Place Of Registration: Cardiff UK Cambridge Ecology - Company Registration: 6357707 Registered Office: Hilton House 37 Hilton Street, Over, Cambridgeshire, CB24 5PU Darren Frost BSc (Hons) CEnv MCIEEM CBiol MRSB July 2017 © Cambridge Ecology Hilton House, 37 Hilton Street, Over, Cambridge, CB24 5PU Telephone: +44 (0)1954 231239 Fax: +44 (0)1954231093 E-mail: [email protected] Web address: www.cambridgeecology.com Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 FINAL REPORT For Greater Cambridge Partnership

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Page 1: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 FINAL REPORT...Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 Cambridge Ecology 19/07/2017 P0608-R-002a.doc

Place Of Registration: Cardiff UK

Cambridge Ecology - Company Registration: 6357707

Registered Office: Hilton House 37 Hilton Street, Over, Cambridgeshire, CB24 5PU

Darren Frost BSc (Hons) CEnv MCIEEM CBiol MRSB

July 2017

© Cambridge Ecology

Hilton House, 37 Hilton Street,

Over, Cambridge, CB24 5PU

Telephone: +44 (0)1954 231239

Fax: +44 (0)1954231093 E-mail: [email protected]

Web address: www.cambridgeecology.com

Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport:

Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017


For Greater Cambridge Partnership

Page 2: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 FINAL REPORT...Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 Cambridge Ecology 19/07/2017 P0608-R-002a.doc
Page 3: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 FINAL REPORT...Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017 Cambridge Ecology 19/07/2017 P0608-R-002a.doc

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Document Information

Report title: Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport: Great Crested Newt eDNA Survey 2017

Client: Greater Cambridge Partnership

Document ref: P0608-R-002a Final Report

Author(s): Darren Frost

Report date: July 2017

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0 NON- EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .......................................................................... 3

1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................ 4

Background to the survey ................................................................................... 4

Aim........................................................................................................................ 4

Relevant Legislation and Policy ......................................................................... 5

2 METHODS ......................................................................................................... 6

Desk-based literature search .............................................................................. 6

Water Sampling and eDNA Analysis .................................................................. 6

Limitations and Assumptions ............................................................................. 7

3 RESULTS .......................................................................................................... 8

Desk-based literature search .............................................................................. 8

4 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................... 9

5 KEY POINTS AND FINDINGS ......................................................................... 10

6 BIBLIOGRAPHY .............................................................................................. 11

7 FIGURES ......................................................................................................... 12

8 PHOTOGRAPHS ............................................................................................. 16


Table 2.1: Details of the ponds under investigation for the presence of Great

Crested Newt ........................................................................................................ 7

Table 3.1: Results of eDNA analysis of the ponds under investigation for the

presence of Great Crested Newt ......................................................................... 8


Figure 1.1: Plan of the survey area (Red Line Boundary). .............................. 12

Figure 2.1: Ponds identified during the preliminary ecological constraints

survey in January 2017 ..................................................................................... 13

Figure 2.2: Ponds containing water where eDNA water samples were

collected ............................................................................................................. 14

Figure 3.1: Pond where Great Crested Newt eDNA was detected .................. 15

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0.1 In June 2017 Cambridge Ecology Ltd successfully completed eDNA water

sampling of eight ponds. These ponds were located on land associated with

the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport Scheme.

0.2 A desk-based literature search and ecological constraints survey carried out

in January 2017 found:

records of Great Crested Newt, showing that this species had been

present at seven sites within 2km of the development site during the

most recent 10 years.

The survey area contained waterbodies that could be used by

amphibian species (including Great Crested Newt) as potential

breeding sites.

0.3 This survey was recommended and aimed to identify the likely presence of

Great Crested Newt in the ponds on land associated with the Cambourne to

Cambridge Better Public Transport Scheme. Their presence could

potentially cause a constraint to the proposed development; and would need

to be considered further in relation to maintaining compliance with wildlife

legislation and planning policy.

0.4 It was considered that the eDNA water sampling and analysis provided a

robust and valid indication of the potential for the site to support Great

Crested Newt. The survey was considered to have been carried out

methodically and all accessible areas searched thoroughly to locate ponds

that could be sampled to detect eDNA indicating the presence of Great

Crested Newt.

0.5 The eDNA analysis found:

One pond (No 8. Sportsground 1) produced a positive result for Great

Crested Newt eDNA.

Three of the ponds to be dry at the time of water sampling, hence they

were not sampled.

