A PUBLICATION OF THE ITALIAN CULTURAL SOCIETY Fall, 2019 VOLUME 21 ISSUE 2 The South Macro Region of Italy Abruzzo is the northernmost region of the six regions that make up Italys South Macro area, often described as, the leg and boot. To the east, Abruzzo borders on the Adriatic Sea as does Molise, its southern neighbor, followed below by Puglia, which forms the heel of Italy and is bordered by both the Adriatic and the Ionian Seas. To the west of Puglia are the regions of Campania and below it, Basilicata (the ankle), whose western border for both is the Tyrrhenian Sea. South of Basilicata, the foot of Italys boot, is the region of Calabria as you can see from the map above. During the period 1890-1920, some 10 million Italians, mostly from these regions (and Sicily) emigrated from Italy looking for work and a better life. Many settled in the United States and were our forebears. It is not uncommon even today to hear Italian-Americans speaking the dialect of their parentsand grandparentsregion and not toscano, which has been the standard Italian language since the Unification of 1861. We all know a few words in dialect, dont we? Cont. on page 3 Gentili membri di ICS, Bentornati a tutti! Ai nostri nuovi membri, benvenuti a unesperienza tutta italiana di arte, letteratura, cinema, musica, cucina, lingua, storia e amicizia. Il nostro obiettivo è di darvi lopportunità di apprendere e godere della cultura italiana tramite una serie di attività (elencate per tutto questo notiziario) che questanno si concentrano sulle sei regioni del Macro Regione Sudmostrato sulla cartina a sinistra. Nel cominciare il mio ultimo anno come Presidente, vorrei riconoscere la mia omissione di ringraziamento, durante il Pranzo dellarrivederci in aprile, ai nostri professori ditaliano e la loro Direttrice, Donna Lenzi, che senza sosta continua a dare del suo proprio tempo e talento a ICS. Il nostro programma è ottimo grazie al suo impegno. Grazie Donna e professori. Tom Caione è un altro membro che dietro le scene continua a essere una parte integrale degli eventi di ICS. Questa è la buona occasione per ricordare a tutti che ICS funziona bene grazie al volontariato. Ogni anno, sul modulo di adesione vi chiediamo di elencare i settori dove potreste aiutarci a continuare il buon lavoro. Mandate pure una email a me o a qualsiasi membro del Consiglio per discutere come donarci un podel vostro tempo. La scadenza per far sì che la vostra informazione personale venga stampata sul Membership Directory è il 15 settembre. Vi prego di non dimenticare che il Pranzo della festa di Colombo viene pagato separatamente, non facendo parte dellopzione del Gold e Silver Pass, i quali anche loro sono disponibili per lacquisto fino al 15 settembre. La compera dei biglietti per gli eventi singoli iniziano allora. Ci saranno dieci eventi questanno: sei Pranzi (quattro Cont. on page 2 Messaggio del Presidente

Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but

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Page 1: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but


The South Macro Region of Italy

Abruzzo is the northernmost region of the six regions that make up Italy’s South Macro area, often described as, the leg and boot. To the east, Abruzzo borders on the Adriatic Sea as does Molise, its southern neighbor, followed below by Puglia, which forms the heel of Italy and is bordered by both the Adriatic and the Ionian Seas. To the west of Puglia are the regions of Campania and below it, Basilicata (the ankle), whose western border for both is the Tyrrhenian Sea. South of Basilicata, the foot of Italy’s boot, is the region of Calabria as you can see from the map above. During the period 1890-1920, some 10 million Italians, mostly from these regions (and Sicily) emigrated from Italy looking for work and a better life. Many settled in the United States and were our forebears. It is not uncommon even today to hear Italian-Americans speaking the dialect of their parents’ and grandparents’ region and not toscano, which has been the standard Italian language since the Unification of 1861. We all know a few words in dialect, don’t we?

