Sherburn CE VC Primary School School Development Plan 2015- 2016 1

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Sherburn CE VC Primary SchoolSchool Development Plan 2015-2016


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School Improvement Plan


1. Our Mission Statement, Educational Aims and Objectives

2. A Commitment to Children and Young People

3. Annual Calendar of Events and Activities

4. Three year Strategic plan

5. Action Plan for Writing

6. Action Plan for Numeracy

7. Action Plan for Science

8. Action Plan for Church Distinctiveness and RE

9. Action Plan for Developing ICT

10. Action Plan for EYFS

11. Action Plan for Garden area

12. Action Plan for SEN provision

13. Action Plan for Assessment

14. Action Plan for Governors

15. Consultation and Briefing Schedule

16. Monitoring and Evaluation Schedule

17. SDP Self Evaluation


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‘Working together, putting children first within our Christian family’

Statement of Aims and ValuesIn consultation with pupils, parents, governors, community members and staff our aims and values were generated.


We aim to serve our community by providing an education of the highest quality for children of all faiths and none within the context of Christian beliefs and practice. We believe in working together to make sure that school is a safe, secure, friendly and purposeful place where children are safe, encouraged, challenged and supported to do their best and learn.


We value enriching the children’s spiritual and moral development nurturing a sense of family by working in partnership with home, church and the community.

We value ensuring all pupils are literate, numerate and are able to make informed life choices and have the capacity to be successful.

We value inspiring a love for learning and at all times challenging the capacity of the individual to attain their greatest potential.

We value ensuring children are independent, resilient, confident, self disciplined and have a sense of self worth.

We value developing understanding, consideration and mutual respect for other religions, races, cultures, gender, people with disabilities and the environment.

We value ensuring truthfulness, compassion and love are present in everything we do.

October 2014


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The Diocese of York

A Commitment to Children and Young People

The Diocese of York believes

All human beings are loved by God and are of unique worth to God whatever their gender, ethnicity, ability or age.

Children and young people have a special place in the Kingdom of God. The Church values and appreciates children and young people in the

same way as all other members of the Church family. The Church should provide children and young people with a safe and

welcoming environment and actively involve them in its life. Appropriate support, training and encouragement should be provided for

all who work among children and young people.

The churches of the Diocese of York commit themselves to engage with children and young people in a wide range of contexts, with the aim that all children and young people should have the opportunity to become fully alive in God by:

Experiencing GodFor example: hearing and learning from the stories of God; knowing God’s love through our Lord Jesus Christ; experiencing God through relationships with others; recognising that faith affects all aspects of life; developing gifts for mission and ministry.

Developing a relationship with God by the Holy SpiritFor example: enjoying prayer and worship that is accessible and appropriate; creating their own worship; leading and teaching others.

Helping to further God’s KingdomFor example: evangelism by children and young people, telling their own stories of God; working for a better society; caring for others, both near and far; working for justice and peace.

Caring for God’s creationFor example: sharing what we have with others; acknowledging the Christian responsibility to the poor, the weak, the needy and future generations; actively caring for the environment.

Being valued by and valuing the ChurchFor example: participating fully in the life of the Church; being recognised in decision-making; taking responsibility for their part within it.

Diocese of York Children and Youth CommitteeJune 2007


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Sherburn CE Primary School - School Improvement: Annual Plan/Calendar of Routine Management and Administration 2015-16

Term Summer Term 2015 Autumn Term 2015 Spring Term 2016

GovernorsMeetings, sub-committee meetings, preparing, school profile, appraisal planning, target setting, budget etc.

SEF Update SIAS review with foundation govs SDP setting Self evaluation Procedures

checked GB meeting HT report Training lists distributed Induction New Governors Monitoring

Committees and Terms of references review

Governor posts distributed Appointment of the Chair/Vice Training lists distributed GB meeting x2 SEF Update SIAS review with foundation govs SDP review HT APPRAISAL JAPR with EDA and KS2 target

setting HT report Induction New Governors Monitoring

SEF Update SIAS review with foundation govs SDP review GB Meeting HT report Training lists distributed Induction New Governors Monitoring

Curriculum and AssessmentBaseline assessments, STAs', target setting, etc

KS1 and KS2 SAT’s Optional Tests KS2 EYFS Profile completed School Target Setting Reading assessment Writing assessment Maths assessment Science assessment Individual Targets Set Long Observations EYFS Update pupil tracking Individual Targets Set and sent

with Annual Reports

EYFS Profile School Target Setting Reading assessment Writing assessment Maths assessment Science assessment Individual Targets Set Long Observations EYFS Intervention groups

EYFS Profile School Target Setting Reading assessment Writing assessment Maths assessment Science assessment Individual Targets Set Long Observations EYFS Intervention groups

Finance Standards fund finishes Finance meeting

Monitor return LMS return

PLASC return to county Start Budget


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Finance team SDP costings, Budget review and start budget 2015-16 discussion

Standards return in Set new start budget Finance team

Monitoring and

Self Evaluation

(See schedule)

Church Schools SIAMS Review Work Scrutiny Lesson Observations Planning scrutiny SEF Update Assessment Scrutiny SEN/GAT Review Pupil Mapping

update Policy review

Church Schools SIAMS Review Work Scrutiny Lesson Observations Planning scrutiny SEF Update Assessment Scrutiny SEN/GAT Review Pupil Mapping

update Policy review

Church Schools SIAMS Review Work Scrutiny Lesson Observations Planning scrutiny SEF Update Assessment Scrutiny SEN/GAT Review Pupil Mapping

update Policy review EVC Audit January SDP Audit with LA support

Staff appraisalTraining days/events, appraisal, etc.