Seven ponds produced negative results for Great Crested Newt


0.6 Bearing in mind the proximity of Great Crested Newt to the site and the

ability for wildlife to periodically move to new locations, it is recommended

that to keep this information up to date, to inform the planning application

and impact assessment process; further Great Crested Newt eDNA be

undertaken periodically (e.g. 24 months); especially if the planning

application and/or development proposals were to be delayed

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Background to the survey

1.1 On behalf of Greater Cambridge Partnership, Cambridge Ecology Ltd was

commissioned to carry out water sampling and eDNA analysis of ponds on

land associated with the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport

Scheme. The route will include two main sections, (i) between Madingley

Rise and Grange Road and (ii) Madingley Road and Bourne Airfield.

between Bourne Airfield and Grange Road, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire.

1.2 Wildlife such as Great Crested Newt are protected by National and

International law. Protected and Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) species are

also a material consideration for individual planning consents under the

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), which promotes the

enhancement of natural and local environments through planning, and

encourages a move towards achieving net gains for biodiversity where

possible (DCLG, 2012).

1.3 A Protected Species Constraints Survey and desk-based literature search

(Cambridge Ecology 2017) carried out in January 2017 identified the

presence of waterbodies/ponds and records of Great Crested Newt on land

associated with the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport

Scheme. These ponds were considered to have potential to support Great

Crested Newt. Records indicating the presence of Great Crested Newt

increased the likelihood of this species present.

1.4 This eDNA water sampling and analysis was therefore recommended to

identify the potential presence of Great Crested Newt, to be present in the

waterbodies/ponds at the site. The presence of Great Crested Newt could

potentially cause a constraint to the proposed development; and would need

to be considered further in relation to maintaining compliance with wildlife

legislation and planning policy.

1.5 For clarity in this report the development site (or 'site') refers to land within

the red line boundary of the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public

Transport Scheme (see Figure 1.1).


1.6 The aim of this survey was to indicate which of the eleven ponds, identified

as being accessible and within 250m of the development site showed

evidence to indicate the presence of Great Crested Newt through the

detection of their DNA in the pond water.

1.7 The results of the survey would then identify which ponds required specific

Great Crested Newt surveys.

1.8 The data would be used as the basis to highlight potential constraints to the

development associated with the presence of Great Crested Newt.

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Relevant Legislation and Policy

1.9 Relevant legislation and policies relating to the remit of this survey are listed


The Conservation (Natural Habitats & Conservation.) (Amendments)

Regulations 2010;

Natural Environment and Rural Communities (NERC) Act 2006;

The Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended);

National Planning Policy Framework 2012;

Government Circular (ODPM 06/2005) Biodiversity and Geological

Conservation - Statutory Obligations & Their Impact Within the

Planning System.

The UK and Cambridgeshire Biodiversity Action Plan.

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Desk-based literature search

2.1 A desk-based literature search (of various sources – see 2.2 below) was

undertaken in January 2017 to gather existing ecological information relating

to the proposed survey area. Only records of species and habitats less than

ten years old (since January 2007) were included, older records were noted,

but less likely to be relevant, except where more recent relevant records

were not available.

2.2 Records of protected species were gathered from various databases. These

included the following sources:

Cambridge and Peterborough Environmental Records Centre

Multi-Agency Geographical Information Coverage (MAGIC)

National Biodiversity Network Database (NBN)

Water Sampling and eDNA Analysis

2.3 eDNA test kits were obtained from SureScreen Scientific Ltd in order to

collect water samples to enable tests to be carried out of the pond water to

determine the presence of Great Crested Newt.

2.4 The methods used for water sample collection and eDNA analysis were

those described by Biggs et. al. 2014.

2.5 During the preliminary ecological constraints survey in January 2017 eleven

waterbodies were identified within 250m of the site which were freely

accessible and were considered to offer suitable aquatic habitat for Great

Crested Newts. Figure 2.1 shows the indicative location of all eleven

waterbodies. Table 2.1 provides details of the ponds.

2.6 The water samples were collected by Darren Frost (Licence reference:

2015-16850-CLS-CLS) on the 20th June 2017. These were refrigerated

and sent by couriered to SureScreen Scientific on the 22nd June 2017 for

eDNA analysis.

2.7 At the time the water samples were collected three of the ponds were dry.

Water samples were therefore only collected from the eight ponds that

contained water.

2.8 The location of the waterbodies where water samples were collected is

shown in Figure 2.2.

2.9 Photographs illustrate the nature, of the eleven ponds as they were found in

June 2017.

