Heave and Pitch Dynamics

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  • 8/8/2019 Heave and Pitch Dynamics



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    Heave-Pitch-Roll Dynamics of Flexible Vehicle in Variable Velocity RunD. Yadav; S. Kamle; S. Talukdar

    Online publication date: 09 August 2010

    To cite this Article Yadav, D. , Kamle, S. and Talukdar, S.(2000) 'Heave-Pitch-Roll Dynamics of Flexible Vehicle in VariableVelocity Run', Vehicle System Dynamics, 33: 1, 1 28

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  • 8/8/2019 Heave and Pitch Dynamics


    .Vehicle System Dynamics, 33 2000 , pp. 1 28 0042-3114r00r3301-028$15.00q Swets & Zeitlinger

    Heave-Pitch-Roll Dynamics of Flexible Vehicle in

    Variable Velocity Run

    D. YADAV 1, S. KAMLE 2 and S. TALUKDAR 3


    Analysis for response statistics evaluation of a flexible vehicle travelling with variable velocity overnonhomogeneously profiled flexible track is presented with a heave-pitch-roll model. The vehicle bodyis idealised as a flexible member with variable cross-section, inertia, damping and stiffness distribu-tions. The vehicle may also have variable section slender elastic attachments. Coupled dynamics withrigid body heave-pitch-roll modes and elastic bending-torsion modes of the vehicle body along withcoupled bending-torsion modes of the attachments are considered. Equivalent linear suspension systemcharacteristics are employed for developing the analysis. Numerical results are presented for an aircraftwith tricycle landing gear arrangements and comparison is made with other models.


    Unevenness in the track induces vibration in the moving vehicle and the flexible

    track system. With increasing operation speeds and lighter constructions, predic-

    tion of the vehicle response has become significant for the assessment of its ride

    quality, design and control. The knowledge of track dynamics is important for

    design, life and maintenance of the track system.

    The vehicle-track system has three main components - vehicle super-structure,

    suspension system and the track-foundation system. The super-structure, in gen-

    eral, is flexible and may have appendages in specific cases. Its dynamics has

    heave, pitch and roll as rigid body modes with superimposed bending and torsion

    as flexible modes. The suspension system generally has some shock absorber with

    spring and damper arrangement mounted over pneumatic wheels. The track is laid

    over a subgrade supported by a foundation. The track foundation system under-

    goes deflection due to the moving vehicle loading. The track surface has undula-

    tions that are random in nature.

    The sophistication of the system model to be adopted depends on the degree of

    accuracy desired. The analytical study was initiated with simple approximate rigid

    1Professor; Department of Aerospace Engineering, I.I.T. Kanpur, India - 208016.

    2Associate Professor; Department of Aerospace Engineering, I.I.T. Kanpur, India - 208016.

    3Graduate Student; Department of Aerospace Engineering, I.I.T. Kanpur, India - 208016.



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    D. YADAV ET AL.2

    lumped mass models. Both constant and variable velocity runs have been consid-w xered with random track inputs 16 . Rigid multi-axled multi-wheeled vehicle

    w xmodels with heave-pitch-roll modes have been analysed 7 10 . Structural flexibil-

    ity of ground vehicle models have been taken into account with inclusion ofw xbending modes in heave-pitch models 1114 . The effect of track flexibility has

    come under consideration with the study of flexible beams under moving loadsw x1526 . The interaction of flexible vehicle body with flexible track has been

    w xstudied with various degrees of freedom for nonstationary inputs 2730 . The

    vehicle models employed have ranged from single lumped mass to continuous

    nonuniform elements and tracks models have ranged from rigid to flexible

    members with stiffness, damping and inertial properties.w xThe present paper, extending the earlier work presented in Ref. 27 , introduces

    improvement in the vehicle model by considering heave-pitch-roll dynamics of the

    flexible vehicle with slender attachments. The track and foundation have been

    assumed flexible with track unevenness a nonhomogeneous random process .specified by the generalised power spectral density PSD function. The present

    analysis and modelling approach is applicable to most ground vehiclertrack

    systems. The authors consider an addition to analysis techniques in this area. The

    approach has been illustrated by obtaining the second order response statistics for

    a small aircraft in ground runs. Comparison has been drawn with some published



    The system consists of a vehicle travelling over an uneven and flexible track

    supported by elastic subgrade and foundation. The vehicle super-structure is

    treated as a flexible member. It is allowed to have nonuniform distribution of

    mass, stiffness and damping. It has all the possible rigid body modes in heave,

    pitch and roll along with coupled flexible bending and torsion modes. Two slender

    attachments modelled as cantilever beams with variable mass, stiffness and

    damping distributions are also considered. These also have point mass loadings at

    .arbitrary locations to simulate stores loads carried by the attachments. A similarapproach is usable when the attachments are different in number. The multi-axle

    multi-wheel effect is incorporated with a tricycle wheel arrangement, as in nose

    wheel type aircraft landing gears.

    The shock absorber and the pneumatic wheel in vehicle suspension have

    nonlinear behaviour in stiffness and damping. As nonlinear suspension model is

    not directly amenable to closed form solution, a linearised model based on

    equivalent energy per unit cycle has been adopted for this analytical study. The

    linear model is capable of producing realistic and meaningful results for judging

    the system performance. The masses of the undercarriages and wheels are lumped .at their center of gravity c.g. locations to incorporate their inertial effects during




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    The track-foundation system has a prepared track slab laid over a subgrade

    supported by a foundation. The limitations in the construction process and variable

    settlements of the subgrade and the foundation result in unevenness in the track

    surface. The surface undulations are best modelled as a nonhomogeneous random

    process of the space coordinates. The track-foundation system is subjected to

    deflection under loading. The track length is much larger than the width and the

    track slab has been idealised as a beam member supported on a foundation with

    distributed stiffness and damping.

