ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS EDITION 1 – 2013 Engineers Australia Queensland: Engineering a better future for our community

ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer

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Page 1: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


Engineers Australia Queensland:Engineering a better future for our community

Page 2: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


NEWly ChaRtEREd QuEENSlaNd mEmbERS 02

dIvISIoN uPdatE 03

auStRalIa day 2013 hoNouRS foR QuEENSlaNd ENGINEERS 04


foCuS oN maCKay REGIoNal GRouP 06

PRofESSIoNal dEvEloPmENt PRoGRam 07

jamES CooK uNIvERSIty - buIldING a bRIGhtER futuRE 08


valE PEtER tayloR foRmER ChIEf ExECutIvE ENGINEERS auStRalIa 10



ENGINEERS auStRalIa StaR aWaRdS 13

WElComE to NEW Qld dIvISIoN Staff 14

moNadElPhouS lauNChES RECoNCIlIatIoN aCtIoN PlaN 15


Produced by:Elesha Piper, Events and Communications officer Engineers Australia Queensland

Engineering House 447 Upper Edward StreetBrisbane QLd 4000

T. 07 3832 3749F. 07 3832 2101E. [email protected]. qld.engineersaustralia.org.au

Content of this newsletter was correct at the time of printing. Please check our website for the most up-to-date listings of events and programs.the statements made or opinions expressed in the magazine do notnecessarily reflect the view of the institution of Engineers Australia.

Advertising and editorial:Kate Condon, Events and Communications Manager E. [email protected]




Engineers Australia Queensland:Engineering a better future for our community

Page 3: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


PRESIdENt’SMESSAGEEngineering a better future for our community

Queensland has again felt the full force of Mother Nature, with floods and destructive winds claiming lives, battering infrastructure and testing the resolve of many communities. The images coming out of North Bundaberg and other regional areas provide stark evidence of the devastation that can occur as a result of these events.

Why did some infrastructure that had been replaced after the 2011 floods suffer damage again, is an important question that has been raised by the community. While it was disappointing to hear the Deputy Premier call into question the engineering and design standards for these pieces of infrastructure, it provided Engineers Australia with the opportunity to inform public debate of the core issues surrounding town planning and ‘betterment’ when repairing or replacing damaged infrastructure.

Many cities and towns within Queensland have been built on flood plains. In addition, there are areas within these cities and towns that flood regularly when substantial rainfall occurs. Questions need to be asked regarding the suitability of development within these areas. The relocation of properties at Grantham is an excellent example of the positive benefits that can be achieved through this type of action.

These town planning issues are often historical legacies that have not been adequately addressed. It is now time for all stakeholders to identify areas at high risk and consider what short and long-term strategies can be implemented to minimise the risk of future catastrophic damage.

At the time of writing this article, it would appear that common sense is prevailing in the disaster funding relief agreement to repair and replace damaged infrastructure from the 2013 floods. It has been proposed that provisions for ‘betterment’ will be included that will allow some critical infrastructure to increase its resilience to future floods. This is a great outcome for Queensland and, depending on the fine print in any disaster funding agreement, will allow our communities to be better protected from future floods.

The comments by the Deputy Premier may have disappointed members. The media emphasis on this issue has provided a platform to inject the underlying issues into the public realm.

Engineers Australia has been active in informing media representatives of the issues that need to be considered, and we have provided a range of interviews and information to Channel 7 News, Channel 9’s Today Show, The ABC News, as well as print media.

It is critical that Engineers Australia is active to ensure that our communities are adequately informed when it comes to engineering issues, and I would like to recognise the efforts of our spokesperson on floods, Dr Bill Weeks, along with the many other members who have assisted in providing input into our public response. It has been pleasing to see the media coverage, public debate, and government commentary quickly focus on the core issues that underpin our future flood resilience.

I have written to the Premier Campbell Newman, reinforcing the importance of these issues and offering Engineers Australia’s input into developing policy to ensure that we learn from these lessons and provide the best possible outcomes for all communities throughout Queensland.

Simon Orton FIEAust EngExec CPEng RPEQ Queensland President, Engineers [email protected]



