EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This article report is an effort to understand the consumer behavior of the millennial generation in case of mobile phone purchase decision; the aim is to develop insights into the wide acceptance of Large Screen mobile phone amongst the millennial. This is a qualitative research which is exploratory in nature and the tool used for collecting information has been in-depth interview .This is also to ascertain the impact of factors like usability ,usefulness ,price ,brand and advertising on the purchase decision making process of mobile phone . The research is also to establish the reason large screen mobile phone has become the favored communication device for the majority of the millennial /generation Y .Those phones have become indispensable tools in millennial communication patterns. Among all millennial/generation Y, the frequency of use of texting has now overtaken the frequency of every other common form of interaction with their friends; this report is an effort to uncover the relation between the consumer habit and the new product development strategies of mobile company. The project will also analyze the impact of advertisement in the increasing acceptance of these devices. 1

Ogilvy & Mather

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Page 1: Ogilvy & Mather


This article report is an effort to understand the consumer behavior of the millennial generation

in case of mobile phone purchase decision; the aim is to develop insights into the wide

acceptance of Large Screen mobile phone amongst the millennial. This is a qualitative research

which is exploratory in nature and the tool used for collecting information has been in-depth

interview .This is also to ascertain the impact of factors like usability ,usefulness ,price ,brand

and advertising on the purchase decision making process of mobile phone . The research is also

to establish the reason large screen mobile phone has become the favored communication device

for the majority of the millennial /generation Y .Those phones have become indispensable tools

in millennial communication patterns. Among all millennial/generation Y, the frequency of use

of texting has now overtaken the frequency of every other common form of interaction with their

friends; this report is an effort to uncover the relation between the consumer habit and the new

product development strategies of mobile company. The project will also analyze the impact of

advertisement in the increasing acceptance of these devices.


Page 2: Ogilvy & Mather


What has constantly characterized Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide is its capacity to assemble

brands. Brand building is the core competency of Ogilvy & Mather.

Ogilvy & Mather was established in 1948 by David Ogilvy, with support by a past head honcho,

the London promoting organization Mather & Crowther. Ogilvy opened his U.S. shop as

"Hewitt, Ogilvy, Benson, & Mather" in Manhattan with a staff of two and no clients.

Ogilvy was obtained by the WPP Group in 1989 for $864 million. A lot has changed at Ogilvy

since then but a core principle that still holds relevance “If it doesn’t sell it isn’t creative” is still

the main working principle at Ogilvy& Mather . (http://www.ogilvy.com/)

The distinction is that building brands today obliges a sharp comprehension of how new

interchanges innovation, new channels, and energetic inventiveness consolidate. This is a world

where the buyer is presently in control at Ogilvy advertisement follows the customer, and

purchaser understanding is central, thus the quality and differences of work are key. A

contemporary viewpoint and genuine social attunement are at the core of the work done by

Ogilvy. 360 Degree Brand Stewardship®, implies an eagerness to utilize the broadest exhibit of

instruments and systems to comprehend, create and improve the relationship between a buyer

and a brand.

Worldwide 360 Degree Brand Stewardship® is a marriage of nearby know-how with an overall

system fit for articulating brands as they cross fringes - indispensable to the developing number

of multinational customers looking to influence their intense brands in new markets far and wide.



Page 3: Ogilvy & Mather


The Indian advertising industry is talking business today. It has made from being a little scale

business to a conspicuous industry. It has developed as one of the real business endeavors and

tertiary parts and has extended its points of view be it the imaginative viewpoint, the capital

utilized or the measure of work force included. Indian publicizing industry rapidly has cut a

quality for itself and set itself on the general associate.

Publicizing work environments in the nation too have taken a ricochet. They have propelled past

anyone's yearnings from being little and medium measured business attempts to winding up

being no ifs ands or buts understood brands in the business. Mudra, Ogilvy and Mathew (O&M),

McCann Ericson, Reinfusion, Leo Burnett are a rate of the top relationship of the nation.


