July 2010 Issue1 C nnect www.thebcom.org

BCOM Newsletter July 2010

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The July 2010 Newsletter of The Bolton Council Of Mosques.

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Page 1: BCOM Newsletter July 2010

July 2010 Issue1

C nnect


Page 2: BCOM Newsletter July 2010

2 Welcome C nnect


Welcome to the Bolton Council of Mosques First E-Newsletter

Our regular correspondence that aims to share with you some of the projects we have delivered and information that will connect you to the partners and services that matter to the community.

The newsletter will provide news, information and stories that may be of interest. This first edition will cover past, present and future articles and work:

• About the Bolton Council of Mosques

• Mosques and Madrasahs

• Health

• Children and Young People

• Women

• Funeral services

• Relief Work

• Counselling

• Leadership and community development

• Partnerships

In this edition, we will give you a whistle stop tour of the achievements of the Bolton Council of Mosques in the last 10 years.

We feel that communities need to have direct contact with representatives on the Bolton Council of Mosques committee. The representatives are your voice in taking forward the views and concerns of the Muslim Community and the community they serve to the bi-monthly committee meetings.

BCOM Commitee RepresentativesA list of the representatives that make up the Bolton

Council of Mosques connecting you to the work we do is listed below:

Mosque Name

Aleef Mosque Asif Patel, Ibraheem Patel

Al Falah mosque Abdul Bux, Ayub Bux

Al Rahman Iqbal Patel, Hanif Mohmed

Aqsa Mosque Mubashir Khan, Arfan Ali

Ashrafia Altaf Limbada, Imran Kotwal

Darul Quran Maulana Hassan, Zakaria Patel

Darul Uloom Asif Patel, Maulana Suhail

Ghosia Mosque Bashir Shama, Yakub Jiva

Masjid Ibraheem Saqib Sheikh, Hanif Kola

Jamiah Alavia Mosque Maulana Sabir Ali, Tariq Mahmood

Madina Mosque Afzal Rasul, Gulfam Hussain

Makka Mosque Sajid Malik, Kamran Khan

Makki Mosque Gaffar Patel, Ismail Adam

Masjid e Usman Babu Bhai, Qari Faruk

Masjid e Noor Rashid Mogradia, Mohammed Iqbal Mogradia

New Madina Mosque Khalil Ahmed, Sabir Khan

Noorul Islam Usman Gazra, Faruk Patel

Salaam Mosque Imtiaz Ali, Babu Bhai

Sughra Mosque Bashir Ahmed, Anwar Raee

Taiyyabah Mosque Mehboob Bhaiji, Yakub Talati

Zakariyya Mosque Farook Chapti, Zaheer Malek

* correct at the point of publication

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3 About BCOM C nnect


Our VisionTo develop a successful, confident and self-aware Muslim community that makes a full and valuable contribution to economic, spiritual and civic life in Bolton.

Our MissionOur mission is to develop the framework for addressing issues affecting local Muslim people through effective partnership working and the promotion of unity and harmony, tolerance and respect amongst the residents of Bolton. We will strive to consult, contribute, help develop and where needed, deliver excellent services which meet the needs of the communities residing in Bolton, by providing a gateway to service providers, enhancing access and participation and the development of the Muslim community.

Our Aims• To provide a means to strengthen Muslim Engagement in Bolton.

• To develop partnerships that enable BCOM to ensure service providers are responsive to the community’s needs.

• To identify and address the social, religious and economic needs of the member mosques and the Muslim community.

• To contribute positively to diversity and equality, helping to raise awareness and increase cultural understanding, thereby promoting cohesion in our town.

• To promote unity, harmony and respect between and within our communities.

About BCoM

The Bolton Council of Mosques (BCoM) is an umbrella organisation with representation from the 21 mosques in the town. BCoM is a non-profit making voluntary and community organisation which has now been established for over fifteen years.

It was set up initially as Bolton Muslim Cemetery Committee with responsibility to develop burial facilities for the community. Working closely with the Council’s Leisure Services department, the committee was able to establish weekend burials, set up effective ground maintenance arrangements and also set up a Deputy Registrar Service.

The role of BMCC broadened to other areas such as health and social issues. We focused on identifying areas of concern and need for the Muslim community and supported service providers to develop solutions. With this change in focus the organisation became known as the Bolton Mosques Council for Community-Care (BMCC).

