9,44,4, „..eaw.a eswers444 d'" see}, amommostemeeemea t The Grad Wheal Reservation The Land of Opporhodhf. Sanders County Signal. PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A. R. RHONE. Ether, and Proprietor. Entonsi it the Postrace at Camas: Panders County. Montana, as second elan mail minter fur transITIIIMIM Ihrleark the - - ItATES OF SUBSCRIPTION One year 112.00 nix smatas 1.00 Advertising rate card milled on se- peestion. Lucol notices 10c pellos first Inser- tion; 5 cents per line for each starae• anent Infer lions. * Legal notices. legal rate. Virginia and Leslie, were visitors at Plains last Tuesday, making the trip by way of Penna. P. Banner returned last Friday with a bunch of eattle which he bad purchased near Flathead Lake. The Caning Prairie Sunday + school held Children ' s Duy services Sun- day June 30, at the ventral school- hquse. There Was a large congre - gation and a fine program was ren- dered which was enjoyed by all. The program MIS as follow: Memel!. Proeeesional--' " ' The Bonny Flag.' ' grew t m o woanhotel here. Prayer - Rev. J. She is a girl of many lovable quail - and has a large circle of friends Hymn -" Our Country's Voice is in this vicinity. The groom is a Camas Prairie News Corm-poolenee. Camas Prairie June 25. - W. M. ( 'asteel made a trip to Perma Tues- day after lumber. F. C. Abel and William Boberich wt to Plains Tuesday, returning the next lay. Ben Mann went to Plains Wed- nesday and will spend a week visit- ing with his mother. 1). F. ROMS was a Perma visitor last Wedneeday. Thomas Pendergrate, of Plains, is visiting with his son NVilliam for a period of two weeks. Wm. Pendergrass made a trip t6 Paradise and Plains last TIIIseaday, returning via. Permit Friday. eso' ' F. Kilpatrick and N. F. Welton were in Plainelast Thursday, attend- ing to business matters. A. W. Van Rinetnur, I. New- home! and Miss S. Ferwerda, of near Somers, visited with E. Sider - it's and family AVetinceday and Thorsday. Nireare. E. N. Cesteel, A. D. Elton, 3. P. Kentli, J. J. Kenth, Theo. Patehmaim and IL M. Bach.. man were visitor* in Comas -list Siaturtlay. Wm. Boberich was in Penne Fri- day last, and lie brottght up merelianise for hit store. Win. collysi, :mf Sloan, Was seen in onr midst huc Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Charlton and eon Jimmy, were -Terme visitors Thursday. .„ J. Pelly, Mrs. George Allison anti children and Midi Minnie Chariton were visitors in Camas last week. Jerry Sullivan and W. R. Wyatt were at Plains last Friday. A. Johnson was at Perms last Friday. A..P. Charlton has added another great improvement onto his place by putting a pump in his well. Mrs Wm. IL•Katiley, of Kalis- pell, who is visiting with her par - puts, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones, event several days in 31firsoula last week. James Earl and eon Clarence were Perma visitors Isit Sunday. Pleading. " Scripture Reading - Isaiah. 60; 1; 11. Hy inn -" By Cool Siloam ' s Shady Rill. " Bebtism of Children - Alberta Pierce and Ansley Pierce. Recitation -" Open the Door, " se - Ruby Siderius, Carl Williamson and Christian Angle. Song -" Just A Little Pansy, " Nellie Buswell, Virginia Gilbert and Mary Buswell. Recitation -" The Lust Rose: " - Alberta Pierce. Song -" Old Glory " - Young ladies of Se -- $. Exercice -" It Spells Failure " - Mitchel Siderium, Lawrence and Morris Howard. Reading -" The Church of the Spinner "- Ruth Pierce. Song - " Who are those March- ing." Recitation - '' America " - Leslie Gilbert. Br:ef Address -" Our Sunday School Society " - by Rev. Buswell. 130111 -11 r~illi us Shine,' Mr. and Mrs. E. Siderius invited 'bonne of their bachelor neighbors to siidner last Sunday. Those present wete: George Samploniue, L. S. Khmer, 'Theodore Bachmann and 1. M. Bachmann. lames Earl and A. Schaeffer went to Camas Monday to attend to immigrate matters. The new mad to Perms is now "pen to the po10 where Clear creek empties into (limas creek, which save' , a tong drive around tbe hills. NVork is going along very rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sharp- and daughter Mabel, and Mrs. A. R. Sharp and eon Raymond, were vial . ' lore ie Comae last Shads,. W. M. Caeteel and wife drove to Plains last Saturday, where .tney met Miss Smith, who arrived from Idaho to visit with her sister Mrs. Win. Casteel. Merle Sharp. Recitation- " What the Brook Said"--:Ainsley Pierce.. Bong -"The Service. of Every Day " - Ruth Pierce. - Reeitation - "This is Children's '--Ettnice Davison. llymtr-"Ameriea.;' -_ Plains Items Omelet Correspondence E. W, Love wage business visitor in Camas Thunwiny. Mrs. T. Pierce has been on the sick fist the the past week. The days are quiet in town at present. with the thermometer not far from the hundred mark and everybody seeking the shade. Miss (dory Beamish, of Thomp- son, was a guest of Mrs. Edward Plahive last week. Mr. Mahoney, of the firm of Minnehan & Mahoney, of Missoula, was a visitor in town Tuesday,com- ing' in from the Reservation where he had been looking after business interests Thomas MeWhinnes is building an 8 x 16 addition to his residence and will fix it up into a modern bathroom and a pantry, Along with other improvements, Mr. Me- Whinney will haild a new woodshed with a cement cellar under it. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz drove up from the county seat Fri- day for a brief visit with friends. They returned to her home Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Florin, of Thompson visited relatives in the city last week. They went to Para- dise Sunday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs William Floyd before returning home. Mrs. Claudia Geyes and daughter, of Miseoula, departed for their both' after a pleasant visit with Mrs. Alfred Sears. The ladies of the Methodist Aid held their meeting Thursday, June 20, in a lovely spot and the refresh- ments were delicious, but tbe mos- quitoes were so bad the picnic was not entirely enjoyable. Vin. -Boberieli is painting his store 504 inotolliee building, and tins she put out a large rign which Ca II lie seen fnan a long dietance. Those improveniente null greatly to the appeeranee of the building. Chas. Coppodge was a business visitor in Plains Thursday. Messrs- Hnblo41 and Solon wcre viiiktne in Mins Tuesday. Mo. H. A. Gi:bert and children, respected anti enterprising man and owns a lafge farm near Mis- soula where they will make their future home. The happy couple departed soon after the ceremony for Portland, followed by the best wishes of a host of Mende. 1.4nepine News. special Oorresoondence. The " Old Maid's Convention and Bachelor's Treat " will be given at the Lonepine school home on Tues- day night, July 2. Camas, Pine- ville, Niamda and neighboring friends we have Something good and we beg your patronage. If you de- sire to laugh until your sides ache, come out and witness this splendid drama given by fourteen characters amassed in the costumes kof our grand mailers. Cast of characters: President - Mre Roy Bras. . Secretary - Mrs. J. P. Anderson. Treasurer - Mrs. Sam Rhodes. Rhoda I, trk in - M rs. fisaudrea Anxiety Doherty --Mm. Patten. Miranda Priee --Miss Nell Donde, ville. Amy Little - Miss Patton. Sophie Potter - Miss Maggie Mc. Cabe. Eliza Hooker -Arthur VonSegen. Selina Baxter - Misr Nell Patton. Faitful Bloemsoni - LaVern Don- danville. Marion Perkins - Miss Baldwin. Sarah Jane Springster - Wallace l'erry. Mary Ann - Miss Cooper. Prof. Pinkerton - Paul Reed. Every part deserves special atten- tion while that of Professor alone or None' roa ruin leATION, ' K Departioant of the laterior t.5. la ttice et He Is I' WM. 4111 Capes Pre• 11011. mod! .ost„ was m- ane mak e e raw tit Alex a. . a U. Militates. an the 5th WItimonent• b.es W, Hun- ter. ( Jtotert E.Muir. William X Wyatt. all Ide Montana. limos& inutrallid . J)S IA II SHULL. ibiester. June 11 -Aug NOTICE /OR PI itLICATION. - Department a Ike labrior U. i(laud nem as mitosoi is Jun. M. 1012-Notire is hereby it WOO. or mare November 4. um. res lee - for tome time, was able to go to Pai r idise &Man/ and hold his cus- tomary services there in the even- ing. Wed needay morning at eight o ' clock occurred the marriage of John Flyn and Mies Mary Helterline, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George ilelterline, of Plains, at St. James Catholic Church. A large ga diet- ing of friends were present to wit- ness the ceremony. The bride was charmingly attired in white satin and Miss Eva Helterline was brides- maid. The groom was attended by on his brother, Mr. Dennis Flyn. The ik'bus miss emir Chd maw ss witetws.