How to Make a Good Impression Dean Donaldson: Channel Development EMEA, Eyeblaster 8 th November 2007 MSN Innovate, Oslo A user-centric approach to advertising Media Workshop

How to Make a Good Impression Dean Donaldson: Channel Development EMEA, Eyeblaster 8 th November 2007 MSN Innovate, Oslo A user-centric approach to advertising

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How to Make a Good Impression

Dean Donaldson: Channel Development EMEA, Eyeblaster

8th November 2007

MSN Innovate, Oslo

A user-centric approach to advertising

Media Workshop


The inherent challenge

Study around conversions

Progressive thinking

Analysis and justification

Understanding user journeys

Behavioural Targeting & User Profiling

The Real Story Cross-channel targeting


The Journey of the User

Online advertising is generally seen in transient, linear paths See ad → Click → Micro site → Main site

Can distort overall objectives Focus becomes about driving through to a site

Real objective is beyond the click-thrus Favourable awareness and then action Ultimately a purchase of a product or service

Feed the user where they are Users are more calculated in their approach They choose delivery method and customise their environment The rise of ‘desktop widgets’ – browser is no longer king

The need to speak to the user personally wherever they are

Inherent challenge in digital advertising









H1 '04 H2 '04 H1 '05 H2 '05 H1 '06 H2 '06 H1 '07


CTR (v ideo)

CTR: Overall vs Video

Media Firsts: “What new format or feature can you recommend

that will get me the best click-thru rates?”

Dropped from 5% to less than 1% in 5 years

From Pull – “Traffic Drivers”



AOL ORANGE Average CTR is below 0.3% Clicks are not pre-qualified

Trying to pull the users to your website

To Push – “Smart Ads”




Average dwell time is

about one minute

Pushing content to the user, exactly where they are

Development of the web

Web 1.0 – Content

Web 2.0 – Conversation

Web 3.0 – Convergence

It’s all about Conversions!

The big ‘Con’?

= clicks!

Engagement Post Impression Activity (Sub-Conscious Acknowledgement)

Impression No Awareness (No Conscious Acknowledgment)

Click-Thru Post-Click Activity (Conscious Acknowledgement)

Call to Action Required Response (Conscious Decision) Information Request / Data Capture / Physical Purchase


Shades of GreyMeasuring the true response

Interaction Pre-Click Activity / Post-Interaction (Active Involvement)

DNA of an Advertiser

A study of all activity for a client over a period of a year, covering both rich and standard inventory

340 million impressions 26% Standard Banners vs. 74% Rich Media 53% Polite Banners 21% Expandable Banners

25 major campaigns ranging from 1MM – 53.5MM impressions

17 publishers ranging from 150K to 138MM impressions

Over 130 post-click activities were tracked

Analysis of total activity July ’06 to May ‘07

Impress to ConvertImpressions drive 4:1 more conversions over clicks

Analysing post-impression and post-click tracking

Conversions happen as a result of ‘seeing’ not ‘clicking’ on the ad Downplays the immediacy of initial response with a more powerful brand

awareness driver, that produces tangible results later on

Note: This is a case study based on one advertiser, 25 campaigns, 340MM impressions

Halo Effect: Even standard conversions happen due to rich media path

74% of total impressions were rich media based

The Impact of the ImpressionLooking back at last 5 adverts in conversion sequence

98% of conversion path was rich media based


RM: 82%SB: 18%

RM: 98% SB: 2%

82% of conversions were rich media based


Note: This is a case study based on one advertiser, 25 campaigns, 340MM impressions

The Art of Blending

Advert in shop window

Set up stall in a mall

Juggling clowns

Enhanced Experience

Delivers content to the user where they are – attracts, teases, engages

Offers choice to the 90%+ users who don’t click-thru

Results prove interaction overrides typical ad timeout – over 1 minute!

P910i – 2004

Distract and Immerse – Engaging the consumer in situ

Brand Response

Nissan – QashQai C4 – Mousetracker

ITV – Dinosaurs Canon – Eos

Pre-click Interactivity Tracking

Best Practice: Track all elements in an ad

Test Drive

Brochure Request

More Information

Main Click


Dwell-time =

Brand awareness

Get a full view of your campaign success

Honda Civic

Justify Your Campaign SuccessDrilling down to find the conversion factor

Analysis and Metrics

2,000 people walk down the street: Impressions = 100%

1,000 of these are unique, some return: Reach & Frequency = 50% (2:1)

800 people notice a building, 200 don’t: Post-Impression?? = 40%

300 people walk into the store: Interaction = 15%

10 people go up to first-floor: Click-thru = 0.5%

1 person buys a coffee: Conversion = 0.05%

Emotional response – people who notice, but don’t do anything 10 in 1,000 = 1% are unique responders 10 in 800 = 1.25% are emotional responders – what about other

790? 10 in 300 = 3.33% of the Interactors will respond – what about 290?

Conversions – can I buy a coffee without going to first-floor?

