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No one guessed our Mystery Persons for February– They were Noah Webner & Marc Wilts!

Please send us a picture for next month’s newsletter!

Email pictures to [email protected] or drop photos off at the church office.


March 2015 Newsletter

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Called and Sent

Lent is a time of journeying deeper in our faith. But what does that really mean? Last Sunday we heard how Jesus urged fisherman Simon Peter to go deeper. Even though he was tired and unsure, he heeded the call of Christ and was overwhelmed by abundance. He was not alone and he needed partners in ministry to help him gather in all which Christ had blessed him with.

Going Deeper is new and powerful, exciting and overwhelming, but the best part is that we are often surprised by Christ and surrounded by so many people in this joyful work. When we go deeper, we look around at those who are gathering in the nets with us with renewed joy and energy. This look we have says, “Wow! Look what we get to do together! Look who is leading us! How awesome is this!” Have you experienced “going deeper” in the body of Christ?

This is what going deeper in faith during Lent is about. We go deeper when we answer Christ’s Call, and go where he sends us—deeper in faith, out into the world, with the purpose of furthering kingdom!

How do you know how God is calling you and where God is sending you?

There is no formula, but it starts with listening in silence to God. Listen to your passions, strengths, skills, talents, and abilities and be aware of what brings you energy and excitement. Where are the moments you look around in awe of God’s abundant blessings and call others to come share with you? That’s what Peter did when the catch was so great and the nets heavy! That is what Andrew did when he went to see Jesus!

Frederick Buechner said, “There are many different voices calling you to many different places in the world, the place where God calls you is where your deep gladness and the world’s deep hunger meet.” God calls everyone to love God and love our neighbor and use our gifts in response to His grace.

There is a place God is calling you here at Bermuda Hundred UMC.

This Lent, give something a try- go deeper—experience how Christ can bring abundance in your life in ways you may not have imagined.

How is God calling you – where are you sent? What can you do and how can you serve?

Continued on the next page


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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

Continued from the previous page

Look through the opportunities listed below. Pick one, better yet- pick at least one in every category: Rad-ical Hospitality, Passionate Worship, Intentional De-velopment, Risk Taking Mission, Extravagant Gener-osity.

Called and Sent to Radical Hospitality

Write notes to Visitors and Members

Call/ Make Visits

Help with Potlucks

Change the Church Sign

Called and Sent to Passionate Worship

Serve as a Lay Reader



Be a Communion Bread Baker

Be a Communion Server

Sing in the Choir- Make a Joyful Noise

Volunteer with Children’s Church

Serve in the Nursery

Called and Sent to Intentional Faith Development

Youth Group Helper– Wednesday and Sunday

Bring Youth Group Snacks

Chaperone Youth Mission Trip (Put DATE here)

Confirmation Mentor

Lead a Small Group

Participate in a Small Group

Teach Sunday School

Risk Taking Mission

Bring Food for the Backpack Ministry

Serve on Mondays preparing Backpacks

Volunteer at Our Daily Bread Food Pantry

Volunteer when we Feed the Homeless in Petersburg

Tutor at Greenleigh Learning Cottage

Extravagant Generosity

Tithe (Giving 10% of your Income)

Work towards a tithe by giving proportionally

Volunteer to serve as part of a Counter Team

Give of yourself- your time and talent

I pray that this Lent you can experience how Christ has called and sent you! Go deeper with Christ, experience abundance, and be engaged in the

powerful work of the kingdom with the Body of Christ!

In God’s Love,

Pastor Love

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

Happy March from the United Methodist Men. We will be helping the Youth with their Spaghetti Supper fund raiser on March 6th. So, come on out and support our Youth. The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper was postponed due to weather. A new date hasn’t been set, so check the Bulletin for the new date.

All men are invited to join us at our next meeting on March 16th, after the UMW Charter Night Supper. Come enjoy a great meal, prepared by the UMW, and join us in fellowship. There is usually a Silent Auction too, so bring some money with you. See Doris Morefield, Betty Forbes, or any UMW for tickets to the dinner. And remember, the first time you come to a UMM meeting, I will pay for your dinner.

