BOARD OF TRADE PLANS ADVERTISING BOOKLET Directors Decide to Prepare Literature to Distribute to Conj? veation Delegates. A booklet advertising Washington for distribution to the delegates to conventions held in this city is to be prepared by the Board of Trade. This decision was reached at a meeting- of the board of directors of the organization yesterday afternoon. Secretary Gcckeler explained that almost- every day a request for literature about Washington is received at the Board of Trade oil ice. He also told of the desirability of having booklets telling of the advantages of the National Capital for distribution to Convention delegates. A letter was read from Dr. Charles S. White, stating that the American College of Surgeons is to meet hcr« November 13 ami 14. and ivquostin^literature advertising Washington for distribution among the many prominent surgeons who will attend this gathering. First Edition 1,000. It was decided to print 1,000 copies of a booklet telling of Washington in compliance with Dr. White's request. Because of the lack of sufficient time to prepare the material, this booklet will not be as complete, it is stated, as one which j«robaidy will be prepared later for general distribution by the Board of Trade. The proposal to prepare a booklet was heartily indorsed by K. C. Brandenburg, William H. Saunders and George W. Harris. Mr. Saunders told of the demand for id.«> »» booklets containing information about Washir.gtt n which were prepar- i for the Si.uthern Commerc al Congress, all of which have been dis- tributetl. I J. J. Decker ami Benjamin A. Harlan w ere ele< tcu members of 11:** organization upon the recommendation or the membership committee. The final report of the committee which had charge of the arrangements for the shad hake held last sr ring was read and approved. Directors Nominated. Walter II. Klopft-r. :x ncwlv elected member of the directorate, was present Bt his first meeting. He was welcomed on behalf of the other members of the board l«y President Rudolph.. The I.sts for nominations for the new board of directors to be elected November !) » -losed yesterday afternoon. The follow- ing were nominated: George Truesdell, V.". IJ. West. \Y. il. Singleton, G. J. GookeUr. K. G. Brandenburg, Wi'Iiam C. "Woodward. Walter A. Bivwn, Harry I,. Rust. Pane! Fraser, Robert N. Harper! and A. A. Birney. I Ten directors tire to be elected. FOUND NEAR CHICKEN COOP IS SHOT BY POLICEMAN Colored Kan. in Escaping From German Ambassador's Property, Falls and Breaks His Eeg. Arthur Branam, colored, sixty-eight years old. a native of King George county. Md.. is under treatment at Emergency Hospital for a broken leg and gunshot wound in his leg above the ankle He received his wounds last night about 12 o'clock while on the property of the German ambassador at 22d and S streets ncrthv. est. Policeman J. F. Sullivan of the tenth precinct, who occupies a house on the property, shot Branam. he said, when he found him near the building in which he keeps chickens. B- nam then fell over an embankment and fracture' his ieg. It was ? o' i r';- vben v^ll^ernarSullivan went off duty, and fifteen minutes ic.ter nc reo*_u<_ ; nome A i.oisnear his hennery attracted his atter tion, and he vent in th it direc ion tc make an investiga:ion. Seeing the forn of a man disappearing irom rear thhenne'y. Sullivan tired one shot to stop him. A s.ight flesh wound sustained by Branam did not have the effect of stopping him. however, and while trying to esc pe hf w r.l over the high embankment, fell an 1 broke bis leg. The policeman sent him o the hospita The v.ounded man, who told the police he rooms at the home of a minister. said he took several drinks last night .fter he had finished putting away coal He w ndered about the city. h«> said, and deck-red he hatt no revoke tion of getting shot or of breaking his leg x PETE SHOOT MOTH MENACE. Forests Threatened With Seriou? Da-nags by European Insect. thrc atoned with serious damaire as the result of the introduction o.' the Euro pean pine snoot moth, the l). pa-tment of Agricultu: i aunounccJ today. Immediate treatment of trees attacked by the rnoth is ur ,ed as a means of stamping out ii.e new pest and thus preventing widespread losses The new insect a small orange-red moth, the young larva.- of v.n.ch came into the country witain the buds of Import d pine seedlings from France, England, Holland, Belgium or Germany. It has eeti fojn thus far in only ten localities, in six suites, from Massachusetts to Pennsylvania. Ac present the problem of its t un.nation is confined mainly to nurseries, bus. if it once g»-ts into the native pine forests the experts think it wouid be beyond control. i Itc Bssi Reme&y r< | :: All AjCf | ;; and proven so by thousands | upon thousands of tests the 1*1 whole world over, is the ' [ famous family medicine. < Bcccham s Pi;Is. I he ailX merits of the digestive or- ! ! *t* gans to which all are suh- $ j ject.from which come so <; many serious sicknesses, are { X corrected or prevented bv 5 | BEECHAM'S j ! PILLS ! Try a few do«es now, and you i > will KNOW what it means to J X have better digestion, sounder J A sleep, brighter eyes and greater cheerfulness after your system J X has been cleared of poisonous J impurities. For children, pa- «j Y rents, grandparents, Beechanvs < X Fills are matchless as a remedy J | Ex IM-gesta ani :| | Blltarcss ] A Sold everywhere. In boxes. 10c, 25c. J I* The directions with every t»ox are ?ery Y Ta'.uable.especially to women. 5 WAR DEPARTMENT CHANGES 1" IN CLASSIFIED SERVICE Resignations, Appointments and Promotions Are Announced Today at Headquarters. Changes in the classified service of the War Department are announced as follows: Appointments under civil service rules Office of the chief of en gineers: Irby Williams, chairman ©t $360 per annum: Frank W. Douglas, [clerk at $900 per annum: James H. Hughes, laborer at $660 per annum. The . djutant general's office: Lindsay I.. r riswell. clerk at ?l,00o p^r annum; iJohn M. Keough. clerk at $1,000 per annum. Bureau oi" insular affairs: Hubert iJ. Bushman, clerk at $1.0<>0 per annum. ;«>ffice of the quartermaster general of the army: Mary If. Dunri, clerk at $900 per annum. .. vii.vi.w,,.,.uuu .iu tu insuiar aifairs: Sydney C. Cross clerk, from -'I.'.mmi to $ 1.211ft. »ffiee of the chief of staff: Elwoori S. Bonsall, laborer, from :" to $72«>. Tin adjutant general's office: Frank i:. Hronson, lerk. from SI.000 to 51,200; Wayne W. Bradley, clerk.-from 51.000 to $1,200. Office of the quartermaster general of the army: Ingwait! Olsen, clerk, from 51,000 to .