[Boox . (And y ,AM not any root iM emnece, n0r branch]. (TA.) AndA aJt 1 .o zU; ZTht mAin the benbn4f ime: (A, ,TA:) or i th ol ti~ ; (AO, Q, TA;) u also Al l L .U (AO,TA.) 8ee alo art. ~. ' (And se odther es in Freytag' Arab. Prov. i. 35 and 878 (a variation of a prov. mentioned in the pre~eding page) and 607 and 622 and 729-730.] 4 '", applied to a man, (IS, g, Mgh,) Lage in teb z-I,(I8Sk, ,Mgh,V,) orop ; ( u;) as also vaI , (I8k, ?, Mgh, 19,) and ?,_: (.:) and o, applied to a woman, i [fem. of the first], and '., in whict the . is augmenta- tive, (ISk, f,) and V 1;.: (TA:) pl. [of the filrt] a, like ., , and ,.,i: (].:) and ?-"*_, applied to a man, signifies large in the buttock. (TA.). And, u also v 1 t and · and , 5 .,_, A se, or dei , of th ,..; (i ;) or one addctd thereto; (TA;) i q. slf [one add~ to th cre of th pe~p of Lot]. (T.) ee -~, with which it is syn. : o [ith sn.] :.. ,e Larp in the posterio.: ( :) acord. to the Q, s. with &A- .; [see this latter, in art. , in three place;] and the . is augmentative: (TA:) some explain it as n with ;.~: the author of the V [a mistake for the g], in art. &:., as meaning large in the ,1. (MF, TA.) L u., ( a,) aor. sa.., aid of a camel, (TA,) He hA~ made haste, or went quickly; (1, TA;) as also LSZ: mentioned by Az. (TA.) 2: mee 4, in two place. 3: UL, (15,) inf. n. MC..., (TA,) He played wA i the [ga.e cae~ A [expl. in art. j;1L in the 1] ua consiting in one's striking with the hand, or with the fore part of the foot, the hinder part, or backside, of a man, from behind him, and so throwing him down prostrate: whence it seems that the verb is perhaps irregularly de- rived from the "", q. v.]. (1..) 4 1 ,,t i. (,1) and 'tI. (M,TA) are syn. with *1~I (1, ) and , (M, TA,) [i. e. He st, or dposed, the warp of the garment, or p~ eceof clot,] uaid of a weaver; contr. of &MJ1; except that * t. means he did so for himself and for another, whereas S means he did so for another, $.3 meaning he did so for him- sel£ (TA.) 11 [accord. to the Q and V]. ,ta, inf.n. o'~!, said of a she-camel, She became relaxed by reasm of lust: (?, 1:) thus mentioned here by J and in the 1]; but its proper place, as is evident, is art. i.l, in which it has been ex- plained. (TA: see 0 in art. Lo1.) U-is s^ with 4S (1, M, ]K,) relating to a arment, or pice of dcloth; (?, M;) au also · a-1; (1g;) both signify [The warp thereof;] · ~~~~~. A.o 6,:II, the contr.of 1;J; like 5 . and j.l: (M :) and ,atI is [the n. un. of the former, or] n with ; , relating to a garment, or piece of cloth: (AZ, :) [whence,] one says to him who neither harms nor profits, t 3C -j ;.;J a IJ L [lit. Thou art either a woof nor a ,warp: ee albo a similar saying voce.]: (TA: [see abo S.- :1) and,t ,'.1 signifies alo s_.. or S~ (accord. to different copies of the 1]) [lit. a garment, or p~c of cloth, having its warp set or di~ d; perhaps meaning having a good, or Jtrong, warp; in art. .~1 written, as from the L, PSL , for which I find no other authority]; so expl. by AHeyth: but accord. to others, it is what the weavers term ., as mentioned above, a'f i. e. the warp. (TA. [See also .. l in art. ¢,l, and ail in art. 1l and in art.j,. and .]) Also i. q. .J . [as meaning Afavowr, baew fit, bo~faction, or the like]; (V ;) in this sense also a dial var. of LS.. (TA.)