Indian economy is on an effect and the business region is on a steady trail of progression. With

the business portion getting grounds Indian publicizing has each motivation to celebrate.

Affiliations are regarding publicizing as a device to adventure business opportunities. Change in

business has lead to a tenacious effect in the publicizing business additionally.

The Indian publicizing today handles both national and general attempts. This is mainly in

context of the reason that the business offers a significant get-together of capacities to its

customers that join everything totally that unite customer changing, media coordinating, media

purchasing, innovative conceptualization, pre and post crusade examination, quantifiable looking

over, publicizing, checking, and open affiliation associations. (www.indianmirror.com)

Reviewing the present pace at which the Indian propelling industry is moving the business is

obliged to witness a basic effect in the times ahead. In the event that the powers are to be

recognized then the business in the nearing times will layout a vital obligation to the GDP. With

all this there is decidedly no thinking back for the Indian propelling industry that is all organized

to win gifts from the world over.


Page 4: Ogilvy & Mather

Structure of the Advertising Industry

Exhaustively talking, after the 1980s, most advancing associations have tended to move towards

a run of the mill structure. In spite of the fact that beforehand, every individual office offered a

blended sack of unmistakable publicizing organizations under a single housetop, the quick

advancement and irregularity of the media business since the mid-1980s (for case the

development of connection and electronic channels), and what's more the refusal of clients to pay

for organizations they didn't require, asked most generous associations to turn out their more

invested critical energy in house divisions as separated workplaces in their own specific right.

Meanwhile, while the amount of individual workplaces offering particular organizations has

along these lines extended, obligation regarding workplaces has concentrated radically.

Tremendous mix within the business has incited incalculable and acquisitions, and the creation at

the top end of the business area of a bit of social occasion of huge holding associations, each of

whom claims or controls a broad number of specific workplaces. There are without still

proprietor worked associations out there, yet in ever less numbers than at whatever time in late

memory sooner or later as of late, and most are little by examination with the social occasion had

brands. (Adbrands.net)

Holding associations. Sitting at the astoundingly top of the business pyramid are somewhat

number of holding associations. In a matter of seconds, there are four developed overall social

occasions - WPP, Omnicom, Publicist Grouped and Interpublic - each of whom controls

incalculable office brands spread all over the place all through the globe. Generally, the holding

association does exclude itself a great deal in ordinary advancing, yet satisfies desires with its

reinforcement associations to bolster intra-group coordinated effort and to make approach. Until

starting late, there were then at the accompanying level, a bit number of normal size holding

association social affairs, for instance, Western-had Haves and Aegis and Japan's Dents and

Hakuhodo DY. But each of these controlled a couple marks, their degree was more for the most

part obliged, either to the extent geographic accomplish (by virtue of the Japanese associations,

who tend to work transcendently in Asia) or the extent of organizations they offer (Aegis for


Page 5: Ogilvy & Mather

occasion was a specialist in media, and offered no standard advancing organizations). However

these top and focus levels are they amid the time spent further mix. Dentsu's getting of Aegis,

furthermore of a couple of Western advancing associations, effectively pushes it up into the top

rank. There are moreover two or three humbler holding associations, most prominently MDC

Partners in North America, who resemble their greater adversaries to the extent the amount of

different brands they control, yet on an all that much smaller, now and again more specific scale.

Advertising Agencies. The term advertising agency (or from time to time creative association) is

all around joined with an association whose key part is to envision and make immense scale

showcasing thoughts for its clients. By and large, advancing workplaces think about the inside

thought for a showcasing campaign and after that make a movement of notification which

addresses that idea transversely over unmistakable media. They tend to have down to earth

involvement in what is brought over the-line publicizing: notices which address a mass market

through the four important media of TV, print, radio and outdoors (productions). The instrument

for the most part associated with the standard publicizing association is the 30-second TV plug.

