Portfolio Sarah Jansen

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Portfolio Sarah Jansen—Character Design, Illustration, Visual Concepts

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  • p o rt f o l i o Sarah janSen

    portfolio Sarah janSen

  • p o rt f o l i o Sarah janSen

    Fanningerstrae 20, 10365 [email protected] +49 176 55 19 83 22 (D)

    +45 52 79 18 70 (DK)born in Berlin, May 27, 1986

    portfolio Sarah janSen

  • C u rri C u lu m v i ta eSarah janSen


    February 2014 Master of Arts in design and communications strate gy at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg / Germany in collabration with The Royal

    Danish Academy of Fine Arts - The School of Design, Copenhagen, final grade 1,3 (equivalent to A)

    September 2012 to February 2014 studies of Visual Communication M.A. at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - The School of Design

    October 2011 to August 2012 studies of design and communications strate gy M.A. at the University of Applied Sciences in Augsburg / Germany

    April 2007 to September 2010 studies of communications design (B.A.) at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Kiel / Germany

    graduation in July 2010, final grade 1,3 (equivalent to A)October 2006 to March 2007 studies of architecture at the TU Berlin

    July 2005 high school graduation (Abitur)

    relevant experience

    June 2011 to August 2011 freelancer at design agency LIGALUX in HamburgDecember 2010 to May 2011 six-month intern at LIGALUX

    March 2006 to June 2006 intern at art studio FREIRAUM in BerlinOctober 2005 to March 2006 internship at the PR and

    marketing department of KaDeWe Berlin

    curriculum vitae Sarah janSen

  • curriculum vitae Sarah janSen


    2014 afgang, graduation show at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - The School of Design, Copenhagen, Denmark

    2014 Werkschau, graduation show at the University of Applied Sciences, Augsburg, Germany

    2010 Entzndet, at the representative office Schleswig-Holstein, Berlin, Germany2010 Rundgang, student show at the Muthesius Academy of Fine Arts and Design,

    Kiel, Germany2009 3meter50, student show at Lessingbad Kiel, Germany

    2009 Virus, at Gallery Umtrieb, Kiel, Germany

    publicationS and featureS

    Wild MagazineWild Profile online arts sectionPage onlineMenschgemachte Mutanten

    Question Waste: Experimental Tactics between Design and EthnographyIllusion Tart 1: Viren


    Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, Flash, After Effects


    German is my native tongue, fluent English in speaking and writing, moderate knowledge of French, basic knowledge of Danish

  • g u d e g ry 3d illuStration 2014

    Coming from a two-dimensional illustration background, I have developed a strong interest in working with the body as a means of expression during my master

    studies. I have always been interested in fantastic worlds, but often found there was a lack of reference to the present day. This applies also to the topic of ancient

    mythology, often visualized through archaic or clichd illustrations. Accordingly, within my graduation project I investigated the medium of Body Based

    Character Design by exemplifying it through reinterpretations of the Norse Gods of the weekdays. The result is the photo series GUDEGRY (Dawn of the Gods), showing seven characters within their own realm, developed through working

    3-dimensionally and incorporating the human bodymasks, costumes and settingsdocumented and staged through photography.

    gudegry 3d illuStration 2014


  • gudegry 3d illuStration 2014


  • Odin Wednesday

    gudegry 3d illuStration 2014

  • gudegry 3d illuStration 2014


  • Frigg Friday

    gudegry 3d illuStration 2014

  • gudegry 3d illuStration 2014

    Frigg+Odinthe ruling couple

  • gudegry 3d illuStration 2014


  • SlSunday

    gudegry 3d illuStration 2014

  • g u d e g rylookbook 2014

    Lookbook for my master graduation project GUDEGRY. Layout in collaboration with Jonas Hasselmann.

    gudegry lookbook 2014

  • gudegry lookbook 2014

  • QueStion waSte lookbook 2014

  • gudegry lookbook 2014

  • fa n rep o rt folder deSign 2009

    Fanreport is a folder, which deals with the fan cult surrounding the famous virtuoso David Carson. On one level original fanmails and finds,

    as well as personal facts, are shown in form of an archive. On the other level Carsons work is presented in an oversized format.

    fanreport folder deSign 2009

  • fanreport folder deSign 2009

  • fanreport folder deSign 2009

  • fanreport folder deSign 2009

  • Qu est i o n wa st ebook deSign 2012

    Researched, designed, written, edited, and laid out by students and faculty on the course Question Waste: Experimental Tactics between Design and Ethnography this book explores

    waste handling in apartment buildings in different areas of Copenhagen. The research is both documentary, experimental and points to past, present and

    speculative futures of waste handling. Published by The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, School of Design, the book has 63 pages and contains a video DVD.

    Layout developed in collaboration with Andreas Sren Johannsen.

    QueStion waSte book deSign 2012

  • QueStion waSte book deSign 2012

  • QueStion waSte book deSign 2012

  • QueStion waSte book deSign 2012

  • t w i n s film SeQuence and photo SerieS 2013

    Twins is a stop motion sequence and photo series picturingthe development of twins in a mother's womb. Project developed

    in collaboration with Kathrin Heimel.

    twinS 3d illuStration 2013

  • twinS 3d illuStration 2013

  • twinS 3d illuStration 2013

  • twinS 3d illuStration 2013

  • m a n m a d e m u ta n t s 3d illuStration 2013

    The picture series Manmade Mutants is an examination of how illustration works outside books, in a third dimension. The six characters are hybrids built by

    exaggerating the known characteristics of the 20th century freaks, and staging them in a modern environment. By presenting these naturally grown deformations

    in a glamorous lightlike tumors, polyps or hornificationswe balanced between fascination and disgust, compassion and mischief, repulsion and attraction,

    glamour and tackiness. Project developed in collaboration with Kathrin Heimel.