_ AlBo a dial. var. of L5kZ signifyin. Dates while continunj green and mall; syn. C4. (TA.) ;l: see the next preceding paragraph, in two places. I · 1 ., i,,l: see i.~, above, in two places. ,,~~~~~ - 1. o..o, aor. -, inf. n. a.., (so accord. to the L, and the text of the 1] followed in the TA,) or ... , (so accord. to the CK and my MS. copy of the 1,) and 4_.. [which last suggests that ~ also may be used in the sense here following,] said of a cheek, It wa even, and soft, and Ing, in moderation, wi littleJf~ , (M, TA,) and wde: (TA:) or wa smooth, and long, with little~ h, and wide. (L. [See. below.])-_ _~a.., inf. n. 1 .. , is said of a man's natural disposition, [meaning It wau, or becamn, ~tle, or asy: (see ,. ~, voce .. , below:)] and one says, ilts. - a_l t. L.1i [In his intelect ui gravity, and in his natural di~potion is gentle , or easinem]. (A.)- i, '. . q. -. [i. e. The pigeon cooed; or reiterated its voice or cry; &c.]: (Lth, 1 :) but said by some to be a mispronun- ciation, and disallowed by IDrd. (MF.)_ . Hg dJ 4 lie ap a meaning to him ob~ly, indirectly, bbscurely, or aluimely, by spch;a also * : (Az, g:) so in the "Nawadir." (Az, TA.) 9: see what next precedes. , 4. 1; 1signifies The pardoning, or for givin, ith g . ($, 0, :.) One says, 5,?~ a.:L.,; (?, A, 0, TA;) a prov., relating to pardoning, or forgiving, whm having powwer [to punish ortotakev~ngeace]; (TA;) maing [1tou hast beco pssed of power, the par do, or forg , ih goodr; or] tp haf attained t oect, them. act with ~od,; (A, TA;) and thou Ast obtaind powe, tb pardon, or~forgi, in as Wy anda good mm~er: (TA:) it was said by the Prophet to Ibn-El. Akwa', and by 'Aisheh to 'Alee on the "Day of the Camel."' (O.) And one ay alo, oy 1 When tou askedt, or ~ t, th, make thy wor, or oresion, easy, and b g (b.) 7. A j .3 i. q. [app. syn. with ~_1, or pqrhaps a mistranscription for this last word, meaning He a liberal, or g~o, to me with such a thing; or he conm d ~ y desire in such a thing]. (g.) am: see ,s in five placeos. ~ Beauty, and ju~ ofprportio., (T, ~, L,) of the make, (T,) or of the face, ({,) or of a man. (L.) [See also 1, first sentence.] Soft, or gentk, and even, or s; as also t . (1.) You say ai %t A eaty (, A) and a direct, or right, (A,) gait, or manner of yoin. (S, A.) And 1t e i V :4_ and _, and . , u a one waUked, or went, with an eay gait or mamr of goin~ : (L:) or mith an equable gait, t inclining the body frm side to s in prmd& (T.) And t . J. A ntle, or an asy, natural d~ition. (L.) And j_. 3 A man easy and good in natural disposition: (lar p. 3I4:) and ,;JI * g. [which mueans the same]. (A.) Also The ,i of a road, (., A, K,) or its main part, or beaten track; (A, 15;) and so V .. : (8. A,]5:) because of its evennes. (TA.) One says, V5 & . j t*>JI or ;,JI U [Loam ew thou r Ams tho middle of the road]. (Q, accord. to diffirent copies.) And?l m -- - ; o, - :':'*0 oi..) ,i ..; . 14 .... ~ ,91 ' ,1., [He who we, demands, or ~ for, that which is a right, or due, and goes in the beaten track thereof, God ill conduct him to the attainment of his object]. (A, TA.) ~And Meaure, size, or rpor~on; (~, ;) as also , (S,) -and : (,A, :) so in the saying, c. , ' .j. J t .lj (, 1P) and m1 t and _ 3J_lj (S, A) [The people, or party, contrd their tents, or ho,u of one uniform masrem &C.]