Warren Buffett’s Secrets Available to Your Children Today! Dear Friend, We are living in perilous times. Many people are losing their jobs because of the COVID-19… Many people are short of savings and cannot take care of themselves or their families… Many people lose the investments they made during their lifetime… But you have many people who manage to remain financially afloat during every period, including during severe financial crises. Warren Buffett is one of these people. He started his journey to wealth when he bought his first stock at 11, following the advice of his grandmother! And he never forgot the financial lessons that his grandmother taught him. They accompanied him during his whole life until today, as he is one of the richest men of the planet. But you may ask me: what is the difference between the ordinary man and Warren Buffett? The answer resides in two words: FINANCIAL LITERACY.

WebCopy package Budget Brainiacs V2 ElodieAnguissa

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Microsoft Word - WebCopy_package_Budget Brainiacs_V2_ElodieAnguissaDear Friend,
Many people are losing their jobs because of the COVID-19…
Many people are short of savings and cannot take care of themselves or
their families…
Many people lose the investments they made during their lifetime…
But you have many people who manage to remain financially afloat during
every period, including during severe financial crises.
Warren Buffett is one of these people.
He started his journey to wealth when he bought his first stock at 11,
following the advice of his grandmother!
And he never forgot the financial lessons that his grandmother taught him.
They accompanied him during his whole life until today, as he is one of the
richest men of the planet.
But you may ask me: what is the difference between the ordinary man and
Warren Buffett?
Financial literacy is the key skill that helped Warren Buffett to thrive
financially and to raise above the fray.
You can also help your children to be financially secure and prosperous
when they grow up, just like Warren Buffett.
Click here to learn how…
Introducing a New Family Club in Town That
people in the world to be financially successful,
astute, and secure in the next 90 days.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
Dear Friend,
What do Warren Buffett and J.D. Rockefeller have in common?
Obviously, they are both very famous billionaires and are listed among the
richest people who ever lived on earth.
But most people don’t know that the source of their immense wealth came
from their financial education and the sound financial habits they had
religiously applied since their childhood.
These habits followed them through adulthood and helped them to become
financially prosperous, create multigenerational wealth beyond compare
and enter into history books.
Unfortunately, it seems that everyone has lost this precious financial
knowledge nowadays in America.
And every generation of adult Americans is affected by this newfound
financial illiteracy. Just check out these facts:
40% of Americans don’t have enough cash to cover a $400
it’s related to money management
Nearly 50% of Americans don’t have a retirement savings account
and the median retirement savings account of Americans has only
$5,000 on it.
These disheartening figures are living examples of the financial insecurity
that plagues many honest, hard-working Americans right now.
That’s why we need to save our children from this and never let them be
added to these alarming statistics.
However, it seems that even the government and parents have failed
American children in the area of financial education altogether.
Few states have included financial education and money management in
our schools’ curriculum. It is not considered as a worthy issue to deal with
at all.
As for most parents, they mainly focus their children’s upbringing on
academic excellence and/or social graces, which is perfectly fine.
But the same parents fail to give proper financial education to their children.
Some even think that talking about money to their children is vulgar and
And guess what? Financial education will be a key skill that your children
will have to master in the future if they want to be successful and take
sound financial decisions in real life.
In other words, if your children are financially illiterate now, they’ll have
more chances of ending up totally bankrupt, with debt to their necks, and
even perhaps homeless in their adulthood.
We know you want what’s best for your children in all areas, including the
financial one.
For this reason, amidst these startling financial circumstances in America,
we decided at BestFin Inc. to create the perfect solution for your children
aged between 10 and 17.
Now is the time to strike while the iron is hot!
With Budget Brainiacs, we offer you a fresh and unique educational system
that will help you to enhance your children’s financial acumen and
perspectives right away.
Once your children try Budget Brainiacs, their vision of money will
dramatically change… for the best!
An Unprecedented Family Club Dedicated Only to
The Financial Education of Your Children
Indeed, Budget Brainiacs is an innovative, one-of-a-kind Family Club that
is exclusively dedicated to your children’s financial education.
It aims at improving their chances of being financially prosperous and
secure when they grow up.
If you want your children to…
…grow up as financially responsible adults…
…remain financially afloat in every circumstance, whether good or bad…
…be successful investors and retire early without financial issues at hand…
…be winning professionally by picking the best jobs and business
…to live their best life with beautiful homes, beautiful cars, exotic holidays
in exclusive places…
…then, Budget Brainiacs and your children are meant to be!
And don’t think that Budget Brainiacs is just another boring board game or
a set of random educational videos downloaded on a website. Our Family
Club is nothing of the sort.
We are perfectly aware that children can find financial issues and
discussions boring and uninteresting when they are around adults.