    Figure 1 shows the system model for an aircraft with nose wheel type of

    landing gears in ground runs. A similar model may be constructed for other

    multi-wheeled multi-axled vehicles also. A rectangular coordinate system with

    origin at the vehicle c.g. is employed for developing the system equations. The

    deflections considered are w - deflection of the vehicle body due to heave, pitchband bending modes in the vertical plane, u - rotational deflection of the vehiclebbody about the longitudinal axis due to roll and torque, w and w - verticalL Rdeflections of the left and right wing attachments in bending and heave modes, uL

    Fig. 1. System Model.



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    D. YADAV ET AL.4

    and u - torsional rotation for the left and right wing attachments, z - the wheel R i jc.g. displacements with the first suffix 1 for the front axle and 2 for the rear axle

    and second suffix 1 for the center, 2 for the left and 3 for the right wheel. y

    indicates the vertical deflection of the track. The distances are measured as r

    along the vehicle axis and g transverse to it, s along the wing attachment axisbfrom its root and e transverse to it, and x along the longitudinal direction of thew


    A vehicle forward motion pattern may be described in terms of the location .x t of its center of gravity indicating the distance travelled at the time instant t.c

    Any general forward motion, like constant velocity, accelerating, decelerating, etc.

    may be modelled by expressing the c.g. location by a polynomial series

    mkx t s a t . 1 . .c k


    It can be seen that m s 1 gives a constant velocity forward motion and m s 2

    gives a constant accelerationrdeceleration motion pattern. The size of m and the

    value of the coefficients a may be selected to fit any desired type of forwardkmotion pattern.

    .The nonhomogeneous random unevenness h x of the track can be expressed inw xthe Stiltjes integral form 31


    h x s h x q exp jV x dS V , 2 . . . . .Hmy`

    .where h x is a deterministic function describing the mean level of the track andm .S V is related to the zero mean random part of the unevenness with

    U E dS V s 0, and E dS V dS V s F V ,V dV dV , . . . .1 2 h h 1 2 1 2R R

    where asterisk denotes the complex conjugate and F is the generalised PSD ofh hR Rthe random track. As mentioned before, the expression admits nonhomogeneous

    track profiles. The mean track profile depends on the ground characteristics, track

    preparation technique and the settlement of the subgrade and the foundation. Itmay take various shapes and for the present study is expressed by a polynomial



    ih x s h x . 3 . .m iis0

    The size of the series and the value of the coefficients can be matched to represent

    a desired mean shape.

    In a tricycle type heave-pitch-roll model, vehicle wheels do not follow the same

    axial line. This leads to unsymmetrical roughness inputs to the wheels. Mean trackw xheights experienced by a wheel can be determined 27 as a time function using

    . .Eqs. 1 and 3 .



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    The track and foundation deformations under the transverse loading induced by

    the moving wheels are small because of its large stiffness. The main interest in

    considering the track and foundation to be flexible in the present analysis is to

    capture the interaction effects on the vehicle response. A simple track model is

    expected to be adequate for this purpose. The track model is a continuous member

    and is assumed to have uniform distributions of mass, stiffness and damping

    neglecting any variations in these quantities. It is further assumed that the track

    deforms in a vertical direction under moving wheel loads and any torsion on the

    track due to all the wheels not being in the same line has been neglected.


    The vehicle body is a beam type of member with distributed damping. Its equation

    .of motion for transverse vibration w r,t in the vertical plane can be described bybw x32


    E2 w E2 w Ew Eb b b

    E I r q m r q c r sf r,t q M r,t , . . . . .b b b b b b2 2 2 5 Et ErEr Er Et4 .

    in which E I is the flexural stiffness, m is the mass and c is the viscousb b b bdamping per unit length. The force f and moment M due to the reactions fromb bthe shock absorbers and the flexible appendages are point loads acting at theattachments locations. These may be expressed as distributed loads with delta


    f r,t s y C w r,t yz q K w r,t yz d ry 1 4 4 . . . . b s11 b 11 s11 b 11 13

    y C w r,t yz q K w r,t yz d ry 1 4 4 . . . s2 i 0 2 i s2 i 0 2 i 2is2

    2E E w

    Ly E I s .w L w L L 2 5Es EsL L s s0L2

    E E wRq E I s P d ry 1 , 5 . . .w R w R R 02 5Es EsR R s s0R


    Eu EuL RM r,t s y G J s q G J s d ry 1 , . . . .b w L w L L w R w R R 0

    5 5Es EsL Rs s0 s s0L R

    6 .



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    D. YADAV ET AL.6

    where C and K are the suspension damping and stiffness. The two numerals ins sthe suffixes are used to denote axle location and wheel location on the axle as

    elaborated in the model description. E I and G J are the flexural and torsionalw w w wstiffness of the flexible attachments undergoing bending transverse displacement w

    and twist u relative to vehicle body. Subscript L and R is used for left and right

    attachments. zs denote the vertical displacement of the unsprung masses. 1 is0the distance of the elastic axis root of the flexible attachment from the aircraft c.g.

    and 1 and 1 are the locations of the front and the rear axles. The quantity w is1 2 0the total vertical deflection of the vehicle body from its longitudinal axis and is

    given by

    w r,t s w r,t q g r u r,t , . . . .0 b b b

    .where g r is the distance of the point on the vehicle body at station r, measuredb .transverse to the longitudinal axis. The torsional deformation u r,t of theb

    vehicle body is governed by the differential equation

    E Eu E2u Eub b bG J r yI r y q r s yG r,t , 7 . . . . .b b b r b b2 5

    Er Er EtEt

    where G I , I and q are torsional stiffness, mass moment of inertia andb b b r brotational viscous damping per unit length of the beam. The reaction torque Gbper unit length on the vehicle body from the landing gears and the attachments is

    given by


    G r,t s C w r,t yz q K w r,t y z e r d ry 1 4 4 . . . . . b s2 i 0 2 i s2 i 0 2 i i 2is2

    2 2E w E wL R

    q E I s q E I s d ry 1 , . . .w L w L L w R w R R 02 2 5 5Es EsL Rs s0 s s0L R8 .

    where e and e are the distance of the wheels on the rear axle from the2 3longitudinal axis of the vehicle body.

