B ERMUDA H UNDRED U NITED M ETHODIST C HURCH 2025 F LORENCE A VENUE , C HESTER , VA 23836 R EV . B ETH A NDERSON , P ASTOR W EBSITE : WWW . BERMUDAHUNDREDUMC . COM E MAIL : BHUMCHURCH @ COMCAST . NET P HONE : 804.530.1391 SEE IF YOU CAN FIGURE OUT WHO WE ARE! E-MAIL YOUR GUESS TO [email protected] MARGARET REYNOLDS GUESSED OUR MYSTERY PERSONS FOR MAY! THEY WERE “THE TAI CHI CLASS” Please send us a picture for next month’s newsletter! MYSTERY PERSONS! If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter please call (804) 530-1391 or e-mail us at [email protected] to have your name removed. Thank you! June 2013 Newsletter

BERMUDA UNDRED NITED METHODIST HURCH 2025 …storage.cloversites.com/bermudahundredumc/documents...10 Christine Miles 12 Sarah Pearson, Joshua Tarver 13 Kay Lundy 14 Eve Gray, Tammy

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PHONE: 804 .530.1391




Please send us a picture for next month’s newsletter!


If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter please call (804) 530-1391 or

e-mail us at [email protected] to have your name removed. Thank you!

June 2013 Newsletter

Page 2: BERMUDA UNDRED NITED METHODIST HURCH 2025 …storage.cloversites.com/bermudahundredumc/documents...10 Christine Miles 12 Sarah Pearson, Joshua Tarver 13 Kay Lundy 14 Eve Gray, Tammy

2013 Truly I Tell You...


A few weeks ago, I headed to the hospital.

Going to the hospital is something I do often. I’ve just about made it to most of the local hospitals in our area and I’m growing my list of rehab and nursing homes I’ve visited.

I’m not on a mission to see every health care facility, but I am on a mission to bring the love and comfort of Jesus Christ to all who are hurt, tired, broken, sad, in need of healing---- which is all of us.

I feel an urgency to do this because; there is a lot is at stake.

I do not want anyone to bear feeling lonely and hurt, and scared, or in pain. People feel like this all the time, and I know that it does not have to be that way. That’s what I mean when I say, “a lot is at stake.” Why should we feel this way when Christ has come and wants us to experi-ence love and grace that runneth over?

That is why Christ says, “….for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was na-

ked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when was it that we saw you hungry and gave you food, or thirsty and gave you something to drink? And when was it that we saw you a stranger and welcomed you, or naked and gave you cloth-ing? And when was it that we saw you sick or in prison and visited you?’ And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family you did it to me.” (Matthew 25: 35-41)

Jesus desires that we will no longer hunger and thirst for anything other than His Righteousness. It is the hope and desire of Jesus that we will live so that strangers no longer exist, the naked are clothed, the sick are cared for, and prisoners are visited.

Most of us have heard this scripture. Yet, it is not until we are in one of these situations—hungry, thirsty, naked, sick, or in prison that we feel the need of it. It no longer sounds simply like a list of good ideas that folks should do, it feels like a deep need for which we long.

So when on a Thursday afternoon came and I was sitting alone in an Emergency Room I felt the need of this desire Christ has for us. Usually I am the one coming into an Emergency Room to visit someone who is waiting to hear from doctors, but this day I was the one waiting to find out what was wrong with me. As I sat alone, waiting I prayed. I also imagined what I would say to me, if I was visiting me. That may sound strange, but I knew the im-pact of a visit more powerfully. On Friday, Rev. James O’Quinn, the James River District chaplain visited me. I felt flooded with the love of God as I was wheeled into my room after another test to find he had come to visit me.

Continued on the next page

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

Whenever I have visited someone, it never strikes me as anything but normal. I hear someone is in the hospital and my first reaction is to adapt any schedule so I can see them. My first thought is “of course” I will go visit them. Yet, when I saw that someone had taken part of his day, driven, parked, and taken the time to come see me, I was overcome. It meant so much to me that someone had taken the time to see me. Sure, he had many other things to do that day, yet his visit showed that I mattered. Someone cared and thought of me and came. For me, sitting in the hospital bed, still feeling pain, still worried, scared, and unsure of all that was to come, the visit brought peace, rest, and a feeling of hope. Have you ever felt this way?

As your pastor, I am always reminding folks, “Please let me know when you have a surgery or procedure. Please let me know when you are in the hospital.” Yet, too often, I hear about something a week or more after it has happened usually because people say, “You’re busy, I don’t want to bother you.”

My hope is to make this very clear—I am never too busy to visit someone who is sick and in the hospital, some-one who is experiencing hospice, someone who is griev-ing… I am here for this reason. It is my desire that no one sit in a hospital feeling what is to wait, experiencing the feeling of not knowing what is next, without also knowing the presence and love of their church praying with Christ for them.