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Table 2.1: Details of the ponds under investigation for the presence of Great

Crested Newt

Pond Number

Barcode Pond location Pond Name Grid Reference Comments

1 33339 St Neots Rd Highfields

TL 36134 59769 Waterfowl present

2 33340 St Neots Rd Hardwick

TL 37105 59763 Waterfowl present

3 n/a Coton Village Coton TL 41686 58695 Dry

4 33341 Dept of Materials and Metallurgy

Dept of Materials and Metallurgy

TL 42484 58828 Waterfowl present

5 33342 West Cafe West Cafe TL 42878 58755 Fish

6 33343 Institute of Manufacturing

Institute of Manufacturing

TL 42694 58783 Waterfowl present

7 33344 Cavendish Laboratory

Cavendish Laboratory

TL 43131 58740 Waterfowl present

8 33345 Sports Ground Sports Ground 1 TL 43209 58670 Fish

9 33346 Sports Ground Sports Ground 2

TL 43355 58656 Visually, looked suitable for GCN

10 n/a Clare College Clare College 1 TL 43600 58334 Dry

11 n/a Clare College Clare College 2 TL 43437 58303 Dry

Limitations and Assumptions

2.10 The survey provided a robust and valid indication of the potential for the

ponds identified within the survey area site to support Great Crested Newt.

The survey was considered to have been carried out methodically and all

accessible ponds containing water were sampled thoroughly.

2.11 It should be noted that the absence of Great Crested Newt eDNA, would not

preclude their presence in a pond on a site. There would always be a risk

that Great Crested Newt were undetected, either owing to the scarcity of the

species at the site or the ability of Great Crested Newt to move to new sites

periodically and therefore move into an area after the survey had been

carried out.

2.12 The desk study used available records and historical data for the local area.

The biological records are useful as a general guide to supplement the site

visits. However, the absence of records does not necessarily indicate the

absence of species from the site. Biological records alone do not provide a

reliable indication of species presence/absence, as records depend entirely

on survey effort in the area, which is highly variable.

2.13 The results reported in this document represent those identified at the time

of the survey on the 20th June 2017.

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Desk-based literature search

3.1 The data search from January 2017 found records (within the last 10 years)

for Great Crested within 2km of the development site. Thirty-seven records

of Great Crested Newt were received, showing that this species was present

at seven sites within 2km of the development site.

3.2 These seven sites comprised: Adams Road Sanctuary City Wildlife Site

(CiWS); Bird Sanctuary, Conduit Head CiWS; Caldecote Highfields;

Cambridge; Little Common Farm, Bourn; Madingley Park& Ride, Cambridge

and Madingley.

Great Crested Newt eDNA Analysis

3.3 The results of the eDNA analysis of the water samples collected from the

ponds under investigation showed that one pond (Sports Ground 1) at grid

reference TL 43209 58670 was positive for Great Crested Newt DNA. The

remaining seven ponds were negative for Great Crested Newt DNA.

3.4 Table 3.1. provides details of the results of the eDNA of the ponds surveyed

on land associated with the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public

Transport Scheme.

3.5 During the site visit to collect water samples from the ponds, a thorough

search for Great Crested Newt was carried out of suitable areas and natural

refugia adjacent to the ponds. No amphibians were found. The survey was

carried out during the summer when amphibians would normally be active

and therefore likely to be detected.

Table 3.1: Results of eDNA analysis of the ponds under investigation for the

presence of Great Crested Newt

Pond Number

Barcode Pond location Pond Name Grid Reference eDNA Analysis Result

1 33339 St Neots Rd Highfields TL 36134 59769 Negative

2 33340 St Neots Rd Hardwick TL 37105 59763 Negative

3 n/a Coton Village Coton TL 41686 58695 N/A

4 33341 Dept of

Materials and Metallurgy

Dept of Materials and Metallurgy

TL 42484 58828 Negative

5 33342 West Cafe West Cafe TL 42878 58755 Negative

6 33343 Institute of

Manufacturing Institute of

Manufacturing TL 42694 58783 Negative

7 33344 Cavendish Laboratory

Cavendish Laboratory

TL 43131 58740 Negative

8 33345 Sports Ground Sports Ground 1 TL 43209 58670 Positive

9 33346 Sports Ground Sports Ground 2 TL 43355 58656 Negative

10 n/a Clare College Clare College 1 TL 43600 58334 N/A

11 n/a Clare College Clare College 2 TL 43437 58303 N/A

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4.1 As a result of this survey a number of recommendations can be made.

These relate to further survey work required to inform the scheme design

and planning process.

4.2 The survey found Great Crested Newt DNA in one pond (no. 8 Sports

Ground 1) indicating that Great Crested Newt were likely to be present.

