j P PAGEFilE PADUCAH EVENING SUNVItJI NovKMiiuit 18 1001w I ii A Complete Childrens Department Is one of the features of our new store It has been fitted up for the pleasure and convenience of the mothers and stocked with Boys and Childrens wearables selected with the most discriminating taste Many creations in Suits and Overcoats are different from any shown about town in as much as they are confined to us The Sweater stock finds favor with the boys All the new stripes and solideffects are shown in wool or cotton Mothers are requested to visit this department as it will be at their disposal at all times With every 500P- urchase In ChildrensDepartment a 6 monthsFree Subscriptionto AmericanBoy Itl 41 KENTUCKY NEWS TOLD IN PARAGRAPHS MARRIED IN ALABAMA Princeton Ky Nov lBAn nonnoeent hal been received of the marriage of Miss Elizabeth Hooden pile and Tbomia OBrien at Floreoo Ala After attending tbe Confederate rdnnlon at Naibvllle In the spring In company with her father and sev eral Prinoiton friends ills Hooden Pile left for Florence Ala for a viiit to her Aster Mn DC Well on She war one of Princeton most beautiful young women and very attractive 1 1MrOBrieu is a promising young bus loess man of Florence The bride it a sister of Sam Hoodenpyle formerly of Paducah but now on the stage 1 DEATH IN MARSHALt Benton Ky Nor 18Iron W 0 y Holland is dead after an illness of only two hours at his home near Bir ¬ mingham Marshall county He war 76 years of age and a prominent man In his county which he twice repre sented in the state legislature Be leaves a wife four ions and three Daughter Two of his grandcoll then Misses Lola and Oars Holland reside inPadncob where business and pleasure oftin took lim The remains WAre Interred yesterday I HICKilAN COUNTY POSTMASTER Washington Nor 18Vtster H Campbell bar been appointed poitmai ter at Btnbbi Hlckman county Tbeie rural carders are also appoint j ed Nebo regular John 0 Peyton substitute Erma hill Stanford reg I olar John K Engleman snbiiitnte John B Neylnes- PRINCETON MAN KILLED Princeton Ky Nov 18A tele ¬ gram received here states that J W Blue youngest son of W D Blue a prominent citizen of this county was killed yesterday on a log train nrar Angels Camp Cal Mr Blue loft this country about two yean ago THE OCTOPUS WON Frankfort Ky Nov 18Tho judge rent of the Large circuit court in a case of the Standard 011 Company against the Commonwealth was reo versed by the appellate court yesttr day Judge ORear delivered the opin ion of tbe court the whole court alt ting The holding of the court here Is that a company cannot be made to pay a license for limply storing oil 1 in barrels in a warehouse for the tale of which oil it later pays license In the court below the Standard Oil L Company was convicted of violation of the statute and a tine of 100 Im ¬ posed PROMINENT MAN DEAD Hecdenon Ky Nor 18Judg- R H Cunningham died of mallgnan t tumor of the brain He was a prom- Inent lawyer and was the husband oj Mn M A Cunningham who wi formerly State Regent of the D A R e Warren VVarren- JEWELERS n 417 Broadway BeSt to announce the opening of their new store at the above number Saturday November H They will also continue their store Ilt 217 Broadway j r ytiq ti J i L4L4 h9 et Ma ttill 5t1 Ya +e+ + i +c d < < With every 500 Purchase in ChildrensDepartment a 6 months Free Subscriptionto American PoyrI I of Kentucky He was IO years old and nerved In the Confederate army AO t I Ixrr or lIIYlt1f8 The river I li now falling It Is air tenths a fall of one tentb and the In dication are for rain The Henry Harley it due from Ten neuee river and will leave again Sat ¬ urdayThere ii Use doing today In river circles than for many days past Riv ¬ er men are earnestly hoping for rain THE REVIVAL MINISTERS LEAVE BUT COMBER LAND MEETING CONTINUES The revival services which have been so