It is not only that Christ bids me to visit and care, it is that I feel the urgency to come along side you to share His love. I am so thankful for the privilege and honor to be your pastor. I am thankful for the opportunity God has given me to love and serve God and each of you!

We have many nurturing people in our church who visit, send cards, and make calls. One of my hopes in these next few months is to organize a Congregational Care Team made of the folks who already are or would like begin visiting. I am so thankful when folks keep me posted about pastoral care needs within our church

and community. If you are already visiting someone or wish begin visiting to, please let me know. I hope to cre-ate a greater net and a clear structure so that when someone is in need, they do not go unnoticed. To-gether, I pray we all may grow in living out how Christ calls all of us to reach out sharing His love. Together we will love, visit, and care so that all may know how deeply they are loved.

Living, Learning, and Loving in Christ, Pastor Beth

A plan for reading through the Book of Acts:

Continued from the previous page

Day 1 Acts 1:1-11 Day 2 Acts 1:12-26 Day 3 Acts 2:1-13 Day 4 Acts 2:14-42 Day 5 Acts 2:43-47 Day 6 Acts 3:1-26 Day 7 Acts 4:1-12 Day 8 Acts 4:13-37 Day 9 Acts 5:1-11 Day 10 Acts 5:12-42 Day 11 Acts 6:1-7 Day 12 Acts 7:1-60 Day 13 Acts 8:1-40 Day 14 Acts 9:1-31 Day 15 Acts 9:32-42 Day 16 Acts 10:1-48 Day 17 Acts 11:1-30 Day 18 Acts 12:1-25 Day 19 Acts 13:1-12 Day 20 Acts 13:13-43

Day 21 Acts 13:42-53

Day 22 Acts 14:1-28

Day 23 Acts 15:1-35

Day 24 Acts 15:36-16:15

Day 25 Acts 16:16-40

Day 26 Act 17:1-14

Day 27 Acts 17:15-34

Day 28 Acts 18:1-17

Day 29 Acts 18:18-28

Day 30 Acts 19

Day 31 Acts 20

Day 32 Acts 21

Day 33 Acts 22

Day 34 Acts 23

Day 35 Acts 24

Day 36 Acts 25

Day 37 Acts 26

Day 38 Act 27

Day 39 Acts 28:1-15

Day 40 Acts 28:16-31

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

Stop Hunger Now Meal Packaging Event on June 1, 2013

Stop Hunger Now at BHUMC on June 1, 2013 $3,204.50 Raised– 12,818 Meals Packaged 2 Hours—75 People = God-Shaped Community!

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

6 Richard Garrett

9 Chris Ritenour

10 Christine Miles

12 Sarah Pearson, Joshua Tarver

13 Kay Lundy

14 Eve Gray, Tammy Ritenour

15 Randy Ashie

18 Eddie Ashie

19 Ashley Hearst, Chris Sloan,

& Richard McTernan

21 Frank Linkous, Stacy Woodell

22 Bill Leach, Bob Rickman

23 Brian Hodges, Jake Belvin

24 Coleen Weiszbrod

25 Tyler Woodell, Sophia Anderson

26 Bill Talley V

27 Ashley Warthan

28 Charles Woodard, Ethan Snyder,

& Barbara Rutherford

June Birthdays

Congratulations Graduates! Senior Sunday was June 2, 2013

Graduates were honored at BHUMC’s worship services

Jake Belvin, L.C. Byrd High School Caitlyn Hearst, Thomas Dale High School

Brianna Knaggs, Thomas Dale High School Ashley Warthan, Thomas Dale High School

Emily Wilts, Thomas Dale High School Michael McNinch, Clemson University

Wanted: Person with specialized gift of annoying others

Are you repeatedly told to stop tapping your fingers, feet, or pencil, bouncing your knees up and down, bobbing your head, or making strange noises with your mouth? When people bore you, do you tune them out with rhythms in your head, only to be accused of not listening? Could you not care less about how you look when pounding out rhythms on your steering wheel? If you an-swered yes to any of these questions, you could be just the person we need to

play Conga Drums and other percussion in the Contemporary Service.

(l-r) Caitlyn Hearst, Emily Wilts, Pastor Beth, Ashley Warthan, Jake Belvin

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Please note that the Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet during the months of June, July and August.

See Lilly Enz for more information.

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

The Crafty Ladies would like all craf-ters and those who would like to as-sist with projects for the November 8-9, 2013 Craft Show to join them for fun and fellowship in the church fel-lowship hall starting again in July. The Crafty Ladies are taking a break for the month of June and will recon-vene in July. Please continue to work on your craft projects at home.

Happy Father’s Day! June 9

Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be

discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you

wherever you go. -Joshua 1:9


Acts Wednesdays: We will meet at 6:30 PM at the church on Wednesdays through June 19th and then go out into our community to share and spread Acts: of love, kindness, joy, service, gratitude, justice…etc.