$1,200; Walter !i. Knaack. clerk, from $! «>» to SI. 000: William J,. t'onley. draftsman, from $1,600 to $1,S00: Erv. in s. Hubbard, draftsman. from $1,400 to $1,600. office of the surgeon general: j.ifrs. Rose J!. S. Blair, clerk, from $1,200 to $ 1,400: Samuel H. Brown, clerk, from $1,000 to $1,200: Alton (I. Crinnell, clerk, from $1,400 to $1,600; Elizabeth lkles, clerk, from $1,200 to $1,400; Wil; I;um P. Ripley, clerk, from $1,000 to $1,200. Resignations-.Office of the chief sig{ Hal officer: Thornton R. Burns, clerk, at Sl.i'OO per annum. Bureau of insular affairs: Ellis Biumcnthal. c lerk, at $l,0'io per annuin: Norman O. Brigham, clerk, at $1,200 per annum. The adjuj tar.t general's office: Roy L. Daily, clerk, at $1,200 per annum; Mandel Marcus, clerk, at $1,200 per annum. Mice of the surgc-on general: Harry H. Be tter, clerk, at $l,40o: Frank Coburn, clerk, at $1,600 per annum. r SALAMDRA TRIES fo"FORM A NEW ITALIAN CABINET Consults "With Friends in Efforts to Bridge Over the Crisis Quickly. ROME, November 3..Signor Sulandra, the premier of the cabinet which has; just resigned because of differences among its members regarding questons of financial policy, having been semi-officially intru tc d by King Victor Emmanuel with the duty of forming a new cabinet, spent the whole o-' last evening in consultation with political friends, as he wishes to solve the crisis in the shortest possible time, owing to the international complications. According to the custom here, the official announcement of his having been intrusted with the formation of a cabinet will be given out almost simultaneously with the announcement of the new cabinet. Verdict of Accidental Death. A verdict of accidental death was reached by a coroner's jury at an inquest held at the morgue yesterday over the body of William Duniap. an elevator conductor, who was killed Saturday night when he fell from the fifth floor to the bottom of the elevator shaft in a department store, where he was employed. The jury reached the conclusion that Dunlap's death resulted from his own lack of care. I'rlnHpnl "m.r= Gomel jpt % Phone Main 4270 V/ Vj wm fgs Prompt delivery service maints Wll horse-drawn vehicles, supplementet required by the demand. Our capacity of 1,600 tons per d Wm the largest as well as the smallest, iNi All coal is automatically screern J. MAURY DOVE jgrf An OrRr.niiiatioD Perfected by fl The "London'* is j folly Striking Eng r Seven Dollars ? a \ Ten-one F S DISCUSSES THE NEED ~ OF THE HELPING HAND \Ni W. "W. Millan Addresses the Vaughn Class Club on "Liberty. Fraternity. Equality." II I Calling attent'on to the fact that in the .United States 13,000.000 men have joined so-called secret fraternal organi- [111 zations. \V. \V. Millan, for many years president of the Sunday School Association of the District of Columbia, do- live-red an address last night before the November meeting- of the Vaughn Class Club, in \vh;ch he spoke on "Liberty, Fraternity, Equality." The meeting was held in the Sunday school house of Cal- ( vary Baptist Church. ! k Mr. Millan's Address. J Mr. Millan said, in part: j "Here in America we have brought lo * (full fruition the sentiment, 'Liberty. ^ fraternity, equality,* which in its bread ( practical application means equal rights, opportunities and privileges accorded by each to all and by all to each. For in otlb this land 13,000,000 of men have joined 'tjio crt-nnllorl eonrot fratomul nrffflniza- lions. "I am particularly glad to know that I you gentlemen have the Bible as the framework ol" your degree, and thai the I truest and best spirit of fraternalism i uiis through it like a golden thread.a dill fraternalism broad enough to measure itself only bv the need of "the other ' fellow.' and "Behind all this machinery of church government and Sunday school organ- ization ami class m ichincry there must he the heart of a man and the life of a man. throbbing with interest and love and devotion, ready to minis- £*1} ter to bis fellow-men and to extend the lieiping hand in the time of need." New Members Enrolled. The following new members were in- t itiated by the senior degree team: \Vil- GCS liam S. Hering. Karl E. Vines. R. C. tllC Sudduth, H. L. Koch. A. J. Dawson and «.\ F. Rudolph. An informal luncheon was followed by a cornet solo by <'harles H. Scott, a humorous recitation by J. W. Pearson, and two selections v'\ rendered by the vocal quartet o,f tiie club. Harry A. VVoood, H. H. Saxton, W. W. Fowler and J. Eimer Fox, accom- celt! panied by the class pianist, Guy A. Ourand. clt\ The program was brought to a close by the teacher. Prof. Louis P. Bliss, and who emphasized the privilege of work- ing for men and the opportunities for Jn service in Washington in the true, un- selfish spirit of fraternity. MOVABLE PATENT OFFICES. Belgian Attorneys Notify Washing- ton of Their Peregrinations. When the Belgian government began moving before the advancing Germans various practitioners before its various * departments moved with it. according, ^ to notices which have been received in Washington by patent attorneys. \ One letter just received says: "We beg to inform you that with the Belgian 5i government our patent department has been transferred from Antwerp to Os- c tend and from there to Havre. "Having had to leave Ostend rather quickly, we have for the present estabj lished the other departments at Done ^ burg and at Zundert (Holland)." Notes from Germany to local patent { attorneys bring the information that the patent office in Berlin has been stripped of its able-bodied clerks to make German soldiers and that only a < force of sufficient size to file patent ap- *c plications is being maintained. ^ ^ "j| |t-m M ~~jjp 5 12th and F Sts. N.W. jzy ^ ¥ Private Branch Kfl ^ a Exchange iine<l by automobile truck and 100 fpp I bj' as* many additional vehicles as ^3 ros ay places us in a position to handle sha order with equal facility. P^-;d while loading. gpj| COMPANY, INC. 10 Years of Business 1-ixperience. sg [-11 mssssoBm^msssSabl a Wonder- l lish Model 2. I | 3. The foremost bootmaker in this ountry fashioned this shoe and it nei /ill appeal to you strongly if you dmire the English fashions. Flat, broad right and left heel, chich hold the arch in place, male- ^ ng them a most comfortable walk- j lar ng shoe. ot" b nu no tio inf wl Tan Russia caif lace and blucher nd black calf lace and blucher. to >lind eyelets to top. am t., Cor. Tenth. 1 New Christmas Cards, Booklets and Greeting Cards. no.J! V Make a Display < > E HAVE EVER SHOW THIS IS REALI Reed Furniture in many new ] sued Oak. Shellac, A number of chairs and settees y Jiave cushions made and cov< very comfortable, practical and The following pieces will be l~i settees, I Easy Ci -ouches. i Armcha: rabourettcs, Stools. Lamns, Muffin £ Writing Desks. ! £>ev/:ng 3d J Table:;, j Complei The prices arc very uiodcrate er Chairs. $5/ 1 lo 035.CO; Table This Furniture is now shown Upholstery Displays. We advise t Willow Furniture.A large se 'active shapes, in Desks. Lamps ols, Taboureites, etc. Chairs, 5; up. Lac jc Marie Antoinette and h ('/."