In 1997 the BMCC developed in partnership with the Primary Healthcare Trust and Bolton Hospital, a circumcision clinic for boys. With our accredited consultants and the nurses from the Health Trust we were able to provide circumcision safely and in a safe environment with excellent after-care at an affordable price. This helped to reduce complications and potential risks. With further calls from the community and statutory authorities to identify solutions for community related issues, the role of BMCC was further extended working with partners to tackle broader issues affecting the community.

Working very closely with the Mosques, the organisation provided an effective medium for communication between the community and the statutory agencies, including the Council, the Police, the Health Authority, local schools, colleges and many others.

With the changing remit and increased focus on promoting harmony, better understanding, respect, tolerance and developing community cohesion, the BMCC reviewed its aims and objectives and in 2001 established itself as the Bolton Council of Mosques (BCoM).

Key Decisions/Outcomes

In this section we will give you a snapshot of discussions and key decisions made by the BCoM Mosque committee at its Bi Monthly meetings.


• Annual Accounts reviewed and approved

• Nomination and appointment of Executive committee, for 2010 - 2012

Chairman - Dr Kamran Khan (Makka Mosque)Vice Chair - Imteyaz Ali (Masjid-e Salaam)Secretary - Asif Patel (Bolton Darul-uloom)Vice Secretary - Bashir Shama (Ghosia Mosque)Treasurer - Rashid Nadat (Masjid-e-Noor (BCET)).

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4 Mosques & Madrasahs C nnect


Madrasah Guidance And Support

Over the last few years, we have been working to develop a Madrasah governance framework that includes safeguarding, application and enrolment, discipline, and other relevant policies and procedures supporting the work of the Madrasahs.

With new legislation and requirements in place, we have supported the Madrasah management in child protection, behaviour management, charity commission training and have also undertaken CRB checks for teachers within the Madrasah. We have processed over 400 CRB checks since March 2007 and continue to advocate to all working with children and young people to go through this process.

September 2010 after Ramadhan will see all Male Teachers attending a Safeguarding Conference, within which roles and responsibilities of the different agencies will be shared.

The Launch of the Madrasah Guidance document and Charter will also take place – supporting to develop our Madrasah’s into the 21st Centrury.

Madrasah Poster ProjectLearning Off The Wall... Have you seen the posters in your Madrasah classrooms?

Madrasah Education is an integral part of the child’s development, whether it is in the classroom in Madrasah, a practical session of learning how to perform the ablution, or learning off the wall with the Posters. We have worked closely with our Madrasah teachers to promote and fill the bare walls and use them as a tool to educate. A set of 12 posters have been created and distributed across all the Madrasah’s in Bolton covering topics on Smoking, Respect, classroom expectations and other etiquettes for the benefit of educating the children and young people. With each poster Madrasahs can create a relevent lesson plan to further enhance the teaching.

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5 Mosques & Madrasahs C nnect


Energy Consortium support

Saving money on Gas and Electric bills for our Mosque and Madrasah’s was raised as a project that we at the BCoM could support. Our Mosque and Madrasah officer worked closely with the treasurers of some of the Mosques and reviewed the bills in partnership with energy consultants.

Some of the Mosques saved over £3000 annually, with others changing to different suppliers to benefit from cheaper tariffs. Overall we calculated to have saved at least £100,000 across the participating Mosques.

The work continues to support the Mosques to identify good practice and companies that could support to reduce costs for services provided to our Mosques.

Mosque Visits

The last 12 months has seen over 6000 people visiting our local mosques in Bolton. Children and young people from schools, officers from the different faith and statutory organisations to volunteers from the third sector have benefitted in learning about Islam with the opportunity to ask questions whilst on tour.

If you would like a Mosque visit, then please contact our Mosque and Madrasah officers.


The management and running of our Mosques and Madrasah’s is based on volunteering. Our fathers and forefathers for generations have supported to give something back into the community. It is the prayers and hard work that created the institutions that we currently have and the work that currently goes on.

Anyone can volunteer - whether you’re young or old, at the start or the end of your career, working or not working. No matter what your skills or experience, someone will value your help.Mosques and Madrasah’s are always looking for volunteers to support around cleaning, building maintenance, website management, fundraising, teaching etc…

Get in contact with your local Mosque Committee and pledge your time now.