Cont. on page 3

Gentili membri di ICS, Bentornati a tutti! Ai nostri nuovi membri, benvenuti a un’esperienza tutta italiana di arte, letteratura, cinema, musica, cucina, lingua, storia e amicizia. Il nostro obiettivo è di darvi l’opportunità di apprendere e godere della cultura italiana tramite una serie di attività (elencate per tutto questo notiziario) che quest’anno si concentrano sulle sei regioni del “Macro Regione Sud” mostrato sulla cartina a sinistra. Nel cominciare il mio ultimo anno come Presidente, vorrei riconoscere la mia omissione di ringraziamento, durante il Pranzo dell’arrivederci in aprile, ai nostri professori d’italiano e la loro Direttrice, Donna Lenzi, che senza sosta continua a dare del suo proprio tempo e talento a ICS. Il nostro programma è ottimo grazie al suo impegno. Grazie Donna e professori. Tom Caione è un altro membro che dietro le scene continua a essere una parte integrale degli eventi di ICS. Questa è la buona occasione per ricordare a tutti che ICS funziona bene grazie al volontariato. Ogni anno, sul modulo di adesione vi chiediamo di elencare i settori dove potreste aiutarci a continuare il buon lavoro. Mandate pure una email a me o a qualsiasi membro del Consiglio per discutere come donarci un po’ del vostro tempo. La scadenza per far sì che la vostra informazione personale venga stampata sul Membership Directory è il 15 settembre. Vi prego di non dimenticare che il Pranzo della festa di Colombo viene pagato separatamente, non facendo parte dell’opzione del Gold e Silver Pass, i quali anche loro sono disponibili per l’acquisto fino al 15 settembre. La compera dei biglietti per gli eventi singoli iniziano allora. Ci saranno dieci eventi quest’anno: sei Pranzi (quattro

Cont. on page 2

Messaggio del Presidente

Page 2: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but

President’s Message Greetings, To all our members, welcome back! To our brand new members, we especially welcome you to an Italian cultural experience of art, literature, movies, music, cuisine, language, history and good companionship. Our intent is for you to learn and enjoy Italian culture through a mix of activities (enumerated throughout this Newsletter) which, this year, concentrate on the six regions of Macro South Italy shown on the map on page 1. As I begin my final year as your President, I want to acknowledge my omission of thanks at our Farewell Luncheon in April to our teachers of Italian and their Director, Donna Lenzi, who has joyfully and unceasingly given of her time and talents to ICS. Our program is excellent because of her work. Thank you, professori and thank you Donna. Tom Caione is another person who is and has been an integral part of ICS goings-on, behind the scenes. Thank you, Tom. This is a good time to remind everyone that ICS functions because of its volunteers. Each year, on your membership application, we ask you to list any area where you might help continue the good work of ICS. Feel free to email me or any Board member to talk about giving a bit of your time. The deadline for having your personal information printed in our Membership Directory is September 15th. Please do not forget that the Columbus Day Luncheon is paid for separately and is not part of our Gold and Silver Pass options. The options are on sale until September 15th as well. Member purchases for individual Events begin then. We will have ten Events this year: six Luncheons (four lecture-luncheons), two afternoon musical Receptions with finger food and prosecco, and two evening Dinners: the Christmas Dinner and, this year, a Cena Rustica, where we ask that you come in peasant attire and participate in the ambience and fun, including music from all six regions and even a tarantella or two. As you know, during the year the subject matter of the lectures, the music, and the meals we offer are representative of the regions we study (expect tomato sauce). We now have a way for ICS members to receive information on our website about our Movies schedule and our Amicizia activities. Go to the “Events Calendar” tab. You will now see on the right side two buttons: one for the Movies schedule, and one for the Amicizia schedule. Our year promises to be an exciting and fulfilling one. Come join us. Welcome! Dr. Joseph Crivelli President (My thanks to Dr. Grace Mannino for the Italian version)

con conferenze), due Ricevimenti pomeridiani di musica con stuzzichini e prosecco, e due Cene: Cena Natalizia e quest’anno, una Cena Rustica per la quale vi chiediamo di venire con abbigliamento popolano e di partecipare nell’atmosfera di divertimento, incluso musica dalle sei regioni, e anche una tarantella o due. Come sapete, durante l’anno i temi delle conferenze, della musica e dei pasti che offriamo rappresentano le regioni di concentrazione (aspettatevi dunque salsa al pomodoro). Abbiamo adesso un modo per i membri di ricevere informazione sul sito web sui film e sulle attività di Amicizia. Andate sulla scheda “Events Calendar”. Vi troverete adesso due tasti, uno per i Film, l’altro per il programma Amicizia. L’anno promette di essere entusiasmante e soddisfacente. Unitevi a noi. Benvenuti! Dr. Joseph Crivelli Presidente


Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1

Page 3: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but

Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but “in terms of its culture, language, history and economy,” it is considered a region of Southern Italy with beaches to the east and, on the west, the Apennine mountain range. Historically, Abruzzo was associated with the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Its motto, which aptly describes both its physical beauty and the character of its people, is “forte e gentile.” In the Middle Ages, the popes and their army dominated the region, followed by the Normans, Spain and then, the Bourbon Dynasty. From a very poor region, Abruzzo, in recent times, has become the richest region in Il Mezzogiorno (Southern Italy), growing to about 80% of Northern Italy’s per capita income. Major cities include Pescara, Teramo, Chieti and L’Aquila, the capital. Montepulciano and Trebbiano are two world class wines. One can travel on the now famous Highway A14 (Bologna-Taranto), known as the “Adriatica,” a wonderful road that runs through the coastal towns of Emilia Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Molise and Apulia. With these six southern regions, tomato sauce is a staple with each region’s individual pasta. The Abruzzesi prefer spaghetti and spaghettoni (alla chitarra) and gnocchi. They have soups, lamb, pork and many fish offerings on their menus, and desserts include ricotta, mozzarella, pizzelle and anise-flavored cakes. Are you reminded of your own family’s cuisine?

After Aosta Valley, Molise is the second smallest region in Italy, just south of Abruzzo from which a part separated in 1963. Its capital is Campobasso of the same-named province. The other province is Isernia. Very much like Abruzzo, Molise is mountainous with some 20 miles of beachfront/coastline on the Adriatic. Pescara Airport in Abruzzo connects with Highway A14 and is not far for tourists visiting Molise, a region of small farms and food processing businesses. Its only manufacturing comes from a Fiat plant in Termoli. Because of the lack of any other work, degreed and over-qualified young people fled the region in a large-scale emigration between 1950 and 1970.

There are many museums and archeological sites as well as music festivals and church functions to see. Two ethnic minorities living in the region are from Croatia and Albania.

3 Fall 2019

If you take the A14 south past Molise, you will be traveling through Puglia (also known as Apulia) with its capital of Bari, along the longest coastline of any Italian region until you reach Italy’s heel and the town of Salento. Along the way, you can go inland to the town of Alberobello with its trulli houses. On the west Puglia is bounded by the regions of Campania and Basilicata. Puglia’s southern border juts into the Adriatic Sea. at the heel and, going west, the Ionian Sea. Unlike the other regions, Puglia has many industries, though limited. Besides olives and agriculture, they include aerospace, automotives, food and beverage, furniture, mechanics, publishing and footwear. The region has two airports: one in Bari and the other in Brindisi. Unfortunately, these industries are not sufficient enough to support the area’s workforce. In 2017 the unemployment rate was 18.8%. As with the other contiguous regions the cuisine is similar, consisting of olive oil, artichokes, tomatoes, eggplants, asparagus, onions, lentils, potatoes and local cheeses. Fruits include lemons, clementines, oranges and grapes. Puglia was invaded over the centuries by the Greeks, the Venetians, the Albanians, the French and the Spanish who all left their mark on the Puglia culture.

Macro region cont. from page 1

cont. on page 4

Page 4: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but


The three western regions of South Italy are from north to south, Campania, Basilicata and Calabria. Campania, which borders the Tyrrhenian Sea, is the territory of Naples, its capital, the third largest region of Italy and part of the historic Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. It was from the port of Naples that the largest number of Italians set sail for the United States beginning in the late Nineteenth Century.

Campania is the most populated of Italy’s regions. It is rich in art, architecture, history, music and cuisine. If you want to spend time in this region, you first must try a Pizza Margherita in Naples. Other places to visit include Caserta and its fountains, Vesuvius, the active volcano, Capri, and the Costiera Amalfitana with the spectacular vistas of Sorrento, Amalfi and Positano, and off the coast lie three beautiful islands: Procida, Ischia and Capri, each offering its own special delight.

Basilicata, just below Campania, is a region of mountains (the southern Apennines) and valleys. The capital city is Potenza. Another town is Matera with its sassi cave dwellings; it is inland, not to be confused with Maratea, which is a seaside resort town on the Thyrrenian Sea. In walking distance is to be seen the famous statue of Cristo Redentore. There are two other famous statues of the same name: one in Brazil and one in Sardinia. There are only two provinces in Basilicata: Potenza (in the north) and Matera (in the south.)