    . .It may be noted that Eqs. 4 and 7 also include the rigid body heave andpitch modes for the vehicle body.

    The equations of motion for the front and rear wheels are

    M z q C z y h x yy x ,t q K z y h x yy x ,t 4 . . . . 4 u11 11 u11 11 11 1 1 u11 11 11 1 1

    q C z y w l ,t q K z y w l ,t s 0, 9 4 4 . . . s11 11 b 1 s11 11 b 1



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    M z q C z y h x yy x ,t q K z y h x yy x ,t 4 . . . . 4 u2 i 2 i u2 i 2 i 2 i 2 2 u2 i 2 i 2 i 2 2

    q C z y w l ,t y w s ,t q K z y w l ,t . . 4 .s2 i 2 i 0 2 i g i s 2 i 2 i 0 2

    yw s ,t s 0, i s 2,3 10 .4 .i g i

    while w s w , w s w , s s s , and s s s .2 L 3 R g 2 g L g 3 g RThe coupled bending-torsional oscillation of the flexible attachment carrying

    w xarbitrary masses at arbitrary locations can be written as 15


    E2 w E2 w E2u Ew

    E I s q m s y m s e s q c s . . . . .w w w w w w2 2 2 2 5 EtEs Es Et EtEu

    y e s c s sf s,t , 11 . . . .w w wEt


    E Eu E2u E2 wG J s yI s q m s e s y q s . . . . .w w wa w w2 2 5

    Es Es Et Et



    w2qe s c s q c s e s s e s f s,t y G s,t , 12 . . . . . . . .4w w w w w w wEt Et

    where e is the offset of the shear center from the c.g. of the cross-section, c andw wq are the distributed viscous damping for translational and rotational motion, and

    m and I is the mass and mass moment of inertia of cross-section about thew waelastic axis.

    The reaction force f and torque G per unit length of the span are given byw w


    Xf s,t s ym s w l ,t y c s w l ,t q m s e s w l ,t . . . . . . . . w w 0 0 w 0 w w 0 02Et


    Xq e s c s w l ,t y M w l ,t q w s,t 4 . . . . . w w 0 0 k 0 0



    X y M e s w l ,t q u s,t d s y s y C w l ,t . . . . .k w 0 0 k s2 i 0 02 5Etqw s,t yz q K w l ,t q w s,t yz d s y s4 4 . . . . 2 i s 2 i 0 0 2 i g i

    q V s,t , 13 . .ac



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    D. YADAV ET AL.8



    XG s,t s y I s w l ,t q m s e s w l ,t y q s . . . . . . .w wa 0 0 w w o 0 w2


    EX2qe s c s w l ,t q c s e s w l ,t . . . . . .4 w w 0 0 w w 0 0


    2p pE

    X y I w l ,t q u s,t y M e s w l ,t . . . . k 0 0 k w 0 02 5Etks1 ks1

    qw s,t d s y s qM s,t , 144 . . . . k ac

    where M is the kth concentrated mass and I is its polar moment of inertia aboutk k . .the elastic axis. Eqs. 11 to 14 may be made particular to the left or rightattachment by using subscript L or R and i as 2 for the left and 3 for the right


    V and M are the aerodynamic forces and moments. These can be expressedac acas a function of vehicle forward velocity, exposed surface characteristics and

    w xaerodynamic coefficients 27 .

    As mentioned earlier, the pavement is idealised as of a slender member on

    elastic supports. The equation of motion for the transverse oscillation can bew xwritten as 9

    E4y E2y E y

    E I q m q c q k y sf x ,t , 15 . . p p p f f p4 2EtEx Et

    where E I , m , c and k are the track flexural rigidity, mass and distributed p p p f f damping and spring constant of the subgrade foundation per unit length. These are

    assumed to be uniform along the track length. The impressed force per unit length

    is given by

    f x ,t s y C z y h x yy x ,t q K z y h x . . . . 4

    p u11 11 11 u11 11 11


    yy x ,t d x yx y C z y h x yy x ,t4 . . . . 4 1 u2 i 2 i 2 iis1

    qK z y h x yy x ,t d x yx 16 4 . . . .u2 i 2 i 2 i 2


    The solution of the linear systems represented by the set of partial and ordinarydifferential equations can be obtained with known initial and boundary conditions.

    In the method followed, first the partial differential equations are discretized in



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    terms of their time dependent normal coordinates. Thereafter, complete system

    equations are decoupled using modal approach and analytical expressions for the

    response and its statistics are developed.

    4.1. Discretization of the Equation of Motion

    . . . . .The governing system equations of motion are Eqs. 4 , 7 , 9 12 and 15 . . .Out of these Eqs. 9 and 10 are ordinary differential equations for lumped

    masses while the rest are partial differential equations for continuous elements. A

    set of ordinary differential equations can be obtained for the modal amplitudes byw xusing the modal decomposition technique 33 . Considering the vehicle body first,

    let its deformation be expressed as

    ` `

    w r,t s W r h t , and u r,t s T r h t , 17 . . . . . . . b b i b i b i t iis0 is0

    . .where h t and h t are the generalised coordinate associated with the ithb i t ibending and the ith torsional modes.

