1 Monteney Primary School School Prospectus 2010-2011 Raising Standards Through Partnership

Monteney Prospectus 2012-13

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Monteney Prospectus 2012-13

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Monteney Primary School

School Prospectus 2010-2011

Raising Standards Through Partnership

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Monteney Primary School

Prospectus 2010-11

Monteney Crescent

Sheffield S5 9DN

Executive Headteacher Nicola Shipman

BEd (Hons) NPQH

Chair of Governors Mr. P. Jenkins

Monteney School is a

3+ to 10+ Primary School within the

Children & Young People’s Division.

Director of Children’s Services Dr Sonia Sharp

Education Department

Town Hall Pinstone Street

Sheffield S1 1HH

Tel: (0114) 2735726

Monteney Primary School

Tel: (0114) 2467916 Fax: (0114) 2467965

E-mail: [email protected]

Monteney Web Portal: http://www.monteney.sheffield.sch.uk

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Welcome to Monteney Primary School Dear Parents/Carers I would like to extend a warm welcome to you and yo ur child. Monteney Primary & Fox Hill Primary work together in a hard federation, and one of the aims of the federation is to make your child’s time here enjoyable and fulfilling, st riving to provide the very best learning opportunities for them. The staff, governors and p arents work collaboratively to provide an exciting environment in which all children are valu ed and have many opportunities to realise their full potential. Our wish is that your child becomes a successful learner, confident individual, and a healthy and responsible citizen. We are fortunate to benefit from a pleasant site an d a building which affords us the space to be creative with our teaching and learning. Improveme nts are being constantly carried out to reflect our modern needs including interactive whit eboards in every classroom, an ICT suite, and a Children’s Centre on site. We have a dedicated team of staff who are committed , experienced and who are both hard working and friendly. A strong community ethos exi sts in school and this is a key strength of the team we have here. We have excellent external links within the community, in Sheffield and nationally with our partnerships with the Departmen t for Education (DfE), The National College the Leadership of Schools and Children’s Services, and the Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT). At Monteney we place importance on the children hav ing respect for and from everyone. We expect good behaviour at all times both in and out of school. We hold high expectations for our children in order for them to achieve and be su ccessful, but also happy at school. This prospectus should provide you with information on the school, its aims, curriculum and activities. Please do not hesitate to contact us i f you require further information. Visiting the school will give you a fuller flavour of what we have to offer and we welcome any prospective parents and their children into school. Please telephone to make an appointment beforehand. You could also visit our website – http://www.monteney.sheffield.sch.uk/website/ for further information . I look forward to meeting you in the near future. Yours sincerely Nicola Shipman Executive Headteacher Monteney & Foxhill Primary Sc hool

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Within the framework of the Foundation Stage Curric ulum and the National Curriculum we attempt to ensure that children gain the knowledge, skills, interests and attitudes which will help to enhance the quality of their lives as indiv idual members of society and assist them to understand and make sense of the world in which the y live. While your child is with us, these are the national assessments they undertake: • Foundation Stage Profile • SAT (Standard Assessment Task) Year 2 and Year 6

Core Subjects

Foundation Subjects

Literacy Mathematics

Science ICT



History Music

Geography Design Technology

Art Religious Education

Modern Foreign Languages S.R.E

As a school we are committed to ensuring that every child has full access to the curriculum regardless of gender, race, ability or disability. We provide positive images and role models whether these are to be found in books, on the inte rnet, through discussion or in pictures.

By Abbie Y2

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Curriculum (Core)


We aim to ensure that each child will be able to re ad fluently and with understanding, but more than this, we want children to develop a love of bo oks and actually possess a desire to read. It is also vital that children learn to communicate ef fectively in speech and in writing. Handwriting, spelling, and grammar all need constan t practice and systematic teaching and these skills will be developed as children progress through the school and find their employment in the different contexts encountered in the cross-curriculum topics. Mathematics

Mathematics is a tool for ordering, manipulating an d solving problems in society. Wherever possible we aim to teach maths within a co ntext and for a purpose. In order for this to be achieved it is vital that c hildren learn the basic building blocks of numbers, namely number bonds and multiplication tab les.


This is a blend of learning scientific knowledge an d developing the ability to conduct oneself like a scientist. The emphasis here is on the prac tical, the actual doing of science. Science involves testing, hypothesising, observing, recordi ng and controlling variables, but starts with curiosity and an enquiring mind. Our aim is to dev elop the ability to approach situations and challenges with the questions: How? Why? What? If? and throughout to promote greater understanding and care of the environment.