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6 Two Decades Of Development

1990Informal meetings of community leadersexploring solutions to joint challenges

1992Formation and initiation of organisation

1993Weekend BurialFirst in the country for people to come together from different communities and set up a service level agreement with Bolton Council for weekend burial

1996Bolton Muslim Community Care (BMCC)Expansion of organisation aims to cover social and health

1997Circumcision ClinicEstablished circumcision clinic 1st in the country

1998Deputy RegistrarsWith Bolton registrars established the deputy registrars service.Volunteers from the Muslim community. 1st in the country

CharityEstablished humanitarian aid programme

2001BCoMFurther broadening of aims and formation of Bolton Council of Mosques. BCoM formed including community forums.

2002OfficeBCoM base established with recruitment of specialist staff

Inter-mosque football competition, Madrassah engagement and community champions development 1st in the country



2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

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7 Two Decades Of Development

2010Platinum Award1st male youth work Platinum award in Bolton

EDL DemonstrationPartnership approach coordination resulting in positive outcomes.

2004BCoMunityLaunched BCoMunity news publication

Young Women’s ForumSecured first SLA for young women’s project

2006Youth WorkWider delivery of youth programmes

2007WebsiteWebsite launched

Platinum Award1st female Platinum award in Bolton

Community CohesionNew youth and community cohesion programmes and recruitment of specialist workers

Mentoring and CounsellingLaunched mentoring and counselling project

MRIThe MRI Scan protocol signed and custom designed. The 1st in the country for the Muslim community.

BurialCommunity burial vehicle acquired through the help of local business person

2008New OfficesExpanded to new premises to meet increased demand

BCCPBCCP initiated leading BCoM innovative approach

2009BCoM LDPBCoM leadership development programme. The 1st in Boltonfocussing on future muslim leaders and champions

MRIMRI expanded to North West, proposal and formal bill presented at the House of Lords

CemeteryPartnership approach to cemetery expansion plans

HUBS6 community hubs initiated & supported champions to deliver opportunities back into the community





2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009

1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

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Interfaith Football

The Inter-Mosque and Inter-Faith football competition are part of an annual calendar of events that the Mosque and Madrasah’s look forward to each year, the competition in its 9th Year has seen the competition take place from Deane and Derby cricket pitch, school playing fields, astro pitches at the Bolton Arena, Manchester Soccer Dome to the Bolton Wanderers Football Stadium.

The scorching weather saw crowds of spectators cheering on the young stars on the football pitch at the Reebok stadium. The football competition was organised by the Bolton Council of Mosques as part of the One Bolton - Community Cohesion project in partnership with the Bolton Wanderers Community Trust Unity in Diversity project.

Reebok stadium was the venue this year for teams from the different communities, demonstrating the true cohesion and understanding that Bolton’s communities have, from the young to the old.

“Celebrating the diversity of Bolton and uniting to create One Bolton, recognising differences, celebrating communities and commit to encouraging harmony”

The event is always looking for sponsors and volunteers, please contact the Bolton Council of Mosques to find out how you can sponsor and support the next event.

Bolton Council of Mosques One Bolton Inter-Faith Reebok presentation took place at the 3rd Annual Spirit of Bolton Event on Saturday 19th June 2010.

BCOM has been running the Inter-Mosque and Inter-Faith Football Competitions for the last 8 years, with this year’s competition embracing the OneBolton theme.

8 Children and Young People C nnect


Bolton Council of Mosques have for a number of years been working to progress opportunities and activities that engage with the young people in our communities. Mosque and Madrassah visits for schools and clubs to increase awareness of what the role and function is, sports activities, outreach engagement, residential activities, trips and courses for madrasah children have been some of the opportunities delivered under the Every Child Matters in Madrasah project.

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Young Cricket StarsBatting For The Future

For the last 3 years, Bolton Arena has seen the annual “Communities batting together” cricket festival.

This year saw Bolton youngsters from the different communities batting it out in a one day cricket tournament, showing skill in an effort to join the adult competition next year.

The Finals saw The Royals, a last minute entry into the competition lose to the Farnworth Cricketing stars.

9 Children and Young People C nnect


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Madrasah Residential Programmes

BCoM for a number of years have organised and supported different young people from different community madrasah’s on residential activities. The residential’s have been an essential part of engaging with young people in an environment where discussions have taken place around various topics; the aim to challenge, understand and educate.

