Haves- The Rich Detroit residents have bigger square footage, more bedrooms, and rooms. They also have more baths, and better security

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Haves- The Rich Detroit residents have bigger square footage, more bedrooms, and rooms. They also have more baths, and better security.

Have Not’s- They do not have as good security, struggle ofor food water, and heating.

Haves- Better houses, security, and running water, and food. They also have more square footage.

Have Not’s- They don’t have as good houses, running water, or electricity. They also don’t have enough security.

Spatial Inequality – The unequal distribution of wealth, or resources, and a geographic area, so that some places are richer than others.

Poor Mexico City- G., Eric. "Mexico City street view - Day one." Flickr. Yahoo, 23 June 2007. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/31831877@N08/3011595567/in/photolist-5A8drv-99xjLH-99xjep-99AtgA-99xkq6-dLyEzC-9qorwU-7qDcJi-3skXK5-3fecmG-3f9QFD-3feczN-3f9PTP-3f9PMP-3fecMG-3f9Rd4-3fec1j-3f9Q68-3febSs-3fec5U-7jVLh-7jVER-7jVJG-7jVDu-7jVDB-7jVE3-7jVEo-7jVHD-7jVH2-7jVK6-7jVGC-7jVM5-7jVJo-7jVKi-4bNH7N-3fedds-9Ynwmv-9fHtTq-9fEdki-5XShEX-gYz9gR-b8yqWP-7jejwC-8ZL5b7-fXWMK2-5xuWZ8-bTja5v-dNx6vh-dKP5q5-8XTuLF-hzkUEF>.

Rich Mexico City- Matt. "house in the Colonia Polanco of Mexico City." Flickr. Yahoo, 17 July 2006. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.





 Poor Detroit- Wiechers, Stan. "Detroit Housing." Flickr. Yahoo, 23 Nov. 2008. Web. 18 Dec. 2013.




Rich Detroit- None, Bill Wash. "The Mansions of Detroit." Flickr. Yhaoo, 22 Oct. 2012. Web. 18 Dec. 2013. <http://www.flickr.com/photos/26054883@N00/8112938276>.