take placo , in which carols, gifts , refreshments, and Chrintina s choor in general will bo dis- ponuotl , ! —„ . A 1 (T hoir Concert. DIED Di sn—In tills village , Doc. 20th , P-tor Dish , son of DdolfJ03 and ilay Ann Dish a) 1 month ami 20 days. llF.UTtr.UT. —In t.liip. vi tiligo , Dec. 13, Hosartna Herbert , ro GO years , 1 month , 10 day s. Ar.j inicir—At E. 'ict Quogtie , Dec. 18th , Henry Aldileh , u) S-l \oui-u. 5 iiii mths. Hkdoks.At Enat-IIaiiipton , Dec. IS , Esther M. Hoilgou , in her 7-1 year. Tapt. At lILvcrliend , i> ec. ]2 th . Maria L., wlle- of- Wlliram H. Tuft , iu 58 years, 6 mom he uud u days. WsiiLS.—, At Baiting Hollow , Deo. 13th, Ml- enh XT. Wells , <n 85 yiats, 11 months and 9 diiy s, ' ' ConwiN. At Good Gr ound , Dcc.Stb , Howard H. Corwln , o> 48yt'ar8, 8 muntli s and a days. Hand. —At Amagnusott. Detj . 7lh , Maurico G. Hand , ra 35 yvars, U mouths, 1G days. Nooent. At Elverhoad , Dw. 1 2th , Johu Botiert Nugent , to 20 yoars, 1 month and 21 duy s. 6. 1' itiv. wlny Mor ning, Decembet 22 , " iS93 Terms S2.00 per year, in advance. %^ xQ' ??' %s? w" |i " W Wtir » e& < Holi day shopping this week is at its ' hei ght. Th oro aro no better stores or , finer stocks of holiday goods anywhere ; on Long Islan d than ri ght here fa Sag- Harbor, and it is doubtful if bettor bar- 1 gains or lower prices can bo found oven ; in Greater JJow-York, especially if t-rav- ! oling expenses, express charges and wear and tear of body and patience are token into consideration. But , notwithstan d- l ing all that may be said, there aro always] some misguided ones who will go or send to tho city ot Christmas timo for goods that can be had equally low and often superior, right hero at home, and then use up the balance of the year kicking about hard times and a slow town when they themselves havo made it so. "Whatsoever ye would that men should do, " etc., is a much better motto than "pay cash, in the cit y and ask credit at homo , " is example. . Ever y dollar we exch ange with each other adds to the prosperity of the home, and every dollar we put into ' our neighbor ' s till for its equivalent adds to the prosperit y of the town. - - Union- School Notes. School closes on Friday for the regular holiday vacation. . Work will be resumed on 1 uesday, Jan. 3d. ' Brief exercises will bo held in the sev- eral departments on Friday. There has been added to the library a set of "Warnor ' js Library of the World' s Best Literatu re, " which will be a , ' great aid in all English studios. The apparatus has been increased by the purchase of an excellent compo und microscope. ¦ The five ' Kegonts certificates earned by the school last year have been received and awarded to the pupils who earned them. The pass cards will not be given put until January. Commissioner C. H. Howell spent Tuesday visiting the several departments. At the close of the session he gave tho teachers an interesting and instructive talk. _ The flag, pole abbreviated by the storm, has been raised again to bear the Stars and Stripes, A new and more appropri- ate ono will replace it in tho spring. Personal Mention. Cabdebm.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car- berry, of Manhattan , spent Saturday and Sunday iu this place. Howaiid—Wm. G. Howard, our pres- ent efficient Fire Chief , announces him- self a candidate for re-election. ¦ Howell. —Charles H. Howell, comj missionor of this District, paid an official visit-to our school Tuesday last. . . HonsBEok.—Henry Hornbeck, piano tuner , etc.. has opened warerooms in tho looker store on upper Main street , where he is showing some ; fine instruments. See advertisement. , - r: ——•••-.—: C. E. Fritts , who has so -successfully con ducted ^ a jewelry " business in this place for the past year and a half left last Saturday , for Sag-Harbor , IT. Xj where ho will engage in the jewelry business on a larger ' scale , having taken an old established stand. We congratu- late ' Kim on his success, but ore sorry to have-him leave our town. His good workmanship, his honest dealin g with all , and ^lis gentlemanl y ways hove .won for him many trionds, who are loath to part with him. Mr. Fritts ca ' mo here frc m Lambortvillo and has worked up a good paying business, by doing the work that Trenton jewelers used to got, thereby keeping the money in our own town. As he leaves us we feel safe in saying that he will always be a welcome visitor to our borough , aaol wish him the patronage of Sag-Harbor ' s citizens , whioh ho well deserves.—Hopewell , (N. J.l Jleraltl, ^*y* MrB.-Brown; at tho Exchange, h as a flno assortment of goods suitable for Holiday Gifts. lnoluilluR .Palntluus , Embroideries , Crochet Work , Christmas Cards and : Book- lets, ola.,.nt roa' sonnb' o prions.- Two'doors above Plokark' s;" Open evenings. A cough Is not llko a fover. It does not havo to run a certain course. Guroltqiilokly and effectually with Ono Mlniito ' CoUKh Guru , iho beat roraotly fur all ages and for tlio moat sttvero cases. Wo recommend It booauso It' s good. A. II. Flokard , W. 11. ltelmunn. Chamberlain ' s Collo, Cholera antl-Dlnrrhooo Remedy can always bo dupuuded upon and Ia Sleasant and safe to take. Bold by A. T. rown , Bng-Harlior. Constipation prevents the body fro m rld- illntr ltsolf ot waato mutter. DoVPItt' s Little Earl y Illsers wlll romovu tho trouble and euro tilok Heatlitolin , ni lloiisno s, Inactive Liver and clear tho Complexion, Kninll , sugar . coatod. don 't grlpo or enuso naiiaeit. A. Ii. l'lokard , W. 11. Jtolmaiin. CASTOHIA nearstheB lffnnhireor CltAB. 11. PLKTcnxu. In use for more than thirty yean, and Tht Kind }' ou Jlav t Alwayt Htwght. Luto to bed and onrly to lino , prepares a man for Ills homo In tho nltlea. But onrly t > lied and a Llttln Early lllsor , the pill that niiikes life Jongt'r nntl butter and wiser. A. Ii!. 1 ' iukard , W. It. Uoliniinn. Tint HounniifliT- - Man IN SaB-Harbiu ' ns wall as the hiindeoni ost, anil uthorn nrn In. vlttul lo call tin any tlruuglBt and K«t Jre * a. lllul bott lti of Knino ' u Biilmiin for tin' Throat nnd Lungs , a mindly that la Ki.anintooil lo euro nnd relievo all Oliruiiln nntl Aoutn Cougliii , A ntliiini , Bronchitis nntl ooiiauinp- tltili. Prion 115 o. and G0n. Alillioii H G' ivbii Away , , Ufa certainly Krutlfylng to the public to lino v of mis noiioiirn in thn land who urn not itfruld to bo giuioi'ouu lo tho iimul y nuil tuif- ftiliiiK. Tho prtiprlettira uf Dr, KIiik ' o Now Dlscuvery forOoiistiinptlon, Cniiilhaanil Onltln have Riven away over ten milium trial bul- lion or this Ki-iuit nnidloliiti ; liiul havo tho iiallsriiotlou of Itnowlng It has nbnnliitnly iiur otl l.liiniHiiiiilii ii[ho|iiiliiiini 'iiiii'ii. Astlumi , llroneliltlii , lloiirooii ciiH and all dluoant'ii of tho Throat , (l linut nntl Liuign nrnauroly oiirod by It. Gull mi A. T. Brown , llrtiKHl-t , and ftit, a trail trial tioulo. Uouularelzo Mo. and 1, Kvory . bottle itunrnntooil, or (irlun ro. funded. . . ' ... . : ,w " ' , - '. * Heil Mot Fi'iiiu . ilitt ' ftiiii- ' * ! - ' Was tlm ball Unit liltO. B. - Btiini liiiaii , of Newark , Mlnh,, lu t lm Civil War. :H«iui"ia htirr lliluUliiniii tluil un Iroatinoii t liulpuil Tor •Jll viuiiw. Tlinn lluoUloii 'it Amlf n tinlvii tuireil liliii. Curt'o OntH , Itrulsen. Ilunin , lloll u , I' ultiiiH , Ciiriiu , Hutu Krtipllonn. H"«t I'llu nino un earl li, S3 olu,: a box. Uuro iiunrnii . tuud. Hold by A. T. Jli-uwii , Drugglnt. II Kxiiniiiirn In a Mulilnu ollmulti tilinngo prn- i lnui'ii tifthl In thn ht'iiil null t'liliirrh In apt l.o follow, l' rnvlili 'ii with I' .ly ' iillri'ii iu llaliiiytiu are tii'ititul nuiiliiftt Niiu-iKIaliuili. DniKKlstii mill It at IK) tiniilu , or lily .llmthoiit , fid Warren Hl„ Niiw-Yiirli , will mall tlin fillo. nr lilt), trial nlzo. Thn llniiii iiiiiiiii wll.ht)ut|ialn , n otin not Irrltutii tu- I'liuoii iiiitii 'iilnK. H Kpruailn ttiioli iiviii- i ni lriltnttiil anil aiiKiyi'iiifiion , riillovlii g liiiniiiillatiily llm iiiiln fiil Inlliiinniatl un , olniiuii untl ciirtui. (Jiiiuiii llaliu qulnkly oiirim tlm nolil. When ynu unit fiir TniVflt' o IVIIoh JiiwiiI Hulvti ilmi 'l, nrnep t niMiunta r ltiltnr luitliit tin •fhtirti aro iiinrn oiiiihh nf I'llen huliiK unrui