*: ll.nw ftatos. of Plena. mann. Ervin 1 Van Abed. Eric Ismienson. Witham Morribont. of Oreenspritut. Montana. Sots-rail land SWIM( SHULL. Reedier. June -Aug211 5. Met at. eutalante- land above 5. NE is eisim to' t new sem. gonguis. on Ow 5th NOTICE VOX PUBLICATION• Derartment of the Interior. U. S. .and Ofiler. at Miaboula. Montana. June Ili Llitt.-NotIce is hereby even that OISE, 1.41110111. 4)1 Canal, M ttttt ant). Who oft 14(10entb., ii. 1910.na4e home- stead entry No021111. kw en Si 5'104. Wifi SEW w Sr‘ eat. S M " 0/ 4 ta wet na kin imerldian th. 111 2 16, 11 notlee north nio n r., g. 2 s! tentkm to 'nage tommetation proof., Ao Walsh claim loth," 111 above doseribed. before Alex. R. Rhode. a I.•'~ States Otrunalsollorwr. at (Snail MOOEU111, on the ;Olt day of August 1912. Claimant name* as witty...el: Emery Hoot Charles A. Proogua, Henry A. kleherds, Mire M. W . 111 , 1 , 1:nta 11 A.....„- , ll u o g 2. f11onam. Montana. Not seal Land. JOSIAH SHULL. Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Deportment of the Interior. U. 5. Land Office, at Mimoula. Montana. June '54th, 1912 -Notice is hereby given that Austin Elmo rallies exlCamas Prairie. Montana, who on Nov. 2. 1910. made homestead entry No. 02775. for Lot 2, 4.E% rink. section 31, township 54 north. moire m Weal. Montana meridian, has filed notice of in- tention to make commutation proof, to es- tablish claim to the land Mow., deecribed. before Al.-,. R. Rhone. a United States l'ommiseloner. at Camas. Montana tm the 1.th day of Attrunt 1512 Claimant names as witnesies: Jerry Ilernett, Anton Kline. Pearl apirkard. Jame* IL Yellin, all of cants. Prairie. Montana. Not Coal Instal. JOSIA SHLL U June 29-Austin H 2. Register. NoTicE Pon PUBLICATION. n.partmest of the Interior. I . S. Land Olive at Kalispell. Ilontesna, June. loth, 11112.-Nntles Is hemby given that Hebert IL steendahl of Camas. Montana. o ho 01, May 24th lelo. mode home homestead entry No. 1.0122. tor Fare telt "I." or the SS SF.'. s aection 30, township 22 north. rent.' 21 woes. Simians vowidilan, ban Med notice of Intention to snake that ronimota- Wm peso( to establish elatnt to the land above gleecrthed, beton. Akio R. Ith00e. a I'. M. rout. ints4loner. at ()mac Montan». On the 54II2 day of Jul, . 1912. Claimant names as witnisoes Ralph Bartlett. Comedies A. Jellison. Elimbellt II. Tucker. and (Ole l'utholtx.•11 of (Winks, Monteroa. noneroal land ANDREW W. SWAMP:Y. June 14-Jul5 19 Reffister Notice for Publir.stiosi. Department of tlw Interior. C. 21. land Office at Kalimpell. Moabite-. June to. 1912. -Notice le bemire elven that Frank Dunham."( name& Montana. who on June 301, 1102. made how- steed entry No. 02724. for ,WM , 4 SW% section :1:4, township 22 N., range 24 W. Montana meridian. km dial entire of intention to mete final commu- tation proud, to sertel,lish claim to the land above described. before Alex. It Rhone. a C. is. in,.,... the costume of the President would I allatIoner. at Caneu. Monona1 on the 10th dal be worth your money. July. le12. hilmant nansto sot a Unruh's: NeWt1ITI 111 One amusing feature of the dretimal;` ^ ' °1 ' 1 ' Alurst ' lt " ...nb. " 1 liugh /iGn. " I '"' " n4 'harks A. Promo... all of t is the transformation of several of As itartir W. SWANEY. Register the old maids. In this manner we ' l'and• June 14-.1tily 19 provide you with the following pro - gran,: - Vocal Solo - Mrs. W. VonSagen. Reading - Miss Florence Donde- vine. Clamnet Solo - Mrs Maddox. Vocal Solo - Miss Clambel Shaver. Piano Solo - Miss Armstrong. After the proemnt we will have a jolly time eating all kind; of pies. Special attention paid to bachel- Notice For Publication. Deportment of the Interior, V. it. Lana Montana. June 54th. 1912.-Notlee in levrel , Y stle illat Mrs. Catherine A. Little, of Ca mu Pra 'rip. ibti tana ho. err Jan. etb.1911, med. hornesiead enter No. tettesu for the SIVS $E3 -k. So lion 2. Towuship •..0 Nos th. Range. 24 Wewt, Montana Meridian, has tiled nixie, of in- ternam 10 nuko rorroartlathro pr..rd: len ro- ta ehrien to the hind above eleseribel. !whirr R.winter •vol Reeelver at Ilimatia. Montana ost the •Sish day 4,f Jule . 1912 Claimant weer an 'I itatenesc. Jams W. iron- ter. John II. Jones. .1.4.ph V. VIch•nbon. c.bnuo, l'reirie. Montana. Elmer I. Remora*, litmertspring, Monism. ituSlAIt PHI 'LI.. Iteelster. Nitn4Mal Latbd, June 21 -July al Admission 25 anti children 15c. This drama is given under the directorship of Mrs Jack Bras. A fine, new bridge has been built over the Little Bitter Root river on the section line. The bridge is a great accommodation to the people on both sides of the river. Miss Elizabeth Cooper was a Omits caller Monday. Paul Reed and LaN'ern Dondan- ville made busidees trip to Dayton Tuesday. Mrs. McCabe drove to Kalispell , last Thursday, returning Monday I evening. 011ie Monroe drove to Basin, Mon- tana. where he purchased a fine work team. -'' Scrubby" Houser made a busi- ness trip to Kalispell last week. John McCabe, who has been at- tending school in Seattle, is home for his summer vacation. A school meeting was held at the Lonepine echool house. The people hating been refused a school at Lonepine, it was decided that the entire nommunity help to buy this building., which in the future shall be used for public purposes- An- other meeting will be held Thurs- day night to decide the location for a new school building. Sunday school at Lonepine Sun- day, June 30th, beginning at 10:30. A delightful and most complete surprise was given Mien Mary Hel- terline by her aunt Mrs. Joseph Helterline, on June 20, when by the latter'', invitation, about thirty ladies gathered at her home- and showered the young lady with a variety of beautiful and useful pre- tents. Before departing for their homes the lathers were mated at a long table prettily adorned with mem and paeoniew and hand peinted Place cards, and served delicious refreekments. Mrs. Ruth Trosper made a trip to Paradise Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Kemp arrived Sunday from Trout Creek and will riptide - in Plains. Mr. Kemp has arvePted a gailtion as baker in the City Bakery. Mrs. William -Playa mime down fmm Pararlioe to be present at the Helterline shover. E. E. Volgewm, of Hubbert, Montana, agent for it clever device for heating echoolhommee, spent sev- eral day,, in our city lase week. He and Edward Hand drove out to Greener:wing* Saturday on husintos returning Sunday by way of Para. ' ' Rev. Johnenn, who line been Ill 7.. 111.110011/ is I.,... lob dent tot fiwo Alex. R. Rhone. s il r at (loam, limatana. ott . 1912. I laimant mines as WIttleibM. I inholo. Vraetk (bred,. Orville Wall. and Vied. K. Peeso. all of Onnaa. Montana. ant soil MINI ASUSEW W. StlfaXEY. June 7 -July 12 liestlefer. NOTICE Folt PCIII.Ic.ITION. Detartment of the Interior. V. X. land Office. at Kathleen, Mongrels, May Isth.1912.-Notliv is hereby given that William II. Martindale. of (Miss. Montana. a h.. ou June 4. Ittio. made himemeed entry Ns, seal& few Farm l'evit nr the NM'S NES and NES %WS Portion 23, Township 22 north. Rallis 2i weet. Montana meridian. be. Mod notice of lutention to make final commtnetion proof. to fetal:Mesh elaim to the land sheer dawdle'''. before Al,',. It . Rhone. a United States tInnmiseloner at osnras. Montana, 1111 the oth day of June 1912. Claimant names as o itnesera: Henry R. Wink- ler, Jambi, Wahlenta.r It.Johnson and Joseph it. 1.144b. all of (berme MUM ANDREW W. SWANK. Redline/ Non-Coal Lind.. May 24 -June lit , NOTICE Fon PUBLICATION. 111 1:4Tranw. M.. 7:n o tt f ou tt" 1 1:: 611° L. V. 42. 1 -fw n 2tim mie T. hereby Mien . 11enjamln Heinne. *of CamS. Montana. who on No, ember 13. 1910. made home. mewl entry NO. (5401 For sgio mn% ot..