office manual-26.6.13.odt

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  • 8/9/2019 office manual-26.6.13.odt




    CONTENTS1.General definition 2

    2.General guidelines 23.General office procedures 44. Server Maintenance 65.Project flow stages 66.RolesResponsi!ilities " wor# procedures of depart$ents

    6a. %ront office dept & 'd$in (

    6!. 'rc)itectural depart$ent *

    6c. Structural depart$ent 16

    6d. +uantit, esti$ation depart$ent 1*

    -)ec# list for preparing sti$ate 2/

    -)ec# list for passing 0ill 2/

    -)ec# list for receiving uotation 21

    -ivil sti$ation Standard Annexure -VII

    6e. Services ngineering epart$ent 21

    -)ec# list for issuing Plu$!ing dwg 21

    -)ec# list for lectrical dwg 22

    lect.&Plu$!ing sti$ation Standard Annexure -VIII

    6f. Project coordination depart$ent 22

    6g. 'ccounts dept 23

    6). .R depart$ent 23








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    1.Genera !e"#n#$#%n


    7)e purpose of t)is $anual is to serve as a guide to t)e functionsduties andresponsi!ilities of consulting arc)itects and engineers in t)e design docu$entation ad$inistrationand !uilding projects for t)e depart$ent. 8ou are reuired to e9ecute ,our wor# in accordance wit)t)is $anual and wit) suc) supple$entar, instruction as t)e depart$ent $a, issue fro$ ti$e toti$e.

    T&e %""#'e ne$(%r) '%n*#*$ $&e "%%(#n+ !e,ar$en$*

    A!#n#*$ra$#%n e,ar$en$

    Ar'$e'$ura e,ar$en$

    S$ru'$ura En+#neer#n+ e,ar$en$

    /uan$#$0 Sure0#n+ e,ar$en$

    r%e'$ C%%r!#na$#%n e,ar$en$*

    Ser#'e* En+#neer#n+ e,ar$en$

    A''%un$* e,ar$en$* R e,ar$en$

    2.Genera Gu#!e#ne*

    O""#'e (%r)#n+ &%ur*

    :or#ing )ours of t)e office will !e fro$ (.3/ a.$. to 5.15 p.$. :it) 45 $inutes

    lunc) !rea# fro$ 1.// to 1.45 p.$.7)e prescri!ed wor#ing )oursincluding t)e lunc) !rea#s)ould !e strictl, ad)ered!, ever, !od,.ntr,"e9it ti$ing register and attendance register at are to !e signed dail,;ate attendance of an e$plo,ee $a, !e condoned if caused !, reasons !e,ond )is control

    !ut not $ore t)an twice a $ont) .Staff s)ould in office wit)in (.3/a$.:e give grading of

  • 8/9/2019 office manual-26.6.13.odt


    3U*e %" Tee,&%ne


    O""#'e Ex$en*#%n Nu7er*Reception 1/Meeting roo$ 11'ccount roo$ 12Studio 13Project coordinator 14'rc)itecture ead 15Structural roo$ 16+uantit, surve,or 1=ServicePlu$!ing&elec 1(Pantr, 1*

    Server roo$ 2/Securit, 210ac# side ouse 22-ordless p)one 23

    >se of private e$ail is discouraged and use of internet c)atting is pro)i!ited.?fficial telep)ones s)ould not !e used for private calls.

    V#*#$%r*Personal visitors are not encouraged during office )ours @f for urgent or unavoida!lereasonsvisitors do co$e to office pre$ises t)e, will !e reuested to give t)eir full

    particulars in t)e AisitorsB 0oo# at t)e Reception and wait at t)e Reception. 7)eReceptionist will infor$ t)e ngineer&'rc)itect supervising t)e wor# of t)e person w)o$t)e visitor wants to $eet and on )is approving it t)e person $a, $eet t)e visitor in t)eReception pre$ises. Personal visitors cannot visit t)e wor#ing area or t)e Pantr, under an,circu$stances.