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Ramin agha Zadeh mIEaust CPEngIdris ahmad mIEaust CPEngNewaz ahmed mIEaust CPEngChristopher anderson mIEaust CPEngChristopher anderson mIEaust CPEngIan arnold mIEaust CPEngandrew arthur mIEaust CPEngasif baig mIEaust CPEngKevin bartlett mIEaust CPEngGlenn barton mIEaust CPEngheidi belinazzi Quadrado mIEaust CPEngdavid bell mIEaust CPEngmarianne bergade mIEaust CPEngjames bird mIEaust CPEngdavid blythe mIEaust CPEngleonard borowski mIEaust CPEngRobert boughen mIEaust CPEnglouise brown mIEaust CPEngPeter buckby mIEaust CPEngvessy Calligeros mIEaust CPEngthomas Cameron mIEaust CPEngRonald Cass mIEaust CPEngIan Cattell mIEaust CPEngyuan Chan mIEaust CPEngEdmund Chau mIEaust CPEnghien Chiem mIEaust CPEngdevasena Chinnarajan mIEaust CPEngRuss Christ mIEaust CPEngEric Chung mIEaust CPEngdavid Clement mIEaust CPEngtim Crawford mIEaust CPEngjeff Crone mIEaust CPEngdavid Crump mIEaust CPEngalistair Culley mIEaust CPEngNicholas Currie mIEaust CPEngjames d’arcy mIEaust CPEngjames davern mIEaust CPEngandrew de lacy mIEaust CPEngGehan de Silva mIEaust CPEngalvin dmello mIEaust CPEngjamie docherty mIEaust CPEnglouise dutton mIEaust CPEnganthony Earl mIEaust CPEngmartin Eddleston mIEaust CPEng

martin Eddleston mIEaust CPEngfrancis Edwards mIEaust CPEngmark Elkjaer mIEaust CPEngGreg findlater mIEaust CPEngNathan flor mIEaust CPEngWill fonua mIEaust CPEngvishal Gandhi mIEaust CPEngSukhamay Gangopadhyay mIEaust CPEngfabrizio Garzon vanegas mIEaust CPEngEric Gelinas mIEaust CPEngKevin Gettliffe mIEaust CPEngdavid Gibb mIEaust CPEngduane Gibson mIEaust CPEngZane Gibson mIEaust CPEnglydia Goh mIEaust CPEngali habibi mIEaust CPEngShaun hamilton mIEaust CPEngCraig harris mIEaust CPEngmark hawkins mIEaust CPEngallister haynes mIEaust CPEngKristine hazlewood mIEaust CPEngjose ho mIEaust CPEngjay hoogervorst mIEaust CPEngGregory hume mIEaust CPEngbill hutton mIEaust CPEngmichelle Iblings mIEaust CPEngKenneth Irving mIEaust CPEngKumar jaisinghani mIEaust CPEngbradley james mIEaust CPEngakash jayashankar mIEaust CPEngWasantha jayawardana mIEaust CPEngalan jones mIEaust CPEngSalantha Kaluarachchi mIEaust CPEngomid Keshavarzi mIEaust CPEngharoon Khan mIEaust CPEngEric Kocaj mIEaust CPEngRudolph Kotze mIEaust CPEngKrishna Kumarasamy mIEaust CPEngtilly langley mIEaust CPEngPeter lather mIEaust CPEngmark lawrence mIEaust CPEngRicky leadbetter mIEaust CPEngandrew leeson tmIEaust CEngtjon lester mIEaust CPEng

michael little mIEaust CPEngGary littler mIEaust CPEngmichael lonergan mIEaust CPEngben lusk mIEaust CPEngSteven luther mIEaust CPEngGraeme macaulay mIEaust CPEngaaron macmichael mIEaust CPEngjames manning mIEaust CPEngarul manoharan tmIEaust CEngttony matacin mIEaust CPEngPatrick mcdonald mIEaust CPEngStephen mcGachie tmIEaust CEngtangus mclennan mIEaust CPEngGlen mellor mIEaust CPEngCesar mendoza Cabrera mIEaust CPEnganthony meurs mIEaust CPEngossi mood mIEaust CPEngjames morgan mIEaust CPEngStephen morris mIEaust CPEngandrew morrison mIEaust CPEngalan mourgues lobos mIEaust CPEngRoss murray mIEaust CPEngZiad Nader mIEaust CPEngdavid Nash mIEaust CPEngRichard Nettleton tmIEaust CEngtChristopher Nielsen mIEaust CPEngjames Nikitakis mIEaust CPEngErik Nordh mIEaust CPEngjohn o’donovan mIEaust CPEngSimon o’hana mIEaust CPEngjohn ole Keko mIEaust CPEngbart oosthuizen mIEaust CPEngmariya otten-andrew mIEaust CPEngjames otterson mIEaust CPEngSimon Palmer mIEaust CPEngWade Pan mIEaust CPEngNilmini Pannipitiya mIEaust CPEngtilak Paranagama mIEaust CPEnglorraine Perera mIEaust CPEngPaul Petersen mIEaust CPEngEdwin Portwig mIEaust CPEngWayne Potter mIEaust CPEngNurdina Prijantono mIEaust CPEnganil Priyantha mIEaust CPEng

