ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

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Page 1: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

ANNUAL REPORT2013 - 2014


Page 2: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson


2013 - 2014 Queensland Division Sponsors

Page 3: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson



4 Queensland Division5 President’s Report6 General Manager’s Report7 Queensland Division Key Achievements7 2014 Division Committee7 2014 Congress Representatives8 Queensland Division Membership9 Operations Report10 Events and Communications Report13 Membership Engagement Report14 Finance Report16 Chartered Assessment Report17 Business Development Report18 Division Groups19 Australasian Tunnelling Society20 Australian Cost Engineering Society20 Australian Geomechancis Society21 Biomedical Branch22 Burnett Regional Group23 Cairns Regional Group25 Central Highlands Regional Group26 Central Western Regional Group27 Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management28 Chemical College28 Electric Energy Society of Australia 29 Electrical Branch30 Engineering Heritage Queensland31 Gladstone Regional Group31 Gold Coast Regional Group33 Honours and Awards Sub-committee33 ITEE Branch34 Mackay Regional Group35 Overseas Qualified Engineers Support Group36 Railway Technical Society of Australasia38 Rockhampton Regional Group39 Structural Branch40 Sunshine Coast Regional Group40 Sustainable Engineering Society42 Technologists Subcommittee43 Toowoomba Regional Group47 Townsville Regional Group48 Transport Panel49 Water Panel51 Women in Engineering52 Young Engineers

Page 4: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson



Page 5: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

2014 was another year of growth and improvement for the Queensland Division, consolidating its position as the largest Division in the organisation. The aim of the Division was to build on the strong platform set in previous years, by former Presidents like Dr Steven Goh and Simon Orton and to continue with improvements in our key areas of focus. My personal goals for this year were to have focus on the areas of Members, Media, Teamwork and CPD, which are consistent with the Queensland and National strategic plan.

Firstly members, without which our organisation wouldn’t exist. A change in policy this year has reduced the length of time that members could remain in arrears from 15 months to 3 months. As a result our overall membership reduced this year, however, we still recorded a positive increase in fee paying members. Excluding this policy change our membership would have recorded strong membership growth in excess of 6%, which given the tough economic climate is a fantastic result. We welcomed another 560 Chartered members into Queensland and continue to promote and develop the brand of Chartered as the professional badge of competence for engineering. The Division has retained a strong focus on member value and wanting to understand and provide value for our members in the services that we offer. Nationally the organisation has started defining our Member Value Proposition as part of engaging with our membership.

At a Queensland level, based off our specific geography and being a regional member myself, we have retained a strong focus on regional members and in 2013 conducted a review of Regional Membership Value. This report had a number of recommendations which are being worked through by the Division. As part of the Regulation changes made within Engineers Australia we are also establishing a Regional Advisory committee, which will be charged with taking a number of these recommendations forward to implementation.

Representing the whole engineering team is also important and we have been working closely with our Associate and Technologist groups and endorsed a number


of recommendations brought to Division Committee about how we can better support their members, including reviewing options for registration for these categories.

Media and community engagement remains a key priority for the Division. Consistency will be the key to our success in this space as well as ensuring that we are only providing media comment in areas where we can inform and add value to discussion. This year we have produced 14 media releases, resulting in 154 inclusions in the media. This media approach is now also being adopted by our groups, through the central Division office, which is giving us greater representation and relevance right across the state. The best example of the success of our media engagement this year has been the Gladstone Bund Wall Enquiry, where through a successful media campaign, we were able to advocate for the use of a professional Chartered engineer as an advisor to the Federal Government Inquiry review panel.

Focused on ensuring strong Government and Industry ties we had 40 meetings with Government and 31 meetings with industry over the past year. We also provided input in to 6 Government Plans and Strategies and established a Policy subcommittee to support further submissions. We have also continued to provide support to ministers through the use of Ministerial Advisory Panels, to provide a political technical advice. Building these strong relationships and advocating on behalf of the profession is important in enabling us to shape issues relevant to members and the community at the conception stage.

With regard to Teamwork, our most significant asset is our people and the volume of hours contributed by our volunteers is enormous. Leveraging even marginal improvements in the effectiveness of our volunteers and staff will result in enormous gains for the organisation. To this end we have been focused on implementing the structural changes associated with the new regulations and ensuring that we have clear roles and accountabilities for our office bearers and staff. To ensure support of our regional groups, the Division Staff have started travelling to the regional groups to perform inductions for the group committees, to

supplement the unit chairs induction held at the start of each year.

Finally CPD, which remains a core area of our organisation. Developments like Video-conferencing and Engineering-On-Line (EOL) will enable us to revolutionise the way we engage with our members and ensure their professional competence and development. This year we signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Central Queensland University for the use of their Videoconferencing facilities to link a number of regional locations and are exploring similar options with other organisations. The Professional Development Sub-Committee will be revised as the Learned Society Advisory Committee under our regulation changes, with the aim of this group providing more direction and coordination to CPD delivered across the state. Overall, we want to take practical steps to refine and enhance our CPD delivery to our members.

I would like to thank my employer, Ergon Energy, for their support of my role during a fairly challenging year, as well as my partner and family. Finally and most importantly I would like to thank the office bearers, staff and members for their continued support of their organisation and Division in Queensland. I look forward to supporting Chris Warnock when he takes over as President in 2015.



Page 6: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

Queensland Division continued to deliver strong results in the 2013/2014 financial year providing a great return on the hard work and commitment from our many volunteers and staff.

We achieved a rating of 84% against our 2013-2014 strategic plan, exceeding our benchmark of 80%. This is the 6th year in a row that the Division has improved in this area which is clear evidence that we continue to build on past performance each year. Membership numbers across the organisation are lower than the previous year due to a change in how members in arrears are accounted for. Despite this Queensland still delivered a positive growth in fee paying members and has extended our position as the largest Division in the organization by more than 500 members.

The 2013 Division President, Simon Orton, and our 2014 Division President, Blake Harvey, have both provided great leadership as the organization continues on its transformational path to enhancing member value and increasing relevance to all key stakeholders. It is very pleasing to see the support provided by all Office Bearers to this change process. The Queensland groups have embraced change and are supporting the focus to deliver not only a valuable technical program, but also to focus on



policy and community leadership as part of the role as well. We still have a way to go to reach maturity for this strategy, but our groups are supportive and frameworks are being implemented.

Following is a list of the key achievements for Queensland in the 13/14 financial year. Thank you to all of our volunteer Office Bearers and staff whose commitment and drive enabled over 280 events and activities to be delivered throughout Queensland. Your contribution to your profession is highly valued and appreciated.

We would like to thank our highly valued sponsors for their commitment and support to the Qld Division – Anchor, Bechtel, Brisbane City Council, Calibre, Cullens Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Leighton Contractors, Mondalephous, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, PCA, Local Buy and Jacobs.

“We achieved a rating of 84% against our 2013/2014 strategic plan, exceeding our benchmark of 80%.”


Page 7: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson


COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT• Engineering Week and 5 teams participated in Canstruction. It

was held in Reddacliff Place and was very successful and drew in a large number of spectators.

• Input was supplied to the Qld Government following their request into the Queensland Plan.

BODY OF KNOWLEDGE AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT• Technical presentations were above target (287 events were held

against a target of 150). • The support survey conducted by the Division achieved a 93%

rating. This is a good outcome and means that the changes and work implemented in the Division are being felt in the groups.

• Chartered interviews exceeded expectations and targets. Over 560 Chartered interviews were held in the financial year and all applications were processed in 4 weeks.

• Three Regional Conferences were held this year and were well attended.

LEADERSHIP AND INFLUENCE• 40 Meetings were held with Government, MPs and Departmental

heads, against a target of 10.• Over 40 meetings were held with Kindred bodies and Industry

representatives.• There was a significant increase in QLD media releases to past

years. 14 media releases resulting in 154 inclusions in the media across television, radio and newsprint.

• All regional groups were visited in the year.• A Group Induction meeting was held in February with an

attendance rate of 90%.

RECOGNITION, PROMOTION AND MEMBERSHIP• Excellence Awards was held in September, with 42 entries

received.• Communication strategy was documented and implemented.• Qld Division consolidated its position as the largest Division in

Engineers Australia.• Qld was the only Division to record an increase in fee paying

members in 13-14 year.EDUCATION AND QUALIFICATION• Support was provided to the Engineering Link Group and the

Science and Engineering Challenge• Engineering Dean’s lunch was held in November.• Universities in regional and metropolitan areas were visited.

Engineering Careers Seminars were held on site and both half day sessions were booked out.

INTERNAL STRUCTURE AND ADMINISTRATION• Aged debtors were zero at the end of the financial year.• Annual Division Meeting was held in November and attended by

over 100 members.• Achieved a voting participation rate of greater than 10% for the

annual election of office bearers.

2014 DIVISION COMMITTEEBlake Harvey MIEAust CPEng PresidentSimon Orton FIEAust CPEng Eng

Exec RPEQImmediate Past President

Peter Ho FIEAust CPEng Deputy PresidentChris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy PresidentMike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee MemberKen Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee MemberBryony Elson BE-MBA GradIEAust

A.Mus.A Committee Member

Jillian Kenny GradIEAust Committee MemberGreg McMahon MIEAust CPEng Committee MemberChris Nielsen FIEAust CPEng Committee Member



Page 8: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

QUEENSLAND DIVISION MEMBERSHIPGrade 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2013-14 % incr last

yrGraduates 3,116 3,126 3,120 3,159 3,184 3,032 -4.8%Members 6,323 7,485 8,169 9,100 9,958 10,150 1.9%Fellows (and others)

832 875 899 912 955 983 2.9%

Sub Total 10,271 11,486 12,188 13,171 14,097 14,165 0.5%Students 7,679 7,823 8,322 8,920 9,814 9,191 -6.3%Total - at 30 June

17,950 19,309 20,510 22,091 23,911 23,356 -2.3%

“Aged debtors were zero at the end of the

financial year.......Excellence Awards

was held in September, with 42 entries



Page 9: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

The 2013/2014 financial year has been a busy year for the Division. Engineers Australia is in the midst of a transformation process to refocus its direction and ensure that it remains relevant to members. This has seen the Division staff working closely with volunteers on this change process.

We have on-boarded 4 new staff in the Membership Engagement Team who are working closely with our volunteer committee members. I have also been part of the E-Renewals working group with members of other Divisions and National office teams, which was rolled out in May this year. This is the start of many exciting on-line projects that the Division and teams in National Office are working hard to deliver to our members.

During the year I attended the Townsville Conference and Excellence Awards which was a fantastic event and I enjoyed meeting the committee and seeing some of the amazing projects in the area being recognised. In the second half of the year I attended the Heritage marker ceremony in


Blackall. The Governor of Queensland did a wonderful job, she is a great ambassador for Engineers Australia and it was fantastic to visit this region and meet our volunteers out there as well as the amazing volunteers who have been responsible for restoring the wool scour. Absolutely incredible to see in working order such an amazing piece of engineering built in 1908. I also visited the Barcaldine, Longreach and Emerald groups with Blake Harvey. It is always really interesting to hear the challenges faced by our engineers especially those in regional areas. We had an interesting visit to the Quarry in Emerald as well as hearing the challenges faced by engineers in local council in the area.

Thanks again to the Committee members who always make us feel so welcome and take time out from their busy schedules to show us around.

The coming year will see some exciting changes for Engineers Australia and I look forward to working with you all.


Quarry visit in Emerald


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QUEENSLAND DIVISION SPONSORSMany thanks to our valued Queensland Division sponsors 2013-2014:Anchor, Bechtel, Brisbane City Council, Calibre, Clough, Cullens Patent and Trademark Attorneys, Leighton Contractors, Monadelphous, Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads, PCA, Local Buy and Jacobs.

2013 QUEENSLAND ENGINEERING EXCELLENCE AWARDS AwardsQueensland Engineering Excellence Awards program held in 2013 was a great success with 40 project entries received across all categories. The Airport Link Project was the overall project winner of the R.W.Hawken Award.

The winners of the individual awards were:Queensland Professional Engineer of the Year Zimi Meka FIEAustQueensland Engineering Technologist of the Year Hari Krishnan FIEAustQueensland Engineering Associate of the Year Bryan McSweeney AMIEAustQueensland Young Professional Engineer of the Year Leigh Graham MIEAust CPEngQueensland Young Engineering Technologist of the Year Andrew Leeson TMIEAust CEngT

The awards evening was held at the newly refurbished Brisbane City Hall with plenty of entertainment and celebration. Thank you to our expert panel of judges for their time and dedication to the judging process.


R.W. Hawken Award Winner – Airport Link


Individual Winners


Page 11: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

2013 AUSTRALIAN ENGINEERING WEEKOn Tuesday 6th August, the Lord Mayor, Graham Quirk officially opened Engineering Week at Canstruction®, where the week got off to a creative start with engineers constructing giant sculptures from cans of food in Reddacliff Place, Brisbane CBD. Teams from SMEC, Hatch, Betchtel, LogiCamms and AECOM braved a chilly early morning start to begin construction from 7am and continued to build throughout the day. The event drew a large amount of attention from curious passers-by and the public were asked to vote on their favourite design. Over 1800 votes received across the designs during the day, and the winner – announced People’s Choice – was the Mr Bump design, from the SMEC team. In the end, over 20,000 cans were donated to food distribution charity, Food Bank Queensland, who thanked the teams and Engineers Australia for such a fantastic contribution.

Later in the week, another design competition was going for broke at the EKKA – the 2013 Thiess Spaghetti Bridge Competition. The undisputed star was QUT engineering student Ian Macrae whose spaghetti bridge withstood a phenomenal 159.2kg load to earn him the $5,000 first prize in the university category. In the high schools category, a two student team from Brisbane Boys College smashed last year’s school record of 9.996kg with a bridge that took a load of 69.7kg. The huge achievement won BBC the $5,000 schools prize for first place. A total of 110 bridges were tested to destruction using a special rig and load cell, kindly provided by the University of the Sunshine Coast. Teams of up to four students faced the challenge of creating the strongest bridge using only spaghetti and glue to set limits, with plans underway for next year’s competition.

Other events took place around the state including a site tour to the Gore Highway, daily tours of the newly opened Brisbane City Hall, a tour of the Engineering Wonders of Brisbane, a trivia night, a tour of the Legacy Way Tunnel, and many workshops for students, engineers and the general public.

CORPORATE EVENTSThroughout the year three corporate events were delivered for members, guests and division sponsors of Engineers Australia Queensland.

The inaugural Engineers in Parliament event was held at the Queensland Parliamentary Annex. This event included the announcement of the 2013 Hall of Fame inductees George Walker and Edward Cullen. Andrew Buckley, 2012 Professional Engineer of the Year and Managing Director of Cardno presented the 2013 Hawken Address. In his presentation titled ‘’Engineering the Future”, Mr Buckley was very open in discussing the direction of engineering and Cardno, and encouraged our political leaders to get involved in the industry’s future.

Special guest presenters Neil Scales OBE FIEAust, Director General of the Department of Transport and Main Roads and Russell Smith FIEAust CPEng, CEO, Port of Brisbane presented at the event Queensland’s Future Infrastructure held in December. The informative seminar focused on the future of Queensland’s infrastructure, with a particular focus on the newly funded Port of Brisbane rail tunnel.

An issue garnering a lot of interest recently is the trend towards offshoring of engineering services, and the potential impact on our industry here in Queensland. Globalisation of the Engineering Profession: Offshoring Engineering Design provided a forum for members throughout Queensland to discuss the issues around offshoring with panel members Emma Charlton MIEAust CPEng, Workgroup Manager – IAP, AECOM, Daryl Scott MIEAust BEng Elec MBA RPEQ, Jacobs SKM, Regional Networks Client Manager & PDU Service Line Leader, ANZ Resources & Power, and Ed Szymanski FIEAust CPEng, Regional Manager of Engineering, Bechtel. This event was held in Brisbane, video-streamed to Gladstone, and Mackay, and was facilitated by incoming Division President Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng.


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MEDIAEngineer Australia’s Queensland Division has had a fantastic number of media hits in the past. Engineers Australia’s media strategy positions our organisation as the ‘go-to’ for engineering expertise. Engineers Australia Queensland and spokespersons have been featured in many media outlets, including print, online, television and radio. A highlight was Australian Engineering Week 2013, with a strong media focus on across the country.