    C%n!u'$ an! !#*'#,#ne'll persons wor#ing in t)e office s)all $aintain proper decoru$ in office at all ti$es

    'll e$plo,ees are e9pected to !e properl, and neatl, dressed w)ile t)e, are on dut,.

    7al#ing ver, loudl, so as to cause distur!ance for ot)ers s)ould !e avoided.

    U*e %" 'e ,&%ne*Personal cell p)ones s)all !e #ept in BsilentB $ode during office )ours

    E'%n%0T&e "%%(#n+ #$e* $% 7e %7*ere! 70 $&e &ea!* %" a !e,ar$en$*>se of electricit, and electrical appliances>se Paper and ot)er consu$a!les7elep)one%a9

    Printing&p)otocop,ingPurc)ase of Stores etc.

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    3.Genera %""#'e ,r%'e!ure*

    3.a. C%%n %""#'e ,r%'e!ure $% 7e "%%(e!

    F##n+ %" ,a,er*

    ' proper filing s,ste$ is essential for convenient identificationsortingstorage and retrievalof papers

    O,en#n+ %" "#e*

    'll files in t)e office s)all !e opened under t)e %unctional %illing S,ste$ as descri!ed!elowC


    1 2 < / 1 1 P ' R / / 1 R / /9 8S : 9Or#+#n 9 ,r%e'$ n% : 9 S$a+e : 9e,ar$en$: 9%'uen$ N%: 9Re#*#%n:


    8S98ear %" ,r%e'$:

    Project started ,earOr#+#n C%!e


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    1.'rc)itecture 'R 2.Structure S7

    3.Services S lectricalP Plu$!ing; ;ig)ting' 'irconditioning- -o$$unication


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    3.7. %u*e )ee,#n+


    -leaning and dusting of entire office including t)e Reception areaall roo$s cu!iclesand )all on all wor#ing da,s and ot)er da,s w)en staff is present in t)e office.

    @ntensive cleaning& vacuu$ing of t)e entire office pre$ises will !e underta#en onSaturda,s for w)ic) at least t)ree persons will !e deplo,ed.

    ail, cleaning of co$puter server roo$s.

    Re$oving of litter and waste $aterial fro$ waste !as#ets etc.

    -leaning of toiletswas)!asins and ot)er surfacesand $aintaining t)e$ inclean and spar#ling state t)roug) out wit) adeuate disinfectants and fragrance;iuid soapwill !e filled in dispensers nap)t)alene !alls placed in urinals and air purifiers provided and$aintained. 7issue rolls will also !e replenis)ed.

    Provision replace$ent and cleaning of towels in t)e officers roo$s and on was)!asins etc.

    -leaning and dusting of entire furniture. fittings and euip$ent and ot)er vertical surfaces

    ouse #eeping c)ec# list

    %u*e ;ee,#n+

    Replenis)ing drin#ing water in !ottles on water dispensers.

    Placing drin#ing water in clean flas#s and glasses in -onference roo$s.

    Switc)ing on and putting off t)e 'ir conditioners at appropriate ti$es and $aintenanceof proper te$perature.

    4.Serer Ma#n$enan'e 9ReferANNEXURE-I for detailed description:

    5.r%e'$ "%( *$a+e*

    5.1.nuir, StageC

    a. %or$ 1' to !e co$pleted!. %or$ 10 " Presentation to !e co$pleted

    5.2.'ppoint$ent StageC

    a. %or$ 2

  • 8/9/2019 office manual-26.6.13.odt


    ser login

    Nex$ J

    sers " -o$puters -o$puters >sers Per$ission Setting create or edit

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    2ser na$e

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    3.1 SCAN OTION

    a: S'an %,$#%n "%r @C@ !r#e

    S$ar$-----Run----- T0,e C!-----O) N%$a$#%n*

    1: 9-----:!en%$e* ENTERT0,e '&)!*) F------- En$er 2: 9E: @E@ r#e


    7: S'an %,$#%n "%r @E@ !r#e

    T0,e E ------

    '&)!*) F ------ 8N-----8------



    M0 '%,u$er----@'@ !r#e ----- r%,er$#e*-----T%%*----C&e') n%( tick Automatic

    ------S$ar$-------S'&e!ue !#*) C&e')------


    9r':M0 '%,u$er----@'@ !r#e ----- r%,er$#e*-----T%%*----C&e') n%( tick Automatic

    ------S$ar$-------S'&e!ue !#*) C&e')------

    3.2 I ARESS CEC;

    9r': 9r': Ne$(%r)-----ne$(%r) *&ar#n+-----'&an+e a!%,$er-----9TCI er*#%n 4 : tick Automatic