Charles Woodard Lent is the Christian Season of preparation before Easter. Ash Wednesday marks the first day of Lent. This observance began as a way for early Christians to remind themselves of the value of repentance. It is a season of penance, reflection, and fasting to prepare for Christ’s Resurrection on Easter Sunday through which we attain redemption. Lent is derived from the old English word Lencten, which means lengthen. The duration of lent represents the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert before beginning his public ministry and endured temptation by Satan. (Mathew 4:1-110)

Today we observe Lent by giving up some favorite food,pleasurable activity or taking on some kind of charitable work as a form of penitence and growing closer to Christ. Lent is about what Christ gave up to pay the penalty for our sins – His Life.

The last week of Lent is known as Holy Week. During this holiest time of the year the Church relives the final week of our Savior’s life. The high points of this week are Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Vigil. Here at BHUMC we will observe Holy Thursday, April 2nd with a Living Last Supper and on Good Friday, April 3rd the Last Words of Jesus. Please mark your calendar for these two important worship events.

During the 40 days of Lent, even if you don’t give up something, please be in reverent observance, prayer and get involved in some type of charitable work. There are so many opportunities here at the church you will surely find something that you want to be a part of.

Peace, Edna Sherrill, Wor- ship Chair

Worship Team

United Methodist Men

Holy Thursday Worship Service

April 2 at 7:00 pm

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The Stewardship committee is proud to announce the following Stewardship theme for our Church this year:

“Let’s make a M.E.S.S.”

MESSAGE – all year long, regular, consistent stewardship communication about the Giver and the impact of the Gift.

EDUCATION – through a strong 2015 stewardship campaign and information for new members/welcome team.

SUCCESS – highlighting and sharing the positives in all that goes in to our giving. SHOWING – tracking and showing all of the work, results, accomplishments and most

importantly, the impacts of our stewardship.

Together we can help achieve the stewardship goals for the church by being good stewards of God’s grace, consistently giving, sharing and celebrating together. Not only is it important to cover the cost of the General Budget, to pay our full apportionments and to fund our missions in the community, but to build a sustainable, consistent passion for sharing God’s gifts that can be carried into future years and generations. On that note – GREAT NEWS – Together, through our tithes and offerings, we were able to fund our budget AND apportionments for the month of January! Thank you! Please continue to give consistently and graciously so that we can celebrate a full year of 100% funding again this year. Don’t forgot all of the other great ways to share in stewardship – School Back Packs Program, Food Pantry, UMW Birthing Kits, feeding the homeless, UMM fund raisers, among many others. The impact or our giving is significant. But you may wonder where the gifts of tithes and offerings go. This illustration depicts a standard, generalized breakdown of funds. Of every $1,000 given in offering: $854 stays in the local church $119 goes to jurisdictions: annual conferences and districts $21 goes to general apportionments; $5 goes to other general funds.

Source: UMC.ORG - General Council on Finance and Administration data. In God’s Grace, Your stewardship committee, Dave Steinbraker, Dorothy Mooney, Ann McNinch, Charles Woodward and Bill Talley V


Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

March Meetings & Small Groups

Wednesday Morning Prayer Service every Wednesday at 7:00 am Keenagers meet at 10:30 am in the church parking lot to carpool to the Virginia

Diner in Wakefield on Wednesday, March 4. Please note that on March 4 the Lenten devotion and luncheon will be held at the Virginia Diner.

