PRAMEET- Cafe-Coffee-Day

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By Prameet By Prameet 

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ItIt waswas inin thethe goldengolden soilsoil ofof ChikmagalurChikmagalur thatthat aatraditionaltraditional familyfamily ownedowned aa fewfew acresacres ofof coffeecoffeeestates,estates, whichwhich yieldedyielded richrich coffeecoffee beansbeans.. SoonSoon

 Amalgamated Amalgamated BeanBean CoffeeCoffee TradingTrading CompanyCompanyLimited,Limited, popularlypopularly knownknown asas CoffeeCoffee DayDay waswas

formedformed.. WithWith aa richrich coffeecoffee growinggrowing traditiontraditionsincesince 18751875 behindbehind itit..CoffeeCoffee DayDay beganbegan exportingexportingcoffeecoffee toto thethe connoisseursconnoisseurs acrossacross USA,USA, EuropeEurope &&JapanJapan.. InIn thethe calendarcalendar yearyear 20002000,, CoffeeCoffee DayDay

exportedexported moremore thanthan 2700027000 tonnestonnes ofof coffeecoffeevaluedvalued atat USUS$$ 6060 mm ..

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CoffeeCoffee DayDay hashas

4848 agentsagents andand 5050 collectingcollecting depotsdepots..

ItsIts twotwo curingcuring worksworks atat ChikmagalurChikmagalur andand HassanHassan

curecure overover 7070,,000000 tonnestonnes ofof coffeecoffee perperannum,annum, thethe largestlargest inin thethe countrycountry..

CoffeeCoffee DayDay hashas aa wellwell--equippedequipped roastingroasting unitunitcateringcatering toto thethe specificspecific requirementrequirement ofof thethe


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Sub brands under Café Coffee DaySub brands under Café Coffee Day

Coffee DayCoffee Day -- Fresh & GroundFresh & Ground

Café Coffee DayCafé Coffee Day

Coffee DayCoffee Day   Vending Vending

Coffee DayCoffee Day   XpressXpress

Coffee DayCoffee Day   ExportsExports

Coffee DayCoffee Day -- PerfectPerfect

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Product Product 

Its product mix comprises of products that appealIts product mix comprises of products that appealto indian coffee and snack lovers.to indian coffee and snack lovers.

They grow the coffee they serve.They grow the coffee they serve. Eatables like samosa, biryani, masala sandwich,Eatables like samosa, biryani, masala sandwich,

tikka sandwich, trufle etc.tikka sandwich, trufle etc.

Merchendising includes Funky tMerchendising includes Funky t--shirts, caps etc.shirts, caps etc.

The best selling item in summer is frappe, whichThe best selling item in summer is frappe, whichis coffee and ice cream blended together. Theis coffee and ice cream blended together. Theyoung people favor it. In winter it is cappuccino.young people favor it. In winter it is cappuccino.

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Cater to the segment within the age group of 15Cater to the segment within the age group of 15--2929

Price for a cup of coffee ranges from Rs.45 to RsPrice for a cup of coffee ranges from Rs.45 to Rs


there has been only minor changes in the pricingthere has been only minor changes in the pricingpolicy of Café Coffee Day. The changes havepolicy of Café Coffee Day. The changes have beenbeen

more due to the government taxes than any thingmore due to the government taxes than any thingelseelse

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213 cafes in all major cities in India.213 cafes in all major cities in India.

located in High Street/ Family Entertainmentlocated in High Street/ Family EntertainmentCenters.Centers.

Near collegesNear colleges

Near gas stationsNear gas stations

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Café Coffee Day held a contest around a veryCafé Coffee Day held a contest around a verypopular programme on Zee English calledFriends.popular programme on Zee English calledFriends. All the six lead characters are shown often All the six lead characters are shown oftenvisiting a coffee shop and a lot of youth likevisiting a coffee shop and a lot of youth likewatching the programme.watching the programme.

They have tied up with Channel [V]'s GetThey have tied up with Channel [V]'s GetGorgeous contest.Gorgeous contest.

They have also done promotion for HistoryThey have also done promotion for HistoryChannel, where they have run promotion forChannel, where they have run promotion forHollywood Heroes. They had asked a few questionHollywood Heroes. They had asked a few questionand a lucky winner won a trip to Hollywood.and a lucky winner won a trip to Hollywood.

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Involved in ticket sales of Enrique ,WWE,Involved in ticket sales of Enrique ,WWE,Elton John, and Bryan Adams ticket sales.Elton John, and Bryan Adams ticket sales.