. 'a2d: see a,,. , ' The air. (O, 1.) [Perhaps a mistran- scription for .] it: i. q.;4: (Fr,O,::*) sointhesaying, 4 . ,.. "3 t Z-; Ma [I sat oter againt, orfont ing, hisfae]. (Fr, O.) 0. L- is P^ with M, ]K,) relating t6 to pardoning, or foriiving, Whm having power Ls~p a pment, or piew of cloth; (?,M;) u abo Ito punish or to take v~ oe]; (TA;) C. i f., [I'MU ma bw~ powwwd Of power, then par. both signify [The maip therce j d^ or 90~ ; or] A di ibe contr. of 1;1j; like and jewl: (M4 attained Wm okioct, thm. aa ~ 9~ ; and v 'it,Zw, is [the n. un. of the former, or] " (A,* TA;) and thm Md obtabd powe, with relating to a pment, or piece of pardon, or~ , in an~ and agood mm~ : cloth: (AZ, [,whence,] one says to him who (TA:) it wu said by the Prophet to Ibn-El. neither harm& nor ~ to, t'i'c - !;:.j CA Akwal.* and by AUch to 'Alee on the 41 Day of [fit. Thm art withr a n.Tf nor a warp the Camel!' (O.) And one oays abo a similar saying vocejs;]: (TA: [see also When Llwu asked, or b~ thm main a ei 0 a 0 0 a, U-1-j) and't IZ.1 signifies 19w or thy wor&, or exprmiou, sasy, and be 1 -# Lq~ P J~ (accord. to difrerent copies of the ]g) [lit. 7. 1.04 .1 I [app. with ' ' 6 a 1 ' C4~ a. q. C~. a qar~ , or ~ of cloth, having iu warp mt 1 or pqrhaps a mistranaMption for this lut or &~ ; perhape meaning having a good, or Swo:rd,7meaning He aw hleral, or gm~ to strong, warp; in art. ~1 written, u from the me mU mch a thing; or M com~ ~ my LP for which I find no other authority]; desire in such a thing]. (lg.) so expl. by AHeyth: but,,aooord. to others, it is OCC in five placeo. what the weavers term Zw, as mentioned above, A #A Beauty, andjuMmofpropwtion, (TI i. e. the warp. (TA. [See also Zw$ in art. t:~I, clq~ a 69 ?, LP) of the make, (T,) or of the fam, J or of and Lq,%,.1 in art. jkwl and in art..y~ and J~.D a man. (L.) [See also 1, first sentenoe.] Also i. q. jA;;; [as meaning Afaww, bow 9 So .ft, or gentk, and even, or m fit, ~ affim, or the,likel; (V;) in 0.1 1 aW You say C4~ 301: An dw a dial. Yry. of Lq~. (TA.)~ Abo a dial. var. of Lq " easy A) and a dirwt, or ri signifyinf Dates whik continuiwj ght, A,) gait, or g~ and mall; syn. (TA.) manner i A .) And V" t:. and and a &Uw: we the next preceding pmgraph, in two one maUmd, or with an " gait or mamur places. of ~: (L:) or with an equable gait, m~ ,,;wl: (T.) And A or an me, natural ~ tion. (L ') A A .Clblld man eanj and good in natur;d& (1u 1. C~, aor. inc n. (so aowrd. to p. 3W) and jUJI [which mum the the LP and the text of the 1 followed in the TA,) 1 & (so wwrd. to the CK same]. (A.) ~ Also The of a road, or C-, and mY MS. A, K,) or its main part, or beaten track; (A, copy of the V,) and [which lut suggests V;) and so V A, V.:) becaum of its ' ` ' 0 & &' 2. that Cold also may he used in the sense here evennew. (TA.) One says, VC," 00 following,] &dd of a cheek, It nw mm, and jAl l or joWl [Loam thou for 7dn'tho so.ft, and lmg, in moderation, wUA little~, (M, TAJ and wide: (TA:) or am smooth, and mdd& Of the rOadl.; (Q, acwrd. to diffirent 111 .. 