July 2010 Newsletter -1

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  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Newsletter -1


    Greetings fromNizhny Novgorod

    Gen 1:29 And Godsaid,

    Behold, I have given you

    everyplant yielding seed

    that is on the faceof all the

    earth, and every tree with

    seed in its fruit. You shall

    have them for food.

    God is sogood and so

    generous with His good

    things for us. Summer in

    Nizhny Novgorod meansvery long days with about

    22 hours of day light and

    lots offresh berries. We

    look forward to this time of

    year when we canbuy all

    the fresh berries we can

    eat. They are harvested

    from private gardens and

    picked in the forest and

    sold on the roads and street



    Another five years

    M I C H A E L & K A R E N M C D O N A L D

    S E R V I N G T H E R U S S I A N C H U R C H

    F O U R S Q U A R E M I S S I O N S I N T E R N AT I O N A L - H O P E C H A P E L N A S H U A N H

    N O R T H E A S T D I S T R I C T O F F O U R S Q U A R E C H U R C H E S


    !A P R I L & M A Y 2 0 1 0


    The last couple of months we

    have been praying and seekingGod!s direction for our future.We love Russia and are seeingmore and more fruit from ourministry here, however, wehave felt a responsibility to re-evaluate our work in light oflosing a significant portion ofour support starting in October.

    Neither Karen nor I have felt asif our time here in Russia waswinding down, but we havebeen actively seeking the Lordand looking for confirmation ofHis desire for our future.Recently, a Russian Pastor,whom we had never met andhad only seen us for about twominutes said, The Lord told meto tell you that He will open new

    doors of ministry for you inRussia, and that your influenceis about to expand. You will beministering in more places andmore cites. This confirmed aScripture passage which theHoly Spirit had quickened tome (Michael speaking) theweek before;

    Isaiah 54:2&3 Enlarge theplace of your tent, and let thecurtains of your habitations bestretched out; do not hold back;

    lengthen your cords and

    strengthen your stakes. Foryou will spread abroad to theright and to the left, and youroffspring will possess thenations and will people thedesolate cities.

    We have decided to commitourselves to at least another 5years of ministry in Russia!

    With that in mind we will bevisiting the U.S. this fall toattend several districtconferences, visit churches andsee our supporters, friends andfamily. We of course arehoping that during this visit wewill also be able to connect withchurches and individuals whowill be interested in partnering

    with us as we continue thework here in Russia. We needto replace $500 of supportwhich will end in October, andhopefully also increase oursupport level a bit more overthe $500 we are losing.

    We are asking our readers topray with us, asking the Lord toshow His hand of provision.

  • 8/9/2019 July 2010 Newsletter -1


    Camp ministry: This month we will be teachingat a weekend family camp sponsored by one ofthe local churches. We were surprised by theinvitation as we don!t know the leadership welland have only spoken in the church one time.We see this as evidence of the increasedinfluence that we were promised.

    We have also been asked to teach a marriageseminar in another local church. The pastorhas asked us to minister to the families in thecongregation as many of them are facingchallenges. Again we see this as the Lordopening new doors of ministry for us.

    June Ministry

    As always we have been busy this last month.Marriage ministry is an increasing area ofministry for us. We have been teaching amarriage seminar in a new local church as wellas spending time with several couples doingpersonal marriage counseling. We also have 2new couples waiting for us to do pre-maritalpreparation with them. At times the depth ofthe family/marriage needs here areoverwhelming. We covet your prayers.

    Both of us continue our teaching schedule atthe local rehabs and in addition every weekKaren leads a home group in a new churchplant.

    A simple gift, an answered prayer

    We give away books and Bibles every month.This month we were able to purchase 3Russian Language, Full Life, study Bibles.Study Bibles are rare in Russia and mostRussian pastors don!t own one. As wepresented one Bible to a local Pastor he said,It has been my dream to own a study Bible.Just this morning I was looking at one and I told

    the Lord I really would like to have one ofthese. So, because of the support we receiveevery month from you, we were able to providethe answer to this faithful young pastor!sprayer.

    Men!s Day at the Bogorodsk Rehab center

    Fathers and sonsfreedom from drugs, families restored,

    loving life together in Christ

    Thank You to all who pray for us and financially supportour work. We could not be here without you.

    Important Giving Directions! Please make checks to HOPE CHAPEL and write

    Russia or McDonald in the memo portion. Please mail your check to: HOPE

    CHAPEL NASHUA, PO Box 1458, NASHUA, NH 03061-1458.

    For on line direct givinghttps://give.foursquare.org/SSLPage.aspx?pid=477&frsid=67

    Thank you so much for your partnership. Individuals may send support to our home

    church at the address above.
