t THURSDAY MAY 0 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN r PJGJnv f r ladies Mattered 3uite 33J6 W Worcl has gone forth to clean out wool e jiuits in our ReadytoWear Department c I I to tonk What I a laving Vhh Ll f s Means to 1bit j kf I i j fake tywr tfelecticn darlrl I t 10At i llldl8 i fTHB LOCAL MEWS OET IT AT GILBERTS Dr Gilbert Osteopath 642 t Broadway Phones 196 Rubber stamps seals brass ittnctlri etc at The Sun office Free city and farm real scat e I price list Whlttemoro Fraternity building Phones 83G I I For Rheumatlim take lays I iBpcclflcT Sign writing G R Sexton i ep 1 > Phones 401 t First river outing on tho strainer W W Sunday May 8 Linen markers fur sale at thli oflct For malaria and chills tab I Hays Specific Flower Seeds that will crow tnougb to supply all Paducab now on sale Bruntons 629 Broadway i For Stomach Trouble Indiges ¬ lion ecIlICjTellpbonu j typewriter pipers e4If you fall to bo at the W W Sunday May 8 you will muss tbo ovent of the season For rczema or Impure blood Lake Hays Specific I P For Constipation or Torpid Llr If tAke Hays Specific We bav0 the reputation of serf ¬ r ing the beat rodeo in the city Buch ¬ t loans restaurant 219 Avenue lentuckj j See Necly White surance 117 Fraternity building JAKJcnrffln Dr wrvlcoa tonlsM at 7s4 r at the Gorman Lutheran church Sermon in EngiMi c by Rer William Giotbor theI I Jfho tier Mr Wolneckc of OrthelOrllUln I I after having been confined to blsj j I4vemlwooka Meet mo at steamer t Sunday slay 8 at 230 p m or 8 p m e Mr the Klllott will leave I hOl11ncclptld WelUFarno Exprcw pompon Ho line been connected l with tho lCal I ngonry pf Iho Southern Express company arid I 14 experienced with tho work Mammoth sclrcus jicrfortnanccs I Big douVlo inoDABcrlo Royal Roman Hippodrome Trained wild animal IxhlbltlonI Miss Lena I Kroutxer of North 1 I A New- HOSPITAL I II For Pipes Pipe Smokers of Paducah aro going to be mighty glad I to learn of the establishment of our new Pipe HospitalI I- t I II I t with Its splendid I 0IrIrfor pipesurgery Pipes are old friends l worthy of tho best attention r you can socuro for them and t a 11Wo assure you of the mpst satisfactory Mrvlco Amber t bits are quickly repaired when t broken pipes are thoroughly J cleaned and overhauled In short when you get thorn back theyre like n- ewGILBERTS N Drug Store Fourth Street and Broadway Both Phone 77 GET IT AT GILBERTS i p- VVr 1000I 525 00 Suits 16 60 3250 Suits 2167 Sixth street who was taken HI l while visiting friends in La Center has been removed to her home She is still III but an early recovery J expected Mr Karl Knowles Is recovering tram an Injury to his right toot caused by stepping upon a nail He was repairing an automobile In Mayfield when the accident occurred Afternoon excursion up the Cumberland river on the steamer W W May 8 Leaves Paducah 230 p m returns 0 p tn Far only COc W W orchestra flea t of order MM 1 Elmoro Stcgar who was operated co at Riverside HospitalI romo tine ago was removed to h homo at C12 I North Sixth street th I afternoon In Nanco k Itogers arobu d I anIher I boon Mr Harry Carter son of Mr and Mrs Elmus Carter left last night for Cairo whore he hoe ae cepted a position as operator for a moving picture show Mr Hal Walters of 1C33 Jet ¬ tenon street is Improving Chief Henry Slngory of the po ¬ ke department has awervod It no ¬ tice from First Lleiilotidfat Phillip W Booker ot the Sixth Florid ATtttlery omIGcre Ins n deserter His homo ll at Chat bynoftga Tenn- 5ooallght pxtarsldri on Bteamor W W Sunday May 8 Leaped 8 I returns 1130 p m Fore lonly COc Elwood JCeeJ I deputy United Sate mafrh lreturntd thfs morn ilng from Mayflcld with George Dow ¬ 1j1 booUeg1j1 ° ¬ IIn Itnnkruptry court of tlto bankruptcy western district of In the matter of Robert I 13tayi MayIA 02 oharge sled on the 3d day o stay A D 1910 is Is ordered by the court that a hearing be bad upcit th amo on the 14th day of May A D 11910 before u14 court at Lout I vHle said dUfcrlct at 10 oclock tn thee forenoon or an near thereto n ° practicable and that notice hereof bo published one Hmo in the Padu ¬ cah flun a newspaper printed meal district and that all known creditors and other persons hi interest ma appear at eald time and place an rhoW muter If they any have why 1 the prayer of the fId potlUcoor should not be granted Witness the lion Waotor Evan ee Judge Of tho gold court and tho seal thereof at Paducah 1n eald district of the 4th day of May 1914 J IAt PURYEAR Clerk Itloodlinund oil the Trail tort Liverpool 0 May 5FhO posses with bloodhounds are today on the trail at tour desperadoes who early this morning terrorized Newell W Va across the Ohio river and looted the sate of the North Amen ¬ 1can Manufacturing company In real I wild west fashion N 01 OUT TO STAY OUT We have a Bed Dug Poison that kilt Instantly and then waits ready toklll any future bug visitors No fresh appli ¬ cations necessary Free your house forever from theso pests We are sole agents Large Bottle 50c Accept no substitute Phone us your orde- rBACON DUNBAR Druggists Seventh and Jackson Beth Phones 237 T 1 IN SOCIAL CIRCLES Beautiful Club Reception to s Rudy A charming compliment to Mrs James A Rudy president of tl Womans club Is tho receptiontea this afternoon from 4 to C oclock at tho club house It has been planned an a surprise to Mrs Rudy and will close tho club year 11a most bril- liant 1 I ¬ manner as well as being uj beautiful and fitting testimonial t tho rare wisdom tact and executiv- ability of a woman nobly planned Tho club house Is most effectively decorated In honor of tho event The club colors white yellow and green are artistically carried out 1 In tho profusion of spring flowers Tho massive white