Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering Lecture 2 System Identification ISE102 Spring 2007

Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Lecture 2 System Identification ISE102 Spring 2007

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Lecture 2 System Identification

ISE102 Spring 2007

Page 2: Mahmut Ali GÖKÇEIndustrial Systems Engineering Lecture 2 System Identification ISE102 Spring 2007

Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering


• System Identification Process

• System Identification Exercise

• System Design Discussion – Waterfall – Spiral development

• Costing

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Steps and Phases




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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

What is a System?• Group of Components that work

together for a purpose– Service– Product– Process

• Attributes: discernable manifestations of the components

• Relationships are links between Components & Attributes

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

System Life-CycleOne-Phase




System Definition




System Development




System Deployment

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

What is a System Life Cycle

• System Planning and Marketing• Research Development Testing

and Evaluation • System Acquisition & Deployment

& Production

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering




System Definition




System Development




System Deployment




System Definition




System Development




System Deployment




System Definition




System Development




System Deployment

Planning & Marketing


Acquisition & Production

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

The Many Systems Frameworks• Logically: 3 steps

– Define – Develop – Deploy

• Temporally: 3 Life-cycle Process– Planning & Marketing – Research, Development, Test & Evaluation– Acquisition & Production Life Cycle

• Perspectives: 3 Stages – Formulation of the Problem – Analysis of the Alternatives to its Solution – Interpretation of the Analyses and Selection of the Alternative(s)

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Preliminary Design

• System Functional Analysis – Functions Identified

• Operational • Maintenance• Disposal/Retirement

• Synthesis & Allocation• Allocation of performance factors, design,

effectiveness requirements• Allocation of Support requirements

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

• System Optimization – Systems, subsystem tradeoffs and evaluation of

alternatives– System & Subsystem Analysis

• System Synthesis & Definition– Prelim Design Performance Configuration – Models, brass board, prototype development

and testing

Preliminary Design

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Detailed Design

• Product Design – Prime components designed (Hdwr/Sfwr)– Maintenance & Logistical Support – Data Documentation – System Analysis and evaluation (including training footprint) – Design Review

• System Prototype Development • System prototype Test & Evaluation

– Design tests and test sequences – Identify data requirements – Identify analytic requirements

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Waterfall Process for System D&D

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Software Development Responsibilities

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering


User Requirements & System Specification

Operation & Maintenance & Retrofit

Detailed System Design

Customer Perspective– Purposeful Enterprise Architecture

Preliminary Conceptual Design

Integrate & Test

Functional Architecture Perspective

Verification & Test Modules

System Production

System Developer Perspective

System Production Perspective

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Concurrent Engineering

• Simultaneous consideration of all elements/components in a system across the product lifecycle

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Market Share Loss

Defect Losses

Test Time


l Val



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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Spiral Hypothesis Testing

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Course Project

• Formulation of the System – Needs to be fulfilled– Requirements & Objectives– Constraints and Degrees of Freedom – Alternatives to above

• System Definition & Identification Process– What is your system?– What is its purpose?– What are its Components (structural operating & flow),

Attributes and Relationships?– What are the attributes that define its state?

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Preliminary Design

• System Functional Analysis – Functions Identified

• Operational • Maintenance• Disposal/Retirement

• Synthesis & Allocation• Allocation of performance factors, design,

effectiveness requirements• Allocation of Support requirements

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Process of Problem Identification & Definition

• Identify Source Documents:– What is said about the problem, product,


• Identify Originating Requirements from Source Documentation– What originating requirements– What Functional requirements

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Ways to avoid being Wrong

• Scope & Bound the Problem – Identify the Needs, Objectives, and criteria

• Scope

– Identify the Parameters, Variables, and Constraints

• Bound

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering


• Parameters: the factors that define alternatives & determine its behavior

i.e. the things that can be altered

• Variables are the things that change once the parameter change is in place– State variables that can be measured to define

system state

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

System Definition Matrix

Needs Objt Criteria Params Var Constrnt

Scope Bound

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Input/Output Matrix

Inputs Outputs

IntendedUnintnd UnintndIntended




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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Exercise for Identification

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Steps/Perspectives for System Engineering (Formulation)

• Formulation of the System – Needs to be fulfilled– Requirements & Objectives– Constraints and Degrees of Freedom – Alternatives to above

• Value System Design – Identification of the objectives and goals that guide alternative

selection– Definition of multi-dimensional attributes or decision criteria– Identification and validation of objective measures

• System Synthesis– Generation of alternative course of action and associated measures

of effectiveness

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Action Reference Framework

• To (do something) to (something) somehow

• Action , object, modifier – Used to describe a process

Functional Decomposition is to develop a description of what the system must do – not necessarily tied to how the system must do it.

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Functional Flow Block Diagram






Boolean Operator


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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Hierarchic Structure for Decomposition

• Sub Functions operate on input/output consistent with the higher levels of the hierarchy

• Models the flow of data or objects in a system

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Major Functional Techniques

• Structural Analysis Decision Technique (SADT)

• Integrated Definition Language (IDEF)– IDEF 0 functional decomposition– IDEF 1 informational decomposition

• Data Flow Diagrams/Control Diagrams

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Method of Analysis

• Shows roles of information and materials with respect to activity

• Each ICOM represents an activity or business step that can be broken down

• Inputs: information/material used to produce activity output

• Controls: Constraints on an activity• Mechanisms: That perform processing or provide

energy to the activity (people or machines as mechanisms)

• Output: The product of the activity

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Context Diagram






A0 : Purpose : Viewpoint

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Steps in Functional Decomposition

1. Develop Context Diagram of Full System2. Decompose System to Sub-elements (ICOMS

fro all) 3. Define Business Rule/Model

1. AS-Is the descriptive scenario2. To-Be the future business or process model

4. Analysis of activities, gather costs, trace costs to activities, establish output measures, analyze costs

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Mahmut Ali GÖKÇE Industrial Systems Engineering

Steps/Perspectives for System EngineeringAnalysis

• System Analysis & Modeling– Identification of the impacts and consequences

of alternative approaches to system solution– Identification of the quality, market, reliability,

cost, effectiveness, benefits, longevity, aesthetics… of alternative system solutions

• Iterative Refinement of Alternatives– Sensitivity Analysis and Parameter
