Mr Nicolas SPILLMANN DG The Rotary Club of Somerville Howick James (Mr Trees) Lee spoke about the RYLA tree planting on the Mangemangeroa walkway. There were 50 RYLA attendees present and 1400 trees were planted. Thank-you James for your hard work and Congratulations on your Paul Harris fellow award. PLANT A TREE WITH THE ROTARY NZ Dental Team Visit to Taveuni Island, Fiji - NEWSLETTER - JULY 2010 #1 Rotary Club of Otahuhu Inc in South Auckland, NZ became a 100% PHF club during District 9920 Governor Nicolas Spillmann’s official visit on 20 July 2010. All 32 members and 9 honorary mem- bers have received Paul Harris recognition plus 6 partners have too. DG Nicolas presented the latest recipients Past President Graeme Macdonald (Sapphire pin) plus Paul Harris recognition to Treasurer Stephen Curran and new members Malcolm Miller and Ross Pokere. Best photo caption (L-R): Rotary Club of Otahuhu Inc Past Pre- sident Graeme Macdonald, Malcolm Miller, AG Murray Kay, 9920 DG Nicolas Spillmann, Past District 9920 Secretary & President Jeanette Drysdale, Treasurer Stephen Curran and Ross Pokere


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The Rotary Club of Somerville Howick

James (Mr Trees) Lee spoke about the RYLA tree planting on theMangemangeroa walkway.

There were 50 RYLA attendees presentand 1400 trees were planted.

Thank-you James for your hard workand Congratulations on your Paul Harris fellow award.


NZ Dental Team Visit

to Taveuni Island, Fiji


Rotary Club of Otahuhu Inc in South Auckland,NZ became a 100% PHF club during District 9920Governor Nicolas Spillmann’s official visit on 20July 2010. All 32 members and 9 honorary mem-bers have received Paul Harris recognition plus6 partners have too. DG Nicolas presented the

latest recipients Past President Graeme Macdonald (Sapphirepin) plus Paul Harris recognition to Treasurer Stephen Curranand new members Malcolm Miller and Ross Pokere.

Best photo caption (L-R): Rotary Club of Otahuhu Inc Past Pre-

sident Graeme Macdonald, Malcolm Miller, AG Murray Kay, 9920

DG Nicolas Spillmann, Past District 9920 Secretary & President

Jeanette Drysdale, Treasurer Stephen Curran and Ross Pokere




We were fortu-nate to have Ash-leigh visit our club

to tell us about what she intended todo with the $1000 the club has dona-ted to assist her with attending an AsiaPacific Conference to present her re-search.She has spent the last year studyingtobacco advertising in the Pacific Is-lands. One out of every two people inthe Pacific Islands smoke.Smoking contributes to 40% of alldeaths in New Zealand. Smoking issinglehandedly the biggest contributorto deaths.Ashleigh is a Heart Health Advocateand she has been working withschools, universities and ethnic com-munities to spread the health messageabout stopping smoking.She has been analysing the adverti-singcampaigns being undertaken in thePacific Islands and believes there is avery deliberate push by the tobaccocompanies to push their products intothe lower socio-economic countriesand particularly the pacific.Ashleigh will use her time at the confe-rence to build her networks, extendher knowledge and use her research,networks and contacts s a base for herPhD studies.She gave her thanks to club for theopportunity to present some her fin-dings and to practice some of the pre-sentation that she will deliver at theconference.Ashleigh also thanked the club for thefinancial support that will contribute tothe finances required to attend theconference.President Alan thanked Ashleigh for vi-siting the club and wished her all the

very best for the presentation




Yes indeed our District is composed of eight different countries.We have a rich heritage , with old civilisations , such as the Indian and Polynesian ones , and one ofthe most ancient populations in the world , I mean the Melanesian one and ,at last ,the Europeans witheither a British or a French culture.We all live in the islands of this huge Pacific Ocean but being a Rotarian is what unites us all sharingthe same ideal of Service for our communities and basing our action on the fundamental values inheri-ted for105 years from our founder Paul Harris and all our predecessors who proudly honoured the Ro-tarian wheel which never stops turning. Service, Friendship, Diversity, Integrity, Leadership are thefundamental Rotarian values.Hospitality, Solidarity, Generosity, Primacy of the community on the individual are our Islands values.

