A CARD T O T H E l,J£t»fcEfe. , DR. J. DUPQNOO'S. PERIODICAL PQVLS FOB FEMALES .rnJu&Wein correcting Irrtgutartttai? And removing obstructions of the monthly; turns from whatever cause. g^T THESE ARK NOIHISS'NEW BUT HATKBKKN used by the Doctor for many years, both in granraand America, with an paralleled success in every: ca»e; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who~^a,v$ used them, to maiis- th« Pills publie for the?aBfi?i*.tion of those suffering from anyirregalarities whatever,, as well as,to- prevent pregnanoyJto those ladies whose/health will not permit an increase of family.* Pregnant females, and those supposing themselves so, aren cantoned against using these Pius while pregnant; as the proprietor as- sumes no responsibility after the above admonition, al- though their mildness will prevent any mischief- to the health; otherwise these Pill3 are recommended, toll and explicit directions accompanying each box. Price »1,00. See the signature, J. Duponco, upon eaoh box. GEO. A. FRENCH. Wholesale and Eetan Agent for the village of Ogdens- burgh and vicinity, and who will send for BiUs (confi- dentially) by man, on receipt of *1^0 through OgdenJ- burgh Post Office. i . [*6-ly] SPECIAL WOT^CE. REWARD! REWARD! J S " O S S THOCSAND DOLLARS REWARD WILL BB given to any persorrprodueingia. better healing prepara- tion than TAYLOR'S THPERJAL MASNKHO SALVE. This salve is not good for eVery.dteease; but cannot be surpassed for the speedy an*-*ffectaal care- of flesh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Frost-bites, Corns, Fever-Sores, and an excellent strengthening Plaster for pains in the side, breast, aid back, let every person avail themselves ot the drat opportunity of purchasing one or more rolls ot it. To be had^holesateand retaB of PROUTY 4 RDJD6E, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Any pef- son porchasing for their own use, and -do n o t find she Salve as above represented, can return 4 it afterJUJing one-half o( it, and gel^ their money b»ekv Price only one shilling per roll. None genuine wjthontthe Hlwness and fae simile of the signature of "the proprietor upon each wrapper. * None soldjon commission. p; S.—The proprietor or his agents intend visiting each Sunily in St. Lawrence County, this Pall,, and give each an opportunity of purchasing his Salve and Balm of Life Pills. "t*MO AT Lilt J4S* OIF ' i&t•&sm. R EGAINING IN THE- 1?0STHQEES Ogdensburgh, New-Yerk,.]B«ee*^r«>,*18 gSfT Persons oSlltfig for Letters tn the follow •till please say they hreADTTEftTlSKDM : era!:—"Cm the Letters advertised as remaining on hand, there shall be chaigea,'when,deltee,re4out, besides regular postage, the cost of adyerlislnfi whjob ?j»U be one cent on each Letter." - < , "4-nd be i( further tatactea, That lists of letters re- maining uneaUeoffor in any Post-OBce iu any cltjl, town, or village, where a newspaper Bhall he prin ted,sh*jll here- after be published once only in the newspaper, which, being, issued, weekly, or oftener, shall have .thejlargest circulation within the range of delivery o? said Office." / v*. LADIES" LIST*. '•• Henry, Miss Margaret Hodgsons, Miss Mary Jane Harley.HUsM 2 . Henright, Miss Norn Hagan, Catharine Jenkins, Hiss Jane King, Mi»» Ellen Knott, a»s* Emily A Kellog, Mias Jane E Abbott, Miss Both E Anso, Miss Maria. ' Aolgntre, Mrs A Baker, illiss,Juwv*V Bresett, Mrs Catharine Bishop, Mrs.J M Bosworth, Miss Patty A Buttolph, Miss Alice T Bateeje, Mias Adelia Brosieau,'MKs Antonie Clark, Mrs Jane O •• Campbell, Mrs Harriet Kellogg, Miss Jenny Lamble, Miss Christiana Mitchell, Miss Mary Caxmady, Miss Catharine Mirett, Mtss Jbsatte Chapin, Miss Orpha Conway, Margaret Caveron, Mary Chambers, Miss Mary E Delahey, Mrs Anna Daiemore,Miss Elisabeth Daley, Miss Maj3Ur * 8 ' A PEBFD9IBO BBEATH. jgg"" WBAT LAOV OR GENTLEMAN WOULD RK- ma& under the curse of a disagreeable breath when by using the BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS as aden- triflco would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many person do not know their breath is bad and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of the ' Balm " on your tooth brush and wash the teeth night and morning. A fifty cents botUe will last a year, A BEAUTIFTJL COMPLEXION may easily be acquired by using the «• Balm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples and freckles from the akin, leaving it of a soft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and waskthe face night and morning. SHAVIN8 HADE EASY.—,Wet year shaving brush in either warm or Gold water, pour on two or three drops of " Balm of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well, aiicPit will make a beautiful soft lather, much facilita- ting the operation of shaving. Price enly Fifty cents. Beware of counterfeits. None genuine unless signed by %y. FETiUDQE & CO., [•JS-fim] ( franklin Square, New York. ECONOMY IS WEALTH. g^~ I BAVK CONSIGNED TO UK, AS THK ONLY Agent in St. Lawrence.Couoty, a quantity of BL0D6ETT A SWEET'S PAIBNT GALVANI8ED IRON, BAKING OVKNS, suitable for private Families or Hotels of the largest etasa. They are the most perfect thing ever invented.and for ooonomy tn fuel, and perfection in doing their work, act •very thing art defiance. xwouratws; Dr. & N. SHERMAN, Q. « . MYERS, Blq., St. Law- rence Botet bat)d JOHN MCCARTY'S International Oof- fee House. 8. 8. BLODGBTT, Agent for Patentcti. Ogdensburgh. July 8Srd, 1888. ' to*"] » ALWAYS SO.TIETItINU NEW. J^RKAI) THIS, Oi,n AND YoTOQt—PROWS- soa WOOD'S. Hair Restorativea will restore gray hair to original oolnr permanently *,* made to grow upon bald~ heads; remove all damfrutT or Itching; destroy all dis- eases of the scalp; and4f used say once or twice a week regularly, will prevent the hair from becoming gray or (ailing, to any imaginable age. Read the following tos- tlmoulala, and we defy you to doubti Says the Wattrty Utiijcaiiu: 'Success to the genius whoso tonic we say' Turns back to its color the hair that was gray.^ [From the .Boston Herald.) Sbtirranto Woitra Ksowwo.—By using, Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair can be permanently restored to Its original color. The aubjoined certificate was received from Johnson A Stone, Gardiner, Me., and is but one or the many Instances that are dally coming to our knowledge of its wonderful effects. It la no ion- ger problematical, but a self-evident truth, as hundreds in our community can testify. GARMHEB, (Me.,) June 2S, ISftf. WM, H. DVSR—Dsaa SIB : 11 have used two bottles of Prof. Wood'B Hair Restorative, and can truly say It Is the gresteet.dlscovery of the age for restoring and chang- ing the hair. Before using it I was a man of seventy. My hair has now attained the ortginal^olor.. Youcad recommend it to the world without the " a s t fear, as my case was one of the worst kind. Yours, respectfully, v s DAN-L N. MtrRPH*> ILLINOIS CEOTIUL RULBOU) Ornofe 1 I' YisDALii, June 21,1855. • f t Paor. WOOD—DKUB SIS; I take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the excellency of your Hair Res- torative. Three months ago my hair was verygray. It is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glos- sy, the only application I have made to it has been the . Hair Restorative prepared by you; and which from the result in my own case, I can most cordially recommend to others. Respectfully yours, EDWARD WOLOOT.-. [From the Jacksonville ConstituUonist, Oct. 5.1853.) *Bjt«t RssroaiTTV*.—In ! our columns to-day will be raaud Prof. Wood'B advertisement of the above article, t» which we call attention. What it has already done, we have .witnessed upon several of our acquaintances In St. Louis." Hair once gray, met our view Maek-or brown, as the- case might be, being the color of early niauhqod; and as fine and glossy as sitt^and that without any appli- cation but the Restorative. If it has done ihia upon oth- ers, will it not do the samfe'for any of our readera whose " frosty pows » were once like the " raven locks " of Lo-, chiefs watjike chief, if they will try it? We think so." [From, the Missouri Republican.) ." **Ta^G*su.wtsTDi3covwKTorTHB Aoa.—It seldom oc- curs that we notice, under any oirenmatancea, patent mediciuesfrestoratives, or anyfljlng of the kind, for we " have a prejudice against moat of them. But candor compels as to invite attention to Prof. Wood's Hair Res- : torative. We are too juvenile to require-anything of the Und, but some Instance* of its ttse h«r« come to on* fcBOsrledgBwrneaalntost assure ns that itUr-asovereftpt remedy against the hair becouring- prematurely gray/. U is not a " Hair Dye," but upon its application,«» direct ted, the eflecHs produced on the ekin, which bfingsioTlt* ^he original native colored hair, without gtUfoessvana' . gives it & glossy and natural appearance. Wenaveseen. penons-who have used it, and they are ranch pleasedf tth it. Examine UW«dv«HsBm.ent. ^, t , AdareseO. 3. Wood * Co.,S16 Broadway, New fork, «nia Vtt, Market-street,8t. Lotus,Mo. ' jis-tyj For sate by FRENCH * STEVENS, Druggists;, corner Port apd State streets, Qgdcnstfurgh, N. Y. • • TO THE JLAJBDESt . ' . - ^g"Doss DB. SifWa' BiJpjiwq On. or .^atj uoxnuW-AskaBwhobawensed it to Brok® Breasts,Teethies CeMren, 4c, ^Ask .Lyman, Savage *' GtL, the eminent Drw^gtstt 6f Montreal, and Dr.JicSnlt," *t ne i?rench Phjsjcian therev wfixt he knoJisipfiit. |*sk Messrs. Humphrey * Co., Ogdenstmrgh, and Sea. A. wwech, do, »Jb«t e »* ile Vti&frth «»* &** tt5nk ^ lt k IuBCaoiresl this OB has cared many of painful Rheu-i. snatisaa, also Piles, Neoralgia,-SpraiES, Bttrns, :and Wounds. It i« pleasant and innocent in to»iiUthi5< H . 8 , HTJMPHBBY,,AJgnt._1 jaridsoia''by ag ttsp»tayie ' nc taramus*.—3i AiaVKNDOBT^hAvU^'rsssoiried STM!, S«yia«^s*«kto3SIord^trtet,H«hanfc^Koir,na»:: . lost <^iu^*slj,rg**stockof Y»*eeNotfoM»s.t»nb«.. ftKU^NerUtof .th»«Ur*f New-York, *nd"wiIih«»old*t' New-Terkprieesfb sr«r*»ai«. Peddlers and the public s^ncfs41yWUr|*orsn»sai^^^»ct««noftt».j«.^^ nlisssri Also, t-larw s*** s»9sk«% »f th« »o*t ass^wutfelaar, anct s^pri<w that^sA't U *»• ailif ««- m«t rastillMS. B I ^ « WO»A'e«i» D ,STTM •itkiad.of rWAtlOIOtRTcatt•• WtaK.to the assort. mm. : fte«h ai^ ««rinw TOTS of'svery daayrfpi- «w^4auisi^«oo»<>a aanti[**,<m«v sySlbi * ) U ^ srWlM»If«r»Utt«U<nr»f Srfcf* W ? »* s^wtsi«y sataJaaslMtnt, lai>c%ws»s«dfs4wia^«S. bttiw.g*w.t»rt.- -: -... 7 ™: \ <. ..,,". .- -.tl^ttl aarlaulywotog .V»»%s**''*ls*ii^l^ Hr. WHENCH, o^Mlm»^fmH,$i^^:m^ «IO<Htl.si4^oc'»W*^*«Ww ; li|r^»*s*W«.l, aulewtv. sUadlt " ^S^S5^^^^m^w&^5l: .HI frSs«lMsW^r»»*rrsai^^ • ^ l fMlaWlrtft, Mi Day, Miss Mary Day, Miss Sarah Day, MreZadoclc Daly, Miss Fenton,.Mis3 Catharine Finley, Mary Flanders, Mrs Maria A Gay, Miss Myra Gibson, Jenuet Solliker, Mrs Nancy Green, Miss Elisabeth Giffln, Miss Ann Graves, Miss Ann A Haskins, Mrs Hayes, Mrs Sarah Hfll, Hiss Sarah Harniss, Mrs B Hamilton, Mrs Ann Had, Mrs Catharine Hurlbert, MrsCC Howard, Mrs Eliiabsth Henisn, Mrs Elizabeth Huribcrt, Miss H C Hartley, Harriet 0 Marshall, Miss Nancy MUlen.MtoMC Moraner, Miss Martha McGraw, Mrs Hiitabeth, MoArthur, Miss Jane Ann McLean, Mrs Elisabeth McGowan, Mrs James* McDonald, Miss Catharii" McArthur, Miss Jane * McBane, Miss Rlia»»eth McDonald, Mi-Ann McGlnson, slas VEGETABLE COUGH i ; w I . Manufactured. and Bold, WHOI.ESAI.E: ANIs BETAlI. by GEORGE W. PBJLBROOK, CHK|IHS'I' axp DRVeOfST, Corner Ford and Isabella-Streets, Where can be found CLOAK. and. DRESS -..'-,is TRIMMNGSi ' - , ^werwr^»it-t7« BTOit£. a.«I/ilTr* .l.tf.^^lEw and Allen, QE Alonga, Gabriel J Allen, Charles H Andrews, Joseph H ArtellJoelD Armour, W Below, Thomas Baker, Peter Briggs, Pierson D Baley.LW Barlow, J Brooks, John Baldwie, John Bisalllon, Jean B Brown, John 2 Butrjck, Francis Bellinger, Francis Blancnard, Oharles U BaJn, Alexander BickeL, Wm * Brown. Henry 2 Binet, Wm Bass,JH Breaky, John Borton, W Burton, William S Bienverne, Fontaine I. Bugbeo A Lobdell Carey, Michael 3 Chandler, Myron Craig, John A Chandler, Joseph Chantler, Mr. ^ Clark, Joseph Oatnoy, Gustavas Ohuroh, Kdwtn Cavanangh, Daniel Oaran, Charles S Oilne, B Corting^Antolne Chajiln.Bela Cummihgs, PH Cox, William 'J Coiling, Ward D Chapman, Capt E Deune, Oliver Doron, M R DuLao, LonU. Denny, Joseph 9 Desderniers, J M C Denne, Capt James 'Dslanoy, Joseph Daren, 3 S Van Everts, Samuel RgAn, Michael Earl, Eletha Karl, Duncan 2 - Fooler, PMIowuo »i»o»OrrinW Porrell, Mark N Fletcher, Julius A Farmer, James Proedonlyiliuer, F Fournlort F B Forgeron, F Sarlolc Goksy, Anthony Glrard, Arts Oolby, Chos George, Breatus Golden, Jeremiah Ralvy, Michael Hart, Joseph Henderson, John Halt, James R 9 Holmes, John Uayden,John Boiden, James Ramnund, John Hall, George Harran, Alfred S Houlehan, Francis Henry', Edward Hall Daniel J HouliatoD, Andrew Humbel, Alfred Horton, 8amncl Institute D Ireom, John H Johnson, William Jaqneth, Joseph Q Johnston, Thomas Johnson, Joseph BI Jeltar, John - Jeorgei Henry [5-lwl , Breget McConwy, Miss Matilda Mcj^nell, Miss Flora jjcMahon' Miss Julia McMilien, Miss Nancy MttGregor, Miss Nellson, Miss Phebe Ann Ormo, Mrs John Patterson, Mrs Nancy A i Ryan, Miss Margaret Rogers, Miss Agnes Simpson, Mrs M A SalrstMiS3 Eutelinc A Shanly, Jane' ~ Thompson, Widow Therlcn, Miss Adrian Vosburgh, Miss Josephene Wins, Miss Laura M Welchjiiiss Bridget Yale, Miss Clara h GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Jameson, Archibald Eedne, Thomas * Kelly, Alexander Klrby, D P Kerhy, D T Lawler„WUliam Leonard, Arletaa Laplerre, Louis. Lnke,Joha - Lempert,H 8 Lamberton, David Lefebre, Bovance Merot, Antoioe Med ill, David Manning, W L Mrill, Wiles Marceau, Vital Marry, Randei Mallettr, Hyaointhe Manlon, John Manro, James S Mclntyre, N G McLean, James McCashon, James McKay, WUliam McGue, John McCormick, John McGlory, James McLean, A Northrup, J G O'NeU, David O'Breen, Dennis O'NeU, Hercule Osier, Eara Perrln, Capt Edward Pleroy, Alexander Plorcei Andrew Pdupard, Hyacinth Parmelee, Hermon Pierce, Pieroe Perkins, Jacob IVnnoOWfJamea T Parent, Michael Pierce, Ffeen)an r Pray, wm Rich, Thomas Robinson, Tliomai Reld, Samuel i Rowel, Stlllnmn Render, Robert Uosenorans, N Well, W B Roberts, John R Poiegrant, J Robertson, Henry Rexford, U t Ryan, Mr ,. Salrs, l-oonard St. James, liawts Sequin, Joseph Strotbers, Joiin 0 Sutherland, James Stevens, G 0 Smith, Geo \Y Savagt, G F Banger, Gabriel' Simpson, Frank Salre, Cyrus Stephens, Mark Snortion, Robert 8afford A Skinner ' Steward, T J Scerlli, WtWam Thomson, John Taylor, James; Tuck, John .Thomson, Samuel 9 Walt tin A Lcetc Wood, John Walker, Joseph Wooster, J White, John Wagner, Jacob Williams, H-F Webb, Henry Woods, Dennis Wright, David Wattier, Antolne Ware, Michael B Wilson, Oliver * Wright, Wm Wendell Walker Wm Young, John LDKE BALDWIN, Polt-Msster. STEAMBOAT FOB SALE CHARTER. OK '• .