On top of the water sport and dry activities we have also encouraged and covered topics on drugs and substance misuse, education - What the future holds, how to change and general engagement over the weekend.

Over the last few years over 400 young people have participated with their Madrasah Teachers and community volunteers in water sports activities in Coniston. October will see Al Jamiyatul Islamiyah darululoom Bolton students with teachers and volunteers taking up the water sports challenge.

10 Children and Young People C nnect


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Female youth Work

Across the borough in the Crompton, Rumworth and Great Lever areas, the female youth work have over the last five years been engaged in a progressive programme of increasing opportunities for young people, particularly from the BME Community to engage, enjoy and achieve. Through partnership development and capacity building, the last years has seen a significant increase in the actual delivery of projects and in participation and engagement with young people, women and girls and the wider community as a whole.

Below are listed just some of the manyactivities which take place:

• First Aid, Health Awareness

• Cake Decorating, Textiles

• Self Defence, Revision Classes

• Youth club provisions, Outdoor excursions

• Leadership and Personal Development, Into

Employment Support

• Girls youth forums (Krimmz, BYouth)

To get involved or for more information on any of the projects for young girls please contact:

Khadija Patel, Rookaya Musa or Reme Begum on 01204 363680

11 Children and Young People C nnect


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12 Health C nnect


Restarting the Hearts of Bolton

A number of Muslim professionals have given up their time on a regular basis to support on Health initiatives and to look at issues that affect the Muslim Community. Dr Liaqat Natha the Health Lead for the Bolton Council of Mosques regularly advocates to the statutory communities for the better needs and provision for our communities.

Ghosia Mosque became one of the first mosques in the Northwest to have a defibrillator installed.The defibrillators provide vital life-saving capabilities to nearby sufferers of heart attacks. After analysing heartbeat patterns using electrodes strapped to the torso, they shock an arrested heart back into its correct rhythm.

“When someone collapses due to cardiac arrest, the first few minutes are crucial. Your chances of survival decrease by 10 percent with every minute which is lost.

“It is also about engaging people to help others in their community.” Said David McNally, First Responder Manager of the North West Ambulance.

Defibrillators have already seen action in crowded places such as shopping centres and train stations, and members of the mosque are delighted to pioneer their use within religious buildings. Installing first aid equipment in mosques not only saves lives but also brings emergency healthcare to a broader spectrum of communities, underlining the NWAS’ dedication to extending its services to all members of society.

NWAS is looking for members of the public to become community first responders. To find out more email [email protected] or visit www.nwas-responders.info

Bolton Circumcision Clinic

The Bolton Council of Mosques (BCoM) in partnership with the Bolton Primary Care trust (PCT) have successfully run a circumcision clinic for over 10 years. Thousands of babies have benefited from the clinic which operates on a fortnightly basis at the Pikes Lane Health Centre on Deane Road. A number of doctors carry out the procedure, and they are supported by qualified nurses, who also provide and after care service. The circumcision clinic has proved to be very popular and is therefore only available to babies born in Bolton.

Pikes Lane Health Centre | Tel: 01204 463700

Deane Road, Bolton BL3 5HP

Cost - £55.00

Due to the popularity of the service, some service users may experience a lengthy waiting list.

Jabbed Up For Hajj

Bolton Council of Mosques, with CBH and NHS Bolton, teamed up to provide FREE Flu Vaccination and certification to ensure that Bolton pilgrims didn’t get caught out by the new requirements for Hajj last year. We encourage all travellers to take the necessary precautions and have the relevant vaccinations when travelling for Umrah and Hajj.

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13 Women C nnect

Passport To Success

20 women from the Palestinian, Indian, Sri Lankan, Moroccan and Libyan communities attended a 4 day course to support them in becoming confident in speaking out. The sessions were delivered by Bolton CVS which covered topics around assertiveness, confidence building and speak up and speak out.

It was great to see the women from all nationalities come together to take the opportunity and then using it to develop them to make them more confident personally and in audiences.

Improving Islamic Understanding For Women Coming Into Islam

We have successfully been running support sessions for women who have reverted to Islam. The session which takes place every week have been provided them with support and resources to help them gain a better understanding of Islam.

