Mediator example…. My project aim is to read data file(example txt) from one file directory and put in to another file directory… For reading txt file( Incoming file)I am creating one directory Ex: D:\krishna My data file is student.txt


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Mediator example….

My project aim is to read data file(example txt) from one file directory and put in to another file directory…

For reading txt file( Incoming file)I am creating one directory

Ex: D:\krishna

My data file is student.txt

Ur composite will look like this

Take one file adapter at exposed service side…..

You need to add directory for Incoming files…

Click on Browse for add directory…

Click on native format builder…

To convert txt file to xsd

For file name click on browse..

Click on finish…

Finally click on finish…

Make a wire to file adapter to mediator like this…

For put outgoing data file into directory we will create one directory..



Take a one more file adapter at reference side,….

Now click on browse for schema file…

Make a wire to mediator to write file adapter…

Now our task is to route the data by using mediator…

Now double click on mediator…

IN filter Expression I am writing condition here…

Expand the all root nodes…

Now click on Insert into Expression

Finally click on ok..

Now we need to transfer the data by using Transformation

Save all ….

Now go and deploy …

You can go and check the input directory and output directory…