by thin , th an nil iilliiirmioiiibliiii 'l. ¦-• '' ¦" -'"k- iirtl , W. II. Jtoliiiiinii, Shop at Home. I W TED—Woman to do general house- work. Good references required, and g od wages ottered , Inquire at tills ofllco. . i or Village Clerk, VOTE FOB lll ll IMMI HENRY HOENBECK;- : . - . DEALEB IS ' " ' HIGH GRADE PIANOS. Fine Pian o Tuning aud Repairing. WaroL'oom Main Kc, oupoatto Oakluod AVe. --24tt - TAX COLLECTOR^" . ' ¦- KOTICE. I, the undprslgncn , Col lector of Taxea 'f ot thoTown oCyputi.ompton , havo received tho tax roll and ivairaiit for the collection of Taxes for the prt- 'sent year , nnd that I will attend ot tho~foliowiutf places for tho purpose of receiving ;t!ic Taxes uji on Buch roll , and a n3* perton orcorporatlon /ailing to payeald Taxes with ono per coi-t fees for collection on or before thirty day s from-date of this notice, will bo compelled to pay five per cent- fees, oh p rovided by law : , At Southampton , Deo. ItHh and 30th , Jan. 6th ana J3th , at the house Qf Albert .i. Fof-t , f rom i) a. ' ar. to 4 p. it. At Eabtport , Dec. 20th, at tb> houao of W. U. ' Goidoo , fro m 0 a. m. to 12 si. At Speonk , Dec. 20ih, at ^ tho hout-o of H. B. tlal eey, f rom 1 to 4 r. M. At We3T^Ha3ip tos p Dec. 2lat , at the store of * B. Blbhop, fr om 9 a. M. tu 13 M. At West-axA»uton Ueacu , Dec. ^lst, at tho store of E II. Hl&h op, from 1 to 4 p. m. . At Quogue , Dec. 22d , nt th o store of S. Mills, fmnj J? a. ii. to 3 :30 r. M. ' At Bivehiiead, Vac. 21d , at the store of J. II. and J. H. Purklus . f rom 0 A. St. to 12 M. At Flanders, Deo. 2Ud ¦ at tho bouse of H. P. Farming, fro m 1 to 4 P. it. At BiudgEtHampton; Dec. 27th and Jan. 10th, at the storu ol HiMreth & Hand , from 9 a. ' li. t o 4 p. m. , At East Qoooue, Deoh 2^th, at tho store , of J. H. Pnillips. froiu 9 a. m. to 4 f. m. At Good Gbound , D»>c. 2Dt h, at tbo store of A. P. Squlns , from 9 a. ii. to 3:15 P. M. At Sag-Hakiioii , Jan ' .3d ' and 1 2th . at the Afi erlcau Hotel, f rom 9 a. m. to 4 p. it.'-' At WatehhiiiW, Jan. 4th , at th e storoof S. Corwlth , trv- m U A. M. to 4 p. M. At Saoaponack , Jan. 5tD. at the store of J. K. Ciiumborlulu , f rom 9 a. m. to 2 p. M. Dated Southampton , Deo 10th , 1898. liDWAU D P. WHITE. Collector. " GREENHOU SE, | 121 Iuaiu St., Sag-Harbor. BULBS FOB SALE I \ TlyaclnttiG , Tulips , Cimcus; Frccsla e, Kar- olssus, &c. p| A Ibq potted plants. In Feino , Curuatlonn , j Chinese Primulas, etc. Cut Flow ers, includioc Carnatloas and r Vl.. .lot s. Cyoas Wreaths for funerals on hand , and fl oral pieces mudo to order , ¦ 3tfOffl[ SAIbX. OB ! Tu Rent, luruished, ' BY THE MONTH. Tbo desirable property known as '/ Lily. Po..a [ Oottuge, " about ono mile south of this -village on Bridge-Hampton turnpike, wi th outbuildings. , aud about 90 acres of land. House contains 14 rooms, g&«, wdtor, steam heat, and all moderp ; iooaveineaces and is oixnpletely. furalahed. 1 JOHN BHEKBTT, R<*1 Fflfftt* Aof Dr. C H. Tilliiighast, DENTIST , . Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. ' ' omoe hours : {>%}&¦* ixooru i . Post Office Building. Sag-Hn rbor . ' " not Tc eT' Haying eetabllohod an up-to-data Boarding and Livery St ao 'e hero In this vlllugo . vre are prepared to serve tho public with first olass Horses and Vuhi- ol« *s at reasonable rates. . Passengers tabon to and from trains and st»aiuboats, to any part of tho ylllaKe within the corporation limits, (or ten and Ilttcn cents, trunk' s extra. As tho«> are tho prices In all otbor Tillages oh tho Island , wo trust tho public will appreciate this aot and give us a portion of their patronage i Woare here to do buslnetis and our prices will remain the same as given above. Very reapeotfdlly, ' F. J. COSTEl^LO & CO. Stablo in rear of American Hotel. ' lGui3 Dated Oot. 24, iSDS, WE TABOR , ' AGENT FOR Alf red Peat' s and Thibant' s Fine VAIiL PAPERr- / . . - AND —WINDOW SHADES. Gfnod stock , low prices. Choice line of Confectionery, Fruits and Cigars. O ysters and Ice Cream. S@"Picture Framing a S pecialt y, jtj g Uadison 8t, next door Plckarj's Pharmacy (MERRY " CHRISTMAS AJtfD Happy !New Tear ! MEYER BROTHERS KIERDSrAJSPS BLOCK. 48 & 50 Main St., Sag-Harbor , £1. Y . SAG-HARBOR. We are now read y to show you a handsome line of Merchandise suitable for Holiday Present* , ut very reasonable prices. As usual , every nmn buys a new suit of Clothen , Overcoat or an Ulster. Are you ia need of one this year f If your aie, juat glance over our magnificent stock and see if we do not save you money on every item. ' ' ' MEN'S SUITS S3 to S6 in order to clean out all made from strictl y all woo l cloth . Overcoats, before January 1st. well made and finished , pel feet fit at Tho best una most suitable pres- $5 98 (including black cheviot) re- entyou can give to 11 boy is a suit of duceil from SS.80. clothes, Overcoat , Reefer , or an TUB- MEN'S FINE ter ' ^ or *¦" •" D°y s from 3 to 8 yrs. DRESS SUITS we have a splendid linn of Suits made Made from urictly all wool material, Wlth , Iar 8f ?f° r - """ j™ , & f h ^"d' . cut in single breasted, double breast- 8om , ely fin,8h f£| ^ kc \ fit ' . ** * e .ra , ..™^ made , warranted r ust color.: It is a iI -Th- T7 f k i T t6 ' u ° ' a ' l >«*»»w ^ dres. a boy in . auch a leading shades including blue and I ^ .. fc / black diagonal , tailor made, at $8.60 and $10 , reduced from $ 10.50 and J UNIOR SUITS ¦ ¦ ¦ ' . $13.60. About 75 little Junior Suits , with \ivwv nviTRPnATQ f. ve8t 8 > handsomel y trimmed witt tvery- " SwBM ° uS SS ¦ ' pretty cdmbiuatious at S..60 UO. ,Boys all-wool suits in a very large Men ' s new sty le Overcoats, cut in assortment and wry pretty patterns , this year' s faatiion , in all the leading at ga.98, sizes from S to 15 with shades , blue , blac k , oxford grey and short Trousers . tan , handsomel y finished and perfect n , 0v a . Chinchilla Reefers $2.98 up. fit at $5.50, $7.50 , SIU.00. r „„,.,. , T,^J „. . YOUNG MEN'S SUITS MEVS EXTRA AN D OVERCOAT-!. FINE OVERCOATS Our young men ' s department ia too Cut from the very beat Brooks Ker- large to mention any individual style sey , silk lined throug hout , equal tol of Suit or Overcoat ; you must see the very best cust om work , at J13 .J them to appreciate the bargains we reduced from $18. Remember that] offer. Just think , an all-wool Suit all Overcoats have been reduced from for $4;25. Gents ' Furnishing Department . , >< NfcCK-WEAli has always been a good and suitable gift , tlia t is if .you buy them in a suita ble place—not some old sty le. We have purcfi us-d , especiall y for the Holidays, a very large assortment of fine goods , and we. used our very best judgment to select the patterns in regard to the sliades. We have them in Four-in-hand , Teeks , Pulfr , Imperials and Club Tics. Prices range at 25 cts., 35 cts,, 50 cts. hilk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers , & very large assortment to select from , ia all the latent shades, ut 25c, 50c, 76c, $1. Men ' s fine Mocha and Kid Gloves^ are also suitable for a gift. We have a very large assortment t o select from at 98 cts. . and $1 25. Men' s aud Boy ' s Suspenders, in all new designs of embroidery, also plain colors , at 26c and 45c. All kinds of Underwear at 45c up. UMBRELLAS—We have never attemp ted in the previous 1 16 years to keep such a fine line of Ladies' and Gentlemen ' s Umbrellas as this year, and we guarantee you to save on each Umbrella at least 60c to 75c. Our Well Known Shoe Department. There is no use to tell you what we have in Shoes, because you know that we keep a better and larger assortment in Ladies' , Men ' s and Children' s Shoes than any other store this aide of Brookl yn , and prices are always the lowest. We have a sp lendid line of Sli ppers, made up in all the leading shad e of cloth and ailk , iu Romeo sty le. The assortment is very large and prices very low. All above goods will be cheerfull y exc hanged after tho Holidays , if the size is not ri ght. ? - ' " On the first three tables we have disp layed a very Iarg3 assortment of * FAN- CY NOVELTIES of all kinds aud descri pt ions , suitable for Holiday trtfts. M EYE R BROS , Dealers in Men' s and Boys' Clothing, Hats , Caps, Boots , Shoos , Gents' Furnishings, Trunks , etc. ... G( FADVERTISERS OF FACTS ^ , Moil orders promptl y and carefull y attended to. AT PICKARD'S \ PHARMACY ; SAG-HARBOR, L. I., Can bo[found Drugs of nil kind* usually found in a Phnnn.ioy. ; About Everything in the Drug and Fa tent Medicine L«ine known to the trade can be found at this Store. Photographic ' Supplies and Cameras of the celebrated Eastman Kodoo Company, constantl y on hand. Merry ! Merry ! Xra as TO ALL ! AT SAMUEL N. . DA VIS. J IT cmi can find all you wish for X.mos I Presents for Papa , XInmma , j Sister or Blrother. j NOTIONS ! FAW€¥ «fe ' STAPL E GOODS. \ """ new SUPPLY. . - . If You Want Mice Stationery, | Call at This Office. I Almi Playing Curds , Rubber Iliuids , I' ujmr Kuivim , I' iiiih , l'mmilii , Iloldoru- , | Sty luirnip liio Ink , l<\mutc.m . " an Ink , fJiia llordH Dlatik Ink and Writing Fluid. | nit in prlawro) m»\ ¦oHtot w >m UbtdUmt ukM xKkiwui/ ot othor lltao V^it*-» , » i i ' \ ¦ I Mouse for Sale—-Good Location ! Part of mouoy can remain on Horn! anil .Mortgag e). Aliio Fifty IIouso Lota Boamg House <£' Tenemen ts To rout. Buy Vlutv Iloiiiin , on Uny ntrmit , 21 rooms. Ijtirtfu -li tfliL mill airy. A bountiful vluw from tlio IMir-zu of tlui wn turn of tlin Mnrbor and Giirdmur ' n Buy. A Boml iih oro fur uutWinr. boatinir , iuiiI Rood llHliiii ir in tlio bay. TUo liouiio ban biiou lopiiintKi l outiiidii and inniilit , iiri'l in In ({noil coii'litlon. Aliio for imlo or runt iho brink brown nLoiio trim Iimifio on Main ulroot , ovry min- vonidiit iiihido , lot 1)07x110 front ami roar, with iiliado ) fi iiilniitou walk from dnpof, AIhii rooiiiH in Bay Vlow IIoiiho , on Uny Ht. Ii njuini of .JOHN ill. II ILBllUTll. DEALER IN REAL EST \TE. I'roporly boug ht uiul uohl on iiiwy lormn. Ilmimi l otn for nalo on Iniiullinnul j iliin. I5xi)liii!i|'fl niiulii. Aliio il nnliir in imw uiul iiimou I liiind wugoniiuiid oarrliigiiu , iilui iflm , poliis , ni'flr volieii , unil iivurytlilnnpiirtiiliiliiK ton wagon. JflxnlmiiKiiii inndo. HI.OOP JCDI'l'II In In tlioroii h ' li ooiulilion i oiipimity *!r> tonii i riiud y l,o (llmrlur or iixmini 'iii i>i.ti >.i in »t mt.mlt or i)li' -»i'ii '' »i \U> fir froi -iu, ir will n-ill or "X tittii(i0 /or ro 'iil onUto. App ly to Oapk, Go* ili , i(pii«. w WtfNO* luV UU-DiUCXiJ J> ^40 IS THE 1S99 PEICE OF 1899 BICYCLES, "the 20 year old who ' ols." THAT MEANS THAT ANY ONE can now buy good wheels of world wide reputation for tho price of " shoddy " wheels. "We ore going to force matters in 189S with good bicycles at mighty low prices, H. M. YOUNGS, Agent D. E. YOUNGS. STOVES —AND— PLUMBING. GAS FITTING. . STEAM FITTING. SMITH BLOCK—MAIN STREET. New Fall Millinery. 1898. r The Largest Stock and Lowest Prices in Town. Customers purchasing Hats, and all new Trimmings, can have thorn trimmed FREE OF OHABGE. CUSTOM WORK A SPECIALTY HBIHIGAR ' -S MILLINERY , SAG-HA RBOE, L. L ' " 4 ¦** "i > ¦ ¦ ' . £ - *»if ' ¦ aa ••a o ® i . j ' •V .r fcs M ' :®: ' ¦ ^ tu Wl ' 'ft - gr ft' U ' % - ' ivi ma ^ I m m g Q ' ^ W| CD ¦¦¦¦ ¦' ' x ' ¦¦ ¦ Sag-Harbor Savings Bank. Bng-IInrlior. Dc>o. 15, 1808. Deposits niaile In t.liifj llimlc on or bofo ro •fan. lOtli , 1899, will il raw Iiiturost from Jan. 1st. JAMES II. PIEUSON, Aotlngrrosld-nt. D. V. VAIL , Trunuuror , FROM < ^^K^ SCftANTON COAL IN l'LICKEMTNO FLAMES TUB FlllELlQIIT Fairies Dance. ~ FOR " SALiB Tlirno Pralrln fitiito Innulmlors , iisnil but n part of two HiMaouu. AIko ono wood-humor Btovo iindcnulilron ' , novo r boon u' sod. For luirlloularii iiniiiiliii of P. H. VAIL , 2'ilt HiiK-llnrkor. (unMawma. Xf n mnlio a apnoliilt^ of iMiMravliiK, anil lire proiuiioil to Itll nrdurii at nliortnollun anil ualia ' aotory prloiui WnililhiK Invltatloiin , Annoiiiiooiiiont a, CiiIIIiik OunlH. I' .to. Wo nro noiiiotlinnu unit with tho roinnrk : "I didn 't k now you did liuiili work, " Wo havo boon In tlioprlntlna ami alattouiirybun- tiiKHtf for nearly forty ynara , anil print any Milne fro m a pin-tun to a lllblo—only itlvo un t lio oliaiioiy , sMMi k " g ^kW" ! JEWELER r-OPTIOIAN. I wlnli to loalio known to tho inilillo Unit I luivti iiiiiuiiml iKl II, li' , llo pn , your old mill ro- llulilo Jowolnr. I buvo a now and uboloo lino of iivorvtlilii K ii ortaliiliut to lli» liuiilnoiw , for tlio liollduyii. unil and oxainliio; Kotiilnbhown with nlcaiiuro I will nInn do all lilndn of Waloh, (llnii ii and 'fnwolry ri>piilrln i{, lit and iidjunt kIuhiiI'U for all Ulndii of iiiuHouliir L roiildo. I' miiiitii allon froo. All work'iiuuruutond uatlnfiiolory, Hall ami tin oonvlnooil, O. M. I'ltlTOI, Uuiioonhor In II. li ' Ifopo , JliWI'.I.IOIl ANI> Ol'TIOUN , HiiK-lfnrliur , N. V. Trunks ItVp.iirwl. Hlriipn , linnilliiii , oiiutoi' ii. loolin nlo. to unit W. I.. <l OK , tt 10 (lonoo rd Ht. Q. tt . 0LKVKUN 1) , CONTRACTOR & BUILDER S^fi . IIAUHOR , N. VT. AN ISLAND HEROINE; THE 8TORI OF A Daughter of the Ee volution, BY UAEY BKEOK SLEIC3HT, Author of "PrarloDays. " "Flag on tho . Mill , " "Tho Knights ot Sandy Hollow, " otc. - Illustrated by George Foster Barnes. F or s alo at this offi ce, and by Wm. J. Poat , at &outbam|.ton. Price $l;60 per volume. Now is Your Chance ! SATBItBAY ( ,„„ ( MONDAY AFTERNOON! AND f MORNING EB f%t ID "Y THE BARREL * rkVUR At No.v-York Prices. H. T. HEDGES & CO., Sag-Harbor. NOTICE. Having loasr-d tho property of John Monk' a, known as Cedar Point, for a gamo prosorro , wo claim tho oxoluslvo right ttioreon , and forbid all trespass , undor penalty of the law. JEItRX HONTTINQ, CllAS. E. O. HOMAN , David A. Fitdins, AniiAtt E. Bii EiiniLr, , Samu el S. Conk lew, Hiiiam HnEmiiLL, WltliTAM Talmaob, , Anil others known as THE PELICA N OLTJB, Oot. 11 , 1898. Calendars for 1899. DRINKING SODA WATER Fro m tho counb-r apparatus , 1b out or soaeon \ t I i OTTLTCD SODA WATER 18 NEVEH OOT OF SEASON. j Everybody should havo In thoir household for tho Holidays a oubo of bottled Sodawator. Sparkling Dewey Is our latest; now , all yiar round drlnlc. SPARKLING , EXIlILIARATlNa DEWEY. " TJioro' s Ginger In It, ". 1 .899 CALENDAR FREE. 1899 Tlio latent Onlrndnr out. Thn Dattlo of Manilla , with algual liyiiiK "lloinomhor tho , Mnlno. *' w ill bo glvon with onoh milorfor ono dozen larprn hottlos of Knnrlillng Dowoy, nloi> . labeled with Doivuy ' a picture on oaoh label. Prion per domin , SI.00. Canh must accompany ordor. Bottles lo be returned. Oriler at onoo from The Emmol Bottling Works, Miiuufanturo rs of Minera l Waier, Car bonatcil Drlnka. llotllers and wkoleralo dealorii In Lhgor liiier , Mm nnd Porter , BAa-HAmiOIt , N. Y. J3w* History of East-Hampton. BY H. P. HKDGES , Is forsnlo by II. P. Hoilgou , ut llrldgo-IInnip- ton , or by John II, Hunt , ai tho otlleo nt Tlvo Hiu- IIarbor Hxi-niaiii, at »H,00 por oopy. Jiiaf OiAi 28, 28, 3d , 82 , 34 an o 36 Flatbush Ave JUNCTION OF FULTON. , And Nos. 315, 317, 3l9 and 321 . Idvin,;: aton Street. Brooklyn. [. rMPOKTEBS OF AND ng. nT.TenR xs 11¥ ' £ OOP S. aOODS SENT FREE TO ALL PARTS OP LONG ISLAND. Every department in our Establishment is supplied with a large and well soleoted stock of goods , which we oiler at the very lowest prices. Five minutes from L. I B.B. Depot. Journe ay & Burnbdm. Toe^Tdonahue, " ' JEWELER SAG-HARBOR , LONG ISLAND. 1YAN C BYRAM , TAXI ' D'ERMIST. 20tf Birds and Animal* In atook. Wm. WALLACE TOOKER. Notary Public , Co;, " yanooranil Onn oral , Biniiu* tin AgQDt. REAI .ESTATE BouRht , gold or liontod , and Agent's Dutlci Promptly Forfonnod. Loans Negotiated and InvnatmonU Undo. Li fe. Pire & Accident Inauranco Written on Desirable niiilis In Reliable Coiupanles. Furnished Oottagos to Rent for tlio Hummer Months, Offloo No. 70 Main St., B/iB-Hartior, N. Y. fH(S»^ »RNE , DEALERS IK FIIt&T 0LA8B FURNITURE.. Don 't forifot that now Is tho time to buy, and that tlioy aro tho people to aell uo that you will bo ploasod, i UNDERTAKERS ! I' ropared to iflvo prompt and unroful atton. tluii to all funeral dotalla. Main Str niit, - - - - fiiig-JIarlior. .l oiimioH— KniiAniihiin. At the I nrtH inii ifti or tho Waot-llnni|ilon l' reubyliiila" I'hnreh , oil QiiliiKUii , Hen. liltli , by v ' »;' "Ujiiirt I), Liiwriiiimi , (lenla Ularla Kilo JtrUncloon au d ClliarUiii Vletor Joliiinon, i . ' ". " . ' " ' - ¦ MAHniED .