Our Part-time womens development officer has been actively working to engage with womens groups to support opportunities and breakdown barriers. Two key projects which have seen women develop and increase confidence has been the support work with women from the Bolton Palastinian community and New Muslim Women in Bolton. Supporting women into Swimming sessions, Esol classes, passport to success community capacity opportunities, and general womens group development are some of the projects delivered this year


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14 Funeral & Burial Services C nnect


Funerals In Bolton

The teachings of Islam on life and death are clear. We are all mortals and death is a gateway to the hereafter. Islam teaches us the methods by which we deal with the passing of our fellow human beings and rules by which we have to conduct the appropriate practices of prayer, preparation and burial.

The Bolton Council of Mosques for the last 10 years have been supporting and managing the Bolton funeral services on a voluntary basis. With the grace of Almighty Allah and the support of dedicated volunteers, we have a first class funeral service in Bolton.


We would like to take the opportunity to thank the following volunteers for giving their time and dedication to supporting the Funeral and Burial Service.

• Mohammed Mangera • Yusuf Katrada • Gaffar Bhai • Suleman Kola

• Iqbal Patel • Mehboob Bhaigi • Yusuf Mangera • Salim ghisa

• Khalid Ghisa • Ayub Patel • Saeed Malji • Anis Atcha

• Akhtar Zaman • Anwar Raee • Fazal Bhuta • Suleman India

• Umerji Khekha • Mohsin Bata • Mehboob Neki • Anis Randera

• Naeem Randera

We would also like to thank those who gave support in the purchase of the funeral van, and to other businesses for support in purchasing equipment.

Bolton Council Burial Costs

New Grave £630.00 Interment Fee £438.00 Marker Stone £ 40.00 Timbers £72.00 Total Cost £1180

Baby Grave £140Interment Fee £80.00 Marker Stone £40.00 Total cost £260.00

Bolton Council of Mosques volunteer services provided FREE of CHARGE

Donations to cover for maintainance of funeral van, equipment for volunteers, fuel, insurance, etc most welcome: please contact us on 01204 363680 to donate.

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15 Relief Work C nnect


Relief Work

Bolton Council of Mosques has responded to emergency situations whether they have been at a local or International level.

This has been achieved with the support of the Bolton Mosques and its members.

Through the blessings of the Almighty, we have managed to carry out a number of projects around the World and helped those who have been affected by natural disasters or other events.

Mosque representatives have been invited to come together at the start of the fundraising, planning out the strategy to undertake for the relief work, deciding key aspects such as:

• Decision to undertake a fundraising programme

• Which recognised relief organisation to work with to deliver projects

• Interview and clarification on project proposal and delivery

Over the years, over £500,000 has been raised by the Bolton community to help the poor and needy across the World. No funds have paid for Administration costs, all funds have been directly spent on the poor and needy.

We would like to thank all the relief agencies, organisations and individuals we have worked with to allow the Bolton Muslim Community to contribute to the appeals locally and internationally.

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16 Counselling C nnect


Case Study

Abdullah (pseudonym) is a 25 year old man from an Asian background. Since early childhood his parents were embroiled in relationship problems resulting in him along with his siblings experiencing a very deprived and a harsh upbringing.

When he started counselling he was experiencing sleeping problems, bullying from his siblings, a dysfunctional relationship with his parents and panic attacks. – All this resulting in him being reclusive and experiencing very low self esteem. The counselling helped him to begin to address these symptoms and his profound feelings of being alone and unsafe.

Gradually, as trust developed in the counsellor, Abdullah was enabled to identify and acquaint himself with his ‘real self’. He built up his self esteem to the stage that interacting with people and overcoming the challenges with his siblings was bearable, with the knowledge that he had done nothing wrong and that he had rights. As his confidence improved he was also helped to make his own choices –in terms of progression in education, and even to move out of the family home.

The counselling has helped Abdullah to be resilient in what life may throw at him. In his own words, he explains the experience of counselling as: “a service without which, I simply don’t know what I would have done.”

BCOM Counselling is an opportunity for you to talk to a professional therapist to help you understand yourself and your situation. This might involve reflecting on your life experiences and your responses to new ones. The counsellor will also help you to identify what changes in life style could reduce any distress you feel, and to support you as you consider how to do this. Depending on what you are able to share, the counsellor works with you to explore how you can progress towards living in a way that is more satisfactory and resourceful for you.