    . . . .Substituting Eq. 17 in Eqs. 4 and 7 , multiplying these by W r andb k .T r respectively, integrating both over the length domain of the vehicle bodyb k

    and using the orthogonality conditions of the normal modes yields the following

    w xtwo discretized equations for the vehicle body 33


    2h t q D h t q v h t s Q t , 18 . . . . . b i i k b i b i b i b iks1


    X 2h t q D h t q v h t s Q t , i s 1,2, . . . 19 . . . . . t i i k t i t i t i t iks1

    where v and v are the natural frequencies; Q and Q are the generalisedb i t i b i t iforces; D and D

    Xare modal damping coefficients in the bending and torsionali k i k

    modes of the vehicle body. The expressions for these generalised quantities arew xgiven in Appendix 1 33 .

    The vehicle body performs rigid body heave-pitch-roll motion and the first two

    bending modes represent heave and pitch motion while the first mode in torsion

    represents rigid roll. These rigid body modes correspond to zero natural frequen-

    cies. Other finite nonzero frequencies correspond to elastic modes. For the vehicle

    body modelled as a variable section beam the bending and torsional modes and the

    natural frequencies can be found by solving the free vibration equations. Thevariations in cross-sectional properties need to be fitted to a power series with

    w xfinite number of terms as in Ref. 27 .



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    D. YADAV ET AL.10

    Following the above mentioned sequence of steps the equations for the other . .elastic elements have also been discretized. Eqs. 11 and 12 for the attachments

    take the following form for the left member


    L L L 2 L Lh t q D h t q v h t s Q t , i s 1,2, . . . 20 . . . . . w i i k w k L i w i w iks1

    in which h are the attachment generalised coordinates, v are the naturalw i ifrequencies corresponding to the ith normal mode in coupled bending-torsion. As

    mentioned earlier the extension L is for the left attachment. The relations for the

    right attachment is obtained by replacing L by R. The expressions for the

    generalised quantities for the attachment are placed in Appendix 2. .Eq. 15 for the track may be discretized in terms of the normal coordinates as

    h t qBh t q v2 y j 2 yBj yjv 2 j qB h t s Q t , 21 . . . . . . 5 . p i p i p i i i p i i p i p i

    where B s c rm . The parameter j is related to the foundation damping and v f p pis the damped natural frequency of the track beam. The parameters v , j and thep

    .normal mode function c x can be found by solving the free vibration equation ofthe track beam with appropriate boundary conditions. The generalised mass Mp iand the generalised force Q associated with the ith mode are given in Appendixp i3.

    4.2. System Response

    A continuous system has infinite modes. However, the lower modes are known to

    have dominant contribution as compared to the higher modes. Let the first nbmodes for the vehicle body in bending and n in torsion, first n coupledt wbending-torsion modes for each attachments and first n modes for the track bepconsidered for analysis. This leads to the system degrees of freedom n as

    n s n q n q 3 q 2 n q n .b t w p

    The discretized equations for the vehicle body, unsprung masses, left and right . . . . .attachments and track - Eqs. 18 , 19 , 9 , 10 and 20 for left and right

    .attachment and 21 can then be combined and presented as a matrix equation

    Mq t q Cq t qK q t sF t , 22 . . . . .

    .where q nx1 is the response vector of the system generalised coordinates, F . .nx1 is the generalised excitation vector and M, C and K nxn are system mass,damping and stiffness matrices respectively.



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    .With decoupling of the system Eq. 22 , into 2n first order equations the systemw xgeneralised response can be expressed as 31

    2 n 2 n n n`

    q t s X u exp ya t q u u m H v,t dS F w , . . . . . Hm o i m i i m i i r r k i k 1 1y`

    is1 is1 rs1 ks1

    m s 1 , 2 , . . . n; m s m q n , 23 .1

    where X are the constants of integration to be determined from the initialo i .conditions. a are the eigenvalues of the matrix A 2 n = 2 ni

    y1 y1 M C M K A syI 0

    4and u are the eigenvectors corresponding to the eigenvalue a , U is the modaln i i 4matrix formed by the eigenvectors as its column, u represents the column ofn i

    y1 y1 .U and m are the elements of M . H v,t is the transient frequency responsei jw xfunction given by 31

    1H v,t s exp jvt y exp ya ty t . 24 . . . . .i i 0

    a qjv

    4.3. Response Statistics

    One can now consider the expectation of the response. The mean of the displace-w xment may be expressed as 27

    2 n 2 n n n

    m t s X u exp ya t q u u m I t , m s 1 , 2 , . . . ,n . . . q o i m i i m i i r r k i k m 1 1is1 is1 rs1 ks1

    25 .