-t' •v. •>i*' rrm STEATiBOA'E MITT OF TSM mf. X Length, 165 feet. Breadth of Hull, SO feW Propel- led by a powerful Low-Pressure Beam Engine. '^Cylinder 40 Inches diameter; Stroke Vi}4 feet; Pressure^U Steam 45-lbs. tq^-e «quare.lucb»«,- . - , .- ; . Is'prtvlded with Mafn1)eok Saloon, Ls4ies' and Gentlemen's Cabins, and all the Offices, FuinUore And Applianceajosnally appertaining to a Passenger Boat. By improvements lately made in her machinery, she is now guaranteed to be one of the swiftest Boats on these waters. Application, if by letter, post-paid, to be made to 0. S, GILDERSLEEYE, Kingston, 0. W- Kingston, December 33,1S3C. ' f.5-Sw] -a' NOTICE. "VTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIY»N THAT AN JA application will be made to the Legislature of the State of New York, at its present Session, for an act to release to Walter Forsyth asrf. Robert Jorayth the right and title of the people to certain escheated lands, situate in the town o{ Brasher,. County of St. Lawrence. The escheat has accrued by means, of the alienage and death ot James Cuthpertson and Catharine Cuthbertson, December SO.lBSn, tf^Bw) « ' targo Assortment of PURE GENUINE DltfCS, C H E I I U A I S , PAINTS, O Y K - S V X' s? F s . PATENT lUKDICINES, PERFUMERY CIGARS: Also, Ghoioe Lot M E D I C I N A L PURPOSES. 'Orders from COUNTRY DEALERS PnYSIClANB Bolicited. NOTICE. A PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THEf Lcgislati-re of the State of New York, to rednce the corporate limits of the Tillage of Ogdensburgh, by makingits eastern boundary correspond to so much of the line, between the towns ofOswegatcbfa and Lisbon. Ogdensburgh, December SO, 1856. , f.6-0w] WANTED, i ON BOND AND JIOB.TGi.GE, _, . - - for five years. Bst"Address " V S|f-0fflce, Ogdensborgh. , ( t [B-Ssr] fiuaoo. btcco Store, AU>iadlof Repairing done at short notice. SevHra^wTow^er, ffiebest Caps, •*«.,tinsale.. ^nshjirgKI^. % tWO. . , , Il-ltj ''" ij ".W LJ --'"^" , ^" '!;£!•, I, -^T a"!' 1 i*o>t,iqnr»sU0KBri0di;,WA5^^^ A. UMOfltm,' . O9DENS1S0R&H. c t. nowixc. i. j . -tn, ;. T i i. i..m:i, ;vi. i-*— • - •-'— JDAWV FAEn THE TRIBUNE_FOR 1857. T HE ELECTION IS PAST. AND ITS RE- •ult proves that the work devolved on the Repub- lican party la not yet completed. In all the Eastern and Northern portions of tbe country—in New England, New York, Ohio and the North-Wat—tho Republican banner 'floats In triumph; while in Southern Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois—In short, wherever few newspaper* are taken, and where common tohcots are too new and too feeble to have educated the present generation ot. voters—the black dag of BUvery obslruots the sunshine, A stranger to America might distinguish thoie portions of oar country most blessed with Educa- tion, Intelligence, Thrift and Virtue, by scanning the re- turns of tho Presidential contest of ISM. We have failed of present success, not because the People are against us, eat because that Urn' portion who did not hear or read the argument and do not know what were the real questions at Issue, west almost solid against us, reversing the verdict which* the groat majority of the educated anddntetllgentendeavored to prononnoe. •. These facta indicate the path of pressing duty. With nounmanlyrepiningirofcrwbat is irrevocable—with no abatemeatof heart er hope because the triumph of Lib- erty in her new ordeal Is n&t won at the Long Island and White Plains of her struggle—with no shadow of regret that the responsibility of governing is not con- fided to her.ohampiona before the People were fully ready to sustain them—we begin afresh the work of diffusing thai vital truth which, in regard to the con- cerns of this world as weU as of the next, maxes-STee indeed.. Now, la the Slave Power's heyday of victory, when its ministers and servitors are gathering and plot, ting to make, the most of their triumph and "crash out" the spirit which they vainly believe to be crucified and entombed—now, when the faint-hearted or cold-hearted who lately basked in tbe sonsbfne of our premature hopes are hauling off to repair damages and talking of abandoning the.rngged arena of Politics for more quiet andfioweryfields—now, in this hoar of weariness and shadow, Tsw TXIBDSI renews its vows "of eternal hostil- ity to.every form of tyranny over the bodies or souls of men—to the shameful assumption that %e benighted and feeble, whether In soul or body, ere'to be regarded and treated <aa the oonvsuuenee or tbe'prey of their wtser or stronger .brethren—to the domination of des* pots and oligarchs, whether of empires or plantations— to the enslavers of cities and kingdoms in Europe or the breeders of children for the-auction-block and theobt- ton.fleld In Virginia or Alabama. The doctrine that ao human being was ever created for. theienoflt;or advantages! another—that attserrice between man and. man should be free and reciprocal— that the laborer should not toil and sweat to pamper others'pride or mlnlsufrto others''laxury.Jbut for the sustenance and comfort of those near, and dear to h u n - ts destined focertain triumph. It must prevail, for God reigns, and Mrtb Ifas pot created to be a theater ef in- justice, oppression aoijt misery forever, It jwAWniupb.; for 1 aB true prophecy affirms, arid -the vindication of the Divine benignity Imperatively requires it. It must tri- umph;, for '»-aioeiratro Ahjerlcaj fahH'of always r^malg theTscaff of aristocrats and tKelsliameof reformers and liberals throughout tbe Old World. It mutt triumph; for Man's history, is. AQt Achaos or a.riddle,bat every where instinct With'meaning, and ooheroic ciTort erer failed of its effect—no drop of martyr blood. Was ever shed in vain. ; . "." Bat even U we Bepublicanswsrc disposed to fold our arms In tlambsr.cnir; adversaries would not permit it. Theyarohusy to-day in lengthening their corjs and strengthealng their jtaies-with a vigilance and activity which reviaJs, s comwioushess ton their; part, that their fiUVre Potjit tttieaten ldWJi#i Sor^rn^eltJco.w encjunpeiin^heart^pf.Ceutral .America and waclng a war of extefmlnaUpnon the distracted inhaWUnu of itt,fret*|^BircfT%f»J» 6rft?°f 1**115,3. scowl% Mfej^^.-S l ^ft.Tri|e,4b«i tef, •irliAesagilnittherrtr vlolenwn of fttford/s;, s^^|to,,Blood r £hlfit ter I tad sentenced, to J ve years'-Imprisonment at ha: Isborts felonV. This is butYfalripeilmerof whlthas. long pMSjUbr/ 1 JnsffiS" ,|iarjiis#V-iS;'lrdBe»>aeh tsj»^«|ii^^ B .fiSunsWa«w ovgninsi )f(Wutedr»T»n HwRgAtyl or-.Tolandihlir. nevfr ltwsm, l ,»M..tlb»?(mW s iitjFhos« ltisU»««ii *>«?«. lanlsa-wsre and arj.psrns.traW slla enthronidJn }Ae White Hcn».«^*»»i»stM»i»v-4 atWtht^»*r years' aso«»d»Mylntlw3rsd.er»!,flpernTnent. Wh«iin.'ri«* of thewfacb,,,ean L say>that,Wpt*Iicans.msy»ow,iiOe iri&Hm ira wil!.beVas l t ^ bW£ a PoUUcttJqarnal —avowedly, thoogh.not exelnslvsly so. It r*sognis«S' rOKSAXE. K* A tJRilW *AW3A ilXKaS^OB ' '- - M " ,0} whish «r*> toths.Dairy- ''VaA^S^gpy BBV«S. >-,- ^W^^rSSBS^P"^t^W^BW*SSSrSBBrW,^ *S^S^iSJSJSS^SBSK ^ v * *, '.) * / ,^. tsfwl - ' mam .•' : *«-is*|Wi n -ds^ptU-« ' ,*»' ss»Js»sVto Ws» »d«siiw»* irASAjMssMssssv' wiss* kt hsssisjili ftimmmji mm>t ^W^Jmmum- ^.—J.J-^-». ssw^iissustiajksss'issl SssW' JS"|aVWsjP*ssJ>sswr _ fBBBswxsBBswsspsi ^r^sssBss; sr^B^^r^ssvar^wsw-* " - * ^.- ' am. ^ ^sf^si||ijaK ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^_j^^ ^^^^^^^ '*_ ' \ m -- V iiiii|.asss«sssssssM s|y*'^a'' ? sssssW^-sssssssssssSSSssssT'<ssssswisssissssssii' ^- 'JBBBBBP'W'WWW'P'**** ^'•^^''•Wjp»w^sj|P F jfl^^sWwEs»f. •illtrs^lMlsvrakM' M^'AM*CIATMfU v < f Wt M1kw.ttvw ntsobsief'ejgr.""" 5 ^' " IS^swIsslvti 31 •*lww*-^«sjW^^^»Wjw^» «WOT'^W^<sssw^POT<^WwWssllaw;VT ^Sjyfs; SSBBBBMSBBBBBBBSSS SB^ SSBBTSr^TSSfSBBBSBBBBBBBSBW ^ B S W S S > ^ ^ S J I •BBSSBSSBSBBBSBBWWSBBSL ^ «r|ew»- ^ s^sWhCnrSw»y*rXt' - +-<**+im*t4 nxr^: Rich and dr^frablePtAiDS-DRgSSGClODT) descrl^ldn, v ^ ; , TRsTNCI*- '- ' '. and * watiBH " , * ., ,' MBRINQI; ; Very^ Cheap. FUe^tbbkorMfJtlRHlHG GOODS, ^ EMBROIDERED— HANDKIRCHIIF8, COLLARS. French and Bcotich Work, Elalds for Children, Hosiery of every description, a' very . large- and desirable stock of DAMASKS trPHOLSTBBY Q00DS, RICH CORDS and TAS3RL3, Beautiful Oornioes at very tow prices, OR Cloths, Catpotlngs aod DrnggeU, Skirts, Kid Gloves, Brocbe, Stella, Cashmere, and best Scotch .and Bay, State Shawls; Gentlemen!* Travelling Shawls, with many other Goods, al the lowest CASH PRIMS* FOR 3ALE & FOR RENT. FOB SALE, FAHITlrNO LANDS, AXD A BUSINESS STAND IN CANADA. THE SUBSCRIBER HATING TO remove, offers for salt all lands owned by him, at rates much udder value. Terms oaah,orapartcasb,and short date for balance. His place of business at Heck's Corners^iften known as Archibald's Corners, SO miles from Prescott, and 5 miles east of tbe Prescott and Ottawa Railway, a STORE, ASHKRY, and DWELLING, all new stone buildings, having cost In con- struction some $13,000, Tbe yearly make of Pearlashes exceeds 600 bbis. Any person of enterprise who can command capital, cash or credit, may readily do a business netting a yearly profit of FOUR to TIYI THOUSAND DOLLARS. Satisfactory evidence can be given that even more has been done. Price ot this pro- perty, Six Thousand Dollars. His homestead, a farm of 200 acres, has SO acres re- cerf tly cleared aod improved. Good cedar log and rail fences, a good dwelling house, three barns, one 30 x 40, one 24 x 80, and one designed for stabling stock, 40 x SO, having 9 feet stone walls,with spacious Toft for hay, all of the best materials- A growth of some 00 tons of hay may be relied on; the soli is particularly adapted to the growth of wheat; In fact It is valuable either as a stock or grain growing farm. The location is In all respects desirable. Price only $8,000 cash. Also other lands tn the townships of Booth Qower, Wlachester, and elsewhere. Apply to or add cess sub. scrlbcr. JOHN & ARCHIBALD. Heck's Oorners, December 13,1880. [4-tt] ?«Thb£gme v iiSs7jSp i t whSlssWasA^ fej^t^««st^thln^|(!Srt^--•--• .»* t'SwH.'i* .'".fpi "" stHovanintrHI* -'•tapssn- -<iv iGEORGE-A. JBSNOH, l '• T, .(Buce*i»^U5lTsich-«8Wyens,V:S ^ '•* '' w/.O'lwtallw Aws>»»?**t MAJwf ,«k, ' fra^oa,jfti3£t)i^ " ALSO—PsarnoaT, BiABosfsaT, OosMonoasav, urn »» Oorae* ford and 8K^ raneeHotelJ-Ogdensbtt ipoilteSt.Iaw- thathe nasjpst bben^fa stookliiWUtaa GOODtV comprising all articles ujtuaUy.kept in »jp»oo, v5ro»»; that they have been regularly educated In the profes- sion, »'red«ter%!^WSo'bJiTm^ {ogive, their uadivldedattenUen. that It may be dobesatisrae-, torilv to thosawho may favor them with thttr-patroa- *€»•' • ' > - '*> ' ; i » • « W ' FOB 8AEE O B T O L E T . THE TREMONT HOTJSX IN OGDENS- BURGH. Apply to D. M. OHAPTN iKMay Ogdensburgh, May lfith, lefifi. [»4-tf] TAVERN HOUSE FOB SALE. ^A THE TAVERN HOUSE AND P R E M - M BB Ists, situate on th* Canton road, near^^T •*•** Ogdensburgh, formerly ooonplsd by NOR- - MAN HALL, known as the " Oanton^trcet Hants.'' igsT"Iqr particulars, Inoatre of MaTON J. INGEuSOLL, of Rochester, or^B. VARY, Ogdensbargh. [i-tf 1 FOREST nOUSE T O L E T . POSSESSION 0TVEN PROM AND after the lfith of December next. This well-known Hotel Is situated on the Plank Road from Canton to Dekalb, at its junotlon with tho Plank Road leading from Ogdensburgh toJiormon, and tho point where the latter crosses tho Potsdam and Watertown Rail Road. Enquire at the offloe ot II, VAN RBNSSGLARR, Ogdansbargb. November 11,1880. [W-tf] THE BEST CHANCE YET. A MANVTISRTNGTOMAKEMON-Mft KY can do so by calling on the subscriber, usy he wishes to oonvert ths VAN ItlCvBL" - ~ MANSION HOCBR, In the viuage of Usuvelton, Into a Tavern Stand or Refreshment House, togothar with Tin Acres of CULTIVATED LAND attached to ths same. Situation of ths property can't bo beat, f orfurthsr la- formation apply to J. N. OSWKLL. Ogdentbnrwb, October « d , ISM. pg-tf] E 40 ACRES OF LAND T O L E T , rV£m THIS VILLAGE, SUlT-ss^ ABLl for Pasturage and Tillage. Wft jBtlLEnquln Ennnlra at this ofilce, Ogdensburgh, April 8,1808. flO-tO M: FOB SALE O B T O A TWO^TORY BRICK LET. H0USE.I nearly new, situated on WMnInaton.street.^T v i east of ths ravine, built by Bmlth Paige,— mmm Bald house is well finished, tn modern style—folding doors, and a kltohen attached on the same Door, and finished in basement with a kitchen and other rooms. A Urge brick olstcm,-ai3d a spring-well of never-failing water In the cellar. Lot, 40 by 180 feet, very pleasantly situated, about 60 rods from tho Rail Road Passenger Depot House. Enquire of R. W. BUSH, Agent, March, IBM. tH-&] FOB 8ALE, THE HOUSE AND LOT KNOWN «* as the " Charles Hilf" property. On one- ^ r half of the purchasa "money, time given. '"^™ •"iKnunire on the premises of H. B. SMITH, ogdensburgh, September BO, 1858. [44-tf J M r H LOOK: AT THIS I VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE COMTAININO T V7ENTY ACRES OP LAND, SITUATED on the Plank Road leading to Dekslb, half a mile beyond the vfllagej>f Henvelton. there is on tho pre- mies a p o d Frame Bouse, Barn, Carriage House, Wash Home, Cistern, Wood House, and other outbuildings,' and two good wells of water. A good amount ot frail and a young orchard of grafted fruit. There is also a " garden. Half it under good cultivation, the real- ne pasture. t3f" for particulars, apply to Caaa. A. Di.vm, Og- densbargh, or to the subscriber, Henvelton, July 7, IBM). J. H. DAYTBS, [82-tf] E TAVEBN STAND fcOB SALE. P8> THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL, «— on reasonable terms, the' large 8tone awW i nonse, formerly owded by Adam Millions, -*•» and occupied by him «ss a'tsvem-fogcthef with about thneacres ofsaperior gardenlind.The housejis asubstan- tial Stone building, fort/bytbirty-fonr feet, two stories high, and cellar under the whole, Tbe land on which the house stands run's from the road to tbe river, giving the rigbf of ferriage—Is an old and' convenient crossing place, both Summer andWfnter, and is the most natural stoplpng place between Mbrristown and Ogdensburgh, together with the right of a permanent Station on the Ran Road, when completed. SMITH ST1LWKLL. Ogdensburgh, September 80,18W. 7 " [44-5] W A T E R ' P O W E R AND WtXtK >Bt> •!