successfully conducted during the week at the Cumberland Preiby teiian church will be carried on until Sunday night and if thought belt may be continued through the woes The pastor Rev Ueo O Baobman will preach morning and night Morning subject An open door and at night One thing thou lack eel At the morning lerrioo an op ¬ portunity to join tbe church will be given Rev Hendrick and Carter who f r have been assisting the Pastor of tbe ohurob lift for Auburn Ky where Sundays I Ask for carload price at the mines or by bushel delived in your coal house PARHAM CASH COAL GO Poona 176 I rRNI t I PAINTER GONE And lie Is Allesreil to Have Taken Others Clothesi Two Negroes Arrested For Fahw Swearing This Morning A painter Riving the namo of LanI caster and several other badly 1 wanted by the local police Lancaster had been boarding and rooming at the Ecttler house on Third street nrar Clark and in the mine room dept Menrs J D Monroe aadI M IL Gordon Last night the tlemen retired and later Lancaster i came In This morning when the two Luacaajlera portion cf theirs goal From Monro had been taken an overeat shoes and 8 in money and a blue suit of clothes From Gordon Lancaster Is alleged To unlolllcigar 1 also mining and it la presumed the man took this also Lancaster cannot be located and It I li preinmeb has left the cityi allwarnlnlf all Keepers Protective Association of Murlph a half Inches light complexion who has been drawing draft on Menu Murphy of New York and F De Bary of New York lie it not con neced with either of the arms and if detected will be arrested and returned to New York where be will be prose anted Pole Bruce and Jim Atklni colored were arrested this morning on a war rant charging false swearing Bruce was arraigned In police court this week for a breach of the peace and wore directly opposite to good sub- stantial witnesses The court later learning that lomo of the teitlmony of Bruce and Atkins the latter a whoI false issued the nets was warraDSI Bruce this week brought suit against the city for 10000 for working him on the street j RUNAWAY HORSE THROWS Mf P GLADFELTEBj OUT OF WAGON Mr M P Oladtelter of the Mor gan air Uallowe blacksmith shops Dar rovrly escaped sedans injury this morning about 9 oclock In front of the city ball when the horse be was driving became frightened sad ran awayThe horse dashed into another wagon the hubs coming together The horse immediately began to rear np and started running The wagon was overturned Gladftlter thrown out and alighted on his head Ho war rendered unconscious and war picked up by Policeman Croisand Orr and several bystanders In a few moments he recovered and an elimi ¬ nation proved his wounds slight The wagon was righted and found to bo undamaged and tbe horse euafel in jury also The horso taw it was going to run into another wagon at the Grief black ¬ smith shops and tat down sliding np to tbe wagon and barely grazing It with its nos- eTURKEYS SCARCE MANY AUE HOLDING THEM BACK FOR BETTER PRICES Turkey for Thanksgiving which will soon be in great demand are plentiful In the country but poiree in tbe city The farmers are holding them it seems and are In no particu- lar hurry to dispose of them until tbe prices are shoved up to the highest print This week the prices have varied Turkeys on foot have been bringing from r IB 12 to 15 cents gross per pound and dressed turkeys bring a little more It i ii said that by Monday the farmers will begin bringing in their turkeys but the steady price I rs about l 15 cents per pound on foot FARMERS NOTICE WantedAt the Paducah Canning Factory 1000 bushels bard flint corn Extra prices for hickory cane Mr Robert Wnthen has returned here to locate Ho has been In Rt Louis this summer LAX Fos For tbe Kidneys Liver end Stomach p kiJ 1 I I Astounding Bargainst I J J- In t Our Great Suit Cloak and Raincoat Sale