ali Rezaie mIEaust CPEng

andrew Richardson mIEaust CPEng

Stuart Roberts mIEaust CPEng

Craig Rohde mIEaust CPEng

james Rosenberg mIEaust CPEng

daniel Rudd mIEaust CPEng

Greg Saenger mIEaust CPEng

aditi Saha mIEaust CPEng

masoud Sajedifar mIEaust CPEng

Christopher Salmon mIEaust CPEng

vidana Samarasinghe mIEaust CPEng

Iain Sample mIEaust CPEng

Ricardo Santos yovino mIEaust CPEng

Peter Seward fIEaust CPEng

fazel Shahbazi mIEaust CPEng


Shanmuganathan mIEaust CPEng

Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng

benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng

vivek Singh mIEaust CPEng

Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng

Simon Steinhofer mIEaust CPEng

ben Symonds mIEaust CPEng

melinda tickle mIEaust CPEng

malcolm tilgner mIEaust CPEng

Sang to mIEaust CPEng

aaron toscan mIEaust CPEng

anne-maria vahlman mIEaust CPEng

jaidev vasudevan mIEaust CPEng

Quan vo ta mIEaust CPEng

andrew von brandenstein mIEaust CPEng

Ronaldt vosloo mIEaust CPEng

tuan vu mIEaust CPEng

Geoff Walker mIEaust CPEng

trevor Walton mIEaust CPEng

Simon Willis mIEaust CPEng

Paul Wilson mIEaust CPEng

anthony Wood mIEaust CPEng

hang yang mIEaust CPEng

hoy yau mIEaust CPEng

Chuanli Zhang mIEaust CPEng

jinjiang Zhong mIEaust CPEng

Page 5: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer

dIvISIoNUPDATEEngineering a better future for our community

The purpose of Engineers Australia is to advance the science and practice of engineering for the benefit of the community. This purpose can be achieved through several means including education, facilitation of ideas and information, and setting and maintaining high professional standards.

In addition to these activities Engineers Australia, as the peak professional body for the engineering team, has a responsibility to also educate and inform the community and decision makers on engineering issues. This area has become a focus of the Division Committee over the last 12 months and we have been providing public comment or input into issues such as education, flood mitigation, and government policy to name a few.

Queensland Division has 47 expert groups based on discipline, geographic location, or special area of interest. When developing policy or public statements Engineers Australia relies on the expertise of many volunteer office bearers from these groups, or experts they recommend, to determine our ultimate position.

All members of Engineers Australia can also play an important part in identifying issues and policy positions for our organisation. In my time at Engineers Australia I have had many members suggest that Engineers Australia should raise

the profile of the engineering team and make sure that our communities and decision makers are adequately informed on important issues.

This is a call to action for all members to assist Engineers Australia to achieve this aim and take a leadership position on important community issues. Engineers Australia encourages feedback from members on potential issues that should be addressed or policy positions that we could take, and I would urge you to discuss these with our Division President, Simon Orton ([email protected]) or myself.

I look forward to receiving your feedback and using this to inform, through the Division Committee, future actions for Queensland Division.

Ian McEwanExecutive DirectorEngineers Australia, Queensland [email protected]


Have your say on the future of our city. For information session details visit www.brisbane.qld.gov.au/newcityplan or call Council on (07) 3403 8888.If you need an interpreter, call 131 450 and ask to speak with Brisbane City Council.

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AustrAliA DAy 2013 Honours for QueenslAnD engineersWe would like to congratulate all Queensland engineering recipients of the 2013 Australia Day Honours Awards.The Public Service Medal (PSM) was awarded to:

Guillermo (Bill) Capati FIEAust CPEng – A civil and environmental engineer recognised for outstanding public service to the sustainable water future of the Gold Coast and broader South East Queensland region.

Officer of the Order of Australia (AO) in the general division was awarded to:

Ian Goulter FIEAust CPEng – A civil engineer recognised for significant service to tertiary education, particularly through rural and regional engagement.

Adjunct Prof David Hood FIEAust CPEng FIPENZ FISEAM – National president of Engineers Australia in 2012, was recognised for significant service to environmental engineering as an educator and researcher, through contributions to professional organisations, and to public awareness of sustainability.

Hello everyone, this is my first column as Chair and I’m looking forward to an exciting year ahead. I’d like to extend a warm welcome to all our members and the new YEAQ committee for 2013. We are fortunate to be in a strong position due largely to the foundations laid by the previous Chair Jillian Kenny and all the 2012 committee. Thank you all for your efforts.December last year saw YEAQ hold its planning meeting for this current year. This proved to be very productive in establishing our main goals and direction for 2013. We are aiming to further improve our student engagement with the universities, provide additional support for graduates making the transition into the workforce, and assist our established young professional members in achieving their career milestones.

We are looking at hosting a variety of different events this year that will benefit our members through professional development and networking style functions. Our first event is the ‘Meet & Greet’ which is scheduled for Thursday March 7th. This promises to be a relaxed evening designed for our members to catch up with their peers and make new contacts within the industry, so keep an eye out for the flyer.

Also, we are looking at hosting a number of Industry Networking Nights which are designed to give sponsoring companies the exclusive opportunity to present their business to our members. Please feel free to contact us if you believe this may be of interest to your company.

