n: AT AQAWA RIVER - Ontario · n: AT AQAWA RIVER 29 ... SAULT 37S, J&RIS ?-1IMIUG Hoptarfr b J. . P. 41Na7SEe020 LABELLE10C1 LABELLE 010C ... At this tino tho area had bocono of popular

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Hoptarfr b J. . P.



Property ,Ad Title l

Location 1

Accoao 2

Accomodation near Property 2

History of tho Property 2

Work carried out* on tho clain to date 3

Power, Tinber, Water 3

Physical Characteristics oT tho Property 3Aroa

Geology of the Area ^

Geology of tho Property 5

Structure 7

Pitchblende Occurrence on Claim SSM 35157 #

Other Radioactive Mineralisation H


Conoluoiono l2

Rococnandationo 13


7ownohip 29 RonfgQ


b J. . I 13*3.6. P.

Trio property ia a uranium r^oopact of creator aorit

than avor^co. ^:; -l ara t i aa ^ic bcoci rocwtiondod conulotinfi

of preapoctinci dla';iwv:iHJrillir^ and rock pitting. A total

of 030, WO le i-iKuilr.toIy v/arrantod.

V' 0 {"ii'v -* r-"?Y i f I** 'i'T'Mi"T' JLV-Z j^J.'.^-^L J V-V^L rr'jtj.T^^.r'jfc:^

Tho rs*oporty lo cooBtitutod of 9 clains, nun^orod as


3Ci: 35157 - 35165 (9 claias)

Vl^ooo aro ror*ir. '-.crod at the ofXico of tho iiliainc Roc-

at C-iiult .-:ta. /i'-ado, A:': ^1=0 :itu.io of '"rio ^ttav^T

3oO aero s r^ro i^oiivj^utod: ;CL1 clali^D nro eontisucuo and

up a c^^^P rou^Jly o-iuaro ir;

Tlio location lioa about tiQ riiloo north of Sault Sto.

ISario, on t to north oh ore at the coot on d of lato Superior*

The Agawa Rlvor flowo fron tho oast, paosing g nilo oouth of

the oouth property boundary and tho nouth of tha Hoatroal

Page 2*

River lias about 12 nilas south from hore.

Easiest accooo io currontly by Algoca Central Railway

Iron the "Soo" to oilu lOM from hero a tote or truck road

9000 fivo nlloo in length goes to tho boundary of tho property

on tho ahoro of Lake Superior*

At tho present tioo tho Trans Canada Highway fron tho

Soo has boon completed to tho Agawa River, i nilo from tho

property, but this hao yet to bo bridged; it can, ho/over, bo

forded in a 4-whool drive truck, and ao it io pooniblo to drive

directly to tho property froa Sault Ste, I brio*

Altoraativoly, aircraft can bo chartered at Sault Ste.

liario and c&i fly directly to tho property.

111-, Dud Ccxsk opcratos a Tourist LCK'.QO f cor fio^dng

portiQO'.thio lodco is at tho oouth of tho Agawa River, 20

ninutoo walk from the property.


The property wao originally stated by a proopeotor in

19*t9 and la tor acquired by tho Ottawa Assooiatas (a group of

business oon frcra Michigan, U.S.A.)

At this tino tho area had bocono of popular interest

owing to tho finding of pitchblende at Alona Bay) this find

was given groat publicity but by 1950 had foiled to satisfy

public expectations! the interest of public capital shifted

to Deavorlodca and other points, and tho area at tho oast end

of Ldka Superior (in which the Agawa River Property is situ

ated) fell xnto low repute. In 1954 tho "Ottawa Associates*

allowed tho c lemay to lapse but irsraediately re-acquirod then

by reetaking.


Tite claino havo had a geological curvoy porfcraod on

then, and a geological nap of tho property hao boon completed

by J. Q, ilcCotabo, Geologist.

In ono locality only at the dincovory location of a

pitchblende voia linitod stripping has boon porforaod.

It le probable that eorao proopocting of tho area hao

b;)on undertaken, but in view of tho esctrcaoly rx^cod condition

of tho country it is likaly that thoro in roon for further

work of t hi o kind.

A hydro fKJwor otation le located at tho Montreal River,

12 :,ileo south of the* property i the coot of oxtendinc tho

trarmnieolon lino to Aca\ai iiivor would bo in tl^o vicinity of


Thoro io a uavt-oill at 2-iilo 104 on tho Algoaa Central

Railvayi Anple tiobor and water for all r.iininc purpooos can

bo obtained locally.