pillars are twined with ropes of green vines giving a charming effect to the entire floor Tho platform in the audit ¬ rlum Is a bank of palms and ferns with white roses and yellow flags artistically massed Suspended above tho platform are the letters Ou- President r In whlto flowers and green Brass jardinieres and vases of whlto and yellow flags roses and I bridal wreath are effectively ar- ranged ¬ throughout the rooms andI 1 I Mil The graceful stairway Is twined with vkicfl of f the southern i vlmlax banked with fcrni On the e i thl bow of yellow ribbon enhances effect Opening off the hall and- s I auditorium the pretty porch has been transformed Into a beautiful 1 bower of lIwerland banks of ferns Tho entire effect Is Ideal for a stay time reception and shows that the Womans club 1 is as feminine In I nature an In name and responds I readily to tho charm of dress Tho refreshments attractively carry out the club colors consisting of orange Ice Individual cakes Iced In white with Mrs Rudys mono ¬ gram In green There Is no formal receiving line but the chairman of each depart 1losplkltallty I niter the comfort and pleasure of tho honor guest and of the visitors who aro limited to tho club mem ¬ berg Each guest is supposed to leave om her visiting card a written greeting of love for the president Mnrrlcil In Tills City In order to have a quiet wedding J t riles Edward Heath of Dlrmlng ham and Mr George L Goheen of Birmingham cams to Paducah yesterday afternoon and were mar red by tho flew B Bi Candle poster of the Kentucky Avenue Ptetby tcnlan church at the manseThegr loft this morning for Nashville on a wedding trip The bride is thoI I daughter of sirs Fannie Heath and countyI Mr manager of gen eral merchandise store of Gobccn Brothers In Birmingham Kentucky contingent The following Washington notes will 00ot Interest here where Mr Bhackelford and lilts Dandridge have been popular guests of Mrs tarry j j- O Tandy aboutd most juvenile delegates handsome young daughters of the Bluegrassa state Misses Nancy and Hendy Rut soil Johnson and Mire Elise Dand ridge daughter of Capt and Mrs oft Frankfort Eighteen Is the eligible Me At the reception given by Mrs Matthew T Scott Mire Elise Dand ridge wore white chiffon over satin embroidered In gold Mrs S J Shackleford of the same chapter white satin with tunic of crystals Ming Emma Boyd Honoml atd I ¬ tending Cincinnati Is ono of the fifty yaurrg 1 gIrls tetortcd to act as pages to the of vOsJUng presUlots at Biennial meet of the Womans club in Cincinnati U this month She will servo ai two occasions Wednesday e emlrfg and Saturday morning It IB a wry nice le compliment shown a I Kentucky girl i I n A R CluspteyiOSpenes t Meeting I The May meeting of the Paducah chapter Daughters of the American Revolution to have been held Friday afternoon with MISH Mildred Terrell has been called In owing to the ab senco from tho city of A number of the chapter members Tho Import ant buriness for this session the elec lion of offlcors and the election of delegates to tho state convention in j October will be held at the Juno i meeting t W Cantata to InDoors This evening at 815 oclock at the Womans ciubJiouso the cantata A Mld Summer Night with 3part chorus of omens voices ante LI prano mezzosoprano and alto 10m wilt bo presented In the club auditor- Ium ¬ Owing to the cool night the change has been made from air al fresco to an Indoor affair It will be a MANICURE I Miss Moon Formerly of Burnhams in Chicago- In the Palmer louse Barter Shop ono ° f the ditrmlug musical evuntil of the year and assisting Ache Newell tho chairman of the Musical depart ment of the club wilt be Sopranos Mrs Lela Wade Lewis 111118 Anne Brad haw Miss Anna HIM McMosoprano Mrs W C Gray MQrJorJeIe Altos Mrs Krug Mlw Ehra Jones Mss Kate Crumbaugh Miss McGIath cry Contralto sirs James WciUe AHseu groupe of songs Reception for and Brldpgroom Judge JasCampbell and JirtCamp bell will entertain this evening from 9 until 12 oclock In honor of Mr and Mrs Will Rlnklltf Tho Invlta liana aro limited to the younger eet rand theMntlmate friends of the bride and bridegroom Luncheon For Mm Rlnkloff Mrs WiUlatn F Brodfihaw was boaters at a prettily appointed lunch ¬ eon yeafcK day In honor of her tielce MITM Will RlnMeff a recent bride Tho rooms were nttractlive with spring flowers In the seater of the luncheon table was a beautiful eil vex basket of iilles ot the vniley narcussus and pink carnatlonH The menu wns an elaborate course affair Covers were laid for Mrs Rink Mil Bradshaw Jr Oillsccs igCatherine Qulgloy Phllljpai Hughesy Rosebud Hobstn Hazel 1 McCandle Marjorie IxnMnp Ethel Sights Eloise Bradshw lira Ttiomae Qulg koi of Vlcktlburg Attar Mrs W F BradBhaw Young Ladles Euchre The young ladles are entertaining at euchre this afternoon at the Elks club a V Kli > pc l to Metropolis iffrtropolto III May 5 Special JI Luclllo Duncan 19 and OJarcnte jrcOIrml of Paducah clop¬ ed to Metropolis today aid ono more I marriage was added to tho already long lh t of Iagatrato Thomas Ug i gotU The couple was accompanied by stirs Myrtle Rood andi Mr Claud Reeder of Paducah They came to Metropolis on the steamer Cowling at noon and returned to Puducoh this artemoonI I i I The bride resides in Tyler while the groom is an employee of arC Uurant in the qty I I Mrs II S Wells and Mrs George B Hart left this morning for Cln ¬ cinnati to attend the May festival and tho federation of womans clubs Mrs George Flournoy left early 7this morning for Cincinnati to at- tend ¬ the biennial meeting of tho Womans clubs Before returning she will attend the state federation of Woman clubs which will be held In Frankfort Mr James Snider of North Eighth street has returned from a visit