1 Something to think about before teaching: A mediator works to reconcile the differences that divide two parties. Jesus, as the Mediator, provided the cross as a way to bridge the divide between God and fallen humanity that was a result of sin. Kids will learn that Jesus provided a way for them to be reconciled with God. They will learn that they can have a relationship with God because of Jesus dying on the cross for their sins. They will also learn how to tell others about this relationship. Junkyard wars lesson four: mediator Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator, reconciles us with God. Bible Verse: For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6 Bible Story: Praying for All People, 1 Timothy 2:1-7 constructing: putting together what God says about the name -Bible Story -Junkyard Wars Story -Junkyard Wars Competition testing: applying the name -Junkyard Lab -Craft -Game -Bible Memory -Express Yourself -Snack -Trading Cards -Family Time Each Lesson contains: discovering: finding out about the name -Guess the Junk -Alex and Amanda, the Junkyard Champions -Uncovering the Name -Discovering the Verse

Junkyard wars lesson four: mediator - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Lesson 4.pdfJunkyard wars lesson four: mediator Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator,

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Page 1: Junkyard wars lesson four: mediator - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Lesson 4.pdfJunkyard wars lesson four: mediator Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator,


Something to think about before teaching:

A mediator works to reconcile the differences that divide two parties. Jesus, as the Mediator, provided the cross as a way to bridge the divide between God and fallen humanity that was a result of sin.

Kids will learn that Jesus provided a way for them to be reconciled with God. They will learn that they can have a relationship with God because of Jesus dying on the cross for their sins. They will also learn how to tell others about this relationship.

Junkyard warslesson four: mediator

Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator, reconciles us with God.

Bible Verse: For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Bible Story: Praying for All People, 1 Timothy 2:1-7

constructing: putting together what God says about the name-Bible Story -Junkyard Wars Story-Junkyard Wars Competition

testing: applying the name-Junkyard Lab-Craft-Game-Bible Memory-Express Yourself -Snack-Trading Cards -Family Time

Each Lesson contains:

discovering: finding out about the name-Guess the Junk-Alex and Amanda, the Junkyard Champions-Uncovering the Name-Discovering the Verse

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Evidenceguess the junkSupplies: MarblesPreparation: Place the marbles inside a box or in the junkyard.

Welcome to the Junkyard.

I am going to give you three clues about what our junk find of the day is. Let’s see if you can guess what it is. (Either show the box or indicate that the junk item is somewhere among the other junk items.)

Clue #1: These are round.Clue #2: They are hard and roll when dropped. Clue #3: They are used to play a game on the ground.

Answer: Marbles

alex and Amanda, the junkyard championsSupplies: MarblesPreparation: Recruit someone to play Dr. Pheel

Alex is on the ground playing marbles. Amanda walks in and stands with her hands on her hips.

Amanda: Exactly what are you doing?

Alex: Playing marbles.

Amanda: I don’t think so. We are in training. There is NO time to play. You should be studying the marbles. You should be learning what makes them roll each way. You should be measuring them and weighing them and creating things with them.



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Alex: No problem. I am definitely learning what makes them roll.

Amanda: Are you recording your results? Are you putting your results into a spreadsheet for us to analyze?

Alex: What? Look, you need to cool down. You are way too uptight.

Amanda: And all you want to do is play. Play. Play. Play.

Alex: (Stands up and the two of them face each other.) And all you want to do is work. Work. Work. Work.

Amanda: Work is what will win this championship.

Alex: All work and no play makes Amanda a dull girl.

Amanda: How dare you!

Both of them fold their arms and glare at one another.

Dr. Pheel walks in.

Dr. Pheel: Woa. You two have a big problem here. Why don’t you come on my show and let me mediate the problem? You know I can act as a go-between. I’m sure we can work this out.

Amanda and Alex both turn around and “huff” off the stage.

Dr. Pheel: Well, we can only work this problem out if both parties are willng. And it doesn’t look like they are ready. (Shakes his head and leaves.)

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uncovering the nameSupplies: picture of a bridge, sign “Mediator”

Each week our name of Jesus is going to have a symbol to help us remember the meaning of the name. We will look at a picture that has part of the symbol up close. More of the symbol will be shown a little at a time. See if you can guess what the symbol is.