A Pig by Georgia Y1

Governors have decided that sex education should no t be taught in isolation but within the framework of sex and personal relationships educati on (S.R.E.) that form part of the National Curriculum and as such is on-going throughout a chi ld’s primary school life.

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Curriculum (Core) Information Technology ICT

Within every classroom you will find at least one c omputer and an interactive whiteboard. We are also fortunate to have a purpose built computer room with 15 computer stations. Proficiency in this area is no longer an appendage to the school’s curriculum but in this technological age an absolute necessity. Skill in information technology permeates almost every aspect of what we do in school, be it word pr ocessing, data handling, programming, designing or simulation and as such is taught as an integral part of the entire curriculum as well as a subject in its own right.

Curriculum (Foundation) Religious Education: This too, is an integral part of the school curricu lum and does not follow a particular denominational bias and follows the Sheffield Agree d Syllabus for Religious Education. Equal Opportunities: We at Monteney believe that all children have the r ight to the best education we can give. We believe that no child should suffer discriminati on at our school. We aim to cater equally for each child, irrespective of gender, ability, race o r religion. Sport: Every child receives at least two periods of indoor P.E. a week and one games lesson outside, weather permitting. All children require a change of clothing for P.E. This consists of a pair of plimsolls (or a change of trainers), a plain T-shirt and plain colo ured games shorts. It is important that this kit is kept in school throughout the week to enable chi ldren to take advantage of clement weather conditions. For this purpose a drawstring P.E. bag is also required. A tracksuit or an old jersey is useful for outside work if the weather is a little cool.

Please ensure that all sports equipment, including bag, is clearly marked with your child’s

name. Weekly swimming lessons are also part of the timeta ble for Y5 and some Y4 children. It is CYPD policy that all children attend swimming lesso ns unless excused on medical grounds, for which a note is essential.

Educational Visits:

We believe these to be very beneficial in enhancing a child’s education and visits are undertaken from time to time by each class e.g. Kel ham Island, Magna, Museums, Theatre. Parents will be informed by letter of the expected cost, which will include insurance taken out with the CYPD.

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In addition we undertake a number of local visits t o the library, church, park, etc.

Residential Visits

We are very fortunate to have the use of Whirlow Fa rm and Thornbridge Hall for residential stays. Children in Y3 year stay at Whirlow Farm wh ilst the Y6 children visit Thornbridge. In the past we have also had the opportunity of taking a group of students to Spain to visit our partner school in Madrid.

Study Support – Out of School Hours Activities Various activities take place from time to time at lunchtime or after school and pupils are invited or targeted to participate. These are offe red voluntarily on the part of staff and parents and will vary depending on the season and the resou rces available. Current activities include Spanish, French, football, mixed sports, guitar and keyboard lessons, gymnastics, creative arts, circus skills and choir, although some of the se are seasonal activities. The school undertake holiday club activities as par t of the study support programme in school. We have been recognised for our study support activ ities by receiving the Quality Study & Support Award at Emerged Level.

Healthy Schools Award As part of the above award our school has a breakfa st club (which is open from 8.00am), fruit

in school, and runs healthy weeks to raise awarenes s of healthy lifestyles.

Special Educational Needs

Whilst assessing and recording your child’s progres s through school it may become apparent that s/he is experiencing difficulties, perhaps wit h some aspect of school work, their speech or behaviour. After discussion between yourself and t he Class Teacher, it may be decided to consult the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-Ord inator) who has been specially trained to identify and advise on specific areas of childre n’s development. She in turn would then ask for further advice/support from the Learning Suppor t Team. An assessment could be carried out and then advice be given to yourself and the teacher, perhaps an individual programme of work would be de vised, with suggestions of activities for you to try at home. The school requires, by law, a named person to act as SENCO. This person is Anne Coxon . Any concerns should be addressed to her or to yo ur child’s class teacher. If it is felt that your child needs more interventi on, then an Educational Psychologist may be invited to talk to you, the SENCO and the teacher. If specific resources are needed such as extra help in the classroom or a placement in a spe cial unit at a different school then a “Statement of Special Educational Need” would be ne cessary in order to achieve this. This is a lengthy procedure and not always appropriate. It is important that you see your child’s teacher or the SENCO if you have any concerns about your child in school. Please do not wait until an Open Evening before coming to see us. In this way we hope to make sure that no child is made to feel different or disadvantaged in any w ay whatsoever.