-tum NS NW'S SeetIon NEti NEla sertion 'Si, Township 215.. Range M W., Montana Merida.. has tiled notice 4,1 intcntkm to make ortuntuts- Ono proof. to establish Haim ln the land above desecriteel. before .tler R. Rhone. a United Platen (Iimntineksiter. at lleturea Montana. on the Md day of July. 1912. Claimant tomes r. witnesses: Lester Z. Brooks, Gerald Voting Herbert K. Wallet*. John Tuxhury.alt ol Camas. Montana. Non-coal land. JOSIAH all CLL. liegibter. June 14-Juli Greenspring Gleanings 149.rial Cornmsondetaw. Greenspring, June 2.. - Mrs. Harry Vbite and (wilily of Ana- tennis, is visiting her sister Mrs. E. S. Durkee. A large volunteer crew have been working on the plough on the Green- spring med. Several large ditches were made and the road was grafted up about two feet. Ainotg those who worked were the following: F. S. Durkee, N. lVelton, J. J. Robertacm, O. Johnson, P. Guinn, P. Getzke, F. S. Symes, (I. 1.yonoi, C. B. Parrish, B. Brewer and J. I). Illoostmer. Frank (lreen was unable tem he present but pent his team. The following were business visi- tors in Plaine the teist week: J. Johnson, John Kopper!, T. Guinn and Gregg Johnson - The Perms city is making re- mnrkable strides Pint* tile beginning cons* ruction . The new rail road station is about two-thirds - urn- plated, and work is moon be Cart on the ennstreetiou of a hotel. Fred Perim, the C'amas merchant, in company with Mr. Roll/ilium, remeernting the IteLavel Cream Separator Company, were visitore in this vicinity time pest week. , heeph Mean7 he enjoying a visit croft, II brother from Babel. NOTICE Volt PUBLICATION. Detortment of the Interkw. 11. 5 Land OfIles. at Miasma. Mona... hate It. 1912.-1 1 0,the is hereby given that Rh lard N. Bradley, of Came Montane. who on Neel Cl. MO, Made entry No. itha54. In, HE S 51114.1 4WIS 1 4E54.4er. A. and NE. NW %. NW% NES, Pee- tine M. township 21 north. ranee 24 west. Monnea nwrkilan ham died notice of latentkin to make eommulatIna pinsof. to woontish Kelm to the land above dearerthed. before Alex. It. Rhone, United Mateo Cormaholailser et Cemsa. Mintimaa on the Vah day ofJuly.1913. claimant nemee an wttnensen: Hear*/ W. Roam. Waller K firuan Joseph It Colwyn. Joseph (Warn. Jr . all of Cameo, Moutons. Jon AM Vitt IJ.. Rmeater. Monomal land June 7-July 12. MOWN POO romAcAnoti. al Ibm . U. 8 0/Iona Moan Maws or 423 NOTICE 10114 Nwortnient of the interior, 11. 5. Land 01114 , 0 at liallemilL Maidens. JUIN 1st. 14.1. -Notion le hereby even that Edward Litattead. of Lone. loc. Montana. who, on Map lath. 1910, „MO& d entry No. IMO tor SKI'. NW% and Wti X .1', Section 9. Township ?I aura. TAT 24 woe %Masa nwricilen, ha. mein. of internam; to make Xnal conunotatiost proof. to establish claim to ,the land above detairitad, before. Alex. It. Rhon. a United Wawa Commissioner. at lamas. Montana 1.11 the lath day of July. WIZ (Wean! Maim Int Witliteraer Alfred churn. Cherie.' ilenetemt. anti Martin E. Wog, all of (Ulnae Illoistana Willis,, Whiteside, Losopine %mt. 4 . eosee W. SWANEY. Not Coal Land. Register. Jettle 7-Jul) 12 NOTICE Poll PC Ii1.11.1ATION Department of the Interior. l'. H. Land (Mee at lasssula. Montana. Jun* It. 1,12-Notissi la here. i,tylyr . Johr h r •. of tlimaeLs I t Ionta esd e n,... )74.x . r..:wr i), ?;;,t ior SEW,. S R I. al. 21 west. Itorstasee * ritl y , 1 1:111 . ed* Mytices ir of Intention to make connuutation proof, to ea. tatylleh claim to the laud above deocrIbed. before Alex. R. Ithone. a (Trilled States Clymmisseloner at (*num. Manacle. on the 13th thti of if/V.1512. (helmet mew% as wItuantei: Marks, Tailor. Charles A. Promos. ilaakon Moe. Joseph Cobeen all of finnan Montana. JOSIAH SHULL. Reenter. Non-roul land. how 7 -July 12. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Departinolil oft)... Interior. I'. S. land (Are, at Kathleen, Montana. May IS. 1912.-Notim In herebY given that (Isom O. Mengel,. of (lunar, Miuitana. who on Mareh 27th. 1911 Intiale hOine. stead entry No. Wee' for Fenn l'nft "M" or the SES SKS 'Welker 12. townsli10 'Z.: north. ranee 21 west. Montana meridian, has Col melee of intention te, make final eommutallon proof. to 491401,11th claim to the land above gletieribed, beton, Alex. It: Rhone. a United States rounniesioner at Comas. Men- nen*. on the sith Ility of July, 1912. Claimant names at witnesses; Arthur K. Pameeellek. John P. Anderson, Henry II rook and John W. Taylor all of Ululate Montana. ANDItEW %V. tPA'ANEV, Iteghiter. Non-enal land. May 24 -June '?‘ fietIce fur Publication. Denertmeut of the Interior. U. FL Land Office at Kalispell. Montana. May la. 1912.-Notim Is hereby given that Walter I). I:retrain. 4,f Canvas Montane. w lel, on Deeeinlem 17, 1910. made homestead entH• No. (Cite,. for Nr rth East quarter sei•tlint 10. township 22 north. range tt ,vest. Nionbusa Meridian. has flied 114,tlee of in. tentiote to stake final ettmmutatIon Pried. to re- tablish calm to the lend above dereribotl. before Alex. It. Rhsme. a Unitse1 States Cotundesioner. at (Una,. Montana. 011 till 29th day of Jtule, 1912. Claimant name, a. altnr...0.• 1'hr1/04)phar Mela,neld I). Ire, M. John :Okla arid Berney II MeVety all 'I' Monte na A NI)ItEW %V. err.% N E iterrinter. Not Coal Land. May 24 -June le elatke fu. Poldleatlna. Department of the Interior. U. P. Land olfires at Kalispell Montane June al. ICY -Notice to hereby given that John II Pohren, of (Ulnas. Montana, who on Dee 21 molt made homestead nlitt•II No. lVi5 for the Nib, NW% and NS NE's (Welton 77. township 22 north. range 21 mot. Montana meridian. ha• Med melee of Intention to make anal comet t ton prod to estehlish claire In the land ts,v• eribed. before Alex I t Rhone. a United storm Com- mies'...1% at nem Montana, on the day of Mune*. 1117 claimant name+ s• It IMMO. tininthl C Mhowna. John Boer. chariot k Shah. snil Ratan Entmerson, all of Dimas. Montana. Non-Onal land. ANINSEW W. SWASZT W.111149r. June 21-Anaust 3 NOTICE FOR PUIILICATION Detertment of the Interior. 11.5. la nil Office at Mistroula. .liontana. June loth Wel-Neel, hereby Creel that John N. Tuxbury.1.1 reveari. Montana Who on NOV. 1910. mode honie4tiwal entry No, 06000, fOr LOIS 1.2. 3.1see. 19. Tp, '21 S. 1(.22 Wand NE14 NEU. Sec. 21. T. 21 SRI. W.. II, IL. Iras flied notice, of intention to make commutation proof, to oilsb1110% claim te, the land above deecrIbed. before Alex. It Rhone, a rend States C0011111 14,1.0r. at (kenos Montana. on the lebel dee of Jul r. 1912. The raiment 1111/11,1 am wItneames: rierlbert K. Waylett. (mead 'Young. ItenJamin ttous,,4 0. Earl ?lime)'. all of tbmare. Montana. JOSIAH SlIt'Ll.. Register. Not Coal Lamle. June•II-July lIt Report of the Condition of The Camas Mate fang of Cams.. In the State of Montana. as to. elms of Moho. sun. 14. 1912 R149117B(Ple loans RIM 41111.0•11111 *14012 117 Overdrafts. menet/el arel sweered . II xl- Basking Hone. r Imre and Piston,. Other proven,' iliesuhr S I 111Iii I "rr , lit Imo nen Mao banks and to Mum., ess XI- 14,0M %I Cheeks an, eillah Remo C5 II-- 475 nn repenees.. v tin 70 Notice For PublicatiOsi. liens rtinent of tile interior. I'. S. I.anil Olive t 311/1,10111A. )10111111Alt. May "..11, 1,12.-2ftlefen tu hereby teem that Fee In K. VanAreit,1 04 (1,',,',, spring, lignInina. who, gen Mat lo. 1911t, made Ihnosstea41 eittry N11 111974 14,r Niorth West I. geri1011 Iii. Too ',ship 'it North. noise 31 wok. Memtatia Meridian, hal Mel notlev Of Intel, - lion to make commutetion etrAe lsr Waal, Milt claim to the laud above des, berm* Alex. It. Rhone, am'. it, Ciannthodimer, •t 11011t1111•1, 1•1 ttle• let day of July. 1912. Clannant rune., as wItsremes: Innis %Wenn'. John 1/. Powell. lent Eaters, of Ulnas levirio, M4nitaita; Erie Jorgenson... of OreensprIng. Mom tans. Not IVISI 141 . 11.1 JOkIlAn 811OLL, Register. May 21-.11the '20. ICOM 00 1,79 73 7940) Ella *1 reed sean SI 1.tasturne54 lanital stork mid In tortann on-ginoss Undivided pmflo, 1., •• en Itirdleldual deposits euhleset lo cheek 1114. 4 1 1 1 91 Time sieffigailleeaddelasit 45450- 16-Veli 91 Total t i rwitt; 4 124 11 1=li 1 ' I. Walter 1'. mtg. anaar of the , almve-mineel hank, rlo arthitinIrma etty that the Ithnva rank, Intent Is true to the hem of we Itntodsdre and ins lief WA 1,111 T. OCT& elsohler anhoetiheil and mown an before tradgr orlth I 2 I .1.