Jiiaf OiAi - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031600/1898-12-22/ed-1/seq-3.pdfPKSSBYTER1AN ttlUKCB. IteV. C. U, WllSOn:*—Sundays hi. toao a. m. nuc 7:30 p. y

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PKSSBYTER1AN ttlUKCB. IteV. C. U, WllSOn:*—Sundayshi. toao a. m. nu c 7:30 p. y. Miiiday ycbcol ai iip kwfi I'royur Mwilug Friday evening at T:SQ o'clock

iUraoDi sr KPiBOOPAi. Council, ltev. Job. llalrd snn-•iayB ftt lO-.SO A- a.and' tao v. x. Sunday school at2 t/clocfc. 'Jlufw meetings at a i. m. aim 3 p. m. aim-Utiys and 13U r. m Wednesdays. Ctiarcli prayermeetInir every Friday evening at 7:SO UowortbLeaguu service 0:30 i\ u. auuday.

Baptist Church, Kov. Charles (l. Illckson , paotor.—Services every Sunday ai- 103o a. h. nntl T:30 r,j tsuuduy school ut 2 p. «. Pniyor muotlDtf Friday evo*nlnfja tT -SO.

People's Pkntacostal Tabkrhacls.— Itcv. C. A. tteney.I'ttiiUir. Holiness mesiiuff Monday ISO p. m.. Clawmeeiluy Wednesday 7Sltrp. m., Biole reading Thurs-day 3 p. m , 1'rajor meeting' Friday 7:30 p. u, aim.days, preaching iusO a. m. 7;3Q f. m., Wasa uieetluu9 a. it., aund.iy bcticol s p. «., prayer uud testimonymeeting a v.«.

Cnmsr (Episcopal) CuCKcn, Rev. O. T. Lewis, Hector.Service** at lUSOA. m. andTaO p. u. aunduy bchooiat 2 o'clock. - Holy Communion 1st uuadoy fn monthAt lu^n k. m. and 3d Sunday and saint's daj s at. 1,80a m. Evening prayer and Litany Friday evening atT;S0 o'clock.

Br. Andrew's, kov. Father Carey Rector.—First KosBiitl-jst) a. «., second Mass at 10 a. m. No evening, ser-vice during tbo summer mouths.A. M. B. Zion CncRCu. Rflv, L. D. Williams, Pastor.proachltg at loau x.u. and T:1S p. u. Sabbato, school

at a p. m. Christian ffndisaror prayer meeting- at c-j qP*M " BR1DGE-UAMPTON CHURCHES.Methodist Episcopal, Kev. T. L. Prlco—Probation-

ers service 9:80 a. u. Preaching 10:3u a. m. and 7aiop. u. Sunday school VJ:16 p. «. Christian Endeavor6:M r. «. Ciasu Meetin g 730 p. v. Tuesdays. PrayerSleeting 7:30 p. m, rridaya.

Pbesbttbhiau, Kev. Artbur Newman.—ITenclilng at10.:c a. ii. and 730 r. u. Sunday ticnool 12:15 v. u.Christian Kndeavor o:« p. u. Prayer Meeting 730p, 11. Wednesdays.

LONG ISLAND RAILROAD. .TBAIN8 GOING EAST. . - ¦LEATR. A. M -T. M.L.LCIIV ...8.88 .... B.80Flatbusii Ave 8:30 . .... 3,«boutttt 'npton 1134 4:07 0:37WatfiP Mill r. 11:10 4:18 6,a3Wrdge-Hun.'pu. '» 11.43 4:Bl o.«WalnsCOtt „ :.111.68 14:27 I6 &>EadL -UaTptOU. .-.11.69 4:30 6 BjAmu«anbeu ww i.M 7-.0-*Mobtauk . nrrlVf 1*S4 7.14batr-Harbor, arrive - .12.00 4:33 0.56


THAINS aOINfl WB.-.T.MoDi^uk i- aAluuirullHUlt G:3S 9:10 iff lKa^t-lLimptuc 7:01 4:17 2:10WuI 'llCOU (7:10 1033 12:10BBT-Ulirlra-- 7:02 9:15 SOSllrldgr-llatuplOIl 7:18 938 83-1Water MIlLs 734 9.38 230tj oullliunptou .' 7:110 9:41 2:10L. 1. liny, urrlvo lo£2 1:21 cy3FU.ttlUS,lt Ave 10 3 lrtll 8:43

tit iulous marked ivltu au "l" arc IlugsniClono.By the above table It will lie seen Unit llio-'CapeHorn " iruln Ironi llio taat. ulilcli loaves .Amuiraosea&l9-.10aail Sag-Llarbar.ui-9:l st coauccui*TUli o, train ut

C'cutro .lluricue», ttius mitkius' utut unr through trainto Now-Tork . arrlvinif at FiatuusU uvonuc ut 1:27,Lonif lalunu cli-y at 1,21.

Tlie iiuadny train leav(*a Flalliusa avenuo at 9:03 n.m. and i.uuk Islaud flly at 9:10. urrlvluu here at 13:30and leaves auir-Iliirlnir al 4:20 and amvlaff at Lonifisland City at 7.45 p.tn.. and t'lulbilsU uvctiuu at 7:51.The train rcom yatc-Uari or lo Greeiiport (knowa astile t.'npe Horn train) leaves iair-Unrborul 9:10 a. ai.,Tlie loci trains leave s»o;-tlarb„r lor Itnuge-Uamii -10D at 7:02. 8:00. 9:15, 11:20. n. UI.. and 2;06. 4rtl3. 0 20

fi. in. i eiurnlt.i,', leavo Urldi;o-lIaDlpujn lor Haii-larlior 7S0. 8.45. 948, 11:1,0 a. m and 2:2",,4«3,647p. m. suad ys leave saiMI .rbor at 12.0J m.. 4^0 p. m.lteturnlui:. leave Urldife-liiunpton at U3Q aua 4:45p. in.

Tbe annual meeting of the stockhold-ers of Peconic Bank will be held in thebanking room, Jan. 10th, 1899, at 4 p. m.

There appears to be something be-sides money in the consolidated fish fac-tory scheme, jnd ging from the remarks oltho past few evenings.

A large eagle, perched on the extremeof tho Presbyterian Church spire, attract-ed attention early Sunday morning. He¦was eviden tly an advocate of the "HighChurch."

Two other papers read at tho last ses-sion of the Sag-Harbor Historical So-ciety, one by Miss M. E. Stanton, theother by "W. C. Greene, -wo give on ourfirst page.

¦ ^»» ¦

An interesting letter from George H.Cook, of tho First U. S. Cavalry, now-stationed at Fort Meade, South Dakota,entitled "Western Wonders," will appearin our next.

An Eliot Bible.William Wallace looker, philologist,

archaeologist, etc., of this village, hasin his possession a rare curiosity in thoshape of a Bible, translated into thoIndian language and published by llov.John Eliot, tho apostle of tho Indians inNorth America, in the year 1G80. It isono of tho few books of th,is edition nowin existence, and is of considerable valueon account of its rarity. Tho imprintroadii :

"Cambridge :—Printed for tho EightHonorable Corporation in London , fortho propagation of tho Gospel among thoIndians in Now England, 1680."

Tho book is in an excellent state ofpreservation, considering its grout ago,and contains the old and now testamentsanil tho psalms in metrical verso. AUthrough the book are marginal notes inIndian lan guage, nnd in .Indian hand-writing. Mr. Tookor amuses himself bytranslating those liotoH, as well ns pas-sagos from tho book itnolf. It belongsto a gentleman in Now Jersey, whorac&ntly found it in an old garret client ,nftor being hidden awny for over liftyyears.

A Valuable Book.One of tho most valuable books it has

boon our pleasure to examine for n longtimo, is the ono for which Capt. GeorgeO. GibbH is canvassing the village. It isa largo hanc |soinuly bound volume of thechoice literature of tho English langungo,with biographies anil pm-lrtiitH of the au-thors , tho groat pools, famous novolistu,distinguished or.sayints , historians nndhumorists, noted journ al ists and mnga-zinti contributors, noted statesmen andwoman in literature, popular writers foryoung people, groat orators and lonlnrorH ,both of England and' America. Thobook flontainu fully lfi<> portraits as. wellas some i!00 illustrations of sconoii oon-not-tod therewith, and in worthy n plnouon tho iiliolvou of uny library, Tlio vol-ume is complete in itself and sells in va-rioun bindings al $!l,0(), $!1.7fi ami M.fiO.

