why you must pray for love. You must pray very, very much to have all the more love, be- cause love conquers death and makes life last. Apos- tles of my love, my children, with an honest and sim- ple heart unite in prayer regardless of how far you are from each oth- er. Encourage each other in spiritu- al growth as I am encouraging you. I am watching over you and am with you whenever you think of me. Pray also for your shepherds, for those who renounced every- thing for the sake of my Son and for your sake. Love them and pray for them. The Heavenly Father is listening to your prayers. Thank you." Monthly Message of Gospa to Marija for the world: 25 October 2015 "Dear chil- dren! Also today, my prayer is for all of you, especially for all those who have become hard of heart to my call. You are living in the days of grace and are not conscious of the gifts which God is giving to you through my presence. Little children, decide also today for holiness and take the example of the saints of this time and you will see that holiness is a reality for all of you. Re- joice in the love, little chil- dren, that in the eyes of God you are unrepeatable and irreplaceable, because you are God´s joy in this world. Witness peace, prayer and love. Thank you for having responded to my call." Monthly Gospa message to Mirjana for those who do not know the love of God! October 2, 2015: "Dear chil- dren, I am here among you to encourage you, to fill you with my love and to call you anew to be witnesses of the love of my Son. Many of my children do not have hope, they do not have peace, they do not have love. They are seeking my Son, but do not know how and where to find Him. My Son is opening wide His arms to them, and you are to help them to come to His embrace. My children, that is Our Blessed Mother Queen of Peace, pray for us! OCT 2015, MIC 29 Years! Vol 29, Issue 10—Tax Identification Number: 94-3079081 IRS Classification: 501(c)(3) Dr. Darinka Glamuzina, Clinical Psychiatrist. “I could not believe these words were attributed to me, so strong, that it confronted me. “ HOLY MASS in honor of Our Blessed Mother QUEEN OF PEACE THURSDAY October 29th Holy Family St. Joseph Chapel Confessions & Rosary, 5:30 pm The Holy Mass follows Monsignor Franzinelli, Celebrant Pilgrims from Medjugorje will share their testimonies immediately following. Thank you. Contact: 702-489-9336 MEDJUGORJE INFORMATION CENTER LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA www.lasvegasmariancenter.com 702-489-9336 Month of Our Lady of the Rosary She was sent to debunk the visionaries, the six children living in Communist Yugoslavia, then in June 1981, to the little village of Medjugorje, on the 6th day of the apparitions: Dr. Glamuzina, an agnostic, was 99.9% sure that the seers were perpetuating a fraud. Thirty four years later, David Parkes, Marian Pilgrimages Pilgrimage Director, invites Dr. “Dara” who is now ready to share her testimony in Medjugorje. It is “compelling and emotional”. It is actually painful to hear because what our Blessed Mother responded to her through Vicka, the visionary, can be said that her words “cut to the chase”, so to speak. As a Priest from our own Diocese once said, that “if we say that we have never doubted, then we are untruthful.” At the end of this article are two links: Dr. Glamuzina’s written testimony in 2008, google translation from French to English and then this public testimony, excerpted, in Medjugorje a few days ago. Our Blessed Mother responded to this doctor in an ASTONISHING way no one could have imagined. Stunning and honest! Dr. Darinka Glamuzina was sent by the Medical Committee of Citluk with the head of the clinic on day 6 of the apparitions, June 29th 1981, to be present on the hill for the visionaries alleged encounter with Our Lady and expose it as a fraud. 34 Years later on 6th October 2015 she tells her incredible story to pilgrims in the St John Paul II Hall, Medjugorje, of her interrogation of the visionaries … Her testimony lasted 1 1/2 hours. We will leave some brief excerpts from her incredible talk that took place last week here: “I was 100% agnostic and did not believe in the apparitions. I was a doctor of medicine and psychiatry at the nearby clinic in Citluk. We were informed within a week of the apparitions at Medjugorje and I was sent with the Head of Clinic to be present during the apparition to disparage and expose it as a fraud” “We first had them brought to our clinic. I was sure I could somehow break them up or contradict them from each other – I kept trying to find a way to get in between them – to somehow expose something or cut off their unity in their story. But it was im- possible to break them down or confuse them. And their maturity in their answers was coming from something far more intelligent than their own intellect of their age’ “I was convinced I could somehow intercept a communication between the visionaries and interrupt a simulation that they were faking the apparitions. I was 99.9% convinced I could expose this as a false.” “The head of the clinic and myself went to attend the apparition. The interesting thing was normally when investigating an incident medically, the incident is in the past, and so we have to go by what data and evidence we can collect. This instance however was to be announced at 6.40pm so it was very interesting for us to go there and be present.” (Continued next page) Dr. Glamuzina and LAS Pilgrim, Carlene