Therefore, Great Crested Newt surveys (e.g. Torching, Bottle Trapping etc.)

are required to inform the planning process, the need for mitigation and the

possible need for a EPSDL.

4.3 Great Crested Newt surveys of the Sports Ground 1 pond should be carried

out in spring (March - June) 2018. These surveys would aim to establish the

size of the Great Crested Newt population in the pond and therefore at the

site. The results of the survey will also inform the need for and type of

mitigation required and contribute information towards the application of a

Great Crested Newt EPSDL, if one is considered necessary.

4.4 Great Crested Newt will use seasonally dry ponds for breeding (when they

contain water). Hence the absence of water in a particular year should not

be used as a reason to conclude that the three dry ponds are not Great

Crested Newt breeding ponds. Therefore, the three ponds that were dry in

June 2017 should be re-visited earlier in the season in 2018 (e.g. April). If

they contain water then these ponds should have water samples taken for

eDNA analysis.

4.5 Bearing in mind the proximity of Great Crested Newt to the site and the

ability for wildlife to periodically move to new locations, it is recommended

that to keep this information up to date, to inform the planning application

and impact assessment process; further Great Crested Newt eDNA be

undertaken periodically (e.g. 24 months); especially if the planning

application and/or development proposals were to be delayed.

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5.1 In June 2017 Cambridge Ecology Ltd successfully completed eDNA water

sampling of eight of eleven ponds. These were ponds located on land

associated with the Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport


5.2 It was considered that the survey provided a robust and valid indication of

the potential for the site to support Great Crested Newt. The survey was

considered to have been carried out methodically and all accessible areas

searched thoroughly to locate ponds that could be sampled to detect eDNA

indicating the presence of Great Crested Newt.

5.3 The water sampling and eDNA analysis found:

One pond (No 8. Sports Ground 1) produced a positive result for Great

Crested Newt eDNA.

Three of the ponds to be dry at the time of water sampling, hence they

were not sampled.

Seven ponds produced negative results for Great Crested Newt


5.4 The desk-based literature search carried out in January 2017 found:

Thirty-seven records of Great Crested Newt, showing that this species

was present at seven sites within 2km of the development site during

the most recent 10 years.

5.5 The literature search indicates that a population of Great Crested Newt is

present in the vicinity of the site.

5.6 The eDNA analysis indicates that there is potentially a population of Great

Crested Newt within the site.

5.7 These results highlight the need for specific Great Crested Newt surveys

(e.g. Torching, Bottle Trapping etc.) to inform the planning process, the need

for mitigation and the possible need for a European Protected Species

Development Licence (EPSDL).

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Biggs J, Ewald N, Valentini A, Gaboriaud C, Griffiths RA, Foster J, Wilkinson J, Arnett A, Williams P and Dunn F (2014). Analytical and methodological development for improved surveillance of the Great Crested Newt. Appendix 5. Technical advice note for field and laboratory sampling of great crested newt (Triturus cristatus) environmental DNA. Freshwater Habitats Trust, Oxford.

Cambridge Ecology (2017). Cambourne to Cambridge Better Public Transport: Protected Species Constraints Survey. Final Report. P0608-R-001a.

English Nature (2001) Great Crested Newt Mitigation Guidelines. English Nature

Gent, T. and Gibson, S. (eds.) (2003) The Herpetofauna Workers Manual, JNCC, Peterborough.

HMSO (2000) Countryside and Rights of Way (CRoW) Act. HMSO, London.

HMSO (2006) Natural Environment and Rural Communities Act HMSO London.

HMSO (2010) Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) HMSO, London.

Langton T., Beckett C. and Foster J. (2001). Great Crested Newt Conservation Handbook, Froglife, Halesworth.

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Figure 1.1: Plan of the survey area (Red Line Boundary).

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Figure 2.1: Ponds identified during the preliminary ecological constraints survey in January 2017

1 2

3 4

5 6 7



10 11

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Figure 2.2: Ponds containing water where eDNA water samples were collected

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Figure 3.1: Pond where Great Crested Newt eDNA was detected

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Photo No.

Photograph Description


Pond 1: Highfields


Pond 2: Hardwick


Pond 3: Coton

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Pond 4: Dept of Materials and Metallurgy


Pond 4: Dept of Materials and Metallurgy


Pond 5: West Cafe

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Pond 6: Institute of Manufacturing


Pond 7: Cavendish Laboratory


Pond 8: Sports Ground 1

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Pond 9: Sports Ground 2


Pond10: Clare College 1


Pond 11: Clare College 2