Runaway.Tlio monotony tif a rainy afternoon

wan broken Tuesday by a team of Iioisohdiinliing madly down Madison ntieet..JnuiOH M. Topping, of Sngivnoimnlr, wasdriving loinurul y tlown tho utroot , rumi-nating on the possilii litioH of the future?.when u largo blank dug bounded inulden-ly over the fence at t liu rosidontio of (.leoiIfiltlrot.li. ' This wim too imioli , ovwi fora slow-going farm ttiiini , mi thoy giitliorntlllionmt ilvt'.ii into n mud gallop, Mr. Tup-ping bung on until uonvincod lliat iiafutywim llm bolter purl, of vulur , uud jumpedfro m th e wiignn. Tho toiini finall y col-lided with Ali uto'ii linibtu' polo, whoroofllnar Higgimi j ilui-o I llirim under arrnnt,ami thoy w orn iiicurnoriittid in Kt igurii &,Poii fllnu mIiiIiIuii . Diimiigim : a iiliatteiotlburli er polo, a liroltuu hiiriit mu , li diHiiium-li nriKl wagon , and a f ri f-lit iynutl driver.

Another Landmark Gone."Oliunlt ," t lm old fiii lhful uliuid of

Cliiirl mi N. If il i lrt i l l i , linn at luuf , "slmfilotlnil ' thin intii iiil cull ," ami no w iiltinpii wi thbin fiitlniiu l i ik t i l i i i i priidiiiuiiiiiDi - "Driiti -Ijtoi in ," '.'( .liuiil i " Imn tini 'vtid hin uuintorf a i thful l y fur llm |iuil, l l i i i ty youvii, untili i t lv i i i i f i i i Ky i ini i i uni l n |i l V t innd jo in ts f inal-ly iiiul iid lii n iiuiifii lniiMii , ami ynl , ho livnilon , untl "would mil ff cj , btiiiniimi Im luvot lhi u inaiiliir i»>, " Tlm imrviniiii of JohnBlooining liiii 'g uiu| i i l i n l l l u of nhltmi foriiiwore iniulo iinu of , and "Olimilc" nuc-qmnlioU without a ukumrlo,

Christmas in the Churches.•As Christmas this year falls on Sunday,

it affords an unusually fitting opportunityfor the churches to observe the day inseason, and they are entering into thospirit of tho occasion with more than or-dinary z;st, jud ging from the musicalprogrammes to bo presented. In the . ''

PKESDYTEniAN CHUKOH.Bev. C H. Wilson, tho pastor, will preachappropriate sermons both morning andevening, and the choir will render musicas follows : . - ¦ ." •Messiah is Kim:.... AaltfordPraiso walti-tli lorTlioo BierlyHark I tho hosts of houvon are i luging. Tea&iaCul ut ou tlie libtoning our of nit:lit...'. fBierlyAn Angel Serenade Aahf ordLilt uj i -. oii r huutls Beddalllluil I £1 eiivonlyKing.. "...,_. Beirlyr.„-„i , I Ch rlBlmutt Bolls;'Caro19 ] (Jliluung Bella.

Metuooist Episgoi'al Cnuncii.Bev. Joseph Baird, pastor, will preach

in tho morning, a discourse in keepingwith tho event, while in the evening thochoir will render a Christmas Praise Ser-vice, with perhaps a short address by thepastor. The music will be as follows ! .Antlieni , "linvk ! what mean those holy

vti let'S."" "Tho Now Born King."

- *• "Exalting Angols."" "Culm ou tlio listening oar."¦'"" "All my heart this ni ght rojoloos."

. '• " I'liti Angols song."Selootlon , tioprauo tiolo, accompanied by trio

of mule voices, -'The birth ot a King."'" Alio Kolo, "A. tlruam of Paratilau."" Quii rtuito, Glory, nonco^ good will," . boiirunotiolo , "The Hoavculy aong"

tho audience room never looked prettier,combining as it did tho stars and stripescommingled with flags of various nations,nnd twined with evergreen. This partof tho entertainment was in the hands ofiu rs. B. J. Smith , Miss Anna L. Babcock,Mrs. W. L. Policy, nnd Mrs. S. Babcock.

For tho benefit of out-of-town friendswe give tho programme as follows :t a. America.1 6. American Hymn.Quartette, Misses King, Boove, Hollrlch and

Sir. Armstrong.End , Whilo nnd Blue, BoJo Mrs. DookwlthDouble Male Quartette, Onward March

Messrs- Blaiklook, Thompson , Tayno,Baird. ArmBlroug, Baird , Titbor, Tal-ningo. ,

( a. God savo tho Quoou.J 6, Putriotlo Song of Ireland.( c. Tho Watch ou tho Rhino.

Hong. Ehren on the Bill tie, Mrs. Bodington( a. Kusslon Notional Hymn.1 b. Nutloual Hymn ot France^ (MorBelllos) .

Solo by Mr. Blaiklook.Song, True to tho LuBt , Miss Carrie J?ioldj a, Nutionu l Air of Bootlaud.I b, Now Trump o'or Moss and Fell, Obll-

gnio solo by Mrs. Bodington.Double Muto Quartette, Tenting on the Old

Gump Ground , Solo by ilr. ArmstrongQuartette , Flag Without a Stain, Misers.

King , and Reeve , Mossra. Blaiklookand Ar mstrong.

I a.. Star Spangled Banner.) b. Ball lo hymn of tho Eopubllo.

iThc pat riotic concert given by thoChoir of the Methodist Episcopal Churchlas,t Thursday evening, proved a verypleusant and profitable occasion , beinggreeted by a largo and appreciative aud-ience. Tho singing was excellent, andmuch credit is duo Mrs. Wm. C. Greene,organist of tho church , for tho success ofhor unt iring efforts. The decorations of

Perhaps the prettiest effect of thewhole, was presented by the centraltableau, emblematic of the unity- of na-tions. As the various national airs wereBung, little girls, bearing that particularbanner passed slowly before the audienceand took positions on a pyramid shapedplatform, and when completed presenteda pretty picture of eleven little • girls,dressed" in white, waving tho many" col-ored flags, as follows : Winnifred Palmer,Hazel Longley, Edith Wade, FlorenceHand, Eva Bayno, Jennie Harris, MargeryFielding, Erma Bock, B'oso Beokwith,Addid Bowden, Anabel Somers. ¦ ¦

The chorus singers, twenty-four, alsomade a pleasing effect, with their snowwhite gowns and rod, white and bluegarnitures. In the chorus, aside fromthoso mentioned above, were Mrs. Flor-ence Tabor, Mrs. Helen'A. Booth, Mrs.Alberta Edwards, Mrs. Minnnie South-wick, and Misses Daisy Harris, FlorenceBooth, Ethel Boeth, Florence King,

Ico cream was served, ' and proceedsnetted about $30.

cuius! cnunon. .Christmas Eve Service will bo at 7:80

r. jr., Saturday and tho Sunday Schoolfestival with carols and the Christmastree will take place on Monday eveningot 7:110.

Tho Christmas services on Sunday willconnist of Morning Prayer and HolyCommunion at 10:30 and Evening Prayerat 7:80.

Tho Chri stmas mimic in Christ Churchwill ho of the usual high order. Thohymns will bo tlit old familiar ChristmasHyruiiB, "Hark, tho H< raid Anj, els Sing,""O, Come All Ye Faitnful," "It Cameupon the Midni ght Clour.1' Tlio chantswill bo the old and popular Vonito, byCrotch, and Jubilate' Deo, by Dupuis.Thomas's ToDouni will l.o sung and"Angels from the ]t;nlms of Glory" byBilliard will bo the Offertory.

As iihuul, the Sunday Schools of tl:ovarious churches, are making extensivepreparation for thoir Christmas festivi-ties, whi ch tuko place Monday evening.In tbo Presbyterian School, tho usual or-der will prevail , including a troo for theliltlo ones mid a collation and generalgood timo for tho older iicholars. .

Col. Bane's Lecture.The ijocond entertainment of tho Lec-

ture Goursti wan given in the Proithy torlunOliurch on Tuoutlay nfglil, when a largoiituliont'o liitltincd with appreciation anddeli ght to Ool. George W. Bane ns hodepicted bin topic, "Among the Mnsiioi',or Trails of human olianiotor." Thelooturti was of a high order, following avein of philosop hic thought and aptly il-ltintmUiil wi th rare wit , humor and anec-dote, From tlm iitart ho put himself inHympnlliy with his audience, who respond-ed to hin wit , or pathos, or patrioti smwith hoiii tyii ppliuiHO, ami from beginningto end nave him the utill higher oom|ili-muni of l lm cloHoiit attention. The Ool.in a Koiilii cliiiin and nil Ex-Confederate,bill, tliiiroii|; ) ily I'liiionntruoliiil , told hiuuiidinii it n that the Union Army whi ppedthe Oiiiift i t l tuu lti Army, not hocaiiuo welii ul but ler i;n!mniln or braver Hum , butbumiiHO wn wnrti right and thoy wor nwrung, uud his tribute to tlio Htiini andStri pim i;liiwnd with a patriotism thatiihowoil n ot. |.)ui iil ightiiut lingering traceof tli o old iiiilugoniiim, Ho iu an entliiiH-iiiu lio "ex| iiiiiitio i i im t ," and a believer inthe giiinil mission of tho Kiig linli-upoiik-ing riinti fur l lm ponon , lili uriilizutloii midoiilig litiiunuiut uf the world;' I'roHimtodim it u'nii , with iijitn t iiiii of iipotinh untlgnimi of iih)i!i i|.iiin the j lanluru wau ilu-oidodl y n Iniiit and a rofi' iiitliiueut,

Mr. i l imlln Nii ri'ln , nlorlt nf tint drug iitimiof II. Hlitii 'ii uiUtn ' , 1't'rry, III. imya : "A mininii nm inln nnr Mlnio llm iillin r tiny unil unlit ,I uiin i. u l in i i ln i . r Una hin it |li ui. niivnii t ilillil-riiii 'ii l lvi 'ii , I i-nnil In tlio Niiwiialiuutl t . Tliniiii l l i ir iin limy gel iilul t wlii 'n wo iiiinimli guttin) i louti ir M iilnli i 'IiuiikIi , Il'u t lio iiitiilinlniivilli ni 'H fur i i i i i i i i i ,'" f l u nlll i i l i 'l l to Ollillil-ln 'rlnl ii 'iiCinuli lliiiiini ly ami Imnuht a lititlluIndii rii Im lull, Din stiiro. li'ur uiiln by A, T.ilinwii, Hiij -llurbor,

V ) uit

In tlio Methodist School, as well as thoEpiscopal, Baptist .and PontrtcoHtnl, thoctintoinary t'.olobrations will take placo , inwhich carols, gifts, refreshments, andChrintina s choor in general will bo dis-ponuotl ,

!—„ . A

1 (Thoir Concert. DIEDDisn—In tills village , Doc. 20th , P-tor Dish ,

son of DdolfJ03 and ilay Ann Dish a) 1month ami 20 days.

llF.UTtr .UT.—In t.liip . vi tiligo , Dec. 13, HosartnaHerbert , ro GO years, 1 month , 10 days.