Our Latest PurchasesThe entire sample line of the Goodman Kahn Cloak Co of Cleveland O This stock consists of fine Cravcnctte Raincoats fine Near Seal d Coats Womens Tailored Suits in seventy different styles in Cheviots Serges Broadcloth and the new Mannish Mixtures This high class stock of strictly man tailored garments was bought for spot cash at 80 cents on the dollarunheardof at this time of the yearenabling us to sell you all classes of strictly first class goods goods at 20 per cent discount 20 per cent Discount on High Class Man Taifored Tailor Suits 20 per cent Discount on High Class ManTailored Cavenette Ran Coals 20 per cent Discount of High Class Near Seal Coats and Fine Marten and Isabella Fox Furs 20 per cent Discount on High Class Taffeta and Feau de Sole t Plaid Silk Waists DOrAllor 20100Tailor i I 60Talbr DOTlIor Fur Coats and Rain Coals fcooo Pine Near Seal l cot C fl flfl 30 per cent dl connt WUUUf- cS oo Plea Near Seal flfl 0011S36 n per cent dUcount UU- I4UOO Fine Near Seal Coats 300 10 per cent discount DOcosu I 80Skirt If You Seek Furs If thorough rrlUiim and trust uortlilnrM at the lowrst prices win dlMrnt with good quallllrn ruino ill net In the llauinr Two Special f ISJMIi Fur JMarfu 9CIWHaliJ or Innlxlln Im or Itarctmn Kmrfv extra large and Huffy tan vrrjr rhnlre Uii Scarf that we Kuarniitm to give ahululr MIIIIrt- lon I rvsiiUr 91SJW value for 103 sao Fur KcurN for t101- O poaum cluster Scarfs careful- ly I Nlrcd l rklun with large tells rich dark rlicMnul linmn They are worth 9HJM snelal offering S1M Others at fluo UO SUM sod 110The very latest ModcU for Vlnlcr TO CALIFORNIA Via Sonia Colorado or True Southern Route Dally Through Pullman Stand and 1 Sleeping Care St Louis to San Francisco vie the Missouri Iarlfle lly and Scenic Colorado Elegant I Tourist Sleeping Cor Service every Tuesday and Thurwlay from St Louis Dally through Iullmin Standard Steeping Cars St Louis to Los Angeles California via rron Mountain Route the True u Southern Route New Tourist Sleeping Car Kxcurttoni Via Iron Moon lain Route anti HI 1 Iio l leave St Louis every Tuesday and Saturday The Nf- tlce and Mulpmrnt It I strictly upto date Itnuml trip and low rate one way tickets are on sale via Iron Mountain or Missouri 1arlfle System from all prin cipal t wlnti In the East For berth reservation and full Information ad dyer It T0 Matthews T V A Ioul M JUST RECEIVEDI A large Shipment of new Ladles and Mlssw1 Skirts In black brown and bine Also the new Mannish Mixtures at 5 and 598 II ASK TO SEE t Our new line of Infants Cloaks and Headwear Newest effects fn Astrakan and White Bear Skin I Coats Skirts Hats New Tourist Coals In nil the new v rubric at ftp 1210 and IflOO I tO nrw Taffeta anal IVau III Sole Silk SUrU at flOH fdOH worth f KMKI and f IUOO I Ormt Cut Price In all Our Felt Itealyl0 wrar and Ktrcrt hats To clnr the reason any Veil Hat In Our Ilnum at half prlrr 4 WOO iVrnrh Felt lists to elM- eaSQ i 4UIOO Frrnrli Irlt llata In close 1 + fl109U4H 1 Felt lists to cloMi 100 j 1110 belt lulu to rl Ico 7V New Irlt Tourint rH lUte New Kllk Tourl t taM i VIe J THE BAZAAR 329 BROADWAY 1 411k Ky or If C Townsend 0 P a T A St hula Mas i PROMOTED AGAINi i Mr WllhlU a Nun of Prlnoeton Ky who haftVotked hero for the J t 0 In the engineering department his 1 been transferred from Water Valley Miss to Fort Dodge la and Is now In Princeton visiting hit parents t t DIFFER WIDELY ON THE QUES I TION OF UNDERWEAR To meet the requirements ofall men we carry a mostJ I J extensive stock Balbriggans in medium ande heavy weights Fleeced Hygcnic Underwearj t- Merinos Wools Silk and Wool Mixed Expert judgment and long experience enables us to pro- vide ¬ J every kind of Underwear for men appro ¬ priate for this climate Time to change nows s Better come here and find just what you wantI I I 50c a Garment and pI I