QUEENSLAND MEMBER COMMUNICATIONSIn response to member feedback, the Queensland eNewsletter now provides more industry updates and news content. The Queensland eNewsletter is emailed monthly to Queensland members. As well as this, an Event Alert email is sent to members every fortnight. The Event Alert includes up-coming CPD opportunities for members throughout the state.

Elesha Piper and Kate Condon – Events and Communications Team


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QUEENSLAND CPD PROGRAMMING AND DELIVERYThe 2013-2014 financial year saw Queensland Groups (regional and urban committees, panels, sub-committees, branches and societies) deliver an unprecedented number of events, meetings and activities.With the support and guidance from the Membership Engagement Team (MET), Queensland Groups collectively delivered a total of 1,128 CPD hours (this includes technical presentations, site tours, workshops, conferences, networking and meetings) This is an outstanding achievement considering that the MET had a complete facelift during the year with new team members Natasha Diduk, Sara James, Lauren Jasch, as well as myself (Ana Blake). And, of course, special mention and thanks goes to our very professional, hard- working and dedicated office bearers and volunteers across the state for making us all feel welcome and making this fantastic outcome possible.

Engineers Australia’s library of online CPD has grown to more than 900 recorded technical seminars. This resource continues to be free to all members on the Engineers Australia website. This financial year also saw the launch by Engineering Education Australia (EEA) of Engineering Online (EOL) available to all engineers for training and CPD. It is offered to members at a discounted subscription rate with some content available free of charge.

ANNUAL GROUP CHAIRS MEETINGThe 2014 Annual Group Chairs Meeting held in February was a successful two day event with excellent attendance from most groups. This was followed up in July with an additional regional roadshow from Ian McEwan to ensure that all groups were aware of the ongoing changes within EA.

QUEENSLAND UNIVERSITY STUDENT ENGAGEMENT AND AWARDSQueensland Division participated in Orientation Week activities at 12 university campuses (urban and regional) in February 2014. On campus activities and presentations delivered by both EA Staff and volunteers reached most first year students. The increased focus and coordination of Division’s participation in O-week activities resulted in many new student members across Queensland and created further connections with key university personnel including UQ. In the 2013-2014 financial year 13 University Student Awards were bestowed on


recipients across Queensland.

ANNUAL QUEENSLAND GROUP SURVEYThe Annual Queensland Group Survey was conducted in December 2013. In the key performance measure ‘Support groups to deliver a technical program throughout the year’ the Queensland Division Team achieved a 93.4% positive approval rating.

Ana Blake Natasha DidukMembership Engagement Membership EngagementManager Officer

Sara James Lauren JaschMembership Engagement Membership EngagementOfficer Officer


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Room Hire

Rent Received

Sponsorship Received

Event Income

National Allocation

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Income 2013 - 2014

The Queensland Division Finance Report covers the period 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014.The Queensland Division has recorded a surplus of $35,690 against a planned deficit of $37,975. This equates to a net surplus of $73,665 against budget.

INCOMEThe total income for the Division received for the financial year was $1,938,259 which was $367,575 less than budget.

The Division continues to derive its income from the combination of an allocation of subscription revenues from National Office, sponsorship of Division events, entry fees, rent from office space and meeting rooms within Engineering House. The graph below highlights the percentage split of income received by the Division.




There were many successful events held this year, being the Australian Engineering Week, the Electrical 2 Day Seminar, the Work, Health and Safety seminar held by the Chemical group and the three regional conferences held this year. These events all achieved higher than budgeted results.Sponsorship facilitates the Division offering a range of activities and services to members and the community. The importance of all of our sponsorship partners is recognized and appreciated.

Through the continuing support from our volunteer members who are involved in the various Committees and Groups, we were able to continue to hold comprehensive technical and networking events. The support from our volunteer’s is invaluable and we would like to thank those for their efforts. We also thank the many groups who actively sought their own sponsorship partners to support their programs during the year.


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EXPENDITUREThe Division’s total expenditure for the period was $1,902,569 which was $441,240 less than budgeted. The reduction in expenditure was predominantly related to the decrease in spending by the local and regional groups. A majority of our groups have been closely looking at the types of events they are holding ie opting not to have loss making events, charging for events, ensuring they run breakeven events and reviewing expenditure. It shows a great commitment by our volunteers to the new strategy and the vision of Engineers Australia going forward and we commend the groups on their efforts.

Expenditure during 2013-14 is reported against our six key Objectives are as follows:-

- Expenditure by Objective 2013 – 2014Community Engagement $43,142Body of Knowledge and Professional Development (Includes Local & Regional Groups) $632,964Leadership and Influence $327,014 Recognition, Promotion and Membership $271,870 Education and Qualification $137,359 Internal Structure and Administration $490,220 TOTAL $1,902,569







Internal Structure & Administration

Education and Qualification

Recognition, Promotion and MembershipSponsorship

Leadership and Influence

Body of Knowledge & Professional Development

Community Engagement

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Expenditure 2013 - 2014

Nationally, Engineers Australia prepares consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Reporting Standards. A copy of the consolidated financial report is provided in the national Annual Report and is available on-line at www.engineersaustralia.org.au. The national consolidated financial reports have been audited by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu.

Queensland Division has met all key internal business cycle milestones and reporting deadlines.


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APPLICATIONS AND ASSESSMENTSWe have had another busy year of applications and assessments – over 700 applications received and assessed in the past year with 560 chartered interviews held. Assessors John Reid and chartered officer Karen Bush left EA in the past twelve months and we thank both of them for their excellent work - there are now six assessors based in Qld. Gemma Morton returned to work from Maternity Leave and with Jo Ward are both providing excellent work in organising the 40 to 50 plus chartered interviews a month. Thank you also to our volunteer 800 plus chartered panelists - without your assistance we could not complete the chartered interviews. With the introduction of video conferencing facilities in the chartered office we have extended our volunteer chartered panelists to the Qld Regions and to date have over 40 volunteers in the major centres volunteering to assist with chartered interviews by video conference.

WORKSHOPS AND CHARTERED PROCESSESWe have visited the majority of the larger local regional groups in the past 12 months and held over 40 workshops on the new eChartered and 2012 Stage 2 competencies plus PDP writing workshops – these have been attended by over 1500 engineers. We also held two workshops with our volunteer chartered panelists and these provided excellent feedback on current processes and improvements from the 170 plus attendees. We are implementing a Quality Assurance System for the Stage 2 Assessment Processes and this is the excellent work of Qld Assessor Col Colquhoun.


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2013 - 14 has been a busy year for the Business Development Team in Queensland. During this period our focus has been on embedding the new (2012) Chartered competencies and pathways in engineering organisations, fully supporting new organisations to support their staff towards becoming Chartered together with increasing their understanding of the value of Chartered and the wider offerings of Engineers Australia. The BD team continues to work closely with the Queensland Division staff and staff in the Chartered Assessment area.

In the coming financial year, our focus will shift from focusing solely on the Professional Development Program (PDP), to focus on the Chartered credential and promoting the value of Chartered within Industry. From 1 July, we have been joined by Lauren Jasch as Business Development Manager – Membership. Lauren’s work compliments the work that we do within Industry, by focusing on supporting the membership process.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTSThe 2013-14 financial year saw 447 new participants in the PDP, bringing the total number of PDP participants at the end of the financial year to 1671. Over 80 presentations to over 1000 members and prospective members were delivered in the year. This included the Business Development team delivering monthly public Chartered Pathways Workshops since October.

During the financial year period, over 130 repeat contact meetings were held to enhance relationships with organisations and a total of 35 meetings were held with potential new partner organisations. We welcomed the following organisations as PDP Partners:• SEQ Water • Ipswich City Council• Flanagan Consulting • Madsen Giersing• Gladstone Area Water Board • Wilmar Sugar• QLD Airports • MPN Consulting

Discussions are ongoing with a number of other organisations that hopefully will soon become PDP Partners.

Kathryn Barwick presenting Kate Brand MIEAust CPEng with her Chartered Certificate


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Page 19: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

Chairperson: Paul BarracloughSecretary: Diane MatherTreasurer: Alan RobertsonCommittee Members: Jurij Karlovsek (YP), Brendan Henry, Scott Keniston, Craig Roberts, Andrew Day (PDSC), Warren Mahoney (Industry Rep), Jeremy Kruger, Alejandro Gonzales, Fernando Vara, Matthew Norbert, Simon Strong, Lucas Surka, Harry Asche

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP:Australasian Tunnelling Society (ATS) is a Technical Society of Engineers Australia and affiliated with Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, the Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand and the International Tunnelling Association (ITA).The aim of the group is to search knowledge and provide a technical group to promote the tunnelling industry in Australia and New Zealand. Work with Industry to develop best practice Tunnelling in Australia and New Zealand through training, conferences, workshops and working groups.

SPONSORS:Platinum Sponsors: Bekart One Steel Fibres Australia (BOSFA),Herrenknecht, John Holland Group, McConnell Dowell, Thiess

Gold Sponsors: Acciona, Ampcontrol, Arup, Aurecon, Australian Tunnelling Services, Ausrocks, Bamser, BASF, Bluey, Jacobs Associates, Mott MacDonald, One Steel, Parsons Brinkerhoff, SMEC, Rix, Xypex

EVENT SUMMARY:The ATS held ten technical sessions through the year. The Annual ATS Golf day was held in October 2013, technical sessions and workshops for students were held in August 2013 and April 2014. Two, one-day workshops were held in May 2013 and August 2013.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Our Young Professional Committee member became the chair of the International Tunnelling Association Young Members Group. ATS QLD joined Linkedin and Twitter to advertise our technical sessions. Student memberships increased via engagement with universities and the group continued to raise money for the RBWH through our


annual QLD industry golf day. Committee meetings were held each quarter. The group has one nominated representative on the Standards Australia review committee for AS 1726 Site Investigation.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Vertical Boring technology; overview of vertical

boring technology available to industry and developments in applications - Simon Strong, Herrenknecht. (60 attendees)

August 2013

UQ Geotechnical Engineer Roadshow- Diane Mather Simon Strong. (47 students)Technical Talk Legacy Way Tunnels, Brisbane – Construction Update (venue at University of Queensland) - Mateo Ortu, Transcity. (130 attendees inc students)Underground Space Workshop One-day workshop on use of underground space - keynote speaker Ray Stirling, plus various speakers. (60 attendees)

September 2013

Woolloongabba Trunk Sewer Phase 2 – Pipejacking Project overview and construction case study - Ken Muir, John Holland. (65 Attendees)

October 2013

QLD ATS Charity Golf Day, fund -raiser for Royal Brisbane Womens Hospital. (70 attendees)

November 2013

Project Update Beauty World – C916 DTL2 Singapore Project overview and construction case study - Chris Swaine, McConnell Dowell. (50 attendees)

December 2013

Modelling as a Tool to Develop a Fire Safety Strategy for Tunnels by Professor José L. Torero - Head of the School of Civil Engineering at The University of Queensland . (50 attendees)

February 2014

T2E’s St Helena Tunnel by Albrecht Mueller (Lend Lease Engineering) Project overview and construction case study. (95 attendees)

March 2014

North Strathfield Rail Underpass – Driven Tunnel Project overview and construction case study - Ted Nye, Mott MacDonald. (95 attendees)

April 2014 Brisbane Bus & Train (BaT) tunnel project briefing (at University of Queensland, joint event with structures group) - Arthur Stamatoudis, QLD DTMR. (250 attendees)

May 2014 East Side Access Project Manhattan NY, Project overview and construction case study - Paul Kulesha, was Dragados, now Lendlease. (50 attendees)

June 2014 Wheatstone Pipejack Tunnel Project, project overview and construction case study - Daniel Backhouse, Thiess. (60 attendees)


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Brisbane Bus and Tunnel Briefing

Golf Day

mining. Our members comprise of project managers, cost engineers, planners, estimators and contract administrators working with owners, contractors and constructors. Our goal is to increase the skill base within our industry through education and awareness of topical issues.

EVENT SUMMARY:This year saw the ACES with a relatively new and vibrant committee with a focus on education and certification for all ACES members. Our monthly meetings discussed a variety of topics, from defining project controls to the current airport expansion. As the year progressed our meetings grew and saw a number of young engineers attend.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 ACES/AACEI relationship and certificationAugust 2013 Managing the unknownsSeptember 2013 Planning and Scheduling Packages, where are

they atOctober 2013 Productivity and Learning CurveFebruary 2014 ACES/AACEI relationship and certificationMarch 2014 Senior Management Review of Project CPM

SchedulesApril 2014 Back chargesMay 2014 BAC third runwayJune 2014 EV to measure Construction performance

AUSTRALIAN COST ENGINEERING SOCIETYChairperson: Louis VidottoSecretary: Chris AllenTreasurer: Chris AllenCommittee Members: Doug Logan, Lynne Millard, Greg Wruck, Ashok Pillai, Donald McDonald, Laurie Bowman

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Australian Cost Engineering Society (ACES www.costengineer.org.au) QLD chapter in association with the Association for Advancement of Cost Engineers (AACE www.aacei.org) meets on the first Tuesday of each month to discuss topics relevant to the project controls industry in Queensland. Members span a wide range of industries, including oil and gas, infrastructure, minerals and

AUSTRALIAN GEOMECHANCIS SOCIETYChairperson: Vladimir LopezSecretary: Nicole TuckerTreasurer: Ed TuplinCommittee Members: Vladimir Lopez, Nicole Tucker, Ed Tuplin, Sevda Dehkhoda, Theo Gerritsen, Tim Thompson, Andi Lesmana, Charlie Strick, David Lacey, Robert Harrington, Andy Williams, Dan Martin, Alison Golsby, Mario Vlasich, Jeremy Fredericks, Kirri Rankine, Allan McConnell, David Williams, Symon Jackson


Page 21: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The AGS produces “Australian Geomechanics”, the newsletter and journal of the Society; as well as specialty conferences, symposia, seminars and workshops, including the four yearly ANZ Geomechanics conference. The journal is published four times a year. The AGS is jointly sponsored by the Institution of Engineers Australia and the Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. The Australian Geomechanics Society was founded in 1970. Its origins lie in the National Committee of Soil Mechanics of the Institution of Engineers, Australia established in 1953 and the call for a corresponding society in rock mechanics. In 1973 the society was expanded to include the third discipline of engineering geology and has remained substantially unchanged since that date.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Bimonthly committee meetings and generally aiming for a number of events a year comprising of monthly seminars, distinguished speaker lectures, foundation workshops, a 1 day annual symposium and social events.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 WIEQ joint event and Barangaroo South

Development, Sydney, by Frances Badelow.August 2013 E.H. Davis Memorial Lecture 2012: Combined

Loading Of Offshore Foundations, by Mark Cassidy.

September 2013

Groundwater in Mining, by Ian Hair & Detlef Bringemeier.

October 2013 Queensland One Day Symposium: “Geotechnical Challenges and Lessons Learned”, by John Phillips, GHD; Patrick Wong, Coffey; Martyn Robotham, Rio Tinto; Jeremy Kruger, Thiess; Peter Mitchell, Aurecon; Chris Haberfield, Golder Associates; 52nd Rankine Lecture: Performance-Based Design In Geotechnical Engineering, by Malcolm Bolton; and Foundation Workshop: Laboratory Testing, Theory and Practical Application.

November 2013 2013 AGS QLD Boat Cruise; Student Research Projects Event; and Annual AGS Dinner, presented by Allan McConnell.

December 2013 Geosynthetics in Road Pavement Design Methods.

February 2014 2012 John Jaeger Lecture: Introducing Geotechnical Design to Shallow Geothermal Systems, by Professor Ian Johnston; and Foundation properties of variably weathered rock beneath a heavy mineral processing plant, by David Starr.

March 2014 Micropiles for deep foundations and slope stability by Allen Cadden and Donald Bruce.

April 2014 Foundation Workshop – Logging of Core for Civil Geotechnical Purposes, by Joe Gough.

May 2014 Tasting & Networking Event and Monthly Seminar – Jack Box Tunnelling, Jeremy Kruger-Thiess.

June 2014 The 2012 Terzaghi Lecture Geoenvironmental Engineering – Problems Solved and Challenges Remaining, by David Daniel; and the Open cut Mining/Slope stability BBOCGS joint event.

BIOMEDICAL BRANCHChairperson: Zoe CampbellSecretary: Alyssa MorrisTreasurer: Kathryn ChandlerCommittee Members: Roy Kei, Kristen Kronk, Izmir Congo, Kristy Garrick, Samuel Baker

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The aim of the Biomedical Engineering Branch is to promote the discipline, provide professional development opportunities and an opportunity to network with others in the field.