/i v and Lacct Arabian A complete showing of ail the igns. F.vcrv one produced \vi home. They are in sill and lorn $2.50 to $16.! Hemstitched Scrim and Marqui ;o pair. Scrim and Marquisette Curtain: e or edge and insertion, in cluny laces, and some with Japr.nc drawnvvork; a new idea in cur rream, ecru and white; $1.75 to 1 ourtb floor, (J street. * WHITTALI Durable, Arilsti THE FINEST AMERIC Whittall Rugs have s ation for quality. In Hon vorkmanship, beauty of fa ect execution and combina ;tand alone as the best that iccomplished. Whittall Rugs are 1101 1 1 ^ ^1 quality, as Bernardaud & Co. of nch China makers, and are favori ordinary porcelain. Our Cut Glass. cry high; every piece that we buy ng but the finest is ever allowed to onds, imperfectly designed pieces or tiler defect. is an important consideration. We mber of fine effects. To do this we te or two makers,, but go into the numerous producers. In this way, tys at the point of perfection, y. we see what is new and good. If newness that has merit, we are not ering. Constantly our presentations newness. tronger assortments, replete with r, tese prices.f j>3.95, $5.00. \ c linieres. I mts, Flowers and Ferns indoors we have assembled what is the c ave ever shown.and the manner e least possible time the greatest c he whole large collection that is 1. We have given special atten ith the color scheme or furnish- 1 -nuch to the beauty of the room < t in all S17.PS <afiar»p« warpc. \ Jo we mention the Mat Green. t flower pattern, beautifully color e c kind and, exclusive patterns are 1 ited. < 5c to $7.50. es, Fern Dishes and Flower Vases, ss Fern Dishes with separate insets, iskets; Pedestals with Jardinieres to 1 s c antry Linens. \ ;e Linen Store is given over entirely f Linens, consisting of Hemmed Crash \ d Kitchen Towels, Hemmed Pantry Cloths, Mop Cloths, Silver Cleaning ' e best materials.best for durability ' 10c each; Scrub Cloths. 7c, 1 Cloths, 90c. SI.00, S1.25, $1.50 r ths, $1.00 to $2.25 half dozen ; ' c each. A Moodw New ^ of the Finest and Most Corn tew Reed Furniture N. IN AN EXTENSIVE I AY AN EXTRAORDINAR ticccs and artistic shapes and pattei Baronial Broken, White, are fitted with leather or tapestry red in mnt"rials of your own seleci artistic without cushions, ound in the collection : :airs, ! Side Chairs, irs, Odd Chairs, Magazine Racks tands, Tea Carts, Tables, Library Tables, c Dining Room Suites, ; a special value being offered in :s. $5. i 5. S4.C0 and up to $35.00. .,.-1 flir. EV.iirtVi fl -.or in rnnnfftion \\ he selection of Gift Pieces now white lection of French Willow Furnitur Settees. Chairs, Rockers, Table >2.90, S3.90, S5.00 and up; Tables e and Other Curtail lenaissance Curtains, also Sis. Curtains. various stvlcs. from the simplest ti th some definite idea in mind, to * lengths, anil we call special attsi 50 pair.according to style a: sette Curtains; plain and dainty, 3 trimmed with Scotch Madr , filet and nov- ing of these vcr se cmbroiderv white- an<j als,°, * tractive colored ct tain trimming. (Hmng. room or b( ?6.oo pair. ;in(j §2.00 pair; wl 7 RUGS 7 « c, Keautirui. IAN-MADE RUGS. in unapproachable repu- I esty of material, design, brie, artisticness and per- t tion of the colorings they 5 ; American enterprise has J c ? t only fine looking Rugs s their good appearance to { t ittall on the rug you buy, , * is just as much of a guar- 'j s the mark "sterling" on < > Royal Whittall's T Rugs, Chlidema J 30. Brussels Rugs, " size.) $32.75. , , . (9xl2-ft. size.) ^ ac ^ Made in 20 sizes, 3 zes, and beautiful oriental I range of an(] cretonne ef- j fects. < ' Pattern in IINA DINNERWARE. I 'ieces, $20.00. . edge harmonizing with a dainty le.cups are in the beautiful ovide I s unsurpassed, and in this set its irlv notable. vncii new, urn uicj iciaiii ;he end. Look for the name Wh md ask to see them here; it intee of Rug Quality as i ilver or "karat" on gold. Whittall's Whittall's \nglo Persian Worcestei Rugs, $60.00. $45.1 /n 10 r* \ (9xl2-ft. (9xl2-ft. size.) May be Made in 25 other other si izes, including in a wide iiall runuers. patterns. S.sth lloor. F street. Another New iNUINE FRENCH CI One Hundred F A border pattern, conventional ebud and green foliage spray; tl no J-"" The glazing of French China i oothness and quality is particui; The name of the maker insures r.oges are one of the leading Fre y known everywhere. No higher in price thai Fiftb tour, i; t. How We Select The QUALITY standard is set v< complies with our standard. Nothi enter here. We do not tolerate sec any glass with a flaw, blemish or o In Cut Glass, variety of patterns endeavor to show an unlimited nu do not limit our selections to 01 market and choose the best from variety is assured, and quality ahv; By being in the market continuall anything is placed before us with slow to take advantage of the off give evidence of this fact by their We emphasize the larger and s n shapes and new cuttings. at tl $1.85, $2.75, f *Ifth floor, G street. New Jarc For the proper display of Pk ring the fall and winter months gest display of Jardinieres we hi display enables you to see in th mber of designs and wares. There is not a Jardiniere in t t well chosen and very beautifu n to having pieces harmonize v* js of the home.they will add i icn selected in this wav. Jardinieres are here by the hut tterns and prices. Especially ma Art, Ivory and a raised .led with soft background. Many Jardinieres of one-of-a;o shown; they cannot be duplic; Prices frcm 1 New designs in Brass Jardinier tensive showing of pottery and Gla >wer Vases and Hanging Mower Ba tch. Fifth floor. G street. Kitchen and P One large portion of our immon; Kitchen, Pantry and Dining Room wels, Hemmed Tea Towels, Hertimt wels. Dish Cloths. Dust Cloths. Pot ] Polish Cloths, Scrub Cloths, in th i economy. Dish Cloths, 5c, 7c and 10c, \2'/jC and 25c each ; Tea and $2.00 half dozen ; Glass Clo Roller Towels, 40c, 45c and 50 Second floor, Klevcutl< street. >&rd 1 (7ork=WASH5NGTON=I 'prehensivc Assortment o\ ARIETY OF DESIGNS Y DISPLAY. rns, in these finishes: Green, Gray N,atural. cushions, others are plain, bu tion, attel there are many that >vi! Wing Chairs, Rockers, i. Book Racks. Umbrella Stands, Dining Tables, Odd and Fancy Pieces a Reed Rocking Chair at S-t-75 nth our Willow Furniture and the variety is large. j- .t... e, mauc miuici) u\ uauu , S, Flower Stands. Bird Cages , $4.00 and up: Settees. $12.51 IS nss Point, Tamboured Net d the most elaborate and elegan give beauty and refinement ti ition to the values offered iron nd quality. in white and cream, $1.25 and as Curtains; an attractive show y popular curtains, in ecru am ecru ground with neat an<l at csigns. Suitable for living room :droom. Ecru, $1.00, $1.50, $1.7 bite, $1.50, §1.75 and $2.00 pair. Complete Assortment o BASKETS For Every Use. This is one of the Larges Jasket Departments maintained iv any store.and stocked to it ull size with every good kind c lasket that is made.Willow straw, Grass, Sweet Grass, Fane 3raid effects. Palin and all otlie nate;ials suitable for makin; rood baskets. The stock is re pre en ted by makers from Franct apan. Germany, Austria, Canad .nd the United States. Amon hese tvo latter the Indian Bas rets take a leading part. Scrap Baskets, 5©c and tut Cm iff© Baskets.. .. J©c tut rrask Baskets... .5©c tuj vflotEnes Baskets... 65c tuj Wood Baskets.. .$!.©© tuj [Hamper Baskets, $11 .5© tu; nffant Baskets.. . .9©c tuj Work Baskets.... 25c iuj vollection Baskets, 2©c tug "rait Baskets.... .5©c tut Market Baskets.. .5©c tu[ 3>og Sleeping Baskets, $2.25 tug Za.i Sleeping Baskets, $2.25 tuj [Dog Traveling Baskets, $2.5© tuj ^at Traveling Baskets, $2.5© tug .'nffant Sleeping Baskets, $2.