• PEKTY FOR SALE. ' T 8ENSSBLAE^,FAL1^^THE«» _ „farslfn*ri Bflers',ft)pissJe,fr<ini bmWI* forftr itr»i ofcwaUrtJ>J smUclent capacltyW*^ to, drive, any .machinery. Also, a GBIBTMILL, SAW MILL, and BlHNaLBMACHINK. / The aljoTp.prQpsrtyli'si to* ted; twelve milts-ft-om Og- densburgh, and fe a psUthyv productive and flourlshlnr country. .TIierjr^p<»ed.Br»n<iof RaUrosd-fromOgdensi biBrghto.theForesVHouse, will-pass dlrecUy.throngh the place,. Arar»«hsncsfprtT>od.rj»rf>inslsotered.,rur- ther tnforraatlon csn be obtained, byttqniringofB. H* T *^g^ , ^t.;:: , ^ w fe: jYi,FOB/-SALE " "" *%ton : jwssiMsa* aj/.ix.^wTsiaKS' xannery^fst ngw*"" 1 -^ :and W S d y besaa^fcab^t^jrjasrs; issituated idqjlars per cord. SaWTar^whMtte^twateYprrvS iVerw^rr^«ffa*a»»c^tJbe^cs^ .•mrmj. ... - 1 ,B,rifis i ^M»^»d,,by, ( *i isme: las*bfs»rfr4ai»ifc4bytttJMewf will cfesn,4h*j8ar|a aU.ootii*': Si'ttm m V«*» In ths beam house, and Is used to wni O t VatS In thsbeam house, and is used to wni .^, brelssnsklnsfrosathe lime,add,Is1us»4-ta r"^^SsMsSr^^'^^^^* , "* W * r '''" b*s5*VwWwsgl fj •; MuMj. mijW -•%' ^JT***i MM, irvi? % r**tj,- < - .^^.\jje»'<P»v<{,j'w".'>*i'ifst.^t-' iTO-'it-'t 1 Se''i.SrVK,'> l O>l/""« !tt •*J"fi*'v. r : .V* , '**' > '">^* ; ^' -^W *«' yfTf^W^;-* !tl W"fj*'v. li « : .V* , '**' > '' *t;.islt,:/<i •;-•-;- A'it W ' U ^ l - ;Jit$: *. <•' r.*'c»rt *"->'"*4J5'I* ' J>^jtit.H <r.*',iW---<,--« '!• > .»I}it,i'.>^t-•^>^, , , -•j''*,t* -?h: >-• *•• •"' T*",* JTT<•*'.'"''.•<*' •'.A- : l«sttSw#ii6Rrst.' •'•'- ' ''- t •Wi-*rTlfs!vV^rS"Vf?.^»i "v- -<• '-f- .U'-."* ':"i,"i !i " '.' "'.'A '• ^.ii.'A' *tj- •i;i,i'.vv-A'7V>f '•<[<'>\rfL-'i.f.sL'vl; :•- ^liftA, -i !,v. t's*V>„-.l.'v;* IMll>tHlslDssilll ' ,' :*-••',' f';'k "•''••'••'»'.>. ' : *;,i •vt.. fiv'^iJHi t .1, T.-hm- J-*', '*** \W, :V^, XHUMHWH—Wtl M t.r >":*<'' ' 'ft; n*na.imr k-o^-t "iKW' KiMSaMMt' -•- ••if-1» i>i»>t4>» - *M t---Si-I'''?t»,*i»/ »."t«t •'-XM- •'•/•i.v.'** 1 ^--. *'*• 'A - *ErW»s)^***»<«*<. 4 *tf w -rr~' * ,"-• ' #i.;» i'#s>* *»*»»«« fsWsrltl ' Knn>£R>8 -- * » 8S7PEBIOK HOUSE LsTTErlENT, •T^ABRANTED to be one of the most valoa- W Mas4iUes«ero0i^to^r^li^|orBr^»Jni. Windfalls, Bpavins, Stiffness of. the Jomts, atralns.and CsJlouasaot longstanding; also, Swelling, Fresh Wound, Galli,*o.,Ao. This truly^valuakle Liniment has- been in successful as* fortbelast HtVsen J**rs,find, In no Inttanos U s it failed to give satisfaction. The proprietor, cbterfsjly recommends the above remedy to the pnblio under a full conviction ofJts efficacy. In the above-named diseases, and all to which that Tatoable and, useful animal (the Horse) by accident or neglect u liable, where.an exler- intlaTOlicationUreqnired.' This Liniment will also v ap- ply •quafly wen to Neat or Horn Cattle; It reduces In- flammation and swelling: or, when thefleshhas become callous, or the cords stiff. It softens and reduoes, and aflorda a full and tree circulation to the parts previously affected. Purchasers maw depend upon this being an entirely different article from any ether ever offered, to the public, both in its healing qualities and superior' strength, as but a small quantity is required at st tints to prodace the desired effect. for sale by TRENCH A BTBVENB, Wholesale and Re- tail Agents, corner ot Tord and State-streets, Ogdens- burgh! *o-tf PAINT8, OILS AND VARNISH. A LARGE Stock of Brooklyn and Boston Pare Lead: Jreaoh and New-Jersey Hue; Raw and Boiled Unseed Out Copal,' Damar, ylouneo and Asphaltum Varnish; jrencn Yellow VenetUaHed iRsrls^ajmupine. Green: i*mpbl«^Bplrfts , ftirp^Un»7»Mn<»-JJ°»'ro- oelved,aaAforsals>atlowraU^»t the^ewDrug Store 0EU 6|.; op, ,, 0»A«n»b9rgji,iloTt M,^,; - 'J,' *WJ'.i, ,l i-:,>- . '^RRTSRES. F AINT BBTOHES^VABNISH' BRUSHES, •WWtews^'BiTOhes^aBsirl-paste Brushes, Art- UUf Brdsnes, and Tnbe-^ajrS, s*rte^ttotfy-6n.hand t^>forl»I s by raOTJTt'A'iTifi^s^Brujgglsts. ^^e#blrgh,Hoy.8t>18B. - - ._ 7';g-tf] J,' ,"•' - " I —;•• " " •' a-a, •^^m:^0^ : cM^^^^^mm TO ARTISTS; - • A«TISTS»"BBU8H1!S, AKOSTS'TUBE Paints, Poppy and'Nat Oil, Csn vis; to-., a large; And full assortment constantly On hand and tor sa»,b+- FR0TJTY . rflTOfB, ^ •' jl r- I)TuggIjits»n4Apothec«rtef. Ogdensmirgh, HOT, Vtj l$$T , D-«1: TJiIrORENOE WHITE AND FLORENCE JT Varnish, White french Zlno graund 1n oU, Paris §reeh,Taris White, vThlttog, PutvyH Ac. Call and see as before purchasing elsewhere, u our stock Is large and most be sold; PROUTT A RTHDSsT,' SraggUts. OgdcMbiirgh. NOT. ^4,1888,' Cfftq WHITE LEAP. 5 TUNS BROOKLYN WBTTE LKAIJi, 2 Tnas Philadelphia Pure White Lead, S Tana Bare yienchZinolnOE,by PR0DTY A RINDGK, Druggists and Apothecaries, ford-Street, Ogdensburgh, NOT. M,.1S56. P-tfl FLVin. rriEB BARBELS BURNLNQ FLUID, JUST JL received, fresh and good, at PBOTJTY A HINDSm Ogdensbargh, Nov.M,18SB. fl-tfl 4D-U SOH A STEVENS, ford and Btate-ats. PERFUMER'S. A LARGE assortment of LuBUt'g EXTXAOTS received this week, direct from Paris. Farina's German Cologne, Lyon's Kathalron, Barry's Trioonhe- roas, Rosemary and Castor Oil; Balm ot Thousand now- ers, Phalon's Hair Dye: Bjrdway*s Medicated Soap; Orange Flower Lotion; Kitchen's Hair Restorative. Also for sale at FRENCH A STCVRNB' Drug Store, 40-tf Ford and State-sts. DYE STUFFS. A LARGE Stock just received for the Tall trade, consisting ot Logwood, Redwood, Fustic, In* dlgo, Extract Logwood, Cudbear, Quercitron, Nutgalls, Indigo, and Madder Compounds, Annatto, Ac, Ac For sale at FRENCH A STKVKNS', «0-tf Ford and Btate-sta. LAIHT OIL. S PERM, Winter-Bleached Whale 0U, and Extra Lard OH, for sale wholesale or retaB, at FRENCH A TEVEN8* Drug Store, 40-tf Ford and State-tt. JACOB^ AARON. PEACE I PEACE II PEACE III m Later from Europe, P'eaoeConcludod. npiIK .CONCLUSION OF PEACE BETWEEN X tlis European Powers has not produced a greater deollns In Bread-Btuus, than a New Arrival of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS Has in ths price of Ready Made Clothing at the ODD N8UUR0H 0L0THINQ EMPORIUM! J. AARON, Has Just completed {repairing his Store, and hat fur- nished th* same with an entire new stock of MKN'B AND B0YB> READY MADE CLOTHING . AND GSNTLBMSNSr* FURNISHING G00D8I Walk in, and its If hli ghelni are not crowded—Ml Drawers ail full, and bis Counter! weighed down with tho riohost and most varied assortment ever boforo of- fered in this " Burgh." Confident thai he Is prepared to suit the most fasti-, dioui, J. AAIOX Ktsndj an Invitation to all who with to parchus a good article at a low, living pries, t« favor him with a call at No. 49 Ford-Street, tor it is the place whsre they will find Ready Made Clothing to suit body and mind. Just givs him a call, and without (.moment's delay he will glvs you a fit, cheap for Ready Pay. Ills stock comprises every article In the Ready Made Cloth- ing line, to suit puronaura, from the Laboring man to the Judge on the Bench* J. Auto* roturni bis sincere thanks to hli old custo- mers for past favors, and kindly solicits a continuance of the same. t3T* Continual additions will be mads to the stock as the lesson advances. Don't mistake the place—King and Avereil's Granite Block, 40 Ford-flu, Ogdensbargh, N. Y. ITL©-**.) A N EXTEN8IVE ASSORTMENT TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, etc., at J. AAROrTB. NO. 1 FURNITURE VARNISH. 3 BARRELS JUST RECEIVED BY r PROUTY A RINDGE, Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdenshnrgh, Nov.. 84,1888. P-tf] T THE BARBELL OR GALLON,, AT PBOTJTY, * BIN»0»?B, Ogdenshnrgh, Nov. 24,1855. P-tf] B L EECHES—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, for sale by '[41-tf] PROUTY A RINDQB C ALCINED PLASTER PARIS, NOW IN store, and for sale by PROUTY A RETOOK, F RESH SUPPLY OF LINSEED OIL, WHITE Lead and Zlno, Just received by PROUTY A RINBGE. FRESH SUPPLY - OF PILANTAGENET opting Water, just received and Is offered for sale by PROUTY A RINDGE. J UST RECEIVED} A FULL ASSORTMENT of Brushes used in all branches of-Paint and White- ning by PBOOTY A BINDGg. L INSEED OIL, RAW AND BOILED, IN largo or small quantities, French Zlno, Chrome Green, PaHs do Ohromo Yellow, French do Vermillion. Prussian Blue, Plaster Paris, Oamphene, White Ltad, Spirits Turpentine, Japan, VenlUan Red, Gro. Verdigris, Umber, Rag. Paris White, Whiting, Gold Leaf, Artist's Oolors, Crayons, and all kinds of Paints. Thsy are warranted to bo of th* best kind, and will be sold at for,%alsS£iAtG« : Of ^ , w f^iflrw «*3 , ? DRUGS, «i*r— sof5f ii.'.CHsaOC __. < ,iMBIlBy!ii*.'ii# ysiKt-. ,:S;-T^ . .? ..-4 tos..-»,.•ft^i i ;. flits * wtmartwi I' ^, \ct -, '-,. >.^a At**"? *••'••>. « t «•> ' I . DAGOTRREOXtPBrAND AiIBBOW»KfnoCst»NT) »'. k-»j i' A ,*lJil-!ijaffl(BUlIlHT8ittJi i.::r -ti.^ia { ' Consisting of 0AMERA8J ot allalKs^f the best onanb.i faota.r»sr PWTE8, of all tlses.comprisQigH.B,'Patent' LsvprqvedBtarfH. and Wl, aad Boat* Kates; Dagusrreo-. type and AmbrotypeCssesof every yariety of style"and finisb.GlaMMsts.Preservers.HyposulphatsSodaaodlae, Bromine(/Dry'QalcV,;OoUodion,GuttA.P«rcha Oavettbs and Dippers, Bufphate of Iron, Salts of Gold; Chloride of Hold, Rouge; Plat* Blocks,HeadRests ,Ae^, Ac. ' - torfomiilung-PURK 6EIBM. WHALE, said UNBEND OIL, he hM.facilltles which defy competition. A LARGE BTOOK OF D*rtuH mnd Surtlcal Jfn.lrumcnu, . «u • . W pa tjorr sssritan, . ContUntly.onhana.;' Atso, *°?^?Wre*Soiav - • ' TJBBTH AND ^ vran. .-"" * ' tlNFOU. ^^5," . _- v^4&AM0, - t 5|^iownBa« OARDS^F «V«BT DESORIPTIQN, eff^,-.;. xiimBsTrjoftisi i AND COMBS, t—*_~ " '- ' OMMTH BRUBBES, TEETH AND jr : NAILBRUSHES, TOILET BOTTLES, DRE881NG OABE8, - - tn., *0., Ac AISO, i' • ' i Sole Proprietor of tUs Celebratedl ; 'BiliE ' .'•"•( IAHTH'OHEA, Which, as a care for Dlarrheuea, Dysentery and Cholera, stands unrivalled. Read the following certificates: Certificate from the late Member of Congress from this .District, Ogdensburgh, N . y u Opt. 28,1855-. , Hsrntr S. Hmsraaxr, Esq.: Year'medecine for bowel complaints, called the Balm of Zanthorea,has been ex- tensively used la thls^anageapd/sjolnity daring tuepast season. I have often heard it'jpoken of as S most eSedtive remedy for dlarrhrsa,dyientery,and other bowel complaints, and I have had occasion to use it and found immediate relief from it, and believe tbe medecine gene- rally has a high reputation among those who have used It. Respeotfully yours, BISHOP PERKINS, ...ThoZANTHOREA l> a medrctne valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well convinced from having prescribed i t ; and in those obstinate cases, of a chronic form, I know of no one thing in which I would place more confidence. , 8. N, SHERMAN, M. D. Ogdensburgh, July 18,1855. < t^-READ THIS. GsonorroTTK, California, Jan. 14,1858. Mr. H. S. HDHPUKJCT—Dear Sir: It is but justice to yon that I state a few facts relative to your invaluable BALM OF ZANTHOREA. On leaving Ogdensbargh I { irovlded myself with one small bottle, jwhiob, trifllngaa L.waa, saved several individuals from death byohoiera, The cholera broke out on board the steamer " Uncle 8*m,".atter leaving San Juan del Snd, In its most m'sjlg- nant form, and oht of 55Spassongers,ai0dled of cholera. The disease was attended with its asaal symptoms, diar- rhoea, Ao. The physicians on board seemed to have no power to cheek the disease. I first tried the Zanthorca noon J. L. Ross, of Macon, Georgia—whom the doctor, hadnresoribed for with no beneficial result—and judge ot my astonishment, when, in an hour or two^the diar- rtoca was stopped, and the patient fast recovering, I euttinued its ase, and with tho small quantity I had with me, saved the lives oi six Individuals, and had I been provided with a sufficient quantity, I have nodoabt or hesitation in saying I could have saved the lives of a hundred persons. I most cordially recommend its general ase; for with tho Balm of Zanthorea, cholera and diarrhoea are robbed of all their terrors. Yours truly, H. >t. »AY. P. 8.—Th* Nicaragua steamer Unrit Sam left San Joan del Bud curly In September, 1855. wlf. NEwaseops NO; 8 SagleBioc»:,-tord.St. IIUST 1 th^tteX^tuSwit - CABgmrJ&7 *:*•'• ssp^^4»*'%' ; '-W->-E' rfBI ?'• : * A iplendld Upo of Needle Work. v ' Rich French EmBrutBered * i *• - • i ) ' Collar, aisd Sleewea. Glowe* ' ' of»ii)^ds.;»; FANCY GOODS, N B —Particular s.ttention p«i*fo-tue.*H£LHgERy' DEPART3JEJNT.' Alfa^^oa bajuJ.A irea^varjety of "., Bomtegn. .Also Bonnets tnado.to drdei"^ftnlt»tbft.m<H|&»tajia*. Alsoagobdailo't'nentbf; „$&< All of Which they offer* their osnat low rates. Country Merchants, MjBlln«rsi«nd Peddlers, snopUed at New Yoi-k and Boston: JobbWigpriceSi- •''- '"'^- tho lowest market prices. t*i->n PROUTY A R1ND0E. J. H. GUEST. J. ii. NEW GOODS ! NEW GOODS I O IL CLOTH AND INDIA tRUBBER CLO- THING, at J. AARON'S. •H»*WSSsW?SBJSHSSSSfSSSSS. C. W. GIBBS. Nov'r litis, It C. W. GIBBS, H AS RECEIVED HIS SECOND PURCHASE or DRY, GOODS, Comprising ALL THE NEW BTYLES, .. Adapted to the Season, to which he would invite Your Attention i Now Dress Goods. Now Cltnaks SUM! Talmas. v * L A D I E 8* Cloths sustd Trlnamiiitrs. New Sbsvnrls and Scarfs. HOSIERY AND GLOVE?, ', COLLARS, FANCY GOODS, ' A UHEHS, DIAPERS, TABLE OOVfiB*, - BLANKRTS, FLANNELS, WOOLENS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, Ac; Sheetings,-Shirtings, stripes, Denims, Ticks, Ac, Ao. Whtleia Ijs "«• • a s o ' • - ' . ' . - •RjB»*s»»ay' -' i.; ,..?.. ,w, .' -. i •,, ..,IW^!^! ! . I ^^>,Oash.Erices t j0 ., .,..,.•. . • fif*i. ,,,--. t i, . .' ' I / ' . a * * '.* »•'r . ' • - ! ...« •. • v*is*w*w-.».t/re-s»«, •• •* ri* i - J,, r. • P GEtfuTNBFURS, AT TWENTY- -tit helownrespnt value, at VA-WIjsslOygr,^itechaalcs' |ftod(, |sUj : r^waW'Prev^^j^prese^t great < PUR- anee.on , BR*Si'>^ :«««f : ««3^| . W STRST; llbs^nook. pAPEg.'fjffiPI Hs^bt'VTf' )4v^r : ta M&mms* ,Tltt SJSsSK it**k. ALWAYS THE BEST GOODS AND AT THE LOWEST PRICES. Now Mid ttlch Fall Goods 1 Btjioa 8nj "^ 'AkOT BlUS, PUID Dssss Goons, ID every v*rl«ty. and of tho cholooit styles, aod warranted to wear woll. Of all kinds and colors,' Nuw Gurrus Munton, For Ladles' use. TniBRS, and All Oolors. OasBHsasa, PIRSCUHIB, Oarss, MasmxAs and . SUIWLS, Long and Squat* Bacons, - BTKLUB, PLSIIW, Ac*, Ao« Ac. 1 TAUIAB. TBTsrffl, Pararxs OAsnsutsss, and MOUSLIB DEums, In great vsriety, all wool and cpuniion. Mouanxo Goons, f, , /-tAlargsisiorttneqflndlffircbt fabrics. B i l c t Bruc VitLTkra, for Ekuraprnsjuss, LAffVff | BUiWjjj and. HAxrqxis. Eoonto's, The largest sBd'beslJielectedastOrtment'ever offered. GnrjJtsrjai'a 88AWL3, Soaaw, Ac- Ac., Ac Murruts, Hosnm, QbOVBB, Panrra—aU. kinds. 18a»TOsaand SBrtniio—sdl widths and qualities- tOAararmas, TmsTRr, BKUSESLS, T«KEE- PZYB, Isaaanis, Vciirus, Dauoaatfi, JUrrao and OIL OurrBS, aU w i d t h s . , .... , ,-, -a . gr Remember s!t . ". 