0 ' kV, with little~ , andmide. (L. [See pies.) And V inf n. ILhip~, is said of a Amqj j.1 WI 1U.SI [He mb web, demandr, belowj) C~P 1 ' man's natural disposition, [meaning It mu, or or &~for, that mUch is a right, or due, and becanw, ~ ,or" : (see ` 0 ' 0 . 0 gm in the beatm track d~f, God wO conduct .0 A c t 7 voce P~, ' him to the attainm~ of his otiect]. (A, TA.) below:)] and one says, Jil& #-- - J,3 A-A"J " J, And Mmmre, Sim, or proportion; M190 i. [In his inte&jt'it gravity, and in his 9 0 8 0. 1 u also and Vmh natural di~ion is ~lmm, or eatinew]. J J #~&I (A.)~ L jo..# ~ i. q. I:% 0 [i. c. The `0 in the eaying, pigeon cooed; or rterated its voice or cry; &c.]: ~1.9 P) and ~;.3 V and (Lth, ]:) but said by some to be a miapronup- A) [7%e or pany, comtm~ ciation, and dinllowed by 1Drd. (MF.)~ t#he;. tmu, or of one unlform meamm .0t04 He or~ a meaniy to him &c.]. obUqu4, b~ tbj, bUcurel or afflaimly, by 2- y, : ow 2- u also (Az,l:) so in the The air. (0, ]g.) [Perhaps a mistran- Nawiffir.` (Az, TA.) aMption for 2: no what next precedes. A t;.11 signifies The pardoning, or C:tn- i. q. #tq.3 : (Fr, 0, V:*) so in the saying, 0 jeor- ~ p With 90~ . (?, 0, V,.) One says, "j [I.*at oter agab&, or~ (?, A, 0, TA;) a prov., relating ing, Abfam]. (Fr, O.) 1 to pardoning, or forgiving, 'WhM having power [to punish or to take v~ oe]; (TA;) i Itiou ma bw~ Pm~d of power, then par- don, or fo", mm go~; or] ~ Md attaind ~ otiect, thm. ad m" 9~; (A,* TA;) ana thm Aaat obtabW powe, tAm pardon, orforgim, in an mW and agood mm~: (TA:) it wu said by the Prophet to Ibn-El. AkW, and by AUch to 'Alee on the 11 Day of the Camel!' (O.) And one oays Ill When Llwu asked, or b~ thm malm thy wor&, or orprmiou, sasy, and be 7. $A1 ' C4..3 i. q. [app. syn. with C~I, or pqrhaps a mistranaMption for this lut *ord, meaning He aw Meral, or gm~ to me mith mch a thing; or M con~ ~my desire in such a thing]. (lg.) am in five placeo. C.q~ Beauty, and judnm ofpropwtion, (TI LP) of the make, (T,) or of the fam, J or of a wngn. (L.) [See also 1, first sentenoe.] Soft, or gentk, and even, or m aii;, It You eay & An easy , A) and a dirwt, or ri or ght, A,) gait? 01 WI manner of gou7. A.) And V" t:. and and tL !;L, one maUmd, or mkh an " gait or mamur of ~: (L:) or mU an equable gait, m~ mclm" the body fmm side to side m (T.) And Ir ' ' jLL A or an We, Cr~ j 4.0 l! natural ~ tion. (L.) And C~ j,.j A man eanj and good in natural disposition: (Ijkr p. 3W) and JUJI [which mum the same]. (A.) ~ Also The of a road, A, K,) or its main part, or beaten track; (A, 0 0 a and so (8 A V:) becaum Of its * 0 & evennew. (TA.) One says, V & C" 00 1 or joWl [Loam dwa for Am tho mid& of tAc road], (Q, acwrd. to diffirent 4 3 111 .. 1 - 0 ' copies.) And lp mbc~ LO, L'r& -3 L M-4 J j.1 21' 1U.SI [He mb web, demandr, rl &~for, that mUch is a right, or due, and goes in the beatm track thereof, God ioM co~ him to the attabm~ of his otiect]. (A, TA.) ~And Mmmre, fize, or pro~; u also and V 0-, ($,A, V:) JP J 3.0 a 6, so in the eaying, C'~ UU.^3M -*p% ~1.9 (9, P) and m and A) [7%e ~,or pany, constructed t tents, or of OM uniform mm~ 2- ow 2- The air. (0, ].) [Perhaps a mistran- aMption for A Ctn- i. q. #t*i : (Fr, 0, V:*) so in the saying, 0 1 .0 6- "3 ZPM [1 mt oter a"*&, or~ ing, hbfam]. (Fr, O.)

