1 ZIONEWS MAY 2019 Zion Lutheran Church 1906 - 2019 An active congregation of the Montana Synod of the ELCA Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!! We are sll thoroughly enmeshed in the “Alleluias” of Easter as Pentecost does not come unl June 9th. Without rushing through this season of Easter in the church year, I hope you will take me to really learn what it means to live the Easter life. May we all be able to fulfill at least in some small measure the message of Easter to live as God’s people filling the world with God’s compassion and love. God has a dream for His Creaon — earth and all stars — and everyone and everything in it will at the end me be united in love. We fulfill only a ny part of that dream by our lives in our me on this earth. God’s plan is for all eternity. When you receive this I will be out of Glendive for about ten days taking some R & R. I hope to see family and friends along the way to Cheyenne where my great-nephew Evan will be confirmed and then on to Denver to see Aunt Dorothy, now 96. I hope the promise of Spring and Summer will bring you me to re-create your life as God intends us to do. Several places in the gospels Jesus’ words are very direct as he tells his disciples to “Come away for awhile and rest.” Jesus himself took me in his life to draw away from the press of the crowds to prepare himself for God’s will and work. Our Prayer Garden was established to be a place of meditaon with reminders of the need to rest and benches to rest on and some meandering paths to give us me to just think. (It is Spring and the Prayer Garden needs some TLC for it to serve its purpose. It is all a volunteer effort). You need to take me to be with family and friends and to be with yourself. Do you know who YOU are? Do you have me to marvel at God’s Creaon in the wonderful person you are? That is what rest, re-creaon, me away is all about. As I look forward to the summer months I hope you will see them as another of God’s good grace gi<s to us. Let’s honk at each other if we meet along the way!

May 2019 Zionews - Zion Lutheranzionlutheran.us/documents/May2019Zionews.pdfcongregao n has again responded generously. We offer thanks to those have given sacrificially through

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    MAY 2019

    Zion Lutheran Church

    1906 - 2019

    An active congregation of the Montana Synod of the ELCA

    Christ is risen! He is risen indeed!! We are s�ll thoroughly enmeshed in the “Alleluias” of

    Easter as Pentecost does not come un�l June 9th. Without rushing through this season of

    Easter in the church year, I hope you will take �me to really learn what it means to live the

    Easter life. May we all be able to fulfill at least in some small measure the message of Easter

    to live as God’s people filling the world with God’s compassion and love. God has a dream for

    His Crea�on — earth and all stars — and everyone and everything in it will at the end �me be

    united in love. We fulfill only a �ny part of that dream by our lives in our �me on this earth.

    God’s plan is for all eternity.

    When you receive this I will be out of Glendive for about ten days taking some R & R. I hope

    to see family and friends along the way to Cheyenne where my great-nephew Evan will be

    confirmed and then on to Denver to see Aunt Dorothy, now 96. I hope the promise of Spring

    and Summer will bring you �me to re-create your life as God intends us to do. Several places

    in the gospels Jesus’ words are very direct as he tells his disciples to “Come away for awhile and

    rest.” Jesus himself took �me in his life to draw away from the press of the crowds to prepare

    himself for God’s will and work. Our Prayer Garden was established to be a place of medita�on

    with reminders of the need to rest and benches to rest on and some meandering paths to give

    us �me to just think. (It is Spring and the Prayer Garden needs some TLC for it to serve its

    purpose. It is all a volunteer effort). You need to take �me to be with family and friends and to

    be with yourself. Do you know who YOU are? Do you have �me to marvel at God’s Crea�on in

    the wonderful person you are? That is what rest, re-crea�on, �me away is all about.

    As I look forward to the summer months I hope you will see them as another of God’s good

    grace gi

  • 2

    ZIONEWS May 2019

    In this issue:

    1. A Word from Pastor Avis 2. Table of Contents, Church Staff Listing

    3. Stewardship Corner, Opportunities, Attendance Statistics, Pastoral Acts

    4. Council Minutes

    5. Memorials, Financial Report

    6. Youth and Family Ministry 7. ZLCW and Announcements 8. Congratulations-Please help by submitting INSERTS: Zion’s Church Calendar

    Worship Leaders Schedule

    Zion’s Mission Statement:

    As a body of believers, created by God,

    redeemed by Christ, empowered by the Spirit,

    we are called to bear witness

    to God’s love.