Regardless, the impact of cutting edge advancing, eventually back thought to be one of the

underneath the-line requests, has changed the method for the standard publicizing office.

Continuously these associations are being pushed by their clients to give brightness in cutting

edge advancing furthermore the more settled mass business media.

There are three sorts of routine advertising association. The most discriminating are the 14 or

some place in the region general frameworks, for instance, BBDO, McCann Erickson, Leo

Burnett or Saatchi & Saatchi. Each of these works an overall framework, incorporating adjacent

stamped work environments in upwards of 100 or more different countries. The frameworks

have grown up basically to serve multinational client associations, for instance, Ford or Procter

& Gamble, who wish to give an unfaltering publicizing message in every one of the countries in

which they work. Everything aside from one (two in case we fuse Japan-driven Dentsu) of the

overall frameworks are in the blink of an eye controlled by the "colossal four" holding

associations. (The sole overall extraordinary case is Haves). Therefore, they discover themselves

ready to offer clients the best possible extent of advancing organizations by calling upon the

assistance and cooperation of sister associations under the same general umbrella.


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At the accompanying level are "littler scale frameworks", as a less than dependable rule known

as multi-focus point creative frameworks. These are an about late creation, tantamount in

numerous ways to deal with the genuine frameworks, however meeting expectations a far more

diminutive framework, with possibly only four or five (every so often more) general working

environments, generally in key regional core interests. Consistently they offer a uniquely crafted

organization for all the additionally asking for multinational clients, generally with the indication

of fundamental creative work. Cases consolidate Bartle Bogle Hegarty and Wieden & Kennedy.

As a less than dependable rule they will be used by a client to come up with the inside thought

for an overall showcasing fight, which will then be executed or balanced for close-by business

sectors by a more comprehensively circled general framework.

At the most diminished level of the overall chain, there still exists a third sort: standalone

associations, once in a while free, as a less than dependable rule guaranteed by one of the

genuine social occasions. They tend to work just in their own specific country, regardless of the

way that they may have associations with workplaces in diverse markets. The more prominent of

these standalone workplaces are frequently prepared to offer a broad mixture of other advancing

aptitudes past innovative publicizing (tallying those depicted underneath). Taking all things into

account, they every so often imply themselves as full-organization workplaces. Others, ordinarily

tinier more entrepreneurial workplaces, have some mastery in peculiar creative thoughts, on a

very basic level for TV, and are from time to time suggested as imaginative boutiques.

Regardless, these workplaces are ending up being continuously remarkable, especially as

independents. A great part of the time, selective self-sufficient innovative workplaces are eaten

up by the greater holding associations within three to five years, and are either met into a present

publicizing framework, for instance, DDB, McCann thus on to bolster its creative capacity; or

left to act as a standalone brand, yet with the budgetary security gave by a greater and wealthier

proprietor. For the most part as consistently in any case, senior authorities split a long way from

the genuine workplaces to set up their own specific free associations, which either flourish and

get ate up again in their turn by one of the majors, or obscure away.


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Global Ad Pie

Figure 1

USA leads the advertising pie with 41.30% share of the advertising industry followed by Japan at

12.80% and 10.70% by China.

(Pitch-Madison, 2015)


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The term 'Smartphone', suggests a blended media phone handset, which is a multifunctional

electronic device that has components stretching out from Camera, Audio-Video Playback, Web

looking to a high-thickness screen demonstrate close by a couple of other sight and sound

choices. As indicated by Businessdictionary.com,” Smartphone is a cell phone which fuses limits

like those found on PCs. Phone gives a one-stop answer for flexible calls, email sending, and

Internet access.” PDA is moderate in size and consistently just fairly more noteworthy than

standard mobile phones. A Smartphone is truly a cell phone, in light of an Operating System,

which have all the huge components of a Computer, like web seeking, informing, element and

voice going by, stable element playback, and others. A few years back, a Smartphone was a PDA

