Package Maintenance v2

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  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2



    BDOI Record of Key Enterprise and Risk System

    Packae Maintenance

    !ser "#ide

  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    Document History

    $ersion Date %#t&or Description Re'ie(ed By %ppro'ed By

    0.01 Decem)er 1*+01,


    Doc#ment creation Bet& Trade

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  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2



    1. Introd#ction........................................................................................................../1.1 P#rpose......................................................................................................./

    1.+ %#dience...................................................................................................../+. Packae Maintenance.............................................................................................,

    +.1 reate Packae............................................................................................,+.+ $ie( Packae.............................................................................................1/

    +. %cti'ate or Deacti'ate Packae.....................................................................1,+./ opy Packae.............................................................................................12

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  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    1. Introduction

    T&is doc#ment pro'ides t&e #sers (it& t&e detaied instr#ctions on &o( to operate and #se t&e

    BROKER system3s P%K%"E M%I4TE4%4E mod#e

    1.1 ur!ose

      T&e #ser #ide doc#ment presents t&e f#nctions and feat#res t&at are a'aia)e for t&eP%K%"E M%I4TE4%4E mod#e. T&is doc#ment aso capt#res t&e #ser interface screens)ased on t&e f#nctionaities and feat#res of t&e mod#e. 5o(e'er* f#t#re c&anes may sti

    )e possi)e )ased on t&e additiona c&ane re6#ests t&at (i )e s#)mitted )y t&econcerned #nits. T&is doc#ment &as fi'e 7,8 sections. T&ese are t&e Creation, Viewing,

    Editing, Activation and Deactivation and Copying of package. T&e section on t&e Creation

    of Package (i pro'ide t&e proced#re on &o( to create and indicate information pertaininto a packae. In t&e Viewing of Package, #ser (i )e #ided on &o( to searc& and 'ie(

    records of packaes t&at &a'e )een maintained in t&e system. T&e Editing of Package (ie9pain t&e proced#re on &o( to edit information pertainin to packaes t&at &a'e )een

    maintained. T&e Prod#ct on t&e  Activation and Deactivation of Packages  e9pains t&eproced#re on &o( to ena)e packae record and restrict t&e same from )ein #sed in t&e

    %cco#nt Manaement mod#e. T&e ast section (&ic& is t&e Copying of Package  ist t&eproced#re on &o( to re#se t&e same packae record (it&o#t retypin t&e detais in cases

    t&at ma:ority of t&e information pertainin to t&e packae record is t&e same (it& t&e ne(record t&at (i )e created.

    1.2 Audience

    T&e doc#ment3s intended a#diences are t&e )#siness #sers of t&e BROKER system ;

    Packae Maintenance mod#e.

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    2. #c$#%e inten#nce2.1 Cre#te #c$#%e

    1. In t&e system men# screen* o to &AINTENANCE ' AC(A)E &AINTENANCE.

    4OTE< T&e system men# t&at (i )e a'aia)e to t&e #ser (i )e )ased on t&e accessesand ri&ts t&at (ere ranted to t&e #ser. To )e a)e to access t&e Packae Maintenance

    mod#e* #ser s&o#d &a'e )een ranted access to t&is mod#e.

    2. In t&e #c$#%e List screen* cick Add Ne* #c$#%e. To na'iate on t&e ne9t set of records* cick t&e !#%e num+er at t&e o(er ri&t section of t&e screen.

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  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    +. In t&e Ne* #c$#%e Form  screen* indicate t&e foo(in< Package Name,Program Code, Program, Line of Insurance, Product Type, Currency and 

    Effective Date.

    . In t&e Insurer section* indicate t&e Insurer Name and Share . To add anot&erins#rer* cick Add Insurer. Pace a - in t&e o=Ins#rer c&eck)o9 as appica)e. To

    remo'e ins#rer* cick  )eside t&e record.

    /. In t&e #c$#%e /#tes section* indicate t&e foo(in< DST, E!"T, #ther Charges,Service $ee and Credit Term.

    ,. In t&e A!!0ic#+0e r$ets  section* indicate t&e markets. ick Add A!!0ic#+0er$et to add record. To remo'e record* cick .

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    T&e foo(in information (i )e t&e defa#t 'a#es in t&e %cco#nt Manaement >Risk Information mod#e once a partic#ar packae record &ad )een c&osen )y t&e

    #ser 7see screens )eo(8<

    o T&e packaes t&at (i )e confined )ased on ?ine of Ins#rance and Prod#ct

    Type )e )ased on t&e ?ine of Ins#rance and Prod#ct Type t&at (ere definedto a packae record@

    o T&e c#rrency 7e.. P5P8 defined (i )e t&e )asis of t&e system for t&e

    Premi#m comp#tations@

    o T&e Effecti'e date refers to t&e date (&en t&e #ser can #se t&e packae for a

    certain cient record@

    o T&e Ins#rer refers to t&e Ins#rer pro'ider (&ere t&e packae name (i )e


    o T&e packae rates 7e.. DST percentae8 (i )e t&e defa#t rates t&at (i )e

    appica)e to t&e packae record@

    o %ppica)e Markets refers to t&e BDOI Markets Sements t&at (i )e

    appica)e to t&e packae record.