    2 3

    I t s A TT t qB TT t q C TT t . 26 . . . . . . i k k p s 1 p s k p s 2 p s k 3ps1ss1

    Coefficients A , B and C and components TT , TT and TT for different valuesk k k 1 2 3of p and s are given in Appendix 4 and Appendix 5 respectively.

    w xThe expression for the response covariance is 27

    2 n n 2 n n n n

    K t ,t s u u m u u m . q q 1 2 i ll llr r s k p p g g wi k n nrs1ps1ss1gs1ws1lls1

    = I t ,t y I t I t , i ,ks 1 , 2 , . . . ,n 27 . . . . 4s , g 1 2 lls 1 p g 2



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    D. YADAV ET AL.12

    .where i s i q n, k s kq n, I and I are defined in Eq. 26 and integral In n lls p g s, gis given by

    ` `U

    I t ,t s H v ,t H v ,t F v ,v dv dv . 28 . . . . .H Hs , g 1 2 ll 1 1 p 2 2 F F 1 2 1 2s gy` y`

    The above integral can be evaluated with the knowledge of the input PSD. The

    required input PSD are placed in the Appendix 6 using the track PSD of the formw x9

    F V , V sAXexp ybV2 d V y V , 29 . . . .h h 1 2 1 1 2R R

    where AX

    and b are roughness constant and correlation index for a particular class

    of track. The integral I is evaluated using Cauchys residue theorem. The basics, gterms needed for the covariance evaluation are

    allX X X<

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    large number of dynamic modes have to be analysed. The full presentation of the

    results, however, would require a very large space and would become impractical.

    Hence, the results have been presented here for a few selected initial modes only,

    which are known to be more significant compared to the higher modes. Results

    have been obtained for constant velocity taxi, accelerating take-off and decelerat-

    ing landing runs. The first two - taxi and take-off - are used to present the model

    response behaviour while the landing run is used for drawing a comparison of the

    present model with other models. The touch down impact at landing is expected to

    show clearly the differences in the performance of the various models.

    5.1. Taxi Run

    In this run the aircraft is assumed to move at constant velocity. Results have been

    obtained with three forward velocities - 40 Kmrh, 60 Kmrh and 80 Kmrh. Only

    the mean and variance of the displacement response are presented here for the

    initial 20 seconds period in Figures 2 and 3 for the first three flexural and two

    Fig. 2. Mean Displacement Response - Taxi Run. Key :- Vehicle speed: - - - - 40 Kmrh; ... 60 Kmrh;80 Kmrh.



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    D. YADAV ET AL.14

    Fig. 3. Displacement Response Variance - Taxi Run. Key as in Figure 2.

    torsional modes of the airframe, three coupled bending-torsional modes of the left

    wing, one flexural mode of the track and heave modes of the three unsprung

    masses. Out of the airframe modes the first two flexural modes represent fuselage

    rigid body heave and pitch while the first one in torsion is for the rigid rolling ofthe airplane. The right wing modes are similar to the left wing for the present case

    and have not been presented to save space.

    The mean track level selected has an increasing slope with superimposed

    sinusoidal profile. All the mean displacements of the aircraft and the pavement

    show influence of the track mean profile to various degrees. Out of the two

    angular rigid body modes, rolling motion is more affected by the change in vehicle

    forward velocity. The elastic fuselage modes in bending and torsion reveal the

    presence of high frequency components in mean response for the initial phase

    which gradually diminishes with time, leading to a steady state pattern. In mostcases, a single dominant frequency can be observed in the steady state part which

    varies with the change in vehicle forward velocity. High frequency oscillations in



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    the transient stage are less sensitive to the change in vehicle velocity. This

    indicates that they are caused by the system structural modes rather than external


    The response of the unsprung masses shows a similarity in pattern though the

    two main wheels mean response characteristics are not found to be identical. This

    may be due to coupled rolling of the vehicle.

    The wing mean displacements exhibit clear steady state pattern in the taxi run.

    The track normal coordinate displacement mean under the aircraft c.g. also

    reflects the pattern of the track mean profile.

    The displacement variances show that in the early stages, response is oscillatory

    with a high peak at the onset of the vehicle motion. Subsequently the response

    subsides to steady asymptotic values dependent on the vehicle forward velocity.

    5.2. Take-off Run

    Take-off run is an accelerating condition of the vehicle. The aircraft starts from

    rest. It is assumed to run with uniform acceleration until the lift-off velocity is

    achieved and the plane takes off. Three different forward accelerations 1.6, 1.8 and

    2.0 mrs2 with a take-off velocity 216 Kmrh have been considered. The time

    history plots are presented from start of the motion to lift-off.

    Figure 4 presents mean and variance for the displacement during take-off for

    some selected responses - three bending and two torsional modes of the fuselage,

    nose wheel, left main wheel, first wing bending mode and first pavement bendingmode. At the initiation of the motion the mean response shows low transience.

    Mean response magnitudes are seen to build up gradually with the increase in the

    vehicle forward speed and increase in track mean level with rising gradient.

    However, as the aircraft proceeds to take-off, the mean displacement response

    shows a decrease in amplitude. This indicates the reduction in the strength of

    ground input as the wheels start loosing contact with the ground. Rigid body

    motion in roll seems to be more pronounced with increasing velocity. The track

    normal coordinates mean response shows an initial low value which subsequently

    rises as the vehicle vibration increases with increase in speed imposing moredynamic load. The high frequency initial transience is unaffected by the changes in

    forward velocity and are inherent to the structures, while the low frequency

    transients reflect the track mean profile input.

    The variances for the vehicle response show very low values in the initial stage.