If you would like to become involved with YEAQ or if you just require some more information on any of our events planned for this year then please don’t hesitate to contact us at:

[email protected].

YOUNG ENGINEERS UPDATEMathew Parker StudIEAust, Chair, Young Engineers Australia Queensland

Date Event

March 7th Meet & Greet Networking

April Executives Breakfast

May 16th YEAQ v’s Queensland Young Lawyers Comedy Debate

June Speed Networking

July 5th YEAQ Gala Ball

July Financial Planning Evening

September Graduate Transition Event

October Public Speaking Workshop

November YEAQ Elections/Trivia Night

2013 CALEndARof EvEntS

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Kate Brand MIEAust, Chair, Women In Engineering Queensland

Women in Engineering Qld are looking forward to a great 2013, with a wide range of events and initiatives planned for all within the engineering team. Late February saw our 2013 launch at the Gunshop café, with all attending enjoying a great night of food, drinks and networking. This year features new events, plenty of the tried and tested and of course chances to build networks and mentoring relationships.

In addition, regular events are held each month:

• Saveoursanitysessions,forthoseonsabbaticalorparentalleave including guest speakers and a child friendly environment (3rd Friday of each month 10 – 11:30 am)

• CasualdrinksandnetworkingatEraBar,SouthBrisbane (3rd Wednesday of each month 5:30 - 6:30 pm)

• TownsvilleBabyEngineersmonthly–timeandlocationvaries.

Of course to make this possible, we rely on sponsorship from companies with our passion for diversity in engineering. If you can assist, for further information, regional events or to get involved, contact us www.facebook.com/wieqld or [email protected]

8th March International Women’s Day Breakfast (Mackay)17th March Ladies Lunch Links – Learn To Play Golf

Afternoon (Brisbane)21st March Speed Networking (Townsville)

16th April Women in the Workplace Company Engagement Workshop (Brisbane)

19th April Save our Sanity Launch Morning Tea (Brisbane)

May Cocktail Party and Fundraiser (Brisbane)

31st May Looking Towards a Healthy Mind and Body Lunch (Brisbane)

June What Happens Next? For Senior Engineers Looking at Taking The Next Step (Brisbane)

June Learn to Play Golf Day (Townsville)

11th July Joint Technical Evening (Brisbane)

18th July Annual General Meeting (Brisbane)

24th July Engineering Expo and Women in Workplace Workshops (Brisbane)

8th August Engineering Week

September Annual Breakfast (Brisbane)

October Personal and Professional Development Cocktail Evening (Brisbane)

November Joint Technical Evening (Brisbane)

Women in engineering - Looking ForWard

Page 8: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


In 2012, the Mackay Regional Group organised the first Mackay Region Engineering Excellence Awards evening, which was held at Oceans International on Friday 7th December 2012.The awards reinforce the values that are central to Engineers Australia’s purpose to provide leadership, foster excellence, encourage innovation and promote community confidence in Australian engineering. A local event celebrating local achievements, the awards night allowed us to showcase the innovation and accomplishments of engineers living and working

in the Mackay region.

Entry was open to any individual or organisation in the region,

with awards presented in the following categories:

Industrial Development and Manufacturing: Aurecon - for the Sucrogen Molasses Bladder

Project Infrastructure: Aurecon - for Richana Estate Stage 1

Project Management: Mashumba Civil Engineering - for Hogans Pocket Cell 2 Construction

Young Professional Engineer of the Year, Mackay Region: Hamed Kafashzadeh MIEAust CPEng

Professional of the Year, Mackay Region: Dr. Fae Martin FIEAust CPEng

The Mackay Regional Group congratulates the award recipients for their outstanding achievements and thanks all who took part in this successful evening. The Mackay Region Engineering Excellence Awards has been added to the Group’s calendar as an annual event.

The Mackay Regional Group also ran a Chartered Status Presentation and Workshop on 4th of December. The presenter - John Reid, EA National Assessor – discussed the application process, national registration, CPD requirements, RPEQ, writing CER’s, the interview process and PDP.

The presentation also covered Engineers Australia new e-Chartered system and 2012 Australian Engineering Competency Standards. eChartered is Engineers Australia’s new online application and assessment system for becoming Chartered and registered.

It was an opportunity to gain insight into what the assessors are after, and attendees had a chance speak directly with an assessor about any questions they had.

Focus on Mackay REGIonaL GRoup

Chartered Presentation and Workshop

Chartered Presentation and Workshop

Mackay Region Engineering Excellence Awards

Peter Foley MIEAust CPEng, Chair Mackay Regional Group

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Start your journey now...

Chartered is:

• Being recognised by your peers in Australia and Internationally as a competent, current and ethical member of the engineering profession

• Your way to satisfy the competency requirements for Registered Professional Engineer Queensland (RPEQ) and for all National Engineering Registers......don’t restrict what projects you can work on!