Prayer Shawl Ministry: The Prayer Shawl Ministry will not meet during the months of June, July and August. The Prayer Shawl Ministry will resume in September.


Calling All Keenagers!: The Keenagers will meet at noon on Wednesday, June 5th at the Ambrosia Restaurant in Chester for lunch.

Bible Study: The June meetings for Gladys Toom’s Small Group will be at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, June 12th and Wednesday, June 26th at Gladys’s home. We are studying “This Holy Mystery: A United Methodist Under-standing of Holy Communion.”

Tai Chi Update: The Tai Chi class will not meet during the months of June, July and August and will resume meeting in September.

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

Starting in late May, we began a study of the book of Acts through a book recommended by Pastor Beth - Becoming the Church by Dalton Troy Rushing. Each chapter of the book parallels a chapter from Acts. There's no pressure for group members to read the Rushing book each week - the week's leader will do that and share what he or she has learned - but if you'd like to do some preparation, reading the chapters from Acts for the week would be beneficial for you. Visit our blog for specifics on each week's topic: http://bhumcjustcoffee.blogspot.com We meet in the Fellowship Hall on Sundays from 9:45-10:45am. We'd love to have you join us!

I would like to thank everyone who donated food to the Backpack Program this school year for Enon and Elizabeth Scott Elementary schools. This program would not be possible without your support! The last day for donating food is June 9th.

United Campus Ministries at Virginia State University is sponsoring the CARES Health Clinic at the VSU campus on Friday, June 14th and on Saturday, June 15th. This year the area churches are asked to provide 75 bag lunches for patients on June 15th. The lunches will consist of one turkey sandwich, one apple, one banana, one bag of plain potato chips and oatmeal cookie. We will put together the lunches on Friday, June 14th at 10:00 AM. Monetary donations in the form of a check should be made out to the church and VSU CARES in the memo. Please consider volunteering and/or donat-ing to this wonderful program.

In Christ’s love,

Ann McNinch,

Missions Chair


Please note that the Tuesday afternoon tutoring with Abundant Life Ministries at the Langston Park Community Center in Hopewell has been cancelled until further notice due to vandalism of the Community Center this Spring. Tutoring at Greenleigh Mobile Home Park will

resume in the Fall on Tuesdays & Thursdays.

Volunteers preparing lunches for Downtown Churches United’s Feeding Ministry. (l-r) Patty O’Brien, Betty Forbes, Gerri Russell, Mary Simmons & Ann McNinch

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

United Methodist Women

The UMW has made 290 birthing kits as of our May meeting. I am thinking we will meet our goal of 300 before Conference I will let you know the number we will be sending to Conference.

We collected $380.00 for our Candle Burning, the money will be going to Missions. We want to thank everyone that made a contribution.

Our next meeting will be in September at that time we will have a covered dish dinner and everyone is invited to attend. We will have a speaker from Ferrum College.

Hope everyone has a safe and relaxing summer. Remember to check out a book from the Reading Program. We are still saving Campbell Soup labels and cancelled postage stamps give them to Lilly Enz.

Doris Morefield

President, UMW

The United Methodist Men last met on May 21st. We decided to volunteer to take the August District Meeting at Bermuda Hundred as a Project and handle all aspects. We also decided to suspend meet-ings for the months of June and July. As always, all men are invited to attend our meetings and join the UMM. The first time you come to a meeting, I will pay for your meal. If you can’t make the meet-ings, join us by helping with one of our projects. We meet every 3rd Tuesday at Rivers Bend Grill, unless noted otherwise.

Charles Woodard, UMM President

United Methodist Men

The Bells are working! Thank you for your patience, I hope you are enjoying the beautiful sounds com-ing from our Bell Tower these days. I have submitted a detailed Technology Needs Report to the Fi-nance Committee. They are looking it over and will make their wishes known at the next Finance Meeting. I will let you know what they say after that meeting. I got a great idea from Charlie Ruxton about updating the sound system. If you have needs, ideas, or suggestions, please let me know via email or tell Christine and she will pass along to me.

Charles Woodard-Technology

Technology Committee

Please save these parts of your Campbell’s Soup labels and give them to Lilly Enz!