Instead, your children will live an unparalleled training experience that will
get rid the association of finance and boredom from their mindsets…for
They will learn key financial skills and habits while having fun in the same
time, through our tailored interactive online courses.
Here are some examples of financial skills that your children will learn in
our online courses:
The Budget Module will teach your children how to create an
effective monthly budget and stick to it.
The Debt Module will explain them the difference between good debt
and bad debt; and how to leverage debt to become wealthy.
The Accounts Module will teach your children how to open current,
savings and investment accounts and how to make the most of them
in their daily lives.
The Professional Module will show your children how to land a well-
paid job or how to build a business by capitalizing on their hobbies.
These modules are just a glimpse of what a membership in Budget Brainiacs
can bring to your children in terms of financial literacy and guidance. In
addition, your children will get:
Flexible Lessons: each child of your household will follow the lessons
adapted to their age, preferences and level of understanding, as the
modules are divided by age range.
Continued Learning and Growth: your children will be able to
measure their level of understanding of the lessons learnt within the
different modules through our interactive quizzes and playful cheat
Practical Application: your children will be prepared to apply their
knowledge and newfound financial habits through simulations of real-
life situations, such as buying a car, creating a business, or looking
for a job.
Cool Rewards: every time they participate in quizzes, your children
will obtain rewards in points redeemable in our exclusive Club Store,
where they can acquire fun, useful prizes and goodies. Their friends
will be jealous!
In a nutshell, Budget Brainiacs is currently the perfect training for the
financial education of your children that exists on the market.
Indeed, our exclusive Family Club represents the perfect blend of thoughtful
financial expertise, creative knowledge dissemination adapted to children,
as well as an unprecedented didactic approach on money matters.
For all those reasons, Budget Brainiacs received several endorsements from
several child authorities, financial planners, banks, credit companies and
insurance companies.
Merrill Lynch
Beyond those professional endorsements, our Family Club members are the
best ones to talk about the benefits that their children reaped with Budget
Let’s hear what some of loyal members say about our Family Club:
“My local mommy group has done a lot of research to try and find
programs that teach our kids about money. Most websites are too
boring or too cartoon-y/childish. We needed something for older
kids (tweens), which was very hard to find. Then we came across
Budget Brainiacs and all I can say is HOORAY! Each of us enrolled in
the Club and our kids love earning points for stuff they really want…
while also learning how to budget for things and avoid debt. Thank
J. Sanders
“I home-school my children and I’m always looking for ways to
bring real-life lessons into my teaching. Your program is fantastic.
Every day, my kids ask… when are we going to Budget Brainiacs?
They love the games and they especially love earning points when
they pass the quizzes. They each opened a bank account, and now
they understand how interest works. It’s such a relief to know my
children will be well-prepared for managing their money when they
embark on their own lives as adults.”
T. Bazell
“I’m a professional mommy blogger who gets about 30,000 hits on
my website each month. Based on the comments on my blog posts
about Budget Brainiacs, you have a home run! My readers are very
enthusiastic about this club. Their kids are buzzing about the points
they can earn for cool prizes… but also, they talk about how dumb it
is to rack up debt and how you should plan ahead for big expenses.
These comments are coming from 13-year-olds! Wow! So glad you’re
out there. Thank you.”
H. Walters
If the future financial well-being of your children matters to you, Budget
Brainiacs will also be an essential part of your household. We guarantee you
that you won’t regret your subscription!
A Complete Learning Package with Excellent
Value for Money
Since we launched Budget Brainiacs six months ago, 1,000 families have
become loyal and satisfied members of Budget Brainiacs in the United
States and Canada.
Join them today and subscribe to our Online Club with your family for only:
$29 per month and per child enrolled
We believe that you’ll have an excellent value for money with Budget
Indeed, your children will get qualitative lessons on money management at
a price that is much lower than your children’s future college tuition fees.
And to the best of our knowledge, money management skills are definitely
not acquired during college years either.
If you feel as we do that our offer is fair and reasonable, then you will want
to find out without delay the benefits of a membership in Budget Brainiacs
for your children.
Just click on the link below and fill in the enclosed order page:
Once your order is validated, you will receive:
An immediate and unlimited secure access to your Budget Brainiacs
Family Center, with a unique ID and password sent by email. Your
children will be quickly able to start their journey with us!
An exclusive access to our online Forum where your children can meet
like-minded children and discuss different financial topics. Our Forum
is closely monitored to keep the discussions age-appropriate, so you
won’t have to worry about any illegitimate interference.
50 Bonus Points immediately redeemable in our Online Club Store as
a welcome gift. Thus, your children can choose any goodies of their
choice, provided they are worth below 50 points!
Moreover, if you answer before October 19th, 2020, you will also receive
our FREE SPECIAL REPORT called “10 Financial Lessons Every Parent
Should Teach His Children”.