©© tug Fifth floor. Tenth Btreot. Specials in Colonial Glass Tnmhlprc* rlp^r crlncc and one of the most popular shapes, finished bottom. Special, 35c dozen. Water Sets: two-quart pitcher and half ^ozen tumblers; good shape and design. Special, 38c set. Fiftb floor, G street. Casseroles for Baking and Serving. Casseroles with white interio md brown exterior: pierced nicke rames: round and oval shape; landled""' and footed. We ar ihowing an extensive line of th '-inch size, with new designs i rames and various styles of han lies, $'.50 each. The most popular sizes ar :arried in stock, and new cassei ties can be obtained for frames. Fifth floor, G street. Glass Salt Spoons Trom Germany. We have re :eived a consignment of Individ lal Salt Spoons from German} vhich are nicely finished am ,'ery sanitary. We have beei ible to get only a limited suppl ind additional quantities will no je forthcoming when these ar ;xhausted. Special price, 30c dozen. Fifth floor, G street. Coaster Sets [n two styles, specially priced a >1.00. One is of tile, handsomel; lecorated in a variety of pattern? vith pierced openwork nicke rames; the other is of heavy glas vith attractive cut center, an< lickel openwork frame; botl landled. We consider these th< >est values that can be offered arge orders being necessary t< irocure such a low price. Special at $1.00 each. Fifth floor, G btreet. Lotbrop Paris. fj New Japanese Luncheon Sets, Towelii Napkins, Table 1 Couch and Many oi these are printed 01 the Japanese in their own countr cially imported for the purpose, tractive shades of blue on white g mostly the former. I ] Used in bedrooms, dining r $1.00 and $1.50 the piece: Lunch i kins or Doilies, 50c and $1.50 doz Fourth floor, <1 s; Couch Covers, Table and Various Effe Moquette Couch Covers: couch covers made, and the derfttl oriental and Persia copies of famous rugs an< j beautv. $10.00 and New Leather Pillows and I signs 1,1 ourni learner pillow in many novel effects : the J Square and oblong shapes. The Covers, $2.! The Pillows, $3J | Ooze Leather Skins and Ma in artistic designs, for tables brown, tans and reds. t The skins are in natural s J Round and Oval M i Velour and Velvet Pillow G blue and brown, with richly of arms and various styles | and others in the center ; t 4 trasting color, and many ri covers are made from short low prici;, ! Special, $1.75 Table and Piano Scarfs or Velours and Silks in plain f imposing showing. The ri< site combinations of color braids and cords; the fine 11 derful effects of floral desig j thread showing through, i sj variety as one would want ,f I Prices from $2. Y Pillow Covers of similar ma r Tapestry Table Covers. 0 sj colorings that cannot be a ever they may be desired. V $1.50, $2.00 to $15.00, act a M A - f"«n g mew an ouk rortieres, >n i s-; brown, green, red, mulberi $9.50 and p) Fourth floor, G street. ? The Test of p Is in the Servi p Many years' service has th f Blankets and proven beyond d< ^ ing at $5.00 a pair in double-bet extra length, are the best that m P They are woven with 90 pei p> warp to prevent shrinkage in th< P This Year They Are W P and the Prices A Wonderfully good also is a lo P of Lambswool-filled Quilts, som covered in sateen and some ii D> cambric, with plain sateen bot ders. at .$5.00. j Lambswool-filled Quilts, fig urcd top and plain back; daint; designs in silk mousseline cover P ;ng. S6.50 each. Socond floor, F street. 3 Genuine Cowhide Suit I That Are New Cowhide Leather for durabl the lead. These two new items a value and moderation of prices. Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases, These cases are made of goo with reinforced corners, 3 hinges an< fold for shirts with inside straps; n : n l:j. r> , F- vjciiuiiic wuuiiiuc ua^s, ma Made of black cowhide leath( frame, leather lined and inside pocl corners. Fourth floor. G Jtreot. Wizard Di for All Dusi r :1 Effective, labor-saving articli >, Wizard, which is a guarant e t t°US PB5P iH* Wizard Cling-dust Handle - tables, chairs and furniture of all ', it to the dust cloth; it is 15 i d strands being 10 inches and the n all the dust and does not lose it. y by washing.no retreatment of c it essary. e 75c ea Bric-a-Brac Duster. A light duster, for dusting bric-a-brac ai is impossible to use other duste feather dusters. Chemically trea * renewing, other than washing v ^ when it becomes fully dust-absoi 'j 25c each. i:!te!Ss1 Carpet Clear a i- ^ ^ a dusty carpets and e I It is to be used o , t helps to draw ou 3 rising and scatter FifLt floor, F street. Calendars and Diaries for 1915 now ready. Blue-and-White fig, Table Covers, Stunners, Scarfs, Bed Covers. 1 tlie fine quality English cloths by v. the English material being e-peThe designs arc all done in the atround. or white on blue ground, but ooms. breakfast rooms. Toweling, eon Sets, $1.50 to $3 50 each; Nap:en; Scarfs, 50c and 75c each. Covers, Pillow Covers active Upholsteries. the most exquisite and beautiful most durable. Shown in the \\011in patterns and colorings: exact 1 lacking nothing in richness and $13.50 each. MIlow Covers. Artistic new dcs and covers, also embossed designs colorings are particularly effective. SO and $3.50 each. 00 and $4.25 each. its. PI ain and burnt border ettccts and walls. Prettx Shades of greens, hape, $1.50 and $1.75 each, ats, 25c to $1.50 each. overs, "1 shades <if green, red, r. >se. embroidered escutcheons and ooats of medallions; some in the comer he decoration is generallv in a conch metal effects are shown. Thc-e ends of materials and sold at a 1 er\ and $2.50 each. Mats. Rich Brocades, lapcstnes, and figured effects. This is a most ch Brocades from France in e.xquiings, many of them trimmed with Tapestries, exclusive in their woiiqis and colors with the glint of gold md Velours and Silks in as fine a to see. AA *1 A AA I uu ro 91u.uu eacn. .terials from 50c to $4.00 each. 'riental and art designs in various pproached: suitable for use wherSizes 4-4. 6-4, 8-4 and 10-4. cording to quality and sizes. vondcrful designs and colors.r. y and others just as effective. $12.50 pair. Bed Blankets ice They Afford. loroughly tested the quality cr ...i jubt that the qualities we are s». d size, and $6.00 pair in double-b- d oney can buy. cent wool in the filling, and cotton : wash. inning Many New Friends, . are as Low as Ever. t Crib Quilts in great plenty: the e factory's line of patterns made a into small quilts; coverings em - hraee both pure silk and sdk mousseline in dainty shades of pink and blue that are ideal f<>r y baby's use; beautiful, conifort- able, light weight. Si.65 each. A regular $2.50 value. Cases and Traveling Bags and Dependable. e and satisfactory service stands in re exceptionally desirable in quality. 24-inch size, $5.00; 26-inch, $6.00. d quality leather nve a strong frame, 1 strong handle; good brass lock, strong brass lock. and 16 inch sizes, $5.75 each. ;r over a light-weight but strong steel cet; brass lock and catches; reinforced Listless Mops ting Purposes. :s made by the famous house of ee of their quality and fitness. ;t Mop, subjected to a chemical it which picks up and holds every of dust. It is for use on hardwood, or tile floors, linoleums, etc. When becomes impregnated with dust it cleansed by washing- out in warm 3; washing does not impair its efti50c each. Duster, for dusting , kinds ; many prefer nches long, dusting -j Instantly renewed :hemicals being nec- ' ch. and compact strand nd recesses where it rs. Far superior to I ted, and requires no ,-ith soap and water V rDea. y i. You can clean your soiled and rugs easily, quickly and thoroughly, n carpets and rugs when sweeping; t the dirt, anil prevents dust from ing over the house and furniture. and 25c package.

