Minoan Colonies in America

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  • 7/27/2019 Minoan Colonies in America


  • 7/27/2019 Minoan Colonies in America


    Tassos Kafantaris




    Minoan colonies in America?

    Sounds unbelievable, but may be true. Numerous findings seem

    to concede that the Minoans were keen navigators who crossed

    the Atlantic. They created colonies even in Canada and exploited

    local copper mines. All this before Columbus!Tassos Kafantaris

    [email protected]

    It has not been many years since I heard the Professor of the University of Patras Anthony

    Kantaratos, talking specifically - about the possibility of ancient Greeks had arrived in

    America, searching for new sources of metals.

    I admit that I smiled then, thinking about all the other unlikely I had read about the ancient

    Greeks in America, Australia or Japan. And I would keep this story in my subconscious, if not

    learned about a recent bookThe Lost Empire of Atlantis ofGavin Menzies- which returned

    resoundingly the issue and raised a host of discussion on the internet. Gavin Menzies, in his

    book, initially follows the Minoan traces in Asia Minor, in Egypt, in Yemen, in India and

    Ceylon- where the Sangam epics of the Tamil still speak about the magnificent ships of the

    Greeks bringing gold and leave laden with pepper. Surprised by the museum findings

    which vindicated Strabo and Ptolemy, the author not only considered the navigation secrets

    held by the Minoans, but also where they found all those quantities of metals that they

    traded. The copper mines of Cyprus as it is historically known could not even meet the

    requirements of the Pharaohs. Yet the Minoans gave them bronze saws doped with tin to

    cut the stone blocks of the pyramids. As was written in the records of the Acadian king

    Skarga, the Minoan ships brought since 2350 BC tin from Spain and Britain. And then this

    unlikely finding of 1450 BC at the Akrotirion in Santorini where did it come from?

    Lasioderma serricorne, meaning larva of the tobacco leaf! Yes the smoke that we all knew

    that first arrived in Europe in 16th century AD from the American continent. So, Menzies,

    now turned west searching to find whether-and how-those intrepid sailors had not only

    crossed the portals of Hercules, but had also arrived in the New World.

    Minoans and Mycenaeans on the Atlantic coastThe roadmap that was unfolded in the rest of the book by this 72 years old former officer of

    the British navy was not unprecedented: Two years ago, at the TV channel NET (watch video:

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtfCGg-o04A), and in the newspaper NEA(www.tanea.gr/politismos/article/?aid=4557236) , geology professor and member of the

    Central Archaeological Council Margiolakos Elias, had supported the idea that our ancestors

    had explored the coastal areas of Spain, France, Britain and Ireland in search of minerals and

    perhaps had arrived in Iceland, Greenland and America.

    Specifically, the rationale of Mr. Mariolakos was given in a writing of him that you can find

    published on the Internet. There initially informs us how a geologist deals with one such

    issue: "The geomythology is a branch of earth science that deals with physical and geological

    conditions prevailing during the mythological era and, through this analysis, finds the

    connection between geology and mythology. My own experience as a geologist who has

    spent his life studying the geology of Greece, showed that (...) in Greek mythology are

    included physical and geological processes that evolve in very remote areas, such as in theNorth Atlantic and elsewhere '. And then analyzes in detail the ancient sources examined,

    such as the work of Plutarch "On the face shown attached to cycles of the moon."

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtfCGg-o04Ahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtfCGg-o04Ahttp://www.tanea.gr/politismos/article/?aid=4557236http://www.tanea.gr/politismos/article/?aid=4557236http://www.tanea.gr/politismos/article/?aid=4557236http://www.tanea.gr/politismos/article/?aid=4557236http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NtfCGg-o04Amailto:[email protected]
  • 7/27/2019 Minoan Colonies in America


    Tassos Kafantaris




    Archaeologists have found in

    the U.S. 5000 open coppermines on Lake Superior from

    where 500000 tonnes of

    copper have been exported

    between 2470 bC1050 bC

    and no one knows where it


    The suspect minesSkeptical as I was in my quest to give "evidence". From

    what he told me, I concluded that there were two

    keys to unlock the case of "Greeks in America."One was a metallurgical inexplicable: U.S.

    archaeologists have found 5,000 open copper

    mines (almost entirely pure) on the shores of

    Lake Superior, Michigan between the U.S. and

    Canada, where there have been exported some

    500,000 tonnes between 2470 to 1050 BC .,

    which ... nobody knows where they went!