Just give us 90 days to see the dramatic change in your children’s financial
knowledge! There is no reason that only a few people can benefit from this
knowledge and reap the benefits in their bank accounts.
Your children deserve to be financially prosperous.
We guarantee that Budget Brainiac will cater to your children’s learning
needs in financial matters and will bring them entire satisfaction.
However, should our Budget Brainiacs Family Club not measure up to
your expectations and those of your children in the next 90 days, you
may cancel your membership and you’ll receive a TOTAL REFUND of
your subscription fees.
Total freedom. No strings attached.
Your children deserve to have a bright financial future and to have the finest
things in life.
That’s why our FREE REPORT will be particularly helpful for you and your
FREE REPORT: 10 Financial Lessons Every Parent Should Teach His Children
Many parents don’t teach their children about money. And even if they want to, they often don’t know where to start.
Whatever your situation, we do believe that teaching your children about money will help your children to face real-life situations. Your children will learn valuable financial teachings from the Masters of Massive Wealth who live in our current age.
Your children will be more prosperous, financially savvy and worry-free. And this involves enjoying the finest things in life, retiring early, and…huge amounts on their bank accounts!
That’s why we have created this exclusive FREE REPORT to help parents to unapologetically teach their children about money. This report is an excellent supplement to our online modules.
With this free report, you’ll learn 10 valuable financial lessons to teach your children, such as:
Where does money come from? Why saving money is important The 7 Golden Rules of Investing The different asset classes and the ideal asset allocation for every age Inspiring stories from famous investors And more…
This report is not available in your local bookstores and/or on our Online Club Store. But if you answer this offer before October 19th, 2020, you’ll receive your FREE REPORT straight in your email with your secure access information.
Unfortunately, if you subscribe after that date, our FREE REPORT won’t be given away anymore.
Don’t wait any longer! Claim your membership in our Club today to get your FREE REPORT immediately!
Join Us Today and Start Reaping the Benefits of Your Membership for Your Children!
Look, we don’t have a crystal ball to tell you when your children will become
the next Buffetts or Rockefellers.
But what we can guarantee you is that Budget Brainiacs will improve your
children’s financial education and habits through its unique learning
Your children will benefit from useful and flexible lessons while having fun,
continued learning and growth in their financial knowledge, practical
application of what they learnt, as well as the coolest rewards ever.
And you’ll get all these benefits for only $29 per month and per child
Don’t wait too long to join our Family Club. We remind you that your
exclusive gifts will be available only if you subscribe before October
19th, 2020.
Join our Family Club today, get your online secure access and your two
bonuses, and let your children start their learning journey with Budget
CEO of BestFin Inc. and Creator of Budget Brainiacs
P.S. It’s important to note that your membership fees may be tax deductible through
the Lifetime Learning Credit Program. Ask your tax advisor.
Yes, I want to join the Budget Brainiacs Club
Today and start securing my children’s financial
Sign up to our Exclusive Club dedicated to your children’s financial
education today, and start reaping all the benefits of your Membership.
If you subscribe to Budget Brainiacs before October 19th, 2020, you’ll get:
BRAINIACS FAMILY CENTER, where your children can log
anytime to:
interactive modules
Get continued learning and growth with quizzes and fun cheat
through real-life simulations
We offer you 50 Bonus Points to boost your membership and enable your
children to choose any goodies of their choice as a welcome gift.
Lessons Every Parent Should Teach His Children”.
This Free Report is a wonderful complement to our online interactive
modules. It contains all the financial secrets that will help your children to
be financially savvy, secure, and prosperous.
In this unreleased report, you’ll learn 10 valuable financial lessons to teach
your children, including:
The different asset classes and the ideal asset allocation for
every age
And more…
You’ll get all these benefits for only $29 per month and per child
enrolled… with NO EXTRA CHARGE!
Moreover, we have good news for you! Your membership in our Budget
Brainiacs Exclusive Club is backed by our Money Back Guarantee…
As soon as your order is validated by our Customer Service, we’ll email you
a confirmation with your ID and secure password which will give you access
to all the benefits we listed above.
If you have any other questions about our Club, don’t hesitate to contact
our dedicated Customer Service. They are at your disposal from Monday to
Friday between 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. EST.
Should our Budget Brainiacs Club not measure up to your expectations
and those of your children in the next 90 days, you may cancel your
membership and you’ll receive a TOTAL REFUND of your subscription
Total freedom. No strings attached.
Just fill out the order form below…click on Order Now…and start watching
your emails very carefully!
Continuous Service Guarantee
When you sign up for a subscription to Budget Brainiacs, you’ll be billed $29
per month and per children. With our continuous service guarantee, you’ll
enjoy continuous service with automatic billing every month. That way, you
maintain your membership, with no other action to make.
And remember: you can cancel your membership anytime, and get a full
refund of your membership fees in the next 90 days.
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