1 Sherburn Informer COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER ISSUE 2 JUNE/JULY 2019 ALSO INSIDE, NEWS AND UPDATES FROM: Community Library Eversley Park Centre The Old Girls School Sherburn Bowls Club Sherburn Camera Club Local Churches SADRUG Sherburn High School and more…… Inside This Issue: Whats Onyour guide to Local Events in June/July. Village Noticeboard for News and Information. In-depth Focus OnSherburn Visiting Scheme. Great News, Achievements and Money Raised For Local Charities and Organisations. A Date For Your Diary: Sherburn in Elmet Gala Saturday 18th May 2019 See Your New Whats OnGuide On Page 3 Of This Issue For Further Details Wheatsheaf Angling Club—Veterans Open Match Every Thursday. Every Other Sunday, Wheatsheaf Open Matches. Pleasure Angling Available Every Day £5.00 (per day) Payable On The Bank. Come And Enjoy Great Fishing At A Silverfish Venue On Your doorstep At SHERBURN IN ELMET BACON POND. Contact Mark Adams On 07979633407 For More Informaon.

ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,

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Page 1: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,





Community Library

Eversley Park Centre

The Old Girls School

Sherburn Bowls Club

Sherburn Camera Club

Local Churches


Sherburn High School

and more……

Inside This Issue:

“What’s On” your guide to Local Events in June/July.

Village Noticeboard for News and Information.

In-depth “Focus On” Sherburn Visiting Scheme.

Great News, Achievements and Money Raised

For Local Charities and Organisations.

A Date For Your Diary:

Sherburn in Elmet Gala

Saturday 18th May 2019

See Your New “What’s On” Guide

On Page 3 Of This Issue For Further Details

Wheatsheaf Angling Club—Veterans Open Match Every Thursday. Every Other Sunday, Wheatsheaf Open

Matches. Pleasure Angling Available Every Day £5.00 (per day) Payable On The Bank. Come And Enjoy Great

Fishing At A Silverfish Venue On Your doorstep At SHERBURN IN ELMET BACON POND.

Contact Mark Adams On 07979633407 For More Information.

Page 2: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,


Welcome to the second Edition of

the Sherburn InformeR,

Welcome to Summer too, warmer daysand longer nights. We hope you enjoy reading this edition of your Community Newsletter don’t forget to keep sending your information and news for inclusion in future issues, it is really great to be able to pass on your good news. For information, to respond to any article, or have something included, please contact the editor: Anne-Marie Oldroyd on 07410453584 or by e-mail at : [email protected] Each edition is on-line at: sherburninelmet.co.uk or on the Parish Council website at: sherburninelmet-pc.gov.uk Printed copies are available at Sherburn Community Library, The Old Girls School, Eversley Park Centre, Lady Popplewell Centre, Harold Mills Centre, Sherburn G.P Surgery and Finkle Hill Dentists. If you find that you are still not able to access a copy, please get in touch and we will do all that we can to help. Anne-Marie

Sherburn Community Informer is kindly funded by

Sherburn Crown Green Bowls Club Ladies team had great success last year beating Tadcaster Ladies to the top spot and Winning the 1st Division league for the first time ever. They also crowned their success by winning the Leagues James Trophy competition after overcoming some stiff opposition from the Tadcaster Ladies in the

final. Coming top in the Elmet Ladies League meant they were en-tered into the Yorkshire league champion’s competition the winners of which go on to represent York-shire this year against other counties. The competition was postponed from last year due to heavy rain and played in April; unfortunately the Ladies did not do so well against some very good teams and will not be representing Yorkshire this year. Sherburn Bowls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September, new members young or of more mature years are always welcome. Matches are played at various times during the week, Monday, Wednesday & Saturday afternoons also Tuesday & Thursday evenings. Come and get some gentle exercise while trying to master the game of bowls. Contact Geoff Saunders 01977 684238. [email protected]





During his year as Chairman of Selby

District Council, Mr David Buckle, who

resides in Sherburn

In Elmet, has helped

to raise approx


for charities and

good causes.

Donating £10000.00

to Peter Pan (a local

nursery which supports children with

disabilities), £10000.00 to Save The

Children (where David has volunteered

for the last 10 years)

and £3000.00 to Selby Abbey to support

their special 950th year celebrations.