    As the vehicle accelerates from rest, the track input keeps increasing in strength

    with the increase in the forward velocity. The variance characteristics, in general,

    seems to follow this pattern. Variances are seen to increase faster with forward

    acceleration of the vehicle but at take-off instances, differences in magnitudes are

    not large in all cases.The system displacement variances exhibit some high frequency variation in

    their response characteristics that are quickly damped out. The vehicle pitch



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    D. YADAV ET AL.16

    . .Fig. 4. Displacement Response characteristics - Takeoff Run. a Mean, b Variance. Key :- Vehicle2 2 2forward acceleration: ---- 1.6 mrs ; . . . 1.8 mrs ; 2.0 mrs .

    response, however, has more persistent oscillations compared to the other re-


    5.3. Comparison of Model Behaviours in Landing Run

    The accuracy of the response analysis depends on the model employed and hencethe selection of the model is very important. A comparative study of the

    displacement and acceleration response of different vehicle models is presented in



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    this section to gain some insight into their relative behaviour. The landing run with

    touch-down impact, the most severe of the ground runs, has been selected for this

    study. Four different vehicle models have been considered. These are: .a Model 1- Two point heave-pitch model with aircraft fuselage as a rigid

    w xmember 27 . .b Model 2- Two point input heave-pitch model as in Model 1 with bending

    flexibility included for the fuselage. .c Model 3- Model 2 along with roll effect. Gives a three point heave-pitch-roll

    model with fuselage bending and rigid roll. .d Model 4- Improves Model 3 by including fuselage torsional flexibility to

    have a three point heave-pitch-roll model including fuselage

    bending and torsional flexibility. This is the model analysed in

    the present study.

    The four models describe a ground vehicle with increasing degree of accuracy.

    Model 1 and 2 are two point input models and ignore the roll effect. Model 3 and

    4 are three point input models and incorporate the roll effects.

    Displacement and acceleration mean and variance of heave, pitch, roll and one

    bending mode of the fuselage, nose and one main wheel, first coupled bending -

    torsion modes of one wing and track first normal coordinate have been presented

    for comparison. The landing touch-down condition is assumed to have vertical

    sink velocity 1.2 mrs and forward glide velocity 216 kmrhr. The run is assumed

    to be with uniform slowing rate 1.5 mrs2. Plots are generated from the touch-down

    instant to stoppage of the vehicle forward motion.

    Figure 5 presents the mean and the variance of the displacement response. Thebehaviour of the three point input models are different from the two point input

    models for the fuselage response. The roll model indicates smaller values of initial

    peak displacements compared to the no roll models. The two point input models,

    in general, possess more higher frequency components than the three point input

    models. The variance response of the fuselage shows greater differences between

    the two sets of models compared to the mean response. The above observations

    are also true for the nose wheel and the wing response. The mean response of the

    main wheel for the two types of models, however, are not very different.

    The track response also indicates the presence of strong initial impact attouch-down of the aircraft for the first two models. However, the frequency

    content for the pavement mean response due the two sets of models are close.

    Mean and variance of the rigid body rolling of the vehicle in Model 3 and 4

    have similar behaviour at touchdown impact with little difference in the amplitude.

    Flexible wings normal coordinate mean and response variance in the two point

    input models show strong sensitivity to the landing impact. In the latter phase of

    landing run, displacement response characteristics in all the models are close. This

    is expected as the impact energy is quickly dissipated and the vehicle forward

    motion also slow down.The acceleration response mean and variance are placed in Figure 6. The

    comparative observations between the two types of models for the displacement



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    D. YADAV ET AL.18

    . .Fig. 5. Comparison of Displacement response Characteristics in landing run. a Mean, b Variance.Key :- Model 1 - - - -; Model 2 . . . ; Model 3 ; Model 4 . . . .

    characteristics are generally valid for the acceleration response also. The accelera-tion decays faster than the displacement. The damping dissipation of the roll

    models seems to be stronger than the no roll models.



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    . .Fig. 6. Comparison of Acceleration response Characteristics in landing run. a Mean, b Variance.Key as in Figure 5.

    The comparison shows that inclusion of roll mode is important for study of thevehicle behaviour. In general, magnitudes of initial impact response mean and

    variance of heave-pitch vehicle models are higher than the heave-pitch-roll



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    D. YADAV ET AL.20

    models. Inclusion of the elastic torsional mode of the vehicle shows minor

    influence on the response behaviour as compared to the elastic bending mode.


    An analytical method has been worked out to evaluate the response statistics of

    flexible vehicle - flexible track models with multiaxled multiwheeled configura-

    tions. Any deterministic variation of vehicle forward motion and non homogeneity

    of ground unevenness can be handled. Some conclusions arrived at in the study are .1 Interactions of heave, pitch and roll modes are significant for response

    prediction in case of unsymmetrical distribution of roughness across the track. .2 Bending flexibility is more significant compared to torsional flexibility of

    the long and slender vehicle for accurate description of the response behaviour. .3 Vehicle and pavement response is highly dependent on the vehicle speed

    and track roughness input. .4 Periodicity present in the track mean shape is reflected in the mean response

    of the vehicle and the pavement. Removal of any periodic component in the track

    mean is an important part of maintenance as at some particular vehicle speed the

    input may have frequencies close to some system frequency and cause unaccept-

    ably large response.

    It can be summarised that a working technique has been presented for the first

    time to analytically obtain the response characteristics of a multi-wheeled and

    multi-axled vehicle moving over a flexible nonhomogeneous track. This has great

    significance for design of light bodied vehicles, like aircrafts, as displacements andthe associated stresses and strains can be provided accurately in the probabilistic



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    D. YADAV ET AL.22


    A State matrix


    Roughness constant

    A Aspect ratioTa Coefficients of describing polynomialk

    c System damping matrix

    C , C Lift and aerodynamic moment coefficients L m acC Viscous damping

    c Viscous damping per unit length

    c Mean chord lengthhD Modal damping coefficient

    E Youngs modulus of elasticity

    e Shear center offset

    F Generalised force vector

    f Distributed applied loading

    G Shear modulus

    g Distance measured perpendicular to vehicle longitudinal axis

    H Frequency response function

    h Track elevation

    h Mean track unevennessmh Random track roughnessR

    .I Polar moment of inertia MI of the concentrated mass about the

    shear center; Wing MI; Track cross section MII Aircraft pitch MI about c.g.sI Aircraft roll MI about c.g.rI Wing mass polar MI about elastic axiswaJ Torsional constant

    j Imaginary unit

    K Covariance, Spring constant

    K System stiffness matrix

    k Distributed spring stiffness, counting index

    L Lengthl ,l ,l Wing elastic axis and axle distance from the vehicle c.g0 1 2M System mass matrix