Beginning this new Rotarian year , I wish that« Le Souffle des Iles, The Spirit of Isles , Te Aho O Te Mau Motu »

would inspire us and help us with« BuildingCommunities – Bridging Continents »

After the ChangeoverOn July 4th we had a fantastic Changeover. We had the opportunity to show our Imme-diate Past Governor, Leanne Jaggs ,boththe friendship and the consideration wehave for her, but also our admiration for theway she ran our District.We are all very grateful to her.But do not worry , our IPDG Leanne is notleaving us and you will see her name on al-most every page of the Directory( let meapologize for the delay of its publication dueto impredictable circumstances)

One year has gone and life continues in our District. As you realize my nomination as a Governor isbringing a few changes such as the Governor's bilingual Newsletter. This will force me to be moreconcise in my speech which may seem impossible to those who know me well.

No annual motto could better suit the reality of our island District which spreads over more than 24 mil-lion square meters than this year motto:

“ Building Communities - Bridging Continents “

Is there a better way of building our communities than strengthening ourselves in order to be more effi-cient? Increasing the number of our members with young people is a must.

It will also be necessary for us to make a personnal and collective effort to give the Foundation thefunds needed to achieve a better work in communities and eradicate Polyomelitis.

Is there anything better to reinforce the image of Rotary inside our communities and make ourselvesacknowledged the first world Service organization, as President Ray Klinginsmith often reminds us ?Let us use the media and develop our PublicRelations in order to introduce the Rotary through our ac-tions and programmes.

Therefore we will manage to make our clubs « bigger, more ambitious and stronger » as the Presidentof Rotary International Ray Klinginsmith encourages us to do , and we will then contribute to

“ Building Communities – Bridging Continents “


Look the video, clic hereWCS TV CLIP



Et bien oui, notre District réunit huit pays différents. Nous sommes riches de nos différences, héritiers,les uns d'anciennes civilisations, telles que les civilisations indienne et polynésienne, les autres des-cendants d'une des plus anciennes populations au monde, la population mélanésienne, pour finir parles Européens de culture anglo-saxone ou française.Certes nous vivons tous dans des îles dans cet immense océan du Pacifique Sud, mais ce qui nousuni avant tout autre chose c'est d'être Rotarien, de partager un même idéal de service pour nos com-munautés respectives, de fonder notre action sur les valeurs fondamentales héritées depuis 105 ansmaintenant de notre fondateur Paul Harris et de tous ceux qui nous ont précédés en portant fièrementcette roue rotarienne qui tourne à l'infini.Service, Camaraderie, Diversité, Intégrité, Leadership sont les valeurs rotariennes fondamentales.Hospitalité, Solidarité, Générosité, Primauté de la communauté sur l'individu sont celles de nos Îles.En ce début d'année Rotarienne, je forme le vœu que"Le Souffle des Îles, The Spirit of Isles, Te Aho O Te Mau Motu"nous inspire et nous aide à"Renforcer les Collectivités – Rapprocher les Continents"

Après le changeoverNous avons vécu le dimanche 4 juillet uneformidable passation de fonction. Cela aété l'occasion de manifester à notre Immé-diate Past Gouverneure Leanne Jaggs à lafois l'amitié et la considération que nous luiportons mais également notre admirationpour la façon remarquable dont elle a di-rigé notre District.Nous lui en sommes tous infiniment recon-naissants.Mais ne vous inquiétez pas notre IPDGLeanne ne nous abandonne pas et vousallez la retrouver presque à toutes les

pages du Directory (dont je vous prie d'excuser le retard dû à une combinaison de facteurs imprévisi-bles).

