email: [email protected] [email protected] Tel 0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) Fax 0865549031 / 013 231 7147 Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015 Meat and cancer - our readers (mostly) give a long finger to the WHO - see page 9 The focus was and is on education this week. Locally an nationwide matrics started with their final exams and grade sevens, like the Laerskool Burgersfort group in the photo- graph, are bidding their schools farewell. This joyous bunch showered the audience with rose petals at the school’s annu- al prize giving ceremony this week. The newspaper wishes them roses on their path into the future ...

Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

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Local newspaper for Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad and surrounding villages in Limpopo Province, South Africa.

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Page 1: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

email: [email protected] [email protected]

Tel 0832719151 (Editorial) 0835431676 (Advertisements) Fax 0865549031 / 013 231 7147Burgersfort, Steelpoort, Ohrigstad


30 October 2015

Meat and cancer - our readers (mostly) give a long fi nger to the WHO - see page 9

The focus was and is on education this week. Locally an nationwide matrics started with their fi nal exams and grade sevens, like the Laerskool Burgersfort group in the photo-graph, are bidding their schools farewell. This joyous bunch showered the audience with rose petals at the school’s annu-al prize giving ceremony this week. The newspaper wishes them roses on their path into the future ...

Page 2: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

2 NEWS 30 OCTOBER 2015

Mr Johannes Tjie (left), Garden Maintenance Manager, was awarded a Certifi cate of Appreciation for the hard work to improve and maintain the ASA Metals grounds in a good and sound state. Mr Tjie’s company is from our local community. Mr Prince Mkhonto, SHEQ Manager at ASA Metals, handed over his certifi cate.

Thank you!

It seems Eastern Platinum’s (Estaplats) plans to sell its South African platinum assets, including it’s new platinum assets near Steelpoort, to China’s Hebei Zhongbo Platinum (HZP) has run into a problem.The transaction, which was unveiled in November last year, has been delayed and Eastplats told the market the deal, scheduled to be completed by August this year had been pushed back to December this year.

Eastplats said the transaction had been broken into two parts — fi rst, the sale of the Crocodile River Mine for $85m and then the sale of its remaining assets for $140m, but that defi nitive agreements had yet to be concluded and letters giving effect to the extension of the deal to December remained outstanding.

On 21 October, Beijing Hehe Fengye Investment, which says it is a majority shareholder in HZP, issued a statement pointing out that because the deal had not been completed by August it had withdrawn its support for the transaction.

Beijing Hehe said HZP had notifi ed Eastplats of its decision to terminate the transaction in a letter in September.

“Notwithstanding Eastern Platinum’s questioning of the validity of the termination notice, the HZP majority shareholder, whose approv-al is required for HZP to execute the foregoing defi nitive amending agreements, does not intend to approve such agreements and therefore the proposed transaction, whether or not as proposed to be restructured, will not proceed,” Beijing Hehe said.

Eastplats said last week Friday it had contacted HZP representa-tives to fi nd out what was going on and whether the transaction was indeed terminated.

Eastplats said it had not been notifi ed that there had been a change in shareholding in HZP and had never dealt with Beijing Hehe representatives.

Eastplats said it had received verbal and written communications from HZP offi cials that neither Beijing Hehe nor its representative “had the legal authority to act on behalf of HZP to terminate” the agreements between HZP and Eastplats or to make statements on HZP’s behalf.

Eastplats says the company “has been given to understand that the issuance of the release by Beijing Hehe may be attributable to a shareholders dispute between the principal shareholders of HZP”.

An HZP offi cial had told Eastplats it was still “committed to the transaction with the company (Eastplats) and is working towards a successful conclusion”.