to friends In Helena Mr L Rubel left yesterday for Now York on business I Tho Rev Meyer Lovltch and Mrs Lovltch accompanied by Mrs Lovltchs sister Mrs Rosenburg of Cincinnati will leave Sunday to at ¬ tend the grand lodge of Dnal Brlth I Mr Frank W lland Is In Blrmng ¬ tram Ala on business t Miss Kate Whoebrey and brother Steven Whoebrey of Leltchfleld ar ¬ rved yesterday afternoon and visited sirs 1 J Eo Potter ot North Fourth street Today they accompanied Mrs ary Gellesple to her home in Lex- ington TennI I Mr M T Wblpple of St Augue Uno FlavIs In the < Ity on business Mr Charles Wooldrldge has re turned to his home In Springfield Mo after a visit to his parents IrI I and Mrs C W Wooldridgc of Guth tie avenue Frank and Emlel Chaudet have ret- urned from Memphis and are visit- ing their mother sire W M Owen Tenth and Ohio streets Mrs Brcnsford Clark of St Louis visiting her eater Mrs Rabb oI I bio at AnneneM Mrs Robert iRIvora of Bandana I the guest of sirs Charles C Grassiiaan at the Taudy MM C A Blake and aJsII I Eugene 319 Monroe are lUng Mrs Claude Graham ot Gra hamvllle Mrs Helca Hecht wHl return to ¬ morrow from St Louis after a visit to relativesMrs QuIgley of VIcks burg MJra Is visiting tits Kather Ino Qulgley Mrs Augusta Langstaft and Mrs Mary LaNleve returned this morning from Mobile Ala where they i ix > nt the winter Mr William Shaw of Little Rock rs visiting his mother Mrs J Shaw of tho Burner road Mr J T Anderson of JIurrlcano Mills Tenn was registered at the Palmer House today Mr John W Nobe travflbs ad- Justor for the Prussian National In eurancc company of IndlaiupoUs was in the oily today on busIwsa Attorney John F Nicholson ret- urned yesterday from Mayifield after trip on buslnceo- Mu E D 1111 has returned from Loulfivlllo hero be was called on business Attorney Frank N> BUWM return ¬ ed this morning from Corinth Ilss wihero he went en business Mr James Hughes lias gone to Central City where ho liar accepted a poitl6n In the Illinois Central rail ¬ road boiler thOps- Mr and Mm Henry P roll and little sitar Barbara Ache Fault BroaJdwajx have returned troni tHOI kkwvJlle where Mrs Fruit tlnll iittyar a dy11 = ra tMlkl MMe il eMMfli 3 3cOIn AND SNOW J IWIII emu AND GO I Rocks But tJ Pumps = Will g Go on 4 Best tJ Dressers 3 Forever Y t s s 14 e OEO ROCK SHOE CO tJ 321 Broadway j 9 w r c I daughter spent several weeks Mr Fruit went up Sunday to aocomtpany them home Mrs Jn Ruttcr of North Sixth street left today for CarrmJllo on a visit to relatives She accompanied home her mother Mrs W P Ito land who has been her guest Dr N W Hilton house surgeon at the Illinois Central hospital left early this morning for Louisville on business Mr Henry P Barrett of Hender ¬ son was In the city today on busi ness Mr C A Wooldrtdge and 11t son Emmett have returned to the home In Springfield SIo after vhlt tag Mr Wooldridges parents M r and Mrs C W Wooldrldge 1837 Guthrle avenue Miss Ha Ballard of Fancy Farm Is visiting MBS Alice Anderson 61 5 South Thirteenth street Attorney C C Gras ham I Is expect ed home this evening from a busi- ness ¬ trip to Ruston La IRVIN OOBBGUEST Continued From Page Ono bile TIdes with some friends wh have risen to affluenceI don know how Uiojj arrived but they a- rthereI found that the town ha grown surprJaagly JCot only Is your morteItor r j have to erect another but I noticed more civic pride You have tut Hit weeds and planted flowers sad trees and grass plots1 see little parks Jcome o brace on yourselves Why I ran re ¬ member when I cpuld stuu at the river and smell Eleventh and Broad I wa3A Now yvu are bsh > s askedfo pictures of tour pretty aeanilreetr r J and1 your w C4 kept sanitary sough I let houses and dairies and I henj of roorL1e articles that will cite Paducah as a model of a clean town And you moa around tho board ore r < ponsrb1e for this Some day expect to see you make of Paduca- one h of the great titles of the south Present wore J t 4 Utterbaolc si A Fowler C K Wheeler W F Pax- ton 1 I Chas WelUe Jake Waltereteliv H S Welts Luke B ssei ClarEc Sherrlll John W Little I3IQI Well Roy L Culler Will GOI1I Mutrek L E Glrardey Al FOreman H A Pet ter Harry Meyers Hal Conbctt liar ry Hank Joo Wolff Joseph L Fried ¬ man Adolph Wen Sot Dreyfues L M Relke Jr LouIs Kolb James Campbell Jr J C Flournciyi 1L Di Sewall C E Jewnlags Dr Victor J Voris J T Donoraft II R Lfadey iWv P Paxton Charles A cott E W Bockmon B W Cornellson E J Paxton L V Armnitrout Robes Volloce Da > id Koger W P Hum ¬ nI watte Jesse Gilbert Sow Drej ups WANT FKDEHAIj SANCTION FOR UfO EXPOSITION Y r Chicago May GFreBb from the meeting where 4000000 wa raised for an exposition to celebrate the opening of the Panama canal a San Francisco Governor Glllctt o f d California and a party of 18 arrive- en route to Washington Their pur ¬ pose is to secure federal sanction of I the exposition Much may be said on both sIdesI 1 Fielding a Today Your Straw Hat The felt hat retires be ¬ fore the glare of the Sum ¬ mers sun and comfort points the way to fashion We have mbre styles in straws with more style in the straw than you willfl flfind You have only to namo your size ond style and the straw hat of the day will- Ie I yours 1 t WANT ADS tFOR J roomss WAuNTBU To buy a second hand- s phaetonv Old phone 473 WANTED Small show case Sun Job rooms thee AdH Mill JG- yWANTEDPotion as bookkeep er References Miss Sells old phono 37- FOUNDRefrigerators ranges stoves etc at Williams 501 South Third street FURNISHED ROOMS modern conveniences 2 260 and 3 per week 408 Washington Phone 780 LOST Hectagon brass nut off automobile Return to this office and receive Toward FOR SAL12 Fine bay buggy mare standard bred Cheap forV sale Old phone 564 UMillRELLAS Covered