Training Days Professional Development

courses as identified on Action plans

Training days Job descriptions update All staff APPRAISAL HT APPRAISAL Professional Development

courses as identified on Action plans

Training Days Interim APPRAISAL meetings Professional Development

courses as identified on Action plans


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Parentsreport writing, interviews

Parent Curricular Training evenings

Regular FOSS meetings/fundraisers run throughout the year

Reports issued with targets Open evening, consultations

offered SAT information distributed Meeting for New Starter Parents SEN Reviews

Regular FOSS meetings/fundraisers run throughout the year

Parent consultation evening FOSS AGM Inform of key aspects of our SDP SEN Reviews Prospective Parent Visits

Regular FOSS meetings/fundraisers run throughout the year

Parent consultation evening SEN Reviews Residential Trip meeting (every other


CommunityFestivals, celebrations, social events.

Leavers Service Display in Church

Harvest celebration St Hilda’s Day Remembrance Assembly Christmas Nativity/play and Fair

Display in Church Shrove Tuesday Pancake Mothering Sunday service and lunch Easter Display in Churches

PupilsEvents and activities run by school sports partnership run throughout the year

Clubs start Year 6 induction days Leavers service and day out Sports Day Crucial Crew Intervention Programmes Transition conferences held in

school Growing up talk – school nurse

Clubs (until October Half Term) Children in Need day Christmas event Christmas fair Christmas dinner, Party Intervention Programmes (See


Y6 Booster Intervention Programmes World Book Day Sport Relief Day


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Sherburn CE Primary School 2015-2018School Improvement: Three Year Strategic Plan

Target or focus for improvement

Year 1 Year 2 Year 32017/2018







CURRICULUM AND STANDARDSImprove quality and consistency of teaching.

Maths numicon training £180

Staff training for admin-istration of Google learning platform £300

Purchased chrome-books £3200 pupil premium funding

To improve rates of progress and challenge for identified more able pupils in writing.

To implement Forest Schools sessions across the whole school with a particular focus on improving writing.

Hold weekly science weeks £50

Develop opportunities for problem solving

Improve instant recall skills

Use of chromebooks to raise attainment in writing and close the gap

To increase the proportion of outstanding teaching and the progress pupils make.

To improve rates of progress in reading ensuring that all children are making good progress

Science lesson

Ensure all pupils gain national standard (old L4) ATA hours £5000 pupil premium funded

To narrow the gap in literacy for identified groups and ensure interventions are well targeted to meet pupil’s needs.

Develop the use of AFL by pupils to enable them to understand how best to improve their own learning.

Monitoring of teaching and learning through learning walks and formal observations – objective: all lessons to be judged at least good

Review Appraisal Targets.

To develop accountability of subject leaders for raising attainment.

To increase the proportion of good and outstanding teaching and the progress pupils make.


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ASSESSMENTRaise standards of progress throughout the school

Review current science assessment grids

Embed strategies for pupils self assessment

Subject leaders to monitor their own subject

Review homework policy

Fund homework club

Ensure consistency in marking and feedback

Review of new tracking system

Training for delivery of 2016 tests

Implementation of 2016 tests

To evaluate the impact of marking and AFL on children’s work.

STAFFINGTo ensure the staffing structure matches the needs of the school and pupils.

Teachers within cluster have opportunity for collaborative planning / CPD / Assessment / moderation

Leaders in school have opportunity for collaborative school development

Support of NQT to achieve NQT teaching standards

Staff encouraged to continue professional development NPQML through Esk Valley Alliance

Evaluate the teaching staff structure based on projected numbers 2016/17

Involvement in Esk Val-ley Alliance to recruit Schools Direct col-leagues.

To investigate partner-ship working with staff at Luttons (1 teacher across 2 schools)

Possibility of staff restructuring and redundancy with falling role

EARLY YEARS Team assessment meetings rigorously moderated £ 600 supply cover (3 afternoons)

Raise attainment in CLL £100 Bookstart packs

Raise attainment in PSED

Introduce CEM Base new baseline assessment

Improve parental involvement

Raise attainment in writing

Raise attainment in reading

Raise attainment in numeracy

Asses effectiveness of teaching through end of year test to ascertain progress in EYFS year

To provide high quality and well resourced outside learning to develop children’s talk and communication skills


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To introduce pre-reception pupils staying for lunch and leaving at 12.30pm

PUPILSVulnerable and SEN

Adapt and update proformas for Inclusion passports etc

Develop personailised provision and learning conversations.

Review and amend SEN code of practice

Lead Filey Cluster SEN moderation and network

Develop a structured cycle for monitoring and evaluating SENBegin IQM

Ensure school offer is updated and included on websiteComplete IQM

Consider restructure of support staff when statemented child transitions.

CHURCH LINKS/COMMUNITY LINKSTo promote the distinctiveness of our Church of England School

Host e safety evening for parents and community led by PSCO

Develop link with local child minder and church to provide a pre-school within Sherburn

Review collective worship planning to include Gathering, engaging, responding, sending.

Monitor the effectiveness of the partnership with the pre-school

Involve the community in the garden

To develop an awareness of strengths and areas for development in R.E.

Develop the use of the spiritual garden for worship times

Review 3 priority Christian values for the coming year.

To make plans for a wildlife area

To use produce from the garden in the kitchen



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ACTION PLAN FOR SHERBURN CE SCHOOLKEY ISSUE/AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT - Raise achievement in Reading and Writing across the school.

Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

1. To improve rates of progress in Reading ensuring that all children are making a Good Level of Development (GLD)

1.1 Set expectation of reading at home at least 4 times every week across the school.

1.2 Introduce further spelling/phonic games and resources for children to improve spelling across the school. Ensure lessons are interactive and engaging.

1.3 Promote reading for enjoyment across the school by Creating reading activities/competitions termly.

1.4 Engage more parents for Reading Café.

All Staff September 2015

December 2015

Literacy Budget (£ ):- Printing Costs- Resources

Increased % attainment of pupils

- KCh: Compile “Reading Procedures‟ booklet for parents to encourage good habits.

- All Teachers to monitor the frequency of reading at home via tracking displays in classrooms. “Non-readers‟ to be highlighted swiftly and opportunities to improve frequency explored (e.g. adults in school, liaison with home).

Literacy Coordinator (KCh) – termly Reading Record Scrutiny.WC:11/6/155/10/20157/3/2015Feedback to AS.


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

2. To narrow the gap in literacy for identified groups and ensure interventions are well targeted to meet pupil’s needs.2.1- Ensure that resources used in interventions are also available in class for targeted children.2.2 -Increase opportunities for parental involvement and support for children’s literacy through family learning and parenting sessions, reading café2.3 -Lead parents information evening to show parents how we teach ‘phonics, reading, and writing’ to parents. Developing ways in which they can help at home

3.1 – TA’s implementing interventions (SS and TD)

Class Teachers (KCh, KS and KC)

3.2 - Literacy Co-ord:KCh

Jan 2016 March 2016No Cost:

Directed Time

Coordinator Time

Staff Meeting

Increased % attainment of pupils:

SENCO – Monitoring effectiveness of interventions termly.

Learning walks (AS)

WC: 21/09/2015KCh to report to AS how many attended parents evening.Progress towards Phonics screening to be monitored and reported to AS termly:13/7/201514/12/201521/3/2016

3. To improve rates of progress and challenge for identified more able pupils in writing.3.1- Develop use of more open ended tasks with a literacy focus to provide additional challenge for more able pupils.3.2-Continue whole school collaborative projects including more able pupils in the planning process with a focus on extended writing for a purpose.

Literacy Co-ord:KCh

Class Teachers:KS & KS


Directed Time

Coordinator Time

Staff Meeting

Improved attainment (Particularly at L3 and L5 in writing) – Analysis of data:17/4/20158/1/201615/4/2016

Whole School Collaborative learning days to be planned termly by KCh or all teaching staff:Summer: WC: 13/7/15Autumn: WC: 23/11/2015Spring: WC:14/3/2016


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

4. Develop the use of AFL by pupils to enable them to understand how best to improve their own learning.4.1 – Structured feedback with response time included in planning.4.2 – Individual targets set termly using assessment as guidance. Shared with parents.4.3 – Self/Peer assessment to be used regularly, with a focus on the current ‘focus’.

Literacy Co-ord:KCh

Class Teachers:KS & KS


Leadership Time – Supply cover

Course Costs

KCh to attend SLNM to remain up to date with AFL approaches.

Book Scrutiny Termly to ensure consistency and effectiveness:Summer: WC: 20/5/15Autumn: WC: 5/10/2015Spring: WC: 25/1/2016

Lesson Obs/Learning walks (AS)

5. To implement Forest Schools sessions across the whole school with a particular focus on improving writing.5.1 – Minimum of 3 Forest School sessions to take place every half term.5.2 – Include Beach Schools sessions termly (different setting – different opportunities).

Discussions with staff about how they would like this to happen – Whole School? Separate Key Stages. Who should deliver follow-up sessions? Class Teacher or Literacy Co-Ordinator?How will Class 1 be covered if just taking KS2?

KCh April 2015 July 2015 Time: Staff meeting to discuss how to implement as a school.

Supply Cover: To cover Class 1 should it be decided that Forest School sessions should be separate Key Stages.

Transport costs: Coach to beach and return.

Improved attainment (Particularly at L3 and L5 in writing) – Analysis of data:17/4/20158/1/201615/4/2016

Success CriteriaAll children are making GOOD progress in line with the age related expectations in Writing.KS1 good progress = 8apsKS2 good progress = 4aps


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Evaluation arrangementsKCh to evaluate the impact of these actions and report finding to AS.

Cost effectiveness and value for money Recorded by governing body, drawing on evidence provided by the headteacher and staff evaluating the success criteria for targets, and setting these against the resources and funding made available or allocated by the governing body.Judgments to be recorded are excellent, very good, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory, poor or very poor

ACTION PLAN FOR SHERBURN CE SCHOOLKEY ISSUE/AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT - Numeracy, problem solving and instant recall facts

Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress


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Source KS1 numicon training for teachers and teacher assistants to ensure the best possible use is being made of the resource

AS July 2015 July 2015 £280 twilight training provided by the Maths EDAPossibility of sharing the cost with the cluster schools

ASFGBReport to FGB by Subject leader in Spring 2016

Further develop opportunities for problem solving

o Ensure staff plan in real-life, open ended tasks on a regular basis, and continue to exploit cross-curricular opportunities.

o Develop investigations and problem solving activities; emphasis on practical work, matched to cross curricular learning which develop thinking skills and using and applying maths skills

o Teachers explicitly teach methods to solve problems, scaffolding tasks. Ongoing problem solving activities in ALL areas not just at the end of units of work.

o Ensure resources are updated as required ensuring all pupils have ready access to equipment.

o Mathematical words to be included in spelling lists as new curriculum identifies this specifically

o Ensure that teachers have a consistency in approach to teaching calculations.

