My KIMEP - Undergraduate Brochure

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KIMEP is where you will reach your full potential.

KIMEP offers opportunities to all worthy students to receive aworld-class education. The most qualied faculty in Central Asia,outstanding professional development and a vibrant internationalatmosphere combine to make KIMEP the best place to start your career and grow as a person.

KIMEP is for everyone. We have students from all backgrounds andcountries in our Institute. A quarter of our students receive nancial

aid. This is a community where everyone is measured on one singlefactor: merit.

My Kimep

Table of 









DAULET ERMANOVCollege: BCB FinanceYear: ThirdInfo: Managing Editor ofthe KIMEP Times

“The atmosphere is not like

in other universities. When you enter you

feel something different. The academic

system means you can make your own

schedule, study any subject. Here, youare free.”

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A world-class education produces qualied

graduates with the values, skills and expertise

that are consistent with and relevant to the

society in which they intend to serve.

You as a student will always be the priority of thisextraordinary institute. Your education and well-

being are served through every academic, extra-curricular, and professional program.

That’s how you’ll gain the background to succeed inthe modern economy. And while you’re here, you’ll

have the time of your life.

Learn how to learnMOLDER MYKYBAEVA

College: CSS Economics Year: Second“Everything I’ve learned in class at KIMEPhas been applicable in practice. This is aunique academic environment.”

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KIMEP will open the doors to help you reach whatever heights you dream of.

KIMEP students from all programs reach the top of their elds. KIMEP graduates consistently ll the ranksof top companies like Deloitte and Chevron and go for further study at universities like Cambridge and theUniversity of Michigan.

So can you. But you need to take a bold rst step…

My Kimep

A total of 4 million dollars of nancial support is available to KIMEP

students. To learn more, go to Page 19.


College: CSS Journalism

Year: Fourth

“KIMEP made me speak great English. I didn’t

speak it well in high school, but the education

here brought me a long way. Here at KIMEP

with the credit system, I don’t waste time with courses I don’t

want to take. The system of education here is the best in


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Credit SystemKIMEP academics operate on the North American-style creditsystem, which allows you to choose the courses you want to take,and choose the professors you want to teach you. You can takeclasses in an array of disciplines and gain the broad educationnecessary for the modern workplace. You can adjust the number 

of courses you take per semester to suit your needs. This is thekind of broad education which will prepare you for the globalmarketplace.

Majors and MinorsYou can get two specializations with one KIMEP diploma. That’sbecause you choose your major (your main specializiation) as wellas a minor (a secondary specialization to support your personaland professional development). You aren’t even limited to your College. That means you can Major in Marketing with a Minor inLaw, or Major in Political Science with a Minor in Finance. At MyKIMEP, everything is possible.

English LanguageEducationIf your English isn’t great yet, our Foundation Program will takeyou there and provide you with the ability to participate in our academic courses. Academic classes at KIMEP are taught in

English – ensuring your uency in the international language of business and government. That’s how you’ll gain the skills andthe knowledge to communicate with the world and to reach your full potential.

Study AbroadThe opportunities for international study at KIMEP are vast and allstudents are encouraged to go abroad for one or two semesters.KIMEP has partnerships with more than 75 top international

universities and every year students y to the United States,Europe and Asia to get the international experience they need.With the most internationally recognized name in Central Asia,KIMEP is the region’s best stepping stone to international studyand travel, with a proven track record of sending students abroadboth during and after their course of study.

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 An International Faculty that Will Change theWay You See the World♦ One-on-one time with professors.

♦ Faculty from all around the world.

♦ Discussions in class where the students’ opinions count.

♦ Research projects, rigorous education, professional training. 

This is what you can expect from your professors at KIMEP. You won’t nd a more student-centered approach anywhere.

KIMEP has the highestconcentration of

Western-trained facultyof any Institute in theentire CIS. They arealways available todiscuss the issues, toanswer questions and tooffer you their knowledgeand experience.

Pursue every possibility


College: CSS Journalism

Year: Fourth

Info: Filmmaker

“Relationships with teachers

here are so much more

positive and equal than in high school or

even at other universities. Here teachers and

students communicate outside of class andreally learn from one another.”