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

    Hairy Woman

  • manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

    Hairy Woman

  • Trunk Boy

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • Trunk Boy

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • Polyp Couple

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • Polyp Couple

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

    Polyp Couple

  • manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • Tumour Head

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • Tumour Head

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • Funghi Girl

    manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

    Funghi Girl

  • manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

    Funghi Girl

  • manmade mutantS 3d illuStration 2013

  • d i e k l ei n e s ee j u n g f ra u book illuStration 2009

    Die kleine Seejungfrau [The little mermaid ] is an illustrated book project about a biographic crucial experience, which strongly influences life.

    In his fairy tale The little mermaid the Danish author and poet H.C. Andersen tried to get over a rejected love.

    die kleine Seejungfrau book illuStration 2009

  • The ten single drawings bound in a leporello, which works opened also as one large picture and

    measures over three meters breadthways.

    die kleine Seejungfrau book illuStration 2009

  • die kleine Seejungfrau book illuStration 2009

  • die kleine Seejungfrau book illuStration 2009

  • t ra s h C i rC u s3d illuStration 2013

    Welcome to the trash circus! See the outcome of a few days of fooling around with materials from the bin. Project developed in collaboration with Kathrin Heimel.

    traSh circuS 3d illuStration 2013

  • traSh circuS 3d illuStration 2013

  • traSh circuS 3d illuStration 2013

  • traSh circuS 3d illuStration 2013

  • o h du l i eb er a u g u st i n comic 2010

    Oh du lieber Augustin [Oh my dear friend Augustin] is a comic for the Swiss comic competition FUMET TO which dealt with the topic virus.

    Therefore I illustrated the old Austrian folk song Oh du lieber Augustin. It was published in Illusion Tart 1 VIREN .

    oh du lieber auguStin comic 2010

  • The story takes place in the Narrenturm ( The madhouse Tower) of Vienna, today the museum of the Pathological Anatomical Institute, in former days

    a psychiatric hospital. By playing his song, Augustin revives the preparations and conducts them out of the tower to spread the plague out across Vienna.

    oh du lieber auguStin comic 2010

  • oh du lieber auguStin comic 2010

  • oh du lieber auguStin comic 2010

  • u rba n a m a zo nfaShion collection 2012

    In the project Urban Amazon I investigated how patterns influence the silhouette of a garment as well as how the impression of a pattern changes through the form

    and in the end why and how some patterns work on the human body. The project was a lot about experimenting and researching and resulted in a womens collection dealing with contrasts in all its forms nature against urbanity, dullness against

    intensity, rigidity against fluency creating the Urban Amazon.

    urban amazon faShion collection 2012

  • urban amazon faShion collection 2012

  • urban amazon faShion collection 2012

  • urban amazon faShion collection 2012

  • t h e ot h ers a n d i3d illuStration 2011

    The others and I explores the contrast between the way individuals choose to present themselves on social networking websites, in comparison to how others might

    perceive them. Inspired by an anonymous facebook profile which featured only posts, comments and friends list, and no photographs, I developed a mask illustrating my

    own interpretation of this anonymous individual.

    the otherS and i 3d illuStration 2011

  • the otherS and i 3d illuStration 2011

  • the otherS and i 3d illuStration 2011

  • the otherS and i 3d illuStration 2011

  • es wa r ei n m a lz w ei m a ld rei m a l

    book of fairy taleS 2010

    Es war einmalzweimaldreimal [Oncetwicethriceupon a time] is a book of fairytales, which I designed and illustrated for my bachelor thesis at the Muthesius

    Academy of Fine Arts and Design, containing three different versions of the Sleeping Beauty. Many of the fairytales told by the Brothers Grimm were adapted

    from older versions. Through this project I visualized how the motives changed through the course of timewhat was left out, what was added and why. The three

    different stories are presented next to each other within the layout, giving the reader the possibility to read each story separately, compare them to each other,

    or read them as a whole.

    eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

    The four different illustrations are dealing with the prophecy, the sleep, the awakening, and the punishment. The illustration technique is a mixture of crayon

    coloured drawings and photoshop collage.The pages are divided and cut into three parts in order to create a new fairy tale by combining the whole story to a plot

    which the viewer chooses by his own hands.

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • eS war einmalzweimaldreimal book of fairy taleS 2010

  • b e yo n d t h e pag es 3d illuStration 2013

    Beyond the pages is the outcome of a workshop about character development through costume and performance, staged photographically.

    Devoloped in collaboration with Kathrin Heimel.

    outflowing growing pain

    beyond the pageS 3d illuStration 2013

  • beyond the pageS 3d illuStration 2013

    outflowing growing pain

  • beyond the pageS 3d illuStration 2013

    swallowed by dots

  • beyond the pageS 3d illuStration 2013

    swallowed by dots

  • m at ryo s C h k a 3d illuStration 2014

    Matryoschkaphoto series of seven images.

    Project developed in collaboration with Austrian designer Katrin Bichler.

    matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • matryoSchka 3d illuStration 2014

  • portfolio Sarah janSen

  • t h a n k s f o r wat C h i n g!For more information and images in higher resolution please visit

    my website sarah-jansen.com or drop me an Email ([email protected]).

    portfolio Sarah janSen

  • portfolio Sarah janSen

    2014 by Sarah Jansen