(individual propelled right hand) having the calling components like a phone? In any case,

nowadays, the cell phones have the convenience of included media players, negligible automated

camera, GPS et cetera. (Surendra Malviya, 2013) Today, all the Smartphone's has a high-

thickness screen determination allowing the handset to demonstrate each one of the destinations

in their standard arrangements as they appear on the PC screens. Nowadays the dominant part of

the locales is pushing their versatile structures as well, and a couple of utilizations which can be

running on the Smartphone OS clearly. For better system, hi speed data is in like manner made

open through Wi-fi, 3G and 4G data affiliations. In the past 2-4 years, the quick change of

compact – applications has brought on an origination of the new adaptable applications business

division, allowing a lot of trade to happen through versatile stage additionally, which has been a

critical reason behind people to get the Smartphone

This paper is an effort to understand and generate insights on the rise of acceptability in the large

screen mobile phone segment amongst the millennial class.


Page 9: Ogilvy & Mather


The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), defines advertising as:"The means of

providing the most persuasive possible selling message to the right prospects at the lowest

possible cost".

Definitions of Advertisement:

Today, advertising has a premier importance. Main function of advertising is to create positive

influences for product or service, ultimately leading to the purchase of that product or service

(Adeolu B. Ayanwale, 2005)

Advertising affect the brand attitude. Similarly, advertising has traditionally been used to "equate

products with positive cultural or social experiences” as said by. (Kliein, 2000)

Newspapers, magazines, radio, T.V and an Internet are really significant source of

communication in today’s world. Different types of advertising appeals are used by companies to

encourage individuals to buy their products (Fathi, 2010)

As Manrai et al. (1992) said, “The basic idea behind an advertisement or the basic reason why

an audience should act is an appeal. These appeals tend to make the e audience and readers move

and connect them in a way where they feel the advertisement is speaking their demands.” As

Stafford (1993) said, “An individual must have a reason for buying a product; that reason is

either emotional or rational”.

By examining the definitions of attitude and confidence, differences between the constructs are

revealed. First, although confidence and attitude are both derived mental states from past

experiences, confidence requires more effort in rational thinking and reflection, whereas attitude

represents a more emotional expression. (Daugherty, 2015)

In all, this study expands the literature concerning the public's view of advertising. Current

research stresses the role of attitude as the dominant determinant of consumer perceptions. It is

our belief that consumer confidence in advertising also serves a strong influence in shaping those

perceptions, and that consumers' attitude toward advertising and their confidence in advertising

are distinctly individual constructs that are composed of different institutional and instrumental


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beliefs. By combining five constructs into the model, we are able to examine advertising beliefs

under a wider scope as well as gauging their respective roles in shaping consumers’ attitude and

confidence, and therefore provide better understanding about the relative impact of each function

on consumers’ perception of advertising. (Daugherty, 2015)

The message by the advertiser is the most important thing in Advertising. The way

message is communicated to the viewers, readers and audience is done through the appeal, the

advertisement carries. Perception regarding the product is formed by the appeal in any

advertisement. As asserted by (Fathi, 2010)“An individual’s recognition needs and information

processing styles both have an influence on the advertising perception”.

“Advertising appeals can be classified as emotional or rational, based on messages in the given

context”. Then these two broad appeals are further classified into music, humor, fear, sex,

romantic, statistic, comparison, adventure, and band wagon appeals etc.”


Figure 2

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Samsungs use of social emotional ads to intense social listening in the launch lead-up to help

identify the persistent rumors about what the fan boy community was expecting to see from the

new device and how they might be disappointed. We needed to find a way to get press coverage

around the timing of the event that would deflate the buzz and show consumers that the new

phone was not as innovative as its competitor's marketing made it seem. (Samsung)

The media of social message have its great impact all around, similarly advertising, which use

media as its tools, is a persuasive and powerful force that is shaping behavior and attitude in

society. Social advertisements are continuously trying to convince people for social cause such

as leaving the drug, quit smoking or stop violence etc. Every person in the world is consumer of

social campaigns. Basically social advertisements are developed by different government or

nongovernment organizations. Intentions behind social advertisements are to break down the

practice of undesired behavior in society or to stimulate the desirable practices towards

environment, people and surroundings. (Noveli, 1981) (Ashis Sharma, 2012)