while you walt Eye See Jewelry Co Broad wayWA 0078Ie goodIr WANTED To buy furnIture and stoves 0 W Baugh 20E South Third New phone 901 CLOTHING cleaned by Dalton U always satisfactory Phoue C85 Dal ton does the beat dyeing In the city HAIR WORK Shampooing dye tag 712 South Cth Phone 2 H i Lillian Robinson PRESSING CLUB C01 Trlmule Phono 12C9a I T Anderson manager WANTEDTo buy a nice bugg- borsrf State age price etc U > d dress I A T care Sun FOR REt T4 furnished rooms for light house keeping Call 1201 Jefferson SHAUPENEDIt I fully Oct them cleaner and than you could at home Star Laun dry Phone 200 alq makes ot sewing machines at F N Gardner Jr Co 1141116 South Third street orn colored Steady work Wages 1176 per day Murpbysboro PaTI Ing Brick Co A2urpEysbcrolilr- r YOUR LACk curtains need clean J Jng You will make no mistake In sending them to the Star Laundrj I f o q9 I WANTEDrvro rurnish your urn 1 I brella with a new corer or handle j W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬ hsa7s I WASTEDlhetabls girl for gen ¬I eral housework hi ftmlly of two Good wages Call at once 1532 Mon I titoo street 0FREE OF CHARGE AU WhlU sewing machines adjusted free ol charge at F N Gardner Jr Co Either phone 396 AfodernFOR twostory brick house furnace all convenlen ces Phone 234C or apply to 214I North Sixth M B ROOF PAINT Arkttte Rubber Roofing The kind that Noah would have used Phone 1218A BLACKSM1THING of all kinds wagon repairing horse shoeing a specialty Tom Barton 222 Ken lucky avenue WANT to do your watch and Jew elry repairing All work flnt class IW N Warren jeweler 403 Broad way straws hale to clean 25c to 50c Gents suits pressed 40c dry cleaned 150 113d FOR 1tE TOr will sell on easy payments or cheap for cash a 60 acre form with good barn troll etc Smiles from ferry landing Apply grocery 122 Kentucky eve S H HOSTEN the tailor Clean jog pressing dyeing and repairing neatly done Ladles skirts and suits specialty 121 south Ninth Old j phone 338IJ NOTICE iMrs Eva Jane Wash burnos book Eurekn Is now on sale at the following places Cle monts Book store Wilsons Dock store Gllsons Drug store Yelserst Drug store VE STARCH taco curtains Just the degree of stiffness that makes them hang nicely and dry them upon frames that make them square and stretch them smooth and even Star Laundry Phone 200f LADIES CLOTHES Best clean ¬ ed repaired or dyed by our process All dust and Tots removed gar menta delivered In covered wagon and promptly Harry Dalton phoni IxrrtFOR RENTLodge room Third oor over CItizens Saving bank 2 brick store room Kentucky aveuue between First and Second streets 6 largo offices or bed topms over 206208 Broadway City hcot and all conveniences Jat P HiLith Both phones 67 tourlnglcar black Equipped with large top side curtains wind shield tire cover and two extra casings and tubes coat rail and gas tanks Tires all new Price U50 Address R 1 cab ICy aFblherPadUJ 4 Mark This Dottn There are no better bopjcs and there are no lower prices mado on them than what we self every daytrour cue ¬ tamers I We have over 300 different books at 48c and COc Here are a few ° kThe Post Girl Lure of the Mask Llttlq Drown Jug Of Kll dare IM Old Wives for New The Barrier I Daughter of Anderson Crow Barriers Burned Away DeE WILSON The Book and Music Man RUDDER TIRE runabout tor sale cheap Address A D C care Sun poytnenaDip VV t R orY N uSarr9uGitrhsV VVdJress wAK7ED bookkeep Experienced GOS Broadway New phone 1COG Louis Hill NEW FUIINITUIIE exchanged for havefurniture 18220r avenue MadIron shaped open brooch pin tBelwith rough pearls Finder please return to 430 Broadway FOR SALE tine pC th best tin 24feet Speed8t J dltlonVBargain for quick sale L L Celson I VANTEDTan gQOd men by May 7th to work In Paducah and sur rounding towns work casy bost of pay Gail or address Oliver Jones Room 20 > Brook Ulllj Jiulldlug Fourth and Broadway Paducah Ky WE DO GENERAL hauling or nil kinds Traasfor trunks and haggago to trains sad boats stave tight household ifurnlturo haul boxes 1 crates barrels freight to and from + depots or wHafrfboats Deliver par ¬ sole Skelton Baggage and Dell w ery service Both phones 2281 A RARE OPPORTUNITY For pale or trade one of the best general merchandise business houzea in 1111 ¬ nos No dead stock Goodi healthy location doing 25000 worth of business a year Will take good Pa ¬ ducah property as part pay Bianco cash or good collateral A snap for the TBht party Call on or write O L Robertson 118 Broadway Padu cab Ky v JIflottClhelirtd charges againBt President Taft as aV member of the Steam Shovclcrs union have been filed In a letter ad ¬ dressed to national officials of tho organization at Cincinnati Secre- tary Roberts ot the Cleveland Build InK Trades Council admitted today that the charges have been made because Toft ignored the boycott de- clared ¬ against the Cleveland base ball team by attending the game between the Naps and Drowns ate St Louis yesterday He refused to mako public the contents of the let ¬ ter or the specified accusation JHTrleH Rack at Cntiii Den Lomond May IrJm Jeffries hurried back to his training comp at Jeffries did not visit Sail Fran Cisco during his holiday preferring to let Denser rquabblo over the ref ¬ sees question with Johnson and tho promoters of the fight Work at the training camp will bo taken up rig¬ orously tomorrow Hnulley heady to 1lulurco SIKigbt Washington D C May 5J C Speight has sec ired the lndortem nt of Senator Bradley for district alter ey This was announced after Speight and Frank Fisher had called on the senpqrM r TUG TOI TRIED RKMEDT FOII SPI11Na ENNVIS S w Y that sou 11- 11y Non tomptrxtoaIwenrn entire r lcm Sac at all drujjUU a the u rl kris tl Ot l LYt y R W WALKER CO e Te OYaGfTe H

