RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

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Page 1: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement


Page 2: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

1. Introduction and welcome The Rally Terra da Auga reaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement in the zone of Arzúa, Boimorto, O Pino and Touro, where are the totallity of the stages, and with the colaboration of these Councils, Diputación Provincial de A Coruña, Consejo Superior de Deportes through the Real Federación Española de Automovilismo, and the Secretaría Xeral para o Deporte de la Xunta de Galicia with its touristic program “Mar e Terra”. With them, as alwayse, the invaluable colaboration of the Civil Protection services of Arzúa, Betanzos, Abegondo, Bergondo, Boqueixón, Carballo and the Red Cross of Betanzos. Regarding to the indispensables marshalls of the event, we continue trying to add effectives with the effort of a lot of motor clubs: Escudería La Coruña, Melide MotorSport, Talleres Galicia Arzúa, Mais Motor y Os Venados de Guitiriz. Our objective is to conquer a motorsport event in which all the people feel like at home, both the participating teams to those who we try to offer the máximum possible facilities, both tje spectators, that are finally the receivers of the design of te itinerary. Welcome everybody to the Galizian Gravel Rally, the Terra da Auga 2018, and THANKS FOR YOUR PRESENCE. 2. Contact details for competitors


Organizator: Agrupación Deportiva Noroeste Motor Address: Vista Alegre 81 A Location: 15300 BETANZOS

Telephone: 616 47 05 38 - Fax: 981 13 55 57 E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.rallydaauga.com 2.2 RALLY OFFICIALS

2.2.1 RFEdA Observers and Delegates RFEdA Safety Delegate: Pedro Zamora Cortijos President of the Stewards: Ricardo Sánchez Lamas Scrutineer Delegate: Victor Varela Tomé

2.2.2 Main Officials Clerk of the Course: Francisco Fernández Ferreiro Safety Responsable: Juan Carlos Sánchez Sánchez Event Secretary: Juan Carlos Pérez Gerpe Scrutineer Chef: Angel L.Rguez Seoane

2.2.3 Competitors Relations Officiers

Alberto González Tel: 616482452

Sebas Plazas Tel: 607598648

Page 3: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

3. Programme – Schedule

4. Entry details 4.1 ELEGIBILITY

Spanish gravel Rally Championship 2018 Evo Cup 2018 Cup Kobe Motor 2018 Cup Suzuki Swift Junior Cp N5 RMC Criterium Terra da Auga for not Spanish Championship entry competitors

Page 4: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement


470 Euros with the optional advertising proposed by the organizers and 940 without it 340 Euros for Criterium Terra da Auga entrants 150 Euros for each adittional Service plate

5. General Map

6. Rally HQ 6.1 LOCATION:

Local Social de Sta Maria Rua do Piñeiral s/n

Location: ARZÚA (A CORUÑA) Telephone: 616 47 05 38

E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.rallydaauga.com

Page 5: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement


Date Time Activity Friday

25/05/18 08:00 HQ Opening

21:30 HQ Closing Saturday

26/05/18 08:00 HQ Opening

21:30 HQ Closing 7. Parks 7.1 SERVICE PARK

7.1.1. Location: Campo da Feira, ARZÚA

Page 6: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

Crews emplacement into Service Park will be published at web site Wednesday 3/5/2018.

Crews needing an specific emplacement, must indicate this at entry form. It would be assigned based on existing availability.

Emplacemment of each crew will be in conformity of art. 10.1.b) Appendix 8 Spanish Gravel Rally Championship regulations 2018. Anyother especific petition must be compulsory made in the entry form and only would be attended based on organizers possibilities.

7.1.2 Service Park Timetable Date Time Activity

Thursday 24/05/18

17:00 Parc Service opening

21:00 Parc Service entrance closing

Friday 25/05/18

08:00 Parc Service opening

11:00 Parc Service entrance closing

22:00 Parc Service closing Saturday

26/05/18 08:00 Parc Service opening

21:30 Parc Service surveillance ending Service vehicles of great dimensions (vans, buses, etc) are forbbiden to leave Service

Park as long as there are participantes inside. For do that, it must be communicated to responsible oficial previously, to having the best way..

7.1.3 Nightlysurveillance The organizers must be in charge of Service Park general nightly surveillance during

Friday to Saturday. Night froM Thursday to Friday surveillance will be in charge to competitor staying into Park.