Finance Committee will meet Tuesday, March 10 at 6:30 pm in the Grundy Parlor Church Council will meet Tuesday, March 10 at 7:30 pm in the Grundy Parlor

Prayer Shawl Ministry meets Tuesday, March 10 at 1:30 pm at Betty’s house The Worship Team will meet Wednesday, March 11 at 10:00 am in the Parlor

The UMW Charter Night dinner will be on Monday, March 16 at 6:00 pm in the fellowship hall. See Doris Morefield for more information

The UMM will meet after the Charter Night Dinner on Monday, March 16. See Charles Woodard for more information on the UMM

The Gladys Toom Small Group will meet Wednesday, March 11 and 25 at 2:00 pm The Worship Team will meet Thursday, March 19 at 6:30 pm

(the adult choir will rehearse at 7:30 pm on Thursday, March 19) The UMYF spaghetti dinner fundraiser is Friday, March 6 from 5 to 7pm (Youth

arrive at 4:15pm) UMYF will meet Wednesday March 18 6-7:30pm and

Wednesday March 25 5:30-8pm (dinner provided) to watch Passion of the Christ, UMYF meets Sunday March 29 6—8pm to practice for the Good Friday Service

In late January we began a study called Christianity and World Religions by Adam Hamilton. Much like our study Christianity's Family Tree, Hamilton respectfully and thoroughly explores topics that could bring much controversy. We will thoroughly examine Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Join us in the Fellowship Hall during Sunday School (9:45-10:45am)!

Visit our blog to stay updated on our studies: http://bhumcjustcoffee.blogspot.com

Just Coffee

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

United Methodist Women

The Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Women would like to extend an invitation to all the members of the church to attend their annual Charter Night Dinner scheduled for March 16th at 6PM in the church Fellowship Hall. We will have a guest speaker for the evening, Marie Hawks who will be presenting a program on the James River District’s mission trip to Alsozsolca, Hungary specifically their work with the Roma people. We believe you will find it most interesting and meaningful.

The cost of the dinner is $15.00 per person which includes a full meal and dessert. We will also have one of our famous “Silent Auctions” to raise money for the birthing kits we are preparing for Annual Conference in June. Child care will be provided. Please let Doris Morefield or Kelly Manor know by Thursday, March 12th if it will be needed. Please make your checks for $15.00 payable to the Bermuda Hundred UMW and your reservations need to be in by Thursday, March 12th. Please let Doris Morefield, Glenn Harrison or Betty Forbes know if you can attend.

This special meeting each year is our opportunity to recognize our Lifetime Members and say thank you to all of our members who have worked so hard during the year to respond to God’s mission of helping women, children and youth, here and around the world. Please join us on March 16th for a great time of learning, fellowship, good food and a lot of fun!

We are collecting Birthing Kits to send to Conference in June. Our focus is on collecting receiving blankets (we will need 628), hotel bar soap, plastic bags, and latex gloves. The other items that is in the kits will be purchased in bulk. Any monetary donation will also be appreciated.

Our Lenten Breakfast is Saturday, March 14th at the Airfield Conference Center, Wakefield. We have four ladies registered to attend.

-Doris Morefield, UMW President

The UMW have decided to do the Birthing Kits as part of our mission work this year. The materials needed to create the kits are:

-One hotel‐size piece of soap –to clean the birth attendants hands both before delivery and prior to cutting the umbil-ical cord, and to clean the mother’ perineum. Soap enhances clean practices by motivating hand washing

-One pair of clean latex gloves – to reduce disease transmission

-One square yard of clear 4 mil plastic sheeting – to provide a clean surface to deliver the baby on

-Three pieces of clean string each 12 inches long – the third piece is extra in case the TBA drops one

-One clean single use razor blade – essential for clean cutting of the cord. Carefully wrap the razor blade in paper and/or plastic to protect it from moisture, or from causing injury

-Two flannelette receiving blankets each 1 yd use pinking shears to prevent fraying – one to dry and stimulate the ba-by, and one to swaddle the baby – even in hot climates babies quickly lose body heat -One gallon zip lock bag – to package the kit and to be used to hold the placenta ready for safe disposal

We are planning on making 314 kits for the conference in June. Please start looking for supplies/items for the kits. If anyone has questions or can help getting donated items, please call Kelly Manor at 804-350-6420.

