5/28/2018 InGearWeek3624March2014HD-slidepdf.com http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/in-gear-week-36-24-march-2014-hd 1/6  In Gear  ROTARY CLUB OF BEAUMARIS WEEKLY BULLETIN Number 36, 24 March 2014 Next Meeting THURSDAY 27 MARCH SPEAKER: DON CULLEN TOPIC: TIBETAN VILLAGE PROJECT CHAIR: TRISH SMYTH  AV: ADRIAN CULSHAW C  ASH DESK: ROB FENTON & M  ALCOLM P  ARKS H OST : G REG  E VERY  THURSDAY 3 APRIL SPEAKER: G  ARRY ORAM TOPIC: S  AFE LIVING CHAIR: CHARMAINE J  ANSZ  AV: D  AVID LEA C  ASH DESK: ROGER FREWEN & D  AVID RUSHWORTH HOST: GREG EVERY WEDNESDAY 9 APRIL FELLOWSHIP BBQ  AT VICTORIA GOLF CLUB SOCIAL GOLF FOR  ALL WHO  ARE INTERSTED 2013—2014 Serving the Community since 1985 Presidents Report Bendigo 2014, 47 members and partners, golf day, wine tour, excellent conference and venue, inspiring, funny or just great speakers, terrific entertainment and a lot of fun and fellow- ship. What more could you ask for. Well for a start, how about team members disobeying team orders to not win the golf but shooting a low score at the Ben- digo Golf course on Thursday. Congratulations to Tony Phil- lips and Roger Frewen who combined so well and only had 23 putts to win the coveted prize on a count back from David and Di Hone. John Manks organised a wine tour on Friday in a 1988 bus with 1.9m kilometres on the speedo and an 82 year old driver. We visited three excellent local wineries - Balgownie Estate, Sandhurst Lodge then Mandurang Valley Wines for lunch. Tony McKenna was given time off from his conference duties to join us and brought along Kelsie Holt, one of the GSE team from Indiana. John arranged for the bus to drop us at the conference centre on the return in order to register before walking back to our motel for some down time around the pool before the start of the conference. Congratulations John for a great day. I’m sure everyone has their favourite conference speaker/s. For me it was Gemma Sisia and the School of St Jude, Tan- zania, Mark Squirrell and Dr Tony Valenti who told some very funny jokes for “an Italian Sports Psychologist”. The confer- ence was well paced, well organised, a credit to Will and Sue Cornellison and their team and would surely have pleased DG Merv and Kay.  As usual, the agenda included the launch of the 2015 Confer- ence which will be held in Ballarat on 13 th , 14 th  and 15 th  March. It will start Friday afternoon and leave time for a club Contents 1 Presidents Report 2 Notices 3 Conference Photos 5 Bayside Mayoral Charity Golf Day 6 Club Structure / Picture of Week SERGEANTS HOMEWORK TOPIC; AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTERS PART II Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club 6.30 for 7.00

In Gear Week 36 24 March 2014 HD

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  • 5/28/2018 In Gear Week 36 24 March 2014 HD


    In GearR O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S W E E K L Y B U L L E T I N Number 36, 24 March 2014

    Next Meeting





















    Serving the Community since 1985

    Presidents Report

    Bendigo 2014, 47 members and partners, golf day, wine tour,excellent conference and venue, inspiring, funny or just greatspeakers, terrific entertainment and a lot of fun and fellow-ship. What more could you ask for.

    Well for a start, how about team members disobeying teamorders to not win the golf but shooting a low score at the Ben-

    digo Golf course on Thursday. Congratulations to Tony Phil-lips and Roger Frewen who combined so well and only had23 putts to win the coveted prize on a count back from Davidand Di Hone.

    John Manks organised a wine tour on Friday in a 1988 buswith 1.9m kilometres on the speedo and an 82 year old driver.We visited three excellent local wineries - Balgownie Estate,Sandhurst Lodge then Mandurang Valley Wines for lunch.Tony McKenna was given time off from his conference dutiesto join us and brought along Kelsie Holt, one of the GSE team

    from Indiana. John arranged for the bus to drop us at theconference centre on the return in order to register beforewalking back to our motel for some down time around thepool before the start of the conference. Congratulations Johnfor a great day.

    Im sure everyone has their favourite conference speaker/s.For me it was Gemma Sisia and the School of St Jude, Tan-zania, Mark Squirrell and Dr Tony Valenti who told some veryfunny jokes for an Italian Sports Psychologist. The confer-ence was well paced, well organised, a credit to Will and SueCornellison and their team and would surely have pleased DGMerv and Kay.

    As usual, the agenda included the launch of the 2015 Confer-ence which will be held in Ballarat on 13th, 14thand 15thMarch. It will start Friday afternoon and leave time for a club


    1 Presidents Report2 Notices3 Conference Photos

    5 Bayside Mayoral Charity Golf Day6 Club Structure / Picture of Week



    Unless stated otherwise venue is Victoria Golf Club6.30 for 7.00

  • 5/28/2018 In Gear Week 36 24 March 2014 HD


    R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

    Page 2

    dinner on the Friday night and we will have to organisethe golf.

    A highlight of the weekend was when all 47 membersand partners, dressed in black with gold hat, braces andties for men and gloves and bling for the ladies; attractingmuch attention on the 600 metre walk down McIver Road

    from the Crystal Inn to the All Seasons.

    Hopefully Editor David has lots of photos which should fillthe next few pages.

    Back to business, this week Don Cullen and the TibetanVillage Project is the speaker. Don has been a greatsupporter for Sabu so the opportunity exists for somereciprocity.

    Remember, if you have a friend who may be a potentialmember, bring them along to a meeting. There are some

    excellent speakers coming up.

    See you on Thursday,


    Hocking Stuart Sandringham62-64 Station Street

    Note; As part of our arrangement with Hocking Stuart discountson agents fees are available to RCOB members.

    2014 Bayside Mayoral Charity GolfDay Sponsorship Package

    We are still looking for more sponsors for the above.You can find the Sponsorship Package details on

    Page 5

    Dr Tony Valenti sports psychologist to the starswas an hilarious highlight and kept everyone in up-roar. Not sure how many will admit that they were

    actually surprised when he revealed his alter ego asHomer Papantonio The Corporate Imposter

    Gemma Sisia and the School of St Jude, was formany the standout inspirational story of the Confer-

    ence. From 3 students to 1600 in 12 years andneeding to find $6 million each year to keep go-


    Rotary HealthResearcher RoseChesworth was

    the most esotericpresenter lookinginside mouse be-

    haviour and

    brains to find acure for metham-phetamine addic-


  • 5/28/2018 In Gear Week 36 24 March 2014 HD


    R O T A R Y C L U B O F B E A U M A R I S B U L L E T I N S E R V I N G T H E C O M M U N I T Y S I N C E 1 9 8 5

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    2014 Bayside Mayoral Charity GolfDay Sponsorship Package

    Attached for your information is part of the pdf file for theabove.

    Click on this link if you want to see the full package.


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    RIPPR Finale

    Rotary InternationalPresident PersonalRepresentative MoisesDalisay Jnr from thePhilippines blew theaudience away with avery tuneful unaccom-panied rendition ofJohn Denver's song"Today" during his clos-ing Conference Sum-mary.

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