An example from the real world

Media Conversion Costs

Spend € 200,000.00   € 15.00 CPM


      Clicks to landing page         

Impressions 13,333,333   0.5% CTR

      66,667 Clicks

      € 3.00 Cost per click

      20.0% Drop-off rate

      53,333 Post click Arrivals

      5,333 Post view Arrivals

      58,667 Total Arrivals

      29,333 Unique arrivals

      5.0% Conversion rate

      1,466.67 Total conversions

      € 136.36 Cost per conversion




Interactions within the ad   

20.0% IR

2,666,667 Interactions

€ 0.08 Cost per interaction





1,333,333 Unique interactions

0.5% Conversion rate

6,667 Total conversions

€ 30.00 Cost per conversion

€ 106.36 Difference CTR v IR

Calculating the real cost per conversion

40x more likely to interact then click

4.5x conversions in banner then site

Understanding the User

Each user journey is unique A number of sub-conscious and conscious factors of awareness

that influence the final decision A number of measurable interaction points that make up the whole

Seeking a truer representation Who are the Uniques? Where did they actually come from? What did those Uniques do? What was their actual intention? How did we influence them? Did we drive a conversion?

The consumer as an individual, not a mass

EU Tobacco (Multi) – Behavioural

93% of interactors saw second sequenced advert

Those who saw second advert were positively inclined towards click thru

13.5% watched the entire entry video

0.1% average CTR – 0.33% in ‘sent mail’ MPU 0.01% started the data-capture process 11% of initial respondents went on to give

email address in subsequent screens

Higher rates could have been achieved if the data request fields were higher

Levi’s (MultiNational) – Social Advertising

Mars UK – Run-of-Network Data Capture

Login MPU


Synchronised Messenger

35,000 emails captured in one single day!!

10% of users played the game

60% played more then once

18% interacted with IM banners

Brand exposure 10x more in IM then on homepage




Mud Slinging

A. Don’t own a SE Mobile but have seen the ads

C. Recently compared phones on the site

B. Already own a SE mobile and actively looking to replace

D. Has just received online quotation

Consumer Behaviour Tracking

Re-target ads based on previous behaviour across media properties

Cross-sell/Up-sell to maximise ROI

Build valuable user database over time Who has never visited your site Who has visited your site Who is active participant on your site

User interactions determine which ad is shown next in sequence

Encourage user through the decision making cycle

Unlimited creative ‘paths’ help improve conversion rates

Pre-Impression, Post-Interaction & Pre-Click

DejaVu Re-targeting Behavioural Sequencing

During the CampaignPrior to Campaign

1st imp 2nd imp 3rd impPrior to Impression Ad


Site Visitor


MEC Interaction sought a technology to actively engage the individual user wherever they were physically or within the campaign lifecycle

1. Physical Location: Multi-lingual throughout CEEMEA territories

2. User Environment: Complementing web page access with mail and desktop messenger and the need to flow seamlessly between them

3. Lifecycle State: Multiple stages of competition From initial awareness, registration process

to the multiple upload stages over the weeks

K550i Cyber-shot™ Promotion

Take photos of yourself preparing for each weeks challenge and upload to the site

Lights, Camera, Action!How to train for one of the four challenges

K550i Extreme Challenges (Change by Week)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 4Week 3

Behavioural Profiling to Target MessageThe K550i Extreme Tour Concept

Creative based on user state: if registered, how and if uploaded pics?

The Game Registration

User totally unknown

No Upload Uploaded

User registered via the banner

No Upload Uploaded

User registered via the web site

Campaign Process

Game animation rotates with sign-off Urges registration within banner Allows photo upload within banner

Then enables forward-to-friend Drops tag to remember state

Once complete sends email to user Request to complete web registration Confirmation of registration email

Drops tag to remember state

User can enter this weeks competition User completes photo upload

Drops tag to remember state

Re-targeting creative based on state

Banner registration and re-targeting concept

Following the UserMultiple points of entry and reminder

Being exposed to the initial creative Example: Web Browser

Enabling user to register in situ Example: MSN Today

Re-targeting irrespective of channel Example: Live Mail

Further re-targeting across channels Example: Live Messenger

And any combination thereof…

Web Page Messenger MessengereMail

ResultsGuiding people through the campaign funnel


Most technically challenging campaign undertaken online to date

A melting pot of: innovative planning creative technology publisher knowledge consumer insight as well as an element of calculated risk-taking on behalf of the client

Did not cost a single cent more on ad serving or on media purchase Know how to work the technology that is user-centric to meet objectives

Only required some slight amendments to the back end destination site and a very well-crafted master template…

Multiple points of entry and reminder

Thank YouWe hope we have made a Good Impression!

Dean Donaldson: www.deandonaldson.com

And Eyeblaster (Easy Concepts) reprehensive for Norway is:

Danny M. Van der Cingel (Business Development Director)

[email protected] | +31 (0)2 068 39 857