In addition to the formal curriculum and the acquis ition of knowledge and skills, we also seek to develop effective relationships within the learn ing environment of the school, fostering self-esteem, tolerance, and consideration , regardless of race or sex.

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The acquisition of the Basic Skills are crucial to enable all children and parents to be proficient to a recognised level. All children will be support ed in the acquisition of their basic skills and support given, if required, to ensure such a level is met. Resources and teaching will be monitored to make sure each child can achieve to th eir full potential. The school has received the Basic Skills Award and as such is committed to ensuring that your child learns the basic skills of reading, writing and maths.

Concerns About The Curriculum

Any enquiries or concerns about the curriculum can be made to: the Class Teacher; the Headteacher; Chair of Governors; or our Parent Governors.

Getting Involved @Monteney

There are many ways in which the school tries to develop parent partnerships.

Welcome Meeting: Sometime in the term before a child is due to start full-time education, be it transferring from our nursery or coming from elsewhere, you are invit ed to come and look round the school, meet some of the staff and have the opportunity to ask any questions which you may have. Parents Evening / Open Day: These are held once a term to give you the opportun ity to discuss your child’s progress with the class teacher. However, if you are concerned y ou are very welcome to discuss any problems you may have at any time. Reports: A written summary of your child’s progress is given once a year towards the end of the summer term. A wider Record of Achievement is now used in school, which will involve contributions from children, teacher and parents. This reports on a wider range of talents and experience as well as academic performance. Helping: There are lots of occasions when an extra pair of e yes and hands are invaluable. This might involve working with a small group or individuals i n such activities as maths, science, cooking, and reading. Help is also much appreciated on visits, whether th ese are local trips to the library, on buses within Sheffield or on longer coach trips. If you feel you are able to help in this way please let your child’s class teacher know. Your presence and support would be much appreciated on our annual sports day; a very popular event in the summer. All checks on volunteer helpers in school are done in line with the Safeguarding Polic y.

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Reading: Encouraging your child to read and supporting them in the process is a crucial way you can get involved. This can take several forms. Whilst your child is in Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1, you can come into school once a week to re ad with your child in the classroom. Children of every age will be encouraged to bring b ooks home for you to share and then there is the added incentive you can give to reading by u sing the local library or providing reading material yourself. Concerts and Assemblies: At various times of the year there will be special assemblies or concerts to which you will receive an invitation. Curriculum Sessions: Every so often we hold a form of workshop to demons trate, explain and familiarise parents with aspects of the curriculum. This is particularly th e case where changes are made to the way things are taught. Parent Governors: The names of the present parent governors can be fo und in the full list of governors at the end of this prospectus. It is possible for any parent to get in touch with the governors on any matter connected with the school; hopefully to shar e good points as well as any concerns. The school profile, which replaces the Annual Repor t to Parents, can be accessed via the parentnet website – www.parentnet.gov.uk Newsletters: W e have a fortnightly newsletter “Monteney Mail” t o keep you right up to date on the comings and goings at school. In addition to this, a calen dar of main events and holiday dates will be sent out termly. Health and Safety @Monteney

*Security: Monteney has an “Open School Policy” between 8.35 a nd 8.50 a.m. All parents and children are welcome to enter the school during this time. Prior to this period, and for the rest of the school day, entry into school can only be gained th rough the main entrance. All other entrances are locked. Admission through the main e ntrance is through a buzzer and intercom system. The door is on an electronic release mecha nism controlled by the main office. ‘Known’ visitors to the school such as educational support staff have to sign in and wear identity badges. ‘Unknown’ visitors have to give proof of identity and wear a visitors badge at all times whilst in school. At the end of the school day all external doors are unlocked and parents may collect their child/children as they leave the building. If a pa rent is late through unforeseen circumstances, children will be supervised until the parent or a k nown adult is able to accompany that child home.

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Children receive a medical examination soon after a dmission to full-time school, and the school medical team visits regularly for consultati on and advice. Your child will also

receive dental inspections. The School Health Serv ice conducts medicals throughout the year at the request of the class teacher, in consul tation with parents. If you receive an invitation to attend an examination please make eve ry effort to accompany your child.