Confusion around Eastplats


More woes for Evraz

The sale of Evraz Highveld Steel & Vana-dium to Hong Kong-based International Resources may be in jeopardy, with the shuttered steel maker’s parent compa-ny Evraz plc bringing court challenge against the business rescue plan of its South African subsidiary.East Metals and Mastercroft, whol-ly-owned subsidiaries of Russian-owned Evraz plc — are seeking to declare Highveld’s business rescue plan, and the October 13 creditors’ vote which adopted it, invalid and set aside.They are also seeking to have the remu-neration of the business rescue practi-tioners declared invalid and set aside.Evraz Highveld, which includes Mapochs Mine at Roossenekal, said on Friday that it and the business rescue practitioners intended to oppose the application.Evraz plc has an 85% shareholding in Evraz Highveld and a creditors’ claim of R380m.International Resources is only offering R350m to settle creditors’ claims in its offer to purchase Highveld.The South African Revenue Service, which has an income tax claim on High-veld worth about R550m, voted in favour of selling to International Resources and has been cited as a respondent in Evraz plc’s court challenge.

Revelation 4:1-3 (NIV)

The Throne in Heaven

4 After this I looked, and there before me was a door standing open in heaven. And the voice I had fi rst heard speaking to me like a trumpet said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after this.” 2 At once I was in the Spirit, and there before me was a throne in heaven with someone sitting on it. 3 And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and ruby. A rainbow that shone like an emerald encircled the throne.

Have you seen this?On Tuesday this week residents of Burgersfort and environs were treated by a brilliant display of a rainbow around the sun, prompting many to phone and sms the newspaper, just to say: Look!

Page 3: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015


More than 250 young women across Sekhukhune gathered at Mangabane village last week Friday to attend a rural young women business summit with the theme “CATCH A FISH” .

The purpose of the summit was to teach the women how to be-come entrepreneurs and survive in a business environment.

The event was organised by Tokologo Youth Projects, a Non Profi t Organisation.

The project founder, Christina Raphela encouraged young women to form their own cooperatives and register on their database for training and monitoring.

One of the messages during the summit, which was also attended by government offi cials was that women should not rely on mines in the area alone to employ everybody, but explore other fi eld of busi-ness such as agriculture and even go back to school to better their qualifi cations for whatever venture they may plan.

A Provincial summit is planned for 20 November in the Jack Bo-tes Hall in Polokwane and they organisers say all young women are invited. They also thanked their local sponsors of the event.

‘Catch a fi sh’

Police from Tubatse Police Station in Praktiseer had a busy night on 22 October when a security guard at the Department of Public Works complained that the premises were robbed by three armed men whose faces were covered. They took items such as a stove, welding machine, vehicle batteries, copper wire and loaded it on a bakkie and drove away.A policeman that was prtrolling in the area near Alverton cross heard of the robbery

Public Works robbed

over the police radio. Just after the radio report they saw a loaded driving at high speed an gave chase. They stopped the bakkie, with two passen-gers and a driver inside. They could not explain the load on the vehicle and two men were handcuffed. A bakkie from public works then arrived on the scene an started shoot-ing at the Police. The Police returned fi re, but the occu-pants of the attacking bakkie managed to escape on foot with the handcuffed suspects. The driver of the bakkie that was fi rst stopped was arrested and he appeared in court in Praktiseer on Monday. He was denied bail and will again ap-pear in court on Monday. The goods found on the loaded bakiie included a stove, cop-per wire,a welding machine and vehicle batteries.

Page 4: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

4 Advertorial

Modikwa Pla num Mine has introduced the Are Yeng Ka Moka team development ini a ve to create a safe and produc ve work en-vironment and to improve the employees’ business understanding.

On Friday, 23 October 2015 the mine held the cer fi ca on ceremo-ny of the Lions and Angels crews that underwent the program for a week. The event was a ended by the mine management team, the staff , the family members of the crews, and Pierre Joubert from ARM. Mr Joubert applauded the crews for showing courage during their presenta ons. “I feel honoured to be part of this event,” he said. He thanked the Modikwa management team for orchestra ng this ini a ve and said the program is very important to the mine.

The Business Leader, Mr Mthi Mtshengu said he learned that

Are Yeng Ka Moka cer fi ca on ceremony

we need hope to believe that we can overcome all the challenges, and through the passion that was displayed by both crews he believes that this ini a ve will take the mine forward and make it sustainable. In clos-ing, Mr Mtsengu thanked everyone who graced the event and encour-age them to con nue suppor ng this ini a ve.