Ar.j inicir—At E.'ict Quogtie , Dec. 18th , HenryAldileh , u) S-l \oui-u. 5 iiii mths.

Hkdoks.—At Enat-IIaiiipton , Dec. IS, EstherM. Hoilgou , in her 7-1 year.

Tapt.—At lILvcrliend, i> ec. ]2 th . Maria L.,wlle-of- Wlliram H. Tuft , iu 58 years, 6mom he uud u days.

WsiiLS.—,At Baiting Hollow, Deo. 13th, Ml-enh XT. Wells , <n 85 y ia t s, 11 months and 9diiys, ' '

ConwiN. — At Good Ground , Dcc.Stb , HowardH. Corwln , o> 48yt'ar8, 8 muntli s and a days.

Hand.—At Amagnusott. Detj . 7lh , MauricoG. Hand , ra 35 yvars, U mouths, 1G days.

Nooent.— At Elverhoad , Dw. 12th , JohuBotiert Nugent, to 20 yoars, 1 month and21 duys.


1'it iv.wlny Morning, Decembet 22 , "iS93

Terms S2.00 per year, in advance.

%^xQ'??' %s? w" |i" W Wtir» e& <Holiday shopping this week is at its '

height. Thoro aro no better stores or ,finer stocks of holiday goods anywhere ;on Long Island than right here fa Sag-Harbor, and it is doubtful if bettor bar- 1gains or lower prices can bo found oven ;in Greater JJow-York, especially if t-rav- !oling expenses, express charges and wearand tear of body and patience are tokeninto consideration. But , notwithstand- ling all that may be said, there aro always]some misguided ones who will go or sendto tho city ot Christmas timo for goodsthat can be had equally low and oftensuperior, right hero at home, and thenuse up the balance of the year kickingabout hard times and a slow town whenthey themselves havo made it so."Whatsoever ye would that men shoulddo," etc., is a much better motto than"pay cash, in the city and ask credit athomo ," is example. . Every dollar weexchange with each other adds to theprosperity of the home, and every dollarwe put into 'our neighbor's till for itsequivalent adds to the prosperity of thetown.- -

Union- School Notes.School closes on Friday for the regular

holiday vacation. . Work will be resumedon 1 uesday, Jan. 3d. '

Brief exercises will bo held in the sev-eral departments on Friday.

There has been added to the library aset of "Warnor 'js Library of the World'sBest Literature," which will be a ,'greataid in all English studios.

The apparatus has been increased bythe purchase of an excellent compoundmicroscope. • ¦

The five 'Kegonts certificates earned bythe school last year have been receivedand awarded to the pupils who earnedthem. The pass cards will not be givenput until January.

Commissioner C. H. Howell spentTuesday visiting the several departments.At the close of the session he gave thoteachers an interesting and instructivetalk. _The flag, pole abbreviated by the storm,

has been raised again to bear the Starsand Stripes, A new and more appropri-ate ono will replace it in tho spring.

Personal Mention.Cabdebm.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles Car-

berry, of Manhattan, spent Saturday andSunday iu this place.

Howaiid—Wm. G. Howard, our pres-ent efficient Fire Chief, announces him-self a candidate for re-election.¦ Howell.—Charles H. Howell, comjmissionor of this District, paid an officialvisit-to our school Tuesday last. .

. HonsBEok.—Henry Hornbeck, pianotuner , etc.. has opened warerooms in tholooker store on upper Main street, wherehe is showing some; fine instruments.See advertisement.

, - r: ——•••-.—: C. E. Fritts, who has so -successfully

conducted^ a jewelry" business in thisplace for the past year and a half leftlast Saturday, for Sag-Harbor, IT. Xjwhere ho will engage in the jewelrybusiness on a larger ' scale, having takenan old established stand. We congratu-late' Kim on his success, but ore sorry tohave-him leave our town. His goodworkmanship, his honest dealing with all ,and lis gentlemanly ways hove .won forhim many trionds, who are loath to partwith him. Mr. Fritts ca'mo here frc mLambortvillo and has worked up a goodpaying business, by doing the work thatTrenton jewelers used to got, therebykeeping the money in our own town. Ashe leaves us we feel safe in saying thathe will always be a welcome visitor toour borough, aaol wish him the patronageof Sag-Harbor's citizens , whioh ho welldeserves.—Hopewell, (N. J.l Jleraltl,

^*y*MrB.-Brown; at tho Exchange, h as aflno assortment of goods suitable for HolidayGifts. lnolui lluR .Palntluus , Embroideries,Crochet Work , Christmas Cards and: Book-lets, ola.,.nt roa'sonnb' o prions.- Two'doorsabove Plokark's;" Open evenings.

A cough Is not llko a fover. It does nothavo to run a certain course. Guroltqiiloklyand effectually with Ono Mlniito 'CoUKh Guru ,iho beat roraotly fur all ages and for tlio moatsttvero cases. Wo recommend It booauso It'sgood. A. II. Flokard , W. 11. ltelmunn.

Chamberlain 's Collo, Cholera antl-DlnrrhoooRemedy can always bo dupuuded upon and IaSleasant and safe to take. Bold by A. T.

rown , Bng-Harlior.

Constipation prevents the body fro m rld-illntr ltsolf ot waato mutter. DoVPItt's LittleEarly Illsers wlll romovu tho trouble and eurotilok Heatlitolin , nilloiisno s, Inactive Liverand clear tho Complexion, Kninll , sugar.coatod. don 't grlpo or enuso naiiaeit. A. Ii.l'lokard , W. 11. Jtolmaiin.

CASTOHIAnearstheB lffnnhireor CltAB. 11. PLKTcnxu.In use for more than thirty yean, and

Tht Kind } 'ou Jlav t Alwayt Htwght.

Luto to bed and onrly to lino , prepares aman for Ills homo In tho nltlea. But onrly t >lied and a Lltt ln Early lllsor, the pill thatniiikes life Jongt'r nntl butter and wiser. A.Ii!. 1'iukard , W. It. Uoliniinn.

Tint HounniifliT-- Man IN SaB-Harbiu ' nswall as the hiindeoni ost, anil uthorn nrn In.vlttul lo call tin any tlruuglBt and K«t Jre * a.lllul bott lti of Knino 'u Biilmiin for tin' Throatnnd Lungs , a mindly that la Ki.anintooil loeuro nnd relievo all Oliruiiln nntl AoutnCougliii , A ntliiini , Bronchitis nntl ooiiauinp-tltili. Prion 115 o. and G0n.

Alillioii H G'ivbii Away ,,U f a certainly Krutlfylng to the public to

lino v of mis noiioiirn in thn land who urn notitfruld to bo giuioi'ouu lo tho iimul y nuil tuif-ftiliii K. Tho prtiprlettir a uf Dr, KIiik 'o NowDlscuvery forOoii stiinptlon, Cniii lhaanil Onltlnhave Riven away over ten milium trial bul-lion or this Ki-iuit nnidloliiti ; liiul havo thoiiallsriiotlou of Itnowlng It has nbnnliitnlyiiur otl l.liiniHiiiiilii ii [ho|iiiliiiini ' iiiii 'ii. Astlumi ,llroneliltlii , lloiirooii ciiH and all dluoant 'ii oftho Throat , (l linut nntl Liuign nrnauroly oiirodby It. Gull mi A. T. Brown , llrtiKHl-t , andftit, a trail trial tioulo. Uouularelzo Mo. and

1, Kvory .bottle itunrnntooil, or (irlun ro.funded. . . ' ... . :,w "' ,- '. *

Heil Mot Fi'iiiu .ilitt' ftiiii- '*! - 'Was tlm ball Unit l i l tO. B. - Btiini liiiaii , ofNewark , Mlnh,, lu tlm Civil War. :H«iui"iahtirr lliluUliiniii tluil un Iroatinoii t liulpuil Tor•Jll viuiiw . Tlinn lluoUloii 'it Amlf n t inlvii tuir eilliliii. Curt'o OntH , Itrulsen. Ilunin , lloll u ,I'ultiiiH , Ciiriiu , Hutu Krtipllonn. H"«t I'llunino un earl li, S3 olu,: a box. Uuro iiunrnii .tuud. Hold by A. T. Jli -uwii , Drugglnt. II

Kx i iniiiirn In a Mulilnu ollmulti t i linngo prn-ilnui ' ii t ifthl In thn ht'iiil null t ' liliirrh In apt l.ofollow, l'rnvlili ' i i with I'.ly 'iillri ' ii iu l lal i i iyt iuare tii'ititul nuiiliiftt Niiu -iKIaliuili. DniKK lstiimill It at IK) t iniilu , or lily .l lmthoii t , fid WarrenHl„ Niiw-Yiirli , will mall tlin fillo. nr lilt ), trialnlzo. Thn llniiii iiiiiiiii wll.ht )ut|ialn , notin notIrrltutii tu- I'liuoii iiiitii 'iilnK. H Kpruailn ttiioliiiviii - ini lri l tntti i l anil ai i K iyi ' i i i f i ion , riillovlii glii iniii i l latii ly llm i ii i ln f ii l Inll i i inniatl un , olniiuiiuntl ciirtui. (Jiiiuiii llaliu qulnkly oiirim tlmnolil.