Minor accidents such as bumps or grazes will be dea lt with in school by the trained first-aiders on staff and you will be informed by a standard let ter. In the event of a more serious accident

or of a child feeling unwell we will contact one of the parents and ask that the child be collected from school. If this is not possible the school wi ll seek the medical advice and attention it deems necessary at the time in the absence of the p arent. It is, therefore essential that we maintain up to date records of telephone numbers fo r home, mobiles, work and emergency contacts. Where children are in need of medication, whether o n a regular basis or merely to complete a course of treatment, the school is prepared to admi nister this providing a medication request is completed prior to the drug being brought into school. Medication must not be sent to school without prior permission. Safeguarding / Child Protection @Monteney Changes in the law, notably the Children Act (1989) , mean that staff in schools have a duty to report any concerns that they may have that any chi ld may be suffering significant harm, particularly as a consequence of possible abuse. I t is a Department of Education requirement that each school in the country nominates a senior member of staff who will have special responsibility for Child Protection. In Sheffield, this member of staff who is known as the Child Protection Liaison Teacher, has been in receipt of training in this area, and can be trusted to deal with all these matters with professional confi dentiality. Rebecca Murray is the Child Protection Liaison Teacher and Tina Vigrass is the Deputy. The school has a policy on Safeguarding Children & Child Protection which has been agreed by the Governing Body. As a school, we have close contacts with the Service District, School Health Service, Family and Community Services and t he Police, any or all of whom may become involved if abuse is suspected or alleged. The school has a responsibility to collate basic in formation such as who has parental responsibility for a child, and to pass this inform ation to the relevant agencies if so requested. In the event of an investigation into possible chil d abuse, the school has a duty to co-operate with the investigating agencies to the best of thei r ability to promote the welfare of the child. As a school our main aim is to safeguard children a nd as such we have just introduced a Safeguarding Policy which aims to meet the five out comes from the Every Child Matters document. Whilst the school will always attempt to work in partnership with parents, and try to ensure that parents are fully informed of, and part icipate in, any action concerning their child, if there is a conflict of interest, the welfare of the child must be the paramount consideration .

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Should you wish to discuss Child Protection and the safety of your child, or indeed, any other topic involving your child, please feel free to con tact the school. Smoking

In accordance with the Sheffield City Council regul ations, smoking is not permitted by staff, parents, visitors or workpersons anywhere on the sc hool premises. The school is recognised as a smoke free school. Road Safety

This will be taught as an integral part of the soci al education provided at school. Parents are requested to assist in ensuring the safety of the c hildren by refraining from parking illegally on the zig-zag yellow lines outside the school entranc es and by keeping cars off the school premises except for special occasions when parking space will be made available. The school has a School Travel Plan which has been agreed and accepted by Sheffield City Council. School Grounds Dogs are not allowed anywhere on the school site at any time

School Rules Our policy is to keep school rules to a minimum. T he rules, which exist, are designed to ensure a relaxed happy atmosphere in which everyone can feel safe, respected and valued and in which both teaching and learning can occur easil y. We expect children to; • work hard • attend school regularly and punctually • be polite and courteous • be friendly and good mannered to each other • respect property, possessions and space, both the s chools and other peoples. Hopefully, by forming good relationships between ch ildren and staff and by an emphasis on the positive, rewarding and praising good examples of work and behaviour, much of this will be achieved. However, it is also important that ex amples of anti-social behaviour are not tolerated. Young children need to, and indeed like to know what is expected of them and how far they can go. Firmness over the boundaries of a cceptable conduct allows the relaxed atmosphere mentioned earlier to exist within.

It would be wrong to suggest that all children will be angelic all the time. Every school suffers from some forms of anti-social behaviour including bullying. We are mindful of this and have attempted in our “Behaviour Policy”, which has been drawn up with the help of staff, parents, governors and children, not to run away from the pr oblem but to give it the consideration it deserves. One important aspect of this, which is t aking the form of an on-going project, is the

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impact of the school environment and the playground design in particular, in an anti-bullying policy. Every effort is made to resolve problems through ta lking. However when a situation develops that the teacher feels is putting that child or oth er children under threat of harm, then a teacher is duty bound to use minimal force to diffuse the s ituation. Under such circumstances the head would immediately be notified, who in turn wou ld notify the parents. Parents can be assured that they will be involved a t an early stage should difficulties arise and that together we will map out a suitable programme to tackle the matter. In cases of serious or continued misconduct, a pupil may be excluded from school by the Headteacher, and the incident reported to the parents, the Chair of Gove rnors and the Director of Children’s Services. Further details of the school’s behaviou r policy can be obtained from the office.