AS Sept 2015 March 2016 None ASFGBMonitoring through planning scrutinies weekly

Learning walks weekly


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Improve rapid recall and times tables knowledge and therefore increaseAttainment in maths

o Share new expectations with staff and children

o KIRF provided for homework / check resources

o Complete weekly assessmento Monitor % on targeto Buddy learning of mental maths in

Year 6 to begin with and rolled out to other year groups after assessment of first term’s work.

o All children in Key Stage 2 reciting times tables by heart by end of Spring term 2016

o Ensure that teachers’ planning shows clear differentiation and progression in mental mathematics skills to cater for the needs of all pupils

o Ensure that children are set challenging and age appropriate mental maths homework

AS Sept 2015 March 2016 £100 resources as necessary FGB

Monitoring through planning scrutinies weekly

Learning walks weekly

AS monitoring book scrutiniesWk beginning May 11th 2015Wk beginning Sept 28th 2015Wk beginning Jan 11th 2016

Embed the use of problem solving maths work into the new curriculum as a starting point for skills teaching

o Staff PDM on effective strategies on how to teach skills to children to solve number puzzles and word problems.

o Teacher modelling the task.o Use questioning to move the learning

ono Regular moderation of children’s

work by teachers within their phases, focusing on a range of children’s recordings

o Evidence of children recording their own thinking and workings

AS April 2015 April 2016 Nil FGB

Staff meeting April 13th 2015

Monitoring through planning scrutinies weekly

Learning walks weekly

Book scrutiniesWk beginning May 11th 2015Wk beginning Sept 28th 2015Wk beginning Jan 11th 2016

To provide workshops for parents to support their children with homework, calculations and key instant recall facts.

AS Sept 2015 April 2016 Photocopying costs for leaflets ASNumbers of parents attending workshops increase over time.

Workshops weekly beginning Oct 5th 2015


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Success CriteriaChildren’s work will include open ended tasks, opportunities for mathematical reasoning and good levels of challenge to ensure all children make at least good progress in maths. Children are secure with age related mental maths facts.Children’s maths books will show clear progression of mental maths skills and written strategies over time.Children’s work will show a good understanding of maths vocabulary when solving problems and explaining their mathematical reasoning

Evaluation arrangementsHT and EDA to evaluate the impact of these, measures and AS to report finding and next steps forward to FGB

Cost effectiveness and value for money


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ACTION PLAN FOR SHERBURN CE SCHOOLKEY ISSUE : ScienceTARGET: To promote the profile of Science in SchoolSuccess Criteria: To hold Science Weeks Children can confidently talk about their experiences in Science April 15 –April 16


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

1. Advise staff re Science curriculum.Keep them informed on planning themes/ideas/new units. Lead INSET training/Science staff meetings

(After Network meetings)

KC Summer ‘15WC:22.6.15


Spring ‘16TBC


None – KC to feedback KC to attend and feedback Science cluster meetings for ideas. See staff meeting minutes.

2. Support staff to hold termly Science Weeks

Focus’s to alter / topic based or in response to a stimuli / opportunityEg. National Science Week 11th March 2016RSPB Big Schools BirdWatch(Dates to be announced Jan?)

KC to support staffKC to plan for whole school activitiesStaff to plan for their classes



Spring ‘16Jan or14.3.16



£50 per week from Science budget for additional resources

KC Science co-ordinator, to create a Science week evidence file including photographs, quotes, annotated planning,

3. Observe science lessons looking for evidence of Working Scientifically.

KC + HT Autumn




Supply cover for Science leader

HT + Science leader

Learning walks (AS/KC)


4. Liaise with other Science leaders

a) Attend Cluster Network Meetings County Science Cluster. Liaise with Sonia Owen our A170 cluster link re. county Science

KC 18.6.15Autumn ‘15Spring ‘16


Feedback to Cluster schools at a staff meeting

Minutes of meetingsKC to feedback to Sherburn staffDates to be confirmed 19

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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Develop the use of the spiritual garden for worship times

AS June 2015

Oct 2015 None AS and FGBPlanning scrutiny by Olivia Seymour 2015

Review collective worship planning to include Gathering, engaging, responding, sending.

AS March 2015

July 2015 None AS and FGBPlanning scrutiny by Olivia Seymour April 29th 2015

Update the SIAMS AS July 2105

Sept 2015 None FGBEmail out week beg Sept 21st 2015 for comments and reflections

To develop an awareness of strengths and areas for development in R.E.

AS Sept 2015

Dec 2015 None Termly monitoringPlanning, book scrutiny, learning walk, pupil voice.Subject leader to monitor long term plans to ensure they match programmes of study.


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

To develop staff knowledge and understanding of R.E. skills to promote a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and other faiths in Britain.