Terence Blackburn, JD, Dean of Law School

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 Your First Year atKIMEPWhat can you expect in your 

frst year at KIMEP? 


You will begin your KIMEPeducation with an intensiveEnglish course taught by

experienced instructors, manyof whom come from the UnitedStates and United Kingdom.You will take classes under our General Education Program in abroad range of classes. KIMEPgraduates often look back at their rst-year academic experienceas one of the most criticalphases in their formation asindependent thinkers. Studentslearn from an internationalfaculty in a demanding but caringenvironment where the intellectcan truly grow.


Faculty and staff’s attitude isthat everyone in the KIMEPcommunity, above all students,must be taken care of. That’swhy KIMEP has an Advising

Center for Freshmen with adedicated staff ready to adviseand help our rst-year students.Furthermore, a fun OrientationProgram for students beforethey begin their studies ensuresthat students make a smoothtransition to university life.


The energetic extra-curricular life iswhere many KIMEP students maketheir lasting friendships. Students alsomeet in classes, where group projects

and teamwork are often encouraged.Life at KIMEP means new freedom andnew responsibility. KIMEP tries to helpstudents make the right choices basedon their needs without ever forgettingthe principle that students must have allopportunities to accomplish their goalsthemselves.


BCB First-Year Student

“The foundation courses

were so useful – my English

improved immensely and I

learned so much. I choseKIMEP because it’s the best educational

institution in Kazakhstan. This is a structure for

study where students can thrive.”


Realize your dreams.

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Extra-Curriculars You can do it all at KIMEP.

A student-oriented education means studentsorganizing themselves and doing what theywant to do. You will spend some of your most valuable hours at KIMEP pursuing your 

interests with smart and energetic peers inan atmosphere of creativity and enthusiasm.That’s how you’ll build a network that will staywith you throughout your life.

There are over 30 student clubs at KIMEP.They are dedicated to scholarship, culture,art, and more. Our sports teams participate incompetitions on the national and internationallevels.

Then there’s the KIMEP Students Association.KSA holds up to 30% of positions with full

voting rights on all management committees atKIMEP. The KSA supervises all student clubs,among other responsibilities. That is a level of student involvement you will not nd anywhereelse in the world.

Just Some of the 30+ Clubs at KIMEP

• Students in Free Enterprise• English Language Theater • KIMEP Entrepreneurship Club• Clean Air Campaign• Intellectual Debate Club• KIMEP Film Society• KIMEP International Students Association (KISA)• Luca Accounting Club• KIMEP pie Magazine• KIMEP Times• KIMEP Mathematics Olympiad• Sunday English Club• FAB Television• eClub (Entrepreneurs Club)

There’s always somethinggoing on at KIMEP. Studentsorganize art and photo exhibits,debates, seminars and round-tables. Recent events includeMiss KIMEP / Mister KIMEP,

International Students Day,

Nauryz Celebration, Weekly

European Film Night, KVN

Competition,and the Foreign

Languages Festival.

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Unique CultureThe core values of KIMEP are transparency, integrity, honesty and respect, which translates into meticulous care for all members of our community, particularly students. The culture at KIMEP is one of support and passion. The KIMEPCommunity shares one goal: education to change society. That means something. Match KIMEP’s values to yours.

Unique CampusWhere else in Central Asia can you nd a beautiful, American-stylecollege campus in the middle of a bustling city? At KIMEP, our Communitygathers throughout the year on our spacious, smoke-free campus, whichincludes beautiful, modern academic buildings, a brand new sports center and soccer eld. Every day, students and faculty stop and chat on thepathways between buildings, or share a coffee in a campus cafe.

Living in AlmatyAbout half of KIMEP students come from outside Almaty. You shouldknow that Almaty is the cultural center of Kazakhstan and one of themost pleasant cities in Central Asia. With operas, jazz clubs, and artgalleries, outdoor cafés and restaurants, a cosmopolitan populationand astonishing nature and history on all sides, Almaty is a greatplace to spend your undergraduate years and beyond. And, whenit is time to focus on your education, KIMEP’s campus will provideyou with a safe and quiet space for study and student life right in themiddle of the city.