• NOTICI PDX WILWATION Daaarsoasai at Oa lannar. U. II. land Mite 111111-Notim le II. Elide. of Canal nit Noveltiber I. SIC Nu, trant, for Soutblatal Cluefler ,,,ablo 201thrtb. some at moms iiierkilan. has sled maks of In- tentkto td nage ceennuitation proof, to eatablith calm to the kind abovaAearribed, before II. .1, Iturleigh. a U. /1. Csseensheloner at Plains. Mon. tato. 011 the ras day of Aninlat. 1912. Claimant nemeses ottomans: Charles CMor. am William H. Sharp. Richard IV. Lloyd. Pearl Argo. all of 1.1iinan Prairie, Montana. Non-ono! 1•1141, JOS13111 1411ULI.. June 26 -.Lust 2. kothiter. Notice for Publication, noosruhrrit of the Interior. L'S. Land Ogiee at Miamerla, Montane. May 23, 1912.-Nsatee is hereby given that Laura E. Meeker. of (mms. Mont, who. no Ortober 5, 1910 made homesatserei entry No. (OM. kw NS NWS. arm NW% NES sectknill, township r.1 moth. range 24 west, Montana merkilan. los filed notice of intention to make eommotation Negri. lo establish eleim to the land *hove described. I.'. ft.',Ales. R. Rhone. a United Nouns Crawl. stoner. at Camas. Montana, 1111 the 1st day of July. 1912. Claims:id maims so Mine...es J. W. Markle, Billiton T. Dobson. Henry Jelnessuo. Charters A. reinter, all of Camas, Montana. Nott-Cnal Land JOSIAH SHULL. May 24 -June 2.1 Reenter, ya y 0 110. . WPM Public la mai for Woman,. My commis don alpine Clet. 29. ens Conwee-Attrel. Buy boosting -envelopes and writ- tig piper at The Stgnal em.310it FOR SALE - Webber playing piano.almost nemv,cost $650,will sell for half-price and take cattle or hogs in part payment. Address Signal office. , Notice' ter PoklIcatleu. mgannent or (ha laaniar, V. a. load OS... joillalkamaL liaaanta.an• 1st. 11112.-lionee is Wildly given that Henry R. Winkler. of tees. mourn.. who, on Jan. 7th 1911. made home- stead entry No. tret.B. for Plea l'1111 "E" it the SEX 2211•11 Section S. township •.0 N., range 21 W . Montana Meridian, ban sled no- nce of intention to make suet minenmiatve, pe.a to establish claim to the land above thweribed. before Alex R. Rhone, t'. P. Counnimlimer at °musk 110•1411a. on the LIth 4•1' of JOIY. 1912. Claimant Itanted WItnaidaa. 14.8 William II. Martindale, Junaph B. Lick and Jacob E. (VIM*. 11 of lamas Montana. Not Coal Land. ANINIOLW W. Ilivtitty. June 2 -July 12 nortmo.r . FOR SALE - 850 ftit•of one -inch galvanized iron cable, with pulleys end fixtures for a ferry beat. Inquire of Wm. McKie:new, Plains, Mout. NOTICF: Etrit PUBLICATION. Dapartment of the interliw. I'. 14. lawl Office, Illasoula Montana. May at, 1912.-Notiee le hereto liven them Klink Ling. of Camas Prairie. Montane, who. on April 27th. ICI. made homge etered entry No, ttalel. be the lots it. 4. 1214 $W)) neetlott IA, Township 545. range 21 W.. Woolens reread has flkel maim of 'Mention to make P011111111i I proof. to mte While claim to (N. 1•1141 n , e dearth...1. befeere It. J. Iturielmth United S Ommisaktraer. at Mains. ?bat- tens. ml tat dor of Julx, 1912. Claimer names as witnesses*: liarvry K. Rote roe J• P., nefliey. Yroderiek J. Ouller, Danlel Melend eh, all of ()mos Prairie.. Montana. JnatAls lb- der Nonmal land. May 24-J -••• Go with the ELKS Portland 2 Aln round trip from PLAINS •Aik , any day from July 3d to 7th inclusive. Stopovers allowed in either direction going transit limit July 13th. Final return limit July 31st. No validation for return passage re- quired. These tickets are especially arranged for the Elks Grand Lodge, Portland, Oregon, July 8th to 13th. Many.speciel 'armies are arranged for via the NORTHERN PACIFIC Arrange to go on one of them. Be sure yonr ticket reads . via Mon- tana ' s Pioneer Line. Four throng!) trains daily each direction. C.. J. DOUGHERTY, Agent, PLAINS, MONTANA. Northern Pacific Railway. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. P. Land rfflee. Mimed*. Montana. June It. 1912.-Netim Is hereby Oren that imam J. Randall. of camas islontan.. WI111, 1111 May 13. 191n. made hems. -.teed entry 50 1/2.21,1. for MW% ?MX 14n.. I. IVY, s nithi NWtt lee. 12. township II N.. 11113K , 1.1 . Montana meridian, has flied notice of inierition to make commutation proof, to esiablinh claim to the land above deperibed. before Al.-., itN,ne. V. 8. Contesialoner,at rants.. Mon- tana, the 11thJut).1512, Claimant nano. as Minoan; William A. Well.. Peter Itoneransky. Iluah K. Stephens. Emery Huutt. all of (Ulna... Montano. Num,nal. AIWA. SHILL, Reenter. Ione 7-Jidi it elanian he Pabilentlas. Department of the interior. 11'. ft. Land °Mee at Mtheoula, Montana. June 25, le12.-Notter is bender Oven that WfIllam S. Pendergrass. of Camas Prairie. Illontans. who, on Ptowember 17. 1910. made homestead entry No ere100 tor WS SES. fres-tine 20. NS NES Areetken 31, Towtethip 545,. ranee Xt west 111, M. h•• died notice of in- tention to make cemunntation proof, to notablith elates to the lend shoe. droilbed. helm. it. J. Iturteigh. a United Mates Comndesioner. et Paine. Montana, on the 5th day of August. 1912. Claimant name ea wItworam: Charles A Cop. Maiae• Otis tameedos. tireetteprina. Montana. Heerz Bachman Hears filanpoloulue. of Camas . . Jamul Sact.t. Neese's. Not rsal land. June 21i -Aug 2 Nods, Pee Publication. Diaariment of the Interior. t. S. Land Offive at MIsmula, Meotans June Vs 150, -Notice la hereby 51 yen that Emile Atelier nf mamma. Montage. who. an Sept. 01(0, 1010, made home. Heed may No crx.t. toe Lot I. siD6 Nl1,4 Nov. IS, Lag 4. NIES tsw% nartIfIll 7, Yuen, thhti U BOO it . TOMO SU met Illeertana aillifIllYnE e gied melee of intention to make 401010100 =1 6.1to ens Mon Halm to lillIan'Sbeton ,Ales It Sheltie (Irked 1111,101131111iltimr. at s sneak Mont , MI Rio Mb dB, A ' Claimant aanieceksvItionn« 1.0 , 1nIg riertel. James tkoneesiar Mi0lx J t• lllll Rupert K. Marano. all of Clialas. MtnIt•h• 1.1.. Not Creel land. Heehaw. Juno 111-An51rat 7 - Notice for Publication'. Department of the Interior. I'. 9 land fighwe al Kalispell. Montana..1mbe Nth. toll -Matte. le hereby given that WahlemiilLInteonn of ramp. Montana. who. on May. 1911 1 made hobo. o wtt entry Nn. *Ilia Ihr unit E" or the oyi ?elk Motion gib Touroddp 22 N. Ranee at W, 11. U has 1044 . modee of intevitiod to make Anal manenulatinn 0mM. to •a•l4141* ihn he In Ow load above deurrennt. before (Ca. . U Onninalsdninn. ei 1 limo.. Montana. on the eth 7cC Anon.n element MOW* n• witomera, K.lph liartlett. Louts A. torntpirt, Den it. Boo..., and eyed. hie* Cert .. ..11 SW(tunas Moutons la,* rho . Amara w Meaner. Jura lleriater. SUMMER IS HERE AND SO ARE WE WITH ALL KINDS OF GOOD THINGS TO EAT DRY GOODS ANT) A BIG SUPPLY OF UNDERWEAR ON ON DISPLAY. CAMP OUTFITS COMPLETE, Film! FRUITS AND VEGE- TABLES ALL THE TIME. GET YOUR 4TH OF JULY SUIT FROM US. , JEWELRY AT COST FOR 30 DAYS. GET BUSY. DeLAVAL SEPARATORS FOR SALE. , COME TO US FOR YOUR FISHING LICENSE ' et TACKLE. Don't forget that the plain contest ends the 4th Of July. Buy - enupon books and get 30,50D rotes ou Monday, Welleeedey, Fri; day a416nd Satuniarte- . PEESO & ZEH, (INIKAN TRADERS) GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Camas, Montana. ‘111111111111111111111L WHY THE CAMAS STATE BANK IS SAFE, The STATE OF MONTANA is, in a sense, a silent partner in. 7 the conduct of every State Bank under its control. In granting a chatter to a bank, it makes special inquiry as to the character and ability of the applicants ' as well as to the financial standing. Twice a year or oftener it penes an examiner who makes an ex-, amination of all records and business methods employed by the Bank. If any irregularities or questions of methods are found they are renamd at once to the State Banking Deportment. C.:AMAS STATE BANK PAID UP CNPITAL $20,000 WALTER T. OUTZ. Cashier. T. P. NEWHOUSE, Ass't Cash. Radke-Morivetz Lumber Co. - -- DEALERS IN - Lumber and Building Material. Lumber Cut From the Best Timber In the State. MANUFMITTIED IN FIRST-CLASS SHAPE. Orders Filled on Short Notice. Prices Reasonable Camas, Montana. HAMMONS & SON Have Purchased Three Fine ...REO AUTOMOBILES... And Have Them on Sale. IF YOU WANT SOMETHING OFCLASS Call at their Garage at CAMAS. MONTANA. Camas Meat Market AUCLAIR & COURVILLE PROPRIETORS. A Choice Supply of Fresh and Salt Meats always on Hand. Fresh and Salt Fish. Your Trade Solikted. (CV",