• Your ticket to international mobility through mutual recognition

• In demand by many notable Industry clients requiring proof of competency from engineers working on their contracted projects

• A risk mitigation tool in form of being credentialed by Engineers Australia as being a competent and current engineer working within your discipline

• An excellent gap analysis tool and mentorship framework to take charge of your own development as an engineer and a well-rounded professional

• Completed quickly and easily via the online eChartered portal

Why choose the Professional Development Program?

The PDP is one of the four pathways that Engineers Australia offers for members to achieve the Chartered credential. This pathway is ideal for engineers who need more support or more time to complete their Chartered journey. To participate in the pathway you must be a current member of Engineers Australia at the grade of Graduate or above in any of the three occupational categories: Associate, Technologist or Professional Engineer. You can participate, and join over 5000 others, as an individually sponsored participant or as sponsored participant of one our 300+ PDP Partner organisations.

Be Supported:

• Complete your Chartered journey in a structured and staged way to make the process more manageable

• Access to our custom online eChartered system for the preparation of your application

• Ability to submit a draft Engineering Competency Claim for feedback from our National Assessors.

• Access to exclusive online resources, presentations & workshops

• Ability to talk to our Nationally Accredited Assessors for advice

• Network with others in our online Chartered Community of Practice (coming soon)

• Seek National Registration/RPEQ

• Progress updates, a quarterly PDP Newsletter, program advice & advice on mentoring & career development

• Involvement in your organisation’s internal PDP support programs including mentoring and study groups

Take the opportunity:

If you are an existing PDP participant, don’t forget that you are still required to enrol on eChartered.

If you are interested in further information on your company becoming a PDP partner or starting an Individual Sponsored PDP, please contact Megan Purdy our Queensland Industry Relationship Manager.

[email protected]

Professional DeveloPment ProgramMegan Purdy Queensland Industry Relationship Manager, Engineers Australia


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Building A Brighter Future

James Cook University Engineering graduates have always enjoyed remarkable success in securing jobs at graduation.

Queensland engineering and technology graduates have higher rates of employment than the national average - 89 per cent of graduates find work within four months of graduating.

This is considerably higher than the national average of 80 per cent for engineering and technology graduates.

On top of this, JCU’s engineering and technology graduates have the second highest reported employment rate in Queensland, with 92 per cent finding work within four months of graduating.

JCU’s School of Engineering & Physical Sciences is remodelling their programs to ensure the continued success of their graduates.

Industry advisory committees have been formed for each degree program so that the content and experiences of the students are closely linked to the needs and expectations of the industries that employ them.

This is achieved through a mix of practical and theoretical studies that ensure graduates are well placed to make a choice between work in industry or pursuing a career in engineering research.

The new package of degrees offers the chance for students to take a single major in an engineering discipline, such as

Mechanical or Civil Engineering, and to combine that major with a related minor such as Software or Asset Management or Sustainability.

They also have the opportunity to take a second major in a Science discipline, such as Environmental Science, Physics, or Marine Biology.

These degree options allow JCU Engineering students to study a field they are interested in, that will make a difference to society and that will differentiate them from the other engineering graduates in Australia.

JCU is focused on the tropical regions throughout the world, and Engineering at JCU is engaged with ensuring sustainable development of this important part of our planet and the cultures that occupy it.

Lessons learned from studying how engineering can benefit and sustain the tropical zone are transferrable to industry anywhere in the planet, so JCU Engineering graduates can look forward to continued success in employment, and in their careers.

JCU’s School of Engineering and Physical Sciences Head of School, Professor Yinghe He, said the high-ranking percentage of graduates securing work within four months of graduating was a testament to the quality learning programs and academic support provided by the School.

James Cook University School of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Dr Julie Lovisa, a Cum Laude recipient, completed her Engineering PhD at James Cook University and is on staff under the Civil and Environmental discipline.

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The CELMQ committee is continuing our focus on the following National CELM Board strategies in 2013:

• Leadership Education – Events (Ray Whitehead, MIEAust)

• Engineering Executive Value Proposition (Blake Barrett , MIEAust CSC CPEng)

• CELM Awareness Education (Imran Khan, MIEAust)

• Mentoring (Sam Maloney, GradIEAust)

• Funding (Darren Smith, MIEAust CPEng CE MICE BEng (Hons)

• Governance (John Zannes, MIEAust CPEng)

CELMQ is working closely with the Queensland Division in aligning the national CELM focus objectives with strategic domains of Leadership, Influence, and Community Engagement. 2012 highlights included CELMQ presentations at the three Queensland regional conferences in Mackay, Rockhampton and Toowoomba; MC at Division corporate events; two risk management events; and the CELM-Davidson Engineering Exposed event on Personal Branding. We invite you to peruse the CELMQ Chapter resources available at: http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/celm-queensland-chapter/resources

CELMQ Advisory Group We are very pleased to announce the formation of the CELMQ Advisory Group in 2013. The CELMQ Advisory Group is a reference group of people in very senior positions who will provide a resource for CELMQ with their thoughts on leadership and management issues, as well as providing connections and speakers for events. Leeanne Bond is the Chair of the CELMQ Advisory Group in 2013. Leeanne is a professional company director and board member of private, ASX listed, public sector and professional membership organisations. We will announce the full list of CELMQ Advisory Board members in a future article.