jAl l - StudyQuranHe st, or dposed, the warp of the garment, or p~ eceof clot,] uaid of a weaver; contr. of &MJ1; except that * t. means he did so for himself and for another, whereas

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Page 1: jAl l - StudyQuranHe st, or dposed, the warp of the garment, or p~ eceof clot,] uaid of a weaver; contr. of &MJ1; except that * t. means he did so for himself and for another, whereas

[Boox .

(And y ,AM not any root iM emnece, n0rbranch]. (TA.) AndA aJt 1 .o zU;ZTht mAin the benbn4f ime: (A, ,TA:)or i th ol ti~ ; (AO, Q, TA;) u alsoAl �l L .U (AO,TA.) 8ee alo art. ~. '(And se odther es in Freytag' Arab. Prov. i. 35and 878 (a variation of a prov. mentioned in thepre~eding page) and 607 and 622 and 729-730.]

4'", applied to a man, (IS, g, Mgh,) Lagein teb z-I,(I8Sk, ,Mgh,V,) orop ; ( u;) as

also vaI , (I8k, ?, Mgh, 19,) and ?,_: (.:)and o, applied to a woman, i [fem. of thefirst], and '., in whict the . is augmenta-tive, (ISk, f,) and V 1;.: (TA:) pl. [of the

filrt] a, like ., , and ,.,i: (].:) and ?-"*_,applied to a man, signifies large in the buttock.

(TA.). And, u also v 1t and · and, 5 .,_, A se, or dei , of th ,..; (i ;)or one addctd thereto; (TA;) i q. slf [oneadd~ to th cre of th pe~p of Lot]. (T.)

ee -~, with which it is syn.

: o [ith sn.] :..

,e Larp in the posterio.: ( :) acord. tothe Q, s. with &A- .; [see this latter, in art. ,in three place;] and the . is augmentative:(TA:) some explain it as n with ;.~: theauthor of the V [a mistake for the g], in art. &:.,as meaning large in the ,1. (MF, TA.)

L u., ( a,) aor. sa.., aid of a camel, (TA,)He hA~ made haste, or went quickly; (1,TA;) as also LSZ: mentioned by Az. (TA.)

2: mee 4, in two place.

3: UL, (15,) inf. n. MC..., (TA,) He played

wA i the [ga.e cae~ A [expl. in art.j;1L in the 1] ua consiting in one's striking withthe hand, or with the fore part of the foot, thehinder part, or backside, of a man, from behindhim, and so throwing him down prostrate: whenceit seems that the verb is perhaps irregularly de-rived from the "", q. v.]. (1..)

4 1 ,,t i. (,1) and 'tI. (M,TA) aresyn. with *1~I (1, ) and , (M, TA,) [i. e.He st, or dposed, the warp of the garment, or

p~ eceof clot,] uaid of a weaver; contr. of &MJ1;except that * t. means he did so for himselfand for another, whereas S means he did sofor another, $.3 meaning he did so for him-sel£ (TA.)

11 [accord. to the Q and V]. ,ta, inf.n.o'~!, said of a she-camel, She became relaxedby reasm of lust: (?, 1:) thus mentioned hereby J and in the 1]; but its proper place, as isevident, is art. i.l, in which it has been ex-plained. (TA: see 0 in art. Lo1.)