The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-05-05 [p 5].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k7x6b/data/0879.pdf · beautiful and fitting testimonial t tho rare wisdom tact and executiv-ability

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Page 1: The Paducah evening sun. (Paducah, KY) 1910-05-05 [p 5].nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7nzs2k7x6b/data/0879.pdf · beautiful and fitting testimonial t tho rare wisdom tact and executiv-ability

t THURSDAY MAY 0 THE PADUCAH EVENING SUN r PJGJnvfr ladies Mattered 3uite

33J6 WWorcl has gone forth to clean out wool

e jiuits in our ReadytoWear Department


I I totonk WhatI

a laving Vhh

Ll f s Means to 1bit

j kfI

i jfake tywr tfelecticn darlrl

I t 10Ati llldl8i


OET IT AT GILBERTSDr Gilbert Osteopath 642t

Broadway Phones 196Rubber stamps seals brass

ittnctlri etc at The Sun officeFree city and farm real scateI

price list Whlttemoro Fraternitybuilding Phones 83G I

I For Rheumatlim take lays I

iBpcclflcTSign writing G R Sexton

i ep1> Phones 401t First river outing on tho

strainer W W Sunday May 8

Linen markers fur sale at thlioflct

For malaria and chills tab IHays Specific

Flower Seeds that will crowtnougb to supply all Paducab nowon sale Bruntons 629 Broadway

i For Stomach Trouble Indiges ¬

lion ecIlICjTellpbonuj

typewriter piperse4If you fall to bo at the W WSunday May 8 you will muss tboovent of the season

For rczema or Impure bloodLake Hays Specific IP For Constipation or Torpid LlrIf tAke Hays Specific

We bav0 the reputation of serf¬

r ing the beat rodeo in the city Buch ¬

t loans restaurant 219Avenue lentuckjj

See Necly Whitesurance 117 Fraternity building

JAKJcnrffln Dr wrvlcoa tonlsMat 7s4 r at the Gorman Lutheranchurch Sermon in EngiMic byRer William Giotbor theII

Jfho tier Mr Wolneckc of



after having been confined to blsjj

I4vemlwookaMeet mo at steamer

t Sunday slay 8 at 230 p m or 8

p me Mr the Klllott will leave

I hOl11ncclptldWelUFarno Exprcw pompon Holine been connectedl with tho lCalI ngonry pf Iho Southern Expresscompany arid I14 experienced withtho work

Mammoth sclrcus jicrfortnanccs I

Big douVlo inoDABcrlo Royal RomanHippodrome Trained wild animalIxhlbltlonIMiss Lena IKroutxer of North

1 I

A New-


For PipesPipe Smokers of Paducah

aro going to be mighty gladI

to learn of the establishment

of our new Pipe HospitalII-

tI IIIt with Its splendid

I 0IrIrfor pipesurgeryPipes are old friends

l worthy of tho best attentionr you can socuro for them and

t a11Wo assure you of the mpstsatisfactory Mrvlco Amber

tbits are quickly repaired when

tbroken pipes are thoroughly

J cleaned and overhauled In

short when you get thornback theyre like n-


NDrug Store

Fourth Street and BroadwayBoth Phone 77


1000I525 00 Suits 16 603250 Suits 2167

Sixth street who was taken HIlwhile visiting friends in La Centerhas been removed to her home Sheis still III but an early recovery Jexpected

Mr Karl Knowles Is recoveringtram an Injury to his right tootcaused by stepping upon a nail Hewas repairing an automobile InMayfield when the accident occurred

Afternoon excursion up theCumberland river on the steamerW W May 8 Leaves Paducah230 p m returns 0 p tn Faronly COc W W orchestra flea tof order

MM 1Elmoro Stcgar who wasoperated co at Riverside HospitalI

romo tine ago was removed to hhomo at C12I North Sixth street th I

afternoon In Nanco k Itogers arobudIanIher I

boonMr Harry Carter son of Mr

and Mrs Elmus Carter left lastnight for Cairo whore he hoe aecepted a position as operator for amoving picture show

Mr Hal Walters of 1C33 Jet ¬

tenon street is ImprovingChief Henry Slngory of the po ¬

ke department has awervod It no¬

tice from First Lleiilotidfat Phillip WBooker ot the Sixth Florid ATtttlery

omIGcreIns n deserter His homo ll at Chatbynoftga Tenn-

5ooallght pxtarsldri on BteamorW W Sunday May 8 Leaped 8I

returns 1130 p m Forelonly COc

Elwood JCeeJI deputy UnitedSate mafrh lreturntd thfs morn

ilng from Mayflcld with George Dow ¬


IIn Itnnkruptrycourt of tlto

bankruptcywestern district of

In the matter of Robert I 13tayiMayIA02 oharge sled on the 3d day ostay A D 1910 is Is ordered by thecourt that a hearing be bad upcit thamo on the 14th day of May A D

11910 before u14 court at LoutIvHle said dUfcrlct at 10 oclock tnthee forenoon or an near thereto n°practicable and that notice hereofbo published one Hmo in the Padu ¬

cah flun a newspaper printed mealdistrict and that all known creditorsand other persons hi interest maappear at eald time and place anrhoW muter If they any have why1

the prayer of the fId potlUcoorshould not be granted

Witness the lion Waotor Evan eeJudge Of tho gold court and tho sealthereof at Paducah 1n eald districtof the 4th day of May 1914


Itloodlinund oil the Trailtort Liverpool 0 May 5FhO

posses with bloodhounds are today onthe trail at tour desperadoes whoearly this morning terrorized NewellW Va across the Ohio river andlooted the sate of the North Amen ¬

1can Manufacturing company In realIwild west fashion N



We have a Bed Dug Poison

that kilt Instantly and then

waits ready toklll any futurebug visitors No fresh appli ¬

cations necessary Free your

house forever from theso pests

We are sole agents

Large Bottle 50cAccept no substitute Phoneus your orde-


Seventh and JacksonBeth Phones 237




Beautiful Club Reception to sRudy

A charming compliment to MrsJames A Rudy president of tlWomans club Is tho receptionteathis afternoon from 4 to C oclock attho club house It has been plannedan a surprise to Mrs Rudy and willclose tho club year 11a most bril-




manner as well as being ujbeautiful and fitting testimonial ttho rare wisdom tact and executiv-ability of a woman nobly planned