CELMQ events in 2013CELMQ will provide programs to develop member’s leadership skills through competency based assessment, mentorship and events. Please check the website for regular updates to our assessment, mentorship and event schedule. Events will include a series of presentations, breakfasts, dinners and other networking functions where you will hear from keynote speakers and be able interact with peers across the industry.

Please tell us want you want from the CELMQ committee in 2013

The purpose of CELM (Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management) is to encourage and empower engineering team members for significant leadership and management roles. CELM Queensland wants to hear from you. Tell us what you want from CELMQ in 2013 with suggestions via e-mail to [email protected]

Centre for engineering Leadership and ManageMentBlake Barrett MIEAust CSC CPEng, Queensland Chair, Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management

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Page 12: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


National President Dr. Marlene Kanga has expressed her condolences to the family of Peter Taylor, on behalf of Engineers Australia’s Council, Congress, staff and 100,000 members after Peter lost his brave battle with cancer on 20th January 2013.

Peter Taylor made an eminent contribution to the engineering profession for more than 45 years, holding several engineering appointments in the Australian army from 1968 to 1976. His local government Engineering career included stints in Hobart and Launceston City Councils prior to his appointment in 1985 as Toowoomba City Council Deputy City Engineer.

Peter was promoted to City Engineer in 1990 and then CEO in 1998.

In December 2003 Peter left Toowoomba to take up the position of CEO for Engineers Australia, a position he held until his illness forced him to retire 18 months ago.

As former Chief Executive, Peter led a change process that saw the organisation grow into a major force within the global engineering profession.

Peter will leave a lasting legacy through not only his many personal achievements, but also the skills he instilled in others through his leadership and mentoring.

“Peter brought this considerable experience to the role of Chief Executive of Engineers Australia in 2004. During his seven year term as Chief Executive, Peter was highly regarded for his great leadership skills, his strategic approach and his ability to identify practical solutions with determination and resolve.

“His commitment and lasting contribution to the profession and this organisation will not be forgotten”

- Dr Marlene Kanga FIEAust CPEng FIPENZ RPEQ National President, Engineers Australia

Vale Peter taylor former Chief exeCutiVe engineers australia

Peter Taylor

Article contributors: Engineers Australia and Toowoomba Regional Council

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Page 13: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


We would like to congratulate Philip Tian MIEAust CPEng, the first engineer in Queensland to become chartered through the eChartered system. Philip was successful in his interview held in Engineers Australia’s Queensland Division office on 31st January.As a Civil Engineer with local government in the Gladstone Region, Philip feels one of the challenges for a regional engineer is to cope with the rapid growing demand on the region’s infrastructure as a result of the mining and LNG (liquefied natural gas) boom. He sought to become chartered after moving to a management position where he is responsible for assessing new developments.

When asked about his experience with eChartered, Philip said he had “every faith” in the new system. He felt the process was more streamlined and the competency criteria better structured. He

even held back submitting his application via the old assessment scheme to wait for the launch of e-chartered.

Congratulations Philip, we wish you every success in your career!

Queensland’s first echartered engineer

Left to right: Don Muir FIEAust CPEng RPEQ MAICD, National Assessor, Philip Tian MIEAust CPEng, Colin Colquhoun FIEAust CPEng NPER FAICD, National Assessor

Elesha Piper, Events and Communications Officer, Engineers Australia Queensland

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engineer – quick chat

Kate Brand MIEAust

Engineering discipline/qualification? BE (civil and environmental management)

What is your job title and function? Civil Engineer and Project Manager working on surface water projects for mining environment projects ranging from hydrology and hydraulic design for tailings dams to water supply and erosion control during construction.

Where are you located? Our office is in Brisbane but this job has taken me to PNG, New Caledonia, Canada and sites in Qld and Perth.

Why are you an engineer? My dad owned an earthmoving company when I was a child, so I was always around helping out, of course also hearing how

stupid the engineers were - so logically, I wanted to be the engineer! You get the chance to create, explore, solve problems and innovate in so many different environments.

What is it like being an engineer and a mum? I guess we should also start asking what it’s like being an engineer and a dad! I think it’s great for my daughter and her friends to be exposed to parents who have a large range of jobs, giving them the knowledge from an early age that any career is an option. It can be hard though, I’ve always worked full time but sometimes my job requires me to be upwards of 3 weeks away, but I try stick to a max of 18 days – it’s important to remember you can have it all and do everything but not at the same time and not put that pressure on yourself.