AS Sept 2015

Dec 2015 None Collective worships across the year actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.See Worship file

Success CriteriaThe 3 Christian values are clearly displayed and embedded by all. All policies updated with Christian values. Completed planning has gathering, engaging, responding and sending marked on. Strong subject knowledge by all teachers

Evaluation arrangementsHT and EDA to evaluate the impact of these, measures and AS to report finding and next steps forward to FGB

Filey Area Primary Schools' Cluster

Action Plan- Closing the gap through collaborative use of ICT

Success Criteria:. 100% of PP children make at least 4 points progress in writing per year. 100% of PP children have access to online learning provisions inside and outside of school. PP children from schools in cluster have opportunity for collaborative reading / writing / assessment. 100% of children within schools have opportunity for online learning within a safe / secure learning environment. Teachers within cluster have opportunity for collaborative planning / CPD / Assessment / moderation. Leaders in school have opportunity for collaborative school development


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Specific Target /School Action to betaken

Persons responsible

Start date Finish date

Resources and costs

Progress and future actions

INFRASTUCTURE100% of schools enrolled for Google Apps for Education

HTs Feb 2015 March 2015


Schools to have their domains and user accounts set-up and managed, including safeguarding measures

HM - through 3rd party

April 2015 May 2015 £600 per schoolTot - £3600 CtG

Schools have at least 10mbps internet connection

HTs March 2015 April 2015

TRAININGStaff training for administration of Google learning platform (2 days)


April 2015 May 2015 Training fee – 2 x £300Release time -2(5 x £150)

Staff training - use of Google Docs (2 x days + 3 Twilights)


April 2015 June 2015

Training fee - 2x£300;3x£100;Release time -2 Inset Days

Staff training - ICT in teaching & learning


April 2015 June 2015

Staff training - Leadership collaboration and vision for ICT


April 2015 May 2015 Training fee - 2x£300;

HARDWAREPurchase of Chromebook hardware (& License) for each PP child within the

HT’s (possibly through HM)

March 2015 April 2015 £200 per unit. Schools to match

Sept’ 2014 FJS - machines purchased (99) - C-Learning Acer C720s


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Filey Junior School – 99Filey Infant School – 40Hunmanby Primary School – 41Cayton Primary School - 32Hertford Vale Primary – 15Sherburn Primary School - 9Luttons Primary School - 6


Filey Junior School – £9900Filey Infant School – £4000Hunmanby Primary School – £4100Cayton Primary School - £3200Hertford Vale Primary – £1500Sherburn Primary School - £900Luttons Primary School - £600

CTG fund - £24,300

Purchase of Chromebook hardware for key staff within the school

HT’s (possibly through HM)

March 2015 March 2015

2 x £200 per school



Develop Leaders’ ideas, perceptions & philosophy of the technology for learning.

AS April 2015 April 2015

Training for Headteachers on the use of Chromebooks and the implications for teaching and collaboration amongst staff and colleagues

All HTs April 2015 May 2015

Appoint and train ICT Leaders in each school to act as ‘champions’ for the technology; lead training within own schools; address any admin’ issues.

AS April 2015 April 2016


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Arrange regular Cluster Meetings for ICT Leaders

HM April 2015 April 2016

MEASURING IMPACTSee Education Endowment Foundation

April 2015 April 2016

Baseline:Leaders to develop a joint / agreed criteria for assessment:

● pupil NC? levels● behaviour;● engagement;● attendance;● parent engagement● lesson observation grades;


May 2015 July 2015

CONSISTANCY:Assessments to be applied consistently across all schools (dates, times, methods etc.). Sample group and possible comparison group(s); moderation between schools; joint observations and monitoring


Jan 2015 July 2015

MEASURING PROGRESSEnd of term / year assessment results analysed and comparisons made. Report produced on impact seen in each school.


June 2015 July 2015


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

ASSESSMENT- Ensure that all adults working with EYFS have a say in final assessments. Meeting to be arranged 1 afternoon a term- Baseline Assessment to be introduced ‘On Entry’: September 2015- Provide pupils with more accurate feedback which enables them to know precisely what they need to do to reach the next level of their learning.

KCh, LK & TD.


July 2015

1 afternoon supply/cover per term.

[2 x 1 hour pay for TA’s per term].

KCh to ensure that meeting is arranged each term.Summer – 10.06.2015Autumn – 9.12.2015Spring – 9.3.2015

KCh to ensure baseline assessment is ordered April 2015.

KCh to put in to place, target sheet which will be shared with parents via home/school book and learning journeys.

AS to monitor through scrutiny of home/school books termly.WC:4/4/201528/09/201518/01/2016

PARENTAL INVOLVEMENT-Hold parents information evening to show parents how we teach ‘phonics, reading, writing and maths’ to parents. Developing ways in which they can help at home.-Parents Open Afternoons – welcome parents into classroom to look at Learning Journey (add ‘Parent’s Voice).

KCh Sept 2015

Dec 2015

N/A – Directed time. KCh to lead. (WC: 21/09/2015)Hold multiple sessions at different times of day if necessary to encourage as much participation as possible (also invite KS1 parents)

Termly KCh to arrange with AS open afternoons.

KCh to report to FGB on numbers of parents attending and adding parent voice.Spring 2016 FGB


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Raise Attainment in:Communication and Language- Introduce ‘rhyme time’ bags containing books to take home and involve parents in rhymes and singing games. Including rhyme sessions in school with parents and children (and stay and play Children Centre group)- Send TA on ECaT (Every Child a Talker) training- ECaT action plan to be put in place if appropriate – Discuss with TA’s to decide further actions needed.

KCh, LK & TD

April 2015

July 2015

£20.00 for pack from Bookstart website (including discs, rhymes and certificates).

KCh to organise and lead.http://www.bookstart.org.uk/professionals/get-involved/the-rhyme-challenge/buy/

KCh to report on ECAT data taken at start of project and after input:1/6/2016

LK to attend ECaT workshop 14.5.2015 and possibly 9.7.2015

Raise Attainment in:PSED-Allocate time fortnightly to share learning journey with children. Encouraging children to talk about what they have learnt and what they have been up to at home.-Provide activities that involve turn-taking and sharing in small groups.-Provide regular opportunities (circle time) for children to talk to a small group about what they are interested in or what they have done.-Plan small group circle times when children can explore feelings.