    Specifically, the Indians in these regions then were

    living in the Stone Age, and only after 1500 BC

    began to use limited amounts of copper - and those

    only for jewelry. So who was the "thief" and fromwhere and how did they come? Since the Mediterranean

    and Mesopotamia were those then passing through the Bronze

    Age (and copper was then more expensive than gold), the suspicions

    directed thither. By striking coincidence indeed, the mysterious massive copper mining both

    in North America and in Spain and Britain stopped around 1350 BC - The time the volcano of

    Thera (Santorini) determined the fate of the Minoans. And the Greeks who received the

    baton (Mycenaeans Achaeans initially, Dorians and Ionians then) are the ones who tell long

    trips in Ogygia (Iceland), the Sea of Kronos (North Atlantic) and the westernmost coast. On

    how they went, the answer could only be given to the key called knowledge of ocean

    currents - currents of the ocean that Homer described as , meaning flows deeply

    and , twist in the deep. The current of the Gulf of Mexico, the famous Gulf Stream,twists the Atlantic branching in loops that penetrate the Mediterranean and the Baltic.

    Anyone who knows these places and Waterslides and place properly his hull onto them can

    "flies". For example - says Mariolakos - Plutarch concluded that a boat like the "Argo" could

    have traveled the 900 km distance between Britain and Iceland in 5 days (4-5 miles / hour).

    Minoan sea cruises in the sea of Kronos (North Atlantic)

    Minoan words and sketches of ships await their explanation on the rocks of the coast of the


    The arguments of Professor Mariolakos were impressive and seemed reasonable. The

    achievement extraordinary but he could not be satisfied only with the evidence that ancient

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    Tassos Kafantaris




    ships like the "Argo" could go so far - let alone the even more ancient Minoan ships. I

    remembered a story of 2010 by a Norwegian newspaper, according to which mysterious

    letters of the period from 1800 to 1000 BC had been carved in granite. These letters

    deciphered as Minoan by the Norwegian linguist and scholar Kjell Aartun who was honored

    about it with the gold medal of the king. In Aartun, the Minoan words translated "Soft andpure", referring to the largest deposit of silver across Europe which were found by these

    incredible treasure hunters in the Kongsberg region of Oslo. But had they left other traces

    behind them?

    I asked Dr. Mina Tsikritsi who previously had identified the "earthen computer navigation"

    of the Minoans about it. When contacting us he questioned the interpretation of Aartun, but

    was certain that it was Minoans, as a recent study of him added evidence supporting the

    theory of Professor Mariolakos for passage to the other side of the ocean. He specifically


    Plutarch on Canada

    One of the beaches veins- of copper in Lake Superior in the U.S., with traces of ancient


    - "Plutarch writes:" As to the great continent, from which the great sea is contained in a

    circle from the other islands is less in distance, but the Ogygia about five thousand stages

    traveling by boat with oars. (...) from the mainland Greeks residing nearby places around

    vagina no less than the Maiotida (lake), whose mouth is in line with the mouth of the

    Caspian Sea. "The distances between Greenland, Newfoundland and Baffin Island in Canada

    is about 1,140 km, and between Newfoundland and Baffin Island is about 1,300 km A report

    that around the bay there are Greeks reveals a Greek colony in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.

    The important thing in this description is that it provides geographic information that are

    correct. Indeed, the Gulf of St. Lawrence resembles Maeotid lake (Sea of Azov, Black Sea)

    and is slightly larger. As for the information that the mouth of the bay is in line with the

    mouth of the Caspian, looking in Google Earth anyone can easily discern that the two ports

    are located at latitude 47th, so on the same line. This information is the only reference in

    ancient literature that shows us that they were able, at that time, to determine the latitude

    of a place. But there is something more in Plutarch that I consider proof that the theory of

    travel to America is true".