The examination goes for discovering the variables that majorly impact the purchasing choice of

a client while picking a Smartphone. By perusing the applicable writing, different variables have

been found, taking into account which the customer picks the Smartphone

A. Item Features: A component is a quality of an item that to meet with the fulfillment level of

customers' necessities and needs through the owning of the item, use, and usage of an item

(Kotler et.al. 2007).

B. Value: Nagle and Holden (2002) expressed that cost can assume a part as a money related

quality whereby the customers to exchange it with the administrations or items that were being

sold by the merchants. Costs will dependably is the key concern of customers' before settling on

any obtaining choice.

C. Brand Name: In late changing worldwide environment, upper hand, beneficial ways and

efficiencies are the most critical apparatuses that organizations are compelled to look for keeping

in mind the end goal to separate among them in the business world

Brand names are the valuable assets that help correspond quality and suggest precise knowledge

structures which are related to the brand (Srinivasan and Till, 2002).


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D. Social Influences: Social influences means one person causes in another to make a change on

his/her feelings, attitudes, thoughts and Social behavior, intentionally or unintentionally (Reshot,

2007). It results from interacting with each other. Social influence includes the influence of

media, parents and peers. Social Influence is defined as the degree to which an individual

perceives that important others believe he or she should use the new system (Venkatesh, 2002).

This study goes for distinguishing the key components which have a ruling impact on the buyers'

brains while making a buy of Smartphone. Study looks into what have been done various times

in remote nations, particularly the created nations, however taking India into point of view, fewer

studies have been performed. For the most part, the demographic variables have been given

significance. The rise of large screen Smartphone in a market like India has grabbed the attention

of the marketers as this millennial generation has widely switched over to bigger screen phone.

This paper will be of great resource to marketer to understand the consumer needs and usability

pattern which can be incorporated in the new product development strategies to provide the best

device possible and to differentiate its product from the rest. This paper will also be beneficial to

the advertisers who can garner insights into the perception of the millennial generation towards

the Smartphone.


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OBJECTIVE To uncover reasons that are causing millennial/generation Y to increasingly choose large

screen phones.

To analyze the impact of advertisement in the increasing acceptance of large screen

mobile phones amongst the millennial/generation Y.

To uncover the relation between the consumer habit and the new product development

strategies of mobile company.


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A Qualitative research has been conducted to explore and gain insights to the millennial

mobile buying habits as I wanted to uncover the unknown reason to the explosion of

large screen mobile phone in the market and to define the opportunities it brings to the

mobile marketer, this project is also an effort to go deeper into issues of interest and

explore the nuances related to the buying behavior of the millennial generation with

reference to mobile phones.

The data collection methods used in this project is:


1. In-depth interview:

Conducted intensive individual interviews with five millennial to explore and understand

their perspectives on why is our mobile phone screen getting larger day by day.

A thirty minutes interview with five millennial has helped in developing insights on the


2. Observation: Observation of the buying trends at mobile store has helped in

establishing the general trends in consumer purchase behavior and defines the emerging

trends in it.


•Secondary research – study of popular culture and content consumption habits of the

Target Group. Study of various research paper, case study and books have given us a

plethora of information and the findings of the study are purely based upon it.

•Study of emerging trends in advertising in the smart phone category:

In 2014, we saw a couple empowering enhancements in the domain of adaptable.

Microsoft bought Nokia's mobile phones unit and Lenovo got Motorola from Google.

The rising of Chinese mobile phone creators crippled broad players, while One Plus

dispatched the Flagship Killer with an imaginative advancing arrangement. Apple

smoothly recognized the sweeping screen phone steamed at pushing the 5.5-inch phone

what's more, and completely modified portions with the dispatch of Apple Pay.