Tell us about your first engineering role? I’m still in it! I started work experience with Klohn Crippen Berger and I never left. It looked like a really different and interesting company and I landed the job I wanted from the start.

Any advice for young female engineers just starting their career? Find a range of mentors - it’s great to have technical and management mentors, but it can also help to have a personal

mentor as well. A lot of the time you won’t have a senior female in your workplace so attending events such as WIEQ gives plenty of opportunity to meet and get to know those who have experience in a wide range of engineering and roles.

Most challenging or interesting project you’ve ever worked on? Construction QA/QC in New Caledonia with local and French construction teams who had very little experience or English. With my limited French, I learnt some methods of teaching and dealing with construction crews pretty quickly.

What are you working on right now? I’m working on a project in PNG that is moving from exploration into the feasibility stage and early construction efforts have commenced for access and camps.

If you weren’t an engineer, what would you be doing? Probably a park ranger or oceanographer –those other jobs I tossed up originally… or perhaps I would have stuck with something closer to my first career as a McDonald’s manager!

Biggest celebrity you’ve ever met? I was pushed out of a line by this short guy at 11pm LAX a few years ago – turned out to be Kanye West, I’d already been working all day and was about to get on a plane to go home so I wasn’t too impressed!

Interviewed by Elesha Piper, Events and Communications Officer Engineers Australia Queensland.

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Page 15: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer


The Engineers Australia STAR Awards have been introduced as a new staff reward and recognition program. They are an important part of our cultural change program.Awards are presented to staff who have:

• Demonstratedourcorporatevaluesandconsistentlyworkedthroughout the year with dedication and commitment to deliver positive outcomes for our members,

• Contributedtoapositiveteamculture;and

• Earnedtherespectoftheirpeersintermsofoutcomesachieved, professionalism and personal conduct.

Congratulations to the award winners from the QLD Division

Jenny Hutchens, Operations Manager – Queensland

Jenny was set some significant challenges in 2012, including overseeing the Chartered processing area until the Chartered Assessment Centre (CAC) was established. Jenny also played a significant role in establishing the CAC.

Jenny has played a significant role in enhancing the team culture in the Queensland Division through taking ownership of team meetings and introducing fun and engaging activities that allow staff to bond, while also developing their knowledge and skills.

Jenny organised a fit out of the Queensland Division 1st floor office area, which took place while staff were on their Christmas break.

“Jenny is well respected and highly regarded by other staff and members, especially for her drive, commitment and quality of output”

Megan Purdy, Industry Relationship Manager – Queensland

During the eChartered transition Megan set herself a challenging schedule of presentations and used all her communication channels to ensure all members at PDP organisations understood the transition arrangements

“A true ‘quiet achiever’ who has given 110% to the members, the Industry Team, The Division team and our organisation.”

“Megan always models productive behaviours in the workplace and has maintained her professionalism and calm reserve in the face of some difficult challenges.”

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Welcome to neW QlD Division staffAs the QLD Division membership continues to grow, we have welcomed aboard two new team members in January. Megan Bryson - Member Services Officer (Reception) Elesha Piper - Events and Communications Officer.

We look forward to both team members contributing to QLD Division’s continued growth!

Welcome Megan and Elesha.

A little about our new team members:

Hi everyone!

I’m Elesha, and I am excited to join the QLD Division as Events and Communications Officer. My professional background is a mix of event and administration roles, most recently in the mining sector in Perth.

My position with EA is a fantastic opportunity to be involved with the great calendar of events lined up for our Division. I also look forward to coordinating the Division newsletters – I have learnt a lot about the organisation already from my involvement with this edition!

Last year I spent five months backpacking around parts of South America; it really was a trip of a lifetime! I moved to Queensland when I arrived back to Australia - so as well as a new job, I also have a new home, which I am enjoying exploring.

You can reach me on [email protected]


I’m Megan and I have joined the EA QLD Division team after previously working at an independent school in Accounts Receivables. My new role as Member Service Officer is a bit of a change from the finance world but I am enjoying the new challenge.

As Member Service Officer, I am the primary contact point in the Division for all enquiries and take responsibility for answering general membership enquiries. I also provide administrative support to the Division

Outside of work, I like to cook, read, shop and get out on my motor bike as often as possible!

You can reach me on [email protected]

Elesha (left) and Megan (right)

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Monadelphous launches Reconciliation action plan

Monadelphous Group has formalised its commitment to continue to help build a sustainable future for Indigenous Australians with the launch of a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) at ceremonies in its Perth and Brisbane offices.

Managing Director Rob Velletri said the RAP brought together the company’s wide range of initiatives in employment, training and partnerships.

“It’s a commitment to make Indigenous people feel welcome, respected and valued as employees, business partners and members of the community,” Mr Velletri said.

The plan was reviewed and endorsed by Reconciliation Australia, the national not-for- profit organisation promoting reconciliation between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the broader Australian community.