In its long history, Basilicata has been invaded by the Byzantines, Greeks, Romans, French, Spanish, Turks and Arabs. The inhabitants of Basilicata are called Lucani, taken from the Greco-Roman era name of the region, Lucania. Basilicata is the name from the preceding era, 6th-9th Century AD, when the Byzantines ruled the region. The people of Basilicata were always a poor people who worked the land for their rulers, which even included the Church. With 47% of the land covered with mountains, industry is limited to olives, cereals and some red wine (Aglianico). Fiat is the one automobile maker in Melfi, and Barilla has a pasta company there as well. There is not enough industry to support the population. Many young people leave to find work elsewhere.

The region known as “the Toe of Italy” is Calabria, the last of the six regions that make up the South Macro Region of Italy. Another area in Italy that was part of the Italian Diaspora or great migration, especially to the United States at the end of the 19th Century, the Calabresi came to find those “streets paved with gold.” Today, Calabria, though still a relatively poor society, contributes significantly to the southern Italian culture in its cuisine: lots of chili peppers, eggplant (like the

Sicilians), caciocavallo cheese (teardrop-shaped), pecorino cheese (from sheep’s milk), capocollo and soppressata; and from the sea: sardines, swordfish, cod, squid; a special focaccia bread influenced by the Greeks and Arabs; red Ciro wine and delicious cakes with honey, almonds, figs and Christmas struffoli and chestnuts. Versions of similar cookies and cakes are found throughout Southern Italy with different names and each, a mouth-watering delight.

Macro Region cont. from page 3

Most immigrants had worked the farms in Italy (contadini) and took any work to make a living, especially because they did not speak the language and could not communicate. But on the positive side, they brought with them a desire to be americani and, now a part of the melting pot, their generation sacrificed themselves so that their children would have the education necessary to move up in society.

Dr. Joseph Crivelli

Page 5: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but


Monday October 14, 2019

Columbus Day Luncheon, Campiello Restaurant Doors open: 11:30 a.m. Price: $40 Chairs: Kathleen Azzariti & Anne Newton

Come along as we begin our 22nd season of the Italian Cultural Society! What a

perfect opportunity to re-connect with ICS members to share stories of your

summer adventures and activities! This year our cultural journey takes us to

Italy’s South Macro region which encompasses Abruzzo, Puglia, Basilicata,

Calabria, Campania, and Molise. The restaurant Campiello (located in the

historic district of downtown Naples) will create for us an authentic luncheon

highlighting food from many of these regions. So, in the spirit of camaraderie

and discovery, get ready to set sail and help us celebrate all things Italian.

For special dietary needs, please contact the event chair at least

one (1) week before the luncheon.

Friday November 15, 2019 Welcome Back Luncheon, “Revolutionaries of the South”

Featuring Dr. Brendan Cook

Doors open at 11:00 a.m. Lecture at 11:30 a.m. followed by lunch

Stonebridge Country Club Price $49 Chairs: Carol Jonson, Ed Giovine

Revolutionaries of the South traces nearly one thousand years of hope and defiance in

Italy’s Mezzogiorno region. From the apocalyptic prophecies of the twelfth-century

Calabrian preacher, Gioacchino da Fiore, to Tommaso Campanella’s seventeenth-century

Utopia, The City of the Sun, from the Carbonari of the nineteenth century, to the

Anarchists and Communists of the twentieth century, the lecture presents the grand

sweep of resistance and rebellion in the Italian South. Dr. Cook traces the remarkable

parallels and echoes between these different revolutionary movements and figures, as

religious mysticism mingles with scientific rationality, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ

joins hands with Revolutionary Marxism. The backdrop to the lecture is the region itself,

with its long history of suffering and injustice, which has nourished these different

movements from one era to the next.

For special dietary needs, please contact the event chair at least

one (1) week before the luncheon.

Fall 2019

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Sunday December 8, 2019 ICS Christmas Dinner “La Festa di Natale”

Doors open: 5 p.m. Prosecco at 5:30 p.m. Dinner at 6:00 p.m.