Dress Monteney has a compulsory school uniform and we wou ld ask that all children are dressed sensibly bearing in mind the needs and activities o f young children. We do ask that children wear the school sweatshirt or T-shirt, which can be purchased at the office. All clothing needs to be marked with your child’s name. Coats and foot wear (especially wellingtons) which are left in the cloakroom also need to be marked with your c hild’s name. In the interest of health & safety, sunhats or caps may be worn outside at brea k and/or lunch time. Acceptable uniform:

• Royal blue sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan • White or royal blue polo shirt/ shirt • Navy blue, black or denim skirts / shorts / trouser s • Black shoes, boots, sandals or trainers • Blue gingham dresses

For safety reasons the school does not allow: • The wearing of jewellery. • Rings, bracelets, necklaces or chains should not b e worn in school, along with hooped or

dangling earrings or nose piercings. • Studs or “sleepers” which fit tight to the ear are acceptable but even these will need to be

removed or covered with a swimming cap/plaster when at the baths or undertaking P.E. • Watches may be worn, although these also need to be removed for physical activity. • Anything brought to school which is likely to cause disruption or distraction in class is not

permitted e.g. mobile phones, electronic gadgets.

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Raising Standards Through Praise @Monteney

At Monteney we believe that a key mechanism in prom oting well-behaved and academically focused children is to praise genuine effort and ex cellence. We have a variety of reward structures to facilitate this belief. Celebrating your child can take the form of:

Record of Merit

A sticker is awarded for each piece of work judged to be ‘excellent’ for a particular child. The sticker sheet, along with the work, are taken into praise assembli es

which are held each week. When a child receives 5 stickers the head teacher w ill

award their own special sticker and a letter is sen t to the parents notifying them of their child’s achievement .

Where possible, parents will be notified of the tim e and dates of the Praise Assemblies so that

they can join in the celebration of their children’ s attainment. Pupils Record of Merit

Outline of work Sticker An excellent piece of handwriting.

Excellent science

A superb cliffhanger ending

Headteachers Merit

Comment: A truly superb effort……

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On the spot certificates are awarded by teachers. These are taken by the children to a special Praise Assembly held at

2.35pm on Tuesday for EY/Y1 /Y2

and 8.55am on Friday for Y3/Y4/Y5/Y6

and parents are most welcome to attend.

These are just two examples out of many, where as a whole school we celebrate children’s achievements, inform parents, and raise standards t hrough praise. Class assemblies take place each Wednesday. The dates for each class assembly a re sent to parents and your attendance is highly valued by the children and staff.

Times Date & Admissions @Monteney Admissions Children start full-time education in either Septem ber or January of the academic year in which they are five, and leave primary school at the end of the summer term when they are eleven.

School Day

The school day differs slightly depending on the ag e of the child:

Foundation Stage 2 KS1 KS2

School Begins: 8.45 Morning Break: 10.15-10.30

Dinner Time: 11.50-1.10 School Ends: 3.05

School Begins: 8.45

Morning Break: 10.15-10.30 Dinner Time: 12.10-1.10

School Ends: 3.05

School Begins: 8.45

Morning Break: 10.15-10.30 Dinner Time: 12.30-1.30

School Ends: 3.10

This is 21 hrs 30 mins teaching time per week for i nfants, 23 hrs 20 mins for juniors.

The nursery sessions are

Your Child should arrive at school no earlier than 5 minutes before school is due to start, unless attending Breakfast Club from 8am.

The composition of the classes is according to age, but this is dependent on the level of the school’s resources. Teaching may be by class, in a small group or individually based according to the children’s needs. Throughout your child’s time at school the teacher with whom s/he will have the most contact will be class teacher who will have the responsibility for that group of children. The school’s standard numb er is 56 for each year group, the average size being 28.

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Holidays For Academic Year 2010 / 2011 School commences Monday 6 th September 2010 Half Term Monday 25 th Oct – Friday 29 th October 2010 inclusive. Christmas Monday 20 th December – Monday 3 rd January 2011 inclusive. Half Term Monday 21 st February – Friday 25 th February 2011 inclusive. Easter Monday 11 th April – Monday 25 th April 2011 inclusive. May Day Monday 2 nd May 2011 Spring Monday 30 th May – Friday 3 rd June 2011 inclusive. Summer School closes Friday 22 nd July 2011

School Meals A two-course school meal is provided. A limited ch oice, hatch service is in operation, with children choosing which combination of food they wo uld like. Water is provided. The current cost of a meal is £1.92, £9.60 for the week. It is a great help if dinners can be paid for on a weekly rather than daily basis. Please make all ch eques payable to Sheffield City Council. Any family in receipt of Income Support is eligible for a free school meal. Forms are available from the office. As an alternative to school meals , pupils may bring sandwiches and a drink, which are also eaten in the dining hall. No glass bottles or breakable flasks are allowed for safety reasons. Sweets, crisps etc. or chewing gum are not allowed to be eaten on school premises.