U-is s^ with 4S (1, M, ]K,) relating toa arment, or pice of dcloth; (?, M;) au also

· a-1; (1g;) both signify [The warp thereof;]· ~~~~~. A.o 6,:II,

the contr.of 1;J; like 5 . and j.l: (M :)and ,atI is [the n. un. of the former, or] nwith ; , relating to a garment, or piece ofcloth: (AZ, :) [whence,] one says to him who

neither harms nor profits, t 3C -j ;.;J a IJ L[lit. Thou art either a woof nor a ,warp: eealbo a similar saying voce.]: (TA: [see abo

S.- :1) and,t ,'.1 signifies alo s_.. or

S~ (accord. to different copies of the 1]) [lit.a garment, or p~c of cloth, having its warp setor di~ d; perhaps meaning having a good, orJtrong, warp; in art. .~1 written, as from the

L, PSL , for which I find no other authority];so expl. by AHeyth: but accord. to others, it is

what the weavers term ., as mentioned above,a'fi. e. the warp. (TA. [See also .. l in art. ¢,l,

and ail in art. 1l and in art.j,. and .])Also i. q. .J . [as meaning Afavowr, baew

fit, bo~faction, or the like]; (V ;) in this sensealso a dial var. of LS.. (TA.)_ AlBo a dial.var. of L5kZ signifyin. Dates while continunjgreen and mall; syn. C4. (TA.)

;l: see the next preceding paragraph, in twoplaces.

I ·1 .,i,,l: see i.~, above, in two places.

,,~~~~~ -

1. o..o, aor. -, inf. n. a.., (so accord. to

the L, and the text of the 1] followed in the TA,)or ... , (so accord. to the CK and my MS.

copy of the 1,) and 4_.. [which last suggeststhat ~ also may be used in the sense herefollowing,] said of a cheek, It wa even, andsoft, and Ing, in moderation, wi littleJf~ ,(M, TA,) and wde: (TA:) or wa smooth, andlong, with little~ h, and wide. (L. [See.

below.])-_ _~a.., inf. n. 1 .. , is said of a

man's natural disposition, [meaning It wau, orbecamn, ~tle, or asy: (see ,. ~, voce .. ,

below:)] and one says, ilts. - a_l t.L.1i [In his intelect ui gravity, and in hisnatural di~potion is gentle , or easinem].(A.)- i, '. . q. -. [i. e. Thepigeon cooed; or reiterated its voice or cry; &c.]:(Lth, 1 :) but said by some to be a mispronun-ciation, and disallowed by IDrd. (MF.)_. Hg dJ 4 lie ap a meaning to him

ob~ly, indirectly, bbscurely, or aluimely, byspch;a also * : (Az, g:) so in the"Nawadir." (Az, TA.)

9: see what next precedes.

, 4. 1; 1signifies The pardoning, or for

givin, ith g . ($, 0, :.) One says,5,?~ a.:L.,; (?, A, 0, TA;) a prov., relating

to pardoning, or forgiving, whm having powwer[to punish ortotakev~ngeace]; (TA;) maing[1tou hast beco pssed of power, the pardo, or forg , ih goodr; or] tp hafattained t oect, them. act with ~od,;(A, TA;) and thou Ast obtaind powe, tbpardon, or~forgi, in as Wy anda good mm~er:(TA:) it was said by the Prophet to Ibn-El.Akwa', and by 'Aisheh to 'Alee on the "Day of

the Camel."' (O.) And one ay alo, oy 1When tou askedt, or ~ t, th, make

thy wor, or oresion, easy, and b g (b.)

7. A j .3 i. q. [app. syn. with~_1, or pqrhaps a mistranscription for this last

word, meaning He a liberal, or g~o, tome with such a thing; or he conm d ~ ydesire in such a thing]. (g.)

am: see ,s in five placeos.

~ Beauty, and ju~ ofprportio., (T,~, L,) of the make, (T,) or of the face, ({,) or ofa man. (L.) [See also 1, first sentence.]