Tho club house Is most effectivelydecorated In honor of tho eventThe club colors white yellow andgreen are artistically carried out 1Intho profusion of spring flowers Thomassive white pillars are twinedwith ropes of green vines giving acharming effect to the entirefloor Tho platform in the audit ¬

rlum Is a bank of palms and fernswith white roses and yellow flagsartistically massed Suspended abovetho platform are the letters Ou-


In whlto flowers andgreen Brass jardinieres and vasesof whlto and yellow flags roses andI

bridal wreath are effectively ar-ranged


throughout the rooms andI1 I

Mil The graceful stairway Istwined with vkicfl off the southern ivlmlax banked with fcrni On the

eithlbow of yellow ribbon enhanceseffect Opening off the hall and-


auditorium the pretty porch hasbeen transformed Into a beautiful 1

bower of lIwerland banks of fernsTho entire effect Is Ideal for a staytime reception and shows that theWomans club 1is as feminine InI

nature an In name and responds I

readily to tho charm of dressTho refreshments attractively

carry out the club colors consistingof orange Ice Individual cakes IcedIn white with Mrs Rudys mono¬

gram In greenThere Is no formal receiving line

but the chairman of each depart

1losplkltallty I

niter the comfort and pleasure oftho honor guest and of the visitorswho aro limited to tho club mem ¬

berg Each guest is supposed toleave om her visiting card a writtengreeting of love for the president

Mnrrlcil In Tills CityIn order to have a quiet wedding J


riles Edward Heath of Dlrmlngham and Mr George L Goheenof Birmingham cams to Paducahyesterday afternoon and were marred by tho flew B Bi Candle posterof the Kentucky Avenue Ptetbytcnlan church at the manseThegrloft this morning for Nashville on awedding trip The bride is thoII

daughter of sirs Fannie Heath andcountyIMr manager of general merchandise store of GobccnBrothers In Birmingham

Kentucky contingentThe following Washington notes

will 00ot Interest here where MrBhackelford and lilts Dandridge havebeen popular guests of Mrs tarry jj-O Tandyaboutdmost juvenile delegateshandsome young daughters of theBluegrassastate Misses Nancy and Hendy Rutsoil Johnson and Mire Elise Dandridge daughter of Capt and MrsoftFrankfort Eighteen Is the eligibleMeAt the reception given by MrsMatthew T Scott Mire Elise Dandridge wore white chiffon over satinembroidered In gold Mrs S JShackleford of the same chapterwhite satin with tunic of crystals

Ming Emma Boyd HonomlatdI ¬

tendingCincinnati Is ono of the fifty yaurrg 1

gIrls tetortcd to act as pages to the ofvOsJUng presUlots at Biennial meetof the Womans club in Cincinnati Uthis month She will servo ai twooccasions Wednesday e emlrfg andSaturday morning It IB a wry nice lecompliment shown a IKentucky girl i

In A R CluspteyiOSpenest MeetingI

The May meeting of the Paducahchapter Daughters of the AmericanRevolution to have been held Fridayafternoon with MISH Mildred Terrellhas been called In owing to the absenco from tho city of A number ofthe chapter members Tho Important buriness for this session the eleclion of offlcors and the election ofdelegates to tho state convention in j

October will be held at the Juno imeeting t

WCantata to InDoorsThis evening at 815 oclock at

the Womans ciubJiouso the cantataA Mld Summer Night with 3part

chorus of omens voices ante LIprano mezzosoprano and alto 10mwilt bo presented In the club auditor-Ium


Owing to the cool night thechange has been made from air alfresco to an Indoor affair It will be



Miss MoonFormerly of

Burnhams in Chicago-In the

Palmer louse Barter Shop

ono ° f the ditrmlug musical evuntilof the year and assisting Ache Newelltho chairman of the Musical department of the club wilt be

Sopranos Mrs Lela Wade Lewis111118 Anne Brad haw Miss Anna HIM

McMosoprano Mrs W C GrayMQrJorJeIeAltos Mrs Krug Mlw Ehra Jones

Mss Kate Crumbaugh Miss McGIathcry

Contralto sirs James WciUeAHseugroupeof songs

Reception for and BrldpgroomJudge JasCampbell and JirtCamp

bell will entertain this evening from9 until 12 oclock In honor of Mrand Mrs Will Rlnklltf Tho Invltaliana aro limited to the younger eet

rand theMntlmate friends of the brideand bridegroom

Luncheon For Mm RlnkloffMrs WiUlatn F Brodfihaw was

boaters at a prettily appointed lunch ¬

eon yeafcK day In honor of her tielceMITM Will RlnMeff a recent brideTho rooms were nttractlive withspring flowers In the seater of theluncheon table was a beautiful eilvex basket of iilles ot the vnileynarcussus and pink carnatlonH Themenu wns an elaborate course affairCovers were laid for Mrs Rink

Mil Bradshaw Jr OillsccsigCatherine Qulgloy Phllljpai HughesyRosebud Hobstn Hazel1 McCandleMarjorie IxnMnp Ethel SightsEloise Bradshw lira Ttiomae Qulgkoi of Vlcktlburg Attar Mrs W FBradBhaw

Young Ladles EuchreThe young ladles are entertaining

at euchre this afternoon at the Elksclub

a V Kli >pc l to Metropolisiffrtropolto III May 5 SpecialJI Luclllo Duncan 19 and

OJarcnte jrcOIrml of Paducah clop¬

ed to Metropolis today aid ono moreImarriage was added to tho already

long lh t of Iagatrato Thomas Ug i

gotU The couple was accompaniedby stirs Myrtle Rood andi Mr ClaudReeder of Paducah They came toMetropolis on the steamer Cowlingat noon and returned to Puducohthis artemoonI I


The bride resides in Tyler whilethe groom is an employee of arCUurant in the qty I


Mrs II S Wells and Mrs GeorgeB Hart left this morning for Cln ¬

cinnati to attend the May festivaland tho federation of womans clubs

Mrs George Flournoy left early7this morning for Cincinnati to at-


the biennial meeting of thoWomans clubs Before returningshe will attend the state federationof Woman clubs which will beheld In Frankfort

Mr James Snider of NorthEighth street has returned from avisit to friends In Helena