BOARDOFTRADEPLANS DISCUSSESTHE Moodw …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1914-11-03/ed-1/seq-11… · BOARDOFTRADEPLANS ADVERTISINGBOOKLET Directors Decide to Prepare Literature

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Page 1: BOARDOFTRADEPLANS DISCUSSESTHE Moodw …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1914-11-03/ed-1/seq-11… · BOARDOFTRADEPLANS ADVERTISINGBOOKLET Directors Decide to Prepare Literature


Directors Decide to Prepare Literatureto Distribute to Conj?veation Delegates.

A booklet advertising Washington fordistribution to the delegates to conventionsheld in this city is to be preparedby the Board of Trade. This decisionwas reached at a meeting- of theboard of directors of the organizationyesterday afternoon.Secretary Gcckeler explained that almost-every day a request for literatureabout Washington is received at

the Board of Trade oilice. He alsotold of the desirability of having bookletstelling of the advantages of theNational Capital for distribution to

Convention delegates.A letter was read from Dr. Charles

S. White, stating that the AmericanCollege of Surgeons is to meet hcr«

November 13 ami 14. and ivquostin^literatureadvertising Washington fordistribution among the many prominentsurgeons who will attend thisgathering.

First Edition 1,000.It was decided to print 1,000 copies

of a booklet telling of Washington in

compliance with Dr. White's request.Because of the lack of sufficient timeto prepare the material, this bookletwill not be as complete, it is stated,as one which j«robaidy will be preparedlater for general distribution bythe Board of Trade.The proposal to prepare a booklet was

heartily indorsed by K. C. Brandenburg,William H. Saunders and George W.Harris. Mr. Saunders told of the demandfor id.«> »» booklets containing informationabout Washir.gtt n which were

prepar- i for the Si.uthern Commerc alCongress, all of which have been dis-tributetl.


J. J. Decker ami Benjamin A. Harlanw ere ele< tcu members of 11:** organizationupon the recommendation or themembership committee. The final reportof the committee which had charge of

the arrangements for the shad hakeheld last sr ring was read and approved.

Directors Nominated.Walter II. Klopft-r. :x ncwlv elected

member of the directorate, was presentBt his first meeting. He was welcomedon behalf of the other members of theboard l«y President Rudolph.. The I.stsfor nominations for the new board ofdirectors to be elected November !)» -losed yesterday afternoon. The follow-ing were nominated: George Truesdell,V.". IJ. West. \Y. il. Singleton, G. J.GookeUr. K. G. Brandenburg, Wi'Iiam C."Woodward. Walter A. Bivwn, Harry I,.Rust. Pane! Fraser, Robert N. Harper!and A. A. Birney. ITen directors tire to be elected.


Colored Kan. in Escaping From GermanAmbassador's Property, Falls

and Breaks His Eeg.

Arthur Branam, colored, sixty-eightyears old. a native of King Georgecounty. Md.. is under treatment at

Emergency Hospital for a broken legand gunshot wound in his leg abovethe ankle He received his woundslast night about 12 o'clock while on the

property of the German ambassador at

22d and S streets ncrthv. est.Policeman J. F. Sullivan of the tenth

precinct, who occupies a house on the

property, shot Branam. he said, whenhe found him near the building in

which he keeps chickens. B- nam thenfell over an embankment and fracture'his ieg.

It was ? o' i r';- vben v^ll^ernarSullivanwent off duty, and fifteen minutesic.ter nc reo*_u<_ ; nome A i.oisnearhis hennery attracted his attertion, and he vent in th it direc ion tcmake an investiga:ion. Seeing the fornof a man disappearing irom rear thhenne'y.Sullivan tired one shot tostop him.A s.ight flesh wound sustained by

Branam did not have the effect ofstopping him. however, and while tryingto esc pe hf w r.l over the highembankment, fell an 1 broke bis leg.The policeman sent him o the hospitaThe v.ounded man, who told the policehe rooms at the home of a minister.said he took several drinks last

night .fter he had finished puttingaway coal He w ndered about thecity. h«> said, and deck-red he hatt norevoke tion of getting shot or ofbreaking his leg x


Forests Threatened With Seriou?Da-nags by European Insect.

thrc atoned with serious damaire as theresult of the introduction o.' the European pine snoot moth, the l). pa-tmentof Agricultu: i aunounccJ today. Immediatetreatment of trees attackedby the rnoth is ur ,ed as a means ofstamping out ii.e new pest and thuspreventing widespread lossesThe new insect a small orange-red

moth, the young larva.- of v.n.ch cameinto the country witain the buds ofImport d pine seedlings from France,England, Holland, Belgium or Germany.It has eeti fojn thus far in

only ten localities, in six suites, fromMassachusetts to Pennsylvania. Acpresent the problem of its t un.nationis confined mainly to nurseries, bus. ifit once g»-ts into the native pine foreststhe experts think it wouid be beyondcontrol.

i Itc Bssi Reme&y r< |:: All AjCf |;; and proven so by thousands |

upon thousands of tests the 1*1whole world over, is the '£

' [ famous family medicine.< Bcccham s Pi;Is. I he ailXmerits of the digestive or- ! !*t* gans to which all are suh- $j ject.from which come so <;many serious sicknesses, are {

X corrected or prevented bv 5


Try a few do«es now, and you i> will KNOW what it means to JX have better digestion, sounder JA sleep, brighter eyes and greater

cheerfulness after your system JX has been cleared of poisonous Jimpurities. For children, pa- «j

Y rents, grandparents, Beechanvs <

X Fills are matchless as a remedy J

| Ex IM-gesta ani :|| Blltarcss ]A Sold everywhere. In boxes. 10c, 25c. JI* The directions with every t»ox are ?eryY Ta'.uable.especially to women. 5


Resignations, Appointments andPromotions Are Announced Todayat Headquarters.

Changes in the classified service ofthe War Department are announced as

follows:Appointments under civil service

rules Office of the chief of en

gineers: Irby Williams, chairman ©t$360 per annum: Frank W. Douglas,

[clerk at $900 per annum: James H.Hughes, laborer at $660 per annum. The

. djutant general's office: Lindsay I..r riswell. clerk at ?l,00o p^r annum;iJohn M. Keough. clerk at $1,000 per annum.Bureau oi" insular affairs: HubertiJ. Bushman, clerk at $1.0<>0 per annum.

;«>ffice of the quartermaster general ofthe army: Mary If. Dunri, clerk at $900per annum.

. . vii.vi.w,,.,.uuu .iu tu insuiar aifairs:Sydney C. Cross clerk, from-'I.'.mmi to $ 1.211ft. »ffiee of the chief ofstaff: Elwoori S. Bonsall, laborer, from:" to $72«>. Tin adjutant general'soffice: Frank i:. Hronson, lerk. fromSI.000 to 51,200; Wayne W. Bradley,clerk.-from 51.000 to $1,200. Office ofthe quartermaster general of the army:Ingwait! Olsen, clerk, from 51,000 to.$1,200; Walter !i. Knaack. clerk, from$! «>» to SI.000: William J,. t'onley.draftsman, from $1,600 to $1,S00: Erv. ins. Hubbard, draftsman. from $1,400 to$1,600. office of the surgeon general:j.ifrs. Rose J!. S. Blair, clerk, from $1,200to $ 1,400: Samuel H. Brown, clerk, from$1,000 to $1,200: Alton (I. Crinnell,clerk, from $1,400 to $1,600; Elizabethlkles, clerk, from $1,200 to $1,400; Wil;I;um P. Ripley, clerk, from $1,000 to$1,200.Resignations-.Office of the chief sig{Hal officer: Thornton R. Burns, clerk, atSl.i'OO per annum. Bureau of insularaffairs: Ellis Biumcnthal. c lerk, at$l,0'io per annuin: Norman O. Brigham,clerk, at $1,200 per annum. The adjujtar.t general's office: Roy L. Daily,clerk, at $1,200 per annum; Mandel

Marcus, clerk, at $1,200 per annum.Mice of the surgc-on general: Harry H.

