What have you learnt from your audience feedback

Eval question 3

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What have you learnt from your audience feedback

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• Before thinking about creating the whole video project we set out a range of questions to create a questionnaire we done this in order to find out people like to see in a music video what they want from actually gain from watching a music video as this would help us in the creation of our music video project.

• by using the internet we used social website networks such as face book, twitter and also the conventional way actually handing out the questionnaires to people but the internet was a great tool in helping us to actually interact with hour audience as many people nowadays use social networking sites to communicate with each other.

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• After collecting all the information from our questionnaires we created graphs to enable us to analyse the information we gathered quicker and easier.

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• We also identified a selected few of are targeted audience by analysing the results of our questionnaire we distributed out to a number of people.

• With the selected few we actually conducted an interview asking them a series of questions.

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The interview questions

• 1. What would you like to see in a soca music video?

• 2. What aspects of modern music videos do you like?

• 3. How do you feel about certain representations presented in modern music videos? (i.e. girls, boys, sexuality etc.)

• 4. Do you think soca music videos are easier to create than mainstream music videos? Why

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• By reviewing the interviews this gave us ideas of what to include in the music video and what the concept would be about as we gathered that different age group for example females aged 16- 20 music videos are more important to them than females aged 25-30.

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• When creating the music video we had regular feedback from some of our audience as we showed them how the project was progressing. This lead to us having to even re-shoot some shots we also had to re- edit some of the video as we listened to audiences criticisms. By doing this it taught us that the relationship between the audience and the product is very important as this will allow you to get the video exactly how your target audience wants it to be like and help boost your end product.

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• Once the video was completed we managed to upload the video onto you tube and face book and received some positive feedback about it.

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• ‘I really, really enjoyed watching that video. It looked liked everyone was having fun and the shots of London were well edited. The video looked very natural. Good job everybody’ – Angela

• ‘This video is very good, I enjoyed watching it, actually love the ending , very good..’ - Jasmine

• ‘Love it! Love it! Love it! Charming infectious fun! Yea!! Go Performers. Top Marks from me! I really really love it.’ - Maureen

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• I liked the fact that they were taking the mickey and having fun. Loved the bit where the roller-skater was going through the cups. Also I liked when the guys popped up from behind the car and that everyone was taking it in turns to dance. I thought that the parts where the writing flashed up were good too. It would have been good to see boys miming the words of the song as well as the girls. It was great. Hope my comments are off use.’ - Asabi

• “I like mix of real teenagers acting like teenagers in the video and dancing with the use of the text for the chorus. This allows the audience to feel more involved as they are clear on the chorus which the most important of the song and able to join in easily. Well done”- Peter

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• ‘Perhaps some party or BBQ or even shots that just show people chillin’ socially could have enhanced the sort of feeling you get from the music but otherwise I agree with Aline ^ and also I like that its just a happy and natural video, very suitable to the song..I like it.’ – Amit

• ‘Woaaahh!!! Yeah definetely much better than the previous version.. there’s a variety of camera angles and shots which is sick! The written stuff through the video looks really professional ...the colour and font was well chosen. I like the fast editing and the last bit where you see everyone doing that dance routine thing 1 by 1..’ – Julian

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• Most of our feedback was positive which was the result we were aim for as it proves to us the music video was a success as the audience has feedback shows us.

• Although we did get some negative criticism about how some of the shots were a bit random, overall we are happy with the end project.