(This can be done by having the kids yell out answers, dividing into two teams with a captain or choosing two kids to play in front of everyone)

The symbol is a bridge. When we think about a bridge, we think about a way to get from one side to the other. It is a go-between two sides.

Jesus is a go-between, also. The word, Mediator, means go-between. Jesus is both God and man, so He could be the mediator between the two. He is like a bridge that connects man with God. We need that bridge because sin disconnected man from God. When we are connected back to God, we use the word “reconciled.”

Jesus, as the Mediator, reconciles us with God.

Display: Place the symbol in the display. Make sure to print out the name “Mediator.”

discovering the verseRead 1 Timothy 2:5-6 together:

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Let’s say the verse again with some motions to help us remember it.




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For there is one God (Hold up number one finger.)And there is one mediator (Brings hands together (touching at fingertips) to make a bridge.)Between God and men (Point to sky then to self.)The man Christ Jesus (Make a cross with pointer fingers.)Who gave himself (Put hand on heart then place in front with palm side up.)As a ransom (Rub thumb and fingers together.)For all (Make a sweeping motion with arm pointing toward everyone else.)

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ConstructingBible StoryPraying for All People, 1 Timothy 2:1-7

How many of you have ever written an email to someone? What about a letter? We do not write letters now as much as we used to. Believe it or not a long time ago there were no computers and no phones. People had to write letters. It was the only way to communicate. Even when there were phones, long distance calls were expensive so people still wrote a lot of letters.

One of Jesus’ followers named Paul wrote a lot of letters that are in our Bible. (Show the kids some of the books in the Bible that are letters.) One that Paul wrote was to a man named Timothy. Let’s read a little bit of the letter:

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth. For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all, which is the testimony given at the proper time. For this I was ap-pointed a preacher and an apostle (I am telling the truth, I am not lying), a teacher of the Gentiles in faith and truth.” 1 Timothy 2: 1-7

In this letter, Paul tells Timothy that we should pray for everyone including our leaders. He wants us to live peaceful and godly lives and praying for others helps us to do that. It pleased God.

He also tells Timothy that God wants all people to be saved. He wants all people to know about Him.

Then He uses a couple big words to describe Jesus.

One of them is mediator. Let’s show what a mediator means:

Have two kids come up and play with the toy. This is the owner of the toy (point to one child) named Jo(e).


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He/she is playing with Don/Dawn. These two are playing together with (name the toy.) Sud-denly Don looks suspiciously at the toy. He thinks that this toy looks a lot like the toy he had at home that disappeared last week. So he turns to Joe and accuses him of taking the toy from his house when he was playing there last week. Joe denies it. Don is sure the toy is his. Joe says it is not. They can not come up with a solution to the problem. Their friendship is over because neither one trusts the other.

What can be done? They need a mediator. This word means a go-between. The mediator is im-partial- he represents both people equally. In this case a friend of both could talk to them and help them work it out. Let’s see how this might work. I’ll be the friend.

(Talk through the problem with the two. Help them come to an agreement that will work out for them and keep their friendship.)

Jesus is not a mediator between two people but between God and man. Why do you think he could do that? He is both God and man. He is the only one who could do this.

Why does God and man need a go-between?

(Draw a picture of the bridge illustration. Draw two cliffs with the word “God” on one side and “man” on the other and a ravine in between the cliffs.)

God is holy. Man is sinful. Because of sin, there is a divide between the two. Jesus came as a go-between. He died on the cross for our sins. (Draw a cross as a bridge between the two cliffs.) He made a way for us to be reconciled (brought back together) with God.

Jesus did this for everyone. We should pray that everyone will want to go across this bridge, the cross, to God.

If you could draw yourself on this picture, where would you be? Would you be on the man side separated from God? Would you be close to going across the bridge? Would you be on the God side already reconciled to Him?

Remember that Jesus, as the Mediator, reconciles us with God.


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PrayerTake some time for the kids to think about the bridge illustration. Depending on the situation, consider the kids drawing where they are either on a large illustration or drawing it by themselves. Lead them in a prayer to give their lives to Jesus if they are at the point of “walking across the bridge.”

junkyard wars storySupplies: Two marbles, two buckets, masking tape, two 36 inches of stringPreparation: Make two large X’s on chairs. Place them at least 5 feet apart. Place a bucket approxi-mately 6 feet in front of each chair.