ELKS Portland 2 - montananewspapers.orgmontananewspapers.org/lccn/sn83025301/1912-06-28/ed-1/seq-2.pdf · Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz drove up from the county seat Fri-day for a brief

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The Grad Wheal Reservation

The Land of Opporhodhf.

Sanders CountySignal.


A. R. RHONE. Ether, and Proprietor.

Entonsi it the Postrace at Camas:

Panders County. Montana, as second

elan mail minter fur transITIIIMIM

Ihrleark the

- -


One year 112.00

nix smatas 1.00

Advertising rate card milled on se-


Lucol notices 10c pellos first Inser-

tion; 5 cents per line for each starae•

anent Infer lions.

* Legal notices. legal rate.

Virginia and Leslie, were visitors at

Plains last Tuesday, making the

trip by way of Penna.

P. Banner returned last Friday

with a bunch of eattle which he bad

purchased near Flathead Lake.

The Caning Prairie Sunday+ school

held Children's Duy services Sun-

day June 30, at the ventral school-

hquse. There Was a large congre-

gation and a fine program was ren-

dered which was enjoyed by all.

The program MIS as follow:


Proeeesional--' "'The Bonny Flag.'' grew t mo woanhotel here.

Prayer-Rev. J. She is a girl of many lovable quail-

and has a large circle of friends

Hymn-"Our Country's Voice is in this vicinity. The groom is a

Camas Prairie NewsCorm-poolenee.

Camas Prairie June 25.-W. M.

( 'asteel made a trip to Perma Tues-

day after lumber.

F. C. Abel and William Boberich

wt to Plains Tuesday, returning

the next lay.

Ben Mann went to Plains Wed-

nesday and will spend a week visit-

ing with his mother.

1). F. ROMS was a Perma visitor

last Wedneeday.

Thomas Pendergrate, of Plains, is

visiting with his son NVilliam for a

period of two weeks.

Wm. Pendergrass made a trip t6

Paradise and Plains last TIIIseaday,

returning via. Permit Friday.

eso''F. Kilpatrick and N. F. Welton

were in Plainelast Thursday, attend-

ing to business matters.

A. W. Van Rinetnur, I. New-

home! and Miss S. Ferwerda, of

near Somers, visited with E. Sider-

it's and family AVetinceday and


Nireare. E. N. Cesteel, A. D.

Elton, 3. P. Kentli, J. J. Kenth,

Theo. Patehmaim and IL M. Bach..

man were visitor* in Comas -list


Wm. Boberich was in Penne Fri-

day last, and lie brottght up

merelianise for hit store.

Win. collysi, :mf Sloan, Was seen

in onr midst huc Friday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Charlton and

eon Jimmy, were -Terme visitors

Thursday. .„

J. Pelly, Mrs. George Allison anti

children and Midi Minnie Chariton

were visitors in Camas last week.

Jerry Sullivan and W. R. Wyatt

were at Plains last Friday.

A. Johnson was at Perms last


A..P. Charlton has added another

great improvement onto his place

by putting a pump in his well.

Mrs Wm. IL•Katiley, of Kalis-

pell, who is visiting with her par-

puts, Mr. and Mrs. John Jones,

event several days in 31firsoula last


James Earl and eon Clarence were

Perma visitors Isit Sunday.


Scripture Reading-Isaiah. 60;

1; 11.

Hy inn-" By Cool Siloam's Shady


Bebtism of Children-Alberta

Pierce and Ansley Pierce.

Recitation -"Open the Door,"

se-Ruby Siderius, Carl Williamson

and Christian Angle.

Song-"Just A Little Pansy,"

Nellie Buswell, Virginia Gilbert and

Mary Buswell.

Recitation-"The Lust Rose:"

-Alberta Pierce.

Song -"Old Glory"-Young

ladies of Se--$.

Exercice-"It Spells Failure"-

Mitchel Siderium, Lawrence and

Morris Howard.

Reading-"The Church of the

Spinner"- Ruth Pierce.

Song- "Who are those March-


Recitation - ''America"-Leslie


Br:ef Address-"Our Sunday

School Society"-by Rev. Buswell.

130111-11r~illi us Shine,'

Mr. and Mrs. E. Siderius invited

'bonne of their bachelor neighbors to

siidner last Sunday. Those present

wete: George Samploniue, L. S.

Khmer,' Theodore Bachmann and

1. M. Bachmann.

lames Earl and A. Schaeffer

went to Camas Monday to attend to

immigrate matters.

The new mad to Perms is now

"pen to the po10 where Clear creek

empties into (limas creek, which

save', a tong drive around tbe hills.

NVork is going along very rapidly.

Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sharp- anddaughter Mabel, and Mrs. A. R.

Sharp and eon Raymond, were vial.

' lore ie Comae last Shads,.

W. M. Caeteel and wife drove to

Plains last Saturday, where .tney

met Miss Smith, who arrived from

Idaho to visit with her sister Mrs.

Win. Casteel.

Merle Sharp. •Recitation- "What the Brook

Said"--:Ainsley Pierce..

Bong-"The Service. of Every

Day"-Ruth Pierce.

- Reeitation-"This is Children's

'--Ettnice Davison.llymtr-"Ameriea.;'


Plains ItemsOmelet Correspondence

E. W, Love wage business visitor

in Camas Thunwiny.

Mrs. T. Pierce has been on the

sick fist the the past week.

The days are quiet in town at

present. with the thermometer not

far from the hundred mark and

everybody seeking the shade.

Miss (dory Beamish, of Thomp-

son, was a guest of Mrs. Edward

Plahive last week.

Mr. Mahoney, of the firm of

Minnehan & Mahoney, of Missoula,

was a visitor in town Tuesday,com-

ing' in from the Reservation where

he had been looking after business

interests •

Thomas MeWhinnes is building

an 8 x 16 addition to his residence

and will fix it up into a modern

bathroom and a pantry, Along

with other improvements, Mr. Me-

Whinney will haild a new woodshed

with a cement cellar under it.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schultz

drove up from the county seat Fri-

day for a brief visit with friends.

They returned to her home Sun-


Mr. and Mrs. Henry Florin, of

Thompson visited relatives in the

city last week. They went to Para-

dise Sunday for a visit with Mr. andMrs William Floyd before returning

home. •

Mrs. Claudia Geyes and daughter,

of Miseoula, departed for their

both' after a pleasant visit with

Mrs. Alfred Sears.

The ladies of the Methodist Aid

held their meeting Thursday, June

20, in a lovely spot and the refresh-

ments were delicious, but tbe mos-

quitoes were so bad the picnic was

not entirely enjoyable. •

Vin. -Boberieli is painting his

store 504 inotolliee building, andtins she put out a large rign which

Ca II lie seen fnan a long dietance.

Those improveniente null greatly to

the appeeranee of the building.

Chas. Coppodge was a businessvisitor in Plains Thursday.

Messrs- Hnblo41 and Solon wcreviiiktne in Mins Tuesday.

Mo. H. A. Gi:bert and children,

respected anti enterprising man

and owns a lafge farm near Mis-

soula where they will make their

future home. The happy couple

departed soon after the ceremony

for Portland, followed by the best

wishes of a host of Mende.

1.4nepine News.special Oorresoondence.

The "Old Maid's Convention and

Bachelor's Treat " will be given at

the Lonepine school home on Tues-

day night, July 2. Camas, Pine-

ville, Niamda and neighboring

friends we have Something good and

we beg your patronage. If you de-

sire to laugh until your sides ache,

come out and witness this splendid

drama given by fourteen characters

amassed in the costumes kof our

grand mailers. Cast of characters:

President-Mre Roy Bras. .

Secretary-Mrs. J. P. Anderson.

Treasurer-Mrs. Sam Rhodes.

Rhoda I, trk in -M rs. fisaudrea

Anxiety Doherty--Mm. Patten.

Miranda Priee--Miss Nell Donde,


Amy Little-Miss Patton.

Sophie Potter-Miss Maggie Mc.


Eliza Hooker-Arthur VonSegen.

Selina Baxter-Misr Nell Patton.

Faitful Bloemsoni-LaVern Don-


Marion Perkins-Miss Baldwin.

Sarah Jane Springster-Wallace


Mary Ann-Miss Cooper.

Prof. Pinkerton-Paul Reed.

Every part deserves special atten-

tion while that of Professor alone or

None' roa ruin leATION, '

KDepartioant of the laterior t.5. la ttice et

He IsI' WM. 4111 Capes Pre•

11011. mod!

.ost„ was m-ane mak

ee raw

tit Alex a. . a U.

Militates. an the 5th

WItimonent• b.es W, Hun-ter. ( Jtotert E.Muir. William XWyatt. all Ide Montana.limos& inutrallid. J)S IA II SHULL. ibiester.