When ynu unit fiir TniVflt'o IVIIoh JiiwiiIHulvt i ilmi 'l, nrnept niMiunt ar ltiltnr luit l iit tin•fhtirt i aro iiinrn oiiiihh nf I'llen hulii K unrui bythin , th an nil iillii irmioiiibliiii 'l. ¦-• ''¦" -'"k-iirt l , W. II. Jtoliiiiinii,

Shop at Home. I

W TED—Woman to do general house-

work. Good references required, andg od wages ottered , Inquire at tills ofllco. .

i or Village Clerk,VOTE FOB


. DEALEB IS ' " '

HIGH GRADE PIANOS.Fine Pian o Tuning aud Repairing.

WaroL'oom Main Kc, oupoatto Oakluod AVe.--24tt -

TAX COLLECTOR^". ' ¦- KOTICE.I, the undprslgncn , Collector of Taxea'f ot

thoTown oCyputi.ompton , havo received thotax roll and ivairaiit for the collection ofTaxes for the prt-'sent year, nnd that I willattend ot tho~foliowiutf places for tho purposeof receiving ;t!ic Taxes uji on Buch roll , andan3* perton orcorporatlon /ailing to payealdTaxes with ono per coi-t fees for collection onor before thirty day s from-date of this notice,will bo compelled to pay five per cent- fees,oh provided by law : ,At Southampton , Deo. ItHh and 30th, Jan.

6th ana J3th , at the house Qf Albert .i.Fof-t , f rom i) a.' ar. to 4 p. it.

At Eabtport, Dec. 20th, at tb> houao of W.U.' Goidoo , fro m 0 a. m. to 12 si.

At Speonk, Dec. 20ih, at ^ tho hout-o of H. B.tlaleey, from 1 to 4 r. M.

At We3T Ha3ip tosp Dec. 2lat , at the store of* B. Blbhop, fr om 9 a. M. tu 13 M.At West-axA»uton Ueacu, Dec. ^lst, at tho

store of E II. Hl&h op, from 1 to 4 p. m. .At Quogue, Dec. 22d , nt th o store of S. Mills,

fmnj J? a. ii. to 3 :30 r. M. 'At Bivehiiead, Vac. 21d , at the store of J. II.

and J. H. Purklus. from 0 A. St. to 12 M.At Flanders, Deo. 2Ud ¦ at tho bouse of H. P.

Farming, fro m 1 to 4 P. it.At BiudgEtHampton; Dec. 27th and Jan. 10th,

at the storu ol HiMreth & Hand , from 9a.'li. to 4 p. m. ,

At East Qoooue, Deoh 2^th, at tho store , ofJ. H. Pnillips. froiu 9 a. m. to 4 f. m.

At Good Gbound, D»>c. 2Dth, at tbo store ofA. P. Squlns, from 9 a. ii. to 3:15 P. M.

At Sag-Hakiioii , Jan '.3d 'and 12th . at theAfi erlcau Hotel, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. it.'-'

At WatehhiiiW, Jan. 4th , at th e storoof S.Corwlth , trv- m U A. M. to 4 p. M.

At Saoaponack, Jan. 5tD. at the store of J.K. Ciiumborlulu , f rom 9 a. m. to 2 p.M.

Dated Southampton , Deo 10th, 1898.liDWAU D P. WHITE. Collector.


| 121 Iuaiu St., Sag-Harbor.BULBS FOB SALE I

\ TlyaclnttiG, Tulips, Cimcus; Frccsla e, Kar-olssus, &c.

p | A Ibq potted plants. In Feino, Curuatlonn ,j Chinese Primulas, etc.

Cut Flow ers, includioc Carnatloas andr Vl...lot s.Cyoas Wreaths for funerals on hand , and

• floral pieces mudo to order,

¦3tfOffl[ SAIbX.OB

! Tu Rent, luruished,' BY THE MONTH.

Tbo desirable property known as '/Lily. Po..a[ Oottuge," about ono mile south of this -village on

Bridge-Hampton turnpike, with outbuildings., aud about 90 acres of land. House contains 14

rooms, g&«, wdtor, steam heat, and all moderp; iooaveineaces and is oixnpletely. furalahed.1 JOHN BHEKBTT,

R<*1 Fflfftt* Aof

Dr. C H. Tilliiighast,DENTIST,

. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty.' • '

omoe hours : {>%}&¦*

ixooru i. Post Office Building. Sag-Hn rbor .

'"notTceT'Haying eetabllohod an up-to-data

Boarding and Livery Stao'ehero In this vlllugo. vre are prepared to servetho public with first olass Horses and Vuhi-ol«*s at reasonable rates. .

Passengers tabon to and from trains andst»aiuboats, to any part of tho ylllaKe withinthe corporation limits, (or ten and Ilttcncents, trunk's extra. As tho«> are tho pricesIn all otbor Tillages oh tho Island, wo trusttho public will appreciate this aot and giveus a portion of their patronage i Woare hereto do buslnetis and our prices will remainthe same as given above.

Very reapeotfdlly, 'F. J. COSTEl^LO & CO.

Stablo in rear of American Hotel. ' lGui3Dated Oot. 24, iSDS,


Alfred Peat's and Thibant's FineVAIiL PAPERr- / . .


Gfnod stock , low prices.Choice line of Confectionery, Fruits and

Cigars. Oysters and Ice Cream.S@"Picture Framing a Specialty, j tjg

Uadison 8t, next door Plckarj's Pharmacy



KIERDSrAJSPS BLOCK.48 & 50 Main St., Sag-Harbor, £1. Y.

SAG-HARBOR.We are now ready to show you a handsome line of Merchandise suitable forHoliday Present*, ut very reasonable prices. As usual, every nmn buys a newsuit of Clothen, Overcoat or an Ulster. Are you ia need of one this year f Ifyour aie, juat glance over our magnificent stock and see if we do not save youmoney on every item. ' ' '

MEN'S SUITS S3 to S6 in order to clean out allmade from strictly all woo l cloth . Overcoats, before January 1st.well made and finished, pel feet fit at Tho best una most suitable pres-$5 98 (including black cheviot) re- entyou can give to 11 boy is a suit ofduceil from SS.80. clothes, Overcoat , Reefer, or an TUB-

MEN'S FINE ter' ^or *¦"•" D°ys from 3 to 8 yrs.

DRESS SUITS we have a splendid linn of Suits made

Made from urictly all wool material, Wlth ,Iar8f ?f°r -""" j ™, &fh ^"d'.

cut in single breasted, double breast- 8om

,ely fin,8h

f£| ^


\ fit ' .***e ..ra , ..™^ ™ made, warranted rust color.: It is a

iI -Th- T7 f ™k

i Tt6' u ° ' a

'l>«*»»w dres. a boy in . auch aleading shades including blue and I

.. fc /black diagonal , tailor made, at $8.60

and $10, reduced from $10.50 and J UNIOR SUITS ¦¦¦'.$13.60. About 75 little Junior Suits, with

\ivwv nviTRPnATQ f. ve8t8> handsomel y trimmed witttvery- "

SwBM°uSSS ¦' pretty cdmbiuatious at S..60 UO.

,Boys all-wool suits in a very largeMen's new sty le Overcoats, cut in assortment and wry pretty patterns,this year's faat iion , in all the leading at ga.98, sizes from S to 15 withshades , blue , blac k, oxford grey and short Trousers.tan , handsomely finished and perfect n,0v a. Chinchilla Reefers $2.98 up.fit at $5.50, $7.50, SIU.00. • r

„„,.,., T,^J„. . YOUNG MEN'S SUITSMEVS EXTRA AND OVERCOAT-!.FINE OVERCOATS Our young men's department ia too

Cut from the very beat Brooks Ker- large to mention any individual stylesey, silk lined throughout , equal tol of Suit or Overcoat ; you must seethe very best custom work, at J13 .J them to appreciate the bargains wereduced from $18. Remember that] offer. Just think, an all-wool Suitall Overcoats have been reduced from for $4;25.

Gents' Furnishing Department. ,><NfcCK-WEAli has always been a good and suitable gift, tlia t is if .you buy

them in a suitable place—not some old sty le. We have purc fi us-d, especiallyfor the Holidays, a very large assortment of fine goods, and we. used our verybest j udgment to select the patterns in regard to the sliades. We have themin Four-in-hand, Teeks , Pulfr , Imperials and Club Tics. Prices range at 25cts., 35 cts,, 50 cts.

hilk Handkerchiefs and Mufflers , & very large assortment to select from, iaall the latent shades, ut 25c, 50c, 76c, $1.

Men's fine Mocha and Kid Gloves^ are also suitable for a gift. We have avery large assortment to select from at 98 cts.. and $1 25.

Men's aud Boy's Suspenders, in all new designs of embroidery, also plaincolors , at 26c and 45c.

All kinds of Underwear at 45c up.UMBRELLAS—We have never attemp ted in the previous1 16 years to keep

such a fine line of Ladies' and Gentlemen 's Umbrellas as this year, and weguarantee you to save on each Umbrella at least 60c to 75c.

Our Well Known Shoe Department.There is no use to tell you what we have in Shoes, because you know that

we keep a better and larger assortment in Ladies', Men's and Children's Shoesthan any other store this aide of Brooklyn , and prices are always the lowest.

We have a splendid line of Slippers, made up in all the leading shad e ofcloth and ailk , iu Romeo sty le. The assortment is very large and prices verylow. All above goods will be cheerfully exchanged after tho Holidays, if thesize is not right. ? - ' "

On the first three tables we have displayed a very Iarg3 assortment of* FAN-CY NOVELTIES of all kinds aud descriptions , suitable for Holiday trtfts.

MEYER BROS,Dealers in Men's and Boys' Clothing, Hats , Caps, Boots , Shoos ,

Gents' Furnishings, Trunks , etc. . . .


Moil orders promptly and carefully attended to.


SAG-HARBOR, L. I.,Can bo[found Drugs of nil kind* usually found in a Phnnn.ioy. ;

About Everything in the Drug andFa tent Medicine L«ine known to

the trade can be found at this Store.

Photographic ' Supplies and Camerasof the celebrated Eastman Kodoo Company, constantly on hand.

Merry ! Merry ! XraasTO ALL !