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why you

must pray

for love.

You must

pray very,

very much

to have all

the more

love, be-

cause love


death and

makes life

last. Apos-

tles of my

love, my

children, with an honest and sim-

ple heart unite in prayer regardless

of how far you are from each oth-

er. Encourage each other in spiritu-

al growth as I am encouraging you.

I am watching over you and am

with you whenever you think of

me. Pray also for your shepherds,

for those who renounced every-

thing for the sake of my Son and

for your sake. Love them and pray

for them. The Heavenly Father is

listening to your prayers. Thank


Monthly Message of Gospa to

Marija for the world:

25 October 2015 "Dear chil-

dren! Also today, my prayer is

for all of you, especially for all

those who have become hard

of heart to my call. You are

living in the days of grace and

are not conscious of the gifts

which God is giving to you

through my presence. Little

children, decide also today for

holiness and take the example

of the saints of this time and

you will see that holiness is a

reality for all of you. Re-

joice in the love, little chil-

dren, that in the eyes of

God you are unrepeatable

and irreplaceable, because

you are God´s joy in this

world. Witness peace,

prayer and love. Thank

you for having responded

to my call."

Monthly Gospa message to

Mirjana for those who do

not know the love of God!

October 2, 2015: "Dear chil-

dren, I am here among you to

encourage you, to fill you with

my love and to call you anew to

be witnesses of the love of my

Son. Many of my children do

not have hope, they do not have

peace, they do not have love.

They are seeking my Son, but

do not know how and where to

find Him. My Son is opening

wide His arms to them, and you

are to help them to come to His

embrace. My children, that is

Our Blessed Mother Queen of Peace, pray for us!

OCT 2015, MIC 29 Years! Vol 29, Issue 10—Tax Identification Number: 94-3079081 IRS Classification: 501(c)(3)

Dr. Darinka Glamuzina, Clinical Psychiatrist. “I could not believe these words were attributed to me, so strong, that it confronted me. “

HOLY MASS in honor of

Our Blessed Mother



October 29th

Holy Family

St. Joseph Chapel

Confessions & Rosary,

5:30 pm

The Holy Mass follows Monsignor Franzinelli, Celebrant

Pilgrims from Medjugorje will share

their testimonies immediately following. Thank you.

Contact: 702-489-9336

MEDJUGORJE INFORMATION CENTER LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, USA † www.lasvegasmariancenter.com † 702-489-9336

Month of Our

Lady of the


She was sent to debunk the visionaries, the six children living in Communist Yugoslavia, then in June 1981, to the little village of Medjugorje, on the 6th day of the apparitions: Dr. Glamuzina, an agnostic, was 99.9% sure that the seers were perpetuating a fraud. Thirty four years

later, David Parkes, Marian Pilgrimages Pilgrimage Director, invites Dr. “Dara” who is now ready to share her testimony in Medjugorje. It is

“compelling and emotional”. It is actually painful to hear because what our Blessed Mother responded to her through Vicka, the visionary, can be said that her words “cut to the chase”, so to speak. As a Priest from our own Diocese once said, that “if we say that we have never

doubted, then we are untruthful.” At the end of this article are two links: Dr. Glamuzina’s written testimony in 2008, google translation from

French to English and then this public testimony, excerpted, in Medjugorje a few days ago. Our Blessed Mother responded to this doctor in an

ASTONISHING way no one could have imagined. Stunning and honest!

