LHC Software in Support of Early Commissioning Mike Lamont

LHC Software in Support of Early Commissioning

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LHC Software in Support of Early Commissioning. Mike Lamont. Outline. Introduction Core operational software - reprise Requirements for early commissioning Key solutions for early commissioning Conclusions. Early Commissioning with Beam. To facilitate this:. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: LHC Software in Support of Early Commissioning

LHC Software in Support of Early Commissioning

Mike Lamont

Page 2: LHC Software in Support of Early Commissioning

Software for Early Commissioning 212-06-08


Introduction Core operational software - reprise Requirements for early commissioning Key solutions for early commissioning Conclusions

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Early Commissioning with Beam

Commisioning of instrumentation Commissioning of hardware systems Commissioning of OP procedures with beam Commissioning of machine protection Beam based measurements to check

polarities; aperture; magnetic field quality; optics…

Most of the core functionality should be place. Key instrumatation available and usuable. Need flexibility and support for system commissioning,

diverse measurements and checks.Software for Early Commissioning 312-06-08

To facilitate this:

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LSA (LHC Software Architecture)

Standard architecure for high level software Middle tier designed to provide services to allow effective

accelerator control. Technology now well established. Data model & business layer are common for all

accelerators Database design and implementation well established Database contents for LHC mostly in place It has been deployed and thus tested on:

SPS, LEIR, TI2/TI8/CNGS,SM18 magnet tests, HWC Most core software in place, tested and deployed

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Core 1

Optics & Magnet model Machine layout, device configuration Optics, Twiss Transfer functions, harmonic errors etc. On-line model

Settings generation Generation of settings spanning full parameter space

Settings management & trim Management of settings for all parameters through fullcycle Coherent modifications History of changes and rollback.

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To get anywhere would expect our base to be in place and reasonablely well tested.

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Core 2

Hardware exploitation Equipment control/settings

Power Converters, RF, Collimators, Kickers, Beam Dump etc. Equipment monitoring

Run control Hypercycle: pre-cycle, injection, ramp and squeeze Sequencer, Mode etc.

Timing Timing events, event tables, telegrams, Safe Beam Parameters,

injection requests… RF: Bucket selection, pre-pulses BST Triggered measurement acquisition…

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Beam Loss Monitors - acquisition & concentration

In place & rolling out

Beam Loss Monitors - XPOC, Post mortem, study buffers

In place & rolling out

Beam Loss Monitors - Logging roll out and test

Beam Loss Monitors – OP display In place

Beam Loss Monitors – expert application To spec

Beam Loss Monitors – critical settings – configuration & tests –threshold management

V1 application in place

Bunch Current Transformers acq & display BCTDCLHC & BCTFDLHC & BCTFRLHC

Acq, log, FD in place

Instrumentation – high level

Key Beam Instrumenation must be available and useable

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Instrumentation – high level

BPM: acquisition & concentration & publish All modes: capture, FIFO, orbit

Logging, SDDS, in place, rolling out and test

BPM: acquisition, log, display Rolling outBPM: trajectory and orbit correction

YASP – see later

BPM: multi-turn analysis Application in placeBPM: beta beating analysis Tools in place – see laterBPM: real time orbit feed back Deploy and test - see laterBPMDLHC - dump line BPM XPOC – in placeBPMITLHC – interlocked BPMs Acq/BIS, XPOC - testBTVI/BTVMLHC Screens (matching monitors)

Acq, Control, Interlock in place and test

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Instrumentation – high level

Tune/kickers (tune, aperture, AC dipole)

control- acq – timing- applications – deploy and test

Radmon (TW) acq – conc – display – roll outBQHTLHC – head-tail Chromaticity Deploy & testBSRALHC Abort gap monitor In place - testBSRTFLHC/BSRTSLHC Synchrotron radiation monitors

Application in place - test

BGILHC – Rest Gas Monitor On holdBWSLHC Wire Scanner Application in place - testBQSLLHC - Schottky Work in progressBRASCLHC/BRASGLHC - Luminosity monitors