EVENT SUMMARY:This was a very successful year for the Queensland Biomedical Branch. We had a relatively new and vibrant committee and were able to put on a host of events throughout the year for our members. The group held 10 events throughout the year with great attendance from members, non- members and students.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The Biomedical Branch continued the strong ties made last year with the student Biomedical group at QUT (FoME). There were several events that were co-hosted with FoME that had great attendance from both members and students. The Student Engagement event held in September was a major success and proved to be the showcase of the 2013-2014 year for the group.


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TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 Nanopatch Presentation – 21st August, speaker:

Professor Mark Kendall, Vaxxas. Technical presentation on the nanopatch technology and future developments of Vaxxas’s research. (18 attendees). MERF Site Tour – 28th August, speaker: Dr Roland Stack, Deputy Director of MERF. Technical presentation and site tour of the Medical Engineering Research Facility at the Prince Charles Hospital. Co-hosted with FoME. (24 attendees)

September 2013 Careers Evening – 12th September, speakers: Kelly Coverdale, Graeme McCauley, Kristen Kronk, Mikael Weber and Shaun Gregory. Panel discussion by industry representatives for biomedical engineering students discussing career path and options for graduates. This was our showcase event for the 2013-2014 year and was co-hosted with FoME. The evening was extremely well received. (approx. 74 attendees). Intuitive Interaction for Older People Presentation – 24th September, speaker: Associate Professor Thea Blacker, QUT. Technical presentation on intuitive interaction for older people with every day household devices. (9 attendees)

October 2013 ABEC Conference – 13-16th October, held in Sydney. This was the second year the conference was held independently of EPSM. The college was able to secure sponsorship for the conference and it was a major success. (approx. 150 attendees). The Medical Room – 21st October, speaker: Mike Green. Presentation on The Medical Room from the UK. Overview of the company and the competency based practical hands-on training program for biomedical engineering associates. (24 attendees)

November 2013 AGM, End of Year Celebration and Annual Biomedical Design Challenge – 22nd November, held at The Jubilee Hotel. Overview of the years events created strong ties with FoME, held the most technical events in a year, great turn out at events. Design challenge was a success, nominations for 2014 committee finalised. (24 attendees)

February 2014 GCUH Presentation – 18th February, speaker: Neeraj Anuj, Biomedical Technology Services, Queensland Health. Technical presentation on the Gold Coast University Hospital and what the value is of embedding a biomedical engineer in a project/programme management role in a major health infrastructure project. (29 attendees)

April 2014 IEC 80001 Presentation – 9th April, speaker: Tony Cowan, Biomedical Technology Services, Queensland Health. Technical presentation on the IEC80001 suite of standards that addresses the risks associated with connecting medical devices to hospital networks. (18 attendees)

May 2014 Matthew Ames Presentation – 16th May, speaker: Matthew Ames. Presentation on what happened to him, where he is today and what is planned for his future including the osteointegration process, target muscle innovation and options for future prosthetic technologies. Hosted by FoME.(50 attendees)

BURNETT REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Rob Marshman Secretary: Dr Benjamin Taylor Treasurer: Suzanne Brown

Committee Members: Michael Egan, Warren Paulger, Kathi Jeyandran

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Burnett Regional Group serves the Bundaberg Region. The group offers networking events and high quality CPD training to members and associates. The group is also focused on raising the awareness of engineering as a profession to high school students throughout the Burnett districts; and disseminating CPD through live streamed video conferencing.

EVENT SUMMARY:The Burnett Regional Group was associated with more than ten events in the last twelve months to fulfill the group’s aims. Our partnership with CQ University and the other regional groups in Central Queensland facilitated members enjoying several live streamed events in conjunction with the Central Queensland Regional Conference. Members also attended CPD and networking events


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jointly coordinated with our partners Bundaberg Regional Council, Bundaberg Sugar and CQ University. The group also assisted with organising career experience events for senior school students.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:This year, the group provided approximately 800 CPD hours to participating members and expounded engineering concepts and career prospects to high school students from throughout the Wide Bay and Burnett district. These achievements are the product of a small committee that meets monthly and many dedicated member volunteers who have offered valuable assistance.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Bundaberg Careers Expo 2013 - Members and

the committee partnered with CQ University and gave their time to assist high school students with career advice.

August 2013 Transport Panel – Modelling networks with Rahmi Akcelik (SIDRA), Arron Walker (Bundaberg Regional Council); and from Zero Carbon Australia Patrick Hearps and Gerard Drew. Partnering with CQ University and other Central Queensland Regional Groups, participants heard about the latest developments in modelling intersections and road networks. (20 attendees)

October 2013 Engineering Risk Seminar with Dr Maksym Spiryagin Associate Professor Yvonne Toft and Professor Peter Wolfs from CQ University. This event was received from the Rockhampton Regional Group which allowed our local members to hear about the latest in risk assessment and safety in design. Central Engineering Conference (CEC2013) was the main event for our 2013-2014 year. The conference included 13 technical presentations with keynote addresses from Dr Marlene Kanga (EA), Professor James Ball (UTS), Dr Hayden Betts (KBR) and Graeme Newton (QRA). Also Andrew Fulton, Adam Wyatt and Dwayne Honor (Bundaberg Regional Council) and many other speakers presented. The conference was attended by over 90 delegates, which is the highest attendance for this conference in Bundaberg in over a decade.

November 2013 AGM and networking night. The AGM and end of year networking night was held at the CQ University. (13 attendees)

March 2014 Networking Event

April 2014 At-Site Flood Frequency Analysis using a Bayesian Framework: Practical Considerations. This event was streamed from Engineering House. (25 attendees)

May 2014 Linking Engineering and Science with Teachers (LEAST) with Dr Benjamin Taylor, Professor Phil Brown and Dr Ramadas Narayana (CQ University). (15 attendees) Chartered Status Workshop streamed from Brisbane with Mike Garrett (6 attendees) Bundaberg Careers Expo 2014 - Members and the committee partnered with CQ University and gave their time to assist high school students with career advice.

CAIRNS REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Simon SteinhoferSecretary: Alison BarrettTreasurer: Jeremy EvansCommittee Members: Danette McLean, Carmella Camilleri, Rachel Cochrane, Andrew Whitehead, Sean McGuiness, Laim Kenny, Richard Faulkner, Matt Dimagio, Nicholas Brook, Thomas Haupt, Tanvir Asgar, Victor Adamczyk

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Cairns Regional Group covers a significant and remote area of North Queensland that is the home to a wide variety of engineering disciplines. The committee group has continued to grow and now has a strong and diverse committee with a range of experience and engineering disciplines that reflects the region. This growth has helped the committee further develop its event calendar while building relationships with other technical groups in the area. An example of a new relationship is with the Tropical Green Building Networks where the two groups are assisting in providing events on sustainable building in North Queensland. With a wide area to cover the group has continued to provide events to members in the outer Cairns Regions. An example of these events was a site tour of the Lake Tinaroo dam wall that was also tied in as a family day.

SPONSORS:CBC Staff Selection, Koppen Developments, Black and More, LDI Constructions, Hutchinson Builders, JM Switchboards, Xylem, Stramit and Colorbond


Page 24: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

EVENT SUMMARY:The committee has continued its strong approach to delivering a wide range of events with over one event per month being held for our members, non-members and students. The events selected have provided variety for a range of disciplines and included site visits, technical presentations, workshops, social events and other informative sessions. All events have been well attended.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The group has been able to provide low cost quality CPD by utilising a number of venues that have been provided to the group at no cost. These venues have been provided by the Cairns Regional Council Civic Reception Center (to hold medium to large size events), Flanagan Consulting Groups boardroom (to hold meetings and small presentations) and James Cook University has provided the lecture hall in the Cairns Institute. The group has also benefited from a strong sponsorship program that now includes over nine companies. The group is developing our relationships with our sponsors to ensure that each sponsor finds value for money. This sponsorship combined with our venue selection has allowed the group to conclude the year with a surplus which will go towards providing further low cost CPD to our members.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Tropical Green Building Network

& Breakfast : provided an overview of the Tropical Green Building program and current findings. (30 Attendees)

August 2013 Pizza Night – ‘Saving Brisbane City Hall’ recorded presentation. (11 Attendees)

September 2013 Queensland Presidents Breakfast. (25 Attendees)2013 Award Nomination Launch and Chartered Presentation: 2012 Award Winners presentation followed by a presentation on Chartership. (Attendees 19)Young Engineers Leadership Day (12 Attendees)

November 2013 Cairns Gala Awards Night. (139 attendees)

December 2013 Cairns AGM & Christmas Networking event. (25 Attendees)

February 2014 Bruce Hwy Upgrade Site Visit. (17 Attendees)Speed Networking Event. (12 Attendees)

March 2014 Cairns Information Pizza Night. (10 attendees)

April 2014 JCU Chillers and The Cairns Institute Site Visit. (22 Attendees)Pizza Night – “Perception of Risk” Webcast presentation. (11 Attendees)

May 2014 Authentic Project Management Presentation and Breakfast. (26 Attendees)

June 2014 Eminent Speaker – Dr Bruce Ward Presentation. (27 Attendees)Cairns North Substation Site Tour. (31 Attendees)

Gala Awards Night

Bruce Highway Upgrade Site Visit


Page 25: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

CENTRAL HIGHLANDS REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Colin SheldonSecretary: Roel BuluagTreasurer: Lachlan BrowningCommittee Members: Colin Dziewicki, Ahmad Haqqani, Tabassum Fatima

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Central Highlands Regional Group aim is to offer networking and CPD opportunities to members within Emerald and the surrounding Central Highlands region. It is our intent to engage and encourage new and existing members to be more involved and participate in our organised events in order to build connections and extend technical knowledge. Quality technical tours and presentations are our priority to ensure members are getting value for the distances they travel for CPD.

EVENT SUMMARY:The Central Highlands Region Group set a target of holding an event every 2nd month, with committee meetings held every other month. This target was exceeded, with the past year seeing us hold 7 events, including 3 technical site tours, 1 professional presentation, 2 networking dinners and our AGM night. The number of attendees at these events ranged from 9 to 19.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The year has seen a number of fresh faces on the committee after the relocation of key office bearers, and despite the challenge the quality of the delivered CPD has been a credit to the effort of the group. The small committee consistently met every 2nd month and volunteered their time to organise interesting and beneficial events. Our smaller member base coupled with the size and remoteness of the area has seen the group embrace technology in committee meetings to allow any member to connect, using videoconferencing to engage across the expansive region.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Professional Engineers Act 2002 review

presentation. Guest speaker Clare Murray, Registrar of the Board of Professional Engineers, presented the key issues arising from the 2012 review of the Act to local EA members, focusing on the discussion paper and responses from industry, organisations and individuals. (10 attendees)

August 2013 President’s Visit and Dinner with QLD Division President, Simon Orton & EA QLD General Manager Ian McEwan. The President’s dinner was well attended, where Simon spoke on the future direction of Engineers Australia, priorities for the year ahead and membership value. The committee also accompanied Simon and Ian on a tour of the region’s gem field and Fairburn Dam. (19 attendees)

September 2013 BMA Blackwater Mine Site Tour. Members were thrilled with the opportunity to see draglines, excavators, dozers and dump trucks all in action. The tour also included a detailed presentation where the mining process was explained, from pre-strip, excavation and processing to transportation of the final coal production. (10 attendees)

Professional Engineers Act 2002 review presentation

BMA Blackwater Mine Site Tour


Page 26: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

November 2013 2013 AGM & Christmas Dinner. The AGM and Christmas party was held at the Emerald Explorers Inn, which provided a great opportunity for members and their partners to celebrate the end of a successful 2013 for the group. The dinner was concluded with the nomination and acceptance of new office bearers and committee. (15 attendees)

March 2014 Fulton Hogan Asphalt Plant Tour. Sales & Marketing Manager Matthew Sims headlined a technical presentation along with Fulton Hogan staff which detailed the capabilities of the company and the services provided to the CQ region including the roading, construction and mining sectors. This was followed by a site tour of the Emerald asphalt plant facility with practical demonstration of equipment. (13 attendees)

May 2014 Ensham Mine Tour. Attendees were treated to an in-depth presentation on open cut coal mining by Ensham’s Engineering & Maintenance Manager Doug Munro, who then escorted persons around the site to see mining equipment at work. Attendees were lucky enough to see the impressive draglines in operation as well as walk inside and experience a dragline during its shutdown. (12 attendees)President’s Visit and Dinner with QLD Division President, Blake Harvey & EA QLD Operations Manager Jenny Hutchens. Local members attended a dinner with Blake and Jenny to hear about the current visions and direction of EA. During the visit, local members joined Blake and Jenny on a tour of Shepton Quarry and also met with regional council to discuss local engineering matters. (9 attendees)

CENTRAL WEST REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Brian DuffySecretary: Ryan GraysonTreasurer: P.J Cullivan and P Farrell (acting)Committee Members: Brian Duffy, Chris Smith (Vice Chair), P.J Cullivan, Ryan Grayson, Stuart Bourne (outgoing Chair), Alvin Feeney (outgoing secretary

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Central West Regional Group aims to provide a forum for members in the remote Central West region to interact through both CPD opportunities and networking and to offer a medium in which regional engineering issues can be highlighted at a national level.

EVENT SUMMARY:The group held 2 events, the first - The Central West 2014 Technical Tour of the remote south west outback provided an opportunity for 11 local EA members to inspect remote engineering projects and discuss existing infrastructure performance and potential future upgrades. The second event was held in conjunction with Engineering Heritage Australia, the awarding of Heritage Marker to the Blackall Woolscour.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The Central West Regional Group this year aimed to encourage and increase the presence and participation of recent new overseas migrant EA members to the area. This was achieved through improved circulation and communication of group activities such as local events and meetings in the area.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 Members Meeting: Chair Stuart Bourne hosted.

(10 attendees)November 2013 Annual General Members Meeting: End of

year meeting and social family dinner, new committee elected, Chair Stuart Bourne hosted. (18 attendees)Technical presentation to local members by Aquatec, hosted by outgoing secretary Alvin Feeney. (14 attendees)

Central Western Technical Tour


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February 2014 Members Meeting: Chair Brian Duffy hosted. (15 attendees)

March 2014 Technical presentation by Atlantic Civils Products to local members: Secretary Ryan Grayson hosted. (15 attendees)

May 2014 Member Meetings: May 19th: Presidents Dinner/Meeting: Chair Brian Duffy hosted. (16 attendees) Pre-Technical Tour Meeting: Chair Brian Duffy hosted. (10 attendees)

June 2014 EA Central West Technical Tour: 4 day tour of remote south west Queensland, encompassing items of cultural and engineering interest. (11 attendees)

SPECIAL ACKNOWLEDGEMENT:The committee tragically lost one of their members, Graham Proud. We would like to acknowledge and remember his energy and enthusiastic contribution. He will be sadly missed. May he rest in peace.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:During 2013-2014 the committee combined with other EA committees on four occasions to organise events. CELM pioneered a live interactive video streaming event that brought together audiences in Brisbane, Gladstone and Mackay. CELM also produced several articles for the Queensland magazine. The committee continues to attract a diverse group of engaged individuals, ranging between 10 and 15 members per monthly meeting. A feature of these meetings is the presentation of a leadership topic by a committee member.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 CELM Leadership Series: Mentoring

Presentation and Panel Discussion, Panelists: David Finch, Carolyn Alchin and Jacki Eames. Mentoring is a powerful development and empowerment tool and an effective way of helping people progress their careers in an environment of trust and respect. We discovered tips and advice as our expert panellists shared their experiences and insights on mentoring and its role in career and leadership development.

October 2013 WIE-CELM Annual Leadership Breakfast - Leading the Way, Catherine Tanner. The Annual Leadership Breakfast featured a key note address from Catherine Tanna, Chairman of BG Australia and influential female in the engineering arena.

November 2013 Leadership Series- An Engineering Responsibility - should we leave safety to the psychologists? Sidney Dekker. Safety in engineering provides a great challenge for engineers balancing cost versus risk. Morals, values and ethics balanced against value, cost and feasibility. Sidney’s presentation challenged us to think differently about our role, our morals and values as engineers and people.“Leadership is not Rocket Science” Townsville Regional Conference, CELM presentation.CELM AGM Career Reflections and Guidance for Engineering Leaders and Managers Keynote Speaker: Allan Krosch, Former Executive Director, Department of Transport and Main Roads.