Soft, or gentk, and even, or s; asalso t . (1.) You say ai %t Aeaty (, A) and a direct, or right, (A,) gait, ormanner of yoin. (S, A.) And 1t e i V

:4_ and _, and . , u aone waUked, or went, with an eay gait or mamrof goin~ : (L:) or mith an equable gait, tinclining the body frm side to s in prmd&(T.) And t . J. A ntle, or an asy,

natural d~ition. (L.) And j_. 3 A

man easy and good in natural disposition: (larp. 3I4:) and ,;JI * g. [which mueans thesame]. (A.) Also The ,i of a road, (.,A, K,) or its main part, or beaten track; (A,15;) and so V ..: (8. A,]5:) because of its

evennes. (TA.) One says, V5 & . j

t*>JI or ;,JI U [Loam ew thou r Ams thomiddle of the road]. (Q, accord. to diffirentcopies.) And?l m -- -;

o, - :':'*0oi..) ,i ..; . 14

....~ ,91 ' ,1., [He who we, demands,or ~ for, that which is a right, or due, andgoes in the beaten track thereof, God ill conducthim to the attainment of his object]. (A, TA.)~And Meaure, size, or rpor~on; (~, ;)as also , (S,) -and : (,A, :)so in the saying, c. , ' .j. J t

.lj (, 1P) and m1 t and _

3J_lj (S, A) [The people, or party, contrdtheir tents, or ho,u of one uniform masrem&C.].

'a2d: see a,,., '

The air. (O, 1.) [Perhaps a mistran-

scription for .]

it: i. q.;4: (Fr,O,::*) sointhesaying,4 . ,..

"3 t Z-; Ma [I sat oter againt, orfonting, hisfae]. (Fr, O.)




is P^ with M, ]K,) relating t6 to pardoning, or foriiving, Whm having power








u abo Ito punish or to take v~ oe]; (TA;)



f., [I'MU ma bw~ powwwd Of power, then par.


signify [The maip therce j d^ or 90~ ; or]

A diibe






jewl: (M4 attained Wm okioct, thm. aa ~ 9~ ;


v 'it,Zw, is [the n. un. of the former, or] " (A,* TA;) and thm Md obtabd powe,


relating to a pment, or piece of pardon, or~ , in an~ and agood mm~ :


(AZ, [,whence,] one says to him who (TA:) it wu said by the Prophet to Ibn-El.


harm& nor ~ to, t'i'c - !;:.j CA Akwal.* and by AUch to 'Alee on the 41 Day of



art withr a n.Tf nor a warp the Camel!' (O.) And one oays


a similar saying vocejs;]: (TA: [see also When Llwu asked, or b~ thm main



0 a 0 0 a,


and't IZ.1 signifies 19w or thy wor&, or exprmiou, sasy, and be



Lq~ �P


(accord. to difrerent copies of the ]g) [lit. 7. 1.04 .1 I [app. with






' C4~ a. q. C~.



, or ~ of cloth, having iu warp mt 1 or pqrhaps a mistranaMption for this lut


&~ ; perhape meaning having a good, or Swo:rd,7meaning He aw hleral, or gm~ to


warp; in art. ~1 written, u from the me mU mch a thing; or M com~ ~ my


for which I find no other authority]; desire in such a thing]. (lg.)



by AHeyth: but,,aooord. to others, it is OCC in five placeo.



weavers term Zw, as mentioned above,



Beauty, andjuMmofpropwtion, (TI




warp. (TA. [See also Zw$ in art. t:~I, clq~


69 ?, LP) of the make, (T,) or of the fam, �J or of


Lq,%,.1 in art. jkwl and in art..y~ and J~.D a man. (L.) [See also 1, first sentenoe.]



q. jA;;; [as meaning Afaww, bow 9 So



gentk, and even, or m






(V;) in 0.1


aW You say C4~ 301: An



dial. Yry. of Lq~. (TA.)~ Abo a dial.


of Lq " easy A) and a dirwt, or ri


Dates whik continuiwj ght, �A,) gait, or


and mall; syn. (TA.) manner i A .) And V"


and and a


we the next preceding pmgraph, in two one maUmd, or with an " gait or mamur

places. of


(L:) or with an equable gait, m~


see above, 'm two places. incl~ tAc body fmm side to side in


And A or an me,


~ tion. (L ') A A


man eanj and good in natur;d& (1�u


C~, aor. inc n. (so aowrd. to p. 3W) and jUJI [which mum the


LP and the text of the 1� followed in the TA,) 1


(so wwrd. to the CK same]. (A.) ~ Also The of a road,


C-, and mY MS. A, K,) or its main part, or beaten track; (A,


of the V,) and [which lut suggests V;) and so V A, V.:) becaum of its


` ' 0 & & ' 2.