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Wearables like Google Glass, Smart Watches and diverse health trackers were the

masterpieces of the year.

Versatile is arranged to make an impressively more prominent impact this year by

bringing truly charming experiences into buyer hands. As compact use continues rising

and shape customer wishes, brands should reexamine their strategy to win, serve, and

hold customers. Convenient is in no time the vital wellspring of information and action.

In view of its feasibility and the ability to accomplish people at whatever time, wherever,

every brand needs an effective flexible advancing procedure.


To learn more about mobile device adoption among millennial we conducted in depth

interview with five millennial. Our participants were drawn from the various classes of

the Amity Business School department and Amity International Business School


We interviewed 5 individuals (3 girls and 2 boys), whose mean age was 20. One was

from MBA IB 2016 batch who is currently using i-phone 5S, 2 were from MBA General

2016 batch one amongst them was using Samsung Galaxy 5 and the other currently uses

micromax Canvas, 2 boys were from MBA M&S 2016 batch one amongst them uses a

Motorola G2 and the other is currently using two small screen phones i.e. Samsung and



The interview questions covered the following topics: current phone ownership and use,

interest in a Smartphone, usefulness of

Smartphone’s(messaging ,communication ,transaction), usability of Smartphone’s(video

consumption, image viewing, reading books ,gaming ,surfing ), use of participant’s own

Smartphone , problem identification on the current phone.

Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) inspired specific questions separating

usability and usefulness. The TAM describes a user’s motivation to use a product in

terms of the perceived usefulness of the product, and the perceived ease of use.


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Figure 3



Informed consent was obtained in advance and the interview questions were also made

available in advance. We informed participants that we wanted to learn their opinions about

Smartphone’s, barriers to using one, or problems that researchers should be aware of. Each

session lasted up to 30 minutes, and covered the appropriate interview topics, depending

on the devices the participant owned. We showed participants the phone as an example

Smartphone. . We demonstrated and discussed several ways of enlarging screen objects,

inviting comments on the usability of each.

Results – They had had their current phone for less than 1 year (2 people), 1-3 years (2

people), or more than 3 years (1 people). These were all Smartphone’s 3 of them were large

screen whereas 2 were small screen phone. They used their phones more than 5 times a day

(4 people), 1-5 times a day (1 person ).

2 participants owned another kind of touch-screen device: an iPod (1 person), pad Mini (1

person ), Only 2 participant had both a Smartphone and a tablet device.


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Usefulness of a Smartphone:

Majority of participants felt that a Smartphone would be ‘very useful’ in their day-to-day

life, if it was easy to use When asked what they thought they would use it for, if they had

one, their responses were: phone calls ; Internet ; Facebook , maps/directions ; music ;

camera ; text messaging ; contacts ; weather ; TV/entertainment ; games ; notes ;

emergencies , email ; and video chat .

Usability of a Smartphone Among the group as a whole,

Majority of participants agreed with a statement that a Smartphone takes a lot of visual

effort to use, and agreed that it takes a lot of mental effort too. Only 1 of participants

agreed that it takes a lot of physical effort to use a Smartphone.

In general, participants considered a large screen Smartphone to be easier to use than a flip

phone. Reasons included larger text and buttons, no need to flip it open, fewer steps needed

to find and dial contacts, and the ability to see all the functions on the screen rather than

having them hidden in menus. One participant said “It is easier because people can see how

it works now. People can see what’s on the screen and see what you can do

Technology Adoption Consistent with prior work, we found higher adoption of large screen

phones devices than tablets. Their larger screens provide larger touch targets, and larger text. Our

interview data suggest that large screen Smartphone is something very useful which provides

multi-tasking capacities and also are physically easy to use as all resourceful work can be

integrated through a single hand held device .

Touch-Screen Usability

In general, participants felt very positive about their ability to use tap, slide and swipe actions

and all were able to make these motions on the touch screen. The swipe operation (used to move

between pictures in the Photos app); seemed easy for everyone to perform as a swipe does not

require fine positioning.