    Church staff:

    Interim Pastor: Avis Anderson

    [email protected]

    Office Administrator: Cammy Sue Oakland

    [email protected]

    Youth & Family Ministry: Cami White

    [email protected]

    Prayer Chain Contacts:

    Church Office - 377-3369

    Avis - 377-2617

    Cammy Sue - 377-3491

    ZIONEWS is published monthly by:

    Zion Lutheran Church

    401 Riverview Avenue

    Glendive MT 59330

    website: www.zionlutheran.us

    Submit your news to:

    Email: [email protected]

    phone: 406-377-3369

    fax: 406-377-3360

    2019 Zion Council Members:

    Bill Miller, President

    Kevin Miller, Vice President

    Janna McCormick, Treasurer

    Marie Meland, Secretary

    Gail Ring Leah Juneau

    Tyler Gabbert Danielle Wold

    Paul Shearer Larry Heimbuch

    Kyle Voss Izabell Siegle

    Vern Deaton


    First Communion

    Day, April 14, 2019

    Kaleb Kirkpatrick,

    Drew White, Joey

    Barnick and Klariah



    High School Youth

    Group jumping for


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    ZIONEWS May 2019

    Stewardship Corner Since the appeal for more funds for

    our Loaves and Fishes program, our

    congrega�on has again responded

    generously. We offer thanks to

    those have given sacrificially

    through their generous offerings and memorial gi

  • 4

    ZIONEWS May 2019 ZION CHURCH COUNCIL MINUTES Tuesday, April 9, 2019

    Call to Order: Council President, Bill Miller Devo,ons: Pastor Avis Anderson Minutes of Last Mee,ng: Marie Meland submiGed minutes for approval. Gail R moved to approve the minutes, and Vern D

    seconded. The minutes were approved. Treasurer’s Report: Janna McCormick submiGed the Profits and Loss sheet for approval. The Kool Kidz grant awarded Zion $3,000.

    The Treacy grant awarded $5,000. Kyle V moved to approve the treasurer’s report, and Paul S seconded. The report was

    approved. Pastor’s Report: Pastor Avis has been quite busy preparing for the upcoming Holy Week. The schedule of worship is heavy during

    that �me, and she and Cammy Sue will be working closely to prepare bulle�ns for the various services. She has been visi�ng

    shut-ins and offering communion to those who wish to have it. Patrick Atkinson, Execu�ve Director of God’s Child Project, will be

    speaking the Southeast Cluster mee�ng of the Women of the ELCA on Saturday, April 27th

    . He will also offer the message on

    Confirma�on Sunday, April 28th

    . Five youth confirming their bap�sm. Pastor has been working with Mr. Atkinson and with the

    officers of the Women’s Cluster as they prepare for this busy �me. Pastor will be taking vaca�on days beginning on April 28th

    following worship. Pulpit supply will be arranged by the Worship CommiGee. Commi�ee Reports: Property and Management – Bill M reported Steve Merrill con�nues to work on the schema�cs necessary to update or eliminate

    the pneuma�c thermostat system. Currently the system relies on a compressor working through tubing. The tubing is

    deteriora�ng. Property and Management will be working closely with the Sanctuary Refresh CommiGee as projects begin.

    Evangelism and Stewardship – Don I and Kevin M are currently working to update a list of available readers to assist with

    worship. Two of the Council Members, Tyler Gabbert and Marie Meland, added their contact informa�on to the list.

    Social Ministry – No report was given.

    Worship – Pulpit Supply has been arranged for the �me Pastor Avis is away on vaca�on. Leah J will cover May 2nd

    , Norm U will

    cover May 5th

    . The other dates are in progress, and the Council will be updated as necessary. Summer worship at Makoshika has

    been arranged, and will begin on schedule. Leah J and Kelley M will be going to Great Falls to be recognized for the comple�on of

    their LPA training. They will also serve as vo�ng members for Zion.

    Youth and Educa�on – Cami White presented the quarterly report and updated strategic plan goals for this commiGee. She has

    been working on a Sunday morning faith forma�on survey. Sunday School GIFT made Easter cards to send to shut-ins. The youth

    have wriGen “room blessings” for various rooms at Zion. Cami read a sample, and the Council agreed that the youth-generated

    blessings should be printed and posted in the appropriate rooms. Pastor Avis said she would like to ask the youth to write

    blessings for other areas of Zion. It was stressed that these should be youth work. Cami assured us that the youth had wriGen all

    of the blessings. It was suggested that Gibbs Graphics should be contacted to print the blessing for the building entrance. Vern D

    moved we approve the quarterly report, and Paul S seconded. The quarterly report was approved.

    Call CommiGee – The Call CommiGee met with Jason from the Synod Office. They reviewed the Profile Survey with him, and they

    found his help valuable. A Ministry Site Profile was offered for the Council’s approval. It was discussed and approved. The next

    step will be to send it to the Bishop. It is reviewed and sent on to the Synod office, and ul�mately is distributed to prospec�ve

    candidates for Zion’s pastor posi�on.