KCh to plan.LK to lead sessions.

May 2015

July 2015

N/A – Directed Time. KCh to plan and model first initial sessions.

AS through learning walks/planned observations to observe circle timeWC:8/6/15


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Raise Attainment in:Writing-Create a writing area which is developed along side current topic.-Ensure that all children are given opportunity to write every day, through phonics sessions and free flow.-Encourage writing for a purpose e.g. Ask children to write a menu if they role play cafes.-Provide a range of tools and materials for children to use in their play.

KCh, LK & TD.

TD – Personal Target

Sept 2015

Dec 2015

Class Budget – To buy resources as required.

KCh to monitor with planning.

AS to monitor through Professional Development meetings, Learning Walks and Pupil Progress weekly meetings

Raise Attainment in:Reading-Set expectation of reading at home at least 4 times every week. Discussion with parents at Parents Evening.-Introduce further spelling/phonic games and resources for children.-Promote reading for enjoyment through the use of story sacks and Listening Station.

KCh, LK & TD.

Literacy Co-ordinator (KCh)

Jan 2016 March 2016

N/A – Directed Time. Literacy Coordinator (KCh) – termly Reading Record Scrutiny.WC:11/6/155/10/20157/3/2015Feedback to AS.

Guided Reading Sessions to show planning for this.


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Raise Attainment in:Numeracy-Ensure resources match the current topic for Numeracy that week.-Provide number lines/number squares etc in all areas of the classroom.-Share current maths passports targets with children, and encourage practice at home. (Provide resources to help where required).-TA to attend ‘Bridging the Gap in Numeracy’ Course.

KCh, LK & TD.

LK – Personal Target

Jan 2016 March 2016

N/A – Directed Time. KCh in class.

AS to monitor through Professional Development meetings, Learning Walks and Pupil Progress weekly meetings.

Success CriteriaAll Children are making EXPECTED or Exceeding age related progress (40-60months – ELG) in all areas.

Evaluation arrangementsKCh (EYFS Coordinator) to evaluate the impact of these actions and report finding to AS (Head teacher) and FGB.

Cost effectiveness and value for money

ACTION PLAN FOR SHERBURN CE SCHOOLKEY ISSUE/AREA FOR IMPROVEMENT - the garden area linked to SMSC and community relationships


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Involve the local community in the upkeep of the garden e.g the pathways project group.develop partnerships with outside agencies (link cultural dev)

TD /JP (gov)/TW (gov)

Sept 2015

April 2016 Nil – all voluntary work by the community

FGBThrough photographs

Buy a bird bath for the school garden to attract the birds into the school grounds.Participate in RSPB Big Garden Bird watch 2016

TD Sept 2015

April 2016 Cost of bird bath approx. £50 FGBRSPB Big garden Bird Watch results presented to stakeholders

Recognise and nurture particular talents, providing opportunities for pupils to participate in events and encouraging pupils to reflect on their significance (link cultural dev)e,g, caring for the birds,nurturing and growing talentsflower arranging

TD April 2015

April 2016 Nil FGBASBehaviour logs of stop and think cards analysed termly to see if there is a reduction on the gardening days.

Encourage pupils to take responsibility for their actions in caring for the environment (link moral dev) by developing a reliable gardening team to weed and plant on Monday lunchtimes

TD April 2015

Sept 2015 £50 seeds ASComplete a pupils voice w/b June 14th 2015

Provide positive experiences through team activities and encourage children to work co-operatively (link social dev)

TD April 2015

April 2016 ASImproved social development reported to FGB


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Provide opportunities for pupils to exercise leadership and responsibility in the gardening times (link social dev)

All staff Jan 2016

April 2016 Nil ASLog of leaders kept and the jobs that they have undertaken.Analyse if more jobs get done under different leadership

Make decisions on what to plant based on a desire to explore their own and others’ views (link moral dev and democracy BV)

TD/ER Jan 2016

April 2016 Nil ASSchool council minutesGarden club minutes

To use the produce grown in the school kitchen for all to enjoy

KP April 2015

Sept 2015 Nil ASUse of photographs and annotated menus to highlight where school produce has been used

Make plans for a wildlife area in the school garden with log piles, bird feeders and bug boxes.

TD Jan 2016

April 2016 £50 resources AS

Monitor the wildlife in the school garden, create a logbook of species seen, and do a mini-beast audit.

All staff through science

Jan 2016

April 2016 Nil ASFGBReport on the species found

Success CriteriaSchool grounds are developed to help wildlifeWhole school takes part in work that promotes smsc

Evaluation arrangementsHT and EDA to evaluate the impact of these, measures and AS to report finding and next steps forward to FGB

Cost effectiveness and value for money


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ACTION PLAN FOR SHERBURN CE SCHOOL and LUTTONS SCHOOLKEY ISSUE : Special Educational NeedsTARGET: To respond to changes arising from the Special Educational Needs Code of Practise.Success Criteria: Staff and Governors will have a clear understanding. Personalised Provision will be enhanced. April 15 –April 16

Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

1. Review and amend SEN policy

Involve parents to make it parent friendly and more accessible. Invite parents to a meeting to share our intentions, give out questionnaire, ask for volunteers to help/ create a working party.

