SOALAN LATIHAN ICTL 1. Computer literacy involves having knowledge and understanding of Literasi komputer melibatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang A. Computer programming Pengaturcaraan komputer B. Computer and their uses Komputer dan penggunaannya C. Computer repair Membaiki komputer D. All of the above Semua di atas 2. Which of the statement is not a computer lab rules? Yang manakah antara berikut bukan peraturan makmal computer? A. Turn off the computer accordingly after use. Tutup komputer setelah menggunakannya B. Internet facility is prohibited for educational purposes. Kemudahan internet adalah dilarang untuk tujuan pendidikan. C. Do not bring in bags, food and drink into the lab. Tidak dibenarkan membawa beg, makanan dan minuman ke dalam makmal. D. Switch off all power supplies before leaving the lab. Tutup semua suis bekalan kuasa sebelum meninggalkan makmal.

ICTL Form 1 Final09

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ICTL Form 1 Final09

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Page 1: ICTL Form 1 Final09


1. Computer literacy involves having knowledge and understanding of

Literasi komputer melibatkan pengetahuan dan pemahaman tentang

A. Computer programming

Pengaturcaraan komputer

B. Computer and their uses

Komputer dan penggunaannya

C. Computer repair

Membaiki komputer

D. All of the above

Semua di atas

2. Which of the statement is not a computer lab rules?

Yang manakah antara berikut bukan peraturan makmal computer?

A. Turn off the computer accordingly after use.

Tutup komputer setelah menggunakannya

B. Internet facility is prohibited for educational purposes.

Kemudahan internet adalah dilarang untuk tujuan pendidikan.

C. Do not bring in bags, food and drink into the lab.

Tidak dibenarkan membawa beg, makanan dan minuman ke dalam makmal.

D. Switch off all power supplies before leaving the lab.

Tutup semua suis bekalan kuasa sebelum meninggalkan makmal.

3. Who is the chairperson of ICT Main Committee Organization Chart?

Siapakah pengerusi dalam Carta Organisasi Jawatankuasa Induk ICT?

A. Principal B. ICT Coordinator

Pengetua Penyelaras ICT

C. Senior Assistant 1 D. Assistant ICT Coordinator

Penolong Kanan 1 Penolong Penyelaras ICT

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4. Which function of the system units below is incorrect?

Yang mana fungsi unit sistem berikut adalah SALAH?

A. Zip drive- reads from and writes on a Zip disk

B. Floppy drive - reads from and writes on a floppy disk

C. Hard disk drive – reads audio CDs, CD-ROMs, CD-Rs and CD-RWs

D. DVD-ROM drive - reads DVD-ROM, also can read audio CDs, CDROMSs


5. Optical Medium likes CDs and DVDs are non-volatile storage media. They hold content in

digital form that are written and read by laser. Which description is true about the optical

media below?

Optical Media Descriptions


Read only storage, used for distribution of digitalinformation such as music, video and computerPrograms

B. CD-R Write storage, the data can be erased or written over once it is saved.


Slow to write but fast reading storage; it allows datathat have been saved to be erased and rewritten only once

6. The processor (CPU) interprets and carries out the basic ________ that operate a


A. data

B. instructions

C. information

7. The main components of the computer system include

I. Monitor

II. Keyboard

III. Mouse

IV. Speaker

A. I, II

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Diagram 1

8. Diagram 1 is a Data Processing Cycle. The computer system processes data into

information through four operations as shown above. X and Y are probably


A. Storage Output

B. Output Storage

C. Data Information

D. Information Data

9. The user enters the data by using an input device. Which of the following can be use to

input data?

a. LCD monitor

E. Flash card

F. Thumb drive

G. Scanner

10.Below are the differences between RAM and ROM accept


A. The data and program can be read and write

The data or program can only be read but cannot be write

B. RAM is volatile which means the programs and data in RAM are lost when the computer is powered off.

ROM is non-volatile. It holds the programs and data when the computer is powered off.

C. Type of memory permanently stored Stores data during and after processing.

Input Process



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inside the computer.

D. The data in RAM can be read(retrieved) or written (stored).

All the contents in ROM can be accessed and read but cannot be changed.

Diagram 2

11. The information in Diagram 2 best described about

A. supercomputer

B. minicomputer

C. microcomputer

D. workstation

12. The table below shows information of evolution of computer. X is most probably

Generations Year Circuitry

First 1939 to 1954 Vacuum tubes

Second 1954 to 1959 X

Third 1959 to 1971 Integratedcircuits (IC)

Fourth 1971 to 1991 Microprocessor

Fifth and 1991 topresent

Beyond Small Computer System Interface, Video Electronic Standard Association (VESA)

H. processor

I. transistor



13. ______________ is a set of programs that coordinates all the activities among the computer hardware


A. Computer System

Small desktop or portable computer typically designed to be used by one person at a time. It also can be linked in a network so that users can share data and programs.

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B. Application software

C. Operating system

D. Utility program

13. Antivirus and file compression programmers are the types of __________ software.

A. Computer System

B. Application software

C. Operating system

D. Utility program

14. Which steps below not explain on how to create a new folder in My Document?

A. Open My Document< Click Menu File<Click New<Choose Folder

B. Open My Document< Double Click anywhere in the folder<Click New<Choose


C.Open My Document< Right Click anywhere in the folder <Click New<Choose Folder

16. Toolbars provide shortcuts to menu commands. Above is

a. formatting Toolbar

b. standard Toolbar

c. menu Bar

d. drawing Toolbar

I. Choose the correct steps to launch the Microsoft Word application

L. Start > Microsoft Word

M. Start > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word

N. Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Word

O. Start > All Programs > Microsoft Word

II. If you make mistake while typing, you can delete it by pressing

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P. Enter or Space bar

Q. Caps Lock or Shift

R. Tab or Alt

S. Backspace or Delete

III. If you want to save a document, you have to click





IV. To move or change the format of a text, select the text you want to edit. Click once in the

left margin to select

X. a single line of text

Y. a block of text

Z. the entire document

AA. one word

V. Change Case used to change case such as sentences case, lower case, upper case, title case

and toggle case. If you select Title Case, the words will appear as below


CC. Good Luck!


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EE.good luck!

VI. To produce text that shown above, you must Format > ……………… from the menu bar.

FF. Paragraph

GG. Drop Cap

HH. Columns

II. Font

VII. We use …………………. to produce table as shown above.

JJ. Split Cells

KK. Split Tables


MM. Merge Cells

VIII. Which of the following is true?

NN. Formatting toolbar:

OO. Drawing Toolbar:

PP. Standard Toolbar:

QQ. Title Bar:

IX. In order to move image, you have to Double Click on the image. The Format Picture dialog

box appears:

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To place the image in front of the text, which icon you must select?

A. B. C. D.