    Sanctuary Refresh CommiGee – Chuck and Doug from Koch furniture plan to make a site visit on the 24th

    , and they will measure

    for carpet at that �me. We will then have a final quote for the carpet we need. Since there is wear and tearing to the present

    carpet (near the front door) that will be repaired by Koch’s also. The discussion con�nues about whether to replace or refinish

    the pews. Pain�ng will be done. Funds available will be $12,700 from the ceiling repair insurance, $5,000 from the Treacy grant,

    $11,200 rolled over from the window repair project, and $13,800 from the Memorial CommiGee. The total available is $42,877.24.

    A �meline for the upcoming projects will be available soon.

    New Business: Discussion about extending Pastor Avis’s contract resulted in the Council agreeing to contract her for another six months at her

    current rate of pay, which is the 16 year pay scale. Kyle V moved that we con�nue her contract at that rate for six months

    beginning on May 1. Paul S seconded, and the mo�on passed. Council mee�ngs will resume the post-Lent schedule, which means forthcoming mee�ngs will be on the second Wednesday of

    the month at 7 p.m.

    Unfinished Business: No unfinished business was discussed. Adjourn: There being no further items on the agenda, the mee�ng was adjourned by Bill M. Closing: Council prayed the Lord’s prayer and recited the Council’s mission statement. Next Mee,ng: Wednesday, May 8, 2019 SubmiGed by Marie Meland, Council Secretary

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    ZIONEWS May 2019 FOR THE RECORD: March 2019 Treasurer’s Report


    Loaves and Fishes offering 205.44

    Tithes/Offerings 14,227.00

    Total Income $14,432.44


    Advertising and Promotion 64.00

    Benevolence (ELCA) 1,308.00

    Dues and Subscriptions 120.00

    Evangel, Stewardship, Spec Event 659.55

    Insurance Expense

    Worker’s Compensation 150.25

    Total Insurance Expense 150.25

    Janitorial Expense 288.91

    Loaves and Fishes expense 100.00

    MDU 1,762.41

    Mileage Reimbursement 50.00

    Ministry Expense -146.62

    Miscellaneous Expense 236.42

    Mortgage (window debt) 415.00

    Office Equipment 199.00

    Office Supplies 945.11

    Pastors Housing 450.00

    Payroll Expenses 6,427.06

    Postage and Delivery 93.67

    Repairs and Maintenance 114.00

    Snow Removal 775.00

    Telephone/Internet Expense 120.36

    Wage Tax 2,261.84

    Water 106.38

    Youth Group Expense 38.00

    Total Expense $16,538.34

    Net Ordinary Income -2,105.90

    Net Income -2,105.90

    Year to date Net Income -4,668.89

    3/31/19 Statement Balance $36,616.24

    3/31/19 Savings Balance $112,808.23

    3/31/19 Mortgage (Windows Balance) $30,948.63

    April Memorials

    Radio broadcast May 5th

    in memory of Walter M.

    Meland’s May 8th

    birthday, father

    from Marie & Janet Meland

    Radio broadcast April 14th

    in memory of Ray Anderson’s

    April 21st

    birthday, father

    from Avis Anderson

    Radio broadcast April 21st

    Easter Sunday in memory of

    Ambert & Alice Oliver

    from the Oliver Trust of 1988

    Radio broadcast April 28th

    in memory of Erna Aldinger’s



    from Roland & Ann Aldinger

    In memory of Agnes Kinney, her cousin,

    from Sheila Kennedy for Loaves & Fishes

    In honor of our March birthdays, Morgan and Jodi

    from Bill & Rita Hanley

    In memory of sister Lyne�e

    from Sharon Towberman for Loaves & Fishes

    In honor of our niece Lauren and her new journey

    from Bill & Rita Hanley for Loaves & Fishes

    In honor of April birthdays, Bill Hanley & Nathan Stortz

    from Bill & Rita Hanley for Loaves & Fishes

    In memory of Maggie Thompson

    from Doug Rogness for Undesignated

    In memory of Merle Aus

    from Tom Trangmoe for Undesignated

    from Marie & Janet Meland for Loaves & Fishes

    from Esther Shearer for Loaves & Fishes

    from Marian Chouinard for Undesignated

    from Adam & Barb Gartner to the Window Fund

    from Karen Schock for Undesignated

    from Don & Adele Idso for Loaves & Fishes

    from Neil & Cammy Sue Oakland for Undesignated

    from Vance & Linda Vickers for Loaves & Fishes

    from Carl & JoAnn Roe for Loaves & Fishes

    from Gail Ring for Undesignated

    from Gary & Maureen Lundman for Loaves & Fishes

    from Kevin & Angela McPherson for Undesignated

    In memory of family & friends

    from Bill & Rita Hanley for Loaves & Fishes

    In memory of Bruce Smith

    from Neil & Cammy Sue Oakland for Undesignated

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    ZIONEWS May 2019

    ** Check the youth table and bulletin board in the Narthex for resources for all ages and stages, schedules for the month and Taking