30 OCTOBER 2015

Page 5: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015


Support charity and order your artwork

Christmas is on the way and you may already be looking for unique gifts.

Contact the Ga-Motodi Disa-bled Centre for one of their handmade artworks. They will also create on order and uses beads, stones and paint for their artworks. The art keeps them busy and the money raised goes towards the project and cre-ating an income for disabled people from the Ga-Motodi area.

Contact Mr Sylva-nos Mabelane from the project for more information.

Tel: 071 149 1724.

Raising a Cuppa for CansaOn Saturday last week the local Cansa Support Group hosted a Cuppa for Cansa to raise funds for the Cancer Association of South Africa. The event took place at Tubatse Village near Steelpoort.

At the event volunteers who completed their training in Patient Support also received their certifi cates. The programme also included a variety of entertainment items like poetry, singing and even a fashion show. An auction to raise money also took place.

The event was attended by cancer survivors, their families, cancer patients and people who wanted to give their support to a good cause.

Tables were set with decor to match the theme “Vintage Pink Affair” and apart from the ‘Cuppa’ tea or coffee, lots to eat and drink was availalbe.

People who would like to become involved in one or another way with the local Cansa Support Group can contact Alet on 083 775 1438 or Debbie on 072 712 6905.

Page 6: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

6 NEWS 30 OCTOBER 2015

Laerskool Burgersfort het Dinsdag en Woensdagaand hul Junior- en Senior Prysuit-delings gehou.Tydens die seremonies is die leerders vir uitstaande akademiese prestasie asook hul bydraes op sport en kultuur vereer. Die nuwe hoofl eiers is ook aangekondig. Hulle is Retang Marebane (hoofseun), Ancke du Bruyn (hoofmeisie), Frans Botha (onder-hoofseun) en Bonolo Phasha (onder-hoofmeisie).

Burgies hou prysuitdeling

Salmita Mohlala is die Dux leerling. By haar is skoolhoof, Coert Erasmus en Annelise van der Merwe.

Janu Beukes het die Ware Burger Trofee ont-vang. Mnr. Coert Erasmus het dit oorhandig.

Edward Barnes was die mees veelsydige sportman. Mnr. Coert Erasmus is by hom.

Lydia Power Het die Louis Boshoff Wisseltro-fee as die beste Senior Dogters Baan Atleet ontvang. Me. Beánnla Celliers van Platinum Gazette het dit oorhandig.

The school’s tennis stars also received fl oat-ing trophies. Precious Phenya received the fl oating trophy for the best progress in tennis. Felistus Chanda received the fl oating trophy for the Senior Girls Tennis Champion. The Senior Boys Tennis Champion Floating trophy went to Loagen Geyer.

Katlego See-ma, Refi loe & Reneiloe Thaba, Kathapelo Maphanga and Salmita Mohlala all received tro-phies for their performance on the netball court. It was in their age categories for the best pro-gress during the year.

Gift Mjekula received the Jacky Boshoff Floating Trophy for the Best Senior Girls Field Athlete. Ms. Beánnla Celliers from Platinum Gazette handed it to her. With them is Ms. Annelise van der Merwe.

Dylan Blignaut ontvang die Platinum Gazette Wisseltrofee vir Beste Senior Seuns Veld Atleet van Me. Beánnla Celliers van Platinum Gazette.

Die skool se akademiese span is Graad 4: Abigail Thobakgale (80,15%), Motheo Morena (80,50%) en Chisom Oyoro (80,86%). Graad 5: Njabulo Ndlovu (81,57%), Gift Mjekula (82,88%), Amelaine De Faria (84,20%), Monal Cherian (84,41%), Kayleigh Joubert (87,48%). Graad 6: Bonolo Phasha (80,27%) en Ancke du Bruyn (85,13%). Die beste akademiese presteerder vir 2015 tussen graad 4 - 6 was Kayleigh Joubert.

Links: Bonolo Phasha was the only learner in Grade 6 E who received a Gold Certifi cate for her academic performance.