Paducah sun (Paducah, Ky. : 1898). (Paducah, KY) 1904-11 ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85052116/1904-11-18/ed-1/seq-8.pdf · paducah evening sunvitji novkmiiuit 18 1001wi

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ii A CompleteChildrens Department

Is one of the features of our new store It has been fitted up forthe pleasure and convenience of the mothers and stocked with Boys

and Childrens wearables selected with the most discriminating tasteMany creations in Suits and Overcoats are different from any shownabout town in as much as they are confined to us The Sweaterstock finds favor with the boys All the new stripes and solideffectsare shown in wool or cotton Mothers are requested to visit thisdepartment as it will be at their disposal at all times

With every500P-

urchase InChildrensDepartment

a 6 monthsFree





Princeton Ky Nov lBAnnonnoeent hal been received of themarriage of Miss Elizabeth Hoodenpile and Tbomia OBrien at FloreooAla

After attending tbe Confederaterdnnlon at Naibvllle In the springIn company with her father and several Prinoiton friends ills Hooden

Pile left for Florence Ala for a viiitto her Aster Mn DC Well on Shewar one of Princeton most beautifulyoung women and very attractive

11MrOBrieu is a promising young busloess man of Florence The bride ita sister of Sam Hoodenpyle formerlyof Paducah but now on the stage

1 DEATH IN MARSHALtBenton Ky Nor 18Iron W 0

y Holland is dead after an illness ofonly two hours at his home near Bir ¬

mingham Marshall county He war76 years of age and a prominent manIn his county which he twice repre

sented in the state legislature Beleaves a wife four ions and threeDaughter Two of his grandcoll

then Misses Lola and Oars Hollandreside inPadncob where business andpleasure oftin took lim The remainsWAre Interred yesterday


Washington Nor 18Vtster H

Campbell bar been appointed poitmaiter at Btnbbi Hlckman county

Tbeie rural carders are also appoint


ed Nebo regular John 0 Peytonsubstitute Erma hill Stanford reg I

olar John K Engleman snbiiitnteJohn B Neylnes-

PRINCETON MAN KILLEDPrinceton Ky Nov 18A tele ¬

gram received here states that J WBlue youngest son of W D Blue aprominent citizen of this county waskilled yesterday on a log train nrarAngels Camp Cal Mr Blue loft thiscountry about two yean ago


Frankfort Ky Nov 18Tho judge

rent of the Large circuit court in acase of the Standard 011 Companyagainst the Commonwealth was reo

versed by the appellate court yesttrday Judge ORear delivered the opinion of tbe court the whole court altting The holding of the court hereIs that a company cannot be made to

pay a license for limply storing oil 1inbarrels in a warehouse for the taleof which oil it later pays license Inthe court below the Standard OilL

Company was convicted of violationof the statute and a tine of 100 Im ¬



Hecdenon Ky Nor 18Judg-R H Cunningham died of mallgnan ttumor of the brain He was a prom-

Inent lawyer and was the husband oj

Mn M A Cunningham who wiformerly State Regent of the D A R


Warren VVarren-JEWELERS


417 Broadway

BeSt to announce the opening of their new store

at the above number Saturday November H

They will also continue theirstore Ilt 217 Broadway

jr ytiq ti

J iL4L4 h9 et Ma ttill 5t1 Ya +e+ + i+c

d < <

With every500

Purchase inChildrensDepartment

a 6 monthsFree



of Kentucky He was IO years oldand nerved In the Confederate army


tIIxrr or


The river Ili now falling It Is airtenths a fall of one tentb and the Indication are for rain