Page 3: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,


“What’s On” your guide to Local Events

June 2019


NIGHT (+ Bar Open), Tributes to Bay City Rollers, T.Rex, Mud, Slade, David Bowie + more. Eversley Park Centre. Tickets £15 available from Eversley Park Centre.

MONDAY 3RD JUNE 1.30-4.30pm. Sing Along

Session as part of the Memory Cafe. For all ages. Free Entry (tea & coffee £1) The Old Girls School.

WEDNESDAY 5TH JUNE 1-3pm. 1940s Tea Dance

The Old Girls School. Tickets £2 available from Old Girls School or Contact 01977 685178

FRIDAY 14TH JUNE 7pm. Cinema Evening. Green

Book. The Old Girls School. Tickets £4 Tavailable from The Old Girls School.

WEDNESDAY 19TH JUNE First Aid for Parents

Course, The Old Girls School – Free - To Book a place, £5 Refundable Deposit required. Contact 01977 685178 or email [email protected] or [email protected]

WEDNESDAY 19TH JUNE Day Trip to Sledmere

House, Driffield, £12 for coach + admission (where applicable) – Book via Sue Thornton, Sherburn Visiting Scheme Tel: 01977 681828

July 2019

FRIDAY 12TH JULY 7pm. Cinema Evening, Fisher-

man’s Friends, The Old Girls School. (Tickets on sale

from Tues 11th June)

FRIDAY 19TH JULY 6.30-8.30pm. Sherburn

Community Volunteer Awards, The Swan Public House.

WEDNESDAY 24TH JULY An evening with 2 York-

shire Rows. Doors open 7pm. The Old Girls School.

Tickets £5. Special Screening of the documentary

“Four mums in a boat” followed by a Q&A session.

WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY As part of the Summer

Reading Challenge - 'Out of this World' activity day. Sherburn & Villages Community Library & Information Hub. Look out for details in the Library and the SRC leaflet that is distributed to schools.

WEDNESDAY 31ST JULY Day Trip to Scarborough

£12 for coach – Book via Sue Thornoton, Sherburn

Visiting Scheme Tel: 01977 681828


If you have any local events you would like to pro-

mote in the Sherburn Informer completely free of

charge e-mail me at: [email protected]

Page 4: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,


Sherburn Camera Club. We meet on a Monday evening at 8 pm at the All Saints Church Hall and every Thursday we travel to different places of interest. Recent trips included a visit and tour of the British Gypsum manufacturing plant in Sherburn, a boat trip around Goole docks and Skipton Castle just to name a few.

We have speakers attend on a Monday evening to talk about different aspects of photography, a recent visit brought a slection of birds of prey for close up photography. A number of competitions are held through-out the year, including annual competitions with Pontefract Camera Club and Garforth Camera Club.

New members are always welcome when we provide help and advice covering all aspects of photography.

The Club receives from time to time requests for us to visit and take or talk about photography.

A recent request was for us to provide a photographic record for a Charity Concert at Selby Abbey.

Local schools have requested photo images for their own web sites which we are happy to carry out, and have even given talks to school classes, organising a competition where the club provided prizes for the winners.

We will be attending the Sherburn Gala in May went a selection of our work will be on show, along with advice for prospective new members.

Further information at ...Sherburn-Camera-club.co.uk

Page 5: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,



Threatened vital services for lonely and isolated older people need long term funding

A fundraising campaign has been launched in a bid to avoid valued services for lonely and isolated older people being cut back or, at worse, withdrawn.

Sherburn Visiting Scheme Supporting Seniors, which has been helping people for 30 years, provides twice weekly Meals on Wheels, a weekly hot lunch, shopping buses, transport to medical appointments, social afternoons, day trips and a weekly memory cafe for people suffering from dementia.

The long term future of these services, provided by around 70 volunteers, has been put at risk following the total loss of funding support from North Yorkshire County Council.

“We have to find a way of sustaining these valued services for the benefit of older and lonely people, not only in Sherburn but also in the surrounding villages,” says Ted Bellamy, who chairs the registered charity run by volunteer Trustees.