Une page se tourne et la vie de notre District continue. Comme vous pouvez vous en rendre comptece changement de gouverneur va vous apporter également certains changements par rapport à ceque vous avez connu jusqu'à présent, à commencer par cette version bilingue de la lettre mensuelledu Gouverneur. Cela va aussi m'obliger à être concis, ce que ceux qui me connaissent bien vontconsidérer comme une chose impossible.Aucun thème annuel n'est mieux adapté à la réalité de notre District insulaire étendu sur plus de 24millions de kilomètres carrés:

"Renforcer les Collectivités - Rapprocher les Continents"

Comment mieux renforcer nos collectivités qu'en commençant par nous renforcer nous-mêmes afin dedisposer de plus de moyens à mettre au service de nos collectivités. Cela passe par un renforcementde nos effectifs et un rajeunissement également de nos clubs. Nous en serons plus efficaces et plusactifs.Cela nous demande également de faire un effort personnel et collectif pour doter La Fondation Rotarydes fonds nécessaires pour nous donner les moyens de mieux agir au profit des collectivités et éradi-quer définitivement la Poliomyélite.Quoi de mieux pour ce faire que de renforcer l'image du Rotary au sein de nos collectivités et de nousfaire reconnaître, comme le rappelle souvent le Président Ray Klinginsmith, comme la 1ère organisa-tion mondiale de service. Sachons utiliser les medias et développons nos Relations Publiques pourfaire connaître le Rotary au travers de nos actions et de nos programmes.

Ce faisant nous parviendrons à rendre nos clubs « plus grands, plus ambitieux et plus forts» commenous y encourage e le Président du Rotary international Ray Klinginsmith et nous contribuerons ainsià

"Renforcer les Collectivités- Rapprocher les Continents"

Twins Clubs Trophy

This double Trophy awards the two sis-ter clubs which have carried out thebest programme of partnership. The winners are choosen by a jury,chaired by the DG and formed by Dis-trict committees chairs : FoundationRotary, Grants Sub Committee, PRMembership, and two AGs (1 IslandsArea AG, 1 Auckland Area AG).Candidacy files ought to be submittedby the Assistnts Governors of Rotaryclubs concerned for the last day ofmonth before the District conference.Each club winner will receive a Trophyrepresenting an ancient Polynesianpetroglyph showing twins called "Twinsof Tipaerui"


Trophée des Clubs Jumeaux

Ce double Trophée récompense lesdeux clubs jumelés qui auront mené àbien le meilleur programme de parte-nariat.Les gagnants seront désignés par unjury présidé par le Gouverneur de Dis-trict et formé par les présidents desComités de District suivants : Fonda-tion Rotary, Sous- Committee des sub-ventions, PR/ Effectifs ainsi que deuxassiqtants gouverneurs (1 AG d'uneZone des Îles, 1 AG d'une zoned'Auckland)Les dossiers de candidatures devrontêtre soumis par les Assistants Gouver-neurs des Rotary clubs concernés pourle dernier jour du mois précédant laConférence de District. Chaque club lauréat recevra un Tro-phée représentant un ancien pétro-glyphe Polynésienfigurant des jumeauxappelés "Les Jumeaux de Tipaerui"



DG's activities

Activity loaded for the governor this month. Indeed, in addition to thechangeover and several meetings at District level (District New Genera-tions, Strategic Plan 2010-2013, District District Monthly ManagementMeeting) while I attended the weekend seminar of RLI (Rotary Leader-ship Institute) in Wellington. But by far the most fun is my marathon 22 visits club that I ran. This wasa wonderful visit to our Rotary Family..Visit your clubs, spend time withyou several times a day, listen you talk about your achievements, yourprojects, your hopes, your uncertainties, your problems is a unforgettableexperience and how rewarding. Anything like that to understand whatreally Rotary is, the whole our organization brings to your communitiesand how wonderful people you are all. I visited a few of your accomplish-ments, I was asked to hand over many Paul Harris Fellow. I had thehonor to present 4 on the occasion of my visit to Rotary Club of Ota-huhu, making this club one new club 100% Paul Harris Fellow. ThereforeI wanted to honor this club and its president Jeannette Drysdale by givingthem the first page of this first newsletter. This might encourage you to do the same very soon. The Rotary Founda-tion needs so much your contributions. Next month is the month of Membership and Expansion. The more weare the better we will be effective. Each of your clubs should increase itsmembership of at least one new member by 50 members during thisyear. A special effort has to be made by the 18 clubs in the District ofwhich membership is less than 20. Congratulations to Rotary Club ofMangere which in July actual increase its membership of 16.66%, from12-14. I will continue my visits to clubs in August in Fiji and other Pacific IslandsIt is for me an enjoyment to be among familiar faces of those I know andto meet those I have never see before.

See you soon!