Audubon Country Club Price: $99 Chairs: Kathleen & Tim Sullivan, John & Nancy Petralia

Join us for an Italian Christmas feast at the

beautiful Audubon Country Club. Begin the

evening with a selection of savory Italian

appetizers accompanied by a flute of bubbly

prosecco. For dinner, executive chef Richard

Nielsen has planned an extraordinary Italian

three-course meal featuring artisan insalata,

grilled veal medallions, broccolini, blistered

tomatoes and mushroom risotto accompanied by

a fine red wine and a zuppa inglese dessert.

During the evening Tom Cimarusti and four of his

finest vocal students will perform traditional

Italian Christmas favorites. Between courses, pianist Michele Cashman will play some of her favorite

Italian melodies. You can also expect a few surprises and will not want to miss this lovely, lively

evening. Good music, good food and good friends….

Thursday January 9, 2020 “Naples: The Conservatory of Europe”

Featuring Tom Cimarusti and Newton Baroque

Doors open at 3:00 p.m. Lecture at 3:30 p.m. Reception to follow

Naples and Music. Music and Naples. The center of the music world. The center of church and

operatic music. In the 1730’s, Naples had a conservatorio unsurpassed in Europe for instrumental

music. It enticed experienced musical geniuses to Naples and encouraged new talent to submerge itself

in the riches of the environment. Listen to Dr. Tom

Cimarusti paint the scene (figuratively) of that famous

period in Naples history. From his current position of

Associate Professor of Music History at Florida Gulf Coast

University, Dr. Cimarusti will introduce us to a brilliant

concert performed by the instrumental ensemble Newton

Baroque. The group will share its Baroque repertoire

through their improvisational Magic. Keyboardist Andrus

Madsen will lead the musicians.

First Congregational Church Price $49 Chairs: Maria Tomaro, Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan

Newton Baroque


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Gold and Silver Passes are on sale until midnight, September 14, 2019. Individual tickets will be on sale to members from September 15, 2019 until the day before each associated Event is sold out. Non-members may purchase tickets only when authorized beforehand. Should you find you cannot attend an Event for which you have a ticket, you can put the ticket up for sale on the “Ticket Exchange”. See the “Reservations Procedure” always found on the last page of the Amici. If you successfully sell your ticket, do not forget to go back and delete your sale offer.

Amicizia 2019-2020 ICS members are invited to participate in our special interest friendship groups

To register email: [email protected] Meetings at Moorings Golf & Country Club 2500 Crayton Road in Naples

Events start at noon $20 per person, buffet lunch included

BOOK DISCUSSIONS November 18, 2019 “Not In a Tuscan Villa” by Nancy and John Petralia .Nancy Petralia, moderator. Our own ICS mem- bers recount their year in Italy. January 20, 2020 “Pompeii” by Robert Harris. Annalinda Ragazzo, moderator A novel which vividly recreates life in this thriving city before the upheaval. More books to follow in the next Amici. They can also be seen on the website. Go to the ICS Website and the “Events Calendar.” Tap it and you will see on the right side of the page a tab marked “Amicizia.” All the information you will need to know is there. The most important phone number to call is Kathleen Azzariti’s: 239-304-0924. She will help you and also listen to any suggestions for more activities.

TRAVEL FORUMS Members who have enjoyed travel in Italy and those planning to travel, will have the opportunity to share and inspire through experiences and recommendations. December 16, 2019 March. 2, 2020

LEAVING YOUR LEGACY / STORYBOOKING We all have a story to tell, recipes to pass on and photos to share. Members will offer ways to leave that special gift in scrapbooks, memoirs, recipe books, collages and more. January 6, 2020 February 3, 2020 April 20, 2020

ICS Operating Statement Y/E June 30, 2019

Membership Income $24,090 Program Income 147,074 Interest/Other Income 267 Total Income $171,431

General Operating Expenses $17,844 Program Expenses 139,365 Season Pass Discounts 3,660 New Member, Volunteer & Board Events 2,880 Total Expenses $163,741 Net Income $7,690 Equity Beginning of Year $42,620 Equity End of Year $50,301 Restricted $30,000 Unrestricted $20,301 Cash in Bank & on Hand $65,525 Robert D. DiLoreto - Treasurer

Fall 2019

Things to take note of..



1. ICS By-Laws require that the Nominating Committee give advance Notice that there will be openings on the Board of Directors next year. Here is that Notice. More later.

2. After the January 13, 2020 Film at the Norris

Center, Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan will lead a half-hour Discussion about the Film. Why not stay and participate? It should be interesting.

