Measurement of CVS Function

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  • Measurement of CVS FunctionRavi

  • SyllabusOutline the physics of blood flowGive a detailed account of the various methods of measuring blood pressureGive a detailed account of the various methods of measuring cardiac output as well as their limitationsOutline methods and principles used to measure regional blood flow

  • Non-Invasive Blood PressureCuff:Single cuff containing an inflatable bladderPositioned so that the centre of the bladder is medial - over the brachial arteryWidth should be 20% greater than the diameter of the armAirpumpBleed ValvePressure transducerMicroprocessor and electrical timerPressure display

  • NIBP

  • TechniqueSingle cuff appliedPressure in cuff inflated to above systolicCuff pressure monitored constantly via pressure transducerPressure is slowly released by the bleed valve (2-3mmHg/sec) and then held and so onSmall regular oscillations in pressure recorded (size of fluctuations above base line recorded)Cuff then deflated fully

  • Technique continued

    Systolic Pressure - When oscillations in the pressure rise significantlyMAP - when oscillations in the pressure are maximumDiastolic Pressure - when pressure oscillations drop significantlyHeart rate - frequency of oscillations

  • ResultsMAP is most accurateDiastolic least accurateDiastolic sometimes calculated using systolic and MAP.Systolic sometimes calculated using diastolic and MAP

  • Sources of ErrorInappropriate cuff sizeIrregular heart rhythm (AF) - BP varies greatly with each contractionLow output states - inaccurate below 50mmHg - ?oscillations too smallPatient movement (shivering) - ?artifact in pressure oscillationsInaccurate calibration

  • Exam Question03A13 - Briefly describe the principles and sources of error in the measurement of systemic arterial blood pressure using an automated oscillometric non-invasive monitor.

  • Invasive Blood PressureArtery is canulated for a direct measurement of bpFixed and securely flushed with heparinised saline through a 3-way tapHeparinised saline in a pressurised container at a pressure > systolic passes through a constriction so flow cannot exceed 4 mL/Hr

  • EquipmentPressure transducer, amplifier and recorder

  • TransducerFibreoptic catheter tip transducerMirror coated diaphragm reflects light carried to tip by optical fibrePosition of diaphragm determines the fraction of light that is reflected back down a second fibreConverted to an electrical signal

  • Transducer

  • ResonanceTransducer diaphragm, catheter and saline column all oscillate naturally at their resonant frequencyIf less than 40 Hz - falls within the range of frequencies in bp wave formOscillations at resonant frequency produce a sine wave which is superimposed on the bp wave form

  • Resonance

  • ResonanceShorter, wider and stiffer catheters increase the resonant frequencyCurrent transducers have a very high resonant frequencyResonant frequency should be several fold the pulse not to have an effect

  • DampingWhen an elastic system is disturbed it oscillates before settling on a new valueDamping decreases these oscillations and allows the system to eventually come to rest at a new value

  • DampingAny restriction to transmission of blood pressure from the artery to transducer will cause the trace to be damped or smoothed out so sharp changes are not displayed

  • Damping CoefficientDepends on the reduction in amplitude of each oscillation

  • Critical DampingDamping Coefficient >1.0No overshootTime taken to reach new rest position is much greaterNot clinically useful as time taken is too long. Hence, systolic and diastolic inaccurate

  • Optimal DampingDamping Coefficient = 0.64Compromise where overshoot & oscillation minimised but response is still rapid3 advantages:1. Amplitude distortion is minimised2. Frequency response obtained minimal (ie. Accuracy up to 2/3 ressonant frequency)3. Phase distortion minimised

  • Damping

  • DampingCan be caused by:Air bubbles (absorb pressure changes in the saline column)Clot formation in canula (restricts movement in the saline column)

  • DampingCan alter the values for systolic and diastolic blood pressuresLess effect on MAP

  • Exam Question07A15 - Describe the effects of resonance and damping on an invasive arterial blood pressure tracing.

  • Fick PrincipleExpression of the law of conservation of massUptake=Blood flow x diff in concentrationPrinciple of calculating pulmonary blood flow from the oxygen uptake in the lungsPt rebreathes oxygen into a Benedict Roth spirometer through a soda lime absorber

  • Fick Principle cont.Rate of oxygen uptake calculated (250mL/min)Catheter in RA measures oxygen content in mixed venous blood (150mL/L)ABG - oxygen content (200mL/L)Blood gains - 50mL/LCO=uptake/difference in concentration=250/50=5L/min

  • Non-Invasive CO measurementFick Prinicple - elimination of CO2CO=rate of CO2 elimination/(venousCO2 - arterial CO2)If gas rebreathed - CO2 rises and 2 different equations:Equations..

  • Dye dilution techniqueKnown amount of inocyanine green injection into RH via catheterConcentration measured in peripheral artery using a spectometric techniqueConcentration vs time plotted on a semilogarithmic paper (y axis logarithmic)

  • Dye dilution techniqueDye dilution graphFlow=mass added/AUC

  • Thermal Dilution TechniqueFick Principle - expression of law of mass conservationIndicator - thermal mass - injected upstream and measured down streamAssuming no indicator is lost:Flow=amount injected/average downstream concentration

  • Thermal dilution techniquePAC with 2 channels inserted into RH via IJVInjecting channel - SVC & RA junction2nd channel with thermister - Pul artery10mL 5% Dextrose zero degrees - mixes and cools blood that passes thermisterTemperature vs time curve plottedCO calculated using AUC similar to dye dilution technique

  • Exam Question00A1 - Explain how cardiac output is measured using the thermodilution technique.

  • Exam Question99B8 - Draw both Aortic root and radial artery pressure wave forms on the same axes. Explain the differences between them.

  • Old exam questions1992 Write short notes on the principles of oscillometry1991 Write short notes on the ideal properties of a pressure transducer