The country io very mountainous, with otoop hills

rising to hoiehts of TOO feet abovo Lako lovolJ in places

stopped acarpe reach to height c of 200 foot or so* OuHoyc,

Pago 4.canyon*like in character, cut the Mils in directions both

northwest and northeast.

Tho Dountain-sides, where not represented by both

flnnfllX and large ocarpe and cliff o, ore overburden covered* Tho

eanyon-liko galleys referred to usually fern the beda of the

crooks: their floor io coaraonly covered with a debris of huge

boulders carried down by mountain torrent s s only the steep

canyon wall o oro exposed*

Tho aroa has not boon burnt over for nany yoars and is

thickly wooded with epmico and hardwood tfcaber: the underbruah

la hoavy.


Tlve area north of Sault Ste. Marie (and for oooo distance

back froa tho share of Lako Superior) botvioon Batchauana Bay

and Hichipicoten Harbour (and north of this) is underlain by

precambrian rooks: to the oouth of this aroa, tho rocks of

Huronian ago oxtend in a strip fron Sault Ste. Marie to Sudbury.

Hoar Batchawana Bay tho ancient rocks of the Keewatin

lava o are overlain by those wuch youn^or in ago i the latter

consist of conglooeratoo and sandctono, later than the Cobalt

series in geological succession.70 niloa to the north, and for a distance of j*0 olio o

south of this point, rooks sinilar to those of tho Batchavana

Bay aroa occur.

Tho intervening area between those sections, occupying

25 or 30 niloa of the shore of Lako Superior, is underlain by


granito, granite gaei&o and fpraaitia rocks taoluding PogjoatitoD.The Agawa River property falls within this latter area

of granite gnoiea.


The boart deocription of the rocks underlying the property

has boon given in tho report of John O* ZfcCcabo who napped tic

claioa ecologically* Thie is directly quoted as follows:-

"Tho property lies within an area of Pre-Caobrian rocks and is

underlain and dominated by a granito-gnoi&d complex* This

conplox is ccnpoood of old altered oodinonto and intruoives

v/hich now appoor ao paracnoioooo and granite gnoiao, and are

intruded by very iriM^vil&r dikoo, sillo and tonguoo of lator

granite that varies in composition, texture and colour froa a

very corase granied white croy ty?3 to a fino craniod red

syonitio variety* Tlieso intruding granites generally tond to

take tlio f ara of narrow ;.-oughly parallel dikoo and tongues that

coincide, more a* looo, with t ha otructuro of t lie .;jtrudod hoot

rocks. Howovor, in sorao inotancos tho ,3ranit30 do talso the fora

of low dipping aillo and this adds to t bo complexity of the

ea in pattern.

On a baoio of rock outcrops oxowinod it vK)uld appear that

tho Epoosaic rocka dorainat-o the oaotorn part of tlio property

while cyanite io rfjoro prodooinate over part of the western area.

In both caoec, ao differentiated on the geologic plan, the

oonplox ie proeent but varieo insorauoh ao the ooot conmon rook

type is concerned. In tho predominately c^anlto area the

probably represents undigested fragtaonts Uiat take fc.

of Unit o d roof pendants.

Tho cranitc-gnoiso coaplox hac boen intruded by

diabaoo dikoo of two and possibly ooro a0oa. The oldest

dikoo otriko north-Y m o tor ly eouth-oaoterly and aro quartz loon

and oosily errocSed. Tho younger diko oyoton otrikos north-

ocutorly oouth-wooterly, aro quarts rich and do not orrode

oaoily, in ooao instances forsdng low ridges above tho noro

oaoily orrodod hoot rocko.

Within tho property boundaries tho older diabaooe oro

roprouontod by three nain dikes of which tho most easterly

io by far tho r.iout important ao witii it is aooociatod rich

pitchblende dnoralisation. It outcrops on clnio 35157 and

poroioto throuch to Moot of claia 35163. Hosrt/ in importance

is tho diho that outcrops near tho oouth v/ect corner of clain

35161 and porsieto tliroucU a well dofinod crook valloy, through

to v/oct of clain 35163. ?ho thia'd diloo of thio ago outcropo

on claino 3515^ and 35160 but dooo not appear to havo tho por-

oistoncy of tho other two

TliG younsor diabcx&o finds oxproosion in tv/o woll

dofinod, parallel dilcoa tlint dlsoct tho projKir^ throuch

claino 35161, 35160, 35164 and 35165.