Birthing Kits

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

1 Dorothy Mooney, Dwight Harro

3 Pastor Beth Anderson

5 Ginger McTernan, Jordan Mathis

7 Grace Anderson, Pat Clark

9 Tracy Craddock

10 Betty Mayes

13 Caden Bethune

14 Chappel Talley

17 Duncan Webner,

Ryan & Samantha Coker

27 Kelly Manor

31 Karen Hearst, Bob Sherrill

The Finance Committee has been hard at work since the beginning of the year and has identified several goals for 2015. A few of these goals are as follows.

100% Apportionments in 2015

Quarterly updates on the Church’s financial status

Refinancing of the mortgage

Creation of Counting Teams

I want to congratulate all of you for helping BHUMC achieve 100% in apportionments for 2014. It takes the gifts from all us to make this accomplishment possible. We are off to a good start in 2015 and appreciate the pledges that many of you made. These pledges greatly assist the Finance Committee in the planning and budgeting for the year.

We’ve been blessed that a few individuals have handled the counting of the offering duties for BHUMC all year for the last couple of years. However we need to lighten the load on these dedicated few. I’m

asking for 9 others to sign up to assist with this duty. This would allow us to have 4 teams of three and each team would be tasked with counting 3 months out of the year. These 3 months wouldn’t be back to back to back but rather one month each quarter. The time commitment is approximately 20 -30 minutes after the 11am service. There will be sign-up sheets for this in the notebooks that are passed around each Sunday. Please consider assisting in this endeavor.

Yours in his service,

Bill Talley, V

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

The Backpack Program helps elementary grade school chil-dren have something to eat over the weekend who other-wise may go hungry. We have 14 children enrolled in the backpack program. We have 5 at Enon, 5 at Marguerite Christian, and 4 at Elizabeth Scott Elementary schools. The food needed: Pop-tarts, Breakfast bars, small boxes of cereal, instant oatmeal, fruit cups, Vienna sausages, Chef Boyardee cups, tuna, ham and chicken salad single serv-ings, cheese crackers and boxed fruit drinks. Due to the increase of peanut and other nut allergies please do not donate food with peanut and other nuts such as peanut butter crackers and trail mix bars with nuts. The bin for donations is at the top of the steps just before you enter the Sanctuary area and at the bottom of the back staircase.

See Ann McNinch for more information regarding BHUMC’s Backpack Program.


Backpack Program.

Easter Egg Hunt 2-4 p.m. Saturday, March 21

Bring a basket for your eggs!

Petting Zoo

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church

2025 Florence Ave, Chester, VA 23836

(804) 530-1391


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8:30 AM



Marc & Mindy Wilts Neil & Ditty


The Hodges


Elaine & Charlie

Ruxton Youth

11:00 AM



Tom & Pam Myrick Glenn & Sidney


Fred & Peggy

Proper Girl Scouts Youth


Carter Steinbraker &

Maggie Steinbraker

Dylan Craddock

& Abby Mayes



& Savannah Talley

Caitlin LaRue

& Kelsey Callahan

Abby Mayes

& Gracie Anderson




Tina Morris Tina Morris Liz Carter

McDonough Liz Carter

McDonough Tyler Craddock



Volunteer Needed Pam Winn Volunteer Needed Tyler Craddock Sheila LaRue

UMYF Meals

No Sunday UMYF (Spaghetti

Dinner on Friday, March 6 5–7pm)

No Sunday or Wednesday UMYF

due to March 6 Fundraiser

Wednesday UMYF on March 18

6-7:30pm Snack– Glenn


Wednesday UMYF on March 25

6-7:30pm Dinner Provided


Sunday 6-8pm

Meal—Tyler & Tra-cy Craddock

Altar Guild for March: Pam & Tom Myrick

If you cannot serve on your assigned Sunday, please call your contact as soon as possible:

8:30 AM Ushers/Greeters: Mindy Wilts at 586-7195

11:00 AM Ushers/Greeters: Sandy Forbes at 530-2055

Acolytes: Sheila LaRue at 454-1284

Altar Guild: Nancy Byrd at 530-5319

March 2015 Sunday Servants

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church March 2015

The Prayer Shawl Ministry will meet on Tuesday, March 10th

from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at Betty Forbes’s home.