3. Start making or begin looking for an Italian

peasant costume to wear to our Annual Dinner on March 21, 2020, Una Cena Rustica. It’s going to be a really fun evening with lots of music, singing and some dancing…and, of course, good food, in a wonderful ambience.

4. Dig out a picture of yourself from your trip to Italy this year and send it to Dr. Joe Crivelli. 5. Note that our Events are always non-

reserved, open-seating, except the two Dinners: this year’s “La Festa di Natale,” (December 8, 2019) and “Una Cena Rustica,” (March 21, 2020).

6. If you are considering volunteering for our

Board of Directors and would like to attend a Board meeting to see how we work, contact Joe Crivelli at: 239-594-1148.

Page 8: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but

Italian Language Classes Fall 2019 Schedule ICS offers Italian language classes for adults at the Community School of Naples, 13275 Livingston Road (one traffic light north of the Pine Ridge/Livingston intersection) in Building N on Tuesdays and Wednesdays “in season” to provide opportunities for members and friends of the Society to learn and speak la nostra bella lingua.

Contact Donna Lenzi, Program Coordinator, [email protected] to register or for more information. REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR ALL CLASSES AND FOR EACH SESSION. Registration begins August 20 for the Fall Session. Each session is 6 weeks with 9 hours of instruction. Fee: $65 for ICS Members and $75 for non-members. To register include your course selection and a TELEPHONE NUMBER EVEN IF YOU HAVE TAKEN ICS COURSES IN THE PAST WITH THE SAME INSTRUCTOR. Courses are response driven and will be offered on the days and at the times listed below if there is a minimum of 6 registered participants. Every effort will be made to ensure that participants are properly placed in a class that offers the “best fit” for the individual’s skill set. An email from the program coordinator is your registration confirmation. Full course descriptions appear on the ICS website at www.italianculturalsociety.com. Click the Language Tab for descriptions and teacher bios. Please do not contact CSN (Community School of Naples) to register. Course Offerings for Fall Session October 29 (Tuesday classes) or October 30, 2019 (Wednesday classes) through December 10 or 11 2019. No class the week of Thanksgiving (November 26/27). Participants will have six weekly classes of 90 minute duration. Italian I (First Course in the Introductory Series) with Viviana Ardesia on Wednesday 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. beginning October 30,2019 For those with little to no experience with the Italian language, the ICS Introductory Series offers exposure to the language, grammar, opportunities for practice and speaking. Six classes of 90 minute duration. No prerequisite. Required Text for the Introductory Series: Arrivederci1! for English Speakers”**ISBN# 978-960-693-121-5 available from Applause Books (Edilingua publication) at $31.70 plus shipping/postage). Workbook, DVD, Text and CD all included with purchase. www.applauselearning.com Item#EDL1215 in the Italian language section. Use the Item #EDL1215 for easy ordering in the Italian Language Section of the applauselearning website. Italian III/IV (Introductory Series) Wednesday 6:15 – 7:45 p.m. with Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan beginning October 30,2019 Italian II participants will advance one level in the Introductory Series using “Arrivederci1! For English Speakers. Prerequisite: Italian II. Beginner Conversation with Joan Hoffmeister Tuesday 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. beginning October 29, 2019 Instructor led conversation with Italian Made Simple by Cristina Mazzoni as the primary text with Read and Think Italian as an additional resource. Some homework required. Prerequisite: Introductory Series or equivalent.