Although the counselling offered is primarily non-directive and non-advisory, in some situations you may want more positive guidance from specific information and advice. The counsellor will suggest how this might be obtained.

The service is directly aimed at the Muslim Community as there is a big gap in service provision. However, we currently have clients from all sections of the community.

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BCoM Leadership Development Programme

Over the last two years the Leadership Development Programme has gone from strength to strength and has seen over 40 of Bolton’s future leaders become graduates.

This year the programme adopted the theme of interfaith collaboration and attracted participants from diverse faith backgrounds with a common interest in community development

The educational principles underpinning the programme used adult learning models and required participants to fully and actively engage in the process of learning.

The Programme developed individuals to be :

• Self-aware mature individuals with insight who can recognise and maximize personal impact.

• Strategic thinkers who understand the use of power and politics, see opportunities, be creative and be able to maximise possibilities.

• Systems-orientated thinkers who appreciate the importance of relationships and connections and are able to form networks and work across boundaries.

• Reflective practitioners who are able to learn from all situations and circumstances.

• Courageous risk-takers who are strongly committed to a faith based ethical framework.

• Participants to translate higher level visions and policies into locally sensitive agendas.

17 Leadership & Community Development C nnect


A Ground Breaking Chaplaincy Course To Become Multi Faith Leaders

The week-long training programme was the first of its kind in the UK which shared people the skills they need to be a chaplain in a multi-faith environment. The course was pioneering and could be rolled out to other towns and cities across the country.

Chaplains are traditionally associated with a single faith and provide help and advice for anyone seeking spiritual guidance. Training took place at the University Of Bolton, the Bolton Methodist Mission at Victoria Hall and the Zakariyya Mosque on Peace Street.

The course was put together by the Bolton Council of Mosques (BCoM), Bolton Christian Community Cohesion (BCCC), the University Of Bolton and Bolton Community College with Moalana Waleed as the Course Co-ordinator.

The course was aimed at existing chaplains and also at those interested in becoming a chaplain. The Royal Bolton Hospital, Bolton town centre and the University Of Bolton all have chaplains, the sessions were led by existing chaplains, as well as leading Islamic scholars. Students also got hands-on experience by spending time on placement in existing chaplaincies.Community Champions

Connecting you to the opportunities Bolton Council of Mosques has supported the development of community champions and groups over many years, in the next edition we will give you an insight of some of the work that the individual champions and the community groups do to promote and provide opportunities to our Mosque communities.

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18 Partnerships C nnect


Bolton Vision is Bolton’s Local Strategic Partnership (LSP), a key organisation that we have a partnership with, working together with other agencies to improve life for everyone in Bolton.

The Bolton Vision partnership has a top-level steering group and a number of supporting partnership groups built around key themes such as children and young people, the economy, health, housing and the environment. The partnership has an enviable track record of success. Now the partners want to build on Bolton’s strong services to work in better, more innovative ways.

We all have different needs and those needs also change over time.We will continue to listen carefully to what all members of the ‘Bolton Family’ are saying, act early to prevent and reduce future problems and make services more flexible and effective. We will also need to make sure that our most vulnerable citizens such as young children and older people have the support that they need.

Bolton Council of Mosques have a representation on this partnership and supports to contribute fully, acting on behalf of our Mosque communities.

We work closely with other departments in the council, such as Positive Contribution, Education, Libraries and Museum, Social Services and Environment services advocating the views and needs of the Muslim communities. Neighbourhood Management is an approach that the council and Bolton at Home have adopted, and as our mosques already work at neighbourhood level, it is important that the views, news and aspirations are worked alongside the priorities of the Neighbourhood Managers. Each area has a Neighbourhood Manager based there, who works closely with a wide range of partners and residents to focus attention on the priority issues thatneed to be addressed.

What do they do? Neighbourhood Management is about making lasting improvements where they’re most needed. That means listening to local people and involving them in reshaping services on the ground. Not only council services like cleaning the streets and repairing the roads, but also the police, schools, housing and health providers. Their main priorities are improving health and prosperity, working with local people, increasing safety, and strengthening and reassuring the community, there is now one team co-coordinating services and improvements at a local level in each of our Mosque areas in Bolton.

Call your Neighbourhood managers and connect yourself to making a difference in your area.