June 11-Aug


Department a Ike labrior U. i(laud nem asmitosoi is Jun. M. 1012-Notire ishereby it WOO. or mare

November 4. um.res lee-

for tome time, was able to go toPairidise &Man/ and hold his cus-

tomary services there in the even-


Wed needay morning at eight o'clock

occurred the marriage of John Flyn

and Mies Mary Helterline, eldest

daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George

ilelterline, of Plains, at St. James

Catholic Church. A large ga diet-

ing of friends were present to wit-

ness the ceremony. The bride wascharmingly attired in white satin

and Miss Eva Helterline was brides-

maid. The groom was attended by onhis brother, Mr. Dennis Flyn. The


emirChd maw ss witetws.*: ll.nw ftatos.

of Plena. mann. Ervin 1 Van Abed. EricIsmienson. Witham Morribont. of Oreenspritut.Montana.Sots-rail land SWIM( SHULL. Reedier.

June -Aug211 5.


eutalante-land above

5. NE

iseisim to'

t new sem.gonguis. on Ow 5th


Derartment of the Interior. U. S. .and Ofiler.at Miaboula. Montana. June Ili Llitt.-NotIce ishereby even that OISE, 1.41110111. 4)1 Canal,M ttttt ant). Who oft 14(10entb., ii. 1910.na4e home-stead entry No021111. kw en Si 5'104. Wifi SEW

wSr‘eat.SM"0/4tawetnakinimerldianth. 111216,11 notlee north

nionr.,g. 2s!

tentkm to 'nage tommetation proof., AoWalsh claim loth," 111 above doseribed. beforeAlex. R. Rhode. a I.•'~ States Otrunalsollorwr.at (Snail MOOEU111, on the ;Olt day of August 1912.Claimant name* as witty...el: Emery Hoot

Charles A. Proogua, Henry A. kleherds, MireM. W.111,1,1:nta 11A.....„-, lluog 2.f11onam. Montana.Not seal Land. JOSIAH SHULL. Register.


Deportment of the Interior. U. 5. Land Office,at Mimoula. Montana. June '54th, 1912-Noticeis hereby given that Austin Elmo rallies exlCamasPrairie. Montana, who on Nov. 2. 1910. madehomestead entry No. 02775. for Lot 2, 4.E% rink.section 31, township 54 north. moire mWeal. Montana meridian, has filed notice of in-tention to make commutation proof, to es-tablish claim to the land Mow., deecribed. beforeAl.-,. R. Rhone. a United States l'ommiseloner.at Camas. Montana tm the 1.th day of Attrunt1512Claimant names as witnesies: Jerry Ilernett,

Anton Kline. Pearl apirkard. Jame* IL Yellin, allof cants. Prairie. Montana.Not Coal Instal. JOSIA SHLLUJune 29-Austin

H 2. Register.


n.partmest of the Interior. I. S. Land Olive atKalispell. Ilontesna, June. loth, 11112.-Nntles Ishemby given that Hebert IL steendahl of Camas.Montana. o ho 01, May 24th lelo. mode homehomestead entry No. 1.0122. tor Fare telt "I."or the SS SF.'. s aection 30, township 22north. rent.' 21 woes. Simians vowidilan, banMed notice of Intention to snake that ronimota-Wm peso( to establish elatnt to the land abovegleecrthed, beton. Akio R. Ith00e. a I'. M. rout.ints4loner. at ()mac Montan». On the 54II2 dayof Jul, . 1912.Claimant names as witnisoes • Ralph Bartlett.

Comedies A. Jellison. Elimbellt II. Tucker. and(Ole l'utholtx.•11 of (Winks, Monteroa.noneroal land ANDREW W. SWAMP:Y.June 14-Jul5 19 Reffister

Notice for Publir.stiosi.Department of tlw Interior. C. 21. land Office

at Kalimpell. Moabite-. June to. 1912.-Notice lebemire elven that Frank Dunham."( name&Montana. who on June 301, 1102. made how-steed entry No. 02724. for ,WM,4 SW% section :1:4,township 22 N., range 24 W. Montana meridian.km dial entire of intention to mete final commu-tation proud, to sertel,lish claim to the land abovedescribed. before Alex. It Rhone. a C. is. in,.,...

the costume of the President would I allatIoner. at Caneu. Monona1 on the 10th dal

be worth your money. July. le12.

hilmant nansto sot a Unruh's: NeWt1ITI 111

One amusing feature of the dretimal;`̂'°1'1' Alurs t'lt"...nb."1 • liugh /iGn."I'"' "n4'harks A. Promo... all of t

is the transformation of several of As itartir W. SWANEY. Register

the old maids. In this manner we ' l'and• June 14-.1tily 19

provide you with the following pro-

gran,: -

Vocal Solo-Mrs. W. VonSagen.

Reading-Miss Florence Donde-


Clamnet Solo-Mrs Maddox.

Vocal Solo-Miss Clambel Shaver.

Piano Solo-Miss Armstrong.

After the proemnt we will have a

jolly time eating all kind; of pies.

Special attention paid to bachel-

Notice For Publication.Deportment of the Interior, V. it. Lana

Montana. June 54th. 1912.-Notlee inlevrel,Y stle illat Mrs. Catherine A. Little, ofCa mu Pra 'rip. ibti tana ho. err Jan. etb.1911,med. hornesiead enter No. tettesu for the SIVS$E3-k. So lion 2. Towuship •..0 Nos th. Range. 24Wewt, Montana Meridian, has tiled nixie, of in-ternam 10 nuko rorroartlathro pr..rd: len ro-ta ehrien to the hind above eleseribel. !whirrR.winter •vol Reeelver at Ilimatia. Montanaost the •Sish day 4,f Jule . 1912Claimant weer an 'I itatenesc. Jams W. iron-

ter. John II. Jones. .1.4.ph V. VIch•nbon. c.bnuo,l'reirie. Montana. Elmer I. Remora*, litmertspring,Monism.

ituSlAIt PHI 'LI.. Iteelster.Nitn4Mal Latbd, June 21-July al

Admission 25 anti children 15c.

This drama is given under the

directorship of Mrs Jack Bras.

A fine, new bridge has been built

over the Little Bitter Root river on

the section line. The bridge is a

great accommodation to the people

on both sides of the river.

Miss Elizabeth Cooper was a

Omits caller Monday.

Paul Reed and LaN'ern Dondan-

ville made • busidees trip to Dayton


Mrs. McCabe drove to Kalispell ,

last Thursday, returning Monday I


011ie Monroe drove to Basin, Mon-

tana. where he purchased a fine

work team.

-''Scrubby" Houser made a busi-

ness trip to Kalispell last week.John McCabe, who has been at-

tending school in Seattle, is home

for his summer vacation.

A school meeting was held at theLonepine echool house. The people

hating been refused a school at

Lonepine, it was decided that the

entire nommunity help to buy this

building., which in the future shall

be used for public purposes- An-

other meeting will be held Thurs-

day night to decide the location for

a new school building.

Sunday school at Lonepine Sun-

day, June 30th, beginning at 10:30.

A delightful and most complete

surprise was given Mien Mary Hel-

terline by her aunt Mrs. Joseph

Helterline, on June 20, when by

the latter'', invitation, about thirty

ladies gathered at her home- and

showered the young lady with a

variety of beautiful and useful pre-

tents. Before departing for their

homes the lathers were mated at a

long table prettily adorned with

mem and paeoniew and hand peintedPlace cards, and served deliciousrefreekments.

Mrs. Ruth Trosper made a tripto Paradise Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Kemp arrived

Sunday from Trout Creek and will

riptide- in Plains. Mr. Kemp has

arvePted a gailtion as baker in the

City Bakery.

Mrs. William-Playa mime downfmm Pararlioe to be present at the

Helterline shover.

E. E. Volgewm, of Hubbert,Montana, agent for it clever devicefor heating echoolhommee, spent sev-

eral day,, in our city lase week. Heand Edward Hand drove out to

Greener:wing* Saturday on husintosreturning Sunday by way of Para.'

'Rev. Johnenn, who line been Ill


111.110011/is I.,...

lob dent tot fiwoAlex. R. Rhone. s il r at(loam, limatana. ott . 1912.

I laimant mines as WIttleibM. I inholo.Vraetk (bred,. Orville Wall. and Vied. K. Peeso.all of Onnaa. Montana.ant soil MINI ASUSEW W. StlfaXEY.

June 7-July 12 liestlefer.


Detartment of the Interior. V. X. land Office.at Kathleen, Mongrels, May Isth.1912.-Notliv ishereby given that William II. Martindale. of(Miss. Montana. a h.. ou June 4. Ittio. madehimemeed entry Ns, seal& few Farm l'evitnr the NM'S NES and NES %WS Portion 23,Township 22 north. Rallis 2i weet.Montana meridian. be. Mod notice of lutentionto make final commtnetion proof. to fetal:Meshelaim to the land sheer dawdle'''. before Al,',.It . Rhone. a United States tInnmiseloner atosnras. Montana, 1111 the oth day of June1912.Claimant names as o itnesera: Henry R. Wink-

ler, Jambi, Wahlenta.r It.Johnson and Josephit. 1.144b. all of (berme MUM• ANDREW W. SWANK. Redline/Non-Coal Lind.. May 24-June lit,


1111:4Tranw.M.. 7:nottfoutt" 11::611°L.V.42.1-fwn2timmieT.hereby Mien .11enjamln Heinne. *of CamS.Montana. who on No, ember 13. 1910. made home.mewl entry NO. (5401 For sgio mn% ot..-tumNS NW'S SeetIon NEti NEla sertion 'Si,Township 215.. Range M W., Montana Merida..has tiled notice 4,1 intcntkm to make ortuntuts-Ono proof. to establish Haim ln the land abovedesecriteel. before .tler R. Rhone. a United Platen(Iimntineksiter. at lleturea Montana. on the Mdday of July. 1912.Claimant tomes r. witnesses: Lester Z.