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Beginner Conversation with Grace Mannino Wednesday 6:15 – 7:45 p.m. beginning October 30, 2019 Instructor-led conversation for students who have completed the Intro Series and are ready to put their grammar skills to use in a conversational setting. Italian Made Simple by Cristina Mazzoni will be used as a resource. Homework will facilitate classroom conversation. Advanced Beginner Conversation with Joan Hoffmeister Wednesday 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. beginning October 30, 2019 Take your beginner conversation skills to the next level with instructor-led topics. Required text: Primi Racconti: Un Giorno Diverso by Marco Dominici available at www.applauselearning.com. Use Item#EDL0003 or type Primi Racconti in the search box in the Italian Language Section of the website. Prerequisite: Beginner Conversation or equivalent Viaggiando per Le Regioni d’Italia with Viviana Ardesia Tuesday 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. beginning October 29, 2019 Intermediate level course with classwork and homework includes readings, presentations, group discussions, vocabulary and grammar enhancement. Required text is Leggere la Civiltà by Paolo Balboni, Maria Voltolina, Loescher Editore, 2014. Prerequisite: Advanced Beginner Conversation or equivalent Parlando della cultura italiana with Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan Wednesday 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. beginning October 30, 2019 Upper Intermediate and Advanced level conversation. Some homework assigned. Required text: In viaggio: moving towards fluency in Italian by Olson, Edwards and Foerster, McGraw Hill, 2003. Available through Amazon and online new and used. Prerequisite: Intermediate Conversation or equivalent Advanced Conversation with Grace Mannino on Wednesday 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. beginning October 30, 2019 Integrates language, current events, culture and literature to engage participants in lively discussions in a relaxed atmosphere with varied activities. Contextual vocabulary and idiomatic expressions constitute the emphasis on vocabulary building. Prerequisite: Intermediate or Advanced Intermediate Conversation or equivalent Registration begins August 20, 2019 for the Fall Session. Expedite your registration by including a telephone number and course selection in your email to [email protected]. ICS Class Schedule for Winter and Spring Sessions: CSN Closed: December 16, 2019 through January 12, 2020 Winter Session: January 14 (Tuesday classes) and January 15 (Wednesday classes) through February 18 and 19 Spring Session: February 25 (Tuesday classes) or 26 (Wednesday classes) through March 31 and April 1 Separate registration required for each session. N.B. Some classes are held on the second floor of Building N at CSN. An elevator and rest rooms are located on the ground floor of the M building.

Italian Language Classes Fall 2019 Schedule (cont. from page 8)

9 Fall 2019

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Event Calendar 2019 - 2020

Friday, November 15, 2019 Doors open 11:00 a.m. Event 11:30 a.m.

Welcome Back: Lecture and Luncheon Stonebridge Country Club

"Revolutionaries of the South" Brendan Cook

Sunday, December 8, 2019 Doors open 5:00 p.m.

ICS Christmas Dinner and Musical Selections Audubon Country Club

"La Festa di Natale"

Thursday, January 9, 2020 Doors open 3:00 p.m. Event 3:30 p.m.

Italian Musical Lecture and Reception First Congregational Church

"Naples: The Conservatory of Europe" Dr. Tom Cimarusti and "Newton Baroque"

Wednesday, January 22, 2020 Doors open 11:00 a.m. Event 11:30 a.m.

Lecture and Luncheon Audubon Country Club

"Gladiators at Pompeii: Roman Spectacle in a Small Town" Dr. Steven Tuck

Friday, February 7, 2020 Doors Open 11:00 Event 11:30 a.m.

Lecture, Luncheon Country Club of Naples

"An Architectural Journey through South Italy" Dr. Max Grosman

Saturday, February 22, 2020 Doors open 3:30 a.m. Concert 4:00 p.m.

Concert of Italian Music Moorings Presbyterian Church

"Viva Italia" Featuring Jodie DeSalvo In Concert

Thursday, March 5, 2020 Doors open 11:00 a.m. Event 11:30 a.m.

Lecture and Luncheon Naples Hilton

"Art and Intrigue in 17th Century Naples" Carol Jonson

Saturday, March 21, 2020 Cocktails 5:30 p.m. Dinner 6:30 p.m.

ICS Gala Dinner Grey Oaks Country Club

"Una Cena Rustica"

Tuesday, April 7, 2020 Doors open 11:00 a.m. Event 11:30 a.m.

Review past year, Preview next year's Events Royal Poinciana Golf Club

Farewell Luncheon and Annual Meeting ICS President, Dr. Joseph Crivelli, Presenter

Monday, October 14, 2019

Doors open 11:30 a.m.

Luncheon / Regional Food

Campiello Ristorante

Columbus Day Luncheon


Page 11: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but

All films are shown at the Norris Center (755 8th Ave. South). It is located at the corner of 8th Avenue South and 8th Street South.

The showings begin at 6:45 p.m. Chairpersons: Richard Cappalli and Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan.

For more information, call the ICS Information Line at 434-3323 Movies shown are from November 2019 to January 2020.

Later films will be in the next Amici

November 18, 2019 PAZZE DI ME (Women Drive Me Crazy) 2013 94 minutes Andrea, the only male in an all-female household, is tired of losing girlfriends because of his bizarre and overbearing family; thus, when he meets Giulia, he pretends to be an orphan. Of course, he gets found out, and Giulia tells him he needs to make a choice between his family and her. But can he leave his crazy relatives behind for good?