For many years Monadelphous, which is an S&P/ASX 100 company, has acknowledged the need to attract and retain Indigenous people in its workforce.

At the end of 2012 it had more than 200 Indigenous employees in a wide variety of roles including superintendents, supervisors, qualified tradespeople and many semi-skilled and office-based positions.

“We’re also supporting young Indigenous people through apprenticeships and traineeships,” Mr Velletri said.

“We are already involved in a number of initiatives and partnerships which include the Pingku traineeship program with BHP

Billiton and Richards Mining Service in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the Larrakia Development Corporation in the Northern Territory and the Red Mulga Corporation in South Australia.

“We’ve also partnered with Rio Tinto and the David Wirrpanda Foundation Work Readiness Program and the Beacon Foundation, supporting Indigenous students in high school.”

Monadelphous’s RAP publication features a special work of art by well-known artist Clifton Bieundurry, who was commissioned by the company.

The large artwork, which is based on the Monadelphous values of safety and wellbeing, integrity, achievement, teamwork and loyalty, hangs in the reception area of the company’s head office in Perth. There is a copy in the Brisbane office.

(Left to right) Artist Clifton Bieundurry, Reconciliation Australia’s Grant Paulson, Aunty Heather Castledine, Monadelphous General Manager Strategy & Business Development Dale Smart, Senior Advisor Indigenous Program Rob Allen at the Brisbane ceremony.

The Monadelphous values painted by artist Clifton Bieundurry

(Left to right) Reconciliation Australia Board Member Hon. Fred Chaney AO, Artist Clifton Bieundurry, Monadelphous Managing Director Rob Velletri at the Perth ceremony.

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Owen Custom Products (OCP) manufacture and supply electromechanical swing pedals for draglines. The company has developed a new solid-state technology swing pedal that can emulate resolvers, potentiometers and encoders.

The benefits of this new technology provide customers with easier installation, simplified long-term maintenance, reduced downtime, elimination of the need for recalibration, increased end-user confidence and the ability to be able to standardise across the entire dragline-face shovel market.

The Owen Swing Pedal is an in-cabin pedal system which controls the swing of the boom on the front of a dragline, electric face-shovel or crane. The first solid state unit was built and installed at the Collinsville Mine in North Queensland in September 2011 with an emulated resolver.

In 2012, a week after having won the Queensland Engineering Excellence Award they travelled to the USA and met with CAT in Milwaukee. They have now become part of the Caterpillar Mining Supply Chain and that is a truly big deal, given that CAT supply the world’s largest and most technologically advanced single bucket excavators.

The company’s superior swing pedal directional control system has also won it’s appointment as supplier to some of the largest global mining companies, including BMA, Anglo Coal, Xstrata and Peabody.

OCP has already built two systems for Caterpillar USA, currently in operation in the Reliance Power project in India; G.E. have just recently finished a series of tests to ensure that the pedals are up to the high standards that they demand while Texas’ largest power supplier, Luminant, have indicated that they will start to install the solid state system across their entire fleet.

As a result of the Engineers Australia Award, more doors have opened for them to continue to innovate and prototype different products as the recognition of what they can do, starts to gain momentum.

Karyn Owen Owen Custom Products Pty Ltd

EnginEEring QuEEnsland nEws is going ElEctrionic

Engineers Australia’s Queensland Newsletter will soon be available electronically every month.

A monthly e-newsletter for Queensland members means more information delivered hot off the press. The June edition of the newsletter will be the final printed version. If you would like to provide comment about the change please contact Elesha Piper, Events and Communications Officer on [email protected]

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It may be time to log on to the Engineers Australia website to confirm that your details are up to date.

Visit engineersaustralia.org.au

While you’re there why not reacquaint yourself with your membership benefits, the advocacy and policy papers, online presentations, or update your CPD record?

Are your detAils up to dAte?

For Queensland Division Sponsorship please contact Kate Condon, Events and Communications Manager on (07) 3226 3009 or [email protected]

For Queensland Division regional groups, Brisbane based societies, branches and committees visit http://www.engineersaustralia.org.au/queensland-division/groups or contact Amanda Ryan on (07) 3832 3749 or [email protected]

Support your profession by sponsoring Engineers Australia Queensland Division, a Brisbane-based group or a regional group

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Page 20: ENGINEERING QUEENSLAND NEWS - Engineers Australia · Russell Shannon mIEaust CPEng benedict Simpson mIEaust CPEng vivek Singh m aust CPEng Gregory Sisiolo mIEaust CPEng Simon Steinhofer

Produced by:Engineers Australia Queensland Division

Engineering House 447 Upper Edward StreetBrisbane QLd 4000

Queensland Division T. 07 3832 3749F. 07 3832 2101E. [email protected]. qld.engineersaustralia.org.au

Member Services T. 1300 653 113

“ the statements made or opinions expressed in the magazine do not necessarily reflect the view of the institution of Engineers Australia.”