Planting the 1,000,000th Tree

A major event in Trees for Survival’s Calendar took place recently with the planting of the 1,000,000thtree since the program was launched in 1991.Kate Smith, the ARC Planting Day Co-ordinator and David English, National Manager of TfS, were res-ponsible for the organisation of the day in liaison with Pakuranga College and the land owners of theKawakawa Bay site, George and Ann Richardson.Trees for Survival was launched as a “national re-vegetation” programme with the focus on erosioncontrol. School children are encouraged to learn about native trees, growing the seedlings and plantingthem on erosion prone land, reducing runoff and thereby improving water quality in streams.The focus on children learning about native trees remains, but the reasons for planting trees have beenextended to bush and wetland restoration and riparian and forest remnant plantings. Some schoolshave even restored populations of threatened native plants.Tree planting to restore our erosion prone hillsides, damaged wetlands and putrid streams is well docu-mented and New Zealand children, through the Trees for Survival programme, will make sure the mis-takes of the past will not be repeated in the future.Trees for Survival is an environmental programme approved by the Rotary Districts of New Zealand.The Management Committee would be delighted to hear from Rotarians interested in either assisting atthe District level or in promoting this very worthy programme in their Club.Find out more by going to our website www.tfsnz.org.nz or emailing [email protected] .

Photo: Patron Ruud Kleinpaste, invited dignitaries and Pakuranga College

participants at the planting.

Activités du Gouverneur

Activité chargée pour le gouverneur ce mois-ci. En effet, outre lechangeover et plusieurs réunions au niveau du District (Comité deDistrict New Generations, Plan Stratégique 2010-2013, Réunion men-suelle de management du District) j'ai participé pendant un week endau séminaire du RLI (Rotary Leadership Institute) à Wellington.Mais de loin le plus passionnant reste mon marathon des 22 visitesde club que j'ai pu effectuer. Cela a été une formidable visite dans lafamille du Rotary.Visiter vos club, vous côtoyer plusieurs fois par jour,vous entendre parler de vos réalisations , de vos projets, de vos es-poirs, de vos incertitudes, de vos problèmes est une expérience inou-bliable et combien enrichissante. Rien de tel pour comprendre cequ'est réellement le Rotary, tout ce qu'il apporte à vos communautéset quelles merveilleuses personnes vous êtes tous. J'ai pu visiterquelques unes de vos réalisations; On m'a demandé de remettre denombreux Paul Harris Fellow. J'ai eu l'insigne honneur d'en remettre 4lors de ma visite au Rotary club d'Otahuhu, faisant ainsi de ce club unnouveau club 100% Paul Harris Fellow. C'est pourquoi j'ai voulu lemettre à l'honneur dans cette 1ère newsletter. Cela vous incitera peut-être à faire de même très prochainement. La Fondation Rotary a tantbesoin de vos contributions.Le mois qui vient est le mois de l'effectif et de l'expansion. Plus nousserons nombreux plus nous serons efficaces. Chacun de vos clubsdoit accroître son effectif d'au moins un nouveau membre. Un effortparticulier est à faire par les 18 clubs du District qui ont un effectif infé-rieur à 20. Félicitations donc au Rotary club de Mangera qui a vu aumois de juillet son effectif augmenter de 16,66% en passant de 12 à14.Je vais poursuivre mes visites de clubs à Fiji et dans les autres Îles dupacifique pendant le mois d'août. Je me fais une joie de revoir les unset de faire la connaissance de ceux que je n'ai pas encore eu lachance de rencontrer.. .

A bientôt donc !

Françoise & Nicolas SPILLMANN

SPILLMANN family- left -Marie-France Spillmann-Chompret,

Eric, Nathalie, Fabien


NZ Dental Team Visit to Taveuni Island, Fiji

The eye of Cyclone Thomas hit Taveuni Island (popula-tion18,000) two months before the planned NZ DentalTeam visit in June 2010. Despite initial fears that this Ro-tary-sponsored project would have to be cancelled dueto the widespread damage on the island, it did proceed!