Cold also may he used in the sense here evennew. (TA.) One says, VC," 00


&dd of a cheek, It nw mm, and jAl l or joWl [Loam thou for 7dn'tho


and lmg, in moderation, wUA little~,


TAJ and wide: (TA:) or am smooth, and mdd& Of the rOadl.; (Q, acwrd. to diffirent

111 .. 0 'kV,

with little~ , andmide. (L. [See pies.) And V


n. ILhip~, is said of a Amqj j.1 WI 1U.SI [He mb web, demandr,


C~P 1 '


natural disposition, [meaning It mu, or or &~for, that mUch is a right, or due, and


~ ,or" : (see ` 0 �' 0 . 0 gm in the beatm track d~f, God wO conduct



c t 7 voce P~, ' him to the attainm~ of his otiect]. (A, TA.)


and one says, Jil& #-- -


A-A"J " J, And Mmmre, Sim, or proportion; M190


[In his inte&jt'it gravity, and in his 9 0 8 0. 1


also and Vmh


di~ion is ~lmm, or eatinew].

J J #~&I(A.)~

L jo..# ~



I:% 0 [i. c. The `0 in the eaying,


cooed; or r�terated its voice or cry; &c.]: ~1.9 P) and ~;.3 V and


]�:) but said by some to be a miapronup- A) [7%e or pan�y, comtm~


and dinllowed by 1Drd. (MF.)~ t#he;. tmu, or of one unlform meamm


He or~ a meaniy to him &c.].


b~ tbj, bUcurel or afflaimly, by 2-


: ow 2-


also (Az,l�:) so in the


air. (0, ]g.) [Perhaps a mistran-

Nawiffir.` (Az, TA.)

aMption for2: no what next precedes.A


signifies The pardoning, or C:tn-� i. q. #tq.3 : (Fr, 0, V:*) so in the saying,




p With 90~ . (?, 0, V,.) One says, "j [I.*at oter agab&, or~


A, 0, TA;) a prov., relating ing, Abfam]. (Fr, O.)






















































































asked, or b~ thm malm









$A1 ' C4..3 i. q. [app. syn. with



pqrhaps a mistranaMption for this lut



He aw Meral, or gm~ to



mch a thing; or M con~ ~my

desire in such a thing]. (lg.)

am in five placeo.



and judnm ofpropwtion, (TI



the make, (T,) or of the fam, �J or of



(L.) [See also 1, first sentenoe.]



gentk, and even, or m



You eay & An




and a dirwt, or ri or

ght, �A,) gait?01 WI


of gou7. A.) And V"


and and tL� !;L,



or mkh an " gait or mamur



(L:) or mU an equable gait, m~


the body fmm side to side m


And Ir ' ' jLL A or an We,


j 4.0 l!


~ tion. (L.) And C~ j,�.j A


eanj and good in natural disposition: (Ijkr



and JUJI [which mum the


(A.) ~ Also The of a road,



or its main part, or beaten track; (A,

0 0 aand

so (8 A V:) becaum Of its

* 0 &evennew.

(TA.) One says, V &

C" 001


joWl [Loam dwa for Am tho


of tAc road], (Q, acwrd. to diffirent

4 3 111 .. 1 - 0 'copies.)

And lp mbc~ LO, L'r& -3 L��


J j.1 21' 1U.SI [He mb web, demandr,


&~for, that mUch is a right, or due, and


in the beatm track thereof, God ioM co~


to the attabm~ of his otiect]. (A, TA.)


Mmmre, fize, or pro~;


also and V 0-, ($,A, V:)

JP J 3.0 a 6,so

in the eaying, C'~ UU.^3M -*p%


(9, P) and m and


[7%e ~,or pan�y, constructed


tents, or of OM uniform mm~

2- ow 2-


air. (0, ]�.) [Perhaps a mistran-

aMption forA


i. q. #t*i : (Fr, 0, V:*) so in the saying,

0 1 �� .0 6-"3

ZPM [1 mt oter a"*&, or~

ing, hbfam]. (Fr, O.)