Dr. Darinka Glamuzina was sent by the Medical Committee of Citluk with the head of the clinic on day 6 of the apparitions,

June 29th 1981, to be present on the hill for the visionaries alleged encounter with Our Lady and expose it as a fraud. 34 Years

later on 6th October 2015 she tells her incredible story to pilgrims in the St John Paul II Hall, Medjugorje, of her interrogation

of the visionaries … Her testimony lasted 1 1/2 hours. We will leave some brief excerpts from her incredible talk that took place

last week here:

“I was 100% agnostic and did not believe in the apparitions. I was a doctor of medicine and psychiatry at the nearby clinic in

Citluk. We were informed within a week of the apparitions at Medjugorje and I was sent with the Head of Clinic to be present

during the apparition to disparage and expose it as a fraud”

“We first had them brought to our clinic. I was sure I could somehow break them up or contradict them from each other – I kept

trying to find a way to get in between them – to somehow expose something or cut off their unity in their story. But it was im-

possible to break them down or confuse them. And their maturity in their answers was coming

from something far more intelligent than their own intellect of their age’

“I was convinced I could somehow intercept a communication between the visionaries and interrupt a simulation that they were

faking the apparitions. I was 99.9% convinced I could expose this as a false.”

“The head of the clinic and myself went to attend the apparition. The interesting thing was normally when investigating an incident

medically, the incident is in the past, and so we have to go by what data and evidence we can collect. This instance however was to

be announced at 6.40pm so it was very interesting for us to go there and be present.”

(Continued next page) Dr. Glamuzina and LAS Pilgrim, Carlene




“Vicka was the most responsive and talkative of the visionaries – so I communicated the most with her. I asked her if I could present some questions to the so

called Gospa. The first thing that interested me is rather than immediately responding, Vicka told me “Let me ask Our Lady, and I will get back to you”. This inter-

ested me as it indicated a further source of information. However I was not in the slightest bit convinced.

She turned back to me and said “Our Lady says you may” The first question I had to present was “who are you?”

I began to observe how I would ask Vicka the question, she would receive, nod her head and understand what I said, turn back to the sky and re-ask the question,

then go quiet concentrating as if she was receiving an answer, nod her head and turn back to me with an answer. “Gospa says; I am The Queen of Peace”

“This answer confused me. In Medjugorje and the surroundings we had peace (Exactly ten years later when the war broke out we understood why She chose this

name). I posed another question therefore “how can we have peace when there are so many different religions?”

“Vicka again took a process of turning her ear to me, receiving and nodding as I spoke, then turning back to Our Lady, speaking the question, and then silence as

she seemed to receive information and nod her head, then turn back to me with an answer. This all impressed me but again, in no way convinced me and perhaps

by now I was 90% sure I could still expose the apparitions as fraud.”

“Gospa says: There is but One Faith and One God”

“OK I thought to myself, then I wondered why would this place be chosen if there was a message to give the world, in the middle of no where rather than some-

where like Paris where if that place was chosen the message could be instantly made world famous due to its international position. I asked Vicka to ask why here

in Medjugorje did Our Lady choose to come . Vicka did the process of dialogue and returned to me with the answer “Here the people pray and the faith is strong”

“…good…” I thought to myself”

“I then asked Vicka to ask the apparition if I could touch her, I didn’t think the question through before Vicka went ahead and turned back and said “Gospa said:

yes you may”

“There was no turning back. I had asked it now and realising that it could happen I came to the point of no return and had to go ahead. I reminded myself I was

here on behalf of the Clinic.”