7 - H. GUESTS. -f** ,^gA^X^g ASm^EY. |glR»t?ARE.I HABDWABE Ifes " ' •'• 'CHARLES ASHLETj „. ijtt). , ; ^ I » . B I # K , rjflpENJBTOad, M. ?„ Importer and Dealer ', IN iEVERT VARIETY of SHEET AND HEAVYi ;HXRDWARE, fenTNaiis, rUDDLERY A N D 0 0 A 0 H HARDWARE. Sole ;Age>t. for MBNETLys .Oburch, Factory, ana', other BELLS. FAIRBANKS * OO.'S IJaHorS,' CdfulterTana Hay .WAIiBy. •.'• >> ' /*'••!* 'W Wr" '••••" f WILDERB'IW^oOfr^lSJnSJi^erBAFEg. UatOBjJelti^.'Cowipa»y, - -' • . American EowderOosspawy. • • . • WJBsW.fjf^B^ttguSqr.T."' Pc4s*sstog. everyJc^-foKt>.^fei%tJ«».«* *•• SiJHT-P»' \tH«rjfeeLJa'''Hiafe'L, j- '•• i ' V- H'.if j. J ...*^«l s f«IBB r .flis5HM»»»/'i« ••' '** {been enbiriea apa fcp.rpTed;,iln9ti|0iBff«a^%rn^ -'• '"ii'. , .*1 l i"iV,.-H,7 t .-' r -i^ J r ^-- ' " J li '-—^ 1 A, eoSrpIef?^s»rtmen)| of B60K; k - pm^& K i!iiitqe^^'Uki^mw'^]'m^m pal ftbteu^to»!irSW*To!^ St«ft»,»0! /rv^toBJWDp^ TcHtivtto.ivWA.t - * »BB- '^W^i yn mmm,. "t-sr *^. ,»,"iaB*>iiir AWIsUUssst - '*'^.i',.. a-v.v;i;^A'i- sV>«MUP. i, ^ „.._ VAI.VABI.E SPRING IflKDUHNE! REXFORD'S Compound Cbatuontilo Cordial. T IE PECULIAR MEDICAL PROPERTIES of this preparation demand tho attention of all Who labor under INDIGESTION, DY8PKP8IALWEAKNB8S AND- GENERAL DEBILITY, *c. As a tonto anil restorative, it stands unrivalled—In- vigorating and renewing the prostrate state of tho con. stltuUon—imparting an energy to the ttomaoh, vrhtoh fortifies tho lyttam against tho oliang*-of leason snd climate, and should oe tn the possession of all who travel. Tbti Oordtal li most admirably-adapted for tho ladtsi; and Is strongly and particularly recommended In All those complaints and exigencies peculiar to tho female sex. It hat also h«en found a inn preventive of AGUE. Prepared and told, wholesale and retail, by 11. cVllUMPHRKY, Ohsmlst A Druggist, No. 9, Eagle Block, Ogdensburgh, New York. &Q0DS W CANTON. T^&BRAOE TBJS, OCOASHHf TO INFORM JQj their friends andaoqnslntannes that they have per- maaenUy located In Ctnton.wheretheyiare constantly offering for sale a general assortmentt,of . ,.. Dry Goods^ Groceries,, Cr*^s^enr» <Ve. In this large esUbUshmsnt«an always be fonndall the newest and most approved styles which catt be found fa market, consfsting of ••'»•• '• ' ' - i < Mousund^Lsines, Figured and Plain Berages, Tissast, Poplins, Chambras, and choice MOURNING GOODS. L. Dress and Mantula SILKS, and a large ^asotunent of ta^A^STILLAB atir8B^WLS, , , r , ,' T T'-'£% ^SONNETS and -BONNET . twomse: irnflciai Flowers, Lisses, and Velvets of all descriptions. \ . DRESS TRIMMINGS; Lace,.Muslin,,and Cambrio Undersleeve*;-Wrought Collars sod Chemisettes; -Silk. Lisle Thread, and Cotton HOSE, with s larg. assortment of GLOVES. Hats, Caps, Cravats, Bhirts, sad floluurs. BUIOIER GOODS, for Men and Boy's CLOTHING. Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Ticks, snd. Denims. Broadcloths, Doe-Skini, Casslmeres, Tweeds^ Ac. 0ARPETING8 of aU descriptions. Orockery and Bwne-Ware, Groceries, Oils, Painta,»nd Dye-Stufis,Palls,Brooms, Ao., Ac. •Is short, a greater eoBectlon of Goods Is offeredfor sale, than is generally found at a Retail Store. They would call the attention of the pnblio to the above facts, and would take great pleasure in shewing their large stock of Goods, knowing that theyjwjU compare favora- bly in quality and prices with any assortment now in St. Lawrence County. " *•,_ .«. Remember—At GO0DNO, OADWELL 4 OO.'S, NO. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, N. Y. Jane 80,1884. . <ft$t NEW ARRIVAL AT NO. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, N. Y, A NEW ASSORTMENT OP FLAB!, RLACE, and Watered DRESS BttKS, at 89-tf -. iWODNO, 0ADW1LL * CO. 1 ! B LAUK SILK SHAWLS, SILK FRINGES, and nioe Dress Trimmings, can now be seen St 89-tf GOODNO, OADWELL A CO.'S, NEW LOT OE LAWNS AT WHOLESALE . jirlccs. [8»tf3 G00BN0, OADWELL A QO, .MILLINERY GOODS, A NEW LOT, 'at low prices, at the Store of GOODNO, OADWKLL A 00, Canton,New-York.'-' " W-lf"" POYVDKR I I'OTVDKR I 1AA KEGS BLASTING POWDER, JUST 1UU received andforsale by August S8,18M. n. 8. HUMPHREY. __________ >__^ WOULD YOU BE CLEAR OP THAT COUGH ? USE DR. RRAINARD'S WILD CHERRY SYRUP i T HIS WONDERFUL REMEDY IS EVERY day ptrtormlng the most remarkable cures ever re- corded. - 1 It speedily relieves all varieties of Coojihs, Catarrh, and all other disease! of the air passages j Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and Hemorrhage from tho Langs, ail yield to its Influence almost immediately. Hundreds of certificates from those who have been cured by this tntdielne oan bo tarnished to any one who has a doubt at Its remodlal offeots. Physicians use It, add hero are a few words that some of them speak tn its favor: We, the ahdersigacd., Physicians of the regular prac- tice, have made extensive use of Dr. Bralnard's Wild Cherry Syrup, and have carefully watched its effects; we now cneerfutty, and with confidence recommend it as the best remedy for Coughs, Colds, and other affection! Of tbe throat and lungs that we have ever met with. It has been successful in our handstand we desire, to see it doing good wherever a medicine of the kind is needed. i . A. HALL, M.. D.', L. J. HUBBABp M. D„ U . R6wS% M ( D„ . NICHOLS, M. D. Whitehall, N. Y., January 81,1850. gST'Por sale by PROUTY A RINDGE, Agents, Ogdens- bnrgh.N.Y. [48-6m] A CHOICE STYSLE OEJLONG A2jn SHORT Sewing Silk Mitt*. Also, Kid, and Bilk Gloves, at m-tf O00PNQ, OAJWIilJi A Pa's. POUSDS BROWN SUGARS, and Colts* Sugars, for ' 4.* CO.. s.J^'.aBaiSs^ srgi>rii]ilf l iii'')'f:''irr»assssw^^ «x« '%ft|SgiarABfi! - -vt ft^vv'»t ;u. M I <.>.t,Wx1&< WNG ARK WCrOTj AN»jBROCHE BHAWLS, TBflr^ AND STELLA 8HAWESr : Bs^Af ; TOrTfl8,S^^P^ 8rTl * ' "" HEAVY WOOLEN OLfJTHa;^ -• W " W&W»> TWEEDS, _ ^ ^LL JBANS, K0K8, " '"" ™" """ •- .anus/kJUl • W W 8 ' - BATTING,' i •'•:..••** EUBR0Q)ERT£8, vii.or COLLARS sod . -••»'• ' SliBBViS, Blonds Edgings, Bluck Lace VeiJB, Gloves, Hosiery, Com- forters, Boys'Mitts: s n d Gloves, Lftren Handkerchiefs, Black Sllk'cravats, JFsl} Bonntds and .Trimmings, Rib- boas.of allito'ds, Flowers, Ao. " ' •' OTH6HAMB, "4 ' ..OAHTON ILANNELS. fe «O.Ae;ic' 1TOBVD-STREET.; Ogdensburgh,%ctober i Bthi r lS6. f46-tf] j. s. .-Gotjur 1 co. 1A AAA POUNDS BROWN Bl lVaVV V Also, Crushed, and Coff«B« aaloloVby [JUt} QOODlio, OADWSU. A NEW A . TEAS, at 'AL OF CHOICE FRESH -tf] GOODNO, OADWELL A CO.'a, . ASH* PAID TfOR FLEECE WOOL, AND Cloths szohasged for Wool, by ___ • • •tf GOODNO, OADWULL A 00. A NEW ARRIVAL OF l»RINfS; FAST «OL Oolors, at six, and s«v*nMtnd-»-h|H«wtt,»r yard, at rsa'tfl O00DSo70A»WMJb A C0.'B. MISCELLANEOUS. E. THOMPSON. REMOVAL. NEW STORE, ANJP NJiW GOODS! srjssur *: JjT801lPS0iN,~. ~. TXTOHLtt- RE^ECTJFUMfY^nratM %\ &*$$$& l^enibnrgu Apfl .TlFlnltFi tl tkken thp New Btor^nwrWiopMateMejari, Seymoara', ,*bere*^wmp]>en, jon, tRCpDAf *«t» tt?1»igS^ !»*», w ^itLtSERY QOODiS A/* Werat^r»^tn,t»tnrIcJ41tj^»|Bsv««r M «IV»n - ^»* rmmg. Ogd.gn'bStgh, Ostober 83,1BS6. ^H^^^Q^iUBSORffiEtf^' 1 ''""' ) , v i^m&.'stm'ssmt^mmt-i <-• •.-•• iQHTvlffil ,K^rlJ! ,l^U0EMl!i3Tlt-~THE %J managementjiare the pleasure of announcing that i°**°l!S^ 1 5L"j€ or ** <, ( ^^>«^a^r^«|tri|«ttDn pore *tijf&M.m «in previoa, year. taSrag the !S»%8 y^JftSrMpSrfc-*??^?*** *b» finest The Bosft of the thrto Great American Statesmen,. ci»y, w«wt«r astd Cllbsjtui, '''-*. Alio the,exgdUIbsIdealBust, .u-a-S '•«»i*|ii»;,H *--"'• ••""-' •'• S ,-/ ^.;ruwATTOiW»iaiVwiawlir ' - 1th a* " »yle»dldgAtUssi., MORRISON'S RIVING, SHAVING AND JOINTING Blslnsrlo rflncltlne I T HIS MACHINE IS NOW EXHIBITING AND In operation At JOSL H. MiOIM'MttL Uko street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. It it capable ot Riving, Shaving, and Jointing from TWENTY-FIVE TO FORTY THOUSAND SHINGLES PER DAY. It worltsEaty and Winding Timber to th* greatest per* feottpn, and with tho utmost s u e ; so simple .in con- struction that there Is neither belt nor cog-wheel in It; being wholly constructed of Iron and steel, its durability is very great. The power of throe horses will-work H to Its utmost capacity, which can at once bo applied tram tho water-wheel, steam engine, or common horn-power, by belt or gearing; can be worked In tho.woods, mil), or shop, equally well, as It occupies only two by eight teet ot ground room, by about twenty-eight Inch** high, re. quire* but onoman to attend it, and Is In fact bat a sim- ple though very substantial combination of the Prow, the BhavinfirvnUe, and Jolntor Irene of the "614hand process," working all such timber as canbe worked by hand, and a great deal that cannot, and in such style or finish and beauty thatglves them the preference ot the market over aU other Shingles. '" . CAPITALISTS, MJXLEBS, 8HTKGLE MANtFXOip* HERB, AND OWNERS OF SHINGLE TW,B¥K, Are espeolally directed to this HarMW"W $ r ° t t s * l e lc- vestment. The public aro resne»tSiUyinvited towltnesi its operation at the afeoveft»f>edplace^where^t will re- main under the sunerintendence of H. F. VAUGHN, onefif(he/Proprietors, who will be most happy to give any information on the suhjeot required, or negotiate with parties for County Rights, and Machines ready for use. ' I S " A l l Communications addressed to Mr. VAUGHN, Or J. H. MACK. Ogdtasburgh.N.Y. or to R.«\ VAUGHN, Rochester, N. Y., a^ any time thereafter, wiR be prompt- ly attended to. . Opinions «| JJtp Pjress, Ac. ^From the Milwaniie tree Democrat.] ' The Machine is about six feet In 1ength;*nd stands upon iron legs about two feet in height; is very compact- ly and strongly pat together, and has nothing; com- plicated orunwieldy aboutit. It can be drt?efiToy"'tifo horse-power, at Its foil speed for either oak.pine, cedar or chesnut staff. The timber is preparedinto bolts, like those ased for hand riving. A bolt is placed npjas ths carriage, and against a strong head. When the first, or riving knife passes through 1 it and'takes nt ashingle of any desired thickness; t$e rotwu re7Qlatlonnakes:this' riving bacg (o, aeoond bed-plate and against anothjir head, and while the riving knifeis taking oft another. Is shaved, with an even tapir, upon the upper side; the-' next batik revolution takss ihe shingle, to a third bed- plate and against another, head, and tbe third revolu- tion, .which out OS* another from tbe bolt and shaves the- seoond, alio shaves the,firjt,80j, thetonder.-slde#, thet shingle passes (hen between, two self-adjusting jointers that complete the shingle,' .Thus-:there arefour shingle*, in thbriachine at a time, and onefinished,,at ejfWjjjre--; volutton. The rsyotatlqns ate nerfgrmeij s* ft* ratiipf CO per minute, and allosring the aifji»fe of the stuff to. be 8 inches, it wffl make | ^ V ^ shingles per.day. -,,, * ! ' ^o^^#Detrp^Ad^«rtiaer,J ^^ ,. t ghisgle Machines have long occuoledjhe. atteatlonot duTBrentkind. Thftshtogleia^^dftoni the blockiana _^— , _,.^ i..»—-- «- -J-i^!r- 1 |j i . -J ngl B, fc jj tf , . ... , ... ipltrpttrpdsKf' ,ariij. s# .should,think; thAt's. wrmi'UtdSroof-iOf^ttaf shinglescould,nbtle*k.. Qneol;these rna*uiwssfwS»» ! portablesteam engine^ would be-a-tfo>ta»*\<)T'*"Bian' in the pine woods. , ••> ' • , ,«u.-.»i 4«JJ*..\JVJTC »«*.•-* ,' .•'. '• ; '-'JA''•'- ..vSra^WipW^*^,'*' B. t- VapuSAS, Eso., Rochester: « •" •»•••' '1 J •*•&„ Des J 3ir,-Jam : bs'ppy'toa«itHe«a«iiieI^hWea worked by hand process, and'snncht] IngiM*»t# tUhber-it worksto - extra eto'rti' R. >, VATOBJ*, Koehesjer^X^ss'T^a DeafSlr.-rOM S i l p ^ g ^ J ^ t t J i e ^ S S been inoteaWS'** rs^A^fVisfeffmo^-""" - lam hapKMo aaV" fs%Ve&at»>^**W. taring rived, " "" *«" • ^-""' tnoajhtprsc to great perfection and at» raBld principle «f^S^s|n?m)s'dl'^ ' n*sWsWr^»*SKs|_5, *rmaaufaet«ri{«JK f _JS , 4 ROOTS ANR SHOES 1 WE WILL SELL BOOTS AND 8H-0IS FOR SO DAYS, tower (hftn they can bo bought 1 This side of B O S T O N ! 19* Fleas* call and examine for yourselves. jg± 3. S, GOULD, A CO. OoosssBOson, Nov., 1% I860, SOLE LEATHER, BY THE POUND, HUNDRED OS TON. J. S. GOULD, A CO. OoDtassoEon, Nov. 13,18SC. THE: CREATESX IIEBIIICAIV DISCOV- ERlf Of THE AGE. TLTR. EENNBDS;, OF -RQXBURY, MASSA- JJUL chusettSj has. .discovered in «W ot our common pasture weeds ajfem'edy tbatcures every kiod of Humor, from ths worst Scrofohraown to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred-eases, and neverfail- ed^ except in twq.easei,£ooth thunder humors.) He has now tn his possession over two hundred certificates of its value; allwithin r t*ehty-miles of Boston. ' Two bottles are-wsrra&tedHo cure a Nursing Sore MoMb- . , v i. "v. One to three bptlles will cute the, worst kind of Pim- ples on the Pace.' '-" Twotn threo'botties Will cieer the-system of Biles. Two bottleaare waraoted to cure the wont Canker is th* Mouth and gtomacb. ,rt.1M , ^•Hiree^'BTeWtUessMwarrAJitedto cure the worst eawan^asTysrpela^r> . « ' » -'" "" ' '-' ', One ^iwobotUeS.are warranted to care all Humor inAnslgra^; , ..p.. ' *wo^fi>tnes srVw»rt»nTea , ''f6 ct&e 'Banning of the liriandntouiheSaniongHiheHair. "' ' '-.- -..Fotrr to_sjx t^ttlss ajreIwarranted to-ctrr*Corrupt ! and ruption of the Skin, '.Twoto'three'muesaiewVTa'nteUtocoi ' casMPyintewTorinl-isjt .•••<*& .Tw» tothreejiott despirate oajsloTR; ,. T_„ „„ *Bre*tto-'t«nr^ottJ^are %eS*fitea tb "ear* SaB- iRbesfet(,.iu av %>«««•,«•*-'' •Bte^i .-,' .ifht. ' Kve to eight bottles wia care the worsfeease_of QBO- ^bene'BtU-aJriayVex^'enkdW^ bottle, aoa.«;p»rfsrtcKevislws»an'tea*len"tho Above quanti- ,.. R^lef,I^^Mlmts^'^nwd!teiue>,nttbss in !;the'vieullt^rf«stoj^,f16l6iw-«eaecWorit uVevery 1Ji8o,WrMS*«t#^«ttIntrnsh*fire,-so'surewBI ,cura,Huw*.i;I; Jtover«ld *i bittie.of:ithat that t«Sre t*oHthmlgrabsat-th!a,herb th«(t anpear„t»vtriaWT^nrsi^t it?grbws-iiiour pasturesTinsmn* ,eiquiWi»ttnWul,fM4:j.«t!il»..v«Iiie4as ne^r%*eB ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ii(K?»nd,-ttAfeJ» - -i*^»?T^pwfee^i^ortni|^aen iritefaai •f»ritb«disr:ovtryf«Kwill-»taft;sthat-iB core the wont. « e warrsaledito cure the most l,^»ti*i»-l)»tttsSi» t*"* ts^»jg^i^;i»iys« ,'!Ai, a>ii!w>i*i*il*»ji!ji1.! '^Mniir'' •ssMMMs^rV 1 ^|s^l*sss*rMBiswfJ'»»»T"i» , w! * 'V* JjjjtsOTtdHSSe^f,* itls»lhstrl**ll««wWtsk* rilk^l.WVwtSi'-l.avSibeen'-ii, * ""T»j**y4hsfc nothing Ja> »si^er^SeJt,.''**»r* itaiita^xi^e^VtfyasJr.Hwi' "-^aj^gensasJiftmaTif 6JMrm^tAs:a». .... _„., titommtwses.- tt4^v*tffecjtuj^;in:*t *J,*»e»s*B'qfia« . ' 'J&SXE& . S-ilstOTOpl'as-' L.jflfs»j3t4SwlUi |w WH '»"•»* •••••• i . .... rmaki,ii«.'-ut^ " '<» -• -»*r»^; ^r#Vr } *w«f tZi'ZSL* J*' -,-^Sfii? •spl- Op,,.