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Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

Summer Relaxation Prescription: Take 2 Hymns and Come to Choir Rehearsal! Singing in a choir is not only good for our church, but it's good for YOU! A study conducted by the Abant Izzet Baysal University in Turkey found that people who sang in choirs had a decreased level of anxiety. Researchers studied two groups of adults: one group participated in cho-ral activities, the other group had "unstructured" time. After the study, the researchers found that the choral singers had less anxiety whereas the "unstructured" group had MORE anxiety! Singing also has other healthy benefits. The benefits of singing range from the physical -- because it boosts oxygen levels in the blood -- to the psychological -- because it lowers stress and boosts feelings of community, according to Graham Welch, chair of music education at the Institute of Education at the University of London. Feel free to join us Thursday evenings from 7-8 pm in the Sanctuary. If you are unsure if choir is for you, come watch a rehearsal. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email me or any other choir mem-ber. We'll be happy to talk with you!!! Summer is almost here. School schedules are winding down, commitments are less frequent, calendars are a little emptier. Why not give the choir a try? It's service to your church as well as a free, fun, and HEALTHY thing to do!! Barbara Rutherford

11:00 AM Service Music Director

Notable News

Aubrey Ward is a boy scout in Troop 922 here at BHUMC working to earn his Eagle. Starting as a Webelo in Cub Scouts in 2006 he earned the highest award, the Arrow of Light. After crossing over to the Boy Scouts in 2008 he has now reached the level of Life Scout and is an active Patrol Leader of the Blue Beavers. This 16 year old is a rising junior at Thomas Dale High School. He will be working towards his advanced Diploma while taking college courses in Oracle at the Ches-terfield Technical Center.

Aubrey’s Eagle project is to build a prayer labyrinth at the end of the trail behind the pavilion. The trail and benches leading to the labyrinth will also be cleaned by volunteers. Aubrey will be having a mission moment this month ro present his project and ask for help with funding a swell as volunteers. This fantastic project should be finished by August! What a wonderful way to beautify the church’s grounds! Thank you Aubrey!

Notes From the Loft

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June 2013 Sunday Servants













Youth Sunday

8:30 AM



Marc & Mindy


Neil & Ditty

Mooney Wendy Brown

Charlie & Elaine

Ruxton Youth

11:00 AM



Tom & Pam


Sandy & Betty

Forbes TBA

Fred & Peggy

Proper Youth

Acolytes Justin LaRue &

Mason Steinbraker Kathleen McNinch & Cailtin LaRue

Dylan Craddock &

Savannah Talley

Mason Steinbraker & Kathleen McNinch

Jeremy Gutshall

& Kelsey Callahan


Lay Ser-

vant Cindy Morgan Cindy Morgan Will Sloan Will Sloan Tina Morris



Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Bill Talley V Volunteers Needed


Workers Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed Volunteers Needed



UMYF End of

the Year Party


Summer Break


Summer Break


Summer Break


Summer Break

Altar Guild for June: Doris & Frank Linkous

If you cannot serve on your assigned Sunday, please call your contact as soon as possible:

Ushers/Greeters: Mindy Wilts at 586-7195

Acolytes: Sheila LaRue at 454-1284

Altar Guild: Nancy Byrd at 530-5319

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Committee & Council Meetings

in the Grundy Parlor on

Tuesday, June 11

6:00 PM SPRC

6:45 PM Finance Committee

7:30 PM Church Council

Well another month in this year of 2013 - welcome to June 2013! We will be celebrating all of our graduates on Sunday, June 2! Congratulations to Jake Belvin, Caitlyn Hearst, Brianna Knaggs, Ash-ley Warthan, and Emily Wilts as they graduate High School and begin a new chapter in their lives. And, to Michael McNinch who graduated college! So proud of all of you and glad to call you "my own". Next up is the mission trip. We will be leaving on Thursday, June 20 and return on Sunday evening June 23. We still need $ 1, 956.00 for the mission fee and another $766.00 plus gas money for the van. I'm asking for sponsors for our youth and any donation. We will have a couple of fund raisers prior to leaving but will need to raise more money after we come back.

Also, VBS will begin on June 24 and I know many of our youth will be there to help. June will be gone before we know it so lets live for the day, be loving and be kind, know that forgive-ness is ours and we also need to practice it, and let's all make a commitment to read our bibles more and pray more! Love and Blessings,

Bermuda Hundred United Methodist Church June 2013

Theology 101

We have a new column in our newsletter-- Theology 101.

Do you have questions about life, faith, God, Jesus, sac-raments, why we do what we do in the church?

What does it all mean?

All our questions are not answered on Sunday morning-and often one question leads to another.

Thank God for questions and the joy of learning in Christ and in the Body of Christ!

We are all learning! What a joy!

Every other month Pastor Beth will explore a

theological question in this new section Theology 101.

Send your questions to her! :)

Email Pastor Beth at [email protected]

Let's Get Growing!

Senior Sunday, June 2, 2013

(l-r) Caitlyn Hearst, Emily Wilts, Ashley Warthan, Jake Belvin

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Join the fun at Backyard Bible Camp! Location: Bermuda Hundred UMC

2025 Florence Ave. Chester, VA 23836

Backyard Bible Camp will last from: June 24 through June 28

Excitement begins at: 6:00 PM Fun ends at: 8:30 PM

For more information, contact: (804) 530-1391

Email: [email protected] www.bermudahundredumc.com