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    A. In t&e eri0s  section* indicate t&e Limit of Lia%i&ity, Premium 'ate and Commission 'ate. T&e ayo#t of t&e screen (i 'ary dependin if t&e rate type of 

    t&e peris t&at (ere defined to t&e ?ine of Ins#rance and Prod#ct Type is i9ed* Sidinor Tariff 7see aso #ser #ide for Peris Maintenance8. T&e screen )eo( appies to

     perils that have the rate type as Fixed . Pace a -  )eside t&e peri to ena)e t&efoo(in fieds< ?imit of ia)iity* Premi#m rate and ommission rate. To disa)e t&e

    precedin fieds* remo'e t&e - .

    or peris t&at &a'e different rate types 7e.. one peri is )ased on fi9ed rate* ot&ersare on a sidin or Tariff rate8* )eo( is t&e ayo#t of t&e screen. Pace a -  )eside t&eperi to ena)e t&e foo(in fieds< ?imit of ia)iity* Premi#m rate and ommission

    rate. To disa)e t&e precedin fieds* remo'e t&e - . ick Add Item to add anot&errate for t&e precedin.

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    2. In t&e E4tension o5 Co6er *it7 remium section* indicate t&e ?imit of ?ia)iity*Premi#m Rate and ommission Rate. T&e ayo#t of t&e screen (i 'ary dependin if 

    t&e rate type of t&e peris t&at (ere defined to t&e ?ine of Ins#rance and Prod#ct Typeis i9ed* Sidin or Tariff 7see aso #ser #ide for E9tension of o'er Maintenance8.

    T&e screen )eo( appies to perils that have the rate type as Fixed . Pace a -  )esidet&e peri to ena)e t&e foo(in fieds< ?imit of ia)iity* Premi#m rate and ommission

    rate. To disa)e t&e precedin fieds* remo'e t&e - .

    or peris t&at &a'e different rate types 7e.. one peri is )ased on fi9ed rate* ot&ersare on a sidin or Tariff rate8* )eo( is t&e ayo#t of t&e screen. Pace a -  )eside t&eperi to ena)e t&e foo(in fieds< ?imit of ia)iity* Premi#m rate and ommissionrate. To disa)e t&e precedin fieds* remo'e t&e - . ick Add Item to add anot&er

    rate for t&e precedin.

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    C. In t&e E4tension o5 Co6er *it7out remium section* pace a -  )eside t&e peri toena)e t&e description fied. ick Add Su+co6er to add anot&er set of description orist. 5i&i&t record and cick Bo0d or It#0ic to emp&asie t&e contents(ords. To sett&e narrati'e in ist form* cick Ordered List. To ena)e aain narrati'e in pararap&form* cick 8nordered List.

    F. In t&e C0#uses #nd #rr#nties section* cick Add C0#uses #nd #rr#nties andseect record from t&e ist. Indicate remarks as necessary. To remo'e remarks* cick )eside t&e remarks fied. 

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    10. In t&e St#nd#rd E4c0usions section* ick Add E4c0usion and seect record fromt&e ist. Indicate remarks as necessary. To remo'e remarks* cick )eside t&eremarks fied. 

    11. In t&e )ener#0 Conditions  section* add comments. ick Bo0d or It#0ic  toemp&asie t&e contents(ords. To set t&e narrati'e in ist form* cick Ordered List.To ena)e aain narrati'e in pararap& form* cick 8nordered List.

    1+. In t&e Deducti+0es section* add comments. ick Bo0d or It#0ic to emp&asie t&econtents(ords. To set t&e narrati'e in ist form* cick Ordered List. To ena)eaain narrati'e in pararap& form* cick 8nordered List.

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    1. In t&e Su+;ecti6ities

  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    1,. Sti in t&e Ne* #c$#%e Form screen* cick S#6e to keep record. Ot&er(ise* cickC#nce0.

    1A. In t&e S#6e Con5irm#tion screen* cick =es to confirm c&anes. Ot&er(ise* cickNo.

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    2.2 >ie* #c$#%e

    1. In t&e #c$#%e List  screen* type record to )e 'ie(ed in t&e Search  fied. ickSe#rc7. iter records )ased on Status or Insurance Line and Product Type.


    2. In t&e #c$#%e List  screen* t&e system (i dispay t&e records )ased on t&einformation indicated in t&e searc& and fiter parameters. !ser may imit t&e n#m)er

    of records t&at (i )e s&o(n )y indicatin t&e co#nt on t&e 'ecord per Page dropdo(n ist ocated at t&e #pper portion of t&e res#ts screen. ick t&e !#c$#%e N#meto 'ie( t&e detais of t&e record. To na'iate on t&e ne9t set of records* cick t&e!#%e num+er at t&e o(er ri&t section of t&e screen.

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  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    4ote< T&e system does not ao( packaes t&at &a'e )een #sed in t&e %cco#ntManaement mod#e to )e deacti'ated. ick OK to cose messae.

    1. In t&e Acti6#tion

  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    +. In t&e Acti6#tion

  • 8/18/2019 Package Maintenance v2


    +. In t&e Ne* #c$#%e Form  screen* indicate t&e foo(in< Package Name,Program Code, and Program Description.

     4ote< E9cept for t&e Package &ae, Progra Code and Progra Description (&ic& (i

    )e re6#ired to define ane(* t&e foo(in information (i )e carried to t&e ne( record<Currency and Effective Date, "nsurer, Percent 'hare, Package (ates )D'%, EVA%,

    *ther Chargers, 'ervice Fee and Credit %er+ and Applicale -arkets, Perils,Extension of Cover Preius, Extension of !ithout Cover Preius, Clauses and 

    !arranties, 'tandard Exclusions, eneral Conditions, Deductiles,'u/ectivities0Disclaier and (earks. !ser may retain or edit t&is information.

    . Sti in t&e Ne* #c$#%e Form screen* cick S#6e to store record. Ot&er(ise* cickC#nce0.

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    /. In t&e S#6e Con5irm#tion pop #p screen* cick =es to confirm. Ot&er(ise* cick No.

    ,. In t&e /ecord S#6e pop #p screen* cick O( to cose messae.

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