CENTRE FOR ENGINEERING LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT Chairperson: Blake BarrettDeputy: Wolfgang DempseySecretary: Stephanie Moroz/Jason GallagherTreasurer: Stephanie Moroz/Darren SmithCommittee Members: Blake Barrett, Stephanie Moroz, Sam Maloney, Wolfgang Dempsey, Geoff Spencer, John Taylor, Ray Whitehead, Mark Carter, Dale Garson, Ed Szymanski, Jason Gallagher, Jane (Xia) Xiaoyan, Darren Smith, Imran Khan, Azam Zienalzadeh, James O’Brien, Mitch Burley, Jon Lee, Graham Pound, Peter Clark

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management (CELM) aims to encourage and empower engineering team members for significant leadership and management roles. The Queensland chapter committee is based in Brisbane, and welcomes engagement from Engineers Australia members throughout Queensland.

EVENT SUMMARY:CELM coordinated and participated in nine events. The events were well attended and stimulated engaging discussions and development opportunities.


Page 28: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

March 2014 CELM - Engineering Exposed, The Softer Side of Engineering - Technical Presentation. Whilst Engineers are largely renowned for their intelligence and excellent analytical skills, the soft-skills required for a successful forward moving career are often overlooked, or not seen as being as important in their personal and professional development. The purpose of this forum was to highlight the significance of non-technical skills such as communication, collaboration and leadership.

May 2014 CELM and WIE - Communication in Crisis - Leadership Breakfast, Amanda Newbery Managing Director of Articulous Communications explored the role leader’s play when communicating in a crisis.Innovations & CELM - Protecting Your Intellectual Property Assets.This seminar examined how different types of intellectual property protection can be used strategically to help meet business objectives.

June 2014 EA QLD & CELM - Globalisation of the Engineering Profession: Offshoring Engineering Design. An issue garnering a lot of interest recently is the trend towards offshoring of engineering services, and the potential impact on our industry here in Queensland. This event was held in Brisbane and video-streamed to Gladstone, and Mackay.

EVENT SUMMARY:11 events successfully delivered. Average attendance (non-conference events) 30 people.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Successfully held 2013 Chemeca Conference. Achieved 3 site tours against a target of 2. Averaged one technical event every 2 months. AGM and student mentor event also completed.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Technical Event – Hydrexia - Hydrogen Storage

Technology. (19 attendees)August 2013 UQ ChESS Mentor Night. (40 students plus

industry mentors)September 2013

Site Tour – Incitec Pivot, Murrarie. (30 attendees)

October 2013 Chemeca 2013, Annual Conference of the Australasian Federation of Chemical Engineers – 2.5 days., (300 attendees)

November 2013 Technical Event – Australia’s Energy Future, Professor Chris Greig. (40 attendees)Site Tour – Caltex Lytton Refinery. (25 attendees)

December 2013 JCEC Annual General Meeting. (17 attendees, 7x EA members)

February 2014 Technical Event – Economic Biorefineries for Fuels, speaker Prof Geoff Covey. (32 attendees)

March 2014 Technical Event – Process Safety Events in Hindsight , speaker Peter Wilkinson, Noetics. (30 attendees)

May 2014 Technical Event – Process Safety, speaker Professor Jan Hayes ANU. (47 attendees)Site Tour – UQ Advanced Engineering Building. (20 attendees)

CHEMICAL COLLEGE Chairperson: Iain McGuffogSecretary: Alasdair BeveridgeTreasurer: Ainslie JustCommittee Members: Joann Kirby, Olivia King, Robert Jorgensen, Azadeh Hamzeii

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: To encourage networking amongst chemical and process engineers in industry, academia and government; to host technical presentations on topics of interest and relevance; to host site visits to process plants or other facilities of technical or educational value.

SPONSORS:Caltex Australia, University of Queensland, ToxFree, BMA

ELECTRIC ENERGY SOCIETY OF AUSTRALIAChairperson: Kim BoydSecretary: Rowan KendallTreasurer: Greg BartlettCommittee Members: Mark Broadmeadow, Lawrie Cleary, Mark Hibbert, Shaun McIntyre, Ian Nichols, Alexandra Price, Sasha Stjepanovic.


Page 29: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: Electric Energy Society of Australia (EESA) aims to provide a continuous professional development program to members of the Society. The scope encompasses generation, transmission, distribution, retail and customer end-use of electric energy.

EVENT SUMMARY:Over the course of 2013 -14, the EESA Queensland Chapter held eight technical presentations and offered two national webinars to members. Of the eight presentations, three were site visits that included technical presentation and practical demonstrations. Typically each seminar attracted around 50 participants demonstrating strong interest in the seminar topics.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:EESA aims to arrange at least eight topical and informative presentations to its members over a twelve month period. An attendance of at least 30 at each event is considered successful. This was exceeded in every presentation except one which was limited due to the facilities. Most were attended by significantly more than 30 which is a pleasing result. We thank our members for their support and input regarding suitable topics. Well done to the committee for their work to make these events happen.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 “Regulation of the engineering profession in

Queensland – Legal obligations” by Clare Murray delivered in conjunction with the AGM.

August 2013 Technology Seminar Series, “Innovative substation designs for mining and industry” by Ampcontrol .

September 2013 QUT Power Engineering Research update and tour of the heavy current laboratory.

October 2013 Technology Seminar Series, “Recloser and Swithgear developments” by Noja Power & Switchgear.

November 2013 New Challenges for Asset Managers in the Electric Energy Industry by Peter Price, Energex delivered in conjunction with EESA National AGM.

March 2014 Quad Inverters & Statcoms applied to Distribution Networks by Geoff Walker, QUT.

April 2014 Compromised earthing – are you a sufferer? By Allan Edwards, Safe Electrical Technology.

May 2014 Applied superconductivity by Richard Taylor, QUT.

ELECTRICAL BRANCHChairperson: David TurnerSecretary: Mark BlundellTreasurer: Mark BlundellCommittee Members: (As at June 2014) Mark Lendich (Vice Chairman and Electrical College rep.), Tapan Saha (IEEE liaison), Neil Andersen, Kim Boyd (EESA liaison), Keith Callaghan, Bryan Cheetham, Simon Ellis, Yateendra Mishra, Peter O’Brien, Brian O’Neill (PDSC rep., ITEE liaison)

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The aim of the Electrical Branch is to disseminate technical knowledge through presentations, seminars and site visits for continuing professional development of its members and to keep those members advised about Engineers Australia policy matters.

EVENT SUMMARY:A range of events were held during the year. Some events had to be postponed or cancelled due to the current difficult economic situation and lack of registrations.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The Branch held nine committee meetings and one AGM during the course of the year. A very successful seminar on high voltage electrical insulation with distinguished Australian speakers was held and attracted nearly 30 paying delegates. Once again the Branch members enjoyed a very successful Electrical Fraternity Awards Dinner which this year was highlighted by the ITEE College Neville Thiele Award presentation. Congratulations to Mark Lendich who was elected 2015 Vice Chair of the Electrical College at the 2014 mid-year College Board meeting. The Branch ended the year ahead of budget with a healthy surplus.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 “Power Engineering Research at the University

of Queensland” hosted by Prof. Tapan Saha.August 2013 “Load Management Capabilities in South East

Queensland”, Steven Humphries, Energex.


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September 2013 Annual Manufacturing Lecture “Automatic Reclosers for the Smart Grid”, Neil O’Sullivan, NOJA.Presentation by Cornwell Scholarship Recipient Alexandra Price.

October 2013 Student Presentations Night combined with the IET Present Around the World Competition Qld Final with entries from six Qld universities.

November 2013 AGM with guest speaker Mr Peter Price from Energex “New Challenges for Asset Managers in the Electric Energy Industry”.

December 2013 Branch Xmas BBQ at the Caboolture Air Museum.

May 2014 2 day seminar “Electrical Insulation fundamentals: Application to the condition monitoring of cables, overhead lines, power transformers, switchgear and instrument transformers”.Joint seminar with IEEE on high voltage power transformers by Mr. Arne Petersen.

June 2014 Electrical Fraternity Dinner and Awards Night held at United Service Club and recognising past Branch Chairman. A technical presentation was made by ITEE College Board Neville Thiele Award winner Mr. Bolle Borkowski.

of Engineers Australia within Queensland. EHQ is part of Engineering Heritage Australia, a key Interest Group of Engineers Australia. EHQ has representatives on the Brisbane City Council Heritage Advisory Committee, the Ipswich Heritage Consultative Committee, the Queensland Energy Museum, the Telstra Museum and the Advisory Committee on QR Heritage Bridges. EHQ provides a programme of lectures, visits and other activities and conducts a recognition program for historic engineering works.

EVENT SUMMARY:Engineering Heritage {Recognition Program}, 2 ceremonies were carried out during the period including awarding an Engineering Heritage Marker to the Gairloch Bridge and a second Engineering Heritage National Marker was awarded to the Blackall Woolscour. Both ceremonies were attended by the Governor raising the profile of the ceremonies and Engineering Heritage. An average of 40-50 people attended both these ceremonies. Eleven Committee meetings were held during the year with an average attendance of 10 people.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Community Heritage Grant from the National Library of Australia for a Significance Assessment Report on the EA Qld Archives, and which was completed in March 2014. 2 Heritage Marking ceremonies, 11 Committee meetings and 3 Technical events.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 1917 Julius Electric-mechanical totaliser seminar.October 2013 Brisbane City Council Achieves.March 2014 Gairloch Bridge Engineering Heritage Marker

Ceremony.May 2014 National trust Heritage Week, walk drive tour of

engineering sites in Brisbane.June 2014 Blackall Woolscour Engineering Heritage National

Marker Ceremony.

ENGINEERING HERITAGE QUEENSLANDChairperson: Andrew BarnesSecretary: Brian KingTreasurer: Brian McGrathCommittee Members: Brian Becconsall (Deputy Chair),Malcolm Andrews, Allan Churchward, Paul Coghlan, Geoff Cossins, Kristy-Lee Cristea, John Fordham, Kevin Haley, Leo Moloney, Judith Nissen, Miljenka Perovic, Jim Simmers, Norm Traves

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: Engineering Heritage Queensland (EHQ) is a group interested in the important contribution that engineering has made to the history of Australia. EHQ members are keen to identify and promote the conservation and future use of significant historic engineering works and sites. EHQ looks after the Heritage Commitments and Interests

Blackall Woolsour Marker Ceremony


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theme of the Conference was Regional Engineering in a Global Context. 93 delegates attended the conference on the Friday and 60 attending the two tours of the LNG plants under construction on the Saturday.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The committee also arranged presentations and CPD provision to the local area, increased participation at local events, continued sponsorship of local region school bursaries in science, participation in school science challenge and increased participation in the local EA management group committee.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Flood Risk management at Awoonga Dam.August 2013 Qld Division President & General Manager Visit.September 2013 EA Chartered Workshop.October 2013 Gladstone Harbour Cruise & Annual General

Meeting.November 2013 Gladstone Regional Awards Night & Dinner.January 2014 Arc Flash Seminar.February 2014 Awoonga Dam Site Tour. YEA Event – Risk

management Presentation – Malcolm Leinster.Asset Reliability Seminar NRG.

March 2014 YEA Gladstone Networking Evening.Powerlink Substation Upgrade Tour and Presentation.

April 2014 EA Brisbane Water Panel Web presentation on flood modeling.

June 2014 Offshoring Engineering Design Web Conference.Central Region Engineering Conference.

Blackall Woolsour Marker Ceremony

Gairloch Bridge Marker Ceremony

GLADSTONE REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Paul Green/Mark PorterSecretary: Russell JorgensenTreasurer: Andrew HopkinsonCommittee Members: Cameron Black, Robert Dunnett, Mathew Le Lacheur, Malcolm Leinster, Oliver King, Joshua Worley, Ashfaque Chowdhury, Richard Furness, Ben Hayden, Chris McCarthy, Deon Van Der Merwe, Gehan De Silva, Ellen Terry, Lee Warren, Kris Zahn

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Gladstone Regional Group aims to provide a forum for members in the Gladstone regional area to interact through both CPD and networking activities, and to provide a sustainable foundation that nurtures the interests of engineers.

EVENT SUMMARY:The Gladstone Regional Group worked with EA Qld to present the Central Region Engineering Conference on 20th June 2014. The

GOLD COAST REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Kriengsak Panuwatwanich Secretary: Darshan LeckrazTreasurer: Terry GreenCommittee Members: Dr Kriengsak Panuwatwanich (Chairman), Mr Terry Green (Treasurer), Mr Darshan Rye Leckraz (Secretary), Dr Erwin Oh, Mr Alex Giyahi, Mr Edwin Salazar, Mr Ethen Young (YEAQ), Mr Geoff Brown, Mr Grant Eudey, Mr Jason Ryan, Dr Jeung-Hwan Doh, Mr Joel Adam Gabauer, Mr Joseph Costello, Mr


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Michael Evert, Mr Peter McCarten, Mr Richard Erwin, Dr Sanaul Chowdhury, Mr Scott Carden, Ms Tanya Kooymans, Mr Bill Service

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The primary aim of the Gold Coast Regional Group is to provide regular CPD and networking events for the engineering community within the Gold Coast region and immediate vicinity. These events mainly include various site tours of interesting locations and monthly technical presentations covering diverse topics that are up-to-date and of interest to the members.

SPONSORS:Concrib Pty Ltd.

EVENT SUMMARY:The focus of the Gold Coast Regional group has been to assist its members in gaining CPD through regular high-quality presentations. From 1st July 2013 to 30th June 2014, the group conducted a total of 13 events predominantly at Griffith University, Gold Coast campus. Several dinner presentations delivered by prominent speakers were also held at Palmer Colonial Golf Course. The average attendance was 30 including members, non-members and students. The topics of the CPD events covered the knowledge areas of geotechnical, coastal, biomedical, structural, transportation and sustainable engineering. A workshop on eCharter was also organised to provide members with the information on obtaining the chartered status.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The Gold Coast Regional Group has consistently attracted good numbers of attendees at the technical presentations. The group recruited some new committee members who were able to use their contacts to arrange high-quality presentations. New committee members also brought along new perspectives and ideas which have been invaluable to the committee. Regular committee meetings were organised every month, in which members were active and productive in planning for events. The number of events (13) was more than the group’s target of 12. The group also received an event sponsorship, which contributed to the already healthy financial status. The monthly activities organised by the group has provided a total of 525 CPD hours for the members.

There were a number of highlights during the year including the presentation on solutions to manage beach erosion by the eminent speaker in August 2013 (52 attendees) and the joint presentation with Griffith Centre for Coastal Management in March 2014 on coastal protection (65 attendees). A workshop on eCharter was also organised in September 2013 for members (31 attendees).

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Technical presentation on “Sustainable

engineering – An oxymoron?” by David Hood from Queensland University of Technology. (venue: Palmer Colonial Golf Course, 36 attendees)

August 2013 Double technical presentations on: “Gladstone Harbour Dredged Spoil Disposal Area Bund Wall – What went wrong?” by Bill Service and Warren Hornsey from TRI Australasia; and “The Coastal Knowledge Hub” by Prof. Rodger Tomlinson and Derek Todd from Griffith University. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 33 attendees)

September 2013

eCharter Workshop by Mike Garrett from Engineers Australia Queensland Division (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 31 attendees)Technical presentation on ““International Review of Innovative Coastal Engineering Solutions to Manage Beach Erosion: Do They Really Work?”” by Eminent Speaker Alessio Mariani from the University of New South Wales. (venue: Palmer Colonial Golf Course, 52 attendees)Double technical presentations on “P2P” by Cassandra Denney from Clouston and “The use of micropiles in basements and deep foundations” by Allan Herse from Piling & Concreting Australia. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 32 attendees)

November 2013

Annual General Meeting with technical presentation on “Improvements to the Overnight Vehicle Management Systems on the Tugun Bypass” by Darrin White from Queensland’s Department of Transport and Main Roads. (venue: Palmer Colonial Golf Course, Robina, 36 attendees)

February 2014 Technical presentation on “Solutions to common geotechnical problems using seismic technology” by Jeremy Fredericks from Earthsolve. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 32 attendees)

March 2014 Technical presentation on “Physical coastal Protection Works including the A-line boulder wall, Kirra & Palm Beach Groynes, & the Narrow Neck Reef” by Derek Todd from Griffith University. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 25 EA attendees, total attendees approx. 65)


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April 2014 Technical presentation on “Application of a rule-based method for prediction of scour depth around piers” by Dr. Amir Etemad Shahidi from Griffith University. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 21 attendees)

May 2014 Live webcast on ” Challenges for life prediction of concrete and steel structures in marine environments” by Eminent Speaker Prof. Robert Melchers from the University of New Castle. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 12 attendees)

June 2014 Technical presentation on “Engineering failure - The role of ‘human’ factors” by Dr. Sean Brady from Brady Heywood. (venue: Griffith University, Gold Coast campus, 30 attendees)

available for application of their experience and skills in assessing the diverse range of entries. At the Awards Night in September, Zimi Meka was awarded Queensland Professional Engineer of Year 2013, Hari Krishnan was awarded Queensland Engineering Technologist of Year 2013 and Bryan McSweeney was awarded Queensland Engineering Associate of Year 2013. These Awards are based on contribution to engineering work, contribution to the community and advancement of the engineering profession.