    Faith Home resources.**

    May 1

    6:30 pm YG Core

    May 5 YG Bowling after the church potluck

    in Whipkey Park

    May 22 4 pm 5th - 8th grade Youth Group Event

    (laser tag, anyone?) 6:30 pm YG Core

    June 2 - 4 High School Road Trip

    VBS/Day Camp 2019

    June 17 - 20

    Pre-registra"on is

    greatly appreciated.

    Fee is $10 and includes t-shirt

    Zion Lutheran, United Methodist, and First

    Congregational Churches welcome all area youth to

    Vacation Bible School 2019! Day camp is scheduled

    for Monday, June 17th - Thursday, June 20th at Zion

    Lutheran Church, 401 Riverview Ave.

    For preschoolers (ages 3 - 5), our camp day will be

    from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM, and K-5th (grade for 2018-19

    school year) attend from 9:00 AM - 2:30 PM.

    Badlands Ministries staff will lead this program for

    children in preschool (3 years of age) through 5th

    grade and their friends! Youth who have completed

    6th grade and up are invited to serve as Staff in

    Training (SIT). Each day is action-packed with Bible

    stories, crafts, indoor and outdoor games, songs, and

    more! It will be a great week for all kids in the


    Thanks to generous local fundraising, a week of Day

    Camp costs $10.00 per youth and includes a camp

    T-shirt. You can register at Zion Lutheran Church,

    Monday – Friday 9:00 AM to noon and 1:00 PM to 3:00

    PM or call Cami White at 377-3369. Pre-registration is

    appreciated. Photo by Bill LaFond Photography

    Special News and Events Zion Youth and Family Ministry

    Graduate Reception

    Sunday, May 12th at 9:15 am

    in the Fellowship room and

    presentation of quilts and scholarships

    at 10 am Worship.

    Brooke Buxbaum Coy Emerson

    Emma Gabbert Madison Juneau Kane Knudson Caden Nerison Bailey Pearcy

    Kjersten Rieger Amber Sickler

    Andrew Svenvold Dalton Vickers

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    ZIONEWS May 2019

    Zion Lutheran

    Church Women

    Bible Study Circles and Groups:

    Deborah: Thursday, May 2 at 5:30 p.m.

    at Maddhatters

    Hannah/Dorcas: Tuesday, May14 at 10 a.m.

    Sarah: Friday, May 17 at 1:30 p.m.

    Hostess: Cami W, Fellowship room

    Circle of Prayer meets: Wednesdays at 10 a.m.

    Chancel Guild meets:

    Wednesday, May 15 at 2 pm

    Quilters meet Mondays at 9 a.m.

    Potluck Picnic on Sunday, May 5th

    at Whipkey Park (weather permitting,

    otherwise in the church basement).

    All are invited to this celebration of Zion’s Choir

    and their 112th Anniversary. Water, coffee,

    paper plates and utensils provided.

    (Youth Group Bowling following Potluck Picnic)

    Remember when shopping at Reynolds Market to say

    “Shopper 7000” and a por,on of your purchase will

    benefit Zion Youth Ministry.

    Total free will offering from

    Easter Breakfast, $139, will

    benefit VBS/Day Camp 2019.

    Your support is appreciated for

    this community outreach.

    If you would still like to donate for this year’s

    VBS/Day Camp, there is still time.

    Call Committee Update

    The Call Committee has completed and

    submitted Zion's ministry site profile to the

    Montana Synod and it was accepted by the

    synod bishop on April 14, 2019. Members

    of the congregation may nominate possible

    candidates. Please note that each

    candidate for call to a congregation of the

    Montana Synod must be a pastor of the

    Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

    who is in good standing on the roster of

    ordained ministers in his/her synod.

    Names should be submitted to the call

    committee in writing.

    Candidate nomination forms are available

    in the church office. If the committee

    determines this nominee as a possible

    candidate, the name will be forwarded to

    the synod office to determine if the nominee

    is open and available for call.

    Nominees are not to be contacted by either

    the individual making the nomination or by

    the call committee.

    Oak Grove Lutheran High School Choir

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    Welcome to Sharon Ba�erman who recently joined our congrega�on. More voices joined in prayer and praise is always a


    Tom Kalloch on his re�rement a