    M Distributed bending moment

    m Mass per unit length, counting index

    n Dimensions of the system matrices, number of normal modes

    Q Generalised force

    q Response vector

    S Surface area

    s Space coordinateT Torsional mode shape

    t Time instant



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    U Modal matrix

    u Eigen vector

    V Vehicle forward velocity

    V Lift force per unit length on the wingacW Bending displacement function

    w Transverse displacement

    X Integration constantox Distance along the track

    x Location of vehicle c.g along the trackcy Track transverse displacement

    z Unsprung mass vertical displacement

    a Eigen values

    d Dirac delta function; Kronecker delta

    G Distributed torque

    h Generalised coordinates

    u Angle of twist

    q Distributed rotational damping

    m, s Mean and standard deviation

    r Mass density

    F Power spectral density

    f Torsional displacement functions

    c Track displacement function in the ith mode

    V Spatial frequency of the track input

    v Temporal frequency of the track input; natural frequency


    L Left

    R Right

    1 Front axle, Center wheel

    2 Rear axle, Left wheel

    3 Right wheel

    f Foundation

    i ith mode

    p Track

    s Suspension

    u Tyre

    b Vehicle body bending

    t Vehicle body torsion

    w Wing

    k kth concentrated mass


    g Generalised quantityL Left wing

    R Right wing



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    D. YADAV ET AL.24


    1. Generalised Quantities for Vehicle Body in ith mode:

    Mass Mg s m r W2 r dr A1 . . .Hb i b b iLb

    Moment of Inertia Ig s I r T2 r dr A2 . . .Hb i b i b iLb

    1Bending Damping D s c r W r W r dr A3 . . . .Hi k b b i bk gM Lb i b

    1Torsional Damping D9 s q r T r T r dr A4 . . . .Hi k b bi bk gI Lb i b


    Force Q s f r,t W r qM r,t W r dr A5 4 . . . . .Hb i b b i b b iM gbi Lb

    1Torque Q s G r,t T r dr A6 . . .Ht i b b ig

    I Lb i b

    2. Generalised Quantities for the Attachments in ith Mode:

    Mass Mg s m s W2 s qI s f2 s y 2 m s e s f s W s ds . . . . . . . . 4Hi w i w i w w i iLW

    A7 .

    gDamping D s 1rM c s W s W s q q s . . . . .Hi k i w i k Lw

    qe2 s c s f s f s y e s c s f s W s . . . . . . . .4w w i k w w i k

    qW s f s ds A84 . . .i K

    gForce Q s 1r M f s,t W s y e s f s q G s,t f s ds 4 . . . . . . .

    Hw i i w i w i w i


    A9 .



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    3. Generalised Quantities for the Track beam in ith Mode:

    Mass M s m c2 x dx A10 . .H p i p iLp

    Force Q s 1r M f x,t c x dx A11 . . . .H p i p i p iLp

    4. Coefficients for the mean forcing function

    A s 0 for ks1 , 2 , . . . n q n ,n q n q 4 , . . . , n q n q 3 q 2 n and all p , sk p s b t b t b t w

    s K for ksn q n q 1, and ps ss1; ksn q n q 2, and p s su p s b t b t

    s 2; ksn q n q 3, and ps2, ss3b t

    s c x K rM for ks n q n q 4 q 2 n , . . . ,n; .ky j p u p s k y j b t w

    and p s s s 1,2; p s 2, s s 3; j s n q n q 3 q 2 n A12 .b t w

    .B - Expression as in Eq. A12 with K replaced by C.kps

    c s 0 for ks1 , 2 , . . . ,n q n q 3, n q n q 4 q 2 n , . . . ,nk b t b t w

    1r2g L L L 2 2s L r M W s y e s f s 1 y s r L ds . . . 4 4 . H0 kyj ky j L w L L k y j L L w LLw

    g L Lq M r M c s f s ds , for ksn q n q 4 , . . . , n q n . . .H0 ky j h L k y j L L b t b t Lw

    q 3 q n ; jsn q n q 3w b t

    1r2g R R R 2 2s L r M W s y e s f s 1 y s r L ds . . . 4 4 . H0 kyj ky j R w R R k y j R R w RLwL

    g R 2 Rq M r M c s f s ds for ksn q n q 4 , . . . , n q n . . .H0 ky j h R k y j R R b t b t LwR

    q 3 q 2 n ; jsn q n q 3 q n A13 .w b t w


    L s r C S r2pL , M s r C r20 a L W W 0 a m ac



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    D. YADAV ET AL.26

    where r is air density, C and C are aerodynamic coefficients for lift anda L m acmoment, S and L are plan form areas and semi span of wing.w w

    5. Components of integral I for the mean responsei k

    ll ll kk

    TT s h q h c J q h c J , . . . . . p s p s p s p s p s1 p s 0 i i ,0 1 i i , r 2is1 is1 rs1

    ll ll kky1

    TT s h c J q h c rq 1 J , . . . . . p s p s p s p s2 p s i i ,1 1 i i , rq1 2is1 is1 rs1