Milk is free for any child under the age of five an d will be provided by the school unless requested not to do so. Children may still have mi lk after this age, the cost averaging out at about £7.50 per term (please check this price with office). In addition, children who are eligible for free school meals are also eligible to have mil k free of charge.

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Attendance @Monteney Latecomers

Your child should arrive no earlier than 5 minuntes before school is due to start.

Registers are taken by 8.50am. A pupil who arrives after this will be assigned a late mark and this will be recorded on the child’s attendance rec ord. Pupils who are late must report to the office where a member of staff will see to the nece ssary administration, including the ordering of school meals, before taking them to their classr oom. Where children are repeatedly late a letter will be sent to parents informing them of th e problem. Absence Although we hope you are never troubled with illnes s, inevitably there may come a time when your child will be absent from school. When this h appens and you have to keep your child away from school, for whatever reason, would you pl ease telephone on the first morning of absence explaining the absence. It is most importan t that this procedure is followed, not just to comply with statutory requirements, but to ensure t he safety of all our children. We operate a first day absence call system. • For medical appointments/holidays etc. a notificati on form (available from the school office)

must be completed on every occasion.

Charging Policy The policy of the governing body with regard to cha rging for school activities is: 1. Parents will not be charged for any activity inv olving pupils taking place wholly

or mainly during school hours i.e. 8.45 a.m. to 12. 00 noon and 12.55 p.m. to 3.10 p.m. However, a small charge may be levied if a parent e xpresses a wish that a finished product is retained by their child.

2. Parents can be charged for activities involving pupils which takes place wholly or mainly (over 50%) outside school hours unless the a ctivity is directly related to the teaching of the National Curriculum.

3. Parents will be charged for board and lodging pr ovision in connection with any

residential activities that the school offers. 4. Parents can be charged transport and other costs , e.g. museum entrance fees, where

the activity is wholly or mainly in school hours or is related to the teaching of the National Curriculum.

5. Parents will be charged for damage done by pupil s to any school property or

equipment when this is a consequence of misbehaviou r. 6. Parents will be notified of any activities which have a cost implication and voluntary

contributions will be sought. If insufficient pare nts are willing to make such contributions, the activity may be cancelled.

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Complaints @Monteney

Under the 1986 Education Act Sheffield C.Y.P.D. are required to have procedures for dealing

with complaints about the school curriculum and rel ated matters. Parents who wish to register formal complaints shou ld contact the Headteacher/Chair of

Governors in the first instance, or failing that, t he Director of Children’s Services whose name and address is on the inside cover of this prospect us. Details of the procedures are available

from the school.

A letter from the Chair of the Education Committee Dear Parent, I am very pleased to be asked to contribute to the prospectus of Monteney Primary School. Every child deserves and needs a high quality, broa d-based education in order to succeed in life. To this end the Children’s Service will wor k with all schools in the City to seek to ensure that your child has the best possible resources, pr ovided by well-trained and motivated staff in sound buildings. In addition, as the work of the Children’s Service is developed, extra support to children and their families will become availabl e either at your school or very close by. You will be kept informed of developments in your local ity. The Council continues to work to develop its relati onship with schools in order to improve standards. £1m has been invested recently to rais e standards and levels of attainment in Primary schools. A revised strategy for Secondary schools has been to Cabinet and this focused on achieving excellence across all our Seco ndary schools. There are still schools in the City that require mo re capital investment, despite the fact that huge sums of money have been spent in recent years on rebuilding and refurbishing a number of schools. Indeed, £250m has been secured since 1997 and there is more to come. There are plans in the pipeline for another 12 Secondary schools and several Primary schools and Children’s Centres to be rebuilt. Nevertheless we recognise further investment is still needed in our school buildings and we will continue to wor k hard to get that investment. We are committed to listening to parents’ views on the schools their children attend and I hope that schools will continue to develop close relatio nships with the communities they serve, in partnership with other services such as Health and Family Support, to maximise every child’s opportunity to flourish. I am sure that all the Members of Sheffield City Co uncil join me in wishing you and your child well. You have my assurance that we will work as hard as possible to ensure that your child can enjoy learning and achieve his or her potential in a healthy and safe school. Councillor Harry Harpham Cabinet Member for Children’s Services