Be tter, clerk, at $l,40o: Frank Coburn,clerk, at $1,600 per annum. r


Consults "With Friends in Efforts to

Bridge Over the Crisis


ROME, November 3..Signor Sulandra,the premier of the cabinet which has;just resigned because of differencesamong its members regarding questonsof financial policy, having beensemi-officially intru tc d by King VictorEmmanuel with the duty of forming anew cabinet, spent the whole o-' lastevening in consultation with politicalfriends, as he wishes to solve the crisisin the shortest possible time, owing tothe international complications.According to the custom here, the

official announcement of his havingbeen intrusted with the formation of acabinet will be given out almost simultaneouslywith the announcement ofthe new cabinet.

Verdict of Accidental Death.A verdict of accidental death was

reached by a coroner's jury at an inquestheld at the morgue yesterdayover the body of William Duniap. anelevator conductor, who was killedSaturday night when he fell from thefifth floor to the bottom of the elevatorshaft in a department store, where hewas employed. The jury reached theconclusion that Dunlap's death resultedfrom his own lack of care.

I'rlnHpnl "m.r= Gomeljpt % Phone

Main 4270 V/ Vj

wmfgs Prompt delivery service maintsWll horse-drawn vehicles, supplementet

required by the demand.Our capacity of 1,600 tons per d

Wm the largest as well as the smallest,iNi All coal is automatically screern

J. MAURY DOVEjgrf An OrRr.niiiatioD Perfected by fl

The "London'* is

j folly Striking Eng


Seven Dollars?


\ Ten-one F S



W. "W. Millan Addresses the VaughnClass Club on "Liberty. Fraternity.Equality." II

ICalling attent'on to the fact that in

the .United States 13,000.000 men have

joined so-called secret fraternal organi- [111zations. \V. \V. Millan, for many yearspresident of the Sunday School Associationof the District of Columbia, do-

live-red an address last night before theNovember meeting- of the Vaughn ClassClub, in \vh;ch he spoke on "Liberty,Fraternity, Equality." The meeting was

held in the Sunday school house of Cal- (vary Baptist Church. ! k

Mr. Millan's Address. JMr. Millan said, in part: j"Here in America we have brought lo *

(full fruition the sentiment, 'Liberty. ^

fraternity, equality,* which in its bread (practical application means equal rights,opportunities and privileges accorded byeach to all and by all to each. For in otlbthis land 13,000,000 of men have joined

'tjio crt-nnllorl eonrot fratomul nrffflniza-lions."I am particularly glad to know that

I you gentlemen have the Bible as theframework ol" your degree, and thai the

I truest and best spirit of fraternalismi uiis through it like a golden thread.a dillfraternalism broad enough to measureitself only bv the need of "the other '

fellow.' and"Behind all this machinery of church

government and Sunday school organ-ization ami class m ichincry theremust he the heart of a man and thelife of a man. throbbing with interestand love and devotion, ready to minis- £*1}ter to bis fellow-men and to extend thelieiping hand in the time of need."

New Members Enrolled.The following new members were in-

titiated by the senior degree team: \Vil- GCSliam S. Hering. Karl E. Vines. R. C. tllCSudduth, H. L. Koch. A. J. Dawson and«.\ F. Rudolph. An informal luncheonwas followed by a cornet solo by<'harles H. Scott, a humorous recitationby J. W. Pearson, and two selections v'\rendered by the vocal quartet o,f tiieclub. Harry A. VVoood, H. H. Saxton, W.W. Fowler and J. Eimer Fox, accom- celt!panied by the class pianist, Guy A.Ourand. clt\The program was brought to a close

by the teacher. Prof. Louis P. Bliss, andwho emphasized the privilege of work-ing for men and the opportunities for Jnservice in Washington in the true, un-selfish spirit of fraternity.


Belgian Attorneys Notify Washing-ton of Their Peregrinations.

When the Belgian government beganmoving before the advancing Germansvarious practitioners before its various *

departments moved with it. according, ^to notices which have been receivedin Washington by patent attorneys. \One letter just received says: "We beg

to inform you that with the Belgian 5igovernment our patent department hasbeen transferred from Antwerp to Os- c

tend and from there to Havre."Having had to leave Ostend rather

quickly, we have for the present estabjlished the other departments at Done ^burg and at Zundert (Holland)."Notes from Germany to local patent {

attorneys bring the information thatthe patent office in Berlin has beenstripped of its able-bodied clerks tomake German soldiers and that only a <

force of sufficient size to file patent ap- *c

plications is being maintained.

^ ^ "j| |t-m M ~~jjp 5

12th and F Sts. N.W. jzy ^¥ Private Branch Kfl

^ a Exchange

iine<l by automobile truck and 100 fppI bj' as* many additional vehicles as ^3 rosay places us in a position to handle shaorder with equal facility. P^-;dwhile loading. gpj|

COMPANY, INC.10 Years of Business 1-ixperience. sg [-11

mssssoBm^msssSabla Wonder-


lish Model2.

I| 3.

The foremost bootmaker in thisountry fashioned this shoe and it nei/ill appeal to you strongly if youdmire the English fashions.Flat, broad right and left heel,

chich hold the arch in place, male- ^ng them a most comfortable walk- j lar

ng shoe. ot"b nu



Tan Russia caif lace and bluchernd black calf lace and blucher. to

>lind eyelets to top. y°am

t., Cor. Tenth. 1

New Christmas Cards,Booklets and Greeting


no.J! V Make a Display <


THIS IS REALIReed Furniture in many new ]sued Oak.

Shellac,A number of chairs and settees

y Jiave cushions made and cov<

very comfortable, practical andThe following pieces will be l~i

settees, I Easy Ci-ouches. i Armcha:rabourettcs, Stools.Lamns, Muffin £Writing Desks. ! £>ev/:ng3dJ Table:;, j CompleiThe prices arc very uiodcrate

er Chairs. $5/ 1 lo 035.CO; Table

This Furniture is now shownUpholstery Displays. We advise t

Willow Furniture.A large se

'active shapes, in Desks. Lampsols, Taboureites, etc. Chairs, 5;up.

Lacjc Marie Antoinette and h('/."/i v and Lacct ArabianA complete showing of ail theigns. F.vcrv one produced \vihome. They are in sill and lorn

$2.50 to $16.!Hemstitched Scrim and Marqui

;o pair.Scrim and Marquisette Curtain:e or edge and insertion, in cluny

laces, and some with Japr.ncdrawnvvork; a new idea in cur

rream, ecru and white; $1.75 to 1ourtb floor, (J street. *

WHITTALIDurable, Arilsti

THE FINEST AMERICWhittall Rugs have s

ation for quality. In Honvorkmanship, beauty of faect execution and combina;tand alone as the best thaticcomplished.

Whittall Rugs are 11011 1 ^ ^1

quality, as Bernardaud & Co. ofnch China makers, and are favori

ordinary porcelain.Our Cut Glass.cry high; every piece that we buyng but the finest is ever allowed toonds, imperfectly designed pieces ortiler defect.is an important consideration. Wember of fine effects. To do this wete or two makers,, but go into thenumerous producers. In this way,

tys at the point of perfection,y. we see what is new and good. Ifnewness that has merit, we are notering. Constantly our presentationsnewness.

tronger assortments, replete with r,tese prices.fj>3.95, $5.00. \


linieres. Imts, Flowers and Ferns indoorswe have assembled what is the c

ave ever shown.and the mannere least possible time the greatest c

he whole large collection that is1. We have given special atten

iththe color scheme or furnish- 1-nuch to the beauty of the room <

tin all S17.PS <afiar»p« warpc. \

Jo we mention the Mat Green. t

flower pattern, beautifully color ec

kind and, exclusive patterns are 1ited. <

5c to $7.50.es, Fern Dishes and Flower Vases,ss Fern Dishes with separate insets,iskets; Pedestals with Jardinieres to 1


antry Linens.\;e Linen Store is given over entirely fLinens, consisting of Hemmed Crash \d Kitchen Towels, Hemmed PantryCloths, Mop Cloths, Silver Cleaning '

e best materials.best for durability '

10c each; Scrub Cloths. 7c, 1Cloths, 90c. SI.00, S1.25, $1.50 rths, $1.00 to $2.25 half dozen ; 'c each.