Over one hundred years ago, there was a gold rush in the Klondike in Canada. Men were do-ing everything they could to get to the gold, however, the path there was dangerous. They had a choice between two ways to go. One way was the White Pass that was not as steep as the other way, but did have many large boulders making travel difficult.

George Brackett had an idea. He made a road through the pass. His road would connect Skagway, the place where the miners began, with the other side of the pass, where they could go on river and lake to the gold. The catch was he did not make the road out of the goodness of his heart. He made the road so he could become rich. He charged the miners tolls to pass through on his road. Legend goes that he even charged them for their dogs going on the road. Many of the miners tried to by pass the toll road but George had law enforcement to guard the entry and exit so people could not jump on without paying the toll.

Not everyone could go on this road. It was still a rough road so only those who had pack animals could go across the road. It was build only for some people to cross.

It cost George a lot of money to build the road. It cost the people a lot of money to go across it. In the end he did not become rich. He had all kinds of problems with the toll road. Eventually a railroad came through which made it much easier to get across the pass.

When Jesus made a way for us to get to God, He did so not out of His own selfishness but out of His own




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self-sacrifice. He did it because He loved us. He did pay a big price- His life on the cross. He paid the “toll” for us which our memory verse calls the ransom. He bought our way to God with the price of the cross.

Also, Jesus is the mediator for everyone. He is the go-between for anyone who will believe. This way is not just for certain special people. Jesus died for everyone. He gave himself as a ransom for all people.

I will need four volunteers. You will need to transport this marble from the X to the bucket. Here are the rules:

1. The marble may not touch the ground. 2. The marble may not be carried from one side to the other. 3. The marble may not be thrown. 4. The marble may move along something but it must move without being touched. 5. The first pair to get the marble from the X to the bucket wins. 6. You may get advice from the audience but they may not physically help you.

Give each pair a marble, five sheets of paper and string. Begin the race once the teams have their supplies.

It took a lot of effort to get the marble from one side to the other. Both people had to work to be the go-between. We must remember that it is not our work that gets us to God but Jesus’ work on the cross.

Let’s say our Bible verse together:

For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

junkyard wars competition: Building a raftSupplies: popsicle or craft sticks, large paper clips, plastic wrap, string, aluminum foil, masking tape, marbles, large plastic container

Preparation: Fill the container with water.




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Divide the kids into small groups. Give each group the following:

1. 20 popsicle sticks2. 12 inch by 12 inch piece of aluminum foil3. 12 inch by 12 inch piece of plastic wrap4. 5 large paper clips5. 3 feet of string

You will work together to build a raft that will float on the water. The team whose raft will sup-port the greatest amount of weight (marbles) will win. You may only use the materials given you to build the raft. You will have ____ minutes to com-plete the raft.

When the time limit is completed, test each raft by placing in the water. For those who float, place the marbles one at a time on the raft. Count the marbles as they are placed on the raft. Declare a winner.

A raft is one way we can get from one place to another. We know that rafts can be used to go across a river, a creek or a lake. It is a way to bridge the distance between two sides of the shore.

Jesus bridges the distance between us and God. We know that because of sin, man was sepa-rated from God. Jesus died on the cross so that we will no longer be separated from God. We can ask for forgiveness through Jesus and we will be made right with God. This is called be-ing reconciled.

Jesus, as the Mediator, reconciles us with God.

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testingjunkyard labSupplies: canned goods, paper, drinking straws, string, paper clips, aluminum foil, toy car

Place the cans 8 inches apart. Design a bridge between the two cans using the materials given. Place the car on the bridge. Will the bridge hold it?

Review how Jesus is the bridge between God and man.

craft: Fingerprint cross pictureSupplies: cardstock, washable ink pad, wipes, markers

Press a fingertip into the ink pad. Place it on the cardstock and roll gently from one side to the other. Continue making fingerprints in the shape of a cross.

Write on the page “He gave himself as a ransom for me.”

GameSupplies: pieces of cardboard (about 2 ft by 2 ft)

Divide the kids into teams. The number of team members on each team does not matter. The larger the number of team members the longer the game will take, however, not as many pieces of cardboard will be required.