Regs: Kayleigh Joubert en Salmita Mohlala is vereer vir hul redenaarsvermoë. Kayleigh was die senior wenner vir redenaars in Afrikaans. Salmita was the Senior Winner for Public Speaking in English. Kayleigh Joubert is ook as die Senior Re-denaarskampioen vir 2015 aangewys. Haar gemiddeld was 84%.

Page 7: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015


Leerders vereer vir hul prestasies

In Graad 7 A het Chandré van Awegen en Dylan van der Westhuizen brons sertifi kate vir akademie ontvang. Janu Beukes het ‘n Silwer sertifi kaat vir akademie ontvan en Anja Pieters ‘n goue sertifi kaat. Janu Beukes is ook vereer vir die beste vordering in die graad.

In Grade 7 E Salmita Mohlala, Lethamaga Mothapo and Thato Sebopela received gold certifi cates for their academic achievements. The best progress in the grade was made by Phogole Maapea. Certifi cates for neat-ness were awarded to Boitumelo Choeu and Salmita Mohlala. A large number of learners also received bronze and silver certifi cates for their academic performances.

Motheo Morena, Chisom Oyoro and Abigail Thobakgale received gold certifi cates for their academic performance in Grade 4 E. The best progress in the class was made by Kamo Mkhonto and the Highest Achiever in the grade was Chisom Oyoro with 80,86%.

Arelize Moll het die Zelda Ludick Wissel Trofee vir die Beste Presteerder in Land-loop ontvang. Dané van der Merwe was die Senior Victrix Ludorm vir Swem by die skool. Die skool se Senior Victor Ludorm in die swembad is Edward Barnes. Die leerlinge het ook sertifi kate vir hul prestasies ontvang.







The best achievers in each subject in grade 7 were: Natural Science - Haneefa Abdul Aziz, Life Orientation: Lethamaga Mothapo, Afrikaans First Additional Language - Lethamaga Mothapo; Mathematics - Salmita Mohlala; Creative Arts - Salmita Mohlala; English Home Language - Thato Sebopela; Economic Management Sciences - Thato Sebopela; Engels Eerste Addisionele Taal - Anja Pieters; Tegnologie - Anja Pieters; Sosiale Wetenskappe - Anja Pieters; Beste Tweetalige leerder - Anja Pieters; Beste Leerder vir Afrikaans Moedertaal - Anja Pieters. Die beste presteerders moes ‘n minimum van 80% vir die vak behaal om in aanmerking vir ‘n toekenning te kom.

Charlene van Rooyen het die Quinton van Dyk trofee van Mnr. Coert Erasmus ontvang. Die ou prefekte het

hul kersies aan die nuwes oorgegee. Die nuwe hoofl eiers is Ancke du Bruyn (hoofmeisie); Retang Marebane (hoofse-un); Frans Botha (onder-hoofseun) en Bonolo Phasha (onder-hoofseun). By hulle is Mnr. Coert Erasmus, skoolhoof van Laerskool Burg-ersfort. Die groepie het belowe om hul beste vir die skool te gee.

Page 8: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

8 NEWS 30 OCTOBER 2015

Calvin College had its annual family day and as every year it was a very big success.

The learners planned a programm for the parents, which included dancing, perfomances by the choir and poems.

The parents also had a chance to see what the learners are doing at school because their work was on exhibition. The day ended with a braai, pap and sheba and salad. It is always a pleasure to host the proud parents and grandparents.