Brooks, Gerald Voting Herbert K. Wallet*. JohnTuxhury.alt ol Camas. Montana.

Non-coal land. JOSIAH all CLL. liegibter.June 14-Juli

Greenspring Gleanings149.rial Cornmsondetaw.

Greenspring, June 2..-Mrs.

Harry Vbite and (wilily of Ana-

tennis, is visiting her sister Mrs.

E. S. Durkee.

A large volunteer crew have been

working on the plough on the Green-

spring med. Several large ditches

were made and the road was grafted

up about two feet. Ainotg those

who worked were the following:

F. S. Durkee, N. lVelton, J. J.Robertacm, O. Johnson, P. Guinn,P. Getzke, F. S. Symes, (I. 1.yonoi,C. B. Parrish, B. Brewer and J. I).Illoostmer. Frank (lreen was unabletem he present but pent his team.

The following were business visi-

tors in Plaine the teist week: J.

Johnson, John Kopper!, T. Guinn

and Gregg Johnson-

The Perms city is making re-

mnrkable strides Pint* tile beginning

cons* ruction . The new rail road

station is about two-thirds -urn-

plated, and work is moon be Cart onthe ennstreetiou of a hotel.

Fred Perim, the C'amas merchant,

in company with Mr. Roll/ilium,

remeernting the IteLavel Cream

Separator Company, were visitore in

this vicinity time pest week.

, heeph Mean7 he enjoying a visitcroft, II brother from Babel.


Detortment of the Interkw. 11. 5 Land OfIles.at Miasma. Mona... hate It. 1912.-110,the ishereby given that Rh lard N. Bradley, of Came

Montane. who on Neel Cl. MO, Madeentry No. itha54. In, HE S 51114.14WIS 14E54.4er. A.and NE. NW %. NW% NES, Pee-tine M. township 21 north. ranee 24 west.Monnea nwrkilan ham died notice of latentkinto make eommulatIna pinsof. to woontishKelm to the land above dearerthed. before Alex.It. Rhone, • United Mateo Cormaholailser etCemsa. Mintimaa on the Vah day ofJuly.1913.claimant nemee an wttnensen: Hear*/ W.Roam. Waller K firuan Joseph It Colwyn.Joseph (Warn. Jr . all of Cameo, Moutons.

Jon AM Vitt IJ.. Rmeater.Monomal land June 7-July 12.

MOWN POO romAcAnoti.al Ibm . U. 8 0/Iona

MoanMawsor 423

NOTICE 10114Nwortnient of the interior, 11. 5. Land 01114,0 at

liallemilL Maidens. JUIN 1st. 14.1.-Notionle hereby even that Edward Litattead. of Lone.

loc. Montana. who, on Map lath. 1910, „MO&d entry No. IMO tor SKI'. NW% and

Wti X .1', Section 9. Township ?I aura.

TAT 24 woe %Masa nwricilen, ha.mein. of internam; to make Xnal

conunotatiost proof. to establish claim to ,theland above detairitad, before. Alex. It. Rhon. aUnited Wawa Commissioner. at lamas. Montana1.11 the lath day of July. WIZ(Wean! Maim Int Witliteraer Alfred churn.

Cherie.' ilenetemt. anti Martin E. Wog, all of(Ulnae Illoistana Willis,, Whiteside, Losopine%mt.

4.eosee W. SWANEY.Not Coal Land. Register.

Jettle 7-Jul) 12


Department of the Interior. l'. H. Land (Mee atlasssula. Montana. Jun* It. 1,12-Notissi la here.

i,tylyr. Johrhr •. of tlimaeLsItIontaesd


)74.x.r..:wri),?;;,tior SEW,. SRI. al.

21 west. Itorstasee * ritly,11:111.ed*Myticesir ofIntention to make connuutation proof, to ea.tatylleh claim to the laud above deocrIbed. beforeAlex. R. Ithone. a (Trilled States Clymmisselonerat (*num. Manacle. on the 13th thti of if/V.1512.(helmet mew% as wItuantei: Marks, Tailor.

Charles A. Promos. ilaakon Moe. Joseph Cobeenall of finnan Montana.

JOSIAH SHULL. Reenter.Non-roul land. how 7-July 12.


Departinolil oft)... Interior. I'. S. land (Are,at Kathleen, Montana. May IS. 1912.-NotimIn herebY given that (Isom O. Mengel,. of (lunar,Miuitana. who on Mareh 27th. 1911 Intiale hOine.stead entry No. Wee' for Fenn l'nft "M" orthe SES SKS 'Welker 12. townsli10'Z.: north. ranee 21 west. Montana meridian,has Col melee of intention te, make finaleommutallon proof. to 491401,11th claim to theland above gletieribed, beton, Alex. It: Rhone.a United States rounniesioner at Comas. Men-nen*. on the sith Ility of July, 1912.Claimant names at witnesses; Arthur K.

Pameeellek. John P. Anderson, Henry II rookand John W. Taylor all of Ululate Montana.

ANDItEW %V. tPA'ANEV, Iteghiter.Non-enal land. May 24-June '?‘

fietIce fur Publication.

Denertmeut of the Interior. U. FL Land Office atKalispell. Montana. May la. 1912.-Notim Ishereby given that Walter I). I:retrain. 4,f CanvasMontane. w lel, on Deeeinlem 17, 1910.made homestead entH• No. (Cite,. for Nr rth Eastquarter sei•tlint 10. township 22 north. range tt,vest. Nionbusa Meridian. has flied 114,tlee of in.tentiote to stake final ettmmutatIon Pried. to re-tablish calm to the lend above dereribotl. beforeAlex. It. Rhsme. a Unitse1 States Cotundesioner.at (Una,. Montana. 011 till 29th day of Jtule,1912.Claimant name, a. altnr...0.• 1'hr1/04)phar

Mela,neld I). Ire, M. John :Okla arid BerneyII MeVety all 'I' Monte na

A NI)ItEW %V. err.% N E iterrinter.Not Coal Land. May 24-June le

elatke fu. Poldleatlna.

Department of the Interior. U. P. Land olfires atKalispell Montane June al. ICY-Notice tohereby given that John II Pohren, of(Ulnas. Montana, who on Dee 21 molt madehomestead nlitt•II No. lVi5 for the Nib, NW% andNS NE's (Welton 77. township 22 north. range21 mot. Montana meridian. ha• Med melee ofIntention to make anal comet t ton prod toestehlish claire In the land ts,v• eribed.before Alex It Rhone. a United storm Com-mies'...1% at nem Montana, on the dayof Mune*. 1117

claimant name+ s• It IMMO. tininthl C

Mhowna. John Boer. chariot k Shah. snil Ratan

Entmerson, all of Dimas. Montana.

Non-Onal land. ANINSEW W. SWASZT W.111149r.June 21-Anaust 3


Detertment of the Interior. 11.5. la nil Office atMistroula. .liontana. June loth Wel-Neel,hereby Creel that John N. Tuxbury.1.1 reveari.Montana Who on NOV. 1910. mode honie4tiwalentry No, 06000, fOr LOIS 1.2. 3.1see. 19. Tp, '21 S.1(.22 Wand NE14 NEU. Sec. 21. T. 21 SRI.W.. II, IL. Iras flied notice, of intention to

make commutation proof, to oilsb1110% claimte, the land above deecrIbed. before Alex. ItRhone, a rend States C0011111 14,1.0r. at (kenosMontana. on the lebel dee of Jul r. 1912.The raiment 1111/11,1 am wItneames: rierlbert K.

Waylett. (mead 'Young. ItenJamin ttous,,40.Earl ?lime)'. all of tbmare. Montana.

JOSIAH SlIt'Ll.. Register.Not Coal Lamle. June•II-July lIt

Report of the Condition ofThe Camas Mate fang of Cams.. In the State of

Montana. as to. elms of Moho. sun. 14. 1912


loans RIM 41111.0•11111 *14012 117

Overdrafts. menet/el arelsweered . II xl-

Basking Hone. r Imreand Piston,.

Other proven,'iliesuhr S I 111Iii I

"rr, litImo nen Mao banks andto Mum., ess XI- 14,0M %I

Cheeks an, eillah Remo C5 II-- 475 nn

repenees.. v tin 70

Notice For PublicatiOsi.

liens rtinent of tile interior. I'. S. I.anil Olive • t311/1,10111A. )10111111Alt. May "..11, 1,12.-2ftlefen tuhereby teem that Fee In K. VanAreit,1 04 (1,',,',,spring, lignInina. who, gen Mat lo. 1911t, madeIhnosstea41 eittry N11 111974 14,r Niorth West I.geri1011 Iii. Too ',ship 'it North. noise 31 wok.Memtatia Meridian, hal Mel notlev Of Intel,-lion to make commutetion etrAelsr Waal,Milt claim to the laud above des, berm*Alex. It. Rhone, am'. it, Ciannthodimer, •t11011t1111•1, 1•1 ttle• let day of July. 1912.Clannant rune., as wItsremes: Innis %Wenn'.

John 1/. Powell. lent Eaters, of Ulnas levirio,M4nitaita; Erie Jorgenson... of OreensprIng. Momtans.Not IVISI 141.11.1 JOkIlAn 811OLL, Register.

May 21-.11the '20.