    ---- r%,er$#e*----- I, A!!re** 12.16=.1.2

  • 8/9/2019 office manual-26.6.13.odt



    9O,en: T&un!er 7#r!------ T%%* -----A''%un$ *e$$#n+*----a''%un$ a'$#%n*----a!! a#a''%un$

    8%ur Nae

    Ea# A!!re**

    a**(%r! tick Ree7er a**(%r!

  • 8/9/2019 office manual-26.6.13.odt



    1.T%%*----A''%un$* *e$$#n+*-----Serer *e$$#n+*----9un'&e'): eae e**a+e %n *erer

    2. T%%*----A''%un$* *e$$#n+*-----L%'a "%!er----9'&e'): E,$0 $ra*& %n Ex#$


    no tick >n -)ec#

    tick -)ec#

    rc Rig)t -lic#


    r' r'M, co$puterOPropertiesO-)ange settingsO -)ange O:or# groupO?#

    ---- Re*$ar$

    L%+#n 'rea$e! "%r $&e 7e%( 15 U*er* #n Serer 9AS ON

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    5.3. re !e*#+n *$a+e

    5.3a Project @nfor$ation -ollection

    a1. Project 7,polog," escription

    a2. Site infor$ation

    a2.1 Site location " Surve, no wit) addressa2.2 -oordinal pointa2.3 0oundar, di$ensions

    a2.4 'pproac) roads " @ts widt)a2.5 -ontour levels of t)e sitea2.6 Soil conditiona2.= @f an, e9iting service lines

    5.3! 'nal,sis of @nterpretation

    !1. 0uilding rules " Regulations

    3!1.1 Set !ac# regulation3!1.2 eig)t regulation3!1.3 Par#ing Standards3!1.4 ifferentl, '!led standards3!1.5 %.S.@3!1.6 ?7S Ratio

    3!1.= %ire"Safet, Measures

    !2 -li$atic 'nal,sis

    5.3c. Preli$inar, site infor$ation


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    )ower will be su""lied b% the owner if reuired at one "oint and the contractor should

    make necessar% distribution and the charges to be borne b% the contractor# -f night work isreuired to fulfill the agreed rate of "rogress all arrangements shall be made b% thecontractor inclusive of lighting without an% claim for e$tra rate#

    The contractor shall "rovide all necessar% scaffolding and in sound condition "lant labour

    and materials for the com"letion of the work and shall remove the same at the end of thecontract#

    The tenderers will furnish a list of the Tools and "lants 0 9achiner% "ro"osed to be brought

    to and ensure their good working condition at all times throughout the e$ecutionof works of this contract and to be noted in the enclosed chedule B adeuate

    arrangements should be made for the reuired eui"ments to ensure s"eed% "rogress ofwork B as "er the directions of the Architect#


    The contractor will be furnished with co"ies of the signed Articles of Agreement

    schedules ;eneral conditions of contract other s"ecifications all "articulars anddrawings which shall be ke"t at the site of work at all times#

    'uring the "rogress of work the detailed working drawings whenever necessar% will

    be furnished b% the architect from time to time#

    The detailed "lans for structural steel work 6oiner% items etc# other than working

    drawings can be ins"ected at the ArchitectCs office during working hours#


    The Architect shall have the "rivilege of ordering modifications omission or additions of an%

    item or items at an% time before the com"letion of the work and for such modification theArchitect will issue revised "lans and no modifications omissions or additions shall bemade unless so a""roved in writing#