(Information & Photo-graphs: Zane Neizel)

Steelpoort Akademie het verlede week hul nuwe leiers verkies. Die hoofl eiers sal volgende week tydens die prysuitdeling aangekondig word. Voor: Karabo Makoale, Lerato Makutu. Tweede ry: Caitlin Falter, Johan Roux, Lodewyk le Grange, JC Knoet-ze, Natasha Sibanda, Jason Pieterse, Chanelle Blom. Derde ry: Bongiwe Malepe, AJ Africa, Roddy Alberts, Yoné Volschenk, Lorraine Mojalefa, Lethabo Mnguni, Liebhe Janse van Rensburg, Nerine van Wyk, Dillan Janse van Rensburg. Vierde ry: Juf-frou Colleen Language, Thinus de Jager, Ayanda Choma, Twané Malan, Animie van Rooyen, Clarissa Fourie, Dali Mabuza, Ru-Han Dreyer, Nadia Snyders, Tebadi Thupa, Naledi Lekubu, Natasha Tichareva.(Inligting en foto: Arlene Malan)

Nuwe leiers vir Steelpoort Akademie

Busy days at Bogwasha Primary

SchoolBogwasha Primary School in Praktiseer has another big story to tell.

One of their Grade 7 learners - Jennifer Nkosi participated in the provincial story telling competition. She took position 1 for Sekhukhune with Capricorn district in number 2 and Vhembe in number 3. She would like to give thanks to her English teachers, especially Mrs. MA Kgatle and her school principal Mr. MD Moshoana. They said: “Keep up the good work!”

The school also received a visit from a furni-ture store located at Tubatse Crossing Mall. The store donated bicycles to Magdalena Matjeke and Bokamoso Mashego in grade 3 and four. They were the top raffl e sellers at the school.

(Information: Mr MD Moshoana)

Successful Family Day at Calvin College

Page 9: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015


The World Health Organisation (WHO) re-cently issued new guidelines with regards to meat consumption, warning that eating loads of beef, lamb, pork and processed foods could increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer.

The average South African consumes 60kg of meat per year. This is much more than the global average of 42kg per year. These carnivorous manners are only half as much as recorded in the United States of America (USA) and Australia. One of the factors contributing towards South Africans’ lower rating than those of the USA and the Aussies is the fact that poverty still has a huge impact on people’s spending on food and especially meat.

Platinum Gazette asked readers if they would change their eating habits to adhere to the guidelines issued by the World Health Organisation.

Mr Eugene Marebane, Mr Vincent Makhubedu and Mr Naphtalia Malatji said: “We enjoy the meat. We will always eat a lot of meat if we can. Those people are just making stories to scare people about their health”.

Mr Simon Masinga said: “If you are used to having meat, there is nothing you can do to not want it. We are addicted to meat. We should also remember that in the end we will all die, diseases or not”.

Ms Gloria Ngwatle, Mr Michael Mokone, Ms Kgotlelelo Maphanga and Ms Rain Mphogo said: “We are just going to keep on braaiing. We enjoy it. We love cooked meat and we will even increase the amount we eat when we have cash”.

Mr Collins Komane and Mr July Tjatsi said: “We don’t eat a lot of meat. We like the veggies. We will not change anything”.

Mr Yama Maleka and Mr TP Shakwane said: “The meat of cows are nice. We will continue to eat as much of it as we can. We are not scared to go sick. Our favourite meat is beef”.

Ms Gladys Sekgobela, Ms Kanyane Swafo and Ms Melita Phasha said: “They are not scaring us – we know it is true. We are trying to reduce the amount of meat we eat. We like chicken, pork and fi sh. Oh that vark, yes vark…”

Mnr. Divan Botha sê: “Nee, ek steur my nie aan hulle nie. Ek geniet my vleis oor die alge-meen – wit, rooi – alles. Dis soos die mense wat sê rook is sleg, maar in my familie is daar mense wat al jare lank rook en nog baie gesond is. My gunsteling vleis is rump steak. Ja, ek is ‘n groot rump steak fan”.

Mr Jewish Motswiane and Mr Ernest Mahl-angu said: “The more money we have the more meat we eat. We cannot live of maroga alone. Meat is the good stuff”.

Mnr. Gardener Motswiane sê: “Ek is lief vir hoender. Ander vleis maak my siek, maar nie hoender nie. Nee wat, ek sal aanhou eet soos ek doen”.

Dr Manopi Sedutla said: “I agree that red meat can enhance health problems. Only very health conscious people will change to meet guidelines as the WHO issued. Per-sonally I don’t love meat, so I consider what I eat”.