m Later from Europe, P'eaoeConcludod.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1856-12-30/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · A CARD TO THE l,J£t»fcEfe. , DR. J. DUPQNOO'S. PERIODICAL PQVLS FOB FEMALES

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Page 1: m Later from Europe, P'eaoeConcludod.nyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn83031401/1856-12-30/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · A CARD TO THE l,J£t»fcEfe. , DR. J. DUPQNOO'S. PERIODICAL PQVLS FOB FEMALES


.rnJu&Wein correcting Irrtgutartttai? And removing obstructions of the monthly; turns from


used by the Doctor for many years, both in granraand America, with an paralleled success in every: ca»e; and he is urged by many thousand ladies who~^a,v$ used them, to maiis- th« Pills publie for the?aBfi?i*.tion of those suffering from anyirregalarities whatever,, as well as,to-prevent pregnanoyJto those ladies whose/health will not permit an increase of family.* Pregnant females, and those supposing themselves so, aren cantoned against using these Pius while pregnant; as the proprietor as­sumes no responsibility after the above admonition, al­though their mildness will prevent any mischief- to the health; otherwise these Pill3 are recommended, toll and explicit directions accompanying each box. Price »1,00. See the signature, J. Duponco, upon eaoh box.

GEO. A. FRENCH. Wholesale and Eetan Agent for the village of Ogdens-

burgh and vicinity, and who will send for BiUs (confi­dentially) by man, on receipt of *1^0 through OgdenJ-burgh Post Office. i . [*6-ly]


J S " OSS THOCSAND DOLLARS REWARD WILL BB given to any persorrprodueingia. better healing prepara­tion than TAYLOR'S THPERJAL MASNKHO SALVE. This salve is not good for eVery.dteease; but cannot be surpassed for the speedy an*-*ffectaal care- of flesh Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Bums, Scalds, Frost-bites, Corns, Fever-Sores, and an excellent strengthening Plaster for pains in the side, breast, a i d back, l e t every person avail themselves ot the drat opportunity of purchasing one or more rolls ot it. To be had^holesateand retaB of PROUTY 4 RDJD6E, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. Any pef-son porchasing for their own use, and -do not find she Salve as above represented, can return 4 i t afterJUJing one-half o( it, and gel^ their money b»ekv Price only one shilling per roll. None genuine wjthontthe Hlwness and fae simile of the signature of "the proprietor upon each wrapper. *

None soldjon commission. p; S.—The proprietor or his agents intend visiting

each Sunily in St. Lawrence County, this Pall,, and give each an opportunity of purchasing his Salve and Balm of Life Pills. "t*MO



J 4 S * OIF ' i&t•&sm.

REGAINING IN THE- 1 ? 0 S T H Q E E S Ogdensburgh, New-Yerk,.]B«ee*^r«>,*18

gSfT Persons oSlltfig for Letters tn the follow •till please say they hreADTTEftTlSKDM :

era!:—"Cm the Letters advertised as remaining on hand, there shall be chaigea,'when,deltee,re4out, besides regular postage, the cost of adyerlislnfi whjob ?j»U be one cent on each Letter." - < ,

"4-nd be i( further tatactea, That lists of letters re­maining uneaUeoffor in any Post-OBce iu any cltjl, town, or village, where a newspaper Bhall he prin ted,sh*jll here­after be published once only in the newspaper, which, being, issued, weekly, or oftener, shall have .thejlargest circulation within the range of delivery o? said Office." / v*. LADIES" LIST*. '••

Henry, Miss Margaret Hodgsons, Miss Mary Jane Harley.HUsM 2 . Henright, Miss Norn Hagan, Catharine Jenkins, Hiss Jane King, Mi»» Ellen Knott, a»s* Emily A Kellog, Mias Jane E

Abbott, Miss Both E Anso, Miss Maria. ' Aolgntre, Mrs A Baker, illiss, Juwv*V Bresett, Mrs Catharine Bishop, Mrs.J M Bosworth, Miss Patty A Buttolph, Miss Alice T Bateeje, Mias Adelia Brosieau,'MKs Antonie Clark, Mrs Jane O •• Campbell, Mrs Harriet

Kellogg, Miss Jenny Lamble, Miss Christiana Mitchell, Miss Mary

Caxmady, Miss Catharine Mirett, Mtss Jbsatte Chapin, Miss Orpha Conway, Margaret Caveron, Mary Chambers, Miss Mary E Delahey, Mrs Anna Daiemore,Miss Elisabeth Daley, Miss Maj3Ur *



ma& under the curse of a disagreeable breath when by using the BALM OF A THOUSAND FLOWERS as aden-triflco would not only render it sweet but leave the teeth white as alabaster? Many person do not know their breath is bad and the subject is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a single drop of the ' Balm " on your tooth brush and wash the teeth night

and morning. A fifty cents botUe will last a year,

A BEAUTIFTJL COMPLEXION may easily be acquired by using the «• Balm of a Thousand Flowers." It will remove tan, pimples and freckles from the akin, leaving it of a soft and roseate hue. Wet a towel, pour on two or three drops, and waskthe face night and morning.

SHAVIN8 HADE EASY.—,Wet year shaving brush in either warm or Gold water, pour on two or three drops of " Balm of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well, aiicPit will make a beautiful soft lather, much facilita­ting the operation of shaving. Price enly Fifty cents. Beware of counterfeits. None genuine unless signed by

%y. FETiUDQE & CO.,

[•JS-fim] ( franklin Square, New York.


Agent in St. Lawrence.Couoty, a quantity of BL0D6ETT A SWEET'S PAIBNT GALVANI8ED IRON, BAKING OVKNS, suitable for private Families or Hotels of the largest etasa.

They are the most perfect thing ever invented.and for ooonomy tn fuel, and perfection in doing their work, act •very thing art defiance.

xwouratws; Dr. & N. SHERMAN, Q. « . MYERS, Blq., St. Law­

rence Botetbat)d JOHN MCCARTY'S International Oof-fee House. 8. 8. BLODGBTT,

Agent for Patentcti. Ogdensburgh. July 8Srd, 1888. ' to*"]


soa WOOD'S. Hair Restorativea will restore gray hair to original oolnr permanently *,* made to grow upon bald~ heads; remove all damfrutT or Itching; destroy all dis­eases of the scalp; and4f used say once or twice a week regularly, will prevent the hair from becoming gray or (ailing, to any imaginable age. Read the following tos-tlmoulala, and we defy you to doubti Says the Wattrty Utiijcaiiu:

'Success to the genius whoso tonic we say' Turns back to its color the hair that was gray .^

[From the .Boston Herald.) Sbtirranto Woitra Ksowwo.—By using, Professor

Wood's Hair Restorative, gray hair can be permanently restored to Its original color. The aubjoined certificate was received from Johnson A Stone, Gardiner, Me., and is but one or the many Instances that are dally coming to our knowledge of its wonderful effects. It la no ion-ger problematical, but a self-evident truth, as hundreds in our community can testify.

GARMHEB, (Me.,) June 2S, ISftf. WM, H. DVSR—Dsaa SIB : 11 have used two bottles of

Prof. Wood'B Hair Restorative, and can truly say It Is the gresteet.dlscovery of the age for restoring and chang­ing the hair. Before using i t I was a man of seventy. My hair has now attained the ortginal^olor.. Youcad recommend it to the world without the " a s t fear, as my case was one of the worst kind.

Yours, respectfully, v


YisDALii, June 21,1855. • f

t Paor. WOOD—DKUB S I S ; I take pleasure in bearing voluntary testimony to the excellency of your Hair Res­torative. Three months ago my hair was verygray. It is now a dark brown, the original color, smooth and glos­sy, t h e only application I have made to it has been the

. Hair Restorative prepared by you; and which from the result in my own case, I can most cordially recommend to others. Respectfully yours,

• EDWARD WOLOOT.-. [From the Jacksonville ConstituUonist, Oct. 5.1853.) *Bjt«t RssroaiTTV*.—In !our columns to-day will be

raaud Prof. Wood'B advertisement of the above article, t» which we call attention. What it has already done, we have .witnessed upon several of our acquaintances In St. Louis." Hair once gray, met our view Maek-or brown, as the- case might be, being the color of early niauhqod; and as fine and glossy as sitt^and that without any appli­cation but the Restorative. If it has done ihia upon oth­ers, will it not do the samfe'for any of our readera whose " frosty pows » were once like the " raven locks " of Lo-, ch ie f s watjike chief, if they will try it? We think so ."

[From, the Missouri Republican.) ." **Ta^G*su.wtsTDi3covwKTorTHB Aoa.—It seldom oc­

curs that we notice, under any oirenmatancea, patent mediciuesfrestoratives, or anyfljlng of the kind, for we

" have a prejudice against moat of them. But candor compels a s to invite attention to Prof. Wood's Hair Res-

: torative. We are too juvenile to require-anything of the U n d , but some Instance* of its ttse h«r« come to on* fcBOsrledgBwrneaalntost assure n s that itUr-asovereftpt remedy against the hair becouring- prematurely gray/. U is not a " Hair Dye ," but upon i ts application,«» direct ted, the eflecHs produced on the ekin, which bfingsioTlt* ^he original native colored hair, without gtUfoessvana'

. gives i t & glossy and natural appearance. Wenaveseen. penons-who have used i t , and they are ranch pleasedf

tth it. Examine UW«dv«HsBm.ent. ^, t , AdareseO. 3. Wood * Co.,S16 Broadway, New fork,

«nia Vtt, Market-street,8t. Lotus,Mo. ' j i s - t y j

For sate by FRENCH * STEVENS, Druggists;, corner Port apd State streets, Qgdcnstfurgh, N. Y. • •

T O T H E JLAJBDESt . ' . - ^ g " D o s s D B . S i f W a ' BiJpjiwq On. o r .^atj u o x n u W - A s k a B w h o b a w e n s e d it to Brok® Breasts,Teethies CeMren, 4c, ^Ask .Lyman, Savage *' GtL, the eminent Drw^gtstt 6f Montreal, and Dr. JicSnlt,"

*t ne i?rench Phjsjcian therev wfixt he knoJisipfiit. |*sk Messrs. Humphrey * Co., Ogdenstmrgh, and Sea. A. wwech, do , »Jb«te»*ile Vti&frth « » * &** tt5nk ^ ltk IuBCaoiresl this OB has cared many of painful Rheu-i. snatisaa, also Piles, Neoralgia,-SpraiES, Bttrns, :and Wounds. It i« pleasant and innocent in to»iiUthi5<

H.8, HTJMPHBBY,,AJgnt._1 jaridsoia''by ag ttsp»tayie '

nc taramus*.—3i AiaVKNDOBT^hAvU 'rsssoiried STM!, S«yia«^s*«kto3SIord^trtet,H«hanfc^Koir,na»:: . lost <^iu^*slj,rg**stockof Y»*eeNotfoM»s.t»nb«.. ftKU^NerUtof .th»«Ur*f New-York, *nd"wiIih«»old*t' New-Terkprieesfb sr«r*»ai«. Peddlers and the public s^ncfs41yWUr|*orsn»sai^^^»ct««noftt».j«.^^ nlisssri Also, t-larw s*** s« s»9sk«% »f th« »o*t ass^wutfelaar, anct s^pri<w that^sA't U *»• ailif « « -m«t rastillMS. B I ^ « W O » A ' e « i » D , S T T M

•itkiad.of rWAtlOIOtRTcatt•• WtaK.to the assort. mm.: fte«h a i^ ««rinw TOTS of'svery daayrfpi-

«w^4auisi^«oo»<>a aanti[**,<m«v sySlbi *)U^ srWlM»If«r»Utt«U<nr»f Srfcf* W ? »* s^wtsi«y sataJaaslMtnt, lai>c%ws»s«dfs4wia^«S.

bttiw.g*w.t»rt.- -: -... 7™: \ <. ..,,". .- -.tl^ttl

aarlaulywotog .V»»%s**''*ls*ii^l^

Hr. WHENCH, o^Mlm»^fmH,$i^^:m^ « I O < H t l . s i 4 ^ o c ' » W * ^ * « W w ; l i | r ^ » * s * W « . l , aulewtv. sUadlt

" S^S5^^^^m^w&^5l: .HI f r S s « l M s W ^ r » » * r r s a i ^ ^ • ^ l * « f M l a W l r t f t , M i

Day, Miss Mary Day, Miss Sarah Day, MreZadoclc Daly, Miss Fenton,.Mis3 Catharine Finley, Mary Flanders, Mrs Maria A Gay, Miss Myra Gibson, Jenuet Solliker, Mrs Nancy Green, Miss Elisabeth Giffln, Miss Ann Graves, Miss Ann A Haskins, Mrs Hayes, Mrs Sarah Hfll, Hiss Sarah Harniss, Mrs B Hamilton, Mrs Ann Had, Mrs Catharine Hurlbert, MrsCC Howard, Mrs Eliiabsth Henisn, Mrs Elizabeth Huribcrt, Miss H C Hartley, Harriet 0

Marshall, Miss Nancy MUlen .MtoMC Moraner, Miss Martha McGraw, Mrs Hiitabeth, MoArthur, Miss Jane Ann McLean, Mrs Elisabeth McGowan, Mrs James* McDonald, Miss Catharii" McArthur, Miss Jane * McBane, Miss Rlia»»eth McDonald, M i - A n n McGlnson, s la s


COUGH i ; w I

. Manufactured.



W H O I . E S A I . E : ANIs B E T A l I .





D R V e O f S T ,

Corner Ford and Isabella-Streets,

Where can be found

CLOAK. • and.

DRESS • -..'-,is TRIMMNGSi ' -

, ^ w e r w r ^ » i t - t 7 « B T O i t £ . a . « I / i l T r * . l . t f . ^ ^ l E w


Allen, QE Alonga, GabrielJ

Allen, Charles H Andrews, Joseph H ArtellJoelD Armour, W Below, Thomas Baker, Peter Briggs, Pierson D Baley.LW Barlow, J Brooks, John Baldwie, John Bisalllon, Jean B Brown, John 2 Butrjck, Francis Bellinger, Francis Blancnard, Oharles U BaJn, Alexander BickeL, Wm * Brown. Henry 2 Binet, Wm B a s s , J H Breaky, John Borton, W Burton, William S Bienverne, Fontaine I. Bugbeo A Lobdell Carey, Michael 3 Chandler, Myron Craig, John A Chandler, Joseph Chantler, Mr.

^ Clark, Joseph Oatnoy, Gustavas Ohuroh, Kdwtn Cavanangh, Daniel Oaran, Charles S Oilne, B Corting^Antolne Chajiln.Bela Cummihgs, P H Cox, William 'J Coiling, Ward D Chapman, Capt E Deune, Oliver Doron, M R DuLao, LonU. Denny, Joseph 9 Desderniers, J M C Denne, Capt James

'Dslanoy, Joseph Daren, 3 S Van Everts, Samuel RgAn, Michael Earl, Eletha Karl, Duncan 2 -Fooler, PMIowuo »i»o»OrrinW Porrell, Mark N Fletcher, Julius A Farmer, James Proedonlyiliuer, F Fournlort F B Forgeron, F Sarlolc Goksy, Anthony Glrard, Arts Oolby, Chos George, Breatus Golden, Jeremiah Ralvy, Michael Hart, Joseph Henderson, John Halt, James R 9 Holmes, John Uayden,John Boiden, James Ramnund, John Hall, George Harran, Alfred S Houlehan, Francis Henry', Edward Hall Daniel J HouliatoD, Andrew Humbel, Alfred Horton, 8amncl Institute D Ireom, John H Johnson, William Jaqneth, Joseph Q Johnston, Thomas Johnson, Joseph BI Jeltar, John -Jeorgei Henry

[5-lwl ,

Breget McConwy, Miss Matilda Mcj^nell, Miss Flora jjcMahon' Miss Julia McMilien, Miss Nancy MttGregor, Miss Nellson, Miss Phebe Ann Ormo, Mrs John Patterson, Mrs Nancy A i Ryan, Miss Margaret Rogers, Miss Agnes Simpson, Mrs M A SalrstMiS3 Eutelinc A Shanly, Jane' ~ Thompson, Widow Therlcn, Miss Adrian Vosburgh, Miss Josephene Wins, Miss Laura M Welchjiiiss Bridget Yale, Miss Clara h

GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Jameson, Archibald Eedne, Thomas * Kelly, Alexander Klrby, D P Kerhy, D T Lawler„WUliam Leonard, Arletaa Laplerre, Louis. Lnke,Joha -Lempert,H 8 Lamberton, David Lefebre, Bovance Merot, Antoioe Med ill, David Manning, W L Mrill, Wiles Marceau, Vital Marry, Randei Mallettr, Hyaointhe Manlon, John Manro, James S Mclntyre, N G McLean, James McCashon, James McKay, WUliam McGue, John McCormick, John McGlory, James McLean, A Northrup, J G O'NeU, David O'Breen, Dennis O'NeU, Hercule Osier, Eara Perrln, Capt Edward Pleroy, Alexander Plorcei Andrew Pdupard, Hyacinth Parmelee, Hermon Pierce, Pieroe Perkins, Jacob IVnnoOWfJamea T Parent, Michael Pierce, Ffeen)an r

Pray, wm Rich, Thomas Robinson, Tliomai Reld, Samuel i Rowel, Stlllnmn Render, Robert Uosenorans, N Well, W B Roberts, John R Poiegrant, J Robertson, Henry Rexford, U t Ryan, Mr ,.