Hall of Fame and Hawken AddressThe Hawken Address was presented by Andrew Buckley in August. The Hall of Fame is designed to recognise Queensland engineers who have contributed significantly to the profession and community. George Walker was inducted into the Queensland Hall of Fame, together with the name of deceased member Alexander Cullen.

Other Personal AwardsAt the Young Engineers Ball in August, Leigh Graham was awarded Queensland Young Engineer of Year 2013 and Andrew Leeson was awarded Young Engineering Technologist of Year 2013. At the last Annual General Meeting, Engineers Australia Queensland Medals were awarded to Geoff Haigh, Bill Weeks and Graeme Haussmann for meritorious service to the engineering profession.Doug Hargreaves was elevated to Honorary Fellow in recognition of his contribution to the profession.Submissions were made regarding personal awards for Queensland engineers by Engineers Australia and also to relevant authorities for Australian Awards and for State Awards. Doug Hargreaves, David Hood, Yew-Chaye Loo, Steven Di Tullio and Matthew Rush received awards under the Australian Honours system. The June 2013 Engineers Australia Journal listing of the Top 100 Australia’s Most Influential Engineers included the following Queenslanders - Andrew Buckley, Campbell Newman, Andrew Liveris, Colin Jensen, Zimi Meka, Ian Young, Geoff Brown, Max Lu, Shaun Cox, Rob Sindel, Geoff Garrett, Nev Power, Merryn York, Barry Broe, Lizzie Brown, Kathryn Fagg, Neil Scales.

Appreciation Stuart Lister and Dennis Wogan express their appreciation to members of the Honours & Awards Subcommittee and Division staff for their support and assistance.

HONOURS AND AWARDS SUB-COMMITTEEChairperson: Stuart Lister (to February) Dennis Wogan from FebruaryCommittee Members: Tom Baxter, Peter Hollingsworth. Cliff Button, Dick Wharton, Frank Vromans, Mike Marley

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The committee’s role is to identify candidates and submit nominations for the Australia Honours Awards, the PNR Medal, Honorary Fellows, and the Hall of Fame. It also organises the judging of the EA Queensland Division Individual Awards and Excellence Awards Programs.

EVENT SUMMARY:Engineering Excellence AwardsThe year 2013 Awards attracted 41 high-standard entries covering 35 projects. There were eight Excellence Awards and ten High Commendations. In addition, the overall top R.W. Hawken Award was made to Parsons Brinckerhoff & Arup Joint Venture for “Airport Link, Northern Busway (Windsor to Kedron) & Airport Roundabout Upgrade. The judging panels included Joe Abercrombie, Grahame Baker, Tom Baxter, Brian Becconsall, Mark Blundell, Adriana Bodnarova, Leeanne Bond, Cliff Button, Iva Dinolova, David Finch, Doug Hargreaves, Peter Ho, David Royston, Else Shepherd, David Thorpe, Frank Vromans, Michael Waldby, Dennis Wogan and Stuart Lister. We appreciate the judges for making their valuable time

ITEE BRANCHChairperson: Robert EllenSecretary: Brian O’NeillTreasurer: Brian O’NeillCommittee Members: Mr Manu Hingorani, Prof Ljubo Vlacic, Mr Michael Lees, Mr Bolle Borkowsky,


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Mr Mark Johnson, Mr Andrew Craig, Mr David Anthony Norris

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Information, Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering Branch (ITEE) aims to advance the professional development of members by providing education and networking opportunities in Information Technology, Telecommunications, Electronics Engineering and related fields. We are also active in cooperating with groups and kindred bodies in other engineering fields. The ITEE branch seeks to have a broad representation from all areas of the ITEE profession including, academia, small business and large organisations. 2013 -14 has been a very productive year for the branch by ensuring high quality presentations are provided that are relevant to all areas of industry and represent high value CPD.

EVENT SUMMARY:Particular emphasis this year has been placed on developments in Intelligent Transport with a continuation of the annual workshops which commenced in 2012.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The ITEE branch has maintained and further strengthened close ties with kindred organisations this year. Joint events have been held with Electrical Branch, CBME, IET & IEEE.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 Cloud Computing - Rob Purdy & Dr Daniel

Thomas – Datacom. (30 attendees)September 2013 Automatic reclosers for the Smart Grid – Neil

O’Sullivan – Annual Manufacturing Lecture with Electrical & IET. (35 attendees).

October 2013 Annual Student Night with Electrical & IET. ( 25 attendees).Site Visit to Clem Jones Tunnel Control Room – with Electrical Branch. (12 attendees).One Day Workshop & ITEE AGM – Traffic Management Systems. (28 attendees)

March 2014 Annual Informatics Lecture with IET – Dr John Ness. (32 attendees)

April 2014 IEC8001 Electrical Safety in Medical Applications – Joint with CBME. (19 attendees)

May 2014 Wind Power – Myths & Facts – Joe Hallenstein – Joint with Electrical, Seng & IEEE. ( 26 attendees)

June 2014 Annual Electrical Fraternity Dinner & Awards night – Bolle Borkowsky – Neville Thiele Award winner.

MACKAY REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Tara KafashzadehTreasurer: Tony MuguiraCommittee Members: Alan White (AW), Bruce Wolsey (BW), Craig Forsyth (CF), David Croce (DC), Desmond Searle (DS), Fae Martin (FM), Jack Shao (JS), Jane Ada (JA), Mike Crouther (MC), Nat Dzadey (ND), Peter Foley (PF), Reginald Millett (RM), Sean Kane (SK), Stephanie Veldhuis (SV), Tony Muguira (TM), Zhenya Pavlinova (ZP)

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Mackay Division Group main goal is to provide CPD and networking for close to 600 members and services members from the Mackay, Whitsunday and Isaac regions. The Group also aims towards active presence in social media and to have a closer partnership with other professional groups in the region.


EVENT SUMMARY:The committee target of providing an average of one function per month has been achieved with 18 events held last year. The attendance at functions has been increasing with maximum attendance of 54.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Committee initiated event surveys and newsletters, which have been received well. Committee has active groups in Facebook (1830 members) and LinkedIn (262 members). We have also partnered with Young Professionals to attract more non-members to our events and promote Engineers Australia and in general engineering to the wider community.


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TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Australian Earth Observation from Space: Digital

Earth, Citizen Science and Social Media.August 2013 Chartered Status Workshop.

Engineering Excellence Awards 2012 Winners’ Presentation.

September 2013 Sarina Sewage Treatment Plant Site Visit.October 2013 Managing Engineering Risk Workshop Live

Streamed Presentation.First Year Students Presentations.

November 2013 Mackay Engineering Excellence Award.December 2013 Breakfast with Mayor Deirdre Comerford.January 2014 The Kariba Story - the damming of the great

Zambesi River in Africa.March 2014 International Womens Day.April 2014 GLNG Narrows Crossing Tunnel - Live .May 2014 QLD President Visit. Schools Career Night.

Mackay LEaST. Professor Robert Melchers. Mackay CBD Revitalisation Plan.

opportunities for career development and training opportunities to assist overseas qualified engineers’ integration and effective deployment in the Queensland engineering workforce; and to encourage and support overseas qualified engineers who are non-members of Engineers Australia to become members and advance their professional development.

EVENT SUMMARY:The group held ten events in the period 1 Jul ’13 to 30 Jun ’14. These events attracted strong numbers, with the average attendance rate around 60 across the year’s events. These networking events helped in increasing the Overseas Qualified Engineers’ awareness of this and other EA groups, and their programs, and provided opportunities to network and exchange ideas.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The OSQESG consists of 13 members who meet monthly to organise functions and events. The group hold 10 events per year with specialised presenters from a wide variety of backgrounds covering a wide range of topics. The consistently strong attendance at events shows that the topics are interesting and relevant to overseas qualified engineers who are building their careers in Queensland. Every event held during the last 12 months has featured the success story of at least one overseas qualified engineer who has successfully gained engineering employment in Australia. For many attendees, this part of the event is the highlight of the night because it is strong motivation to keep persisting to find meaningful employment, and also proof that it is possible to start and progress your career in the Australian workforce.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Engineers Australia Membership – Why it

is important. Simon Orton and Ian McEwan discussed the benefits of having a membership with Engineers Australia, and how it improves your professional status in the job market.

August 2013 LinkedIn: Tips, Features and Advantages, Presented by Nick Jones, Recruiter Advisor, Santos GLNG, Ian Falah and Hamid Safi.

OVERSEAS QUALIFIED ENGINEERS SUPPORT GROUPChairperson: Anita Lamb-NichollsSecretary: Leon YangTreasurer: Samad AfkarCommittee Members: Cassio Donato (Vice Chair) , Golboo Mosavari, Victoriano de Jesus, Kashif Javed, Joerg Borstelmann, Niloofar Jalalian, Buddhi Wahalathantri, Mojgan Tabatabaei, Chanaka Madushan, Anna Koltsova

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Committee consists of 13 members including engineers and representatives from Santos, Brisbane City Council, KSB, Joy Global, GLB Quarrying and Logistics, Fyfe, University of Southern Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, TAFE Queensland Brisbane and An & Wen Young Pty Ltd. The aims of the group are: to provide skilled overseas engineers guidance and motivation to improve their communication skills and chances of securing employment in the Australian engineering industry; to facilitate knowledge and participation in the technical professional development programs provided by the various discipline specific units of Engineers Australia; to provide social and networking


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September 2013 A Night of Inspiration - This unique event featured the success stories of a group of overseas qualified engineers who shared their experiences of how they gained employment and how they developed their professional careers in Australia. AmirKia (Kia) Etemad , Senior Civil/Structural Engineer – LogiCamms, Kashif Javed Senior Rotating Equipment Engineer - Santos GLNG, Solmaz DaryaniProject Manager – Fujitsu, Mina Awad Structural Engineer - MBA Engineers, Sujith Kumar Service Engineer - Chemtronics Biomedical Engineering.

October 2013 Engineers Australia: How to get involved! This event showcased speakers from several different engineering groups and colleges within Engineers Australia – the Structural College, the Electrical College, the Centre for Engineering Leadership and Management, and the Innovation Subcommittee. Peter Ho Structural College, Keith Callaghan Electrical College , Stefanie Moroz Centre for Engineering Leadership & Management, David Thorpe Queensland Innovation Subcommittee.

November 2013 Professional Manners and Etiquett, Presented by Henning Boshoff - Principal Hydrologist, O’Kane Consultants Pty. Ltd.and Anita Lamb-Nicholls - Teacher & Supervisor Overseas Qualified Engineers Program, Brisbane North Institute of TAFE.

February 2014 Professional Communication and Networking, Sandra Avendano - A/Director - Reef Water Quality, Dept. of Environment and Anita Lamb-Nicholls - Teacher and Supervisor OS Qualified Engineers Program BNIT.

March 2014 Tips and Techniques for a Winning CV, Presented by Troy Dobinson.Principal Consultant - Career Invest.

April 2014 LinkedIn – How to Use it to Improve your Professional Job Seeking Profile.Presented by Victoriano de Jesus.

May 2014 Interview Techniques, Skills and Tips, Presented by Hayley Silk from Stellar Recruitment .

June 2014 Professional Communication – Part 1 – Workplace Emails, Presented by Anita Lamb-Nicholls – Brisbane North Institute of TAFE.

RAILWAY TECHNICAL SOCIETY OF AUSTRALASIAChairperson: Clive ShepherdSecretary: John DaveyTreasurer: Mark RoomeCommittee Members: Mark Wishart, Colin Cole, Sekar Dhanasekar, Shelley Fergusson,Barrie Griffiths, Andrew Matthews, Cameron Smart, Stuart Lawton, Megan Wood

EVENT SUMMARY:In the 2013/2014 financial year, the Committee has organised 23 technical meetings and events for our members and presented an RTSA award at Central Queensland University.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Queensland has been well represented in the RTSA awards this year. Two of the RTSA award recipients announced in April came from Queensland.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Overhead wiring for Safety - Principles of

Earthing and Bonding - Sometimes neglected or misunderstood the principles behind earthing and bonding have their roots in electrical safety. Incorrect or inappropriate application can result in higher risk profiles in construction and operation. Earthing and Bonding 101 James Goffey, Senior Electrical Asset Engineer, Aurizon Standard EG-0 – a standard for railways? Jason Mayer, Principal Engineer, Aurecon Earthing and bonding for DC Traction Power David Stuart-Smith, HV and Traction Infrastructure Leader, Arup (76 Attendees).AGM and Trivia Extravaganza. (112aAttendees)

August 2013 Introduction to Rollingstock Brake’s the basics of train braking systems. Barry Payne retired as Principal Brake Engineer for QR. (87 attendees)


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September 2013 Spring Brakes for Freight Trains. This presentation was about a driver controlled, bogie mounted spring park brake that replaces handbrakes on railway wagons. Using a spring to apply the braking force could prevent a runaway if all air is lost. Brad Doyle; Freight Technical Manager, Faiveley Transport Australia Ltd. (58 attendees).Multi Engine N-ViroMotive Locomotives the design and benefits of the multi- Engine N-ViroMotive locomotives. Jonathan Brown General Manager Sales Australasia, NRE. (37attendees)Overhead Wiring for the Future- Two speakers told about their experiences and offered their views on how, when and where these enhancements can be realised. Static Frequency Converters Trevor Bagnall, Principal Engineer HV, Queensland Rail. Overhead Conductor Rail Gareth Jenkins, Principal Engineer, GHD. (60 attendees)

October 2013 Introduction to Hydraulic Design of Railway Bridges and case study Edit River Bridge (NT) – Dr Jeevan Senthilvasan & Dr Haydn Betts – KBR Globan Discipline head and Manager Water Resources QLD resp. (54 attendees)Research on Low Cost Level Crossing Protection -The presentation discussed issues that have been encountered to date in developing a safety argument in support of low-cost level crossing warning devices. The design and failure modes of warning devices can have a significant influence on road user performance. Quantifying this effect is one of the ongoing challenges in determining appropriate reliability and availability targets for these –Dr Chris Wullems, Postdoctoral Fellow CARRS-Q. (44 attendees)

November 2013 Intelligent Asset Monitoring and Protection Systems - Rail and Ambient Temp and Stress Monitoring, Level Crossing Monitoring and Protection Systems, Bridge Impact Protection System , Cable Temperature and Current Monitoring, Noise Monitoring - Phil Lock & Russell Murray ARCS Group. (51 attendees)Introduction to Track Structure - The speakers explained the structure from rail head to formation, and how it works to keep trains on track. Mark Boyce & Mike Martin. (72 attendees)

December 2013 Ghost of Railways Future - Thinking about what the future may hold for the railways, and what it definitely won’t hold. There is a serious side to his presentation as Peter implored us all to be involved in inventing the railways of the future. However his presentation remained seasonally light-hearted as he also implored us to celebrate and enjoy the season – Joint RTSA, IRSE & PWI Peter Hughes. (70 attendees)The majority of passenger rail electrification in Australia is of the ‘heavy rail’ type. There are recent examples, particularly in Queensland, where modelling and planning for new transit networks has instigated a light rail system using electric traction. On the Gold Coast, the new light rail is currently being constructed. Wiring a light rail system is a different challenge to passenger rail systems. Our speakers provided an understanding of why. Bill McGuigan, Principal Engineer, Parsons Brinckerhoff Andy Vaughan, Project Manager, Balfour Beatty Rail Davie McCulloch, OHLE Technologies Manager, Balfour Beatty Rail. (72 attendees)