Right: Ms Audette Bamhare said: “I don’t like lots of meat. I am also trying to lose weight so I am not eating a lot these days. I want to keep healthy and strong”.

Right: Mr Vincent Mafogo and Mr Judas Ma-kofane said: “We’ll just continue eating meat. We feel good when we eat meat, especially when we have hangovers. Our favourite meat? Beef!”Mr Lloyd Mashilo and Mr Squared Mashilo

said: “They are trying to scare us. Carnivores eat meat every day but they don’t get sick. We are like lions. We will continue eating meat – as much as we can!”.

Mr Carlos Mashaba said: “I’ll continue eating meat. It is the best for us. We cannot survive without it. We don’t need to go far to get nice meat. We have the Hungry Lion, Capellos, Nando’s, KFC etc. I like the meat from the Spur. Any type of meat they cook”. Ms Chillie Lesese and Ms Pinky Makhubedu

said: “It is nice to eat meat. When it is cooked right we are not scared to eat it. We will not get sick”.

Mr Daniël Madi-gage said: “I’m scared now that I know eating a lot of red meat can help cause cancer. I will still eat meat, but only less. Maybe two times a week and mostly chicken”.

Mr Marvin Shai and Mr Kenny Mohlala said: “Eating too much meat is not good, but we will not stop eating it. Maybe just eat a little at a time. T-Bone steak and Pork are our favourites!”

To eat the meat or not?

Page 10: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015

10 Platinum Gazette

Klein Advertensies • SmallsPlace your small advertisement via e-mail or fax or contact Beánnla Celliers on 083 543 1676 or 083 271 9151. E-mail: [email protected] • Fax: 086 554 9031

Adverteer/Advertise hier/here:

1.Sport Klubs /Sport Clubs

2.Betrekking/Vacancy3.Dienste/Services4. Oornag Akkom-modasie/Overnight

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6. Persoonlik/Personal7. Allerlei/Miscella-

neous8. Finansies/Financial

9. Te Huur/To Rent10. Te Koop/For sale

Burgersfort TransportFor all your transport

requirements(transport of mine &

construction workers)Contact Ariff

072 337 7332

Lang en kort termyn verblyf beskikbaar

op plaas 10km buite Burgersfort op Lyden-

burg pad. Kontak Miena op 082-960-3689 of (013) 231-7899.

Burgersfort Transport

3. Dienste/Services

Two Bedroom Apartments availa-ble from R4750 to R5 000 including lights and water. Three bedrooms available from

R7000 to R7500. All above available between Aloe Ridge

East and West. Viewing available

after hours. Please call from more information: 082 578 6113.

9. Te Huur/For Rent

10. Te Koop/For Sale

Aluminium African Outback Canopy for Toyota Hi-Lux DC for sale. R13 500. Orig-inal Venter Camper

Trailer for sale. R6 500.

Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

Aluminium African Outback kappie vir

Toyota Hi-Lux DC te koop. R13 500.

Oorspronklike Venter Camper Waentjie te

koop. R6 500. Contact Mike: 082 357 1954

Hennies Towing Contractor and Storage is urgently looking for the following people: 1. Lovemore - Blue Audi A4 with registration: STH107GP. 2. Mishack - Golden BMW with registration: VNJ862GP. Please contact us on 081 441 9077 / 083 720 3240 or 072 618 9799 or 071 449 8362. Please contact us within 21 days of the fi rst publication of

this advertisement after which the company will start the process to sell the mentioned

vehicles to recover costs.

H i T i C t t d St i




DELIVERY!Marone bricks

offers great quality building

block bricks for sale! We

can all live in a strong home at affordable pric-es. Wholesale directly to the

public. Cement building blocks

R7.80 each. Stock bricks R1.60 each.

Pavers R1.80 each.

Contact: 073 022 5256

Platinum Gazette

013 231 7147

Advertising deadline is

every Tuesday at 17:00.Editorial

deadline is every

Wednesday 17:00.