    Running bill to be released at each stage of com"letion of work# The stages are "linth

    stage ground floor roof concrete first floor roof concrete second floor roof concrete third

    floor roof concrete terrace floor roof concrete brick work "lastering final bill#

    Three co"ies of each bill in the "rescribed form should be submitted in office at each stage#

    5 ! of the total amount will be withheld from which 5 ! will be released after the

    com"letion of work and the rest 5! will be released after & months from com"letion of


    Advance amount "aid will be deducted from the billed value#

    =ills will be sanctioned within a "eriod of 15 da%s from the date of submission in the office#

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    'uring the "rogress of work should an% contingenc% arise and e$tra work is carried on

    verbal orders of the ngineers or Architect the contractor must immediatel% forward astatement in writing of such works to the engineer or Architect and have the claim of suche$tra work and obtain an order sanctioning the same# An% such variations must bemeasured and valued at the same rate contained in the tender# These should be reconciledand got a""roved for rate value etc# within a week at the ma$imum#

    D"to 5 ! of the variations observed in basic material "rice b% the contractor to be intimated

    immediatel% on escalation order and must accom"an% with ever% bill submitted#

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    contractorCs concurrence obtained before doing so#



    -t shall be within the "ower of the Architect within a reasonable time to direct the contractor

    to o"en u" for ins"ection an% work covered u" and in case of refusal the former shall have"ower to o"en u" such work with the aid of other workmen# -f the said work has beencovered u" contravention to the ArchitectGs e$amination and if on e$amination the work isfound to be defective the contractor must make good such defective work and close u" athis own cost#


    The contractor shall at all times be co.o"erative assist attend on and afford facilities to

    such other "ersons or contractors as ma% be em"lo%ed b% the owner on other works inconnection with the building allowing them free of charge the use of all "lant light andwater installed in the work# The contractor shall also cause such s"ecial work or "rotect itas instructed to avoid in6ur% during "rogress of works# 8or failure to "rotect so thecontractor must make good an%

    damage caused#

    The contractor shall make all "rovisions such as holes recess o"enings for the insertion of

    water gas "ower and electrical services fittings sanitar% arrangements and other

    dis"osal which shall be carried out as directed b% the Architect during "rogress of the workwithout an% claim of e$tra charges#

    The contractor should take care that in conve%ing materials to the works the roads and the

    foot"aths are not obstructed or traffic im"eded and he must conform to the relevantregulations in force#

    The work e$ecuted b% the contractor shall be maintained at the contractorCs risk until the

    work is taken over b% the owner# The contractor shall accordingl% arrange measures at hiscost against fire and all other risks during such "eriod#

    The contractor shall cover u" and "rotect from in6ur% all new work and shall be res"onsible

    for an% in6ur% to the structure an% deterioration of this or to ad6oining "ro"erties#

    The contractor shall be res"onsible for the safet% and structural soundness of the building

    during the "rogress of work and till si$ months after the issue of the certificate ofcom"letion# An% defects detected during the "rogress of work or during the "eriod ofmaintenance will have to be made good b% the contractor at his own cost#

    -t shall be the contractorCs sole res"onsibilit% to "rotect the "ublic and his em"lo%ees

    against accidents from an% cause and he shall indemnif% the com"an% from an%"roceedings caused b% such accident or in6ur% or an% claim that ma% have to be settled inres"ect thereof and shall where the "rovisions of the 7ork menCs +om"ensation Act

    a""l% take ste"s to "ro"erl% insure against claims there under#

    The contractor shall maintain and shall cause his to maintain such

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    insurance in force till the com"letion of these works as are necessar% to cover theseliabilities#

    The contractor shall insure against an% loss or damage b% fire storm lightning floods

    earth tremor landslides etc# or an% other natural calamities for the full value of works andfor all unfi$ed materials and goods intended for and "laced ad6acent to the "lace of work#