    .2 my1X X

    TT s c J q c J , A14 .3 0 1 r 2rs1

    ..with J s 1 y exp ya t ra , kks m.i1 i i

    rr rykrt y1 r! t r! . rJ s q y y1 exp ya t , . .2 ikq1 rq1a ry k ! a a .i i iks1



    ic s a , c s 1ra r ki y rq k a c ; rG 1 . . . . . . p s p s p si ,0 p 0 i , r p0 p k i , rykks1

    a s a q 1 , a s a s a y 1 ; a s a s a s a , ks 1 , 2 , . . . ,m10 0 1 20 30 0 2 1 k 2 k 3 k k

    r2X X X X X X

    c s a ; c s 1rra 3ky r a c , rG 1; a s kq 1 a . . . .0 0 r 0 k ryk k kq1ks1

    6. Input PSD in terms of track characteristics

    f v ,v s 0 for s, gs1 , 2 , . . . n q n ; n q n q 4 , . . . , n q n q 3 q 2 n .F F 1 2 b t b t b t ws g

    X X X X X X 4s C C v v qj v C K y v K Cu r k u r k 1 2 1 u r k u r k 2 u rk u r k

    X XqK K F v , v .XXu r k u r k h h 1 2kr k r

    for s s g with s s n q n q 1 , . . . , n q n q 3;b t b t

    s s n q n q 1, rs rX

    s ks kX

    s 1;b t

    s s n q n q 2, rs rXs ks k

    Xs 2;b t



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    and s s n q n q 3, rs rXs 2, ks k

    Xs 3; for s / g ,b t

    s s n q n q 1, gs s q 1, rsks1, rXsk

    Xs2;b t

    s s n q n q 1, gs s q 2, rsks1, rXs2, k

    Xs3;b t

    s s n q n q 2, g s s q 2, rs ks 2, rXs 2, k

    Xs 3b t

    s 1rM c x F v , v q c x F v ,v . . . . . p , gyk gyk 1 F F 1 2 gyk 2 F F 1 2s j s jq 1

    qF v , v . 4F F 1 2s jq2

    for s s n q n q 1 , . . . , n q n q 3; gsn q n q 4 q 2 n , . . . ,n;b t b t b t w

    ks n q n q 3 q 2 n ; jsn q n q 1b t w b t

    s 1rM M c x c x F v ,v q c x c x . . . . . .p , syk p , gyk syk 1 gyk 1 f f 1 2 syk 1 gyk 2j j

    qc x c x F v ,v q F v , v . . . .4 4sy k 2 gyk 1 F F 1 2 F F 1 2j jq1 j jq2

    qF x c x F v ,v . . .sy k 2 gyk 2 F F 1 2jq 1 jq1

    q2F v ,v q F v , v . . 4F F 1 2 F F 1 2jq 1 jq2 jq2 jq2

    for s, g s n q n q 4 q 2 n , . . . ,n A15 .b t w

    w x7. System Data used for obtaining numerical results 34

    I. Aircraft

    1. Fuselage5 .Mass M : 1.46 = 10 Kgb

    6 2

    .Pitch Moment of inertia I : 7.178 = 10 Kgms 5 2 .Roll moment of inertia I : 6.325 = 10 KgmsLength : 44.35 m

    10 2 ..Flexural rigidity E I 0 : 9.135 = 10 Nmb b9 2 ..Torsional rigidity G J 0 : 11.6 = 10 Nmb b

    -1 . ..Viscous damping c 0 rm 0 : 0.298 s .b b2. Landing gears

    Nose gear Main gear .Distance from arc c.g. 1 ,1 16.68 1.32 m1 2

    Main gear tread: 6.3 m 3 .Mass M ,M sM 0.248 1.1105 = 10 Kgu11 u22 u236 .Stiffness K , K s K 2.36 14.5 = 10 Nrms11 s22 s23



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    D. YADAV ET AL.28

    . 4damping C ,C s C 8.24 50.1 = 10 Nsrms11 s22 s 236 .Tyre stiffnesses K , K s K 1.34 8.5 = 10 Nrmu11 u22 u23

    6 .Tyre damping C ,C , C 0.98 7.86 = 10 Nsrmu11 u22 u233. Wing

    .Semi span L : 10.0 mw .Aspect ratio A : 7.08T ..Mean chord c 0 : 3.0 mh

    6 2 ..Flexural rigidity E I 0 : 7.174 = 10 Nmw w6 2 ..Torsional ridigity G J 0 : 4.662 = 10 Nmw w

    2 ..Mass m. i. about elastic axis I 0 : 8.643 kgm rmwa ..Massrlength m 0 : 42.73 kgrmw

    ..Shear center offset e 0 : 0.25 mw-1 . ..Linear damping c 0 rm 0 : 0.16 sw w

    -1 . ..Torsional damping G J 0 rI 0 : 0.008 sw w wa

    .Aerodynamic coefficients lift C : 0.8,L .moment C : 0.1mac

    3 .Air density r : 1.12 kgrma

    II. Runway

    1. Properties .Length L : 1400.0 mp

    .Massrlength m : 3620 kgrm07 2 .Flexural rigidity E I : 1.38 = 10 Nmp p

    -1 .Foundation damping c rm : 0.04 sf 08 2 .Foundation stiffness k : 1.705 = 10 Nrmf

    X -5 .Roughness constant A : 0.5025 = 10 .Correlation index b : 0.1012

    2. Mean profile

    The mean track is assumed to be a sinusoidal profile over a uniform slope. This is .represented with the following parameters in Eq. 3

    h s h s h s . . . s 0,0 2 43 .h s 0.001 q 2pA rW , h s y2pA r 3!W ,1 0 1 3 0 1


    .h s 2pA r 5!W etc. where w s 100 pm5 0 1 1A s 0.075, 0.04, 0.06 m for nose, left main and right main wheel paths.0