The ASA Metals Smelter and its subsidiary, Dilokong Chrome Mine, are situated in the eastern limb of the Bushveld Ingneous Complex (BIC), where some 83% of the world’s chrome reserves are

located. The key to our ongoing success has been continuous innovation and development. These endeavours include: • A chromium production mine • An ore benefi ciation plant • Pelletising and sinter plant • Four 66 MVA production furnaces. These exciting developments have necessitated

the employ of only the best the mining profession has to offer. Join us at our operation, close to the rapidly expanding town of Burgersfort in the Limpopo Province.

Closing date: 9 November 2015 www.asametals.co.za

A world-class opportunity in Mining and Benefi ciation

General: ASA Metals (Pty) Ltd/Dilokong Chrome Mine (Pty) Ltd is an equal opportunity employer. Preference will be given to historically disadvantaged South Africans. Assessments may be one of the-methods utilised to determine the successful candidate. The company offers a competitive remuneration package commensurate with the position. The Company reserves the right not to appoint. Please forward your application, stating which position you are applying for by e-mail: [email protected] or Fax: 086 269 5572.Applicants who have not heard from the Company within 30 days after the closing date must accept that their applications were not successful.

PRODUCTION MANAGER - Smelter (E-Band)ROLE PURPOSE: To contribute towards business success by facilitating optimal production decision making within the business, ensuring the strategic alignment and focus of the Production Department; and ensuring the establishment, effective utilisation and ongoing improvement of appro-priate production policies, procedures, systems and practices.

ROLE REQUIREMENTS: • A relevant Degree or National diploma • A recognised qualifi cation in Production Management • A minimum of 5 years experience in a Smelter environment • A minimum of 5 years experience as a line manager • Closed furnace experience • Good communication, inno-vation, strategic, operational planning and presentation skills • Ability to deal with and manage a unionised workforce • Proven leadership skills • Proven understanding of how to motivate teams and achieve cross functional cooperation.

ROLE RESPONSIBILITIES: • Ensuring the effective and effi cient operations by optimising the utilisation of equipment • The pro-active identifi cation, elimination and management of risk • The effective participation in the development of the overall business strategy and objectives through the development and utilisation of appropriate forecasting models • Ensuring that appropriate organ-isational structures are created, suffi cient budgets are approved, capital projects are established, the correct skills and talent attracted and appropriate partnerships entered into • The creation, implementation and ongoing maintenance of pro-active orientated performance management sys-tems to ensure the correct team and individual focus • Ensuring that consistent work group reviews are done using the correct indicators and appropriate review periods and that a culture of action orientated output driven management is entrenched • Ensuring that regular individual performance and development reviews take place and that the appropriate corrective actions are implemented • Ensuring that an integrated departmental training and development plan is created and that the plan is adequately complied with • Ensuring that all employees understand their legal obligations and that processes are put in place to continually evaluate the levels of compliance with these obligations • Ensuring the development, continual improvement and compliance with appropriate and relevant policies, procedures and work instructions • The establishment of appropriate service level agreements and the facilitation of ongoing initiatives to improve and optimise service delivery • The ongoing analysis of all work processes to identify potential improvements and reduce risks • The identifi cation of appropriate best practices and the ongoing integration these practices into the work processes • The facilitation of a culture of innovation and continuous improvement at all levels within the department.


Platinum Gazette

Beánnla Celliers will see to it that your advertisement in Platinum Gazette meets

the highest stanards with regard to design and reproduction.

Contact her on 013 231 7147 / 083 543 1676 or

[email protected](Advertising deadline - every Tuesday at 17:00)

Get your hard copy of the newspaper here:* Pick n Pay Tubatse

Crossing* Temba Garage

* Dunlop* Supa Quick Burg-

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Centre* Phelo Pharmacy Khadima Centre

* Cheap Cheap #2* Tubatse Superspar

* Greater Tubatse Municipality Burgersfort

* Toyota Burgersfort

* Choppies Burgers-fort

* Magaba Filling Station

* Burgersforn SAPS * Aloe Foods

* Praktiseer SAPS * Ohrigstad SAPS* Pick n Pay Steel-

poort* Winterveld Village

* Tubatse Village* Dwarsrivier Mine

* Mototolo * Morena’s Tavern

(Steel Bridge)