    The contractor shall "rovide at his own cost all accommodation which will be reuired for

    the housing of his skilled and unskilled labours Architect and other staff in addition to officeand store and worksho" accommodation reuired for the own use# (and reuired for"utting u" such accommodation will be given to the e$tent necessar% and available free ofcharge to the contractor#

    lectric current for work sites worksho"s and offices and stores will be su""lied b% the

    wner and charged for at the standard rate detailed in clause 3 below# The contractor is to"ut u" his own distribution s%stem at his own cost from the "oints of take off from thenearest mains of the wner within the site#

    lectric current will be charged for at the "revailing tariff and the meter rent charged b%

    lectricit% =oard# nl% one common meter will be "rovided b% the owner at a central "oint#9eter rent will be "a%able at standard rates b% the contractor#

    The contractor has to make at his own cost the necessar% water and sanitar%

    arrangements for uarters built b% him for his own use and for the use of his labours skilledand unskilled engineering and other staff#

    Adeuate and sanitar% accommodation in reasonable "ro$imit% to the works is to be"rovided b% the contractor at his own cost for the labours and in full conformit% withrelevant acts a""licable for this "ur"ose# This accommodation must be clean and suitablelatrines are to be freuentl% disinfected and ke"t clean during the "rogress of work andcleared awa% on com"letion# An% failure in this res"ect will not be tolerated and the ownerwill "rovide such sanitar% convenience where necessar% at the contractorCs e$"ense#


    The contractor will not be em"owered e$ce"t under s"ecial written "rior sanction b% the

    owner to assign his contract or sublet an% "ortion of the work# An% breach of this "rovision

    will render the contractor being disabled from receiving an% further "a%ment resulting inrescission of the contract without reference or concurrence forfeiture of ecurit% 'e"ositwithheld amount etc#


    All rubbish and debris etc# as the% accumulate from time to time during the "rogress of work

    and at the com"letion including the contractorCs materials are to be cleared awa% from thesite b% the contractor from time to time# The contractor is to "rovide all necessar%worksho"s and sheds for use of the workmen and storage of materials and is to maintainand kee" the same in order and to the satisfaction of the Architect and remove the same on

    com"letion# All floors "avings staircases or to be scrubbed and all glasses cleaned onboth sides of the windows screens doors sk%lights gull% gutters and "i"e.sheds are to becleared and the "remises left cleaned and "erfect on com"letion#

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    -n case of an% dis"ute or difference which ma% at an% time hereafter arise between the

    "arties hereto @their res"ective re"resentative touching these "resents or the sub6ectmatter thereof arising out of or in relation thereto res"ectivel% and whither as toconstruction or otherwise shall be referred to the Architect whose decision shall be final#=ut the "rogress of the work shall not be dela%ed and account of the account of thereference of an% dis"ute or difference under this clause#


    The 9adras 'etailed tandard "ecifications and the "reliminar% s"ecifications shall

    a""l% as regards to all liabilities of the contractor the materials the workmen and theworkmanshi" ado"ted on the work so far as the% are a""licable to the works com"rised intheir contracts as determined b% the Architect# -f there is an% dis"ute or difference or doubtabout an% of the clauses contained herein concerning the indent and measuring on"ointing out which all clauses are a""lied for the "articular work in hand the decision ofthe Architect shall be final and binding on the "arties#


    -n case of failure to com"lete the work within sti"ulated time and to maintain uniform

    "ro"ortional "rogress of work at an% and all the time during the "eriod of contract thecontractor shall be liable to "a% the owner a sum of Rs 1 "er da% for each da%Cs dela%for the dela% in the first week# Rs# 5 "er da% for each da%Cs dela% in the second week

    Rs# 1 "er da% for each da%Cs dela% in thet)ird wee#. Rs 15/// per da, for eac) da,Csdela% in the fourth week and Rs 2 "er da% for each da%Cs dela% be%ond the fourthweek as liuidated damages and the owner ma% deduct such sum of damages for an%amounts otherwise "a%able to the contractor under the contract# The owner shall alsoim"ose in addition conseuential damages for such dela%s on the contractor#