KC + SEN Govs

Autumn ‘15

MeetingWC:Staff CommentsWC:

Autumn ‘15

MeetingWC:Staff CommentsWC:

QuestionnaireAsk for staff comments on the draft. (Send out WC:Governors meeting.

New policy in place for Dec’15Approved by Governors at FGB meeting in December 2015.


2. Adapt and update IEPs/Inclusion passports/ provision maps

a) Scarborough SENCo’s working party are meeting to develop documents that we will all adopt and trial.)

b) Share with Filey Cluster SENCos

KC then Class teachers



June 15(To be in use after current IP are reviewed)


a)SENCo to attend Scarborough SENCOs working party(Afternoon supply)

b)KC+JG(FileyJ) to share with Filey ClusterAfternoon Supply

Scarborough SENCos will ask a SEN EDA to approve or make changes to the draft paperwork. Documents to be in use Sept’15.

Cluster minutes

3. Develop personalised provision.

a) Introduce learning conversations for children identified as needing SEN support, statements and

KC and class teachers

13.4.15 Ongoing termly

None – teachers to use PPA for the meeting and HT to leave an open Staff meeting termly for this use

SENCo time to check paperwork WK2 in every term14.9.1511.1.16

Dates have been made for April 15


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

EHCPs.b) Use the approved paperwork

with parents.WC:7.9.15 Ongoing


4. Ensure SEN Governor attends training about the Revised Code of Practise

MT to book TBC TBC Cost of training SEN Gov to feed back to SENCO and HT

TB has asked MT and is

5. SENCo to have termly meetings with SEN link Governors

(After SENCo networks and before full Governor meetings)

KC/TB/BP WC:1.6.15

Aut ‘15Spr’16TBC

WC:1.6.15 None Gov. visiting logsGovs to report to FGB meetings. (Dec’15)

6. Analyse progress made, pinks and greys, attendance, FSM etc. Identify groups for a ‘boost’

KCJuly ‘15


April ‘16

July ‘15Dec’15

April ‘16

SENCO time KC/HT and subject leadersWC: 7.9.15WC: 4.1.16WC: 11.4.16

7. Liaise with other SENCOsa) Attend Scarborough SENCO

meetings (Termly)

b) Filey Cluster – SENCO meetings


KC and Cluster

7.5.15Further Dates TBC



After school meetings

From Cluster Funds

Dates TBC

Minutes from the meeting I have emailed the cluster schools for the


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date Finish date

Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

KC to act as lead SENCO for organising the meetings and the agenda

SENCOs dates TBCAutumnSpring

shared with Cluster HT name and email contact details for their SENCo, I am waiting for 1 reply.

8. Raise teaching and support staff awareness of the practical implications arising from SENCO Networks and other training

KC WC:1.6.15TBC Within a fortnight of network meetingsAutumnSpring

Staff meetings x3 Staff meeting minutes

9. Develop a structured cycle for monitoring and evaluating SEN

KCJan ‘15


SENCO time HT to monitor cycleKC to monitor outcomesWC .

10. Ensure the school offer is updated and on the school website.

KC + HT July ‘16 WC 13.7.16

SENCO time + Gov meeting


11. Complete the IQM (Inclusion Quality Mark)

Complete the questionnaire and provide the necessary evidence

KC+HT June’15




Additional SENCO time required – when the Student is class 1

1x staff meeting

HT to monitorIQM to be submitted


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Develop the use of the spiritual garden for worship times

AS June 2015

Oct 2015 None AS and FGBPlanning scrutiny by Olivia Seymour 2015

Review collective worship planning to include Gathering, engaging, responding, sending.

AS March 2015

July 2015 None AS and FGBPlanning scrutiny by Olivia Seymour April 29th 2015

Update the SIAMS AS July 2105

Sept 2015 None FGBEmail out week beg Sept 21st 2015 for comments and reflections


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

To develop an awareness of strengths and areas for development in R.E.

AS Sept 2015

Dec 2015 None Termly monitoringPlanning, book scrutiny, learning walk, pupil voice.Subject leader to monitor long term plans to ensure they match programmes of study.

To develop staff knowledge and understanding of R.E. skills to promote a deeper understanding of the Christian faith and other faiths in Britain.

AS Sept 2015

Dec 2015 None Collective worships across the year actively promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.See Worship file

Success CriteriaThe 3 Christian values are clearly displayed and embedded by all. All policies updated with Christian values. Completed planning has gathering, engaging, responding and sending marked on. Strong subject knowledge by all teachers

Evaluation arrangementsHT and EDA to evaluate the impact of these, measures and AS to report finding and next steps forward to FGB



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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

To track pupil’s achievement &progress using aps progressdata from Reception to Year6 ensuring that pupils aretargeted for support/extensionteaching/support if required.

o Teachers to provide AS with information on each pupil’s pointprogress and the cohortpercentage (Less, in line, better thanexpected) three times per year

o Agree NC level point targets for pupils in each year group to achieve in line or better progress

o Analyse results for updating SEF and SDP

AS and class teachers

April 2015 April 2016 Time allocation forteachers to enableteachers’ own assessment records to beupdated at least 3 times a year(Head’s Admin time)Pupil progress meetings with teachers

AS to monitor termlyprogress and analyse results for pupil target setting &updating the SEF effectively, plus reporting to parents.

Report termly to FGB

To embed strategies for pupils to self-assess, act on feedback & set their own targets.