The Henry Harley it due from Tenneuee river and will leave again Sat ¬

urdayThereii Use doing today In river

circles than for many days past Riv ¬

er men are earnestly hoping for rain



The revival services which havebeen so successfully conducted duringthe week at the Cumberland Preibyteiian church will be carried on untilSunday night and if thought beltmay be continued through the woesThe pastor Rev Ueo O Baobmanwill preach morning and nightMorning subject An open doorand at night One thing thou lackeel At the morning lerrioo an op ¬

portunity to join tbe church will be

givenRev Hendrick and Carter who

fr have been assisting the Pastor of tbeohurob lift for Auburn Ky whereSundaysI

Ask for carload price at themines or by bushel delived inyour coal house


Poona 176



And lie Is Allesreil to Have Taken

Others Clothesi

Two Negroes Arrested For Fahw

Swearing This Morning

A painter Riving the namo of LanIcaster and several otherbadly1 wanted by the local policeLancaster had been boarding androoming at the Ecttler house on Thirdstreet nrar Clark and in the mineroom dept Menrs J D Monroe

aadIM IL Gordon Last night thetlemen retired and later Lancaster i

came In This morning when the two

Luacaajleraportion cf theirs goal From Monrohad been taken an overeat shoes and

8 in money and a blue suit of clothesFrom Gordon Lancaster Is alleged To


also mining and it la presumed theman took this also

Lancaster cannot be located and ItIli preinmeb has left the cityiallwarnlnlfall

Keepers Protective Association ofMurlpha half Inches light complexion whohas been drawing draft on MenuMurphy of New York and F DeBary of New York lie it not conneced with either of the arms and ifdetected will be arrested and returnedto New York where be will be proseanted

Pole Bruce and Jim Atklni coloredwere arrested this morning on a warrant charging false swearing Brucewas arraigned In police court thisweek for a breach of the peace andwore directly opposite to good sub-

stantial witnesses The court laterlearning that lomo of the teitlmonyof Bruce and Atkins the latter a whoI

false issued thenets was warraDSIBruce this week brought suit againstthe city for 10000 for working himon the street j



Mr M P Oladtelter of the Morgan air Uallowe blacksmith shops Darrovrly escaped sedans injury thismorning about 9 oclock In front of

the city ball when the horse be wasdriving became frightened sad ran

awayThehorse dashed into another

wagon the hubs coming togetherThe horse immediately began to rearnp and started running The wagonwas overturned Gladftlter thrownout and alighted on his head

Ho war rendered unconscious andwar picked up by Policeman CroisandOrr and several bystanders In a fewmoments he recovered and an elimi ¬

nation proved his wounds slight Thewagon was righted and found to boundamaged and tbe horse euafel injury also

The horso taw it was going to runinto another wagon at the Grief black ¬

smith shops and tat down sliding npto tbe wagon and barely grazing Itwith its nos-



Turkey for Thanksgiving whichwill soon be in great demand areplentiful In the country but poiree intbe city The farmers are holdingthem it seems and are In no particu-lar hurry to dispose of them until tbeprices are shoved up to the highestprint

This week the prices have variedTurkeys on foot have been bringingfrom rIB 12 to 15 cents gross perpound and dressed turkeys bring alittle more It iii said that by Mondaythe farmers will begin bringing intheir turkeys but the steady price Irs

about l15 cents per pound on foot


WantedAt the Paducah CanningFactory 1000 bushels bard flint cornExtra prices for hickory cane

Mr Robert Wnthen hasreturnedhere to locate Ho has been In Rt

Louis this summer

LAX Fos For tbe KidneysLiver end Stomach

p kiJ1


I Astounding BargainstI JJ-


Our Great Suit Cloak and Raincoat SaleOur Latest PurchasesThe entire sample line of the Goodman Kahn Cloak Co of

Cleveland O This stock consists of fine Cravcnctte Raincoats fine Near Seal dCoats Womens Tailored Suits in seventy different styles in Cheviots SergesBroadcloth and the new Mannish Mixtures This high class stock of strictly mantailored garments was bought for spot cash at 80 cents on the dollarunheardofat this time of the yearenabling us to sell you all classes of strictly first class goodsgoods at 20 per cent discount