FacilitiesBeautiful, modern academic buildings, an accessible library, and an elegant new Sports Center. Dozens of studyroom and high-tech computer facilities. A great selection of on-campus restaurants. A peaceful campus in the middleof Almaty. KIMEP can be home for you. And there’s no better place to spend your undergraduate years…

LETI GONZALESBCB, Major in ManagementYear: Fourth

“I really admire how Kazakhspreserve their culture andtraditions, while at the same

time remaining open to the world.”

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Bang College of BusinessFor a career in business and management, you can receive no better education than a Bachelor of Science in

Business Administration from the world-renowned Bang College of Business. For almost two decades BCB hasproduced the leaders of Kazakhstan’s economic development. The Bang College of Business prepares competent,ethical and entrepreneurial business leaders for a challenging role in national and international companies.

At BCB you will gain the knowledge and skills to make it in the modern marketplace. BCB Students take a broad

range of business courses to ensure their understanding of all aspects of business. A dynamic practical approach toeducation – including professional training, case studies, and internships – complements BCB’s scholarly rigor andanalytical approach to business. On the professional, educational and research levels, BCB is deeply connected withthe business world of Central Asia. The operations of the College play a key role in the development of Kazakhstan’seconomy and the emergence of Western best practices in the region.

The BSc in Business Administration prepares students to know the numbers, the ideas, and the human factorsbehind a successful business. That’s how BCB undergrads learn everything they need to know to succeed in anorganization.



Core Courses

Financial Accounting Business Communications

Managerial Accounting Business LawBusiness Microeconomics Strategy and Business Policy

Business Macroeconomics Principles of Marketing

Financial Institutions and Markets Intermediate Marketing

Principles of Finance Decision Techniques and Tools

Principles of Management Operations Management


College: BCB Accounting

Year: Third

“The BCB faculty

provides knowledge with

perspectives from all

around the world. This is the backgroundthat helps us get jobs at foreign and

famous companies and become leaders in

business. The BCB culture of real businessis something I really value.”

Gurumurthy Kalyanaram , Ph.D. Professor Marketing Area

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The Department of Accounting offers a rigorousconceptual and practical foundation in nancialaccounting, tax and auditing with a strong focuson practical training and analytical thinking. As agraduate of this major with good grades, you will be

extremely well-positioned for jobs in internationalauditing rms.


The major in Finance focuses on three criticalelds: money and capital markets that deal withsecurities markets, nancial management, andinvestments. Deep knowledge of nance – aswell as communication and English languageskills – will prepare you for challenging jobs ininternational companies.


Kazakhstan’s development requires mid- andsenior managers capable of understandingperformance, delegating responsibilities andanalyzing problems. An innovative educationalapproach led by BCB professors with signicantwork experience in the private sector will prepareyou for work in any company.


Marketing, an increasingly critical part of business operations, is an ideal course of studyfor imaginative problem-solvers. BCB is thebest place for you to learn the interdisciplinaryskills needed in this eld. Marketing majors havecareers in research, sales, product development,advertising and other elds.


With a leadership major, you will learn tounderstand and apply leadership principles inmodern organizations. Combined with the BCBcourses in the fundamentals of business practice,Leadership education is a critical part of theeducation of a corporate professional.

Tourism and HospitalityAs Kazakhstan puts high emphasis on diversifyingits economy, BCB students can learn fromprofessors with strong research and practicalbackgrounds in tourism to help lead the effortto developing this crucial industry. Graduates of this unique major will have great opportunities for entrepreneurial and corporate employment.







Tourism and Hospitality


Computer applications

Operations Management

International Business

Information Systems

Human Resources Management

Entrepreneurship (planned)


College: BCB Finance

Year: Third

Info: Member of Luca Accounting Club“Everyone has an achievable dream. KIMEP

is a place where you can reach the place

where you see yourself in the future.”

Francisco Cua, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Accounting Area

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Bachelor of Arts in Economics

If you want to lead an economy, you better understand it.Studying economics will lead to the most insightful understandingof economics, banking and nance. This highly intellectuallystimulating course will offer you a new method to thinking aboutall business, social and political questions. The KIMEP economics

department offers practical training in problem-solving, statistics,data analysis and reporting. Nowhere will you nd a more rigorous

approach to understanding the global and domestic economy. KIMEPwill provide you with a broad background perfect for work in business,

government, or further academic study.