February 2014 The Rail Industry Worker Program. What does it Mean? - RIW is a single national competency management system for those working in rail. The program is owned and endorsed by the Australasian Railway Association (ARA) on behalf of its members. Ally Heinrich – Rail Safety Accreditation Manager, Queensland Rail Mairi Thomson – Senior Manager L&D, Queensland Rail Paul Mitchell – Manager Learning Operations, Queensland Rail Michael Williamson – Training Compliance Manager, Aurizon. (76 attendees)Rollingstock Outlines and Clearances - This presentation described the current requirements for defining the rolling stock outline, including static, kinematic and swept outlines, and how these are developed with safety clearances to the structure outlines. There were some suggestions for improvements to the process. Ian Goldney Principal Consultant, Interfleet Technology. (51 attendees)


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March 2014 Agglomeration economies: Prospects for High Speed Rail Australia - economies of agglomeration is used in urban economics to describe the benefits firms obtain by locating near one another; it is likened to ‘economies of scale’. In this lecture, it was described the difficulties associated with applying traditional valuation techniques to multi-region transport infrastructure projects and further relay the prospects for high speed rail between Brisbane and Melbourne. Cameron Gordon Associate Professor at Uni. of Canberra. (46 attendees)Incident and Accident Investigation: A practical Discussion - On 8 February 2013 coal train 9F24 derailed between Gladstone and Rockhampton. This was Aurizon’s most significant accident in a number of years, and whilst no one was significantly injured, the likelihood of injuries was high. This presentation covered the investigation into this event, and experience with dozens of other investigations, to illustrate what is needed to practically manage the aftermath of these sorts of events. Simon Lymbery is General Manager, Operations Engineering & Technology, Aurizon. (37 attendees)

April 2014 Overhead wiring for Coal – An update on the latest project in Central Queensland. Aurizon is investing in the electrification of the existing 107 km Bauhinia rail spur, from Rangal south to the Rolleston mine to harness the operational and cost benefits of electric trains. Electrification allows new high-capacity electric trains to operate. Adrian Williams (Laing O’Rourke) and Simon Matthews-Frederick (Aurizon). (53 attendees)Moreton Bay Rail Link – An update on the $1.147 billion Moreton Bay Rail Link Project. Presented by Mango Murphy, Department of Transport and Main Roads’ Project Director. (76 attendees)

May 2014 Brake Series Presentation – The first of a series of presentations on Rollingstock Braking Technology given by Chris Forementon (Aurizon). (36 attendees)The Journey to Chartered Status - Combined event with Queensland Mechanical Branch of EA, a presentation re “Engineering the early stages of a career by seeking employment opportunities aligned with the goal of gaining Chartered Status is fundamental in building the base for one’s career”. Roger Buckley, Chief Engineer, Aurizon. (24 attendees)Signalling Challenges of the Sector 2 Timetable – Ian Joyner and Maurice Wieland – presentation similar to that previously given to IRSE. Due to a clash with the State of Origin Match attendance was lower than normal. (21 attendees)

June 2014 BaT (Bus and Train) Project is a proposed new five kilometre north-south tunnel that will deliver rail and bus together in a world-first design. It combines a railway and a busway in a single, double-decked, 15-metre-wide tunnel beneath the Brisbane River and Brisbane’s central business district (CBD). – Arthur Stamatoudis GM Planning and Projects Project Director. (75 attendees)

ROCKHAMPTON REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Ben McMasterSecretary: Christina GreenTreasurer: Steve SeniniCommittee Members: Deputy Chairperson - Richard Corbett, Andrew Barrie, Abby Carolan, Aidan Wallace, Dan Peacock, David Gray, Mohammad Rasul, Nirmal Mandal, Peter Wolfs, Rebecca Nobbs

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Rockhampton Regional Group aims to bring the best of Engineers Australia to regional areas. Member value and engagement is our focus. We aim to deliver a wide range of events, support CPD development and encourage new and continued membership of Engineers Australia. Our goal is to make engineers proud to


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be engineers and grow the profile of the profession within the community.

SPONSORS:Powertech, AECOM – Sponsors of AGM

EVENT SUMMARY:The committee aimed for an average of 1 event every 6 weeks, which we achieved. We held 2 risk related events during the year, which is a specific attention item for CPD. These events were both very well attended. Majority of events were well attended, with average attendance numbers around the 25-30 mark.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Full committee achieved this year. Meeting held each month and were well attended. Paver at CQU Engineering Courtyard for Terry Hill. Assisted with Engineering Link school program. WIE programs commenced. Website kept up to date. Website improvement ideas developing. Events held on average every 6 weeks and provided risk based CPD.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 Live Streamed Presentation (Transport Panel:

Modelling and Networks), streamed from Bundaberg.

September 2013 CPEng Presentation. (25 attendees)October 2013 Technical Event – Risk Workshop, 3 speakers

covering earthing design, risk by design, rail modelling, streamed event to Mackay and Gladstone CQU campuses. (70 attendees total, 36 attendees locally)

November 2013 AGM, David Finch (AECOM). (22 attendees)February 2014 Presentation to CQU Students. (3 committee

attendees)April 2014 Streamed Event, GLNG Narrows Crossing

Tunnel. (3 attendees) Networking and Social Event. (37 attendees)

May 2014 QATAR, Ben McMaster. (15 attendees)June 2014 GECon Sponsor Representation. (4 committee

attendees) Geotechnical Risk, Jim Niehoff’. (35 attendees)

STRUCTURAL BRANCHChairperson: David DonnanSecretary: Charles JetannTreasurer: Dave HargreavesCommittee Members: Mike Fordyce, John Gardner, Dr June Zhang, Ruiwen Kong, Dr Ron Blackwell, Dr Sean Brady, Dr Rob Heywood, Dr Tim Heldt, Michael Salu, Phil Latham, Tom Dawes, Arturo Guadalquiver, Jordon Wan, Tobias Hodsdon, Dr Peter Ho, Dr Shengjun Zhou, Dr Johnny Ho, Hossein Rashidi Zadeh

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: To provide quality opportunities for members to attend technical presentations on a wide range of structural and related topics through local and interstate/overseas presenters.

EVENT SUMMARY:The structural branch usually tries to present 11 monthly technical presentations on the second Tuesday excluding January. There are usually also 2 or 3 other ad-hoc structural presentations as opportunities present themselves during the year.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Maintained discussions on CROSS (Australia version), maintained the usual number of technical presentation held and maintaining our close working relationship with The Institution of Structural Engineers, CCAA and ASI for the mutual benefit of all structural engineers.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Analysis for Structural Engineers – Some

important Fundamentals and Analysis of ‘Simple’ bridges, Dr Nick Stevens. (95 attendees)

August 2013 Topic in steel, joint with ASI. (80 attendees)September 2013 Timber Durability Design & New Structural

Timber System, Colin McKenzie. (80 attendees)


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October 2013 Education in Structural Engineering, David Finch Prof Jose Torero, Dr Scott Woolcock, Prof M Dhanasekar, (25 attendees)Benefiting from Confidential Reporting on Structural Safety, Alistair Soane. (50 attendees)The Best of Student presentation, Universities. (15 attendees)

November 2013 Full Scale Explosive Testing and Design of Gypsum Plaster Underground Mine Ventilation Seals, Michael Salu. (20 attendees)

December 2013 Working Overseas, Toby Hodsdon. (15 attendees)

February 2014 Safety Aspects in Construction of Hot Tapping in Gas Pipeline, Hamed Nourozi. (40 attendees)

March 2014 Eminent Speaker, Rob Melchers. (40 attendees)April 2014 UQ Research, Dr Johnny Ho and Dr Dilum

Fernando. (10 attendees)May 2014 Concrete workability and the resultant effects on

concrete quality, Paul Curran and Ruiwen Kong, Joint with CCAA. (65 attendees)

June 2014 Riverwalk – Contractor’s perspective, Aurelien Berson and Anko Griffioen. (80 attendees)

speakers have been sought to discuss projects of direct relevance to the Sunshine Coast economy. The average number of attendees at Sunshine Coast Technical Presentations is around 40 and includes representatives from local government, university staff and students, small and large consultancies and retired members of the engineering community.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:The Sunshine Coast is pleased to continue our tradition of hosting 11 presentations (including one site visit) during the year. Our group is pleased to be presenting the Engineers Australia Sunshine Coast Prize for 2014 in the form of a $500 book voucher to an engineering student (Ms Kara Dougan) from USC.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 USC Engineering student night – 4th year

engineering students from USC present on their final year projects.

August 2013 Renewable Energy: Planning Solar energy facility for the Sunshine Coast - Jason Hague.

September 2013 Strategic Transport Planning - Jason Dellar.October 2013 Burnett River – 2013 Flood Event (Bundaberg)

modeling – Ben Regan.November 2013 Sunshine Coast Airport Expansion – Simon

KinchingtonFebruary 2014 Future directions of the Sunshine Coast -

Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamesion.March 2014 Disaster Management - Sunshine Coast

Council.April 2014 Complex Project Management – Ian Biggs.May 2014 Optimal Subdivisional Layout Design – Matt

Doolan.June 2014 Building Standards VS. Practicality – Kay

Maclean.Site Visit – Queensland Air Museum – F-111 engineering challenges with David Dunlop.

SUNSHINE COAST REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Amy TurcoSecretary: Clarissa Campbell/ Bernie EddlestonTreasurer: Alexander Mccart-Wickham Committee Members: Deputy Chair – Leah Mckenzie; Kevin Williams, Mark Porter, Lucy Dahl

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Sunshine Coast Regional Group aims to support the professional development of our membership through monthly technical presentations. Our technical seminars are well supported by local members and provide excellent networking opportunities for professionals and engineering students from the University of the Sunshine Coast.

EVENT SUMMARY:Technical presentations held across the year seek to incorporated topics across a wide range of engineering. Presentation themes have included solar energy, transport planning, flood modelling and disaster management. To ensure relevance to our regions,

SUSTAINABLE ENGINEERING SOCIETYChairperson: Sandy StewartSecretary: Secretary/Vice Chair - Amy MartinTreasurer: Matt Kluck


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Committee Members: Lara Harland, Andrew King, Anne Kovachevich, David Hood, Wayne Hickey, Daniela de la Los Rosa, Les Dawes, Steve Posselt

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Sustainable Engineering Society (SENG) is committed to providing leadership and focus for the advancement of sustainable practices in the natural and built environment. In Qld we aim to deliver professional development opportunities for our members and provide opportunities for networking through the organisation of regular technical seminars and our annual student award. We also contribute to the National SENG Board and the EA Environmental College, providing input into the SENG supplement in the WME Magazine and comments on policy and discussion papers as required.

SPONSORS:Sponsors of our 14th Annual Student night in October 2013 were: Griffith University, Logan City Council, Origin and the University of Queensland.

EVENT SUMMARY:SENG hosted 9 events, including 8 technical seminars at Eng House, and our annual student night. In total we delivered 350 hours of CPD to 295 attendees in 2013-14, with an average of 33 attending each event.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:As well as successfully delivering 9 CPD events, the SENG Qld committee met on a monthly basis. We continue to maintain the Qld pages of the SENG website, and to issue monthly e-newsletters to members and contacts using the website software. The monthly e-newsletter is used to advise members of events being held by EA and other organisations that may be of interest to them, as well as providing links to opportunities to comment on Government policy and regulations. The SENG Qld committee assisted the Qld Division in the selection of the 2013 awardee for the Eric Brier Memorial Award which acknowledges an EA member who has made a significant contribution to advancing the public status of the profession of engineering, particularly in the field of sustainability. The 2013 awardee was David Hood. Three active Qld Society members, Andrew King, Lara Harland and Steve Posselt were elevated to the grade of Fellow, recognising for their contribution to the engineering profession.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Technical seminar “Repower Port Augusta” 48

people registered to hear about Beyond Zero Emission’s (BZE) proposal to replace two ageing brown coal power stations in South Australia with base-load solar thermal power. Speaker Hannah Aulby, Campaign Director, Beyond Zero Emissions. Fund raising event with BZE, a film screening of “Generation Green”, a 13 minute documentary that follows the journey BZE’s lead Stationary Energy Plan and Transport Plan researcher Patrick Hearps. The screening was followed by a live Q&A with documentary producer Laura Noonan. (41 attendees)

August 2013 Green Beacon Brewery Co - site visit, brewery tour and networking event members participated in a tour of the facility and were able to enjoy art house beers brewed on site. (36 attendees)

October 2013 Technical seminar “New Trends in Environmental Law: Wild Law and the Rights of Nature” We were very fortunate to have two environmental law practitioners, Michelle Maloney, National Convenor of the Australian Earth Laws Alliance and Jo-Anne Bragg, Principal Solicitor of the Environmental Defender’s Office Queensland talk with us about the ‘Rights of Nature’ and the relevance of Earth centred law to the engineering profession. (27 attendees)The Qld Environmental Student Award Night co-hosted by Griffith University, and held at the Nathan Campus EcoCentre. This was the 14th annual Student Night organised in conjunction with the Qld branch of the Waste Management Association of Australia (WMAA). Six final year students from Qld universities presented their project work. The winner was Allister Gaffney from USQ, and the runner-up was Marguerite Donaldson from UQ. Congratulations also to Grace Mullins, 3rd year Environmental Engineering student at Griffith who was a huge help in organising and running the night. (37 attendees)


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February 2014 Technical seminar “Koalas and vegetation management in SEQ”. Warren Mortlock from the Qld Department of Environment and Heritage Protection and Claude Lacasse who is a vet with the Australia Zoo Wildlife Hospital presented on the topic of protecting Queensland’s Wildlife, focussing on koalas, and best management practices to minimise the impact of development and human activities on our furry friends. (19 attendees)

April 2014 Technical seminar “Understanding the new international standards for EMS and WH&S”. The world’s most popular environmental management system standard, ISO 14001 and a new standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, ISO 45001, were the topics for this seminar. The information was presented by Wayne Hickey, an experienced environmental practitioner and certified auditor. (32 attendees)

May 2014 Technical seminar “Wind Power the Myths and the Facts”, held with the Electrical Branch and ITEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers). Joe Hallenstein, Project Development Manager at RATCH-Australia Corporation gave a great presentation outlining the myths and the facts about electricity from wind generators. (25 attendees)

June 2014 Technical seminar “Community Impacts of Coal Seam Gas”. Dr Vikki Uhlmann, who is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow and Research Manager at the Centre for Social Responsibility in Mining, Sustainable Minerals Institute UQ outlined the Cumulative Socioeconomic Impacts research project, which is examining the impacts, both positive and negative, of activities related to the development of coal seam gas in the Western Downs area of South West Queensland. The project is exploring impact areas such as housing, employment and business, education and training, community wellbeing and governance, while other related research projects are examining impacts on agriculture, water, health and community resilience. (45 attendees)

Student Award winner – Allister Gaffney

Student Night held at Giffith University

TECHNOLOGISTS SUBCOMMITTEEChairperson: Andrew LeesonSecretary: Rahul NaiduCommittee Members: Hari Krishnan, Bruce Potter, Rowan Goyns, Roy Kauppila, Steven Morris

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The main role for Engineering Technologists Queensland (ETQ) is to gain wider recognition for its members within industry and the general community, and to create opportunities for Engineering Technologists to participate in activities which will lead to job enhancement and


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greater recognition of their skills. To achieve this, Engineering Technologist volunteers work with the Division office and committees to arrange meetings and forums aimed at furthering the advantages of Engineering Technologist membership within EA. In addition, ETQ provide advice and support to the division office as well as divisional level committees and sub-committees on matters relating to Engineering Technologists.