  • 7/27/2019 Minoan Colonies in America


    Tassos Kafantaris




    So What..- "He says:" When the star of Saturn, which we call Bright () while those nocturia,

    arrived in Taurus after a period of thirty years, after much time preparing for the sacrifice ...

    (start the return journey). "This enables us to control the astronomical period was possibly

    made this trip recounts. Plato had classified the planets in the solar system in order from

    outside to inside relative to the Earth, with the following names: Fainontas (Saturn)

    Faethontas (Jupiter) Pyroentas (Mars), Lucifer (Venus) , Stilvontas (Mercury), Sun and Moon.

    The name Fainontas etymologically means that which is visible, while the word nocturia

    means this is the last to be seen in the night.

    Using special astronomy program I have checked the geographical coordinates of Canada in

    the time of Plutarch (1st century AD.) At what date and in what month the planet Saturn is in

    the constellation of Taurus before the sun rises. I have confirmed that every 30 lunar years

    appears indeed the phenomenon of Saturn rising in Taurus. Then, again, Plutarch says: "The

    islands are inhabited by Greeks over and watch the sun hide for less than an hour for thirty

    days. And the night there is a light darkness and dawn shines from the west." Since the

    return journey began early June, then we need to check where they faced the sun hiding

    under an hour for 30 days. With appropriate program found that at the time of the first

    century. B.C. Greenland (60 degrees north) the sun set for an hour between 04.05 am and

    this was for a period of one month, from 9/6 up to 9/7. This identification indicates that they

    initially traveled north, reaching close to the Arctic Circle, where the sea was called Cronion

    Sea (Sea of Cronus). In this area night has actually a dawn like darkness and light. This

    astronomical connection, combined with the geographical knowledge of the two sites that

    have the same latitude, shows that the journey described by Plutarch - from America to

    Carthage, 86 AD - actually happened.

    The reasoning was shocking, but what held me was that we were measuring data of a longer

    trip of the Roman era - a time when perhaps the travelers had in use the Antikythera

    Mechanism onboard. What evidence do we have that Minoan ships achieved the journey?

    Surprises from the land of the Vikings gave us the answer.

    Traces and intrigues in the New World

    Incredible collection of soldiers and chariots in Illinois, but is it true?

    What remained was to find relevant evidence on the shores of St. Lawrence or Lake Superior

    to accept as likely the unlikely of the Minoans presence in America. Menzies mentioned such

    the 1.200 Minoan finds around Lake Superior . So I set out to find them.

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    Tassos Kafantaris




    It was revealed that the findings are indeed a lot:

    the first non-Indian elements were found in

    mining copper veins, at the Keweenaw Peninsula

    of Lake Superior - near a village called ... Lavrion1

    (Laurium). There was also found a petroglyph of ahighly symbolic Minoan ship. Also in Newberry,

    Michigan, had already in 1896 been found three

    statues and a label with "strange writing ". Nobody

    could interpret it then, but when Evans went to

    the excavations of Knossos - in 1900 - it became

    apparent that the writing was also related to

    Linear A.

    The abundance of 'imaging elements "referring to

    the Mediterranean was subsequently found in private hands, with most of them ending upto unknown collectors and many of them - gold and silver - is rumored to have been melted

    by the greedy predators. Most were found in 1925 by a farmer in Illinois, Orville Lowery, and

    in 1982 by an adventurer named Russ Burrows, who claimed to have found a sanctuary and

    13 undisturbed tombs in a cave complex, also in Illinois.

    To sum up briefly, the listed Internet findings on American soil include numerous stones with

    engraved- on them- forms of soldiers in uniforms reminiscent Minoans, Philistines,

    Mycenaeans, Phoenicians and Egyptians, many Petroglyphs with Minoan and Egyptian types

    of ships, and other inscriptions with Cypro-Minoan writing and other composited with

    Etruscan, Latin and Greek words. The most eloquent optically element (if proven authentic)is a medal that was found in Cleveland, Ohio in 2006, the Minoan axe on one side and on the

    other the Prince of Lilies that we know from the mural in the palace of Knossos (1690 BC)!