The Dental Team comprised Rotarian Drs Niel Ewart (Dis-trict 9920 Rotary Club of Remuera Inc), Johnston Luen(9920 Rotary Club of Pukekohe Inc), Gary Lawrence(9940 Rotary Club of Kapiti) and non-Rotarian Dr GraemeTing. 9920 Rotary Club of Taveuni Island acted as host,with Special Project Officer Past President Geoffrey Amosbeing responsible for all the local arrangements. He dida truly magnificent job.

Each morning, Geoffrey transported the team and theirequipment to remote villages, all of which had very limitedaccess to dental care. Over a two week period, the Den-tists worked in seven villages throughout the island, someof which took 90 minutes to reach by 4-wheel drive vehi-cles over narrow muddy “roads”. On arrival at each vil-lage, a clinic was set up in a school or suitable building,and for the rest of the day it was all go!

As on previous trips, a “production line” system was used.School children and adults were examined, and then di-rected to a Dentist for treatment. This included the placingof fillings, the extraction of badly decayed or abscessedteeth, and tooth cleaning.

From a clinical aspect, tooth decay in children’s teeth re-mains a major problem, due to a high intake of sugaryfoods including sweets, soft drinks and biscuits. Incontrast, extreme gum disease is commonplace amongstadults because they have never had their teeth cleanedprofessionally to remove the heavy deposits of tartar.

During the fortnight visit, the team examined 790 people,placed 1,035 fillings, extracted 727 teeth and completed283 full-mouth tooth cleanings.

The villagers had eagerly awaited the visit by the DentalTeam, and some people walked long distances to attend.After being treated, their smiles and shy words of thankswere very special. At the end of each day, the villageChief usually thanked the Dental Team for providing freetreatment for his people, and Rotary for making this pos-sible!

This dental project was greatly needed, and it was amost rewarding experience for the four dentists, all ofwhom put up their hand to return in two years time.They gratefully acknowledge the pivotal role that Rotaryplayed in this project, plus the many people, organisa-tions and companies who were so generous in provi-ding financial support, dental materials and services.

By Dr Niel Ewart, District 9920 Rotary Club of RemueraInc, Auckland, New Zealand

Eclipse on Moorea,by Juliette PHILIPPE

2011, May 21th-25th


The RI president’s monthly messageJuly 2010Winds of Change

What an amazing world! Advances in tech-nology are happening so quickly that theycause constant changes in our businessesand professions. Yet about one-third of theworld’s population is still living at a subsis-tence level with little change in their lives. Itis a stark contrast and a cause for concern.

Rotary has both a distinguished heritageand a bright future. My primary task as pre-sident is to enhance the vitality and viabilityof Rotary clubs and to enable them to suc-ceed in the midst of societal changes. Thisis an important task because it is the clubsthat address and alleviate the root problemsof society and thereby make the world abetter place.

Wind of change was a new and significantphrase when I was a Rotary Scholar inSouth Africa in the early 1960s. It is serendi-pitous that the phrase that was first publici-zed in my host city of Cape Town is nowapplicable to Rotary as we contemplate thechanges in society that dictate some corres-ponding changes in our organization. Thephrase is now better known as winds ofchange.

We are currently enjoying a culture of inno-vation at Rotary International. We have theability to look at all of our programs andpractices to see if they can be improved,even as we steadfastly maintain our corevalues. I hope many Rotarians will take ad-vantage of this opportunity to identify andimplement improvements in their clubs anddistricts as well.

Rotary lives and breathes in our 33,000clubs, and it is the clubs that improve livesby Building Communities – Bridging Conti-nents. If we succeed in helping clubs to be-come Bigger, Better, and Bolder in the nextyear, then it will be clear that the best daysof Rotary are still ahead. We are fortunateto be Rotarians! Together, we can make theworld a better place!

Mr Ray Klinginsmith

-RI website -

Rotary Club of St JohnsEastern Bays Hospice

Volunteers are required for Garage Sales to be held overthe rest of the year, dates are—July 24th, August 14th and 28th, September 11th and 25th, October 9th and 23rd, November 13th and 27th

and December11th

R o t a r y C l u b o f N e w m a r k e t I n c .