Bachelor of Social Sciences in International Relations

Through this program you will gain a deep and broad understanding of international and national political systemsand of major issues confronting the world today. The program focuses on essential political questions and theoriesand analysis of how global engagement affects socioeconomic and political concerns. Graduates of this programtypically go on to work in government, particularly the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in international organizations,NGOs, and businesses.

Bachelor of Social Sciences in Public Administration

Studying public administration will give you the perfect background to work in government, business, or non-governmentorganizations. The education focuses on organizational governance, nance, human resources, and labor relations.Combined with training in statistics and computer software, this program produces highly employable graduates for thepublic sector. This is the place for future leaders of Kazakhstan to learn the art and science of government.

Bachelor of Arts in International Journalism

This program is producing the next class of top media professionals in Kazakhstan, giving practical training in

online, broadcast, and print journalism. Particular focus is given to communication and information technology. Theoutstanding facilities of the Exxon Mobil Media Center allow students to practice their skills producing newspapers,TV shows, and documentaries. The program is particularly strong as a major/minor combination with another subjectlike Marketing or International Relations, to create a well-rounded media professional. If you want to be a voice inyour society, this is the degree for you.

College of SocialSciences

The College of Social Sciences offers someof the most stimulating and intellectuallychallenging programs at KIMEP. Witha base of outstanding professors froman extraordinary diversity of academicand professional backgrounds, CSS isat the heart of the vibrant atmosphereof the Institute. If you are interested inunderstanding the world and in gainingthe skills necessary to make a differencein it, CSS may be the place for you.

In addition to its main elds, CSS hasbecome the regional leader in research

on Central Asian Studies, Public Policy,and Political Science. The College promotes

innovative, market-oriented educational

programs. Knowledge is interdisciplinary andapplicable. Students are a fundamental part of the program planning, IT expansion, and research

at this unique college so broadly and dynamicallyengaged with modern Kazakhstan.

You can apply to study in four different departments atthe College of Social Sciences. Each degree offers anarray of choices of classes and majors – so that youwill nd the perfect match for your interests and your goals.

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Law School KIMEP’s Law School will launch anew, innovative undergraduate LawProgram in 2011. This LL.B. (Bachelor of Laws) program is designed not onlyto teach students the substantive lawof Kazakhstan and of international

business, but also to teach themthe professional skills of beinga practicing lawyer. The newprogram will be based oninternational best practicesin legal education to ensurethat KIMEP law students willbe practice-ready when theygraduate.

A Minor in Law is also availableto KIMEP undergraduates bothat CSS and BCB. Students who

want to expand their expertisemajor in areas such as marketingor international affairs, while gaininga secondary base of legal expertise,are perfect candidates for this courseof study. If law interests you, you do not wantto miss the chance to be part of the rst generation of Kazakhstanistudents to receive a unique, high-quality, analysis and skills-based

legal education.


Legal education at KIMEP, which

is based on the Western model

of legal education, is truly unique

in the entire CIS. You will notonly learn statutory law, you also

will learn the skills to apply that

law, including legal analysis and

problem solving, negotiating and

drafting legal documents and

memoranda. This is the proven

system of producing the world’s

best lawyers – and now it exists in

Kazakhstan too.


CSS, Public Administration

Year: Fourth“My Minor in Law has given me useful

perspectives everything else I have studied and

has given me more opportunities to nd a good

  job. I’ve particularly enjoyed the personal, deep approach to

teaching of the law professors here.”

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This is the best place to start your career. KIMEP is the bestinvestment you can make. You will not nd a better education for a better price. You will not nd a better place to start making adifference in Kazakhstan.

InternshipsAll students to complete oneinternship during their course of study, as KIMEP believes in thepractical application of knowledgegained in the classrooms. In reality,most students do much, much more.

The KIMEP Advising, Internship, andCareer Center helps them throughouttheir studies – to choose the rightclasses, nd the best internships,and get their dream jobs.


Our Internship in Parliament is one of the most prestigious andunique programs at KIMEP. Students who participate in thisinternship can apply for government positions without taking anytests – a unique status in all of Kazakhstan.

