Newsletter 201612r kk1 - Securitas€¦ · Microsoft Word - Newsletter_201612r_kk1 Author: clara.shea Created Date: 11/24/2016 3:09:19 PM

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Page 1: Newsletter 201612r kk1 - Securitas€¦ · Microsoft Word - Newsletter_201612r_kk1 Author: clara.shea Created Date: 11/24/2016 3:09:19 PM
Page 2: Newsletter 201612r kk1 - Securitas€¦ · Microsoft Word - Newsletter_201612r_kk1 Author: clara.shea Created Date: 11/24/2016 3:09:19 PM

Dear Colleagues, Welcome to the latest issue of the Securitas Hong Kong newsletter. We have come to almost the end of 2016, and had passed though a few ups and downs in business this year. However, we are still energized and actively exploring new business opportunities and new security solutions for our customers, despite the economic headwinds we are facing in Hong Kong. Congratulations to four “Excellence in Service” awardees in Q2 and Q3. They truly demonstrate the core values of Securitas – Integrity, Vigilance and Helpfulness. We are proud to provide quality security service to our customers, and we shall continue to drive ourselves to be “the knowledge leader in security”. Our summer interns have departed us for 3 months now and we are glad this CSR program has been running for 7 consecutive years. We believed they have been able to learn a lot about the security industry and gained loads of real work life experience. Once again, I would like to remind you to take all necessary safety precautions on and at work, and I look forward to seeing you in the new year. Wishing you all and your family a blessed and merry Christmas. Kelvyn Kwok Country President

致各同事: 歡迎大家閱讀最新一期公司通訊。 二零一六年已接近尾聲,在這一年我們都經歷了生意上的不同的波折,雖然香港的經濟環境衰退但是我們仍然保持堅毅,努力爭取新的商機和新的保安方案給予我們的客戶。 恭喜四位獲頒發第二和三季傑出員工獎的同事,他們卓越的表現演示了塞科利達的核心價值 - 誠信可靠、時刻警覺、樂於助人。能夠使客戶滿意及得到他們的認同,我們感到非常驕傲。我們會繼續提供優秀的保安服務及努力成為保安業的智慧領航者。 今年的大學生暑期實習計劃已經完結大約三個月,我們很高興這個企業社會責任計劃已經實行了七年,我們相信在我們公司實習過的學生能在短短的時間內吸取到保安業的知識以及體驗到真實的工作經驗。 最後,想提提各位無論上班或不用上班,請時刻提高警覺,注意個人的安全。在此,祝大家身體健康,有個愉快的聖誕節,希望新的一年同大家見面。 祝安 郭文強 香港區總裁

In Q2/2016, our employee Ms. Chu Pui Sheung Maggie was awarded the “Excellence in Service” Award together with HK$500 cash reward. She was nominated by the Hong Kong Jockey Club (Happy Valley) as she has consistently been delivering excellent customer services for the Hong Kong Jockey Club's customers. In Q3/2016, two of our employees were awarded “Excellence in Service” Awards, each with HK$500 cash reward. • Mr. Li Kam Man was nominated by CBRE Limited in recognition of his excellent customer service for CBRE Limited; and

• Ms. Cheng Lai Yee was nominated by The Dairy Farm Company Ltd (Warehouse) in recognition of her outstanding performance in a suspected theft case that occurred in the warehouse. Her professional attitude and helpfulness were deeply appreciated by our customer.

One other employee, Mr. Wong Mong Nam was also awarded the “Excellence in Service” certificate together with HK$50 supermarket voucher in Q3. He was nominated by CBRE Limited, in recognition of his good customer service. 在二零一六年第二季,朱佩嫦女士獲頒「傑出員工」獎和港幣五百元現金獎,她獲香港賽馬會(快活谷)嘉許,表揚她對賽馬會的客戶服務出色。 在二零一六年第三季,有兩位同事獲頒「傑出員工」獎和港幣五百元現金獎。 • 李錦文先生獲世邦魏理仕有限公司嘉許,表揚他出色的客戶服務。 • 鄭麗儀女士獲牛奶有限公司貨倉嘉許,表揚她處理於該貨倉的一宗盜竊案中表現出眾,她的專業態度和樂於助人的服務態度備受讚許。 另外,黃望南先生獲頒「傑出員工」證書和獎勵,表揚他優秀的顧客服務。

2nd Quarter of Excellence in Service 2016 Awarded Staff 二零一六年第二零一六年第二零一六年第二零一六年第二二二二季傑出員工獎得獎員工季傑出員工獎得獎員工季傑出員工獎得獎員工季傑出員工獎得獎員工 3rd Quarter of Excellence in Service 2016 Awarded Staff 二零一六年第二零一六年第二零一六年第二零一六年第三三三三季傑出員工獎得獎員工季傑出員工獎得獎員工季傑出員工獎得獎員工季傑出員工獎得獎員工