Glacial deposition of Ploiotocono 050 is expressed in

tho glacial dobrio conpoood of unoortod boulder aatorial and

suni stratified oandti and cravolo that naok bedrock ovor con-

oiciorablo aroac.

Hocont dopooltion of stratIfiod sands and gravols is

prooont on tlw oouth oaotorn llnito of tho proporty while

roount de pool t i on of angular rook fragment o, derived froo

Page 7*

slides, fill tic acre constricted valloy bottoas and 2cva

limited talus slopes along tho lower linito of wider onoa

The structure is coaplcx. Tho granites and gneisses

which forn the granite-noiss complox lie along the northern

litab of a wide truncated anticline. They strike roughly oast

and west and dip into the north 300 - 45O * Conaiderablo

faulting occurred in tho ocaplex previous to tho intrusion of

tho diabaooo which intruded thensolvos along those conoo of

rock displacement. Those faults appear to have boon nornal

faults end in pattern v;oro confinod to north-wostorly, south

easterly faults dipping into the north-oaot, and ncrth-

oaotorly, oouth-wosterly faults dicing -nto tho ncrth-uest*

Post diabase faulting has followed the oarao pattern as

that which occurred provious to diko intrusion* Tlw nbi',

oaotorly north-vroot striking dilco, vrtiich carries uraniua min

eralization , cufforod faulting along its hanging wall contact

and this '.vao responsible for a sono of broceiation along which

uraniuta nincralisuition deposited, and probably at tho cane

tine tho north-west striking dikes wore displaced by a series

of north-oaotorly striking faults. It is tho writ or 'a opin

ion that practically all of thu faulting occurred previous

to tho deposition of uraniua mineralisation and that it has

tended to control and legalise tho mineralised sonoo. Poet

udnorol faulting has occurred but is loos prevalent and dees

not follow tho previous set pattern* The nlnoraliaed sono la

Pogo d.

of foot eooo fifteen foot by a reverse fault that strike of

apprcocimtely east and wast end dips into tho nwth* Thio

was t bo only definite poet mineral fault that was noted**

(Hot e i Current claim nurabors havn boon inserted in place of

those of ncw-lapood claims, to which "V. McConbo refers.

T OH CLAIM SSEj 3ff 5?Tho occurrence hao boon previously roforrod to under

tho heading "Wccfe Carriod out on tho Clains to da to".

It is roaohod by a trail 25 minutes walk froo Cook* o

cabins, and lioo noro or loss at tho foot of tho mountain

to tho north of horo.

Hero a diabaoo dike (with a probable width of 60

foot or oo) r.r.rikoo ocoo H 60 W into tho high areal erodon

haa out dovm \...o diko loaving canyon \falle 60 .foot or loos

in height: tho canyon bottoea 10 boulder covered and is a

ctroaa bed. The dyko is scant ly outcropping in one locality.

Horo for Id/* foot tho northeast contact of tho dyko io

ortpoced - nost of it by nature and oono of it duo to strip

ping. To the northwest, tho dike (and both contacts) boeonos

covorod by progressively doopor overburden: to tho oouthoast

it ia ovarburdon-covorod, aloo, and ultimately (after 400

foot or oo ) projects its extrapolated extension into tho

valley of tho Agaua Rivor, and into doop ovorburdon.

Thus all that can be soon of the occurronco at present

is contained in an area 1&4 feet Ions, both ends of tho area

ovorbui-don-covered, end only tho northeast contact of the diko



Tho najor o trot c h of the otriko distance of 1& foot

of which the contact is exposed io only weakly radioactive!

the vein sone in which M.gh concentrations of uroniun nfneral-

ijjation occur lias at tho northwost ond of tho 164 ft. stripped

DOC t ion: it occupies a length of corao 20 foot or so and io

continuous to the northwest whore it bocoaos obscured by

Shallow overburden: tho latter boeorass progressively deeper,

as stated, but could for a short distance, at any rate, bo

removed by trenching.

