Praktisera inom internationell - jmg.gu.se · The Nordic Centre is a network of 27 Nordic universities and one research institution, NIAS, which all have close collaboration with

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Praktisera inom internationell

kommunikation i Shanghai

Nordic Centre i Shanghai, en innovativ nordisk-kinesisk akademisk miljö, erbjuder en

praktikplats inom kommunikation under tiden februari - maj 2019.

Nordic Centre Fudan, ett nätverk där Göteborgs universitet ingår, erbjuder en praktikplats på

sitt huvudkontor i Shanghai. Huvudkontoret är bemannat av en programchef, två

programansvariga, en svensk lärare och ett antal studentassistenter. Praktikanten kommer att

ingå i detta internationella team och rapportera till programchefen.


organisera sociala och kulturella händelser och hjälpa till att organisera akademiska


bidra till nyhetsbrev

skriva och uppdatera information på hemsidan och sociala medier

bistå vid kommunikationsinsatser, både med medlemsuniversiteten och externa

intressenter som näringslivet i Shanghai

assistera programchefen

Eftersom nästan all kommunikation sker på engelska krävs det att du behärskar engelska på

en hög nivå. Kinesiska språkkunskaper och erfarenhet av kinesiska relationer är meriterande,

men inte nödvändigt.

Det är viktigt att du har en utåtriktad personlighet, tycker om att arbeta självständigt och

känner dig bekväm att kommunicera med många olika typer av människor.

Ansökan och praktisk information

Du behöver inte vara medborgare i ett nordiskt land för att ansöka, men du måste studera vid

Göteborgs universitet.

Praktikplatsen är obetald. Kontoret i Shanghai erbjuder en gratis kinesisk språkkurs på Fudan

university samt en annan valfri kurs. Kontoret erbjuder även gratis boende på campus.

Deadline för ansökan är torsdag 1 november 2018, vid midnatt (din egen lokala


Mer information om hur du ansöker nedan.


Nordic Centre | Fudan University | Shanghai 220 Handan Road | Nordic Centre Building | Shanghai 200433 | P.R. China

Tel: +86 21 6564 2267 | Fax: +86 21 6564 8633 | www.nordiccentre.net


Get unique experience in the field of international communication, and work in an innovative Nordic-Chinese academic environment

The Nordic Centre at Fudan University in Shanghai, China, offers an internship starting from February to the end of May 2019. The position is open to students from the Nordic Centre´s member universities, and we invite students from all academic fields to apply.

The Nordic Centre is a network of 27 Nordic universities and one research institution, NIAS, which all have close collaboration with Fudan University in Shanghai. The Nordic Centre promotes and supports research and educational cooperation between its member universities and Chinese partners, and also promotes Nordic culture in Shanghai. Besides the office in Shanghai, the Nordic Centre has a secretariat at University of Bergen, Norway. For more information about the Nordic Centre, please visit nordiccentre.net, or find us on Facebook under Nordic Centre, Fudan University.

The office in Shanghai is staffed by a full-time Nordic Programme Manager, two full-time Chinese Programme Officers, a Swedish teacher, and at times a couple of student assistants. The intern will be part of this international team, and report to the Programme Manager.

The responsibilities of the intern are:

To organize social and cultural events, and help organize academic workshops and our bi-annualconference

To contribute to newsletters

To write and update information on our website and social media

To assist in communication efforts, both with member universities and external stakeholders likethe business community in Shanghai

To assist the Programme Manager in other duties

We expect you to speak and write English at a high level, as most communication will be in English. Knowledge of Chinese language and experience with Chinese relations would be an advantage, but is not required. It is important that the intern has an outgoing personality, likes to work independently on tasks, and feels comfortable communicating with many different types of people. You do not have to be a national citizen of a Nordic country to apply, but must be enrolled at a Nordic member university for the duration of the internship.

The working hours are about 35 hours a week. The internship is unpaid, but we offer a free Chinese language course at Fudan, another Fudan course of the student's choice, and free accommodation on campus. Note that many students will be eligible for funding from their government if they are enrolled in a programme that allows credit transfers for this kind of internship.

The deadline for applying is November 1 2018, by midnight (your own local time zone). Please send your one-page application letter, one-page CV, and other relevant documents to

[email protected] as PDFs. Interviews will be conducted via Skype in the following weeks.