7.2.1 Location: C.E.I.P., BOIMORTO

Page 7: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

7.2.2 Timetable

Date Time Activity

Friday 25/05/18

19:30 Lunch for competitors

20:30 Press conference

20:45 Competitors instroduction and starting positiion selection


7.3.1 Location: Praza do Concello de O PINO

7.3.2 Timetable

Data Entrance Departure Activity

Sábado 26/05/18

10:23 10:43 1st competitor in Regrouping A

13:07 13:47 1st competitor in Regrouping B

17:03 17:18 1st competitor in Regrouping C

Page 8: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement


7.4.1 Location: Sala Multiocio Dona Dana, TOURO

7.4.2 Timetable

Date Time Activity

Saturday 26/05/18

19:30 Arriving 1st competitor

20:30 Podium ceremony

21:30 End of Rally party

8. Reconnaissances 8.1 RECONNAISSANCES PROCEDURE Reconaissances will me done according to Art.17 of Spanish Gravel Rally Championship 2018 Sporting Regulations, in only one lap. Notes Book will not be suministrated by organizers, being responsibility of the crew to present at collection of documents, a clean note book for marking.

Date Time Activity



08:30 a 09:30 Road Book and reconnaissances identifications issuing. Note books marking.

08:30 a 09:30 Reconnaissances GPS issuing

09:00 a 14:00 Reconnaissance

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12:00 a 14:30 Reconnaissances GPS collection 8.2 TIMETABLE

Date Time Activity Groups


25/05/18 09:00 a 14:00

Reconnaissance Stages A-B-C-D-SS GROUP A

Reconnaissance Stages C-D-A-B-SS GROUP B

Reconnaissance Shakedown Shakedown entrants Competitors must recognize following assigned stages order compulsory, only limitates to initial and final general time. Groups will me formed dividing entrants considering its competition number and its participation in promotional trophys. 9. Scrutineering and documentation collection 9.1 PLACE AND TIMETABLE

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Date Time Activity Place



08:00 a 11:00 Assistance plates collection Service Park entrance

08:30 a 09:30 Documentation collection Head Quarters

10:00 a 14:00 Technical scrutineering Praza do Parque - Arzúa

10:00 a 14:00 Race GPS issuing Technical scrutineering Saturday

26/05/18 19:30 Race GPS collection Parc Fermé

9.2 HELMETS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING Helmets and protective clothing scrutineering will be made randomly and itinerantly. 9.3 FINAL SCRUTINEERINGS

Date Time Place Saturday

26/05/18 20:45 Taller Vipcar (Touro)

10. Medical and safety services 10.1 MEDICAL SERVICE

10.1.1 Medical Chef Medical Chef: Dr. Josué Lázaro Arienza

10.1.2 Designated Hospitals C.H.U.S. – Trav. Choupana s/n, SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Tel: 981 95 00 00 PAC ARZÚA – Rúa Padre Pardo s/n, ARZÚA – Tel: 981 501 317

10.1.3 Ambulances and Fast Intervention Vehicles Ambulancias Nordés- Costa de Santa Isabel 13, SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA, Tel:652395678

Cruz Roja de Betanzos - Linares Rivas 1, BETANZOS - Tel: 981771727 10.1.5 Medical helicopters

112 10.1.5 Emergency Telephone:


10.2.1 Safety chef, and stages safety chefs Safety chef: Juan Carlos Sánchez Sánchez Assistants: Alejandro López González Manuel García Lorenzo On stages: Carlos Vázquez Santiso José Manuel Abad Sánchez

10.2.2 Extintion and extraction Services Consorcio Provincial Contraincendios e Salvamento A Coruña Protección Civil de Betanzos

Page 11: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

Protección Civil de Boqueixón 10.2.3 Towing services. Conditions Conditions Organizer’s towing services are under instructions of organizers exclusively, and only destinated to leave special stages clean. Any other service must be hired directly by the competitors Enterprises



10.2.4 Civil Protection Protección Civil de Arzúa Protección Civil de O Pino Protección Civil de Betanzos Protección Civil de Bergondo