Tho high-grade uraniun mineralisation, whore observed,

occurs at or no or tho contact of tho diabase dyke with tho

granite gneioo host rock! at this section the contact has boon

strongly sheared or f allite d on tha hansing-vrall side of tho dike,

uhich dipo to the northeast at an angle of 55 decrees In this

neighbourhood: tho dike contains breccia particles.

Tiw rock in tho oheav-sone has been hydrothenuaHy

altered, vdth introduction of hematite no a dissemination in

tho dyke for a width of JO Inches! calcite both white and ciauvo-

tingod forms an appreciable quantity of tho vein materials ninor

quantiti&s of c'dorito occupy fractures in the diabaoo. A

coarsely orystallintf quarta voin is contiguous to tho voin oono.

This identical type of quarts has not boon oeon by tha author

other than* or no or the Fold Lake Area of the Bo&vorlodgo Area*

Tho 4" voin of m o rive pitchblende and of pitchblende

distributed in small fractures along a V high grade aono io

sandwiched bo f. M on tho shear B one and the granite hanging wall*

This latter voin in all probability carries tho bulk of



1*60 10.

the ,tion but appeared to

ninor concentration throughout tho shear B one structure.At tho tios of cxaoinat*'", the high grade section was

soil covered! the writer exposed it in throe locations and is

satisfied that it la "open" to tho northwest.

A rook blast wag nado, and tho following sanploa were

obtained by tho authors


Sanplo Ho. 1, Voin Material. Calcite, Pitchblonde,hociatite alteration - width k inchos.

Sanplo Ho, 2* Includes ooction cut by No* 1 and dlkomaterial ovor width r f 30 inches*

Thoso are couparod with oanples taken by J.G, KcConbe as

follows t


Sample. Nro.


Assayed by

Ont. Oopt* of Minos.

Doainion IJasnQsiua.




- .

4 tt 6.40

5 Dcaainion 12*55IJagoosiua.

6 Ottawa 39*4

7 " 0.53


Qrab sanploof natorial frcsa oouth-oaet ond of zono*

Qrab roPTOsonting 10 inohoo across branch vein in diabase.

Grab of high grade fron fracture on contact.

Qrab of vein natorial Jtrom contact fracture*

Grab of uneonsolidated weathered material lying above high grade pitchblende

Qrab of pitchblende and adhering granite wall rook.

Grab of uneonsolidated weathered oaterial above Pitchblende* Ilopresenta a

n width

n.Stopple No. Assayed by

Ottawa 0,55 Grab of uneonoolidatod weathered aatorlal abovo pitchblende. Represents a 5" width.


J. O, McCotabo has reported finding vwakly radioactive

float at a location 66O feet northeast on Lino N t cioaourod

froa tho baco-linc. Thlc io on clatn :;iXM 35163, r,nd 4,000

foot ftpproxirantoly frcr^ t ho noin sljov/ins.

It ic nonr t ho projoctiwi of tho Dar.io dyko ao that in

vrhich tho occurronce proviouoly doocribod vmo found: tho float

if* roported to cor.tain calcite and ho.iatito: both of thooo

;;inorals wore aaoo^iatod vdth tho first arid riain diocovory.

HcCrsribc su/^otstod that exploration nt t.xls jxilnt uicht

liTicovor lu-anixuu uincralication along t'r?c Inncing-wall of tho


pitchblendo occunrtmco of inportanco haD boon

found on the property. T .io occurs in juxtaposition to a

diabaoo dyto probably of groat length) tho v/idth of tho dyko

io 60 foot or oo, and it cutn a country rock of granito-cnoios,

Tho expoouro of tho valunblo .Jdncralication io liaited

by ovorburdon* tmch of thio in doop oiiouch to preclude surface


Outface prospect ins ^o boon carriod out, but it is

tta \Aritor'o ouroiao that thio work could not have boon as

intensive aa might have been the ca0'* in a loss rugged aroa.

Page 12*

As part of a largo r and nor o extensive occurrence, tho

Main Showing on claln S8M 35157 would certainly roprosont an


It can bo ohovn by simple arithmetical calculation that

a pitchblende vein grading 12. 4?* t^Og per Ton acrooo a tfidth

of l inch vdll dilute to a grade of ^50/ton whon takon over a

width of 3 foot,or ctinins width* i'or this calculation uraniun

oxide (U30g) i'* priced at S7.257lb,

in th*) case o! tho ohovins c'.oocribad, tho oanplo cut

gave an asoay of 22,8^ U^O^ over 4 inchoo: i5aa?lo Ho, 2 (talcon

in tho oaruo pit, but including dyko raatorial) aosayod 2.3^

ovor a v;idto of 30 inchoa.