He added: “We’re already having to dip into our financial reserves to keep going. If we’re unable to find around £20,000 every year from generous businesses or individuals we will face having to cut services or, at worse, close down altogether.”

“Our caring services are vital in helping to combat loneliness and isolation among older people and those suffering from memory loss in Sherburn and the villages. It would be shocking if those who depend on our services have to lose them completely.”

“In addition to new funding we need more volunteers, especially drivers, whose running costs are reimbursed.”

What does SVS do?

Its services are available to residents of Barkston Ash, Biggin, Burton Salmon, Church Fenton, Little Fenton, Fairburn, Hillam, Lumby, Monk Fryston, Newthorpe, Saxton and South Milford, as well as to those in Sherburn in Elmet.

Meals on Wheels are delivered by volunteers twice a week, mostly to housebound people, at a cost of £5 for a nutritious two course meal.

Every Thursday volunteers serve a hot lunch to 25 older people at Sherburn Methodist Church. Fresh meat and vegetables are generously supplied free of charge each week by Starkey’s butchers and Jackson’s greengrocers; staff at Starkey’s even cook the meat.

The SVS community minibus, driven by volunteers, takes people to the shops in Selby on Mondays and to Castleford on Fridays. Trips are also run to a York retail park and to coast and country destinations.

Volunteer drivers use their own cars to transport people to and from medical ap-pointments either locally or in Leeds, Pontefract, Selby, Wakefield or York. Charg-es for these journeys have already had to go up following funding cuts.

Anyone wishing to use an SVS service or willing to become a volunteer is asked to call 01977 681828.

For further information please contact Sue Thornton, Administrator, on the num-ber above or email: [email protected]

For further information regarding Sherburn Visiting Scheme Supporting Seniors

Days Away during the next two months of 2019 see “What’s On” - your guide to

local events on page 3 of this issue of the Sherburn Informer.

Information provided courtesy of Ron Miller, Volunteer, SVS.

Page 6: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,


Sharing and Caring at Sherburn High!

Fundraising is always high on the agenda at Sherburn High, whether it is for one of

our House charities or to boost resources and spruce up the school environment

and last term was no exception. F.O.S.H (Friends of Sherburn High) has been hard

at work planning events to raise money for us to improve our facilities; their first

event, ‘Bonkers Bingo’ was a fun-filled disco-bingo extravaganza. The school hall

was packed with eager parents and staff, hoping to bag one of the crazy star priz-

es: a garden gnome, cardboard cut-out of The Rock and of course cold hard cash!

The evening was a huge success, making a whopping £2,500! The last day of term

was the turn of Harewood House to raise funds for their chosen charity - Martin

House Children’s Hospice and what a great day it was. Students wore non-uniform,

visited the tuck shop, guessed the number of sweets, but by far the favourite was

‘Hook a Duck’ with students queueing up to try out their fishing skills! It looks like

the day may hit the £1000 mark! One of our philanthropic Year 7 students felt so

moved by the plight of the homeless in York that she felt compelled to write to the

Prime Minister to suggest that disused railway carriages could be used to provide

shelter and the opportunity to travel to find jobs. Let’s hope that something comes

of Lily’s plea! And finally… we wish all our GCSE and A Level students the very best

of luck in their forthcoming exams; they have certainly worked very hard in the run

up to them!

Selby Fun Day Stall

Selby and District Rail Users Group is running a stall at the Selby Fun Day on Sunday June 16th, so if you are at the Fun Day feel free to say hello and find out more about the work of the Group and information

about railway services.

May 2019 Timetable Changes

Just a reminder that the new timetable comes into effect on May 19th. South Milford and Sherburn rail users will benefit from additional services, with a full weekend service between South Milford and Leeds,

and Sherburn and York.

Station Improvements

Work has finally begun on the upgrade of facilities at South Milford andSherburn-in-Elmet Stations, and

hopefully by the time you read the Informerit will have been completed.

Information Courtesy of Terry French (Secretary , SADRUG)


Selby and District Rail Users Group

Page 7: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,


Village Notice Board

The next Western CEF Area Com-munity Engagement Forum Meeting is on Tuesday 9th July 2019—venue t.b.c. Please see: Western CEF pages at:- :- www.selby.gov.uk/ western-area-cef

Sherburn Community Volunteer Awards Night.

