Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument

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  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument




    electrodynamometer type


    1/23/16 1

    5thterm BE (Electrical)

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument



    The electrodynamometer type instrument is a transfer


    A transfer instrument is one hich is cali!rated ith a d.c.

    source and used ithout any modifications for a.c.

    measurements. "uch a transfer instrument has same

    accuracy for a.c. and d.c measurements.

    #f an electrodynamometer instrument is cali!rated ith d.c

    current. #f pointer indicates 1 A d.c. on scale then on a.c.$

    the pointer ill deflect upto the same mar% (1 Amp r.m.s&alue).

    Thus as it is a transfer instrument$ there is direct

    connection !eteen a.c. and d.c. ence the instrument isoften used as a cali!ration instrument.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument


    The electrodynamometer type instruments

    are often used in accurate a.c. &oltmeters

    and ammeters$ not only at the poer line

    freuency !ut also in the loer audiofreuency ran*e.

    +ith some little modifications$ it can !e

    used as a attmeter for the poer


  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument




    The ,-- instrument cannot !e used on a.c. currents or

    &olta*es !ecause$

    #f a.c. supply is *i&en to these instruments$ an alternatin*

    torue ill !e de&eloped. ue to moment of inertia of

    mo&in* system$ the pointer ill not follo rapidly chan*in*

    alternatin* torue and ill fail to sho any readin*.

    #n order that the instrument should !e a!le to read a.c.

    uantities$ the ma*netic field in the air *ap must chan*e

    alon* ith the chan*e in current.

    This principle is used in the electrodynamometer type

    instrument. #nstead of a permanent ma*net$ the

    electrodynamometer type instrument uses the current under

    measurement to produce the necessary field flu0.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument




    or A. it ould ha&e a torue in one direction durin* one half ofthe cycle and an eual effect in the opposite direction durin* the

    other half of the cycle.

    #f the freuency ere &ery lo$ the pointer ould sin* !ac% and

    forth around the ero point.

    oe&er$ for an ordinary meter$ the inertia is so *reat that on

    poer freuencies the pointer does not *o &ery far in either

    direction !ut merely stays (&i!rates sli*htly) around ero.

    #f$ hoe&er$ e ere to re&erse the direction of the flu0 each time

    the current throu*h the mo&a!le coil re&erses$ a unidirectional

    torue ould !e produced for !oth positi&e and ne*ati&e hal&es of

    the cycle and this is the !asic or%in* principle for the

    dynamometer instruments.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument



    i*ures shos the construction of electrodynamometer

    type instrument

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument



    #i'ed Coils( The necessary field reuired for the operation of the instrument

    is produced !y the fi0ed coils. A uniform field is o!tained near thecenter of coil due to di&ision of coil in to sections.

    These coils are air cored. i0ed coils are ound ith fine ire for

    usin* as &oltmeter$ hile for ammeter and attmeter it is ound

    ith hea&y ire. The coils are usually &arnished. They are clamped in

    place a*ainst the coil supports. This ma%es the construction ri*id.

    eramic is usually used for mountin* supports. #f metal parts

    ould ha&e !een used then it ould ea%en the field of the fi0ed


    Mo)in* CoilThe mo&in* coil is ound either as a self4sustainin* coil or else on

    a non4metallic former.

    #f metallic former is used$ then it ould induce eddy currents in it.

    The construction of mo&in* coil is made li*ht and coil is air cored.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument


    Controllin* The controllin* torue is pro&ided !y sprin*s. These

    sprin*s act as leads to the mo&in* coil.

    Mo)in* System The mo&in* coil is mounted on an aluminium

    spindle. #t consists of counter ei*hts and pointer.

    Dampin* The dampin* torue is pro&ided !y air friction$ !y a pair

    of aluminium &anes hich are attached to the spindle at the

    !ottom. They mo&e in sector shaped cham!ers. As operatin* fieldould !e distorted !y eddy current dampin*$ it is not employed.

    S+ieldin* The field produced !y these instruments is &ery ea%.

    E&en earths ma*netic field considera!ly affects the readin*. "o

    shieldin* is done to protect it from stray ma*netic fields. #t is done!y enclosin* in a casin* hi*h permea!ility alloy.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument




    or usin* electrodynamometer instrument asammeter$ fi0ed and mo&in* coils are connected

    in series and carry the same current. A suita!le

    shunt is connected to these coils to limit

    current throu*h them up to desired limit.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument



    The electrodynamometer instruments can !e usedas a &oltmeter !y connectin* the fi0ed and mo&in*

    coils in series ith a hi*h non4inducti&e resistance.

    #t is most accurate type of &oltmeter.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument


    ELECTRODYNAMOMETER AS ATTMETER or usin* electrodynamometer instrument as a attmeter to

    measure the poer$ the fi0ed coils acts as a current coil and

    must !e connected in series ith the load.

    The mo&in* coils acts as a &olta*e coil or pressure oil and

    must !e connected across the supply terminals. The

    attmeter indicates the supply poer.

    +hen current passes throu*h the fi0ed and mo&in* coils$ !oth

    coils produce the ma*netic fields. The field produced !y fi0ed

    coil is proportional to the load current hile the field

    produced !y the mo&in* coil is proportional to the &olta*e.

    As the deflectin* torue is produced due to the interaction of

    these to fields$ the deflection is proportional to the poer

    supplied to the load.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument


  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument



    1) As the coils are air cored$ these instruments are

    free from hysteresis and eddy current losses.

    2) These instruments can !e used on !oth a.c. and d.c.

    They are also used as a transfer instruments.

    3) Electrodynamometer &oltmeter are &ery useful

    here accurate r.m.s &alues of &olta*e$ irrespecti&e

    of a&eforms$ are reuired.

    ) ree from hysteresis errors.

    5) 7o poer onsumption.

    6) 7i*ht in ei*ht.

  • 7/25/2019 Lect No. Dynamometer Type Instrument




    1) These instruments ha&e a lo sensiti&ity due to a

    lo torue to ei*ht ratio. Also it introduces

    increased frictional losses. To *et accurate results$

    these errors must !e minimied.

    2) They are more e0pensi&e than other type of


    3) These instruments are sensiti&e to o&erload and

    mechanical impacts. Therefore care must !e ta%en

    hile handlin* them.

    ) They ha&e a non4uniform scale.

    5) The operation current of these instruments is lar*e

    due to the fact that they ha&e ea% ma*netic field.