Salrs, l-oonard • St. James, liawts Sequin, Joseph Strotbers, Joiin 0 Sutherland, James Stevens, G 0 Smith, Geo \Y Savagt, G F Banger, Gabriel' Simpson, Frank Salre, Cyrus Stephens, Mark Snortion, Robert 8afford A Skinner ' Steward, T J Scerlli, WtWam Thomson, John Taylor, James; Tuck, John

.Thomson, Samuel 9 Walt tin A Lcetc Wood, John Walker, Joseph Wooster, J • White, John Wagner, Jacob Williams, H-F Webb, Henry Woods, Dennis Wright, David Wattier, Antolne Ware, Michael B Wilson, Oliver *

Wright, Wm Wendell Walker Wm Young, John

LDKE BALDWIN, Polt-Msster.

S T E A M B O A T F O B S A L E C H A R T E R .


' • . - t '

•v. • • > i * ' rrm STEATiBOA'E MITT OF TSM mf. X Length, 165 feet. Breadth of Hull, SO f e W Propel­

led by a powerful Low-Pressure Beam Engine. '^Cylinder 40 Inches diameter; Stroke Vi}4 feet; Pressure^U Steam 45-lbs. tq^-e «quare.lucb»«,- . - , .- ; .

Is'prtvlded with Mafn1)eok Saloon, Ls4ies' and Gentlemen's Cabins, and all the Offices, FuinUore And Applianceajosnally appertaining to a Passenger Boat.

By improvements lately made in her machinery, she is now guaranteed to be one of the swiftest Boats on these waters.

Application, if by letter, post-paid, to be made to 0. S, GILDERSLEEYE, Kingston, 0. W-

Kingston, December 33,1S3C. ' f.5-Sw]

- a '

N O T I C E .

"VTOTIOE IS HEREBY GIY»N THAT AN J A application will be made to the Legislature of the State of New York, at its present Session, for an act to release to Walter Forsyth asrf. Robert Jorayth the right and title of the people to certain escheated lands, situate in the town o{ Brasher,. County of St. Lawrence. The escheat has accrued by means, of the alienage and death ot James Cuthpertson and Catharine Cuthbertson,

December SO.lBSn, tf^Bw)

« •

' targo Assortment




D l t f C S ,

C H E I I U A I S ,

P A I N T S ,

O Y K - S V X' s? F s .

P A T E N T l U K D I C I N E S ,




Ghoioe Lot






P n Y S I C l A N B


N O T I C E .

APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THEf Lcgislati-re of the State of New York, to rednce

the corporate limits of the Tillage of Ogdensburgh, by makingits eastern boundary correspond to so much of the line, between the towns ofOswegatcbfa and Lisbon.

Ogdensburgh, December SO, 1856. , • f.6-0w]


_ , . - - for five years. Bst"Address " V S|f-0fflce, Ogdensborgh. ,( t [B-Ssr] fiuaoo.

btcco Store, AU>iadlof Repairing done at short notice. SevHra^wTow^er, ffiebest Caps, •*«., tin sale..

^nshjirgKI^. % tWO. . , , Il-ltj ''"ij".WLJ --'"^",^" '!;£!•,I,- T a"!'1

i*o>t,iqnr»sU0KBri0di;,WA5^^^ A. UMOfltm,' . O9DENS1S0R&H. c t. nowixc.

i . j . - tn, ;. T i i. i . . m : i , ;vi. i - * — • - • - ' —




•ult proves that the work devolved on the Repub­lican party la not yet completed. In all the Eastern and Northern portions of tbe country—in New England, New York, Ohio and the North-Wat—tho Republican banner 'floats In triumph; while in Southern Jersey, Pennsylvania, Indiana and Illinois—In short, wherever few newspaper* are taken, and where common tohcots are too new and too feeble to have educated the present generation ot. voters—the black dag of BUvery obslruots the sunshine, A stranger to America might distinguish thoie portions of oar country most blessed with Educa­tion, Intelligence, Thrift and Virtue, by scanning the re-turns of tho Presidential contest of ISM. We have failed of present success, not because the People are against us, eat because that Urn' portion who did not hear or read the argument and do not know what were the real questions at Issue, west almost solid against us, reversing the verdict which* the groat majority of the educated anddntetllgentendeavored to prononnoe. • .

These facta indicate the path of pressing duty. With nounmanlyrepiningirofcrwbat is irrevocable—with no abatemeatof heart er hope because the triumph of Lib­erty in her new ordeal Is n&t won at the Long Island and White Plains of her struggle—with no shadow of regret that the responsibility of governing is not con­fided to her.ohampiona before the People were fully ready to sustain them—we begin afresh the work of diffusing thai vital truth which, in regard to the con­cerns of this world as weU as of the next, maxes-STee indeed.. Now, la the Slave Power's heyday of victory, when its ministers and servitors are gathering and plot, ting to make, the most of their triumph and "crash out" the spirit which they vainly believe to be crucified and entombed—now, when the faint-hearted or cold-hearted who lately basked in tbe sonsbfne of our premature hopes are hauling off to repair damages and talking of abandoning the.rngged arena of Politics for more quiet and fiowery fields—now, in this hoar of weariness and shadow, Tsw TXIBDSI renews its vows "of eternal hostil­ity to.every form of tyranny over the bodies or souls of men—to the shameful assumption that %e benighted and feeble, whether In soul or body, ere'to be regarded and treated <aa the oonvsuuenee or tbe'prey of their wtser or stronger .brethren—to the domination of des* pots and oligarchs, whether of empires or plantations— to the enslavers of cities and kingdoms in Europe or the breeders of children for the-auction-block and theobt-ton.fleld In Virginia or Alabama.

The doctrine that ao human being was ever created for. theienoflt;or advantages! another—that attserrice between man and. man should be free and reciprocal— that the laborer should not toil and sweat to pamper others'pride or mlnlsufrto others''laxury.Jbut for the sustenance and comfort of those near, and dear to hun­ts destined focertain triumph. It must prevail, for God reigns, and Mrtb If as pot created to be a theater ef in­justice, oppression aoijt misery forever, It jwAWniupb.; for1 aB true prophecy affirms, arid -the vindication of the Divine benignity Imperatively requires it. It must tri­umph;, for '»-aioeiratro Ahjerlcaj fahH'of always r^malg theTscaff of aristocrats and tKelsliameof reformers and liberals throughout tbe Old World. It mutt triumph; for Man's history, is. AQt A chaos or a. riddle, bat every where instinct With'meaning, and ooheroic ciTort erer failed of its effect—no drop of martyr blood. Was ever shed in vain. ;. "."

Bat even U we Bepublicanswsrc disposed to fold our arms In tlambsr.cnir; adversaries would not permit it. Theyarohusy to-day in lengthening their corjs and strengthealng their jtaies-with a vigilance and activity which reviaJs, s comwioushess ton their; part, that their

fiUVre Potjit tttieaten l d W J i # i Sor^rn^el tJco .w encjunpeiin^heart^pf.Ceutral .America and waclng a war of extefmlnaUpnon the distracted inhaWUnu of itt,fret*|^BircfT%f»J» 6rft?°f 1**115,3. scowl%

Mfej^^.-S l^ft.Tri|e,4b«i tef,

•irliAesagilnittherrtr vlolenwn of fttford/s;, s^^| to , ,Blood r £hlf i t

ter I tad sentenced, to J ve years'-Imprisonment at ha: Isborts felonV. This is butYfalripeilmerof whlthas. long p M S j U b r / 1 JnsffiS" ,|iarjiis#V-iS;'lrdBe»>aeh

ts j»^«| i i^^B . f iSunsWa«w

ovgninsi )f(Wutedr»T»n HwRgAtyl or-.Tolandihlir. nevfr ltwsm,l,»M..tlb»?(mWsiitjFhos« ltisU»««ii *>«?«. lanlsa-wsre and arj.psrns.traW slla enthronidJn }Ae White Hcn».«^*»»i»stM»i»v-4 atWtht^»*r years' aso«»d»Mylntlw3rsd.er»!,flpernTnent. Wh«iin.'ri«* of thewfacb,,,eanLsay>that,Wpt*Iicans.msy»ow,iiOe

iri&Hm ira wil!.beVas l t ^ bW£ a PoUUcttJqarnal —avowedly, thoogh.not exelnslvsly so. It r*sognis«S'


ilXKaS^OB '

'- - M " ,0} whish «r*>


' ' V a A ^ S ^ g p y BBV«S.

>-,- ^W^ rSSBS^P" t W^BW*SSSrSBBrW, *S S iSJSJSS SBSK ^ v * *, ' . ) * / , . t s fw l - '


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hsssisjili ftimmmji mm>t ^W^Jmmum-

^ . — J . J - ^ - » . ssw^iissustiajksss'issl S s s W ' JS"|aVWsjP*ssJ>sswr _ fBBBswxsBBswsspsi ^r^sssBss; sr^B^^r^ssvar^wsw-*

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' J B B B B B P ' W ' W W W ' P ' * * * * ^'•^^''•Wjp»w^sj|PFjfl^^sWwEs»f.

• i l l t r s ^ l M l s v r a k M '

M ^ ' A M * C I A T M f U v < f

W t M 1 k w . t t v w ntsobsief' ejgr."""5^'" IS^swIsslvti 31

•*lww*-^«sjW^^^»Wjw^» «WOT'^W^<sssw^POT<^WwWssllaw;VT ^ S j y f s ; SSBBBBMSBBBBBBBSSS S B ^ SSBBTSr^TSSfSBBBSBBBBBBBSBW ^ B S W S S > ^ ^ S J I •BBSSBSSBSBBBSBBWWSBBS L ^ «r|ew»- ^


- +-<**+im*t4 nxr^:

• Rich and dr^frablePtAiDS-DRgSSGClODT) descrl^ldn, v ^ ; ,

TRsTNCI*- '- ' '. and *

w a t i B H " , * • ., , ' MBRINQI; ;

Very^ Cheap. FUe^tbbkorMfJtlRHlHG GOODS, ^


COLLARS. French and Bcotich Work, Elalds for Children,

Hosiery of every description, a' very . large- and desirable stock of




TAS3RL3, Beautiful Oornioes at very tow prices, OR Cloths,

Catpotlngs aod DrnggeU, Skirts, Kid Gloves, Brocbe, Stella, Cashmere, and best Scotch .and Bay, State Shawls; Gentlemen!*

Travelling Shawls, with many other Goods, a l the lowest CASH



BUSINESS STAND IN CANADA. THE SUBSCRIBER HATING TO remove, offers for salt all lands owned by him, at rates much udder value. Terms

oaah,orapartcasb,and short date for balance. His place of business at Heck's Corners^iften known as Archibald's Corners, SO miles from Prescott, and 5 miles east of tbe Prescott and Ottawa Railway, a STORE, ASHKRY, and DWELLING, all new stone buildings, having cost In con­struction some $13,000, Tbe yearly make of Pearlashes exceeds 600 bbis. Any person of enterprise who can command capital, cash or credit, may readily do a business netting a yearly profit of FOUR to TIYI THOUSAND DOLLARS. Satisfactory evidence can be given that even more has been done. Price ot this pro­perty, Six Thousand Dollars.

His homestead, a farm of 200 acres, has SO acres re-cerf tly cleared aod improved. Good cedar log and rail fences, a good dwelling house, three barns, one 30 x 40, one 24 x 80, and one designed for stabling stock, 40 x SO, having 9 feet stone walls,with spacious Toft for hay, all of the best materials- A growth of some 00 tons of hay may be relied on; the soli is particularly adapted to the growth of wheat; In fact It is valuable either as a stock or grain growing farm. The location is In all respects desirable. Price only $8,000 cash.

Also other lands tn the townships of Booth Qower, Wlachester, and elsewhere. Apply to or add cess sub. scrlbcr. JOHN & ARCHIBALD.

Heck's Oorners, December 13,1880. [4-tt]


i t whSlssWasA^ fej^t^««st^thln^|(!Srt^--•--•

.»* t'SwH.'i* .'".fpi "" stHovanintrHI*


-<iv iGEORGE-A. JBSNOH, l • '• T, .(Buce*i»^U5lTsich-«8Wyens,V:S ^ '•* '' w/.O'lwtallw Aws>»»?**t MAJwf ,«k, ' fra^oa,jfti3£t)i^ " ALSO—PsarnoaT, BiABosfsaT, OosMonoasav, urn » » Oorae* ford and 8 K ^

raneeHotelJ-Ogdensbtt ipoilteSt.Iaw-

thathe nasjpst bben^f a stookli iWUtaa GOODtV comprising all articles ujtuaUy.kept in »jp»oo,v5ro»»; that they have been regularly educated In the profes­sion, »'red«ter%!^WSo'bJiTm^ {ogive, their uadivldedattenUen. that It may be dobesatisrae-, torilv to thosawho may favor them with thttr-patroa-*€»•' • ' > - '*> ' ; i » • « W '


iKMay Ogdensburgh, May lfith, lefifi. [»4-tf]

T A V E R N H O U S E F O B S A L E . ^ A THE TAVERN HOUSE AND P R E M - M B B Ists, situate on th* Canton road, near^^T •*•** Ogdensburgh, formerly ooonplsd by NOR--

MAN HALL, known as the " Oanton^trcet Hants.'' igsT"Iqr particulars, Inoatre of

MaTON J. INGEuSOLL, of Rochester, o r ^ B . VARY, Ogdensbargh. [i-tf 1

F O R E S T n O U S E T O L E T . POSSESSION 0TVEN PROM AND after the lfith of December next. This well-known Hotel Is situated on the Plank

Road from Canton to Dekalb, at its junotlon with tho Plank Road leading from Ogdensburgh toJiormon, and tho point where the latter crosses tho Potsdam and Watertown Rail Road.

Enquire at the offloe ot II, VAN RBNSSGLARR, Ogdansbargb.

November 11,1880. [W-tf]

T H E B E S T C H A N C E Y E T . A MANVTISRTNGTOMAKEMON-Mft KY can do so by calling on the subscriber, u s y he wishes to oonvert ths VAN It lCvBL" -~

MANSION HOCBR, In the viuage of Usuvelton, Into a Tavern Stand or Refreshment House, togothar with Tin Acres of CULTIVATED LAND attached to ths same. Situation of ths property can't bo beat, f orfurthsr la-formation apply to J. N. OSWKLL.

Ogdentbnrwb, October « d , ISM. pg-tf]


4 0 A C R E S O F L A N D TO L E T ,

rV£m THIS VILLAGE, SUlT-ss^ ABLl for Pasturage and Tillage. Wft jBtlLEnquln Ennnlra at this ofilce,

Ogdensburgh, April 8,1808. flO-tO

M: F O B S A L E O B T O


nearly new, situated on WMnInaton.street.^Tv

i east of ths ravine, built by Bmlth Paige,—m m m

Bald house is well finished, tn modern style—folding doors, and a kltohen attached on the same Door, and finished in basement with a kitchen and other rooms. A Urge brick olstcm,-ai3d a spring-well of never-failing water In the cellar. Lot, 40 by 180 feet, very pleasantly situated, about 60 rods from tho Rail Road Passenger Depot House. Enquire of

R. W. BUSH, Agent, March, IBM. tH-&]

FOB 8ALE, THE HOUSE AND LOT KNOWN « * as the " Charles Hilf" property. On one- ^ r half of the purchasa "money, time given. '"^™

•"iKnunire on the premises of H. B. SMITH, ogdensburgh, September BO, 1858. [44-tf J

M r H



TV7ENTY ACRES OP LAND, SITUATED on the Plank Road leading to Dekslb, half a mile

beyond the vfllagej>f Henvelton. there is on tho pre­mies a p o d Frame Bouse, Barn, Carriage House, Wash Home, Cistern, Wood House, and other outbuildings,' and two good wells of water. A good amount ot frail and a young orchard of grafted fruit. There is also a

" garden. Half it under good cultivation, the real-ne pasture. t3f" for particulars, apply to Caaa. A. Di.vm, Og­

densbargh, or to the subscriber,

Henvelton, July 7, IBM). J. H. DAYTBS,



P8> THE SUBSCRIBER WILL SELL, «— on reasonable terms, the' large 8tone awW

i nonse, formerly owded by Adam Millions, - * • » and occupied by him «ss a'tsvem-fogcthef with about thneacres ofsaperior gardenlind.The housejis asubstan-tial Stone building, fort/bytbirty-fonr feet, two stories high, and cellar under the whole, Tbe land on which the house stands run's from the road to tbe river, giving the rigbf of ferriage—Is an old and' convenient crossing place, both Summer andWfnter, and is the most natural stoplpng place between Mbrristown and Ogdensburgh, together with the right of a permanent Station on the Ran Road, when completed.

SMITH ST1LWKLL. Ogdensburgh, September 80,18W. 7 " [44-5]

W A T E R ' P O W E R A N D WtXtK > B t > •!• P E K T Y F O R S A L E . '

T 8 E N S S B L A E ^ , F A L 1 ^ ^ T H E « » _ „farslfn*ri Bflers',ft)pissJe,fr<ini bmWI* forftr itr»i ofcwaUrtJ>J smUclent capacltyW*^

to, drive, any .machinery. Also, a GBIBTMILL, SAW MILL, and BlHNaLBMACHINK. / •

The aljoTp.prQpsrtyli'si to* ted; twelve milts-ft-om Og­densburgh, and fe a psUthyv productive and flourlshlnr country. .TIierjr^p<»ed.Br»n<iof RaUrosd-fromOgdensi biBrghto.theForesVHouse, will-pass dlrecUy.throngh the place,. Arar»«hsncsfprtT>od.rj»rf>inslsotered.,rur-ther tnforraatlon csn be obtained, by ttqniring ofB. H* T*^g^,^t.;::,^wfe: jYi ,FOB/-SALE

" "" *%ton : jwssiMsa* aj/.ix. wTsiaKS' xannery^fst ngw*""1-^ :and W S d y besaa^fcab^t^jr jasrs ; issituated idqjlars per cord. SaWTar^whMtte^twateYprrvS

iVerw^rr^«ffa*a»»c^tJbe^cs^ . • m r m j . . . . - 1 , B , r i f i s i ^ M » ^ » d , , b y , ( * i i s m e :

las*bfs»rfr4ai»ifc4bytttJMewf „ will cfesn,4h*j8ar|a aU.ootii*':

Si'ttm m V«*» In ths beam house, and Is used to wni O t VatS In thsbeam house, and is used to wni .^, brelssnsklnsfrosathe lime,add,Is1us»4-ta

r " ^ ^ S s M s S r ^ ^ ' ^ ^ ^ ^ * , " * W * r ' ' ' "


fj •; MuMj. mijW -•%' JT***i MM, irvi?