    The owner shall have "ower to sus"end an% or all works at an% time during the contract

    b% an order in writing# The contractor ma% be allowed a corres"onding "eriod of e$tensionof time where a""licable but no other claim be entertained on this score#


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    +?'D( ---

    A;R9NT 8R9

    Articles of Agreement made this da% =etween

    (H!r!ina5t!r call!d t#! O'n!r) t#! on! art and

    @hereinafter called the +ontractor the other "art#

    7hereas the owner

    #has decided to construct the residential building as "er s"ecifications conditions and reuirementsattached to this agreement and signed b% both the "arties to this agreement

    7hereas the contractor has agreed to e$ecute and com"lete the above work at the "lacesreserved for the "ur"ose within the s"ecified "eriod and in accordance with the s"ecificationsconditions and reuirements# Now it is hereb% agreed as follows: .

    1# -n consideration of the "a%ment b% the owner at the unit rates for each item of works"ecified the contractor agrees to e$ecute and com"lete the work

    2# -n accordance with the s"ecifications conditions and reuirements its agreed to have theoverheads 0"rofit fi$ed at 1*#5! for all the items included in the schedule or an% other newitems ordered further to#

    3# ver% month the contractor shall give basic rates of materials along with the bill#

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    s"ecified in the Agreement without giving notice or obtaining the consent of the contractor and theadditional costs if an% shall be recovered from the contractor#

    *# 8ailure of start the work within 15 da%s after the recei"t of the work order will entail cancellationof contract and the owner is at libert% to make other arrangements to e$ecute the work withoutgiving an% further notice to or obtaining the consent of the contractor


    igned b% the +ontractor

    Address :

    -n the "resence of witness :

    igned b% the wner :

    Address :

    -n the "resence of witness :

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    5.6. C%n*$ru'$#%n *$a+e

    a.1 :or#ing sc)edule to !e su!$itted !, t)e contractor

    a.2 Site Progress s)ould in relation wit) su!$itted sc)edule

    a.3 Responsi!lit, for supervision

    a.4 Site inspections&Aisits

    a.5 +ualit, control

    a.6 Seperate contracts

    a.= -oordination of all engineering services

    a.( Su!$ission of site reports

    7. # *$a+e

    Periodic !ill c)ec#ing

    %inal !ill c)ec#ing

    Preparation of overall !ill state$ent



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    a.4.1 @$position of penalties if reuired




    DESCRIPTIONS Quantity Unit Rate Total


    Retaining Wall

    Colun Footing

    !"a#e $ea


    Colun Footing

    !"a#e $ea









    Ea"t./o"0 e2a3ation in 4oun#ation in all 0in# o4 2la55i62ation5 an#

    2atego"ie5 o4 5oil5 an# 5u75oil5 /it. an initial li4t o4 % to "e8ui"e# #e9t.5

    a5 ay 7e #i"e2te# e2e9t only .a"# "o20 "e8ui"e 7la5ting an# in2lu5i3e

    o4 5.o"ing an# 5t"uting an# 7ailing out /ate" /.e"e3e" ne2e55a"y an# 9a"t

    "e6lling t.e 5i#e5 o4 t"en2.e5 in2lu#ing o4 2olun5 /it. e2a3ate#ate"ial5 in laye"5 o4 not o"e 1(- t.i20 /ell /ate"e# "ae#

    an# 2on5oli#ate# an# #e9o5iting 5u"9lu5 ea"t. in 9la2e5 u9to 1--

    PCC 1:':+u5ing '- an# #o/n 5i;e .a"# g"anite etal in2lu#ing

    "aing< 2on5oli#ating< 2u"ing et2 2o9lete 4o" all 4oun#ation in laye"5

    o4 not o"e 1(- t.i20 lai# to le3el an# 2o9a2te# 5uita7ly

    in2lu#ing 2o5t o4 4o" /o"0 7ailing out /ate" /.e"e3e" ne2e55a"y

    P"o3i#ing 5an# 2u5.ion o4 t.i20ne55 ,= /it. goo# 8uality "i3e" 5an#