EVENT SUMMARY:The ETQ was involved in organising 4 events in 2013-2014 to fulfil the group’s aims. The number of attendees at these events ranged from 10 to about 45.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:ETQ continued to increase activity involved in organising activities at regular intervals as well as monthly committee meetings. Committee involvement has continued to grow along with increased engagement with members.ETQ presented two (2) discussion papers to Division committee relating to “Registration of Engineering Technologists” and “Engineering Associates and Engineering Technologists Survey 2013” and has worked closely with the Engineering Associate committee on common goals.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 Articulation Process & Options Workshop

with presentations by Maurice Allen, Dr Eric Hobson and Assoc Professor Lyn Brodie. (over 40 attended)

December 2013 Annual General Meeting, chaired by Hari Krishnan. (10 attended)

April 2014 Articulation Presentation & Networking with presentation by Dr Steven Goh and networking with members of NCETA and NCEAA. (over 30 attended)

June 2014 Queensland Professional Engineers Act Awareness for non-Engineers with presentation by Claire Murray and Andrew Leeson. (over 40 attended)

Treasurer: Simon WeierCommittee Members: Thiru Aravinthan, Kimberely Davis, Bradley Davis, Mainul Islam, Brian Kenny & Silvio Calavini

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The goal of the Toowoomba Regional Group this past year has been to focus on the four topics of: 1 – Leadership Influence, 2 - CPD, 3 – Networking and 4 – Government Engagement / Public Consultation, which were identified as the four major items IEAust Members flagged as providing value for money via a 2013 membership survey. In addition to the usual technical seminars and site tours, the Toowoomba Regional Group also hosted a lunch as part of their Presidents’ Visit to pursue more government engagement. There was also a larger initiative to source corporate sponsorship from local engineering businesses has also been successful in increasing the local groups’ budget which has stimulated a larger number of higher quality events and greater attendance from a larger audience. Different to the inherent purpose of the local groups, some different processes were adopted in the Toowoomba Regional Group (2013-2014) in order to ease the work load per person whilst maintaining quality outputs. This was achieved through reducing the frequency of committee meetings to bi-monthly and by splitting the role of chair across two nominated ‘Co-Chairs’. The desired outcome of this strategy has worked particularly well and may therefore be adopted in subsequent years.

SPONSORS:Hutchison Builders, USQ and FKG.

EVENT SUMMARY:The group held 15 events in 2013-2014 financial year and the events were well attended.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:1. 15 Events held;- Historically, no events are held during December and

January. This means the Toowoomba Regional Group held an average of 1.5 events per month, which is above the goal of 1 event per month.

2. Number of committee members;- As of the 2013 AGM in November, the committee had 10

members.- As part of a member recruitment email during July, the

committee increased to 15, with additional expressions of interest being received after having those additional five (5) members attend the next meeting during August.

3. Government Engagement

TOOWOOMBA REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Steven Goh and Brock Tomkins (Co- Chairs)Secretary: Waqar Butt


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- The group liaised with Blake Harvey to coincide the President’s Visit with a lunch that involved the committee, Mayor Paul Antonio, Cr Carol Taylor, Cr John Gouldson, MP Trevor Watts, John Russell of RME and Michael Kemp of Wagners. This time was used to - first and foremost - discuss local issues, while touching on relevant state and nation-wide issues.

4. Sponsorship;- Through initiatives early in the year, the group managed

to receive corporate sponsorship to the value of $2000 from Hutchison Builders and FKG with USQ recognised as a sponsor from their continual provision of facilities for both the bi-monthly meetings and regularly as a venue for events. At present, there is the potential for additional sponsorship from other local firms.

Efficiency is another achievement the group has made the past year. Given the reduction in meetings to bi-monthly, more of an emphasis in email and mobile correspondence and the sharing of Chair workload across two Co-Chairs, the group has managed to exceed their goals this year in the form of the above four points.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 NBN Presentation - Live Streaming USQ.

This event was a live streamed presentation on the national broadband which was hosted elsewhere.

August 2013 FKG Tour of Gore HWY - Foamed Bitumen This was a site based tour hosted by FKG on their Gore Highway project. The method of road construction on this project was a foamed bitumen stabilised pavement, which is a method the Department of Transport and Main Roads has investigated more thoroughly in recent years for a number of reasons. The primary reason is that traditional stabilisation methods involve lime and cement which result in a rigid pavement whereas research suggests that the flexible pavement resulting from foamed bitumen stabilisation produces a longer design life and reduces maintenance costs.Oakey Power Station. This site tour was a joint initiative between the USQ Engineering Club (who organised the event) and EA who registered it online to garner a greater interest and attendance. Owned by ERM power, the Oakey power station is a 332MW liquid and gas fired open cycle power station. The asset is also a peaking power station which only sees it used for 5% of the year.

September 2013 EA USQ Professional Lectures - Nadia Ives. As part of the EA USQ professional lecture series, Nadia Ives – a Civil Engineer – was interviewed by Dr Steven Goh on her career which started by graduating from USQ with Honours and the University Medal. With over 10 years’ experience, Nadia discussed her career in road infrastructure development, design and construction around South East Queensland. Positions Nadia was involved in included Principal Drainage Engineer and Principal Construction and Maintenance Engineer at Toowoomba Regional Council. Nadia also discussed previous roles she had undertaken in a range of government and private organisations in project management, investigation and planning, detailed design for drainage infrastructure as well as contract and network administration for a range of small to large scale projects.EA USQ Professional Lectures – Ged Brennan. As part of the EA USQ Professional Lecture Series – Ged Brennan was interviewed on a recent project he was involved with – the Kogan Creek Solar Boost Project – which was a 30ha / 44MW Solar Steam Generator (SSG) array which was installed to complement the existing 750MW coal fired Kogan Power Plant.

October 2013 Oakey Army / MRH Simulators This technical site tour included the viewing, technical explanation and a limited firsthand experience in the seat of the new MRH Simulator at the Oakey Army Aviation Base. This event was organised through one of our committee members involved with DMO. Some brief background on the simulators themselves:The Australian Defence Force was acquiring 47 MRH-90 Multi-Role Helicopters to replace the Navy’s Sea King and the Army’s Black Hawk helicopters. The MRH-90 full-flight and mission simulator (FFMS) allows instructors to present pilots with a wide range of operational training scenarios such as flying in to remote bush landing sites, flying in formation with other aircraft, and being safely exposed to complex emergency situations. The simulator allows Army and Navy pilots to practise their skills in all flight regimes, day or night, and accurately reproduces the feel of the aircraft in flight. Given the level of approvals required for this particular event, it was thoroughly enjoyed by all.


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November 2013 President’s Visit / AGM. The President’s visit during 2013 was once again combined with the AGM which saw 2013 QLD Division president Simon Orton and Qld Managing Director Ian McEwan in attendance. The event was held at the Middle Ridge Golf Club in Toowoomba.

February 2014 Bus Tour of Toowoomba Range. As part of the large amount of interest surrounding the safety upgrade of the Toowoomba Range, the Toowoomba Local Group organised a site tour of the works being done on the range. The Department of Transport and Main Roads deliverables for this project included:o 1.2km of eastbound section realigned with a new road built (up to 7m higher in one section).o Remediation of unstable slopes in sectionso Installation of rock and concrete protectiono Installation of two new truck and safety rampso Reopening Stevenson street accesso Upgrade of pavement, culvert and drains.

March 2014 Engineering Student Welcome BBQ plus Careers and Mentoring. This night had a focus on social networking and careers which saw a number of presentations on careers and mentoring organised by the USQ Career Hub.

April 2014 EA USQ Professional Lecture Series – Major Michael Shaw. Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers - Major Michael Shaw is an Aeronautical Engineering graduate of the Australian Defence Force Academy specialising in helicopters and UAVs. Major Shaw provided a presentation on his career since graduating 14 years ago, which has mostly consisted of working on the Black Hawk aircraft as a maintenance engineer in charge of over 100 personnel. The pinnacle of this role for Major Shaw was to support Special Forces units and the high readiness challenges that it provided. When not at aviation units he worked as a design engineer within both the Black Hawk and MRH90 Systems Program Offices.eChartered Workshop with Mike Garrett. Mike Garrett (QLD Division) delivered a presentation on eChartered and the pathways for attainment discussing Chartered Status, RPEQ and NPER. As part of this presentation Mike made clear the benefits and advantages of becoming a professional engineer with Chartered Status such as the recognition by both local and select international governments, industry and the general public. Mikes extensive presentation worked through the various competencies an engineer is required to satisfy and the individual requirements of each competency in order to acquire CPEng status. Outer Circulating Road Project Tour. Toowoomba Regional Council received $45 million from the Queensland Government’s Royalties for the Regions initiative to design and construct the missing link in the Outer Circulating Road (OCR) Project. The OCR consists of a network of roads forming a loop around Toowoomba’s City centre improving traffic efficiency both in and around the CBD area. It includes Herries Street, Clifford Street, Russell Street, Chalk Drive and Hume Street. With Herries, Hume, Chalk and Hume Street essentially complete, the major item of work that remained was to connect Chalk Drive to Victoria Street which was the primary goal of this project. The funding has been committed to the new four-lane sub-arterial road extending Victoria Street from Russell Street through Queensland Rail land to connect with the


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Chalk Drive/Ruthven Street intersection, including a major three-span bridge over the confluence of West and East creeks, intersection upgrade and upgrade of the existing Russell Street drainage structure. Improved level of flood mitigation is a major component of the project.EA USQ Professional Lecture Series - Gerard Duffy, Process Control, Tech and Innovation - Rio Tinto. Gerrard has a Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Computer Systems, a Bachelor of Business majoring in Information Technology Management, a Bachelor of Engineering majoring in Instrumentation and Control and is currently a PhD Candidate in the area of Advanced Process Control at Griffith University. He is a Chartered Engineer of Australia and a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland. He is also on the National Professional Engineers Registration of General Practice and a Member of the Electrical and Information Telecommunications and Electronics Engineering Colleges of Engineers Australia. Gerrard has 11 years experience in the design, simulation and implementation of advanced process control applications, which aim to improve and sustain the operational objectives of mineral processing plants within the Rio Tinto business. His experience also extends to unit and machine control including Grinding Mills (AG, SAG and Ball Mills), Travelling Machines (Stackers, Reclaimers, Shiploaders and Ship-unloaders), Specialty Drive Applications and Generating Machines. Gerrad’s commodity experience spans alumina, coal, copper, bauxite and power generation. Gerrards presentation was very interesting.

May 2014 EA USQ Professional Lecture Series – Banard. Barnard was interviewed by Dr Steven Goh. As a recent graduate mechanical engineer from USQ, Banard currently works for BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA), Goonyella Riverside Mine. Barnard completed school in 2006, in Toowoomba and starting working for Wagners. After attempts at studying chemical and civil engineering, he started mechanical engineering. He completed his engineering degree in November 2013. His engineering career started with Wagners Composite Fibre Technologies as a part-time research and development engineer. After Wagners, Barnard started his placement with BMA. Banard presentation was thoroughly enjoyed by all attendees.Bus Tour and Presentation of Brisbane West Wellcamp Airport. A tour of the Wellcamp Airport was organised for the month of May in 2014. At the time, this project was on track to be operational in the third quarter of 2014. This jet-capable public airport will be available for regular passenger services, charter flights, fly in fly out and airfreight services. Wellcamp is designed to cater for large jets up to 747 size, allowing for even the largest of air freight into and out of the region. It is the first greenfield public airport built since Tullamarine over 47 years ago, and is the first privately built public airport in Australia. It is available for regular passenger services (RPT) with a runway measuring 2.87km long x 45m wide (Code E) and has a 3 day fog likelihood per year. It is ideally located to service the Brisbane West through to the Darling Downs and Surat Basin.QLD Division Presidents Visit + Lunch with local Councillors and MPs. An initiative organised in conjunction with the local committee and the QLD President Blake Harvey was to coincide the President’s Visit with a lunch at which we invited the mayor and a number of councillors and MPs. Excluding the committee, the attendees included Mayor Paul Antonio, Cr Carol Taylor, Cr John Gouldson, MP Trevor Watts, John Russell of RME and Michael Kemp of Wagners. This time was used as effectively as possible to discuss local issues, while touching on relevant state and nation-wide issues.


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The four main points the local group thought prudent to discuss were:1. Awareness of EA – greatest asset are

our members – source of free and unbiased technical opinions from diverse disciplines

2. Recent projects and updates – Range reconstruction, Toowoomba second range crossing, Wellcamp airport, Inland rail, Inner city development.

3. Emphasis on Boom Bust Cycle - the need to address this at all levels of governments in terms of planning and funding.

4. Regionalisation / Materials Procurement – Social and economic value in sourcing engineering services locally.

- Whilst not all of these points were able to be discussed in depth, the first two points were able to be conveyed quite well.

Cook University, Townsville City Council and local industry as well as a number of non-technical events.

EVENT SUMMARY:In following our Strategic Plan, the Townsville Regional Group has provided fewer, but higher quality Professional Opportunities in this region. This year has a healthy number of members and non-members attending our events, as a result of a clear message from our members that CPD and professional development opportunities are valued most.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Key achievements for our group this year was the continued implementation of our Strategic Plan, involvement with local industry and engagement with the local media. The Strategic Plan has helped grow the scope of our involvement in local industry and sets a clear direction for the growth and future of the group. Our second key achievement was our continued involved in the consultation process with the development of the New City Plan and Priority Infrastructure Plan for the Townsville Region. This is the first time in many years we have had this opportunity and it is seen as an important stepping stone in building the profile of Engineers Australia and the profession in our region.We are aiming to grow our media engagement in the 2014-15 year in an effort to promote awareness of the engineering profession in our communities.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Annual Golf Day. 2013 Townsville Regional

Group Annual Golf Day was held at Rowes Bay Golf Club, and provided an excellent opportunity for networking.eChartered Seminar. The Townsville Regional Group hosted a presentation by Engineers Australia National Assessor John Reid, to educate local engineers and students the changes to the Stage 2 competency standards and process.

August 2013 JCU Open Day. This event was an opportunity for the Townsville Regional Group to promote awareness of Engineers Australia to students and their parents, as well as provide practical guidance as to what type of work engineers do to prospective students.

October 2013 CN Barton Medal. This event was held at JCU and is a celebration of the best final-year thesis from engineering students of all disciplines.

TOWNSVILLE REGIONAL GROUPChairperson: Greg ElkinsSecretary: Carson CareTreasurer: Don McPhailCommittee Members: Glenn Stephens, Bill Hutton, Tara-Lee MacArthur, Andrew Turnour, Stephen Adam, Dion Savage, Esther Bank, Shani Boag, Andrew Fraser, Ryan McKenzie, Darron Irwin, Simon Hickey, Tony Williams, Brenda Ford, Erwin Van Wyk, Brooke Veliscek, Tamara Cusack

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Townsville Regional Group aims to provide Continuing Professional Development (CPD) opportunities and professional support for our membership base. This year we extended our influence by engaging heavily with James Cook University and local Industry, as well as initial engagements with local media. With around 1100 members in the greater Townsville region, the Townsville Regional Group aims to enhance the professional development and opportunities of our membership through technical site visits and presentations, networking opportunities, engagement with James


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November 2013 Northern Engineering Conference. This conference was themed “Infrastructure, Innovation and Risk” and had a host of highly sought-after presenters including local and state MPs and experts in their fields. The conference was very well received by the 125 attendees.Northern Engineering Excellence Awards. Event was held in conjunction with the Northern Engineering Conference and showcased a number of remarkable engineering projects and people within our region.

December 2013 Annual General Meeting. Townsville Regional Group AGM was held at the Townsville Yacht Club.

April 2014 Site Visit cancelled postponed due to Cyclone Ita.

May 2014 Lavarack Base Site Visit. A site visit was held at Lavarack Barracks to inspect the developments of the military base by the Department of Defence. An excellent visit with 19 attendees delivering 57 hours of CPD.Port of Townsville Technical Presentation and Site Visit. Eminent Speaker Professor Rob Melchers delivered a fantastic presentation on predicting the life of concrete and steel structures in marine environments, followed by a site visit to see the challenges and outcomes of the Townsville Port Inner Harbour Expansion (TPIX). (30 attendees received a total of 90 hour of CPD)

traffic/ transport matters, providing comment on reports, policies and documents prepared by other organisations that are relevant to the traffic and transport industry, improving and encouraging links with other associated professions and developing the knowledge and expertise in the industry through assistance with continuing education and training. Our mission is to provide leadership, influence and support to improve the quality and sustainability of the Australian transport system. We aim to influence government policy, promote excellence in transport systems analysis techniques and education, provide expert guidance to Engineers Australia members and others, encourage informed debate on transport issues, provide direction to research and investigation, and communicate with state panels/branches and other stakeholders on transport issues.

SPONSORS:AECOM, GTA Consultants, and SKM

EVENT SUMMARY:Transport Panel organised 8 technical presentations / seminars and a workshop in 2013-14, with an average number of attendees 45.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Transport Panel met with the Director General of the Department of Transport and Main Roads on three occasions, September 2013, December 2013 and June 2014. These regular meetings help the Panel achieve key goals, including influencing transport policy and supporting industry including soft issues e.g. Young Engineers and Women in Engineering.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 TMR Strategic Framework with Jim Groves.