Mr L Rubel left yesterday forNow York on business I

Tho Rev Meyer Lovltch andMrs Lovltch accompanied by MrsLovltchs sister Mrs Rosenburg ofCincinnati will leave Sunday to at¬

tend the grand lodge of DnalBrlth I

Mr Frank W lland Is In Blrmng ¬

tram Ala on business t

Miss Kate Whoebrey and brotherSteven Whoebrey of Leltchfleld ar¬

rved yesterday afternoon and visitedsirs1 J Eo Potter ot North Fourthstreet Today they accompanied Mrs

ary Gellesple to her home in Lex-ington TennII

Mr M T Wblpple of St AugueUno FlavIs In the < Ity on business

Mr Charles Wooldrldge has returned to his home In SpringfieldMo after a visit to his parents IrII

and Mrs C W Wooldridgc of Guthtie avenue

Frank and Emlel Chaudet have ret-urned from Memphis and are visit-ing their mother sire W M Owen

Tenth and Ohio streetsMrs Brcnsford Clark of St Louisvisiting her eater Mrs Rabb oII

bio at AnneneMMrs Robert iRIvora of Bandana I

the guest of sirs Charles CGrassiiaan at the Taudy

MM C A Blake andaJsIII

Eugene 319 Monroe arelUng Mrs Claude Graham ot Grahamvllle

Mrs Helca Hecht wHl return to ¬

morrow from St Louis after a visitto

relativesMrsQuIgley of VIcks

burg MJra Is visiting tits KatherIno Qulgley

Mrs Augusta Langstaft and MrsMary LaNleve returned this morningfrom Mobile Ala where they i ix> ntthe winter

Mr William Shaw of Little Rockrs visiting his mother Mrs J Shawof tho Burner road

Mr J T Anderson of JIurrlcanoMills Tenn was registered at thePalmer House today

Mr John W Nobe travflbs ad-

Justor for the Prussian National Ineurancc company of IndlaiupoUswas in the oily today on busIwsa

Attorney John F Nicholson ret-urned yesterday from Mayifield after

trip on buslnceo-Mu E D 1111 has returned from

Loulfivlllo hero be was called onbusiness

Attorney Frank N> BUWM return¬

ed this morning from Corinth Ilsswihero he went en business

Mr James Hughes lias gone toCentral City where ho liar accepteda poitl6n In the Illinois Central rail ¬

road boiler thOps-

Mr and Mm Henry P roll andlittle sitar Barbara Ache FaultBroaJdwajx have returned troni tHOIkkwvJlle where Mrs Fruit tlnll


a dy11=ra tMlkl MMe il eMMfli



I RocksBut

tJ Pumps= Willg Go on

4 BesttJ Dressers3 Forever






tJ 321 Broadway j9 w rc


daughter spent several weeks MrFruit went up Sunday to aocomtpanythem home

Mrs Jn Ruttcr of North Sixthstreet left today for CarrmJllo on avisit to relatives She accompaniedhome her mother Mrs W P Ito I ¬

land who has been her guestDr N W Hilton house surgeon

at the Illinois Central hospital leftearly this morning for Louisville onbusiness

Mr Henry P Barrett of Hender ¬

son was In the city today on busiI¬

nessMr C A Wooldrtdge and 11t

son Emmett have returned to thehome In Springfield SIo after vhlttag Mr Wooldridges parents M rand Mrs C W Wooldrldge 1837Guthrle avenue

Miss Ha Ballard of Fancy FarmIs visiting MBS Alice Anderson 61 5South Thirteenth street

Attorney C C Gras ham IIs expected home this evening from a busi-ness


trip to Ruston La


Continued From Page Ono

bile TIdes with some friends whhave risen to affluenceI donknow how Uiojj arrived but they a-rthereI found that the town hagrown surprJaagly JCot only Is your

morteItor rj

have to erect another but I noticedmore civic pride You have tut Hitweeds and planted flowers sad treesand grass plots1 see little parksJcome o

brace on yourselves Why I ran re¬

member when I cpuld stuu at theriver and smell Eleventh and Broad I

wa3A Now yvu are bsh>s askedfopictures of tour pretty aeanilreetrr J

and1 your w C4 kept sanitary sough I

let houses and dairies and I henjof roorL1e articles that will citePaducah as a model of a clean townAnd you moa around tho board orer< ponsrb1e for this Some dayexpect to see you make of Paduca-one

hof the great titles of the south

Present wore J t4 Utterbaolc siA Fowler C K Wheeler W F Pax-ton

1 I

Chas WelUe Jake WalteretelivH S Welts Luke B ssei ClarEcSherrlll John W Little I3IQIWell Roy L Culler Will GOI1IMutrek LE Glrardey Al FOreman H A Petter Harry Meyers Hal Conbctt liarry Hank Joo Wolff Joseph L Fried ¬

man Adolph Wen Sot Dreyfues LM Relke Jr LouIs Kolb JamesCampbell Jr J C Flournciyi 1L DiSewall C E Jewnlags Dr Victor


Voris J T Donoraft II R LfadeyiWv P Paxton Charles A cott E WBockmon B W Cornellson E JPaxton L V Armnitrout RobesVolloce Da >id Koger W P Hum¬nIwatte Jesse Gilbert Sow Drej ups


Chicago May GFreBb from themeeting where 4000000 waraised for an exposition to celebratethe opening of the Panama canal aSan Francisco Governor Glllctt o fdCalifornia and a party of 18 arrive-en route to Washington Their pur ¬

pose is to secure federal sanction of I

the exposition

Much may be said on both sIdesI1



TodayYour StrawHat

The felt hat retires be ¬

fore the glare of the Sum ¬

mers sun and comfortpoints the way to fashion

We have mbre styles instraws with more style inthe straw than you willflflfindYou have only to namoyour size ond style and thestraw hat of the day will-






tFORJroomssWAuNTBU To buy a second hand-s phaetonv Old phone 473

WANTED Small show case SunJob roomstheeAdHMill JG-

yWANTEDPotion as bookkeeper References Miss Sells oldphono 37-

FOUNDRefrigerators rangesstoves etc at Williams 501 SouthThird street

FURNISHED ROOMS modernconveniences 2 260 and 3 perweek 408 Washington Phone 780

LOST Hectagon brass nut offautomobile Return to this officeand receive Toward

FOR SAL12 Fine bay buggy marestandard bred Cheap forVsale Old phone 564

UMillRELLAS Covered while youwalt Eye See Jewelry Co BroadwayWA0078IegoodIrWANTED To buy furnIture andstoves 0 W Baugh 20E SouthThird New phone 901