They have been a part of movies like :They have been a part of movies like :  

Bas Yun HiBas Yun Hi   KhakeeKhakee   Main Hoon NaMain Hoon Na   Kyun Ho Gaya NaKyun Ho Gaya Na   Mujhse Shaadi KarogeMujhse Shaadi Karoge


   Socha Na ThaSocha Na Tha    And a lot of Telegu & Tamil movies And a lot of Telegu & Tamil movies

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Sales PromotionSales PromotionCafé coffee day has been a very promisingCafé coffee day has been a very promising

initiator thaninitiator than camparedcampared to its competitors forto its competitors forsales promotion likesales promotion like

Giving away Gifts during occasionsGiving away Gifts during occasions egeg valentinevalentinedayday

Offering Coupons Café Citizen card which allowsOffering Coupons Café Citizen card which allowsregular members to avail discountsregular members to avail discounts uptoupto 20% and20% andbecome a member after a purchase amount ofbecome a member after a purchase amount ofuptoupto 20002000 rsrs

Sugar free campaign which was mainly done toSugar free campaign which was mainly done tospread awareness of staying healthy and fit byspread awareness of staying healthy and fit byusing the sugar free sachetsusing the sugar free sachets

Discounts during festive times to memberDiscounts during festive times to member

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ProcessProcess The order process at Café Coffee Day is based onThe order process at Café Coffee Day is based on


They have a flexible delivery process, where theyThey have a flexible delivery process, where theywait for some time for the customer to pick upwait for some time for the customer to pick up

the order but if the customer takes too long thenthe order but if the customer takes too long thenthe order is delivered on his table.the order is delivered on his table.

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Physical EvidencePhysical Evidence

Logo, Colors, ImagesLogo, Colors, Images

The Café Coffee Day LogoThe Café Coffee Day Logo

Décor & ArchitectureDécor & Architecture


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People at Café Coffee Day believe that PeoplePeople at Café Coffee Day believe that Peopleare hired for what they know but firedfor howare hired for what they know but firedfor howthey behave.they behave.

Motivation and personal skill are laid emphasizeMotivation and personal skill are laid emphasizeupon.upon.

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PositioningPositioning ConsumerConsumer ProfileProfile :: ResearchResearch showsshows thatthat

3737%% ofof thethe customerscustomers areare betweenbetween 2020 andand2424yearsyears..

2727%% ofof thethe customerscustomers areare betweenbetween thethe ageage groupgroupofof 2525--2929 yearsyears..

6060%% ofof thethe customerscustomers whowho visitvisit thethe cafécafé areare malemaleandand 4040%% areare femalefemale..

5252%% ofof customerscustomers whowho visitvisit thethe cafescafes areare studentsstudents..

1818%% ofof thethe customerscustomers visitvisit thethe cafescafes dailydaily..

WhileWhile anotheranother 4444%% visitvisit weeklyweekly..

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EachEach café,café, dependingdepending uponupon itsits sizesize attractsattracts

betweenbetween 500500 andand 800800 customerscustomers daily,daily, mainlymainlybetweenbetween 44pmpm andand 77 pmpm..

CustomersCustomers describedescribe CaféCafé CoffeeCoffee DayDay asas thethe placeplacetheythey frequentfrequent mostmost afterafter home home andand

workplace/collegeworkplace/college.. ItIt isis aa placeplace wherewhere theythey meetmeetfriendsfriends andand colleagues,colleagues, inin groupsgroups ofof 33 oror moremore..

TheThe pricesprices herehere areare perceivedperceived toto bebe reasonablereasonableandand itit isis aa placeplace wherewhere customerscustomers comecome totorejuvenaterejuvenate themselvesthemselves andand bebe themselvesthemselves ratherratherthanthan aa placeplace toto bebe seen seen atat visvis aa visvis otherother cafescafes..

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Brand ImageBrand Image

CaféCafé CoffeeCoffee DayDay isis aa regularregular meetingmeeting placeplace forfor 1515toto 2929 yearsyears old,old, bothboth malemale andand female,female, whowho arearewaitedwaited onon byby friendlyfriendly andand informedinformed staff,staff, andand areareofferedoffered thethe bestbest mademade coffee,coffee, hothot oror cold,cold,

beveragesbeverages andand foodfood inin anan invigoratinginvigorating ambienceambience..

ItIt isis urbanurban youngstersyoungsters favoritefavorite hangout hangout.. ItsItscustomerscustomers areare mostlymostly youngyoung collegecollege studentsstudents andand

youngyoung professionalsprofessionals.. ItIt isis forfor thosethose whowho areare youngyoungoror youngyoung atat heartheart..