    Self proclaimed Archaeologists Messiahs

    Silent witnesses of these stones of Michigan, with Minoan and Mycenaean ships engraved on them

    The issue got more complicated when the "Indiana Jones of the Bronze age" were

    approached by "archaeologists - militants" of the Mormon Church, who were attempting to

    vindicate the spoken by their prophets that, America was colonized by... Jews around 2000

    BC. Since then an incredible carousel has been erected with nterpretations of any kind -of

    the findings- to spring up on the non scientific magazine Ancient American, while the

    official archeology is absent. This paradoxical situation has led to a weakness of the crossing

    of the truth of the allegations and to the expression of fiery theories. For example, aepigraphologist named Paul Schaffranke claimed in his 1995 lecture that he deciphered the

    1Lavrion also is the name of an area in Athens, famous for its mines.

    How was the caterpillar of

    tobacco leaves Lasioderma

    serricorne found in 1450 BCin the cape Akrotirion

    area of Santorini island,

    while we know that tobacco

    arrived in Europe in the

    16th century AD?

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    Tassos Kafantaris




    composite writing of the ancient plates and that it tells an incredible Requiem of those first

    settlers of America: that Greeks of Alexandria fugitives of the now Christian Roman Empire

    - the last refuges, strongheld to the Phoenician Mauritania, and from there came together in

    the Great Lakes, to build their gross and last kingdom!

    Indians with Cretan DNAThe only scientific fact that we have to support all the scenarios of colonization of the

    Mediterranean is the genetic study: Origin and Diffusion of mtDNA Haplogroup X, 2003

    (vl.www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1180497 /) . In this was detected that the

    mtDNA haplogroup X2 that is encountered in the Cretans in a high percentage (7.2%) occurs

    at a similarly high rate (to 5%) in 20,000 members of the Native American tribes of the

    Northeast America! In such a "Eurasian conclusion" was reached also the cranial

    comparative study of the University of Michigan Old Wor ld sources of the first New World

    human inhabitants: a comparative craniofacial view, 2001. Then, in 2008, the work of a

    team of researchers from universities in Greece, USA, Canada, Russia and Turkey, under the

    professor of the Aristotle University, Constantine Triandafyllidis turned the projector of the

    genetic tracing back further: he concluded -by DNA- that Minoans had settled in Crete

    coming from Anatolia - the same place that in the 2nd millennium BC was conquered by the


    And then I remembered that Minos had married the witch princess of Colchis, Pasiphae. Was

    Colchis the sister kingdom of the expatriated Minoans? Scenario that fits well with the fact

    that Georgian epigraphologists insist that the language of the Phaistos Disk is in hieratic

    script of the ancient Colchis. And what was said in the "Argonauts" by Orpheus about the

    Argonauts escape to the Baltic through Borysthenes (Dnieper) and their course to the island

    of Medeas sister, Circe, to the coast of Mauritania, delivers a new meaning for the extent of

    Minoan naval.

    Should we rewrite the books?But are all these enough to write again the history books, to forget that Columbus was from

    Chios" and to engage that "the Last of the Mohicans was a Cretan patriot"? Not yet. Some

    mummies that were found in the "colonization" of America and in the neighborhood of

    Stonehenge in England perhaps illuminate better the case. But we will be sure if only

    archaeologists decide officially.

    "Why", I asked Professor Mariolakos, "Since you are a member of the Central Archaeological

    Council (KAS), do not send an archaeological expedition on Lake Superior;. "We should, as

    by now identified and sunken port projects have been found in the region," he replied. "From

    a scientific perspective, the Greek scientists can carry out the research project - and within

    one to two years we will have the answers. However, the APC is an Advisory Council, which

    does not form the research department policy and therefore can not take this decision.

    Besides the ministry, of course, there are the archaeological departments of the University.

    But in order to do such a thing, we must find both the necessary resources and will by our

    archaeologists ", added meaningful.

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    Tassos Kafantaris




    Source: TO VIMA newspaper Sunday April 8th