District NewsFancy a trip to Tahiti? DG Nicolas’s Districtconference is being held at the IntercontinentalHotel, Tahiti on 15/16th April 2011. A great opportunity to visit Tahiti for fun, fellows-hip & a vacation


Dear Friends

Some of you ask me toconfirm the dates of theDistrict Conference tobe held in Tahiti in

2011. Indeed in response to inquiries received atthe last District Conference in Hawkes Bay, the Dis-trict Conference Committee decided to bring for-ward of two weeks before the originally scheduleddates. This conference will therefore be held in Ta-hiti, Hotel Intercontinental Resort Tahiti in Faa'a (Ta-hiti) 15 and 16 April 2011. This period correspondsto the end of Easter school holidays in New Zea-land and French Polynesia Moreover, with theexample of this year, it was decided to concentratethe conference on both days to make things easierfor those wishing to enjoy their stay to visit FrenchPolynesia. The preparation by the District confe-rence committee is running well. Right now, faresobtained both for accomodation as air transport,bolstered by a very favorable exchange rate,should help to make this conference accessible toas many. To enable those planning to attend to pre-pare their stay, we see to it that a flyer with themost useful information can be sent by email toevery Rotarian in July. Further information aboutthe conference will be available on the website ofthe District as well as on the Governor's blog whichwill be put into service in July. I beg the Presidentsto forward this information now to members of theirclubs. They may ask for clarification on the occa-sion of my visits to their clubs during the presenta-tion that will be made about the next Districtconference.


[email protected]

Rotary Club of Pakuranga inc

- Secretary Jed informed us of the donation of 200 books, which will form part of a Clubfundraiser. Should any member have good quality spare books that could be included inthis event, would they please contact Robyn Duncan Cox by the 31 July.

THE SUNDAY WALK 18 July 2010 - Waiatarua Reserve - St Johns


Del Johnston introduced his fine bunch of workers who will be off toTaveuni(Fiji) in September to build the second classroom unit for the Pre-School(similar to the one shown here). Ray Chisholm will provide the buil-ding expertise,Richard Purchase the drinks, Chris Ward the dental floss and Del the photographs! StuartThomson, designer extraordinaire, will direct the proceedings from afar, confident in theknowledge that this building, like the last, will withstand all the forces of nature directedagainst it (barring the island sinking!)A PLEA : Anyone out there with about-to-expire Airpoints, Air Dollars;Credit Card points; Fly-Buys etc. able to be transferred to the team’s usefor transport to Fiji (they need $7500 all up) would be more than greatly appreciated.Contact Del if able to help.


35 swimmers and 18 km for a great cause; nearly 34 500 NZ$ /27 000 AU$ raised for diabete fightand for the medical research

Our DG Leanne Jaggs swam for Rotarya great example of leading by example

For the 6th year the RC Papeete-Tahiti in partnershipwith the RC Moorea organized its great challenge in orderto raise money for the diabesity programme which fightsagainst diabetes and obesity.

This challenege was held on November 14th, 2009.The goals of this project are multiple; increase the awareness to the diabesity programmeRaise money thanks to generous sponsors who offermoney and involve their staff in the swim. free diabetes blood tests all day long in Papeete andMoorea and reinforcing the PR image of Rotary in showing a dy-namic and sportive image of Rotary and Rotarians. rai-sed a great deal of money for a cause and had a hugemedia cover for Rotary in motion and in action.”

Cathy Gourbault-Lawrence AG district 9920, 2008-2011Co project director Tahiti Moorea swim

For the next newsletter if you want to be publish, contact me : Mrs Laurence LINSENMAIER [email protected]

Primary Schools Speech ContestFinalists from each of the 9 Waiuku Primary Schoolsattended with their families and supporters to presenttheir speeches.

Reading from left to right, the finalistswere;-Frances Allen from Waipipi School;-“Eating your Vegetables”Sam Yelchich from Waiuku Primary;-“Landfills”Imogene Wallace from SandspitSchool;- “White Lies”

Sam Woods from Otaua School;- “Chores”Jamie Cunningham from Pukeoware School;- “Speeches”Antoine Ogilvie from Awhitu District School;- “Child Development”Emma McCorkindale from Aka Aka School;-“Advertising”Claire Allen from View Road School;- “Animal Testing”Nicola Simmons from Glenbrook School;- “Teenage Drinking”1st prize went to Nicola Simmons.2nd prize --Sam Woods.3rd prize – Sam Yelchich.

The Rotary Club of Waiuku Inc