Jim presented an outline of the new Strategic Framework being applied within the QLD DTMR to focus on delivering efficient, reliable, integrated and safe outcomes. (45 attendees)

TRANPSORT PANELChairperson: Paul GottkeSecretary: Satyam ThakarTreasurer: Tanya MoranCommittee Members: Chris Warnock, Chris Woodgate, Edward Chung, Gerard Reardon, Jaco Van Den Berg, Julie McEvoy, Richard Jones, Shalendra Ram, Shane Healey, Steve Williams, Terry Rossitto

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: It is our vision and mission that the Transport Panel be respected and understood as the peak body within the traffic and transport engineering industry for providing technical advice on traffic/transport matters, developing appropriate policies for these matters in association with Engineers Australia, providing comments on local


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September 2013 EA TP Student Evening Presentations with Dr Brian Lee and 2 students. Brian presented an Observation of the Bus Ridership in the aftermath of the 2011 Floods in Southeast Queensland, whereas Erin Peek and Mr R Abbott-Jard (Michael) presented through final year presentations. (20 attendees)”“Getting Bang for your Buck with 4 speakers in association with PedBikeTrans. Various Speakers from Local Govt., Private Consultancies and Academics showcased their view on designing, funding and maximising the use of footpath and cycleway infrastructure in a workshop, followed by a panel discussion. (30 attendees)

October 2013 Research on Low Cost Level Crossing Protection with Dr. Chris Wullems in association with RTSA. Chris presented issues that had been encountered to date in developing a safety argument in support of low-cost level crossing warning devices. (60 attendees). The Story of U-Boat U-534, and the Future Direction of Department of Transport and Main Roads with Neil Scales. Neil presented a restoration project undertaken by Merseytravel, the story of U-boat U-534. Neil also presented the future direction of TMR and a way forward including focus on QLD Plan. (50 attendees)

November 2013 Planning for Operations (P4O) with Kelvin Marett and Lachlan Faulkner. Kelvin and Lachlan presented the new initiative of optimum benefits for a multi corridor transport network based on traffic composition, land use and network wide corridor approach as proposed by VICRoads’ SmartRoads initiative, and a case study. (45 attendees). AGM Meeting.

December 2013 QLD’s Future Infrastructure with Neil Scales and Russel Smith in association with EA Qld Division. Neil presented a future potential infrastructure project Underground Bus and Train, whereas Russell Smith presented on the proposed inland freight link and how the associated Port of Brisbane rail tunnel will grow and change their operations.

February 2014 Jellyfish - Open Source Platform for Multi-Model Transport Operations with Dr. Marc Miska. Marc presented Smart Transport Research Centre’s single point of truth data management approach for transport and has implemented it in a tool called Jellyfish. The tool aims to support modellers, analysts, planners, and policy makers to access a holistic view of the entire transport network from a macroscopic planning level, down to a microscopic operations level. (40 attendees).

May 2014 DTMR Update on Policy, Planning and Investment Division with Matthew Longland. Matt provided an update on the activities of Policy, Planning and Investment Division including focus of programs such as SPP and QTRIP for the upcoming financial year.

WATER PANELChairperson: Anthony Gaffney Vice Chair: Robert McGlinnSecretary: Franz JacobsenTreasurer: Lisa HoldenCommittee Members: Blake Boulton, Matthew Briody, Suzanne Burrow, David Callaghan, Steve Clark, Ricker Feril, Martin Jacobs, Franz Jacobsen, Tallulah Kaegi, Robert Kijak, Kuhan Kuhanesan Robert McGlinn, Toby McGrath, Lisa Pollard, Achut Singh, Brad Tite, Ashleigh Liam Tomkins, Carl Wallis, Bill Weeks

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: The Queensland Water Panel consists of a voluntary group of Members and Observers who meet regularly to organise technical presentations, workshops and symposiums related to the field of water engineering. The format and content of the well-established symposium series has been developed to encourage a forum of active participation for the sharing of new technologies, ideas, practices, information and contacts.

EVENT SUMMARY:The Water Panel organised ten (10) Informative and topical technical sessions with an average attendance of 46. The Water Panel also


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assisted with the planning of an International Conference, the IAHR 5th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:In addition to the events organised by the Water Panel, the Panel contributed to the community by providing expert feedback on studies and future policy provided by the Queensland Government. The planning of events was coordinated by monthly committee meetings with an average attendance of approximately 6 members. The overall number of committee members consists of 18 people.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 Fitzgibbon Chase: Integrated Water

Management in a new urban precinct, Chris Tanner, Alan Hoban, an overview of the technical aspects of the Fitzgibbon Chase scheme, explore the collaborations that helped bring the idea to fruition, and discuss how the regulatory and governance challenges are being addressed. (23 attendees)

August 2013 Emergency Action Planning for Referable Dams, Kevin Bartlett & Hari Khadka, A description of the recent legislative changes that capture emergency action planning for referable dams, including the need for appropriate guidance for dam owners and will discuss how DEWS have approached dealing with the upcoming requirement for approval of EAPs.(36 attendees)

September 2013 Are we adequately prepared for the next major drought or flood? Dr Wai-Tong Wong, Identification of the key issues and challenges for engineers and policy makers, explore potential solutions and also challenge some of our conventional thinking. (54 attendees)

November 2013 Gulf of Carpentaria Storm Tide and Inundation Study. Dr Bruce Harper, A description of the Gulf of Carpentaria Storm Tide and Inundation Study which involved statistical analysis of simulated ocean water levels (based on atmospheric, hydrodynamic and spectral wave modelling). Jointly Hosted with ASCE. Science & Policy of Environmental Flows to the Colorado River Delta, Karl W. Flessa, Twenty years of research by US and Mexican scientists have documented both habitat loss and prescribed the flows needed for restoration. (65 attendees)

February 2014 HydroNET, Leanne Reichard & Steve Clark, This presentation provided an overview of HydroNET portal and experience, the experience of implementation of water, food and climate related applications. (31 attendees)

March 2014 A Monte Carlo Framework for the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study Brisbane Flooding, The State of Queensland, Australia, initiated a comprehensive hydrologic assessment as part of the Brisbane River Catchment Flood Study in response to the devastating floods in January 2011 and subsequent recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry. The goal of the study is to produce a set of competing methods for estimating design floods in the Brisbane River catchment. One of the proposed methods is based on Monte Carlo Simulations (MCS), Don Carroll & Rob Ayre. (120 attendees)

April 2014 At-site Flood Frequency Analysis using a Bayesian Framework: Practical considerations, Prof. George Kuczera of the University of New South Wales and BMT WBM’s Phil Pedruco. The talk covered the theory and background of the Bayesian framework as incorporated into TUFLOW Flike with a focus on the recent developments. (8 attendees)

May 2014 A Practical Design-Making tool for Mine site Water Management, Scott Diggles and Stuart Richie - Rio Tinto Coal Australia, To assist with the management of surface water at their coal mining operations in QLD and NSW, Rio Tinto Coal Australia has developed and implemented a new inventory target and status monitoring and reporting approach. This approach is risk-based, with targets developed based on outcomes from the representative site water management models (currently using the OPSIM platform). (48 attendees)

June 2014 Provided planning input for the IAHR 5th International Symposium on Hydraulic Structures Brisbane, 25-27 June 2014.


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WOMEN IN ENGINEERING Chairperson: Kate Brand; Jessica Holz (Vice Chair)Secretary: Natasha ParkerTreasurer: Jen CharlesworthCommittee Members: Nicole Tucker, Nicole Borkowsky, Rachel Harch, Samantha Kerr, Anna Liu, Zoee Shelley, Azam Zeinalzadeh; Catherine Morris; Jo Kirby; Lorena Flemming

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: Women in Engineering Queensland (WIEQ) has a mission to “Attract, Retain, Support and Celebrate” women in, and into, the engineering profession. Approximately 12% of Engineers Australia’s members are female with very few females represented at the grade of Fellow. The long term objective of WIE is to see higher representation of women not only entering the industry, but remaining in the industry to become the senior leaders of engineering in Australia.

SPONSORS:GeoSynergy, QGC and event sponsors

EVENT SUMMARY:WIEQ hosted 12 formal events and a range of informal networking opportunities with an audience of approximately 600 people in total. This year, building on previous year’s efforts, an additional 6 events were held across the state including Emerald, Mackay and Gladstone in conjunction with the local divisions and the Women in Mining and Resources Qld group. Regular events including the monthly SOS sessions attracted speakers from across SEQ and also Sydney providing a regular attendance of 15 adults and many, many children.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:A key achievement of WIEQ during 2013-14 has been the continual building of regional support networks to host and organise events for their audience. Following on from the strategic plan formulated in 2012, WIEQ have focused on efforts to increase retention in engineering through events aimed at midcareer and senior engineers, along with those already out of the engineering workforce.Key focuses for the coming year include additional co-hosted events, further emphasis on attracting senior engineers to WIE events and retaining engineers at all levels.

TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:July 2013 WIE/AGS Joint Technical Evening featuring 4

prominent female engineers. (65 attendees)WIEQ AGM. (20 attendees)

August 2013 WIE Annual Engineering Week trivia night at Era. (60 attendees)

September 2013 Dress for the Job you want with David Lawrence – a special members only event to show the ultimate work wardrobe and dress for the success you want. (25 attendees)

October 2013 Leading the Way Annual WIE Breakfast with Catherine Tanna, BG QGC at the Stamford Plaza. (120 attendees)

November 2013 Professional Development Seminar and Networking EveningQuality Communication: Key to Increased Productivity & Performance with Irena Yashin-Shaw. (45 attendees)

February 2014 WIE 2014 launch evening at “The Bearded Lady”. (80 attendees)

March 2014 International Women’s Day “learn to play golf afternoon”, an annual opportunity to learn to play golf with professional coaches in a friendly environment. (20 attendees)Leading Women in Engineering Part 1 – networking seminar; hosted by Taylor Francis. (45 attendees)

April 2014 Dress for the Job you want with David Lawrence, Autumn Winter 2014 special. (30 attendees)

May 2014 Leading Women in Engineering Part 2 – Goal Setting workshops; an opportunity to clarify and articulate your goals career and leadership goals in small group environment. With Taylor Francis. (20 attendees ) Communication in Crisis breakfast with Amanda Newberry (co-hosted with CELM).


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YOUNG ENGINEERS Chairperson: Alexandra KellySecretary: Ian PhamTreasurer: Chris LeamanCommittee Members: Antonia Niaga, Akash Badiani, Bernadette Miller-Greenman, Brianna Towers, Casey Milburn, Clinton Glanville, Jess Peters, Jordan Wan, Elizabeth Keogh, Lauren Best, Robert Goedecke, Roxanne Wittemeier, Steven Lowry, Trang Pham

OVERVIEW/AIM OF GROUP: Young Engineers Australia Queensland aims to foster professional development, networking and mentoring of engineers under 35 years throughout the state. Our four particular goals for 2014 are: to provide continuing professional development activities, to strengthen YEAQ partnerships and connectivity of members & industry friends, to improve engineering literacy in the community and to champion creativity & innovation in engineering.

SPONSORS:Aecom, Arrow Energy, Arup, Brown Consulting, Cardno, Defence Force Recruiting, Fisher Adams Kelly, GPT Group, McCosker

Brown Consulting attendees: Matt Hill, Andrew Ngo, Alexandra Kelly & Ian Pham

Networking at the Limes Rooftop Hotel

WIEQ committee with Catherine Tanna, Chairperson BG Group Australia

Contracting, Orica Yarwun, Powerlink, Santos GLNG, Jacobs, Tattersalls, VISIS

EVENT SUMMARY:Our events were very well attended (30-180 attendees depending on the type of event) throughout the year. Our focus has been on delivering better quality events, and value to our members.

KEY ACHIEVEMENTS:Our successful year has largely been due to the outstanding committee. Each active member has generously given their time and ingenuity to create successful events & partnerships.


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TECHNICAL ACTIVITIES:August 2013 “YEAQ Gala Ball” with Leigh Graham MIEAust

CPEng, Queensland Young Engineer of the Year and Andrew Leeson TMIEAust CEngT, Queensland Young Engineering Technologist of the Year. “YEAQ Speed Networking” hosted by June Dally-Watkins, the event consisted of 2 rounds of one on one speed networking, interspersed with informative and insightful lessons from the director of JDW.

November 2013 “Trivia Night and Annual General Meeting Christmas Party” A record of eleven teams fought it out over trivia, with committee elections held in between rounds. Approximately 120 young engineers enjoyed a fun (and productive!) evening as we welcomed our new 2014 committee members.

February 2014 “YEAQ 2014 Launch Event” About 180 engineers and young professionals converged on Limes Rooftop to launch the 2014 YEAQ events program. Attendees included new committee members, government, defence, and consulting engineers, students, a few architects & economists, previous past YEAQ Chairs, and sponsors. The event continued into the evening with some delicious food, networking and mingling with old friends. There was also a live feed of Instagram photos, hashtagged with #yeaq. It was a very relaxed and enjoyable atmosphere.

March 2014 “Engineering Industry Insights”. In place of the careers expo, Engineers Australia hosted a seminar aimed at giving students useful insights into work. YEAQ members Antonia Niaga and Jordan Wan MC’d the proceedings, which covered topics including resume writing and job application skills, career progression and becoming chartered.

April 2014 “Graduate Transition Panel” AECOM’s inspirational offices in Fortitude Valley provided the perfect venue to explore the issues faced by graduates during the first years of their career. Attracting around 80 recent graduates and students, the event was successful in delivering Continuing Professional Development (CPD) hours as well as facilitating networking and bringing together young engineers in the South East Queensland region. Excellent discussion was led by our panel: Chris Leaman (KBR), Florian Hitinger (Golders), Rosanna Sanderson (AECOM), Romnick De Los Ama (John Holland), Glen Edwards (GHD). The event was hugely successful. “Gladstone Networking Event” with Jon Barden, Orica Yarwun Site General Manager. Approximately 40 attendees represented a cross-section of the Gladstone engineering industry. Jon provided some excellent, practical advice on how young engineers can utilise models and frameworks to help build an understanding of our environment and to realise solutions. Jon encouraged young engineers to be reflective of our own careers and our surroundings; ask questions and seek to understand; work towards becoming Chartered Professional Engineers; and finally, to own our successes and proudly acknowledge the good work we do.

May 2014 “Comedy Debate” The annual Young Engineers vs Young Lawyers Comedy was this year held at the Tattersall’s Club in Brisbane CBD. Building on the success of the last four years, the event sold out with over 250 people. The topic for the evening was: “there are more lawyers in heaven than engineers”. The ensuing battle saw the engineers come out on top for the first time since 2011!

Relaxed networking over drinks & nibbles before the Graduate Transition Panel

A packed audience at the Comedy Debate


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June 2014 “CCC Panel: Managing the Relationship between Client, Consultant and Construction Contractor” with Ian Ainsworth, Principal and Design Leader of One One One Eagle Street Pier. This informative style event attracted 100 engineers & planners. The evening began with an enlightening presentation from Ian on the engineering marvels of One One One. An engaging and insightful discussion followed amongst our panellists and industry leaders: Guy Dugdale (Manager – Weipa Project Delivery Hub – Rio Tinto), Henry Unwin (Regional Design Leader - Laing O’Rourke Australia), Sheila Fennell (Business Leader Urban Transport - Interfleet Technology), and Leigh Graham (Young Engineer of the Year and National Engineering Manager - AE Smith & Son). Audience discussion was really strong, with many great questions from attendees on the roaming mic. Hosting the event in the expanse of an entire vacant floor of One One One was a rare and challenging opportunity. A lot of work went on behind the scenes by dedicated committee members.

Audience engagement at the Graduate Transition Panel Gladstone networking event

strengthening ties in regional areas

Networking after the panel discussion in the expanse of the vacant level space, at One One

One Eagle Street

Committee member Antonia Niaga

The YEAQ Committee with some of our industry friends at the Client, Consultant and Construction Contractor Panel Discussion Event

... & delicious nibbles

A winning rebuttal: Engineers demolishing the lawyer’s defence

YEAQ Treasurer Chris Leaman presenting at the Graduate Transition Panel


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Engineers Australia Queensland Division would like to take this opportunity to thank all contributors to this report.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the staff in the Queensland Division Office.


Page 56: ANNUAL REPORT - Engineers Australia...Chris Warnock FIEAust CPEng Deputy President Mike Brady FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Ken Gillard FIEAust CPEng Committee Member Bryony Elson


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