See Lilly for more information!

March 8, 2015 Daylight Savings Time begins!

Remember to set

your clocks forward!

Ditty Mooney and Betty Forbes visited with Senator

Rosalyn R. Dance during the United Methodist Day at

the General Assembly on February 5th. Ditty and Betty

congratulated Senator Dance on her election to Senator for District 16 and asked for her continued support of

legislation affecting children and women specifically any

legislation pertaining to domestic violence and human

trafficking. She assured them that she would continue her support. This is the second year that Senator Dance has met with Ditty and Betty and is always so gracious and

receptive to hearing the issues most important to the

On Saturday, March 21st from 9AM - 2PM, the Crafty Ladies, Martha Meadows and Sandy Forbes will be participating in a vendor show for the Wesley United Methodist Women at the Wesley United Methodist Church, 3701 Conduit Road, Colonial Heights. Please come and support them and shop, shop, shop!

(l-r) Betty Forbes, Sen. Rosalyn Dance, Ditty Mooney

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Bermuda Hundred UMC

Holy Week Schedule

Palm Sunday, March 29

Contemporary Service 8:30 AM

Sunday School 9:45 AM

Traditional Worship Service 11:00 AM

Holy Thursday, April 2

7:00 PM Living Last Supper

Good Friday, April 3

7:00 PM Seven Last Words of Jesus

Easter Sunday, April5

Sunrise Service 6:30 AM

Breakfast 7:30-8:30 AM

Worship Service 10:00 AM

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Delicious pasta, sal-ad, bread &


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Welcome Bags for Visitors

UMYF News Although February is a short month and we missed a week for snow, our youth were still able to do amazing things. Ten of us headed to Blackstone over Valentines weekend for an inspirational, life changing youth retreat. I can not put into words how beautiful it is to watch our young adults grow in their faith while surrounded by their peers. I encour-age everyone to take time out of their schedules and volunteer to work with them. Sign up to help at a meeting, help at the spaghetti dinner, or chaperone for our mission trip this summer. I promise the reward for your time is tenfold, and we can not do these awesome events without your help.

Don't forget to come and fill your belly at our spaghetti dinner March 6th from 5-7pm! We will have small crafts to purchase and a silent auction!

Children’s Ministry News After a moving meeting of the beautiful minds on our Discipling team, we have come up with a solution for our awesome problem of our growing children ministry! There will now be two groups during Children's Church, 2yr old through preschool, and Kindergarten through 2nd grade. The older group will meet in the Children's church room and follow our current worship plan while the younger group will meet in the preschool classroom for a shorter lesson and some play time. There will no longer be snacks during children's church, please plan accordingly. As a special treat, On communion Sunday's the children will act out stories with our cool felt board! Please watch the sign up sheets in church or follow our Facebook group, for opportunities to volunteer. We will now need two adults and two youth each Sunday! Don't forget to start spreading the word about our upcoming events: Easter Egg Hunt March 21st from 2-4pm Vacation Bible School June 22-26th Do you recycle your Upper Room magazines? Bring them back to the church and leave them on the table in front of the church office or on the table at the foot of the stairwell. Edna Harrison will reuse your Upper Room magazines in the gift bags that are given to new visitors on Sunday mornings.

SHORT TERM STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNITY: The choir is in need of singers! We specifically need people who can commit to singing at the Easter Sunday service. The choir rehearses every Thursday from 7-8 (sometimes til 8:30) in the Sanctuary. Please pray over this short term commitment. We need you!! If you have any questions, see a choir member or contact me (Barbara Rutherford) at [email protected]. Thank you!