朱佩嫦女士 Ms. Chu Pui Sheung Maggie

李錦文先生 Mr. Li Kam Man

鄭麗儀女士 Ms. Cheng Lai Yee

黃望南先生 Mr. Wong Mong Nam

Country President’s Corner 香港區總裁的話香港區總裁的話香港區總裁的話香港區總裁的話

Excellence in Service 傑出員工獎傑出員工獎傑出員工獎傑出員工獎

Page 3: Newsletter 201612r kk1 - Securitas€¦ · Microsoft Word - Newsletter_201612r_kk1 Author: clara.shea Created Date: 11/24/2016 3:09:19 PM

Corporate Social Responsibility is one of the key values of Securitas. In order to provide opportunities for university students to develop working skills and gain work life experiences, we employed four 3rd year students in different departments in Securitas this summer. Mr. Kelvyn Kwok, Country President said, “We welcomed the interns to join our company and become a part of Securitas. This is the 7th year of the internship program and it has been a positive experience for us. Students who are eager to learn have brought enthusiasm which benefits the working environment. I hope they enjoy the program and could take away from the program good knowledge and valuable experiences.”The interns Ms. Daphne Ma, Ms. Angel Kong, Ms. Hoey Ngan and Ms. Eunice Chuen said, “We would like to thank Securitas for the incredible working experiences we have gained here. With the help from the managers and supervisors, we got a better understanding of the security industry as well as the daily operation of Securitas.” in professional and personal way. Thank you Securitas.”

企業社會責任是塞科利達著重的價值觀之一。今年暑假,公司為給予大學生機會體驗實際商業環境並學習相應的工作技能,聘請了四名大學三年級的學生在不同部門實習。香港區總裁郭文強先生說:「塞科利達歡迎大學生加入成為我們的一份子。今年已經是第七年進行這個大學生暑期工作實習計劃,熱切學習的實習生們為公司帶來活力,對公司也是一個很好的經驗。希望他們好好享受過程,充實自己。」四位實習生馬康欣小姐、江婧怡小姐、顏可兒小姐和全穎荷小姐說:「首先很感謝塞科利達給我們一個難忘的工作經驗。在各部門的經理和上司的幫助下,我們對保安業以及塞科利達的運作有更深入的了解,同時培養專業技能和其他溝通技巧。再次感謝塞科利達。」Securitas Hong Kong has been awarded a security service contract to provide security service to the data centres of a renowned international IT firm. To serve our customer with the best of our ability and professionally secure their facilities, we had invited trainers from the US to train our guards on specific data centre security topics and procedures in July and September this year. Terrence Wong, Branch Manager said “The requirement of the security service for Data Centre is very different from the other industries, thus, training is extremely important for the on-site guards. At the same time,

good teamwork and strong cooperation of the on-site guards are also vital.” 塞科利達香港獲授予一份合約為一間國際知名的數據中心提供保安服務。為提供我們最優質的保安服務和保護客戶的設施,我們於今年七月和九月安排了培訓課程,邀請美國的培訓導師專程來到香港教授有關數據中心的專業保安知識和程序。區域經理黃俊偉先生說:「數據中心的保安要求有別於其他行業,所以培訓對保安員是十分重要的。同時,保安員的合作性也相當重要。」

Thank you all for supporting the “Reward” Staff Reward Program. We are glad that more staff have redeemed the rewards. Accumulate more points to redeem your favorite rewards! Check your pay slip to see the total accumulated points you have, or you can contact HR Department. Rewards are waiting for you!

多謝各位同事支持員工獎賞計劃─「獎賞」,以積分換取禮品。 我們很高興見到更多同事利用積分換領獎賞。 提提您,可以在糧單上查閱您的累積積分,或聯絡人事部同事。 快來換取禮品吧!

What’s New 最新消息最新消息最新消息最新消息

University Student Summer Internship Program 2016大學生暑期實習計劃大學生暑期實習計劃大學生暑期實習計劃大學生暑期實習計劃 2016

Data Centre Trainings 數據中心培訓數據中心培訓數據中心培訓數據中心培訓

Reward 獎賞獎賞獎賞獎賞 – Staff Reward Program 員工獎賞計劃員工獎賞計劃員工獎賞計劃員工獎賞計劃

Page 4: Newsletter 201612r kk1 - Securitas€¦ · Microsoft Word - Newsletter_201612r_kk1 Author: clara.shea Created Date: 11/24/2016 3:09:19 PM

• Discount on healthy shoes in Dr. Kong will be extended to Dr. Kong健康鞋優惠會伸延至二零一七年七月

• Discount on selected Apple products at Apple Store will be extended to指定蘋果產品優惠至二零一七年三月三十 Please feel free to contact HR Department if you have any questions如你對計劃有任何問題,歡迎聯絡人事部。 Try not to cross the road where there are parked vehicles. If you have to do so because other places would be more dangerous then • Choose a crossing place between parked private cars rather than

larger vehicles such as lorries as it is easier for you to see approaching traffic, and for drivers to see you. Choose as large a gap as you can.

• If there are parked vehicles on both sides of gap between cars which has a gap on the opposite side.

• Choose a place where you can see a long way up and down the road, that is choose to cross between private cars rather than where there are lorries or vans which will block your view.

