JPS 2003 in Sendai 2003.3.28 Measurement of spectral function in the decay 1. Motivation ~ Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment ~ 2. Event selection 3. mass spectrum (unfolding) 4. Evaluation of 5. result Yukiko Hirano (Nara Women’s Uni. , High Energy Physics Lab.) For the Belle collaboration 0 2 g 0 a Outline

Measurement of spectral function in the decay

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Motivation ~ Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment ~ Event selection mass spectrum (unfolding) Evaluation of result. Yukiko Hirano (Nara Women’s Uni. , High Energy Physics Lab.) For the Belle collaboration. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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  • Measurement of spectral function in the decay Motivation ~ Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment ~Event selectionmass spectrum (unfolding)Evaluation of resultYukiko Hirano(Nara Womens Uni. , High Energy Physics Lab.)For the Belle collaborationOutline

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Motivation~ Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment ( ) ~The prediction of Standard Modellargest error fromHadron vacuum polarization

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • anddecaythe contribution of hadrom Vacuum polarization obtained from Experimental Data.difficult to obtain from first principle Cross section of Hadron system Hadron systemdecay is useful to determine the term ,

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • and decay Hadron Vacuum polarization term from 2 system ( )

    Spectral function is measured in this experiment.K(s) is known function.

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Present status ; Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment ( )Exp. measured by BNL (g-2) experiment.2002.9

    Theoretical prediction new data (CMD-2) and data (ALEPH) 2003.1difference by Hadron Vacuum Polarization. term is different between and base predictions.Cross check is important !

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • event selection Number of charged tracks2 or 4All charge ( ) = 0event vertex position :

    Separate the event into 2 hemisphere by the event axis.

    Event axis direction :

    Back Ground rejection (next slide)

    Physics trigger

    Event selection Data : accumulated from 2000.10 to 2000.12 at Belle.(corresponding to production.)

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • event selection (Back ground rejection) Missing mass and Missing angle cut ( plot) about 1,300,000 events are remained.

  • Event selection

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • signalrightleftSide-band region

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • mass spectraumB.G. fraction

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Unfolding acceptanceMass square resolution : 0.03 GeV2 Acceptance include both the tau-pair and pipi0 selection.Acceptance and bin-by-bin migration effects are corrected via Singular-Value-Decomposition method.

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Unfolded mass spectrumRed line : Breit Wigner fitting function ( and are included. )

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Breit Wigner fitting formfree parameterGS model is known that it can fit wilder mass region that the commonly used BW.Gounaris and Sakurai (G&S) Model

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • fit result and compare with previous Experiments parameters : good agreement with previous Exp. parameters : Belle results are most precise.

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Evaluation of

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Systematic error ()External systematics ~Normalization factors~Largest error from

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Systematic error ()Internal systematics

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • resultResult of is preliminarycf. ALEPH

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Backup slide

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • 2.Event selectionExp. DataData reconstructionMonte Carlo simulationSimulator of event productionDetector simulation

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • event selectionThere are few charged tracks in the event.72%13%There are missing of momentum and mass because of neutrino ( ) .missing

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Missing mass VS. Missing angleDataMC(tau)MC(Bhabha)MC(2photon)

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Time dependence

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Momentum of and Good agreement between Data and MC .

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Fitting result of Breit Wigner modelK&S modelG&S model

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Spectral function

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Systematic detail 1(1) BG estimation (two photon )(2) BG estimation (hadron)Two photon B.G. estimated by Data using control sample.Hadron BG contribution also estimated by Data using control sample.

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Systematic detail2(3) Energy scale(4) Gamma energy thresholdUncertainty of as gamma-threshold function.

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Hadron Vacuum polarization and DataThe term of hadron vacuum polarization

    JPS 2003 in Sendai

  • Data and Data Iso-spin Cnserve of Vectro Current

    We can treat data as same condition as data. semi-Leptonic dacayc decay

    JPS 2003 in Sendai