Neighbourhood ManagersThe Neighbourhood Management teams intend to make a positive and lasting difference in your area. If you want to be actively involved in making that change, then contact your neighbourhood manager.

Area Neighbourhood Manager Organisation Phone number

Rumworth Pauline Dixon Council 01204 333887

Crompton and Hall i’ th’ Wood Phil Jones Council 01204 336702

Halliwell Shaheen Sameja Council 01204 333675

Great Lever Amina Jeewa Council 01204 338424

Farnworth John Pye Council 01204 332904

Breightmet Marie McNulty Bolton at Home 01204 333640

Tonge with the Haulgh Samantha Higham Bolton at Home 01204 335532

Johnson Fold and Washacre Anne Burns Bolton at Home 01204 335353

Hulton Lane Shauna Morton Bolton at Home 01204 333890

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Bolton Council of Mosques in the recent months has been working closely with the Area policing teams to support the keeping of our communities safe and bridging the relationships between our Mosque communities.

In the recent months, our Masjid representatives made a key decision in supporting to manage the EDL Demonstration in Bolton. We are proud to say that we had No Muslim arrests in Bolton, No damage to any of our Mosques, No negative publicity and ultimatley we as the Muslim Community can be proud that we did not fall into the trap others have in other towns. It was a difficult decision that the Mosque representatives made on behalf of your communties,but the right decision.

It is very important thatwe work with thecommunity policingteam and relationshipsare built directlyto ensure thatantisocialbehaviour andcrime issuesthat matterlocally are dealtwith in partnership.

BCOM - Hate Crime Reporting Centre

A hate crime or incident is any incident that is perceived by the victim or any other person as being motivated by a prejudice or hatred of someone’s:

• Race, colour or ethnic origin

• National origin

• Religion, faith or belief

• Gender or gender identity

• Sexuality or sexual orientation

• Disability

• Lifestyle or dress code

Hate incidents can take many forms, including:

• Physical attacks such as physical assault, damage to property, offensive graffiti, neighbour disputes and arson

• Threat of attack including offensive letters, abusive or obscene telephone calls, groups hanging around to intimidate you, and unfounded, malicious complaints

• Verbal abuse or insults offensive leaflets and posters, abusive gestures, dumping of rubbish outside homes or through letterboxes and bullying at schools or in the workplace.

An incident doesn’t have to include violence for you to report it. Verbal abuse, threats of attack or victimisation can be just as distressing, and are taken just as seriously.

Tell Us

It is important that if you experience a hate incident you inform the police. The information you provide is extremely valuable because it helps to build up a true picture of what is happening across Bolton, and will help us to tackle hate incidents effectively.

If you feel that you cannot contact the Police to report a Hate crime, then you may wish to contact us at the BCoM on 01204 363680.

19 Partnerships

Bolton West0161 856 5689

Bolton Central0161 856 5619

Bolton East0161 856 5761

Bolton South0161 856 5761

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20 Other Partnerships C nnect


Bolton Council Bolton PCT Bolton NHS Lancashire Council Of MosquesMuslim Council Of BritainBolton CVSBolton Solidarity Community Assoc.Bolton Inter-Faith Council Greater Manchester Police Bolton Council Community Safety Services360 ServicesBolton Lads and Girls Club Bolton Coroners Lodestones Bolton Wanderers Football Club Serco Leisure Bolton Arena Bolton College Essa Academy Harper Green School Ladybridge School Thornleigh College Bolton Council CYP Services

Bolton CYP Strategic Forum Nightingale Centre Forrest Bank Prison Bolton Council – Environment Services and Cemetary Services Bolton Council Health Sport and Inclusion Services Find Your Talent programme Cultural Creative EducationDeane Play group Goshia Youth Voice North Bolton Support Group Horn of Africa Cultural Centre Communities and local GovernmentBusiness Bolton Job Centre Plus

Community NetworkGovernment North West Charities Commission Bolton Christian Cohesion Council of British Hajis University Of BoltonHalal Monitoring CommitteeUmah Welfare Trust Human Appeal International Essa Charitable Trust Engage BoltonHindu ForumIslamic Relief Asian Elders Bolton WiseWater ParkRoyal MailMinab NBSCABandSahara

Bolton Wanderers Community TrustGreater Manchester Police Association

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1 Vicarage Street

Bolton,,BL3 5LE

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