A few organizations where KIMEP

students interned this year:

Kaz Munai Gaz

Deloitte & Touche

HSBC Kazakhstan

Kazkommerts Bank

Eurasia Foundation

Bank Center Credit

Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan


Food Master KazakhstanEducational Fund “Bilim Central Asia”

UN Representative Ofce

Foreign Affairs RK

International Financial Corporation

British Council of Kazakhstan

Commercial Services Department, US Embassy

Real Invest

Institute of World Economy and Politics

“Bota” Charity Fund

AIESEC International

Economics and Budget Department, Almaty

Almaty Branch of National BankMetro Cash and Carry

Sulpak TC

Kazyna Capital Management


Gavin Kretzschmar, PhD

PricewaterhouseCoopers Chair of Accounting

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"My Career Began at KIMEP"KIMEP graduates get a world-class education. Then they get the best jobs.Nearly 90% of 2009 graduates had full-time employment or study within 3months of graduation. KIMEP graduates earn twice the average salary intheir rst year after graduation. Their dynamic academic, professional andextra-curricular experiences, combined with their uency in English, makethem rise to the top of their elds, wherever they go.

KIMEP students go on to work andto study in the most prestigiousinstitutions around the world. Thatis what makes a KIMEP educationsuch an outstanding investment.In recent years graduates have

gone on to post-graduate study atmany top international universities,including:

Cambridge, United KingdomImperial College, United KingdomLondon School of Business andFinance, United KingdomAmerican University, USAUniversity of Michigan, USAUniversity of Antwerp ManagementSchool, BelgiumMalardalen University, SwedenMoscow State University, Russia

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When was KIMEP established?KIMEP was established in January 1992 by a decree of the President of theRepublic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Nazarbayev.

What is KIMEP’s mission?

KIMEP’s mission is to develop well-educated citizens and to improve the quality of life in Kazakhstan and Central Asia through teaching, learning, and the advancementof knowledge in business administration, social sciences, law and languages.

What is the difference between KIMEP and other Kazakhstani universities?

KIMEP provides education that matches top international standards. It providesgreat opportunities to launch a career. Classes are taught in English by professorsand lecturers from 25 different countries. Students decide which courses to takeand programs deliver relevant knowledge, problem-solving, and critical thinking

skills. The Institute is run in an open and transparent manner and students play amajor role in all decisions, holding 30 percent of voting rights on all managementcommittees.

Does KIMEP have a fully operational license?

KIMEP has an unlimited license to carry out educational activity in Kazakhstan andwill permanently provide education to change society in Central Asia and beyond.The Institute is in excellent nancial and managerial health.

Is KIMEP internationally recognized?

Yes. A KIMEP diploma is recognized and respected globally. For example, KIMEPin 2004 became the only institute in Central Asia to win candidacy status at AACSB,the international accreditation agency.

 AcademicsOther than BCB, CSS and Law what Academic Departments exist at KIMEP?

The College of Continuing Education offers programs to prepare students to situniversity entrance exams and to be successful in their university studies. It alsoprovides certicate programs for working professionals to hone their specicbusiness skills and increase the contribution they make to their organization.

The Language Center ensures students’ uency in English. It also teaches a varietyof other languages, including Kazakh, Chinese, German, French, Spanish, andTurkish.

The School of General Education offers a variety of courses in elds as diverse asphilosophy, computer science, and ethics, ensuring that undergraduate studentsreceive a broad knowledge base as part of their degree course.

What is the duration of study of undergraduate programs?

The normal duration of an undergraduate program is four years. However, thecredit system allows students to take fewer or more classes per semester shouldthey wish. In this case they will study for a shorter or longer period of time.

Can undergraduate students transfer from one program to another?

Yes. Undergraduates in good academic standing can transfer between programswithin the rst year of their studies.

What is the advising system at KIMEP?

KIMEP operates a well-developed academic advising system for all students throughthe Freshmen Advising Center. Academic advising continues throughout a student’sstudies at KIMEP. Students also regularly receive academic advice from their professors.

Frequently Asked Questions

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 AdmissionsYour application to study at KIMEP should reach the Admissions Ofce by the rst Monday of August. We guaranteethat all applications received by this date will be given full and careful consideration. Applications received after thisdate will be considered on an individual basis, depending on the availability of space.