10 Categories for Volunteer Awards. The 100 Club will

announce the winners at a special presentation event on

Friday 19th July 2019, 6.30-8.30pm at The Swan Public

House, Sherburn in Elmet.

SHERBURN POLICE STATION Telephone 101, Option 2, 13113

Opening Hours:

Mon 10am - 12 noon, Tues + Fri 2-4pm,

Weds + Thurs 6-8pm.

Can you spare a few hours a week and want to join a strong volunteer group, providing library and infor-mation services in Sherburn & Villages community library?.

Discover more than books, come and meet new people, develop and share skills, and join our team to help us support communities across our local villages.

We also have a need for an enthusiastic communica-tions worker who can help us to promote our activity.

Interested in either role?

Email [email protected] and arrange to come and talk to us. We look forward to hearing from you!

The Summer Reading Challenge for Primary and Pre-school aged children is launched on Saturday, July 13th. Come and join up for some 'space-tacular' challenges and fun!

As part of the Summer Reading Challenge we are having an 'Out of this World' activity day on Wednes-day, July 31st. Look out for details in the Library and the SRC leaflet that is distributed to schools.

Sherburn & Villages Community Library & Information Hub Finkle Hill, Sherburn In Elmet, LS25 6EA Tel: 01609 536033






CRAFTS (Please visit the Library to find out about

the range of regular activities available each week)

Thank you to everyone who bought tickets for the 'Easter Treats' raffle. £73 was raised for use in Sherburn Library. Special thanks to Sweet Finkle, The Co-Op and the Library Volunteers for providing the prizes.

TUESDAY 11TH JUNE Estate Walkabout, meet at Lady Popplewell Community Centre, Beechwood Close at 4.00pm For more information please ring Selby District Council on 01757 705101 or visit www.selby.gov.uk/tenant-participation

Page 8: ISSUE 2 Sherburn Informer · Sherburn owls club is situated next to the Football club on Finkle Hill and is open to all residents of the local villages. Open from April to September,


Athelstan Primary School

Methodist Church

Church open every Sunday, service starts at 10.45am.

Roman Catholic Church St Joseph's RC Church in Church View (behind Elmete Social Club) invite you to our regular, monthly coffee mornings at the church on the last

Wednesday of each month from 10.15 to 12pm. All are welcome.

All Saints Church Parish Eucharist every Sunday at 10:45am except First Sunday of the

month which is a said service at the same time, 10:45am

Myrtle Hall

Recently Sherburn has lost a much-loved resident, Myrtle Hall who passed away on Saturday 27th April. Myrtle was described as an amazing and inspirational lady with a heart of gold. She did lots for the community, has helped run the Gala for the last 43 years and played a big part in saving the Old Girls’s School. Myrtle recently celebrated her 80th Birthday surrounded by family and friends. She will be sadly missed by many.


SMELLS Environment Agency 0800 807060


01757 705101 or [email protected]


Report on North Yorkshire website www.northyorks.gov.uk

POLICE For non-emergencies ring 101


SHERBURN POLICE STATION Telephone 101, Option 2, 13113

Opening Hours:

Mon 10am - 12 noon, Tues + Fri 2-4pm, Weds + Thurs 6-8pm.

Athelstan Year 6 Visit to London The Year 6 pupils of Athelstan Primary school were very lucky to visit London on Thursday 4th April.

The children visited the National Gallery in the morning to complete a variety of workshops before

embarking on a walking tour of London including the exciting landmarks: Buckingham Palace, Horse

Guards, Downing Street and Westminster Bridge. In the afternoon, the children were thrilled to visit

the Houses of Parliament as part of the education workshops. During the visit, they were taken on a

tour of the historic building. They were then able to watch debates in both the House of Commons

and House of Lords. Rather excitingly, they

were also present in the House of Commons

when the building experienced a flood and ob-

served the evacuation! Whilst on the visit, the

children were given the opportunity to meet

their Local Member of Parliament for Selby,

Nigel Adams. The children really enjoyed

talking to Mr Adams, asking him questions

about current political issues at local and

national levels. We are very grateful to

Mr Adams for providing such an insightful

experience into politics.