Protección Civil de Abegondo 11. Identificationes 11.1 RFEDA PERMANENT IDENTIFICATIONS In accordance to RFEdA 2018 regulations 11.2 PERSONAL IDENTIFICATIONS SUPPLIED BY THE ORGANIZERS Organizers must suppy the following indentifications: Organization Participant Service Press Vip 11.3 VEHICLES PLATES Organization Participant Service Press Vip 12. Press 12.1 CONTACT [email protected] Responsables: Pablo Villar 619 390 626 Diego Iglesias 657 225 710 12.2 CONDITIONS AND TERMS FOR ACREDITATIONS Instructions and acreditation form will pe published on www.rallydaauga.com Deadline for the acceptance of request: Wednesday 23/05/2018

Page 12: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

12.3 PASSES COLLECT At Press Office. Friday 25: From 09:00 to 18:45 And Saturday 26 from 09:00 10 12:00 12.4 PRESS OFFICE LOCATION

Local Social de Sta Maria Rua do Piñeiral s/n (ARZÚA)


Friday 25: from 09:00 to 21:30 Saturday 26: from 09:00 to 21:30

12.6 PARKINGS Limited number of reserved places at Service Park and Parc Fermé, subjects to acreditation by plate placed at windshield. 13. Accomodations and restaurants 13.1 HOTELS AND RESTAURANTE http://turismo.concellodearzua.com/ http://www.touroturismo.com http://www.concellodeopino.com/es/turismo https://www.concellodeboimorto.es/es/empresas-do-municipio 13.2 SUPERMARKETS

Supermercado Claudio, Av. Lugo 28 – O Pedrouzo Tel: 981511329

14.- Multimedia 14.1 OFFICIAL WEB SITE www.rallydaauga.com www.rallysdetierra.com 14.2 SOCIAL NETWORKS

@rallydaauga https://www.facebook.com/Rallydaauga

14.3 ON LINE TIMING www.rallydaauga.com www.teamrepauto.com 14.4 PHOTOS AND VIDEOS Don Clic, www.donclic.com 15. Other services

Page 13: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement

15.1 PHARMACIES Manuel Saavedra Robledo – Rúa Padre Pardo 34, ARZÚA Barreiro Salvado – Xosé Neira Vilas 2, ARZÚA Manuel Angel Saavedra Pereira – Ramón Franco 31, ARZÚA María Dolores Vilas Suárez- Pucho Boedo 26, TOURO Ordóñez – Avda. Santiago 34, PEDROUZO (O PINO) Salceda – Salceda, O PINO 15.2 PHOTOCOPY, REPROGRAPHY, PRINTING COPITEC DIXITAL, Plaza de la Constitución 4, BETANZOS – Tel: 981775069 15.3 SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE DON CLIC, Rúa Tarragona 22, CARBALLO - Tel: 981701219 15.4 OFICCE MACHINES OFINOLTA, José Echegaray 6, A CORUÑA - Tel: 981135192 15.5 OFFICE MATERIAL OFIBREA, Av. De La Coruña 73, BETANZOS - Tel: 981772429 15.6 PRIVATE SECURITY PROTECCIÓN DE PATRIMONIOS – Tel: 981 145305 15.7 AUTOMOBILE WORKSHOPS TALLERES GALICIA, Rúa Lugo 113, ARZÚA – Tel: 981500069 TALLERES VIPCAR, Loureda - Loxo, TOURO – Tel: 981518623-659889473 15.8 FUEL STATIONS ESTACIÓN DE SERVICIO VALIÑO, Rio Vello 2, Pol. Indust., ARZÚA - Tel: 981500005 ESTACIÓN DE SERVICIO TEIRABOA, Teiraboa, ARZÚA – Tel: 981500057 15.9 CAR AND VAN RENTAL YA CAR, Avda. Fonteculler 7, Culleredo - Tel: 981654458 15.10 VEHICLES SALE AUTOMÓVILES LOUZAO, Avda. das Mariñas 295 Perillo (OLEIROS) – Tel: 981139927 15.11 VEHICLES SCRATCHES DESGUACES LUAL, Ctra. de Lugo - Coto (MELIDE) - Tel: 981507352 15.12 GRÚAS Y TRANSPORTES GRÚAS TELVA: Rúa Autonomía 3, CULLEREDO – Tel: 667817017 TALLERES GALICIA, Rúa Lugo 113, ARZÚA – Tel: 981500069

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Page 15: RALLY GUIDE · 2018. 5. 14. · 1. Introduction and welcome . The Rally Terra da Augareaches its 5th edition insert in the Spanish Rally Championship, consolidanting the placement