MoodwNew ^

of the Finest and Most Corntew Reed FurnitureN. IN AN EXTENSIVE IAY AN EXTRAORDINARticccs and artistic shapes and patteiBaronial Broken,

White,are fitted with leather or tapestryred in mnt"rials of your own seleciartistic without cushions,

ound in the collection :

:airs, ! Side Chairs,irs, Odd Chairs,

Magazine Rackstands, Tea Carts,Tables, Library Tables,c Dining Room Suites,; a special value being offered in:s. $5. i 5. S4.C0 and up to $35.00.

.,.-1 flir. EV.iirtVi fl -.or in rnnnfftion \\

he selection of Gift Pieces now white

lection of French Willow FurniturSettees. Chairs, Rockers, Table

>2.90, S3.90, S5.00 and up; Tables

e and Other Curtaillenaissance Curtains, also Sis.Curtains.

various stvlcs. from the simplest tith some definite idea in mind, to* lengths, anil we call special attsi50 pair.according to style a:

sette Curtains; plain and dainty,

3 trimmed with Scotch Madr, filet and nov- ing of these vcr

se cmbroiderv white- an<j als,°,* tractive colored cttain trimming. (Hmng. room or b(?6.oo pair. ;in(j §2.00 pair; wl

7 RUGS 7«

c, Keautirui.IAN-MADE RUGS.in unapproachable repu- I

esty of material, design,brie, artisticness and per- ttion of the colorings they 5

; American enterprise has Jc?

t only fine looking Rugs s

their good appearance to {t

ittall on the rug you buy, ,*

is just as much of a guar- 'js the mark "sterling" on

<> Royal Whittall's T

Rugs, Chlidema J30. Brussels Rugs,


size.) $32.75., ,

. (9xl2-ft. size.) ^ac ^ Made in 20 sizes, 3

zes, and beautiful oriental Irange of an(] cretonne ef- j


<' Pattern inIINA DINNERWARE. I'ieces, $20.00. .

edge harmonizing with a daintyle.cups are in the beautiful ovide

Is unsurpassed, and in this set itsirlv notable.

vncii new, urn uicj iciaiii

;he end.Look for the name Wh

md ask to see them here; itintee of Rug Quality as iilver or "karat" on gold.Whittall's Whittall's

\nglo Persian Worcestei

Rugs, $60.00. $45.1/n 10 r* \ (9xl2-ft.(9xl2-ft. size.)

May beMade in 25 other other siizes, including in a wideiiall runuers. patterns.

S.sth lloor. F street.


One Hundred FA border pattern, conventional

ebud and green foliage spray; tlnoJ-""The glazing of French China i

oothness and quality is particui;The name of the maker insures

r.oges are one of the leading Frey known everywhere.

No higher in price thaiFiftb tour, i; t.

How We SelectThe QUALITY standard is set v<

complies with our standard. Nothienter here. We do not tolerate sec

any glass with a flaw, blemish or o

In Cut Glass, variety of patternsendeavor to show an unlimited nu

do not limit our selections to 01

market and choose the best fromvariety is assured, and quality ahv;By being in the market continuallanything is placed before us withslow to take advantage of the offgive evidence of this fact by theirWe emphasize the larger and s

n shapes and new cuttings. at tl

$1.85, $2.75, f*Ifth floor, G street.

New JarcFor the proper display of Pk

ring the fall and winter monthsgest display of Jardinieres we hidisplay enables you to see in thmber of designs and wares.There is not a Jardiniere in t

t well chosen and very beautifun to having pieces harmonize v*

js of the home.they will add i

icn selected in this wav.

Jardinieres are here by the huttterns and prices. Especially

maArt, Ivory and a raised.led with soft background.Many Jardinieres of one-of-a;oshown; they cannot be duplic;

Prices frcm 1New designs in Brass Jardinier

tensive showing of pottery and Gla>wer Vases and Hanging Mower Batch.Fifth floor. G street.

Kitchen and POne large portion of our immon;

Kitchen, Pantry and Dining Roomwels, Hemmed Tea Towels, Hertimtwels. Dish Cloths. Dust Cloths. Pot] Polish Cloths, Scrub Cloths, in thi economy.

Dish Cloths, 5c, 7c and10c, \2'/jC and 25c each ; Teaand $2.00 half dozen ; Glass CloRoller Towels, 40c, 45c and 50

Second floor, Klevcutl< street.

>&rd 1(7ork=WASH5NGTON=I'prehensivc Assortment o\

ARIETY OFDESIGNSY DISPLAY.rns, in these finishes:Green, GrayN,atural.

cushions, others are plain, bution, attel there are many that >vi!

Wing Chairs,Rockers,

i. Book Racks.Umbrella Stands,Dining Tables,Odd and Fancy Pieces

a Reed Rocking Chair at S-t-75

nth our Willow Furniture andthe variety is large.

j- .t...e, mauc miuici) u\ uauu ,

S, Flower Stands. Bird Cages, $4.00 and up: Settees. $12.51

ISnss Point, Tamboured Net

d the most elaborate and elegangive beauty and refinement ti

ition to the values offered iron

nd quality.in white and cream, $1.25 and

as Curtains; an attractive showy popular curtains, in ecru am

ecru ground with neat an<l at

csigns. Suitable for living room

:droom. Ecru, $1.00, $1.50, $1.7bite, $1.50, §1.75 and $2.00 pair.

Complete Assortment o

BASKETSFor Every Use.

This is one of the LargesJasket Departments maintainediv any store.and stocked to itull size with every good kind c

lasket that is made.Willowstraw, Grass, Sweet Grass, Fane3raid effects. Palin and all otlienate;ials suitable for makin;rood baskets. The stock is repreen ted by makers from Franctapan. Germany, Austria, Canad.nd the United States. Amonhese tvo latter the Indian Basrets take a leading part.Scrap Baskets, 5©c and tutCm iff© Baskets.. .. J©c tut

rrask Baskets... .5©c tujvflotEnes Baskets... 65c tujWood Baskets.. .$!.©© tuj[Hamper Baskets, $11 .5© tu;nffant Baskets.. . .9©c tujWork Baskets.... 25c iujvollection Baskets, 2©c tug"rait Baskets.... .5©c tutMarket Baskets.. .5©c tu[3>og Sleeping Baskets,

$2.25 tugZa.i Sleeping Baskets,

$2.25 tuj[Dog Traveling Baskets,

$2.5© tuj^at Traveling Baskets,

$2.5© tug.'nffant Sleeping Baskets,

$2.©© tugFifth floor. Tenth Btreot.

Specials in Colonial GlassTnmhlprc* rlp^r crlncc

and one of the most popularshapes, finished bottom.Special, 35c dozen.

Water Sets: two-quartpitcher and half ^ozentumblers; good shape anddesign.

Special, 38c set.Fiftb floor, G street.

Casseroles for Baking andServing.