• Choose a gap between cars which have no drivers in them.• Cross well away from vehicles picking up or dropping passengers,

or loading or unloading goods.

When you have found a safe place to cross, go to the outside edge of the car that sticks out the most into the road and stop. Standing at the outside edge of the vehicle will make it easier for you to see any traffic, and for drivers to see you. You can now continue your crossing using the Road Crossing Code, Steps 1 to 4. • Step 1 - Look all around for traffic and listen.• Step 2 - If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again.• Step 3 - When there is no traffic near, walk straight across the

road. • Step 4 - Keep looking and listening while you cross. Source: Transport Department

If you have any comment or you would like to see any arti若你對公司通訊有任何意見,或對特別的題材有興趣,歡迎電郵至8/F Por Yen Building, 478 Castle Peak Road, Cheung Sha

Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S)

Road Safety for Pedestrians道路安全道路安全道路安全道路安全

Staff Benefits Update員工優惠員工優惠員工優惠員工優惠更新更新更新更新

Discount on healthy shoes in Dr. Kong will be extended to 26th July 2017 會伸延至二零一七年七月廿六日。 Discount on selected Apple products at Apple Store will be extended to 31st March 2017至二零一七年三月三十一日。

Please feel free to contact HR Department if you have any questions

Try not to cross the road where there are parked vehicles. If you have to do so because other places would be more dangerous then

Choose a crossing place between parked private cars rather than larger vehicles such as lorries as it is easier for you to see approaching traffic, and for drivers to see you. Choose as large a

If there are parked vehicles on both sides of the road, choose a gap between cars which has a gap on the opposite side. Choose a place where you can see a long way up and down the road, that is choose to cross between private cars rather than where there are lorries or vans which will block your view. Choose a gap between cars which have no drivers in them. Cross well away from vehicles picking up or dropping passengers,

When you have found a safe place to cross, go to the outside edge of the car that sticks out the most into the road and stop. Standing at the outside edge of the vehicle will make it easier for you to

now continue your crossing using the Road Crossing Code,

Look all around for traffic and listen. If traffic is coming, let it pass. Look all around again. When there is no traffic near, walk straight across the

Keep looking and listening while you cross.

盡量不要在停放了車輛的路邊橫過馬路擇更為危險而必須在該處過馬路點: • 寧可在泊定的私家車之間橫過車輛例如貨車之間橫過的車輛,駕駛人亦較容易看見你盡可能選擇車與車之間空位較大的地方• 如果馬路兩旁都已停放車輛都有空位的地方過路• 選擇可看見道路遠處的地點過馬路說,要選擇在私家車之間而非貨車或小巴之間橫過,因為後者會阻礙你的視• 選擇在沒有駕駛人的私家車之間過馬路• 遠離正在上落客或貨的車輛 找到可以安全過馬路的地方後側,然後停步。在該輛車的外側站立來往的車輛,也可以讓駕駛人輕易看見你繼續依照「過馬路守則馬路: • 第 1 點──環顧四周交通情況• 第 2 點──如有車輛駛近看四周。 • 第 3 點──如沒有車輛駛近路。 • 第 4 點──過馬路時 留意四周來往的車輛車位駛出。有些汽車引擎聲量很低駕駛人都會發信號警告行人 資料來源﹕運輸署

article in the newsletter, please feel free to contact clara.shea@secu歡迎電郵至 [email protected] 或致電+852 2191 8918與佘小姐聯絡ha Wan, Kowloon, Hong Kong 香港九龍長沙灣青山道 478號百欣大廈

Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S) 環境環境環境環境、、、、健康及安全健康及安全健康及安全健康及安全

道路安全道路安全道路安全道路安全 - 行人須知行人須知行人須知行人須知


31st March 2017

盡量不要在停放了車輛的路邊橫過馬路。如其他選擇更為危險而必須在該處過馬路,便須注意下列各寧可在泊定的私家車之間橫過,也不要在大型車輛例如貨車之間橫過,以便較容易看見駛近駕駛人亦較容易看見你。過馬路時,盡可能選擇車與車之間空位較大的地方。 如果馬路兩旁都已停放車輛,應選擇馬路兩邊都有空位的地方過路。 選擇可看見道路遠處的地點過馬路,這即是要選擇在私家車之間而非貨車或小巴之間因為後者會阻礙你的視綫。 選擇在沒有駕駛人的私家車之間過馬路。 遠離正在上落客或貨的車輛。 找到可以安全過馬路的地方後,趨前到車輛最外在該輛車的外側站立,可較易看見也可以讓駕駛人輕易看見你。你可以過馬路守則」的第 1 至 4 點守則橫過環顧四周交通情況,小心聆聽。 如有車輛駛近,先讓其駛過,再察如沒有車輛駛近,便直綫步過馬過馬路時,仍要小心察看和聆聽。 留意四周來往的車輛,小心是否有車輛從路旁的停有些汽車引擎聲量很低,並且不是所有駕駛人都會發信號警告行人。 運輸署 curitas.hk or phone to +852 2191 8918. 與佘小姐聯絡。 號百欣大廈 8樓