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The effect of mobile phone screen size on video based learning:

This paper helps in identifying the underlying reasons on how mobile phone screen size impacts

video based learning and ascertain the value of video for mobile learning .The variables of this

study are human visual perception and attention span of the learner, the motivating factor of

videos in learning .It also highlights the realistic depiction of reality that enhances the learning

experience and how portability enhances the performance of the learner. (Maniar, 2008)

Upon thorough research it has been observed that video based learning is inhibited in case the

video based material is displayed on a mobile device with a small screen mobile phone ,to

ascertain the fact we also included a question pertaining to the video consumption habit amongst

the participants in the in-depth interview to which all of them confirmed the view that Video

consumption over large screen phone has been an integral part of their mobile usage .The result

are as follows : 2 person view 5 or more videos in a day mostly through facebook

2 person view 3 videos mostly through YouTube (music videos)

1 person views 1-2 video over the week.

Our primary & secondary research also confirms the rising popularity of facebook over YouTube

in terms of video consumption.


While large screen mobile phone enhances the learning experience and enables a platform to

learn anything ,anyplace it is also impacted by lack of data input capability , low storage , low

bandwidth , limited processor speed , short battery life , lack of standardization , limited

interoperability ,compatibility issues , low screen resolution , small screen size. These factors

can inhibit the success of learning through mobile phones.

Upon the study of the paper it has been found that the learner’s subjective opinion of

learning via video differs based on the screen size, while few view the screen size to be a

critical factor others were almost equally satisfied with a small screen phone too.


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Larger screen size result in a significantly higher amount of information learnt via video

as it gains better attraction and provides a clearer resolution ,this finding is a crucial one

as this means that more mobile ready video needs to be created by the marketers .

As stated above the characteristics of the learner such as their preferred learning style or

cognitive traits may influence the results of the study. (Maniar, 2008)

Advertising and its impact on the acceptance of large screen mobile phone.Advertising has undergone a plethora of changes. The ubiquity of internet and available

technologies has opened up opportunities that an advertiser can leverage. Earlier advertisers used

media as a channel for mass communication but right now location-aware advertising (LAA) has

been the preferred medium of advertising. Direct marketing ensures favorable response and is a

profitable approach.Geographical segmentation and messages which are put forward on the basis

of location and at a time when the customer are most likely to take a purchase decision are the

best output of LAA .LAA is clearly taking the lead as compared to internet advertising by more

than 5 to 10 times.

Skeptics still doubt the full potential of LAA as privacy becomes a concern and also the

bandwidth is still a problem in India as it is not constant but the rise of Large screen phones are

clearly a positive sign for this phenomena, the rise of third generation mobile phone with

transmission up to 2mbps and better storage capacity will ensure that these advertising medium

is on the rise. Technological development has been an impediment to research into mobile

commerce. This paper aims to research and examine the differential effects of text and

multimedia advertising content types on mobile consumer behavior in terms of intention to reuse

the service as well as product purchase intention. The findings of this research will significantly

advance our understanding of the potential of location-aware advertising as a type of mobile

commerce application. (Lih-Bin Oh)

A question pertaining to the impact of advertisement on the purchase decision related to mobile

phone was included in the in-depth interview to gain insights and 3 out of 5 were motivated to

make the purchase decision due to the advertisement and the other two bought the phones due to

Word of Mouth.


Page 20: Ogilvy & Mather

The research also confirmed the view that there was a lot of clutter in the advertising of mobile

phones and the purchase decision was predominantly based upon the market hype as well as the

features provided in the mobile, the millennial use the website to check the configuration and

compare the different choices available to them before making the final purchase decision.

A structural model ‘the Hierarchy of effects’ was used to ascertain the effects of multimedia on

in formativeness and entertainment .Evidence also suggests that multimedia has a significant

impact on purchase behavior.