Casseroles with white interiomd brown exterior: pierced nickerames: round and oval shape;landled""' and footed. We ar

ihowing an extensive line of th'-inch size, with new designs irames and various styles of hanlies, $'.50 each.The most popular sizes ar

:arried in stock, and new casseities can be obtained for frames.

Fifth floor, G street.

Glass Salt SpoonsTrom Germany. We have re:eived a consignment of Individlal Salt Spoons from German}vhich are nicely finished am

,'ery sanitary. We have beeiible to get only a limited supplind additional quantities will noje forthcoming when these ar;xhausted.

Special price, 30c dozen.Fifth floor, G street.

Coaster Sets[n two styles, specially priced a>1.00. One is of tile, handsomel;lecorated in a variety of pattern?vith pierced openwork nickerames; the other is of heavy glasvith attractive cut center, an<lickel openwork frame; botllandled. We consider these th<>est values that can be offeredarge orders being necessary t<irocure such a low price.

Special at $1.00 each.Fifth floor, G btreet.


fj New JapaneseLuncheon Sets, ToweliiNapkins, Table 1

Couch andMany oi these are printed 01

the Japanese in their own countrcially imported for the purpose,tractive shades of blue on white gmostly the former.

I] Used in bedrooms, dining r

$1.00 and $1.50 the piece: Lunchi kins or Doilies, 50c and $1.50 doz

Fourth floor, <1 s;

Couch Covers, Tableand Various Effe

Moquette Couch Covers:couch covers made, and thederfttl oriental and Persiacopies of famous rugs an<

j beautv.$10.00 and

New Leather Pillows and Isigns 1,1 ourni learner pillowin many novel effects : the

J Square and oblong shapes.The Covers, $2.!The Pillows, $3J

| Ooze Leather Skins and Main artistic designs, for tablesbrown, tans and reds.

t The skins are in natural sJ Round and Oval Mi

Velour and Velvet Pillow Gblue and brown, with richlyof arms and various styles

| and others in the center ; t4 trasting color, and many ri

covers are made from shortlow prici;,

! Special, $1.75Table and Piano Scarfs or

Velours and Silks in plainf imposing showing. The ri<site combinations of colorbraids and cords; the fine

11 derful effects of floral desigj thread showing through, i

sj variety as one would want

,f I Prices from $2.Y Pillow Covers of similar mar Tapestry Table Covers. 0sj colorings that cannot be a

ever they may be desired.V $1.50, $2.00 to $15.00, actaM A - f"«n r»

g mew an ouk rortieres, >n i

s-; brown, green, red, mulberi$9.50 and

p) Fourth floor, G street.

? The Test ofp Is in the Servip Many years' service has thf Blankets and proven beyond d<^ ing at $5.00 a pair in double-bet

extra length, are the best that mP They are woven with 90 peip> warp to prevent shrinkage in th<P This Year They Are W

P and the Prices AWonderfully good also is a lo

P of Lambswool-filled Quilts, somcovered in sateen and some ii

D> cambric, with plain sateen botders. at .$5.00.

j Lambswool-filled Quilts, figurcd top and plain back; daint;designs in silk mousseline cover

P ;ng. S6.50 each.Socond floor, F street.

3 Genuine Cowhide Suit IThat Are New

Cowhide Leather for durablthe lead. These two new items avalue and moderation of prices.Genuine Cowhide Suit Cases,

These cases are made of goowith reinforced corners, 3 hinges an<fold for shirts with inside straps;

n : n l:j. r> , F-vjciiuiiic wuuiiiuc ua^s, ma

Made of black cowhide leath(frame, leather lined and inside poclcorners.

Fourth floor. G Jtreot.

Wizard Difor All Dusi

r:1 Effective, labor-saving articli>, Wizard, which is a guarant

et t°US

PB5PiH*Wizard Cling-dust Handle

- tables, chairs and furniture of all', it to the dust cloth; it is 15 id strands being 10 inches and then all the dust and does not lose it.y by washing.no retreatment of c

it essary.e 75c ea

Bric-a-Brac Duster. A lightduster, for dusting bric-a-brac aiis impossible to use other dustefeather dusters. Chemically trea

* renewing, other than washing v

^ when it becomes fully dust-absoi

'j 25c each.

i:!te!Ss1 Carpet Cleara i- ^ ^ a dusty carpets and

e I It is to be used o

,t helps to draw ou

3 rising and scatter

FifLt floor, F street.

Calendars and Diariesfor 1915now ready.

Blue-and-Whitefig, Table Covers,Stunners, Scarfs,Bed Covers.

1 tlie fine quality English cloths byv. the English material being e-peThedesigns arc all done in the atround.or white on blue ground, but

ooms. breakfast rooms. Toweling,eon Sets, $1.50 to $3 50 each; Nap:en;Scarfs, 50c and 75c each.

Covers, Pillow Coversactive Upholsteries.the most exquisite and beautifulmost durable. Shown in the \\011inpatterns and colorings: exact

1 lacking nothing in richness and

$13.50 each.MIlow Covers. Artistic new dcsand covers, also embossed designscolorings are particularly effective.

SO and $3.50 each.00 and $4.25 each.its. PIain and burnt border ettcctsand walls. Prettx Shades of greens,

hape, $1.50 and $1.75 each,ats, 25c to $1.50 each.

overs, "1 shades <if green, red, r. >se.embroidered escutcheons and ooatsof medallions; some in the comerhe decoration is generallv in a conchmetal effects are shown. Thc-eends of materials and sold at a 1 er\

and $2.50 each.Mats. Rich Brocades, lapcstnes,and figured effects. This is a mostch Brocades from France in e.xquiings,many of them trimmed withTapestries, exclusive in their woiiqisand colors with the glint of goldmd Velours and Silks in as fine a

to see.AA *1 A AA Iuu ro 91u.uu eacn.

.terials from 50c to $4.00 each.'riental and art designs in variouspproached: suitable for use wherSizes4-4. 6-4, 8-4 and 10-4.cording to quality and sizes.vondcrful designs and colors.r.y and others just as effective.$12.50 pair.

Bed Blanketsice They Afford.loroughly tested the quality cr ...ijubt that the qualities we are s».d size, and $6.00 pair in double-b- doney can buy.cent wool in the filling, and cotton

: wash.

inning Many New Friends, .

are as Low as Ever.t Crib Quilts in great plenty: thee factory's line of patterns madea into small quilts; coverings em

-hraee both pure silk and sdkmousseline in dainty shades ofpink and blue that are ideal f<>r

y baby's use; beautiful, conifort-able, light weight. Si.65 each.A regular $2.50 value.

Cases and Traveling Bagsand Dependable.e and satisfactory service stands inre exceptionally desirable in quality.

24-inch size, $5.00; 26-inch, $6.00.d quality leather nve a strong frame,1 strong handle; good brass lock, strongbrass lock.

and 16 inch sizes, $5.75 each.;r over a light-weight but strong steelcet; brass lock and catches; reinforced

Listless Mopsting Purposes.:s made by the famous house ofee of their quality and fitness.;t Mop, subjected to a chemicalit which picks up and holds everyof dust. It is for use on hardwood,or tile floors, linoleums, etc. Whenbecomes impregnated with dust itcleansed by washing- out in warm3; washing does not impair its efti50c

each.Duster, for dusting

,kinds ; many prefernches long, dusting -j

Instantly renewed:hemicals being nec-


ch.and compact strandnd recesses where itrs. Far superior to Ited, and requires no,-ith soap and water VrDea. y

i. You can clean your soiled andrugs easily, quickly and thoroughly,n carpets and rugs when sweeping;t the dirt, anil prevents dust froming over the house and furniture.

and 25c package.