December 9, 2019 GINGER AND FRED 1986 127 minutes Dancers Pippo (Marcello Mastroianni) and Amelia (Giulietta Masina)-once famous for their impersonations of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers-reunite to perform one last ballroom routine on the TV show “We are Proud to Present”. Now both elderly and show biz has-beens, the duo is billed alongside a veritable circus sideshow; nevertheless, with their ultimate professionalism, they manage to bring grace and beauty to the stage, transforming the would-be vulgar spectacle into a magical re-imagining of 1930’s Hollywood. Directed by Federico Fellini and nominated for Best Foreign Film, a nostalgic treat for the holiday season.

January 13, 2020 BELLA ADDORMENTATA (Dormant Beauty) 2012 115 minutes In 1992 Eluana Englaro had an accident that left her in a coma for 17 years. with no hope of recovery. In 2009 her parents opted to euthanize her, but it being illegal in Italy, the Church and the government of Silvio Berlusconi intervened. This provocative film with its top-notch acting and cinematography addresses the issue of euthanasia through a mosaic of four intertwined stories that offer different personal perspectives on this moral dilemma.

Something New...there will be post Movie Discussion for this film. The discussion will follow the film and last approximately 1/2 hour

January 27, 2020 TI PRESENTO SOFIA (Let Me Introduce Sophia) 2018 94 minutes Gabriele, a divorced ex-rocker who now runs his grandfather’s music store, is totally devoted to his 10-year-old precocious daughter Sofia, and, as such, has avoided dating. Enter Mara, a past love from Gabriele’s youth (who not only doesn’t want kids but truly detests them), and the complications begin! Gabriele denies Sofia’s existence to Mara and vice-versa, but, of course, in this classic situation-comedy, the truth will come out. And then there is the elephant in the room: Gabriele’s father from whom he is estranged. A light comedy with an underlying message and a rock music soundtrack to boot.

Fall 2019 11

Page 12: Messaggio del Presidente - Italian Cultural Society · 2019. 8. 11. · Messaggio del Presidente cont. from page 1. Looking at the map you see that Abruzzo is in central Italy, but

All reservations for ICS Events will be made on-line at the ICS website. Credit Card only. No checks will be accepted. When you make your reservation on-line, you will receive a confirmation and printable ticket by email for each event you select. Bring your ticket to the event (along with your name badge.) To Make a Reservation: • Go to ICS Website (www.italianculturalsociety.com) • Click on the Reservation Tab • On the Reservation Page select the event you wish to attend and click on SELECT • Enter the information requested and you are done. It’s that easy! For Help: • If you need help making a reservation on-line call Nancy and John Petralia at 215-280-4598 • For information about an event call the Event Chair • For general information call the ICS Help Line at 239-434-3323 Note: Someone will return your call as soon as possible. Cancellation Policy: NO Refunds will be given for any event. Exchanges: Reservations may be exchanged with other ICS members on the website, at the bottom of the Reservation Tab. The “user name” is ICS . The “password” is Italy (case sensitive.) Membership Information: ICS membership year: July 1 through June 30. Dues statements were sent out in April and had to be paid by July 1 to be included in and receive an updated Directory. Dues are $90 for couples and $45 for individuals. Name badges are $15 and will be mailed to all new members upon receipt of dues and badge fee. Members are requested to wear name badges at all events. Sunshine Committee: To have flowers, cards sent to an ICS member, e-mail Anna Castley: [email protected]

Reservations Procedure & General Information

Officers: Dr. Joseph Crivelli, President Anna Castley, Secretary Robert DiLoreto, Treasurer

Italian Cultural Society

of Naples, Florida, Inc.

3200 Bailey Lane Suite 199

Operatic Advisor: Bruce Ford

Presidents Emeriti: Cav.Joseph Delfino, Adam Crescenzi, Tom Turicchi, Ph.D Richard Cappalli, Esq.

Amici Editors: Joanne Berenato, Dr. Joe Crivelli, Dr. Grace Mannino

Directors: Al Andreini Kathleen Azzariti Carolyn Dickinson Ed Giovine Judy LaMelza Nancy Menaldi-Scanlan Anne Newton John Petralia Marsha Shelton