% r**tj,-<-.^^.\jje»'<P»v<{,j'w".'>*i'ifst.^t-' iTO-' i t- ' t

1 Se''i.SrVK,'>lO>l/""« !tt •*J"fi*'v.r'«:.V*,'**'>'">^*;^' -^W *«' yfTf^W^;-* !tl W"fj*'v.li«:.V*,'**'>''

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.U'-."* ' : " i , " i !i" '.' "'.'A '• .ii.'A' *tj-•i;i,i'.vv-A'7V>f '•<[<'>\rfL-'i.f.sL'vl; :•- l i f t A , -i !,v. t's*V>„-.l.'v;*

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f i v ' ^ iJH i

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• J - * ' , ' * * *

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M t.r >":*<''

' 'ft; n*na.imr k-o^-t


KiMSaMMt' -•- ••if-1» i>i»>t4>» - *M

t---Si-I'''?t»,*i»/ »."t«t •'-XM- • ' • / • i . v . ' * * 1 ^ - - . i« *'*• ' A - *ErW»s)^***»<«*<. 4 *tf w -rr~' * ,"-• '

#i . ;» i ' # s > * *»*»»«« fsWsrltl • '

Knn>£R>8 -- * » 8 S 7 P E B I O K H O U S E LsTTErlENT,

• T ^ A B R A N T E D to be one of the most valoa-W Mas4iUes«ero0 i^to^r^l i^ |orBr^»Jni .

Windfalls, Bpavins, Stiffness of. the Jomts, atralns.and CsJlouasaot longstanding; also, Swelling, Fresh Wound, Galli,*o.,Ao.

This truly^valuakle Liniment has- been in successful as* fortbelast HtVsen J**rs,find, In no Inttanos U s it failed to give satisfaction. The proprietor, cbterfsjly recommends the above remedy to the pnblio under a full conviction of Jts efficacy. In the above-named diseases, and all to which that Tatoable and, useful animal (the Horse) by accident or neglect u liable, where.an exler-intlaTOlicationUreqnired.' This Liniment will alsovap-ply •quafly wen to Neat or Horn Cattle; It reduces In­flammation and swelling: or, when the flesh has become callous, or the cords stiff. It softens and reduoes, and aflorda a full and tree circulation to the parts previously affected. Purchasers maw depend upon this being an entirely different article from any ether ever offered, to the public, both in its healing qualities and superior' strength, as but a small quantity is required at st tints to prodace the desired effect.

for sale by TRENCH A BTBVENB, Wholesale and Re­tail Agents, corner ot Tord and State-streets, Ogdens­burgh! *o-tf

P A I N T 8 , OILS A N D V A R N I S H .

A LARGE Stock of Brooklyn and Boston Pare Lead: Jreaoh and New-Jersey Hue; Raw and Boiled

Unseed Out Copal,' Damar, ylouneo and Asphaltum Varnish; jrencn Yellow VenetUaHed iRsrls^ajmupine. Green: i*mpbl«^Bplrfts,ftirp^Un»7»Mn<»-JJ°»'ro-oelved,aaAforsals>atlowraU^»t the^ewDrug Store

0EU 6 | . ; — op,

,, 0»A«n»b9rgji,iloTt M , ^ , ;

- 'J,' *WJ'.i,,li-:,>-. '^RRTSRES.

FAINT BBTOHES^VABNISH' BRUSHES, • •WWtews^'BiTOhes^aBsirl-paste Brushes, Art-

UUf Brdsnes, and Tnbe-^ajrS, s*rte^ttotfy-6n.hand t^>for l»I s by raOTJTt'A'iTifi^s^Brujgglsts. ^^e#blrgh ,Hoy .8t>18B. - • - ._ 7 ' ; g - t f ] J , ' ,"•' - " I — ; • • • " • " • '

a-a, •^^m:^0^:cM^^^^^mm

T O A R T I S T S ; - •

A«TISTS»"BBU8H1!S, AKOSTS'TUBE Paints, Poppy and'Nat Oil, Csn vis; to-., a large; And full assortment constantly On hand and tor

sa»,b+- FR0TJTY . rflTOfB, ^ •' •jlr- I)TuggIjits»n4Apothec«rtef. Ogdensmirgh, HOT, Vtj l$$T , D-«1:

TJiIrORENOE WHITE AND FLORENCE JT Varnish, White french Zlno graund 1n oU, Paris §reeh,Taris White, vThlttog, PutvyH Ac. Call and see as before purchasing elsewhere, u our stock Is large and most be sold; PROUTT A RTHDSsT,' SraggUts.

OgdcMbiirgh. NOT. ^4,1888,' Cfftq

W H I T E L E A P .

5 TUNS BROOKLYN WBTTE LKAIJi, 2 Tnas Philadelphia Pure White Lead, S Tana Bare

yienchZinolnOE,by PR0DTY A RINDGK, Druggists and Apothecaries, ford-Street,

Ogdensburgh, NOT. M,.1S56. P - t f l

F L V i n . rriEB BARBELS BURNLNQ FLUID, JUST JL received, fresh and good, at

PBOTJTY A H I N D S m Ogdensbargh, Nov.M,18SB. fl-tfl


ford and Btate-ats.

P E R F U M E R ' S .

A LARGE assortment of LuBUt'g EXTXAOTS received this week, direct from Paris. Farina's

German Cologne, Lyon's Kathalron, Barry's Trioonhe-roas, Rosemary and Castor Oil; Balm ot Thousand now-ers, Phalon's Hair Dye: Bjrdway*s Medicated Soap; Orange Flower Lotion; Kitchen's Hair Restorative. Also for sale at FRENCH A STCVRNB' Drug Store,

40-tf Ford and State-sts.

D Y E S T U F F S .

A LARGE Stock just received for the Tall trade, consisting ot Logwood, Redwood, Fustic, In*

dlgo, Extract Logwood, Cudbear, Quercitron, Nutgalls, Indigo, and Madder Compounds, Annatto, Ac, Ac For sale at FRENCH A STKVKNS',

«0-tf Ford and Btate-sta. LAIHT O I L .

SPERM, Winter-Bleached Whale 0U, and Extra Lard OH, for sale wholesale or retaB, at

FRENCH A TEVEN8* Drug Store, 40-tf Ford and State-tt.


m Later from Europe, P'eaoeConcludod. npiIK .CONCLUSION OF PEACE BETWEEN X tlis European Powers has not produced a greater

deollns In Bread-Btuus, than a New Arrival of SPRING AMD SUMMER GOODS

Has in ths price of Ready Made Clothing at the ODD N8UUR0H 0L0THINQ EMPORIUM!

J . A A R O N , Has Just completed {repairing his Store, and hat fur­nished th* same with an entire new stock of



Walk in, and its If hli ghelni are not crowded—Ml Drawers ail full, and bis Counter! weighed down with tho riohost and most varied assortment ever boforo of­fered in this " Burgh."

Confident thai he Is prepared to suit the most fasti-, dioui, J. AAIOX Ktsndj an Invitation to all who with to parchus a good article at a low, living pries, t« favor him with a call at No. 49 Ford-Street, tor it is the place whsre they will find Ready Made Clothing to suit body and mind. Just givs him a call, and without (.moment's delay he will glvs you a fit, cheap for Ready Pay. Ills stock comprises every article In the Ready Made Cloth­ing line, to suit puronaura, from the Laboring man to the Judge on the Bench*

J. Auto* roturni bis sincere thanks to hli old custo­mers for past favors, and kindly solicits a continuance of the same. t3T* Continual additions will be mads to the stock as the lesson advances. Don't mistake the place—King and Avereil's Granite Block, 40 Ford-flu, Ogdensbargh, N. Y. ITL©-**.)

AN EXTEN8IVE ASSORTMENT TRUNKS, Valises, Carpet Bags, etc., at


NO. 1 F U R N I T U R E V A R N I S H .


Druggists and Apothecaries. Ogdenshnrgh, Nov.. 84,1888. P-tf]


Ogdenshnrgh, Nov. 24,1855. P-tf] B LEECHES—WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

for sale by '[41-tf] PROUTY A RINDQB


FRESH SUPPLY OF LINSEED OIL, WHITE Lead and Zlno, Just received by

PROUTY A RINBGE. FRESH S U P P L Y - O F P I L A N T A G E N E T opting Water, just received and Is offered for sale


JUST RECEIVED} A FULL ASSORTMENT of Brushes used in all branches of-Paint and White­

ning by PBOOTY A BINDGg.

LINSEED OIL, RAW AND BOILED, IN largo or small quantities,

French Zlno, Chrome Green, PaHs do Ohromo Yellow, French do Vermillion. Prussian Blue, Plaster Paris, Oamphene,

White Ltad, Spirits Turpentine, Japan, VenlUan Red, Gro. Verdigris, Umber, Rag. Paris White, Whiting, Gold Leaf,

Artist's Oolors, Crayons, and all kinds of Paints. Thsy are warranted to bo of th* best kind, and will be sold at


Of ^ , w f iflrw «*3 , ? DRUGS, «i*r— s o f 5 f ii.'.CHsaOC _ _ .

< , iMBIlBy!i i*. ' i i# ysiKt-. ,:S;-T^ .

.? ..-4 tos..-»,.•ft^i i ;. flits * wtmartwi I' ^, \ct -, '-,. >. a At**"? *••'••>. « t «•> ' I . DAGOTRREOXtPBrAND AiIBBOW»KfnoCst»NT) »'. k-»j i' A ,*lJil-!ijaffl(BUlIlHT8ittJi i.::r -ti.^ia { ' Consisting of 0AMERA8J ot allalKs^f the best onanb.i faota.r»sr PWTE8, of all tlses.comprisQigH.B,'Patent' LsvprqvedBtarfH. and Wl, aad Boat* Kates; Dagusrreo-. type and AmbrotypeCssesof every yariety of style"and finisb.GlaMMsts.Preservers.HyposulphatsSodaaodlae, Bromine(/Dry'QalcV,;OoUodion,GuttA.P«rcha Oavettbs and Dippers, Bufphate of Iron, Salts of Gold; Chloride of

Hold, Rouge; Plat* Blocks,HeadRests ,Ae^, Ac. ' - torfomiilung-PURK 6EIBM. WHALE, said UNBEND

OIL, he hM.facilltles which defy competition. A LARGE BTOOK OF

D * r t u H m n d S u r t l c a l J f n . l r u m c n u , . «u • . W pa tjorr sssr i tan, .

ContUntly.onhana.;' Atso,

*°?^?Wre*Soiav - • ' • TJBBTH AND ^

vran. .-"" * ' tlNFOU. ^ ^ 5 , " . _ - v^4&AM0, - t


eff^,-.;. xiimBsTrjoftisi i • AND COMBS,

t—*_~ " '- ' OMMTH BRUBBES, TEETH AND jr :


DRE881NG OABE8, - -tn., *0., Ac

AISO, i ' • ' i

Sole Proprietor of tUs Celebratedl ; ' B i l i E ' . ' • " • (

I A H T H ' O H E A , Which, as a care for Dlarrheuea, Dysentery and Cholera, stands unrivalled. Read the following certificates:

Certificate from the late Member of Congress from this .District,

Ogdensburgh, N . y u Opt. 28,1855-. , Hsrntr S. Hmsraaxr, Esq.: Year'medecine for bowel

complaints, called the Balm of Zanthorea,has been ex­tensively used la thls^anageapd/sjolnity daring tuepast season. I have often heard it'jpoken of as S most eSedtive remedy for dlarrhrsa,dyientery,and other bowel complaints, and I have had occasion to use it and found immediate relief from it, and believe tbe medecine gene­rally has a high reputation among those who have used It.

Respeotfully yours, BISHOP PERKINS,

...ThoZANTHOREA l> a medrctne valuable in numerous varieties of bowel affections, as I am well convinced from having prescribed i t ; and in those obstinate cases, of a chronic form, I know of no one thing in which I would place more confidence. ,

8. N , SHERMAN, M. D. Ogdensburgh, July 18,1855. <

t^-READ THIS. GsonorroTTK, California, Jan. 14,1858.

Mr. H. S. HDHPUKJCT—Dear Sir: It is but justice to yon that I state a few facts relative to your invaluable BALM OF ZANTHOREA. On leaving Ogdensbargh I {irovlded myself with one small bottle, jwhiob, trifllngaa

L.waa, saved several individuals from death byohoiera, The cholera broke out on board the steamer " Uncle

8*m,".atter leaving San Juan del Snd, In its most m'sjlg-nant form, and oht of 55Spassongers,ai0dled of cholera. The disease was attended with its asaal symptoms, diar­rhoea, Ao. The physicians on board seemed to have no power to cheek the disease. I first tried the Zanthorca noon J. L. Ross, of Macon, Georgia—whom the doctor, hadnresoribed for with no beneficial result—and judge ot my astonishment, when, in an hour or two^the diar-rtoca was stopped, and the patient fast recovering,

I euttinued its ase, and with tho small quantity I had with me, saved the lives oi six Individuals, and had I been provided with a sufficient quantity, I have nodoabt or hesitation in saying I could have saved the lives of a hundred persons.

I most cordially recommend its general ase; for with tho Balm of Zanthorea, cholera and diarrhoea are robbed of all their terrors.

Yours truly, H. >t. »AY.

P. 8.—Th* Nicaragua steamer Unrit Sam left San Joan del Bud curly In September, 1855.



NO; 8 SagleBioc»:,-tord.St. IIUST1


- CABgmrJ&7

*:*•'• ssp^^4»*'%';'-W->-E'



: *

A iplendld Upo of Needle Work. v '

Rich French EmBrutBered * i *• - • i ) ' Co l lar , aisd Sleewea.

Glowe* ' ' o f» i i )^ds . ;»;


N B —Particular s.ttention p«i*fo-tue.*H£LHgERy' DEPART3JEJNT.' Alfa^^oa bajuJ.A irea^varjety of

" . , • B o m t e g n . .Also Bonnets tnado.to drdei"^ftnlt»tbft.m<H|&»tajia*.

Alsoagobdailo't'nentbf; „$&<

All of Which they offer* their osnat low rates. Country Merchants, MjBlln«rsi«nd Peddlers, snopUed

at New Yoi-k and Boston: JobbWigpriceSi- •''- '"'^-

tho lowest market prices. t*i->n PROUTY A R1ND0E.


J. i i .




C. W. GIBBS. N o v ' r l i t i s , It



D R Y , G O O D S , Comprising

A L L T H E N E W B T Y L E S ,

.. Adapted to the Season, to which he would invite

Your Attention i

Now Dress Goods.

Now Cltnaks SUM! T a l m a s .

v * L A D I E 8*

C l o t h s sustd Tr lnami i i t r s .

N e w Sbsvnrls a n d S c a r f s . HOSIERY AND GLOVE?, ',





Sheetings,-Shirtings, stripes, Denims, Ticks, Ac, Ao.

W h t l e i a I j s

"«• • a s o ' •

- ' . ' . - • R j B » * s » » a y ' -' i.; , . . ? . . ,w, .' -. • i

•,, . . , I W ^ ! ^ ! ! . I ^ ^ > , O a s h . E r i c e s t j 0 .,

. , . . , . • . . • fif*i. , , , - - . t i, .

. ' ' I / ' • . a * * ' . * »•'r . ' • -

! ...« •. • v*is*w*w-.».t/re-s»«, •• • •*

r i * i - J,, r. •

P GEtfuTNBFURS, A T TWENTY-- t i t helownrespnt value, at

VA-WIjsslOygr,^itechaalcs' |ftod(,

| s U j

: r ^ w a W ' P r e v ^ ^ j ^ p r e s e ^ t great < P U R -

anee.on „ , BR*Si'>^

:«««f:««3^| . W STRST;

llbs^nook. pAPEg.'fjffiPI

Hs b t'VTf' )4v^r:


M&mms* ,Tltt SJSsSK



Now Mid ttlch Fall Goods 1 Btjioa 8nj

" ^ 'AkOT BlUS,

P U I D Dssss Goons,

ID every v*rl«ty. and of tho cholooit styles, aod

warranted to wear woll.

Of all kinds and colors,'

Nuw Gurrus


For Ladles' use.

TniBRS, and

All Oolors. OasBHsasa,

P I R S C U H I B , Oarss,

MasmxAs and .

SUIWLS, Long and Squat*

Bacons, -BTKLUB,


Ac*, Ao« Ac.



Pararxs OAsnsutsss, and

MOUSLIB D E u m s , In great vsriety, all wool and cpuniion.

Mouanxo Goons, f, , /-tAlargsisiorttneqflndlffircbt fabrics.

B i l c t Bruc VitLTkra, for

Ekuraprnsjuss, LAffVff|




Eoonto's, The largest sBd'beslJielectedastOrtment'ever offered.