“I asked Vicka how can I if I cant see her and Vicka pointed out where to put my hand”

“I reached out my hand to where Vicka showed me…To this day I cannot describe what I felt in that moment. I reached out my hand and could sense that what

ever was there was leaving. I looked at the visionaries and saw their faces had changed from an ecstatic joy to sad and concerned”

“I asked the visionaries “She has gone hasn’t She?” And Vicka said “yes She’s gone”. I then said if Gospa said anything and Vicka told me that Our Lady said

“There will always be doubting Judases”

I could not believe these words were attributed to me, so strong, that it confronted me. I realised that here I was trying to prove the visionaries as false as if I had

the truth, when infact they were the ones that had the truth and I was false, I was that false Judas who wanted to betray these visionaries and make them appear


“When you see doubts coming to Medjugorje this is the sign that something great is about to happen”

“For me I had the grace to understand that Our Lady left and that comment she made was defending the visionaries from those who are attacking them and calling

them false”

“I came back down from that hill a different person. I will never be able to describe what I felt on that day.”

“Everything I needed to know I received and I no longer sought the visionaries.”

“I can tell you when you hear bad things or rebukes said about the visionaries, they are good, good people. They have to live in the modern world, raise families,

have daily apparitions whilst having the world at you – it is not easy! But I can tell you to this day all of them are very good people.

“After this experience I saw how Medjugorje has to keep passing through the doubts like I put it through at the very beginning, repeating itself but growing on a

bigger scale. It has been doubted then accomplished faith in its parish, then its region, now it is reaching a world scale and again it is like the apparitions pulsates

from moments of doubt then moments of faith as it grows bigger.”

“Now it is on a world scale and again we hear the world throwing its doubts as I once

did. I can only tell you that when you see doubts coming to Medjugorje this is the sign

that something great is about to happen, and it is going to pulsate and grow bigger from

greater doubt to even stronger belief. We are on the brink of something great that will


“I believe these events taking place at Medjugorje are the most important events in the

history of mankind after the coming of Jesus”

Photos of Dr. Glamuzina © Teresa Burby National Medjugorje Movement

Link: http://www.nationalmedjugorjemovement.com/news/doctor-that-doubted-and-touched-apparition-speaks-


For more photos see our October Newsletter on line. Excerpted Note from Perla, Pilgrimage Leader: We are home safely... It was "Amazing" to be in Medjugorje once again! All praise to God and Our Lady Queen of Peace for getting us their safely snd bringing us home spiritually full. Thank you each for much appreciated prayers. We had lovely rooms located

very near walking distance to St. James the heart of Medjugorje. We had beautiful weather and loved and basked in the Medjugorje rain on the last two days! Everything there we look

on as a blessing. We had the most incredible guide, Daniella... Knowledgeable, attentive, patient and loving. We all participated in all the "Incredible daily Masses and Holy Hours" Everyone got in their confessions leaving our sins there. Most climbed both mountains. All (Apparition Hill) and most (Cross Mountain) and those that did not climb Cross Mtn., we

prayed at the Risen Christ and lit candles for everyone's intentions!!! Our group was treated to the most amazing lunch by Marian Pilgrimages. We got to know and bond more inti-

mately with all the lovely guides of Marian Pilgrimages. It truly was a feast of a meal!!! On Sunday our last day. we were blessed with a lovely mass at the church at Surmanci a little village where the "Miraculous Icon of Jesus of Mercy resides. The original life-size icon that Ugo Festa was cured miraculously. In this church, there is also a relic of St. Faustina,

which we were able to venerate. This was a very special blessing as a preparation for the "Holy Year of Mercy" instituted by Pope Francis to begin on December 8th on the Feast of

the Immaculate Conception. How very blessed we were to be able to do this. There are always challenges and we had our share. The great part is that we grew and bonded from them as a true family in Christ. We experienced many angels helping us when things were most difficult. Because of the challenges hopefully we are stronger "Apostles" of Our Lady. We

carried you all in our hearts and prayed much for all of your intentions. Thank you. Love and prayers +JMJ.







Base of Apparition Hill


Our Guide

For the week

Vicka’s room at her

family home

Rosary beads

given to Vicka

by our Lady for

the family

Testimony of Mr. Latta at

The Castle with Pilgrim Val



Christ the Redeemer Statue