SAMUEL N.. DA VIS. JIT cmi can find all you wish for X.mos I

Presents for Papa, XInmma , jSister or Blrother. j


"""new SUPPLY. . -.If You Want Mice Stationery, |

Call at This Office. IAlmi Playing Curds, Rubber Iliuids, I'uj mr Kuivim, I'iiiih , l'mmilii , Iloldoru-, |Sty luirnip liio Ink , l<\mutc.m ."an Ink, fJiiallordH Dlatik Ink and Writing Fluid. |nit in prlawro) m»\ ¦oHtot w >m UbtdUmt ukM xKkiwui/ ot othor lltao V^it*-», »

i i ' \ ¦ I

Mouse for Sale—-Good Location !Part of mouoy can remain on Horn! anil .Mortgage). Aliio Fifty IIouso Lota

Boamg House < £ ' TenementsTo rout. Buy Vlutv Iloiiiin , on Uny ntrmit , 21 rooms. Ijt irtfu -li tf liL mill airy. A

bountiful vluw from tlio IMir-zu of tlui wn turn of tlin Mnrbor and Giirdmur 'n Buy. ABoml iihoro fur uutWinr. boatinir , iuiiI Rood llHliiii ir in tlio bay. TUo liouiio ban biioulopiiin tKi l outiiidi i and inniil i t , iir i 'l in In ({noil coii'litlon.

Aliio for imlo or runt iho brink brown nLoiio t r im Iimifio on Main ulroot , ovry min-vonidiit iiih ido , lot 1)07x110 front ami roar, with iiliado ) fi iiilniitou walk from dnpof,AIhii rooii iH in Bay Vlow IIoiiho, on Uny Ht. Ii njuin i of .JOHN ill. II ILBllUTll.


I'roporly bought uiul uohl on iiiwy lormn. Ilmimi lotn for nalo on Iniiullinnulj iliin. I5xi)liii!i|'fl niiulii. Aliio il nnliir in imw uiul iiimou I liiind wugoniiuiid oarrliigiiu ,iilui iflm , poliis, ni'flr volieii , unil iivurytliln np iirtiiliilii K ton wagon. Jflxnlmii Kiiii inndo.

HI.OOP JCDI'l'II In In tlioroii h'li ooiulilion i oiipimity *!r> tonii i riiud y l,o (llmrluror iixmini 'iii i> i . t i >.i in »t mt .mlt or i)li ' -» i ' i i '' » i \U> f i r froi -iu, ir will n-ill or "Xtittii(i0 /or ro'iil onUto. App ly to Oapk, Go* ili,i(pii«. w WtfNO * luV UU-DiUCXiJ •


^40IS THE 1S99 PEICE OF 1899


"the 20 year old who'ols."

THAT MEANS THAT ANY ONEcan now buy good wheels of world wide

reputation for tho price of "shoddy"wheels.

"We ore going to force matters in 189Swith good bicycles at mighty low prices,

H. M. YOUNGS, Agent





New Fall Millinery.1898. r

The Largest Stock and Lowest Pricesin Town.

Customers purchasing Hats, and all newTrimmings, can have thorn trimmed



' " 4 ¦** " i > ¦ ¦ '.

£ -*»if ' ¦ aa ••a

o ® i . j • '

•V.r fcs M ': ® : '

¦ tu Wl ' ' ft -gr f t ' U ' %-' ivi ma ^I m m g •Q'


¦¦¦¦ ¦' ' x ' ¦¦ ¦¦

Sag-Harbor Savings Bank.Bng-IInrlior. Dc>o. 15, 1808.

Deposits niaile In t.liifj llimlc on or bofo ro•fan. lOtli , 1899, will il raw Iiiturost from Jan.1st.

JAMES II. PIEUSON, Aotlngrrosld-nt.D. V. VAIL , Trunuuror ,

FROM <^^K^



Fairies Dance.~

FOR"SALiBTlirno Pralrln fitiito Innulmlors , iisnil but n

part of two HiMaouu. AIko ono wood-humorBtovo iindcnulilron ', novo r boon u'sod. Forluir lloularii iiniiiiliii of

P. H. VAIL ,2'ilt HiiK-llnrkor.

(unMawma.Xf n mnlio a apnoliilt^ of iMiMr avlii K , anil lire

proiuiioil to Itll nrdurii at n liortnollu n anilualia'aotory prloiui Wn ililhi K Invltatloiin ,Annoiiiiooiiiont a , Cii I IIii k OunlH. I'.to.

Wo nro noiiiotlinnu unit with tho roinnrk :"I didn 't k now you did liuiili work ," Wohavo boon In t l iopr lnt lna ami alattouiirybun-tiiKHtf for nearly forty ynara , anil print anyMiln e fro m a pin-tun to a lllblo—only itlvo unt lio oliaiioiy,


I wln li to loalio known to tho inilillo Unit Iluivti iiiiiuiiml iKl II, li', llo pn , your old mill ro-llulilo Jowolnr.

I buvo a now and uboloo l ino of iivorvtlilii Kiiortaliiliut to lli» liuiilnoiw , for tlio liollduyii.unil and oxainliio; K oti i lnbhown with nlcaiiuro

I will nInn do all lilndn of Waloh, (llnii ii and'fnwolry ri >piilrln i {, lit and iidjunt kIuhiiI 'U forall Ulndii of iiiuHouliir L roiildo. I'miiiitii allonfroo. All work 'iiuuruutond uatlnfiio lory,

Hall ami tin oonvlnooil,O. M. I'ltlTOI,

Uuiioonhor In II. li' Ifopo ,J l i WI '.I.IOIl A N I > Ol 'TIOUN ,

Hii K -l fnrliur , N. V.

Trunks ItVp.iir wl.Hlriipn , linnilliiii , oiiutoi' ii. loolin nlo. to uni t

W. I.. < l OK ,tt 10 (lonoo rd Ht.


S fi .IIAUHO R , N . VT.


Daughter of the Eevolution,BY UAEY BKEOK SLEIC3HT,

Author of "PrarloDays." "Flag on tho .Mill ,""Tho Knights ot Sandy Hollow," otc.

- Illustrated by George Foster Barnes.For salo at this offi ce, and by Wm. J. Poat,

at &outbam|.ton.Price $l;60 per volume.

Now is Your Chance !SATBItBAY ( ,„„ ( MONDAY


EB f%t ID "Y THE BARREL*r k V U R At No.v-York Prices.

H. T. HEDGES & CO., Sag-Harbor.

NOTICE.Having loasr-d tho property of John Monk'a,

known as Cedar Point, for a gamo prosorro,wo claim tho oxoluslvo right ttioreon , andforbid all trespass, undor penalty of the law.

JEItRX HONTTINQ,CllAS. E. O. HOMAN ,David A. Fitdins,AniiAtt E. BiiEiiniLr,,Samuel S. Conk lew,Hiiiam HnEmiiLL,WltliTAM Talmaob, ,

Anil others known asTHE PELICA N OLTJB,

Oot. 11, 1898.

Calendars for 1899.

DRINKING SODA WATERFrom tho counb-r apparatus ,

1b out or soaeon \ t


Everybody should havo In thoir householdfor tho Holidays a oubo of bottled Sodawator.

Sparkling DeweyIs our latest; now , all yiar round drlnlc.


"TJioro's Ginger In It, ".

1.899 CALENDAR FREE. 1899Tlio latent Onlrndnr out. Thn Dattlo of

Manilla , with algual liyiiiK "lloinomhor tho ,Mnlno. *' w ill bo glvon with onoh milorfor onodozen larprn hottlos of Knnrl i l lng Dowoy, nloi> .labeled with Doivuy 'a picture on oaoh label.

Prion per domin , SI.00.Canh must accompany ordor. Bottles lo be

returned. Oriler at onoo from

The Emmol Bottling Works,Miiuufanturo rs of Minera l Waier, Carbonatcil

Drlnka. llotllers and wkoleralo dealorii InLhgor liiier , Mm nnd Porter,

BAa-HAmiOIt , N. Y. J3w*

History of East-Hampton.BY H. P. HKDGES,

Is forsnlo by II. P. Hoilgou , ut llrldgo-IInnip-ton , or by John II, Hunt , ai tho otlleo nt TlvoHiu-IIarbor Hxi-niaiii, at »H,00 por oopy.

Jiiaf OiAi28, 28, 3d, 82, 34 ano 36 Flatbush Ave


And Nos. 315, 317, 3l9 and 321 .Idvin,;:

aton Street. Brooklyn.

[.rMPOKTEBS OF AND ng.nT.TenR xs



Every department in our Establishmentis supplied with a large and well

soleoted stock of goods ,which we oiler at the

very lowest prices.

Five minutes from L.IB.B. Depot.

Journeay & Burnbdm.Toe^Tdonahue,"'JEWELERSAG-HARBOR, LONG ISLAND.

1YAN C BYRAM,T A X I ' D'ERMIST.20tf Birds and Animal* In atook.

Wm. WALLACE TOOKER.Notary Public, Co;, •"•yanooranil Onn oral

, Biniiu* tin AgQDt.

REAI .ESTATEBouRht , gold or liontod , and Agent's Dutlci

Promptly Forfonnod.

Loans Negotiated and InvnatmonU Undo.

Li fe. Pire & Accident InaurancoWritten on Desirable niiilis In Reliable

Coiupanles.Furnished Oottagos to Rent for tlio Hummer

Months,Offloo No. 70 Main St., B/iB-Hartior, N. Y.


FURNITURE..Don't forifot that now Is tho time to buy, and

that tlioy aro tho people to aell uothat you will bo ploasod,


UNDERTAKERS !I'ropared to iflvo prompt and unroful atton.

tluii to all funeral dotalla.

Main Strniit , - - - - fiiig-JIarlior.

.l oiimioH— KniiAniihiin. — At the I nrtH inii i fti ortho Waot-ll nni| i lon l'reubyl iiila " I 'hnreh ,oil QiiliiKUii , Hen. liltli , by U«v' »;'• "Uj iiirtI), Liiwriiiim i , (lenla Ularla Kilo JtrUncloonau d ClliarUiii Vletor Joliiinon,

i .' ". " . ' " ' - ¦