1,79 737940)

Ella *1

reed sean SI

1.tasturne54 lanital stork mid In tortann on-ginossUndivided pmflo, 1.,•• enItirdleldual deposits euhlesetlo cheek 1114.4111 91

Time sieffigailleeaddelasit 45450- 16-Veli 91


tirwitt;4124111=li 1' •

I. Walter 1'. mtg. anaar of the, almve-mineelhank, rlo arthitinIrma etty that the Ithnva rank,

Intent Is true to the hem of we Itntodsdre and ins

lief WA 1,111 T. OCT& elsohler

anhoetiheil and mown an before tradgrorlthI2I .1.•


Daaarsoasaiat Oa lannar. U. II. land Mite111111-Notim le

II. Elide. of Canal

nit Noveltiber I. SIC

Nu, trant, for Soutblatal

Cluefler ,,,ablo 201thrtb. some at• moms iiierkilan. has sled maks of In-tentkto td nage ceennuitation proof, to eatablith

calm to the kind abovaAearribed, before II. .1,

Iturleigh. a U. /1. Csseensheloner at Plains. Mon.

tato. 011 the ras day of Aninlat. 1912.

Claimant nemeses ottomans: Charles CMor.

✓am William H. Sharp. Richard IV. Lloyd. Pearl

Argo. all of 1.1iinan Prairie, Montana.

Non-ono! 1•1141, JOS13111 1411ULI..June 26-.Lust 2. kothiter.

Notice for Publication,noosruhrrit of the Interior. L'S. Land Ogiee at

Miamerla, Montane. May 23, 1912.-Nsatee ishereby given that Laura E. Meeker. of (mms.Mont, who. no Ortober 5, 1910 made homesatserei

entry No. (OM. kw NS NWS. armNW% NES sectknill, township r.1 moth. range24 west, Montana merkilan. los filed notice ofintention to make eommotation Negri. loestablish eleim to the land *hove described. I.'. ft.',Ales. R. Rhone. a United Nouns Crawl.stoner. at Camas. Montana, 1111 the 1st day ofJuly. 1912.Claims:id maims so Mine...es J. W. Markle,

Billiton T. Dobson. Henry Jelnessuo. Charters A.reinter, all of Camas, Montana.Nott-Cnal Land JOSIAH SHULL.May 24-June 2.1 Reenter,

ya y 0 110. .WPM Public la mai for Woman,. My commis

don alpine Clet. 29. ensConwee-Attrel. Buy boosting-envelopes and writ-

tig piper at The Stgnal


FOR SALE-Webber playing

piano.almost nemv,cost $650,will sell

for half-price and take cattle or hogs

in part payment. Address Signal


, Notice' ter PoklIcatleu.mgannent or (ha laaniar, V. a. load OS...

joillalkamaL liaaanta.an• 1st. 11112.-lionee isWildly given that Henry R. Winkler. of tees.mourn.. who, on Jan. 7th 1911. made home-stead entry No. tret.B. for Plea l'1111 "E" it theSEX 2211•11 Section S. township •.0 N.,range 21 W . Montana Meridian, ban sled no-nce of intention to make suet minenmiatve, pe.ato establish claim to the land above thweribed.before Alex R. Rhone, t'. P. Counnimlimer at°musk 110•1411a. on the LIth 4•1' of JOIY. 1912.Claimant Itanted WItnaidaa. 14.8

William II. Martindale, Junaph B. Lick and Jacob

E. (VIM*. • 11 of lamas Montana.Not Coal Land. ANINIOLW W. Ilivtitty.

June 2-July 12 nortmo.r.

FOR SALE-850 ftit•of one-inch

galvanized iron cable, with pulleysend fixtures for a ferry beat. Inquire

of Wm. McKie:new, Plains, Mout.


Dapartment of the interliw. I'. 14. lawl Office,Illasoula Montana. May at, 1912.-Notiee le

hereto liven them Klink Ling. of Camas Prairie.Montane, who. on April 27th. ICI. made homgeetered entry No, ttalel. be the lots it. 4. 1214 $W))neetlott IA, Township 545. range 21 W.. Woolensreread has flkel maim of 'Mention to makeP011111111i I proof. to mte While claim to(N. 1•1141 • n,e dearth...1. befeere It. J. IturielmthUnited S Ommisaktraer. at Mains. ?bat-tens. ml tat dor of Julx, 1912.Claimer names as witnesses*: liarvry K. Rote

roe J• P., nefliey. Yroderiek J. Ouller, DanlelMelend eh, all of ()mos Prairie.. Montana.

JnatAls lb- derNonmal land. May 24-J • -•••

Go with the


2 Aln round trip from PLAINS

•Aik, any day from July 3d to

7th inclusive.Stopovers allowed in either direction going transit limit July 13th.

Final return limit July 31st. No validation for return passage re-

quired. These tickets are especially arranged for the

Elks Grand Lodge, Portland, Oregon,July 8th to 13th. Many.speciel 'armies are arranged for via the

NORTHERN PACIFICArrange to go on one of them. Be sure yonr ticket reads. via Mon-

tana's Pioneer Line. Four throng!) trains daily each direction.


Northern Pacific Railway.


Department of the Interior. U. P. Land rfflee.Mimed*. Montana. June It. 1912.-Netim Ishereby Oren that imam J. Randall. of camasislontan.. WI111, 1111 May 13. 191n. made hems.-.teedentry 50 1/2.21,1. for MW% ?MX 14n.. I. IVY, snithi NWtt lee. 12. township II N.. 11113K, 1.1 .Montana meridian, has flied notice of inieritionto make commutation proof, to esiablinhclaim to the land above deperibed. before Al.-.,

itN,ne. • V. 8. Contesialoner, at rants.. Mon-tana, the 11thJut).1512,Claimant nano. as Minoan; William A.

Well.. Peter Itoneransky. Iluah K. Stephens.Emery Huutt. all of (Ulna... Montano.Num,nal. AIWA. SHILL, Reenter.

Ione 7-Jidi it•

elanian he Pabilentlas.

Department of the interior. 11'. ft. Land °Meeat Mtheoula, Montana. June 25, le12.-Notter isbender Oven that WfIllam S. Pendergrass. ofCamas Prairie. Illontans. who, on Ptowember 17.1910. made homestead entry No ere100 tor WSSES. fres-tine 20. NS NES Areetken 31, Towtethip545,. ranee Xt west 111, M. h•• died notice of in-tention to make cemunntation proof, to notablithelates to the lend shoe. droilbed. helm. it. J.Iturteigh. a United Mates Comndesioner. etPaine. Montana, on the 5th day of August. 1912.Claimant name ea wItworam: Charles A Cop.

Maiae• Otis tameedos. tireetteprina. Montana.

HeerzBachman Hears filanpoloulue. of Camas. .

Jamul Sact.t. Neese's.Not rsal land. June 21i-Aug 2

Nods, Pee Publication.Diaariment of the Interior. t. S. Land Offive at

MIsmula, Meotans June Vs 150,-Notice lahereby 51 yen that Emile Atelier nf mamma.Montage. who. an Sept. 01(0, 1010, made home.Heed may No crx.t. toe Lot I. siD6 Nl1,4 Nov.IS, Lag 4. NIES tsw% nartIfIll 7, Yuen,thhti U BOO it . TOMO SU met IlleertanaaillifIllYnEegied melee of intention to make401010100 =16.1to ens Mon Halm tolillIan'Sbeton, Ales It Sheltie• (Irked 1111,101131111iltimr. at s sneak Mont ,MI Rio Mb dB, A 'Claimant aanieceksvItionn« 1.0,1nIg riertel.

James tkoneesiarMi0lx J t• lllll Rupert K.Marano. all of Clialas. MtnIt•h•

1.1..Not Creel land. Heehaw.Juno 111-An51rat 7 -

Notice for Publication'.Department of the Interior. I'. 9 land fighwe

al Kalispell. Montana..1mbe Nth. toll-Matte. lehereby given that WahlemiilLInteonn of ramp.Montana. who. on May. 19111 made hobo.owtt entry Nn. *Ilia Ihr unit E" or theoyi ?elk Motion gib Touroddp 22 N. Ranee atW, 11. U has 1044. modee of intevitiodto make Anal manenulatinn 0mM. to •a•l4141*

ihnhe In Ow load above deurrennt. before (Ca.

. U Onninalsdninn. ei 1 limo..

Montana. on the eth 7cC Anon.nelement MOW* n• witomera, K.lph liartlett.

Louts A. torntpirt, Den it. Boo..., and eyed.

hie* Cert....11 SW(tunas Moutonsla,* rho . Amara w Meaner.Jura lleriater.










Don't forget that the plain contest ends the 4th Of July. Buy -enupon books and get 30,50D rotes ou Monday, Welleeedey, Fri;day a416nd Satuniarte-






The STATE OF MONTANA is, in a sense, a silent partner in. 7the conduct of every State Bank under its control. In granting achatter to a bank, it makes special inquiry as to the character andability of the applicants' as well as to the financial standing.

Twice a year or oftener it penes an examiner who makes an ex-,

amination of all records and business methods employed by theBank. If any irregularities or questions of methods are found

they are renamd at once to the State Banking Deportment.


WALTER T. OUTZ. Cashier. T. P. NEWHOUSE, Ass't Cash.

Radke-Morivetz Lumber Co.- --DEALERS IN-

Lumber and Building Material.Lumber Cut From the Best Timber In the


Orders Filled on Short Notice. Prices Reasonable

Camas, Montana.

HAMMONS & SONHave Purchased Three Fine

...REO AUTOMOBILES...And Have Them on Sale.





A Choice Supply of Fresh and Salt Meatsalways on Hand. Fresh and Salt Fish.

Your Trade Solikted.