* Glencore Eastern Limb Training Centre* Sediman Tuck Shop

- Kalkfontein* Modikwa Platinum

Mine* Dilokong Chrome

Mine (ASA Metals)

* Twickenham Plati-num Mine

* Dr. Lorna’s Surgery Burgersfort

* Pret Liquor* Pret Butchery

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* Madeleen Willers Attorneys

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Burgersfort * Laerskool Ohrigstad* Laerskool Burgers-

fort* Supa Save

* Build It Tubatse* A1 Food Store Twin


1 Bedroom Flat - R3 500.00

2 Bedroom Flat - R4 500.00Burgersfort

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30 OCTOBER 2015

Page 11: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015


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Plaaslike karatekas hou naam hoogDie Burgersfort en Ohrigstad Karate Klubs het onlangs aan die jaarlikse Shotokan Karate Kampioenskappe by Sun City gaan deelneem. ‘n Totaal van 16 medaljes is verower en die deelnemers het beslis die area se naam hoog gehou. Die klubs sê dankie vir al hul borge wat dit vir hulle moontlik gemaak het. Die ouers het ook Sensei Yolanda Hietbrink en JB Willers bedank vir hul afrigting en ondersteuning. Medalje wenners: Ankia - (goud - kumite; goud - stok kata; silwer - kata); Elandri (goud - kata & kumite); Frans - (silwer - kata & ku-mite); Jan-Hendrik - (brons - kata & kumite); Francois - (goud - kumite; silwer - kata); Ettienne - (silwer - kata & kumite); JJ - (goud - kata & full contact; silwer - kumite).Navrae oor karate in die area: 082 859 9681 of 082 820 1748. (Inligting & foto’s: RC Pretorius)

Tubatse Chrome hosted Tubatse Masters in a friendly soccer match at the Winterveld sports grounds on Tues-day.Both teams dis-played entertaining football skills and created many scor-ing opportunities. The Masters were fi rst to score in the fi rst half and later before half time the hosts levelled the score to make the score line 1 all at halftime.In second half both teams continued where they left off in the fi rst half and Tubatse Chrome scored their second goal. But Masters fought back to level the score to make the fi nal score 2-2.On Wednesday Tubatse Chrome hosted the SAPS Burgersfort Cluster Team for a friendly soccer match. On the day Tubatse Chrome was too strong for the SAS team and managed to win the match 3-0. (Information: Jerial Mvundlela)

Tubatse Chrome plays two in two days

Page 12: Platinum Gazette 30 October 2015


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Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines hosted their annual Charity golf day on Saturday, 24 October 2015 at the Lydenburg Golf Course. This year, Fanie De Villiers, the well known cricket player accompanied one of the teams, and showed that he is not just an excellent cricket player, but also an avid golf player. An amount of R30 000 was raised for com-munity projects. Samancor Eastern Chrome Mines would like to thank the following sponsors who made this day possible:Venwood and Baker; Tyre Corporation; Hers; Kern; Masakhane; Nomakanjane; ECM; Tru-co; Northlite; Kutting; McDonalds Transport; Sylvania; Pienaarsrivier; Gogola; Thorburn.The winners for the day were:1. Herman Adendorff/Jaco van Rooyen - 57 points2. Fanie Archer/Jaco Fourie – 49 Points 3. George Fraser/Johan Cronje - 49 Points4. Wessel Theron/Ludick Maritz - 48 points5. Fanie de Villiers/Jaco Coetzer - 46 PointsBest Samancor Business Unit – 1. ECM Tweefontein (93 Points)2. ECM Mancor (82 Points)3. ECM Shared Services (70 Points)

Nearest to the Pin 6/15 – Izelle van StadenNearest to the pin 8/17 – Kenny LabuschagneLongest Drive 9/18 – Riaan Cronje(Photographs and Information: Mariska Stick-ling, Samancor ECM)

Samancor ECM charity golf dayThe money raised will go towards community projects

30 OCTOBER 2015