20 per cent Discount on High Class Man Taifored Tailor Suits20 per cent Discount on High Class ManTailored Cavenette Ran Coals

20 per cent Discount of High Class Near Seal Coats and Fine Martenand Isabella Fox Furs

20 per cent Discount on High Class Taffeta and Feau de Sole t

Plaid Silk Waists



60TalbrDOTlIorFur Coats and Rain Coals

fcooo Pine Near Seall cot C fl flfl30 per cent dl connt WUUUf-

cS oo Plea Near Seal flfl0011S36n per cent dUcount UU-

I4UOO Fine Near Seal Coats 30010 per cent discount


If You Seek FursIf thorough rrlUiim and trust

uortlilnrM at the lowrst prices windlMrnt with good quallllrn ruino ill

net In the llauinrTwo Special f ISJMIi Fur JMarfu


or Innlxlln Im or ItarctmnKmrfv extra large and Huffy tanvrrjr rhnlre Uii Scarf that weKuarniitm to give ahululr MIIIIrt-lon


rvsiiUr 91SJW value for 103sao Fur KcurN for t101-

O poaum cluster Scarfs careful-lyI Nlrcdl rklun with large tellsrich dark rlicMnul linmn They areworth 9HJM snelal offering S1M

Others at fluo UO SUM sod

110Thevery latest ModcU for Vlnlcr


Via Sonia Colorado or True SouthernRoute Dally Through Pullman Standand1 Sleeping Care St Louis to SanFrancisco vie the Missouri Iarlfle llyand Scenic Colorado ElegantI TouristSleeping Cor Service every Tuesday andThurwlay from St Louis Dally throughIullmin Standard Steeping Cars StLouis to Los Angeles California viarron Mountain Route the True


Southern Route New TouristSleeping Car Kxcurttoni Via Iron Moon

lain Route anti HI1 Iio lleave St Louisevery Tuesday and Saturday The Nf-tlce and Mulpmrnt ItI strictly uptodate Itnuml trip and low rate one waytickets are on sale via Iron Mountainor Missouri 1arlfle System from all principal twlnti In the East For berthreservation and full Information addyer It T 0 Matthews T V A Ioul


JUST RECEIVEDIA large Shipment of new Ladlesand Mlssw1 Skirts In black brownand bine Also the new MannishMixtures at

5 and 598II

ASK TO SEE tOur new line of Infants Cloaksand Headwear Newest effects fnAstrakan and White Bear Skin


Coats Skirts HatsNew Tourist Coals In nil the new v

rubric at ftp 1210 and IflOO

I tO nrw Taffeta anal IVau IIISole Silk SUrU at flOH fdOHworth f KMKI and f IUOO

IOrmt Cut Price In all Our Felt

Itealyl0 wrar and Ktrcrt hatsTo clnr the reason any Veil

Hat In Our Ilnum at half prlrr 4

WOO iVrnrh Felt lists to elM-eaSQ i

4UIOO Frrnrli Irlt llata In close1 +

fl109U4H 1

Felt lists to cloMi 100 j

1110 belt lulu to rlIco 7VNew Irlt Tourint rH lUteNew Kllk Tourl t taMi VIe J

THE BAZAAR 329 BROADWAY 1411k Ky or If C Townsend 0 P aT A St hula Mas i


Mr WllhlU a Nun of PrlnoetonKy who haftVotked hero for the J t

0 In the engineering department his 1

been transferred from Water ValleyMiss to Fort Dodge la and Is nowIn Princeton visiting hit parents



DIFFER WIDELY ON THE QUES ITION OF UNDERWEAR To meet therequirements ofall men we carry a mostJIJ

extensive stock Balbriggans in medium andeheavy weights Fleeced Hygcnic Underwearj t-

Merinos Wools Silk and Wool Mixed Expertjudgment and long experience enables us to pro-



every kind of Underwear for men appro ¬

priate for this climate Time to change nowss

Better come here and find just what you wantII I

50c a Garment and pII