 You have three options how to apply:

1. Apply online: Go to www.kimep.kz admission study at KIMEP on-line application2. E-mail your application: send completed application form to [email protected]. Visit Admissions Ofce: complete application in-person with the assistance of an admissions ofcer 

 You may apply to as many as three bachelor’s programs regardless of college.

What to Include in your Application

If you study in a high school in Kazakhstan,you must provide the following documentsalong with your application:

1. Four recent passport-sized (3x4)photos, colored or black-and-white

2. A photocopy of your passport or national ID card

3. A photocopy of your diploma or certication from your school that you

are graduating/in your nal year 4. A photocopy of your school transcript

for the 10th and 11th grades, certiedby your school

5. Copies of any certicates, honors,or awards in any subject or extra-curricular, from the 9th to 11thgrades

6. Any other documents you consider relevant to your application

Contact the Admission Ofce

The Admission Ofce is located on KIMEP campus. You may visit us for in-person consultation from Monday through Friday, 8am to 6pm.

By email:

[email protected]

By regular:

Admission Ofce, KIMEP, 4 Abay Avenue, Almaty, 050010Telephone: +7 (727) 270 42 13, fax: +7 (727) 270 43 34

KIMEP entrance exam

Once your application has been received and veried by theAdmissions Ofce on the matter of eligibility, you will be invited to

take the KIMEP entrance exam. These are held once per monthfrom February to November in Almaty. They are also held once or twice per year in cities across Kazakhstan, including Aktau, Aktobe,Astana, Atyrau, Karaganda, Kostanay, Kyzyl-Orda, Petropavlovsk,Pavlodar, Shymkent, Taraz, Usk-Kamenogorsk, Uralsk. Check theAdmissions page of the KIMEP website for more details.

You must register for the examination four days in advance.

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Financial AidKIMEP recognizes that investing in a KIMEPeducation is a signicant monetary commitment.KIMEP believes that such an invaluable educationshould be accessible to all and provides nancialaid to students who need assistance.

This year, KIMEP together with our sponsorswill provide over $4 million in nancial aid tostudents. That makes KIMEP the largest privatecontributor to the growth of higher education inall of Kazakhstan. Every enrolled student whoapplied for nancial aid and demonstrated needreceived it.

In 2011, our nancial aid budget will increaseeven more. If you worry that you won’t be able toafford a KIMEP education, pursue the option of aid from KIMEP and external sponsors.

KIMEP recognizes that some families may havetemporary or unexpected nancial difculties. Insome cases, tuition payment postponement or other arrangements may be granted. Those familiesare advised to contact Student Financial Servicesdepartment to apply and to receive consultation.

DormitoryAnother form of nancial assistanceat KIMEP is the Dormitory for studentswho come from outside Almaty. Thedormitory offers students good-qualityliving conditions at an extremely

discounted rate. The 424-persondormitory is safe and has manyfacilities for residents. The HousingDepartment also helps students rentapartments in Almaty.

Contact: Julia Rykova+7 (727) 237-47-73 (ext. 1022)

*Note that KIMEP does not guarantee provision of nancialaid or dormitory spaces to all applied students. Incompletepackages and documents submitted after the deadline will notbe accepted.

How to Apply for Financial Aid

To apply for nancial aid, you should contact the Student Financial Services Department or visit the KIMEP website for details on different types of possible aid, deadlines, and submissionrequirements. Applicants will need to submit documents on their families’ nancial status.

Some of the different types of internal grants and scholarships you can apply for:

General Assistance (For All Students)Financial Aid for KIMEP Multiple-Student Families

Nursultan Nazarbayev Grant – 100% for ve years of studyAltyn Belgi Grant – 50% for four years of studyWinners of Republican and International-Level Olympiads – 30% of rst year of studyInternational Students Scholarship – 100% for ve years of study

For Students from Single-Parent Families – 25% assistanceFinancial Aid for Children of Pensioners – 10-25% assistanceFinancial Aid for Orphans – 100% assistanceFinancial Aid for Students of Multiple-Children Families – 25% assistance

Contact the Student Financial Services Department

KIMEP – 4 Abay Avenue, Ofce 203 (Valikhanov Building)Telephone: +7 (727) 270-43-16 Fax: +7 (727) 270-44-71e-mail: [email protected]

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