The findings of this study ascertain that in the context of LAA multimedia has a positive effect

on entertainment and informativeness, the impact of multimedia is more on the later i.e. in

formativeness. The findings of this study is important to the marketers who are eager to leverage

from the availability of multimedia enabled devices and advancements in precision in positioning

.This research has uncovered the potential impacts that multimedia location-aware advertising

will have on mobile commerce consumer behavior. There seems to be some evidence to indicate

that relevant, personalized, and location-sensitive multimedia advertisements delivered to a

consumer’s mobile device will entice impulse buying to a certain extent. Merchants need to

personalize the information according to customer needs.

From the survey investigation it is built up that the shoppers are exceptionally subject to ads

from the part of brand inclination, buying choice and brand review. The organizations show

notices of their items to impact shoppers towards a brand. Shopper impression of a brand can be

in positive or in negative that relies on the sort of publicizing request utilized. Most organizations

pick a passionate request in their advertisement to point the enthusiastic parts of customers like a

few events, family way of life, connections, party and so on. Ads offices are more develop and

capable towards society. They now make quality and reasonable promotions and that

demonstrates the brand development and status


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•We can reason that, the elements like Price, Brand Preferences, Features and Social Influences

have an overwhelming effect on Consumer Purchase Decision towards Smartphone’s in Indore.

•This examination affirmed the noteworthiness of Pricing, Features, Brand inclinations, Social

Influence as vital elements which add to the buy choice of the Smartphone’s.

•Social Influence represents the Brands utilized by the individuals as a materialistic trifle,

particularly for Apple and Samsung items.

• Features have dependably been so vital, as they shape the item details and the customers give

careful consideration towards the elements of a Smartphone.

•The Smartphone is needed by the Consumers in directing a few assignments like, searching

web, taking care of records, uniting with informal organizations and so forth all of which makes

a buyer buy a Smartphone.

•Features of a Smartphone are likewise considered by a Consumer, as a critical motivation to buy

a Smartphone, as regular utilization of web, camera, office records and so on. On one hand,

elements go about as motivation to buy, then again, components contrast from brand to mark.

• Sony and MicroMax, both offer cameras, yet the camera quality controlled by Sony is viewed

as better than MicroMax and numerous different brands. In this manner, highlights additionally

go about as separation considers Brand Preferences.

•Several individual variables like Configuration, Storage Space, WI-If, GPS, Touch screen,

High-Resolution Camera, Applications were discovered to be considered very essential by

purchasers while looking upon the Feature of a Smartphone.

•Operating System additionally had a genuinely decent effect on the Brand Preference, making a

powerless however sufficiently worth variables to be considered while building up Brand

separation. Customers have additionally demonstrated an inclination of relating their motivations

to buy the Smartphone with the Brand differential elements.


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Another electronic gadget called Smartphone is rapidly swinging to be the most flexible device.

Versatility of this advanced mobile phone has been gigantic this study has highlighted the

significance of distinctive segments like brand, social picture, development and strength as

noteworthy part in buy choice amongst the millennial. This study will be profoundly gainful to

the portable advertiser as this study has been directed upon the millennial era who will be the

leaders of tomorrow .The bits of knowledge of this examination will be especially valuable in

surveying the ascent in the acknowledgment of vast screen cell telephones .

Keeping in mind the end goal to quantify the impact of screen size on saw convenience,

adequacy and effectiveness of the telephone, top to bottom meeting has been led to reveal the

obscure reasons and realities.

Our discoveries demonstrate that the clients who utilize the telephone for data looking for

assignment web searching, to play amusements, watch media are in an ideal situation while

utilizing the extensive screen telephone as it has better determination and can multitask

better ,the elements that effect the ease of use are transmission capacity ,stockpiling ,working

framework amongst others. The discoveries likewise coordinated towards the screen being large

to the point that movability could turn into a worry and the client is not able to hold it in one

hand Screen size has a high effect on the adequacy, proficiency and function ability of the



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