Work in progress

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Standard services

Security Role Based Access Control (RBAC)

Restrict access to accelerator devices Developed in the framework of the LAFS collaboration

Management of Machine Critical Settings (MCS) Post mortem Logging Fixed displays Communication with experiments Software Interlocks Daemons Measurement facilities

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Rolling out

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Software for Early Commissioning 1112-06-08





Alarms SIS MC

S PM Timing






Services - Hardware

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Software for Early Commissioning 1212-06-08

Services - Instrumentation

Priority Conc Settin

gs State Logging PM SIS MCS




BPM [D,I] 1 X X X XX XBLM 1 X X X X XX XBCT [DC, FD, FR] 1 X XBTV 1 X X X X X XRest Gas [BGI] 3 X X X X XSync. Rad [BSRA] 1 X X X X X XWire Scanners [BWS] 2 X X X X XLuminosity [BRA,S,G] 1 X X X XTune [BQBBQ] 1 X X X X XXTune [BQHT] 2 XAGM [BSRA] 2 X X XSchottky [BQS] 2 X X XBST [BOB] 1

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Hardware - examples

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Instrumentation - examples

Would argue that core functionality is in good shape

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Early Commissioning

Readiness of procedures and software critical Not necessarily talking about sophisticated, automatic

measure and correct utilites at this stage Emphasis on flexibility and off-line analysis Access to information:

measured field errors aperture model misalignments etc. as built, non-conformities etc.

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A1 – Injection and First Turn

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Task Software StatusBeam - Injection regions screens Standard software – on-line fits In place

Steering injection point onto TDI YASP In place

Aperture scan at septa Bumps, beam loss, BCT Standard

BPM (capture acquisition) Standard utility In place

BLM (study buffer acqusition) Standard utility In place

Threading YASP In place

Energy mis-match and correction YASP/LSA In place

BPM and corrector polarity checks[Kick – response if required]

YASP In place

First cut aperture – kick at different phases

BLMs, BCT, sum signal

• Kicker control , TDI control, settings etc – LSA

• Instrumentation commissioning using standard tools (BCT, BLMs…)

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A2 - Capture

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Task Software StatusClose second on first turn YASP In place

N turns average and correct YASP In place

Approx fractional tune FFT BPM multi-turn In place

Capture RF control and diagnostics WIP

Synchro loop, RF phase etc, Standard WIP

Energy matching and correction (sector by sector)

YASP/LSA In place

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A3 – 450 GeV Basics [1/2]

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Task Software StatusGlobal and local orbit correction YASP In place

Tune – basic measure and correct, check trim quad circuits

Tune FFTBPM Multi-turn FFT

In place

PLL setup Tune PLL In place

Chromaticity – basic measure and correct, check sextupole circuits

RF frequency shift/LSATune PLL will be very useful[head-tail, RF phase modulation on hold]

Coupling – basic measure and correct, check skew quad circuits

Closest tune approach or multi-turn BPM/LSA

Dispersion measurement YASP

Beam dump commissioning Timing, BI, XPOC etc. Standard

BLMs commissioning Standard utilities WIP

Beam size - SLM, wire scanners Standard utilities In place

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A3 – 450 GeV Basics [2/2]

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BPM and corrector polarity YASP: automated response measurements

In place

Optics – trajectory versus kick Orbit response analysis to give calibration dependent betas, calibration independent phasesOff-line analysis tools - LOCO


Optics – phase advanceOff-momentum beta

Multi-turn data – harmonic analysis

In place

Local beta, alpha K modulation WIPAperture – pairs of orthoginal correctors – big waves

BLM, BCT Ad hoc

Momentum aperture Radial steering, beam loss In place

Central frequency Radial steering, Q’ adjustment In place

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A4 – 450 GeV Details 1/2

Software for Early Commissioning 2012-06-08

Task Software Status/ measurement and correction (not trivial)

Multi-turn analysis -> tune, coupling measurement and correction (not trivial)

Dx/x correction

Analysis tools in place.