CLOTHING cleaned by Dalton Ualways satisfactory Phoue C85 Dalton does the beat dyeing In the city

HAIR WORK Shampooing dyetag 712 South Cth Phone 2 H iLillian Robinson

PRESSING CLUB C01 TrlmulePhono 12C9a I T AndersonmanagerWANTEDTo buy a nice bugg-borsrf State age price etc U > ddress I A T care Sun

FOR REtT4 furnished roomsfor light house keeping Call 1201Jefferson


fully Oct them cleaner andthan you could at home Star Laundry Phone 200alqmakes ot sewing machines at F NGardner Jr Co 1141116 SouthThird streetorncolored Steady work Wages1176 per day Murpbysboro PaTIIng Brick Co A2urpEysbcrolilr-

r YOUR LACk curtains need clean J

Jng You will make no mistake Insending them to the Star Laundrj I

fo q9 I

WANTEDrvro rurnish your urn 1I

brella with a new corer or handle j

W N Warren Jeweler 403 Broad ¬

hsa7s I

WASTEDlhetabls girl for gen ¬ I

eral housework hi ftmlly of twoGood wages Call at once 1532 Mon I

titoo street

0FREE OF CHARGE AU WhlUsewing machines adjusted free olcharge at F N Gardner Jr CoEither phone 396

AfodernFOR twostorybrick house furnace all convenlences Phone 234C or apply to 214INorth Sixth

M B ROOF PAINT ArkttteRubber Roofing The kind thatNoah would have used Phone1218A

BLACKSM1THING of all kindswagon repairing horse shoeing aspecialty Tom Barton 222 Kenlucky avenue

WANT to do your watch and Jewelry repairing All work flnt class

IW N Warren jeweler 403 Broadwaystrawshale to clean 25c to 50c Gentssuits pressed 40c dry cleaned 150113dFOR 1tE TOr will sell on easypayments or cheap for cash a 60acre form with good barn troll etcSmiles from ferry landing Apply

grocery 122 Kentucky eveS H HOSTEN the tailor Clean

jog pressing dyeing and repairingneatly done Ladles skirts and suits

specialty 121 south Ninth Old jphone 338IJNOTICE iMrs Eva Jane Washburnos book Eurekn Is now onsale at the following places Clemonts Book store Wilsons Dockstore Gllsons Drug store YelserstDrug store

VE STARCH taco curtains Justthe degree of stiffness that makesthem hang nicely and dry them uponframes that make them square andstretch them smooth and even StarLaundry Phone 200fLADIES CLOTHES Best clean ¬

ed repaired or dyed by our processAll dust and Tots removed garmenta delivered In covered wagonand promptly Harry Dalton phoni

IxrrtFOR RENTLodge room Thirdoor over CItizens Saving bank 2

brick store room Kentuckyaveuue between First and Secondstreets 6 largo offices or bedtopms over 206208 Broadway Cityhcot and all conveniences Jat PHiLith Both phones 67

tourlnglcarblack Equipped with large top sidecurtains wind shield tire cover andtwo extra casings and tubes coat railand gas tanks Tires all new PriceU50 Address R 1

cab ICy aFblherPadUJ


Mark This DottnThere are no better bopjcs

and there are no lower pricesmado on them than what weself every daytrour cue ¬

tamers I

We have over 300 differentbooks at 48c and COc Hereare a few °

kThe Post GirlLure of the MaskLlttlq Drown Jug Of Kll

dare IMOld Wives for NewThe Barrier I

Daughter of Anderson CrowBarriers Burned Away

DeE WILSONThe Book and Music Man

RUDDER TIRE runabout tor salecheap Address A D C care Sun

poytnenaDipVVt RorYN uSarr9uGitrhsVVVdJresswAK7EDbookkeep

Experienced GOS Broadway Newphone 1COG Louis Hill

NEW FUIINITUIIE exchanged for


MadIronshaped open brooch pin tBelwithrough pearls Finder please returnto 430 Broadway

FOR SALE tine pC th best tin24feetSpeed8tJ

dltlonVBargain for quick sale LL Celson I

VANTEDTan gQOd men by May7th to work In Paducah and surrounding towns work casy bost ofpay Gail or address Oliver JonesRoom 20 > Brook Ulllj JiulldlugFourth and Broadway Paducah Ky

WE DO GENERAL hauling or nilkinds Traasfor trunks and haggagoto trains sad boats stave tighthousehold ifurnlturo haul boxes 1

crates barrels freight to and from +

depots or wHafrfboats Deliver par¬

sole Skelton Baggage and Dell wery service Both phones 2281

A RARE OPPORTUNITY Forpale or trade one of the best generalmerchandise business houzea in 1111 ¬

nos No dead stock Goodi healthylocation doing 25000 worth ofbusiness a year Will take good Pa ¬

ducah property as part pay Biancocash or good collateral A snap forthe TBht party Call on or write OL Robertson 118 Broadway Paducab Ky


JIflottClhelirtdcharges againBt President Taft as aVmember of the Steam Shovclcrsunion have been filed In a letter ad¬

dressed to national officials of thoorganization at Cincinnati Secre-tary Roberts ot the Cleveland BuildInK Trades Council admitted todaythat the charges have been madebecause Toft ignored the boycott de-


against the Cleveland baseball team by attending the gamebetween the Naps and Drowns ateSt Louis yesterday He refused tomako public the contents of the let ¬

ter or the specified accusation

JHTrleH Rack at CntiiiDen Lomond May IrJm Jeffries

hurried back to his training comp atJeffries did not visit Sail Fran

Cisco during his holiday preferringto let Denser rquabblo over the ref ¬

sees question with Johnson and thopromoters of the fight Work at thetraining camp will bo taken up rig¬

orously tomorrow

Hnulley heady to 1lulurco SIKigbtWashington D C May 5J C

Speight has sec ired the lndortem ntof Senator Bradley for district alter

ey This was announced afterSpeight and Frank Fisher had calledon the senpqrM



w Y that sou 11-

11y NontomptrxtoaIwenrnentire r lcm Sac at all drujjUU

a the u rl kris tl Ot l LYt yR W WALKER CO