AS April 2015 April 2016 None ASEDAGovernorsThrough learning walks weeklyBook scrutinies termly

Enable Subject leaders to monitor their subject areas, assess and scrutinize pupil’s work and progress

ASSubject leaders

April 2015 April 2016 Subject leader time given termly through use of cover teacher

ASFGB reports by subject leaders

Prepare for the introduction of the Reception Baseline assessment.

o Decide which assessment tool to useo Consider how to implement baseline

assessments for pre-reception to show progress before reception baseline

ASEYFS leader

Sept 2015 Oct 2015 Possible payment for additional add on tools to baseline assessment

ASEDAFGBSharing of results with FGB and then use of results to update action plan.

Maximise the potential of homework to accelerate pupil progress.Use PP money to fund homework club and taxis for PP children.Review homework policy to support parents in helping children.

AS April 2015 July 2015 PP funded£12 per week taxi fare

2 GTAs 1 extra hour £144 a term.

ASThrough homework book scrutinies.Analysis of termly results to see impact.


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Actions to achieve target Persons responsible

Start date

Finish date Resources and costs Monitoring Person and Method

Notes on Progress

Evaluate new assessment systems and revise as necessary based on moderation of test results and teacher assessment

AS July 2015 July 2015 None ASTermly data comparisons between TA and tests.Analyse and evaluate any marked differences.

Introduce frequent moderation and agreement AS April 2015 April 2016 None directed time ASStaff meetings dedicated to moderation between collaborating schools.Cluster moderation A170Filey SL cluster networks moderating termly

Develop increased staff engagement with overall termly progress tracking and analysis of own data

AS April 2015 April 2016 NoneStaff meeting time given to analyse results

ASCollection of pupil progress information weeklyTermly accelerated learning plans

Ensure teachers are consistent in their marking and feedback to children so they know how to improve

AS Sept 2015 April 2016 None ASBook scrutinies led by subject leadersLearning walks weekly (see learning walk diary)

Evaluate the use of standardized tests like PUMA termly to give maths ages and raw scores

AS July 2015 Sept 2015 None HT admin time FGBApril 2015 – compare maths scores

July 2015 – compare maths scores

Filey cluster to agree a common assessment approach to recording and reporting attainment and progress so HTs can be rigorous in their challenge.

ASFiley Cluster Heads

April 2015 Sept 2015 None Half termly meetings to discuss and generate the common approach.Attend NAHT meetings about assessmentAttend EVA research meetings

Investigate the use of a new assessment recording tool e.g..scholarpack with the cluster

ASFiley Cluster Heads

April 2015 Sept 2015 None Meeting and demonstration by Scholar pack repDemonstration to admin

Success Criteria The system clearly indicates those pupils who are making good, expected and below expected progress.

Additional support is provided for those children identified as making below expected progress Clearly tracked progress of children through the school and potential under achievement identified in gender, ethnic and ability groups


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Evaluation arrangementsHT and EDA to evaluate the impact of these, measures and AS to report finding and next steps forward to FGB

Cost effectiveness and value for money


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Monitoring Schedule – 2015-16As we are a small school, monitoring is predominantly in the following forms: many formal and informal conversations, observing lessons and activities in passing, marking and monitoring children’s work and assessments, talking to staff, volunteers, governors,

parents and children. Nevertheless the headteacher has a thorough understanding of strengths and areas for development in teaching and learning and these are rigorously addressed in Performance Management.

Type of Monitor Summer Term 2015 Autumn Term 2015 Spring Term 2016Teaching and

Learning ObservationIncluding aspects of learning environment, attitudes and


AS – appraisal observations ScienceAS– Joint Monitoring with University of Hull TutorAS – Joint monitoring with EDA

Focus: student

AS – appraisal observations

Focus: Numeracy

AS – appraisal observations

Focus: LiteracyPlanning Scrutiny

Including long term, medium term and short term planning

and the impact across the school

Planning and progression monitored every weekLiteracy SL – Guided ReadingMaths SL – learning walls

Focus: Long Term Planning

Planning and progression monitored every weekLiteracy SL – phonics and spellingMaths SL – book scrutiny

Focus: Short Term Planning

Planning and progression monitored every week

Focus: Medium Term Planning

Book/Work scrutinyIncluding presentation,

standards and progression at all levels

EYFS moderation within clusterWriting moderation from joint cluster project

Book Scrutiny – learning journeys

EYFS moderation within cluster EYFS moderation within county


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Assessment ScrutinyIncluding summative and formative assessment and assessment for learning

Formal testing Y3,4,5National SATS Y2. 6

Focus: APP

End of term Teacher assessments

Focus: APP

End of term Teacher assessments

Focus: APPGovernor MonitoringIncluding school aims and


Monitoring arranged with the Headteacher

Focus: Maths

Monitoring arranged with the Headteacher

Focus: Writing

Monitoring arranged with the Headteacher

Focus: Behaviour

SIAMS MonitoringIncluding areas for

development from RoV

Evaluate planning format for collective worshipMonitoring collective worship

Revisit SIAMS document and updateRevisit aims and values with all stakeholdersMonitoring pupil voice

Monitoring RE lessons


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APP Assessing Pupil Progress

APS Average Points Score

SLP Sub-Level Progress

SEF Self Evaluation Form

SDP School Development Plan

EYFS Early Years Foundation Stage

HT Headteacher

SEN Special Educational Needs

GAT Gifted and Talented

JAPR Joint Annual Performance Review

EDA Education Development Advisor

EVC Educational Visits Coordinator

IEP Individual Education Plan

CW Collective Worship

RE Religious Education

AST Advanced Skills Teacher