(Essentially off-line analysis with interface to control system for access to measurements and introduction of corrections.)

In place

Inner triplet – commission QT, QS Tune PLL/LSA In place

Aperture – sliding bumps YASP – 3C or 4CAutomated bump scans will be available


Aperture – emittance blow-up, collimators

Collimator optimization tools In place

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A4 – 450 GeV Details 2/2

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Task Software StatusAlice/LHCb - spectrometers Standard YASP/LSA In place

Beam loss map studies BLM expert

Beam based alignment of collimators

Collimator optimisation application

V1 in place

Tune versus Dp/p -> Q', Q'', ... amplitude de-tuning

PLL In place

Check non-linear correctors and spool circuits

Feed-down with local bumps7 bumps etc.Multi-turn analysis – various techniquesHigher order chromaticity


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A6 – Two Beams

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Task Software Status

BPMs with two beamsOrbit correction – two beams

YASP In place

Separation bumps LSA, YASP In place

Aperture - IRs Bumps, BCT, BLM Ad hoc

Triplet alignment K modulation

Instrumentation: Tune, BLMs Standard utilities In place

Check Beam dump Standard utilities In place

Commission Orbit feedback Gauls raring to go (GOFB) In place

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A8 - Ramp

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Task Software Status

- Magnet model (snapback)- Settings: Power converters, RF, Collimators- Feed forward- Timing

LSA etc. In place

Monitor: lifetime, tunes energy, beam losses, beam sizes (synchrotron light).

standard utilities In place

Tune/Coupling PLL – hold the feedback as above In place

Orbit – acquisition and then feedback GOFB In place

Chromaticity Programmed RF frequency modulationTune PLL

Beta beating measurements at intermediate energies - track optics changes

As above

Tracking (sector to sector) YASP In place

Longitudinal emittance blow-up RF utilities WIP

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A9 – Flat Top – 5 TeV

Software for Early Commissioning 2412-06-08

Task Software StatusOrbit, tune, chromaticy, coupling, dispersionCheck transfer functions

As below As below

Optics: beating, phase advance etc

Multiturn plus appropriate excitation (aperture kicker, AC dipole)


Local optics checks K-modulation/PLL

Collimators – local beam sizes

Collimator optimization V1 in place

As for 450 GeV but with a little more care

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Pulling out some key packages…

Tune FFT, Tune PLL plus applications Beta beating analysis etc. Orbit++ Collimators On-line model

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Ralph Steinhagen

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Rogelio Tomas

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YASP - Bumps

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Jorg Wenninger

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YASP - Threading

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Stefano Redaelli

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On-line model

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Ilya Agapov

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Online model features

General features Mad-X integrated development environment linked to control system; common repository of optics files and scripts; SVN version control Acquisition: machine snapshot from control system in madx format; interface to several measurement tools (orbit, beam screens, beta-beating,...) Manipulation libraries for Mad-X input and output (python) Generic fitting (model to measurements) and response matrix tools Merging models/parameters from different sources into single model Dynamic models and models beyond MAD-X Virtual machine (python classes) with API independent of underlying simulation code (multiple codes can be included) Server running the virtual accelerator, can be used by controls client applications

Specific functionality Knobs (for aperture scans, crossing angle etc.). Test in OM and import in control system Aperture visualization; Trajectory interpolation; all calculations (bumps etc.) can be superimposed on the measured orbit 'Energy matching'; detecting optics errors from trajectories (in addition to LOCO) Beam parameter analysis in transfer lines

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Core in good shape Tools to support early commissioning in place:

Tune, chromaticity, coupling… Orbit Beating analysis etc. Collimation On-line model

Some holes to be checked/plugged. Deployment and testing ongoing. Preparation, preparation, preparation. Time will clearly be required during beam commissioning

to commissioning the essential tools.

Tests in progress

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