Ovor o width of 36 inchoo, tho nrados can bo calculated

ac diluting roapoctively to 2.5/' and l .9/5 ^303.

At 07.25/lb. tho avcraao valuo (2^2jS U^Ojj) calculatod

fro:a tlio abovo oha/c a value of v319.W o^/or 3.0 foot.

i'1',0 foro^inf: io a^o^m in orUor tt^ o:nphaaiso that hich-

grado pitchblondo, ovon ovor narrow x/idtho, can produce a vory

yood crndo of oro. It can bc oontionod hore, and it io gonor-

a3.1y lcnotn^ that pricoo in c::couo of v?.25Xlb. UjOij nay bo

arrc,r4.;od by special contracto with Eldorado Kinins and P.ofinins

Corapany, the Crown purdiaoinc a^ento for uraniun in Canada.

V/hotJior or not t ho required "larger and nore extensive

occurrence", i^ontioned alove, can bo developed rociains to be

proven by further exploration.

In the case of Carsray and Hanwick Uraniuo Mines Idtoitod

Pago 13*

com;ani*a explored thoir occurrences (which wore sooouhat

similar in nature to that which is the suljoct of this roport)

by our face drilling and by underground dovvlupoor.t. They

;mdortook this work at a tino when tho only knovm raotbod In the

oro-droooins of pitohblondo wao by gravity troatnontt (this

typo of treatnxmt givoo a rocovory of 70S* approodUaatoly, and

has now boon roplocod by lor chine processes, which sivo a vory

high rocovory). At thia tira the prieo paid fer uranium uao

02.75 POT Ib* of U30g dolivo:*c*d at tlio railtoad ao a concon-

trato of nou loso than lOJ* "^303.

Sinco tlion tho toclinolof^ of tho dovolopaont and

trtatoont of uraniua oro o L*ao advanced and tho price paid for

the product hae Incroaaad conaidorably. All the work porfomcd

in 4.950 and prior to thin dato raust bo cctisidorod as new

subject to reatsoooaont,

r roppocting ef tho property ahould :ontinuo t and if

poooJblo an inoontivo for the diccovery of now mineralisation

should bo givou to t ho proapootor.

Tho pain aliowins should bo stripped to its northwootorn

limit oa* to tho point at wJiich it is no longer posoiblo to

carry out this work duo to depth of owrburdeni at tho oano

tJjQQ oxploraticn crooo-tronching stould bo carried out whenever

Uiio is possible m^d beyond tlio limits of tho knoua eoction of

value t this In 1 1 or roconaondation may bo difiioult^o follow,

since tlio extensions of tho diabcoo dyko uith which t-)o minor*

alication is associated appear to bo generously covered with

sand, boulders and gravel*

Pago 14*

A aiaall conproasor (105 c.f *n*) should bo tckon to ths

main ehovring and rock pitting should bo un^ertakoni the purpose

of thia vill priraarily bo to invootigatJ tho voz-tical contin

uity of tho oro-ohoot; in ito porfoznonco, howavor, this rock-

pit or "opon-cut undorhand otopo* will cortaialy dovolop

brokon rock rich in uranium which will bocosto valuable at tho

tiao tliat tho Midway traverses tho propertyi an effort ehould

bo mado to raino tldo soloctdvoly.

In nny developoont to bo undortakon of tMu naia sha/inc,

ovory offort ol^ould bo mdo to kcop olooo to tho aono of voluos

nuch ao io tho practice in tho nining of silver veins in Cobalt

and in tho ttUcon.

An expenditure of up to 330,000 io rooonzaondod and this

lo x/arranted by tiio poooibility or a successful dovolopnont

of tho pitchblende shov/ing on claia SSK 35157.

Toronto, Ontario, 10th Juno, 1955.

Rospoctfully Suboittod,

J* H* Macdonald, B.So^, P* Engt



To: Mr. J. R* Ihcdorudd,25 Adelaide Stroot West, Soon 206, TOilGHTO, Ontario.

nocoivod Juno 7i 1955* REPORT HOJ 861.

Sanp?.o No. Lab. Ho.

Agawa R. Prop n it tt 2.37

Juno 7/55. Certified b/ 3*J* Brooker.