The object of the game is to transport the team from one side of the room to the other without touching the floor. Each team is given 3 pieces of cardboard. The first team to get all the team members across wins.

Remind the kids that Jesus is the One who makes it possible for us to be reconciled with God. Review what being reconciled means.


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bible memory: domino the verseFor there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Supplies: dominoes, paper, marker, tape

Preparation: Write the words to the verse on small pieces of paper. Tape one word to a domino. Con-tinue with the rest of the words.

Divide the kids into small groups. Have them arrange the dominoes in correct verse order. Arrange the dominoes in a path and push the first one down so they all fall one at a time.

express yourselfSupplies: Copy of questions for each small group

1. How would you explain Jesus being the Mediator?2. Draw a picture of the bridge illustration. Practice explaining it to each other. 3. Can you think of someone you should pray for?4. Take some time to pray for people just like Paul told Timothy. Pray for leaders and family members. Pray that if they need a go-between to be reconciled to God, that they will ask Jesus to do that for them.

snack: banana bridgeSupplies: banana, tortilla, cream cheese, knife, plate

Spread cream cheese on the tortilla. Roll it up. Cut it into two equal sized halves, cutting off the end that is not flat. Place the halves on opposite sides of the plate. Peel the banana and place between the tortilla rolls to form a bridge.

Review why the bridge symbolizes the name Mediator.


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Trading CardsSupplies: printed card for each child, markers or crayons (optional)

Name: MediatorSymbol: Bridge

Verse: For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Give each child the card. If using the coloring cards, use markers or crayons to decorate them. Go over the verse together and review the symbol.

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Supply List

guess the junk: ☐Marbles

alex and Amanda: ☐Marbles

uncovering the name: ☐Picture of a bridge ☐Sign “Mediator”

bible story: ☐None

junk wars story: ☐Two marbles ☐Two buckets ☐Masking tape ☐Two 36 inches of string

junk wars competition: ☐Popsicle or craft sticks ☐Large paper clips ☐Plastic wrap ☐String ☐Aluminum foil ☐Masking tape ☐Marbles ☐Large plastic container

Junkyard lab: ☐Canned goods ☐Paper ☐Drinking straws ☐String ☐Paper clips ☐Aluminum foil ☐Toy car

craft: ☐Cardstock ☐Washable ink pad ☐Wipes ☐Markers

game: ☐Pieces of cardboard (about 2 ft by 2 ft)

bible memory: ☐Dominoes ☐Paper ☐Marker ☐Tape

express yourself: ☐Copy of questions for each small group

snack: ☐Banana ☐Tortilla ☐Cream cheese ☐Knife ☐Plate

trading cards: ☐Printed card for each child ☐Markers or crayons (optional)

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Junkyard WARS

family discussion:1. What does it mean that Jesus is the Mediator?2. What does it mean to be reconciled with God?3. Draw a picture of the bridge illustration explaining it to the family.

family imaginative thinking:Think of people in your family’s lives that should be prayed for. Make a list. Include people in leadership including the country’s leader. Think of a creative way to pray for the list each day this week. Perhaps write their names on post it notes and place them around the house. Maybe pick a few people to pray for each night at dinner. Have fun thinking of fun ways to pray for one another.

family game:Find a way to get from one side of a room or the backyard without touching the ground. Use only a blanket (or other similar object) to transport the whole family from one sideto the other.

Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator, reconciles us with God.

Bible Verse: For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all. 1 Timothy 2:5-6

Bible Story: Praying for All People, 1 Timothy 2:1-7

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express yourself

1. How would you explain Jesus being the Mediator?

2. Draw a picture of the bridge illustration. Practice explaining it to each other.

3. Can you think of someone you should pray for?

4. Take some time to pray for people just like Paul told Timothy. Pray for leaders and family members. Pray that if they need a go-between to be reconciled to God, that they will ask Jesus to do that for them.

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Page 19: Junkyard wars lesson four: mediator - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Lesson 4.pdfJunkyard wars lesson four: mediator Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator,
Page 20: Junkyard wars lesson four: mediator - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com/waipunachapel/documents/Lesson 4.pdfJunkyard wars lesson four: mediator Main Point: Jesus, as the Mediator,