GnrjJtsrjai'a 88AWL3, Soaaw,

Ac- Ac., A c


Hosnm, • QbOVBB,

Panrra—aU. kinds. 18a»TOsaand SBrtniio—sdl widths and qualities- tOAararmas, TmsTRr, BKUSESLS, T«KEE-PZYB, Isaaanis, Vci irus , Dauoaatfi, JUrrao and OIL OurrBS, aU w i d t h s . , . . . . , ,-, -a .

g r Remember s!t . ". 7 - H. GUESTS. - f * *

,^gA^X^g ASm^EY. | g l R » t ? A R E . I H A B D W A B E I f e s " ' •'• 'CHARLES ASHLETj „.

ijtt). , ; ^ I » . B I # K , rjflpENJBTOad, M. ?„ Importer and Dealer ',


rUDDLERY AND00A0H HARDWARE. Sole ;Age>t. for

MBNETLys .Oburch, Factory, ana', other BELLS. FAIRBANKS * OO.'S IJaHorS,' CdfulterTana Hay .WAIiBy. •.'• >> ' /*'••!* 'W W r " '••••" f

WILDERB'IW^oOfr^lSJnSJi^erBAFEg. • UatOBjJelti^.'Cowipa»y, - -' • . American EowderOosspawy. • • . •


Pc4s*sstog. everyJc^-foKt>.^fei%tJ«».«* *••

SiJHT-P»' \tH«rjfeeLJa'''Hiafe'L, j - '•• i ' V - H ' . i f

j. J...*^«lsf«IBBr.flis5HM»»»/'i« ••' '**

{been enbiriea apa fcp.rpTed;,iln9ti|0iBff«a^%rn^

-—•—'• '"ii'.,.*1li"iV,.-H,7t.-'r-i^ J r -- ' "J l i ' - — ^

1 A , eoSrpIef?^s»rtmen)| of B60K; k -pm^&Ki!iiitqe^^'Uki^mw'^]'m^m pal ftbteu^to»!irSW*To!^



TcHtivtto.ivWA.t - * »BB-

'^W^i yn


"t-sr *^. ,»,"iaB*>iiir AWIsUUssst -

' * ' ^ . i ' , . . a-v.v;i;^A'i-

sV>«MUP. i, ^ „ . ._

V A I . V A B I . E S P R I N G I f l K D U H N E ! R E X F O R D ' S

C o m p o u n d C b a t u o n t i l o C o r d i a l .

TIE PECULIAR MEDICAL PROPERTIES of this preparation demand tho attention of all


GENERAL DEBILITY, *c. As a tonto anil restorative, it stands unrivalled—In­

vigorating and renewing the prostrate state of tho con. stltuUon—imparting an energy to the ttomaoh, vrhtoh fortifies tho lyttam against tho oliang*-of leason snd climate, and should oe tn the possession of all who travel.

Tbti Oordtal li most admirably-adapted for tho ladtsi; and Is strongly and particularly recommended In All those complaints and exigencies peculiar to tho female sex.

It hat also h«en found a inn preventive of AGUE. Prepared and told, wholesale and retail, by

11. cVllUMPHRKY, Ohsmlst A Druggist, No. 9, Eagle Block, Ogdensburgh,

New York.


T^&BRAOE T B J S , OCOASHHf TO INFORM JQj their friends andaoqnslntannes that they have per-maaenUy located In Ctnton.wheretheyiare constantly offering for sale a general assortmentt,of . , . . D r y Goods^ G r o c e r i e s , , Cr*^s^enr» <Ve.

In this large esUbUshmsnt«an always be fonndall the newest and most approved styles which catt be found fa market, consfsting of ••'»•• '• ' ' -i

< Mousund^Lsines, Figured and Plain Berages, Tissast,

Poplins, Chambras, and choice MOURNING GOODS. L. Dress and Mantula SILKS, and a large asotunent of ta^A^STILLAB atir8B^WLS, , , r , ,'TT'-'£%

^SONNETS and -BONNET . twomse: irnflciai Flowers, Lisses, and Velvets of all descriptions. \ . DRESS TRIMMINGS; Lace,.Muslin,,and Cambrio Undersleeve*;-Wrought Collars sod Chemisettes; -Silk. Lisle Thread, and Cotton HOSE, with s larg. assortment of GLOVES.

Hats, Caps, Cravats, Bhirts, s a d floluurs. BUIOIER GOODS, for Men and Boy's CLOTHING.

Bleached and Brown Shirting and Sheeting, Ticks, snd. Denims.

Broadcloths, Doe-Skini, Casslmeres, Tweeds^ Ac. 0ARPETING8 of aU descriptions. Orockery and Bwne-Ware, Groceries, Oils, Painta,»nd

Dye-Stufis,Palls,Brooms, Ao., Ac. •Is short, a greater eoBectlon of Goods Is offeredfor

sale, than is generally found at a Retail Store. They would call the attention of the pnblio to the above facts, and would take great pleasure in shewing their large stock of Goods, knowing that theyjwjU compare favora­bly in quality and prices with any assortment now in St. Lawrence County. " *•,_

. « . Remember—At GO0DNO, OADWELL 4 OO.'S, NO. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, N. Y.

Jane 80,1884. . <ft$t N E W A R R I V A L AT NO. 4 UNION BLOCK, CANTON, N. Y,


89-tf -. iWODNO, 0ADW1LL * CO.1!

BLAUK SILK S H A W L S , SILK FRINGES, and nioe Dress Trimmings, can now be seen St



.MILLINERY GOODS, A NEW LOT, 'at low prices, at the Store of

GOODNO, OADWKLL A 00, Canton,New-York.'-' " W-lf""

POYVDKR I I'OTVDKR I 1 A A KEGS BLASTING POWDER, JUST 1 U U received and for sale by

August S8,18M. n. 8. HUMPHREY. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ >__^



THIS WONDERFUL REMEDY IS EVERY day ptrtormlng the most remarkable cures ever re­

corded. -1

It speedily relieves all varieties of Coojihs, Catarrh, and all other disease! of the air passages j Whooping Cough, Asthma, Bronchitis, Incipient Consumption, and Hemorrhage from tho Langs, ail yield to its Influence almost immediately.

Hundreds of certificates from those who have been cured by this tntdielne oan bo tarnished to any one who has a doubt at Its remodlal offeots.

Physicians use It, add hero are a few words that some of them speak tn its favor:

We, the ahdersigacd., Physicians of the regular prac­tice, have made extensive use of Dr. Bralnard's Wild Cherry Syrup, and have carefully watched its effects; we now cneerfutty, and with confidence recommend it as the best remedy for Coughs, Colds, and other affection! Of tbe throat and lungs that we have ever met with. It has been successful in our handstand we desire, to see it doing good wherever a medicine of the kind is needed. i . A. HALL, M.. D.',


U. R6wS% M( D„ . NICHOLS, M. D.

Whitehall, N. Y., January 81,1850. gST'Por sale by PROUTY A RINDGE, Agents, Ogdens-

bnrgh.N.Y. [48-6m]

A CHOICE STYSLE OEJLONG A2jn SHORT Sewing Silk Mitt*. Also, Kid, and Bilk Gloves, at

m - t f O00PNQ, OAJWIilJi A Pa's. P O U S D S BROWN SUGARS,

and Colts* Sugars, for ' 4 . * CO..

s . J ^ ' . a B a i S s ^


«x« '%ft|SgiarABfi!

- - v t ft^vv'»t

;u. M I <.>.t,Wx1&<


:Bs^Af ;TOrTfl8,S^^P^8 r T l * ' ""


_ ^ ^LL JBANS, K0K8, " '"" ™ " " " "

•- .anus/kJUl • W W 8 ' -BATTING,' i •'•:..••**


vi i .or COLLARS sod

. -••»'• ' SliBBViS,

Blonds Edgings, Bluck Lace VeiJB, Gloves, Hosiery, Com­

forters, Boys'Mitts: s n d Gloves, Lftren Handkerchiefs,

Black Sllk'cravats, JFsl} Bonntds and .Trimmings, Rib-

boas.of allito'ds, Flowers, Ao. " '

•' OTH6HAMB, "4 '


1TOBVD-STREET.; Ogdensburgh,%ctoberiBthirlS6. f46-tf]

j . s. .-Gotjur 1 co.

1 A A A A POUNDS BROWN Bl l V a V V V Also, Crushed, and Coff«B« aaloloVby [JUt} QOODlio, OADWSU.

A NEW A . TEAS, at


ASH* PAID TfOR FLEECE WOOL, AND Cloths szohasged for Wool, by ___ • •


«OL Oolors, at six, and s«v*nMtnd-»-h|H«wtt,»r yard, at rsa'tfl O00DSo70A»WMJb A C0.'B.




s r j s s u r *: J j T 8 0 1 l P S 0 i N , ~ . ~. TXTOHLtt- RE^ECTJFUMfY^nratM %\ &*$$$& l^enibnrgu Apfl .TlFlnltFi tl

tkken thp New Btor nwrWiopMateMejari, Seymoara', ,*bere*^wmp]>en, jon, tRCpDAf *«t» tt?1»igS^ !»*», w ^itLtSERY QOODiS A / * Werat^r»^tn,t»tnrIcJ41tj^»|Bsv««rM «IV»n - ^»* rmmg. Ogd.gn'bStgh, Ostober 83,1BS6.

^H^^^Q^iUBSORffiEtf^'1 ' '""'

) ,vi^m&.'stm'ssmt^mmt-i <-• •.-•• • i Q H T v l f f i l ,K^rlJ! , l ^ U 0 E M l ! i 3 T l t - ~ T H E %J managementjiare the pleasure of announcing that i°**°l!S^15L"j€or**<,( ^^>«^a^r^« | tr i |« t tDn

pore *tijf&M.m « i n previoa, year. taSrag the !S»%8 y ^ J f t S r M p S r f c - * ? ? ^ ? * * * *b» finest

The Bosft of the thrto Great American Statesmen,. „ ci»y, w«wt«r astd Cllbsjtui, '''-*.

Alio the,exgdUIbsIdealBust, .u-a-S ' • « » i * | i i » ; , H *--"'• ••""-' •'•

S ,-/ ^.;ruwATTOiW»iaiVwiawlir ' -1th a*

" »yle»dldgAtUssi. ,


Blslnsrlo r f lnc l t lne I


street, Ogdensburgh, N. Y. It it capable ot Riving, Shaving, and Jointing from


It worltsEaty and Winding Timber to th* greatest per* feottpn, and with tho utmost s u e ; so simple .in con­struction that there Is neither belt nor cog-wheel in It; being wholly constructed of Iron and steel, its durability is very great. The power of throe horses will-work H to Its utmost capacity, which can at once bo applied tram tho water-wheel, steam engine, or common horn-power, by belt or gearing; can be worked In tho.woods, mil), or shop, equally well, as It occupies only two by eight teet ot ground room, by about twenty-eight Inch** high, re. quire* but onoman to attend it, and Is In fact bat a sim­ple though very substantial combination of the Prow, the BhavinfirvnUe, and Jolntor Irene of the "614hand process," working all such timber as canbe worked by hand, and a great deal that cannot, and in such style or finish and beauty thatglves them the preference ot the market over aU other Shingles. '"


Are espeolally directed to this HarMW"W $r°tts*le l c -

vestment. The public aro resne»tSiUyinvited towltnesi its operation at the afeove ft»f>ed place^where^t will re­main under the sunerintendence of H. F. VAUGHN, one fif (he/Proprietors, who will be most happy to give any information on the suhjeot required, or negotiate with parties for County Rights, and Machines ready for use. '

IS"All Communications addressed to Mr. VAUGHN, Or J. H. MACK. Ogdtasburgh.N.Y. or to R.«\ VAUGHN, Rochester, N. Y., a any time thereafter, wiR be prompt­ly attended to.

. O p i n i o n s « | JJ tp Pjress , A c . From the Milwaniie tree Democrat.] '

The Machine is about six feet In 1ength;*nd stands upon iron legs about two feet in height; is very compact­ly and strongly pat together, and has nothing; com­plicated orunwieldy aboutit. It can be drt?efiToy"'tifo horse-power, at Its foil speed for either oak.pine, cedar or chesnut staff. The timber is preparedinto bolts, like those ased for hand riving. A bolt is placed npjas ths carriage, and against a strong head. When the first, or riving knife passes through1 it and'takes n t ashingle of any desired thickness; t$e rotwu re7Qlatlonnakes:this' riving bacg (o, aeoond bed-plate and against anothjir head, and while the riving knifeis taking oft another. Is shaved, with an even tapir, upon the upper side; the-' next batik revolution takss ihe shingle, to a third bed­plate and against another, head, and tbe third revolu­tion, .which out OS* another from tbe bolt and shaves the-seoond, alio shaves the,firjt,80j, the tonder.- slde#, thet shingle passes (hen between, two self-adjusting jointers that complete the shingle,' .Thus-:there arefour shingle*, in thbriachine at a time, and one finished,, at ejfWjjjre--; volutton. The rsyotatlqns ate nerfgrmeij s* ft* ratiipf CO per minute, and allosring the aifji»fe of the stuff to. be 8 inches, it wffl make | ^ V ^ shingles per.day. - , , ,

* ! ' ^o^^#Detrp^Ad^«rtiaer,J ^ ^ ,. t ghisgle Machines have long occuoledjhe. atteatlonot

duTBrentkind. Thftshtogleia^^dftoni the blockiana _ ^ — , _ , . ^ i . . » — - - « - -J- i^!r- 1 | j i . - JnglB , f cjj t f ,

. ... , . . . ipltrpttrpdsKf' ,ariij. s # .should,think; thAt's. wrmi'UtdSroof-iOf^ttaf shinglescould,nbtle*k.. Qneol;these rna*uiwssfwS»»!

portablesteam engine^ would be-a-tfo>ta»*\<)T'*"Bian' in the pine woods. , ••> ' • , ,«u.-.»i 4«JJ*..\JVJTC »«*.•-*

,' .•'. '• ; '-'JA ''•'- . . v S r a ^ W i p W ^ * ^ , ' * ' B . t- VapuSAS, Eso., Rochester: « •" •»•••' ' 1 J •*•&„ • D e s J 3 i r , - J a m : b s ' p p y ' t o a « i t H e « a « i i i e I ^ h W e a

worked b y hand process, and'snncht] IngiM*»t# tUhber-it worksto -

extra eto'rti'

R. >, VATOBJ*, Koehesjer^X^ss'T^a DeafSlr.-rOM S i l p ^ g ^ J ^ t t J i e ^ S S

been inoteaWS'** rs^A^fVisfeffmo^-"""-

lam hapKMo aaV" fs%Ve&at»>^**W. taring rived, " "" *«" • ^-""' tnoajhtprsc to great perfection and at» raBld principle «f^S^s|n?m)s'dl'^

' n * s W s W r ^ » * S K s | _ 5 ,

*rmaaufaet«ri{«JK f_JS ,4



B O O T S A N D 8 H - 0 I S


tower (hftn they can bo bought

1 This side of

B O S T O N !

1 9 * Fleas* call and examine for yourselves. jg±

3. S, GOULD, A CO.

OoosssBOson, Nov., 1% I860,






OoDtassoEon, Nov. 13,18SC.


ERlf Of T H E AGE. TLTR. EENNBDS;, OF -RQXBURY, MASSA-JJUL chusettSj has. .discovered in «W ot our common pasture weeds ajfem'edy tbatcures every kiod of Humor, from ths worst Scrofohraown to a common Pimple. He has tried it in over eleven hundred-eases, and neverfail-ed^ except in twq.easei,£ooth thunder humors.) He has now tn his possession over two hundred certificates of its value; all within rt*ehty-miles of Boston. '

Two bottles are-wsrra&tedHo cure a Nursing Sore MoMb- . , v i. "v.

One to three bptlles will cute the, worst kind of Pim­ples on the Pace.' '-"

Twotn threo'botties Will cieer the-system of Biles. Two bottleaare waraoted to cure the wont Canker is

th* Mouth and gtomacb. ,rt.1M , ^•Hiree^'BTeWtUessMwarrAJitedto cure the worst

eawan^asTysrpela^r> . « ' » -'" "" ' '-' ', One ^iwobotUeS.are warranted to care all Humor

inAnslgra^; , ..p.. ' *wo^fi>tnes srVw»rt»nTea,''f6 ct&e 'Banning of the

liriandntouiheSaniongHiheHair. "' ' '-.--..Fotrr to_sjx t^ttlss ajreIwarranted to-ctrr*Corrupt!and

ruption of the Skin, '.Twoto'three'muesaiewVTa'nteUtocoi '

casMPyintewTorinl-isjt .•••<*& .Tw» tothreejiott

despirate oajsloTR; ,.T_„ „„ *Bre*tto-'t«nr^ottJ^are %eS*fitea tb "ear* SaB-

iRbesfet(,.iu av %>«««•,«•*-'' •Bte^i .-,' .ifht. ' Kve to eight bottles wia care the worsfeease_of QBO-^bene'BtU-aJriayVex^'enkdW^ bottle, aoa.«;p»rfsrtcKevislws»an'tea*len"tho Above quanti-

,.. R ^ l e f , I ^ ^ M l m t s ^ ' ^ n w d ! t e i u e > , n t t b s s in !;the'vieullt^rf«stoj^,f16l6iw-«eaecWorit uVevery

1Ji8o,WrMS*«t#^«ttIntrnsh* fire,-so'sure wBI ,cura,Huw*.i;I; Jtover«ld *i bittie.of:ithat that

t«Sre t*oHthmlgrabsat-th!a,herb th«(t anpear„t»vm« triaWT^nrsi^t it?grbws-iiiour pasturesTinsmn* ,eiquiWi»ttnWul,fM4:j.«t!il»..v«Iiie4as ne^r%*eB

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S ^ ^ ^ii(K?»nd,-ttAfeJ» - - i * ^ » ? T ^ p w f e e ^ i ^ o r t n i | ^ a e n iritefaai


core the wont.

« e warrsaledito cure the most

l ,^»t i* i»- l )»tt tsSi»

t*"* ts^»jg^i^;i»iys«

, ' ! A i , a>ii!w>i*i*il*»ji!ji1.!

' Mniir''

• s s M M M s ^ r V 1

^|s^l*sss*rMBiswfJ'»»»T"i» ,w! *

• 'V*

JjjjtsOTtdHSSe^f,* itls»lhstrl**ll««wWtsk*

rilk^l.WVwtSi'-l.avSibeen'-ii, * ""T»j**y4hsfc nothing Ja>

»si^er^SeJt,.''**»r* i ta i i ta^xi^e^VtfyasJr .Hwi' — "-^aj^gensasJiftmaTif

6JMrm^tAs:a». „ ...._„., titommtwses.-tt4^v*tffecjtuj^;in:*t

*J,*»e»s*B'qfia« .

' 'J&SXE& . S-ilstOTOpl'as-'

L.jflfs»j3t4SwlUi | w


' »" •»*

•••••• i . . . . . rmaki,ii«.'-ut^

" ' < » -• - » * r » ^ ;

^r#Vr }*w«f

tZi'ZSL* J*' -,-^Sfii?

• s p l -Op,,.